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Slm ben sedat izmirden 19 yaşındayım.

benim başımdan geçenler dünyanın en iğrenç durumu diyebiliriz.

ailem kusursuz bir ailedir babam 50 yaşında avukatlık yapan biri annem 44 yaşında ev hanımıdır.

alsında ufaklüğümden beri çevremdekilerin annem ile ilgiliki görüşlerinden bıkmıştım. çoğu annemi sex amaçlı konuştuklarına şahit olmuştum defalarca. yalnız 2015 gördüklerim beni hüsrana uğratmıştı bizim oturduğumuz semtte yeni taşınan cem ile samimi arkadaş olmuştuk.

cem benim yaşımda yakışıklı biraz hızlı bi çocuktu. bi gün mahalledeki düğün için birlikte gitmiştik düğünü izlerken kızlara falan bakıp yorum yapıyodu. bi ara beni dürtüp oğlum bu oynamaya çıkan kaşar kim böyle off bee şu karıya bak deyip bana gösterdi. gösterdiği kadının annem olduğunu görünce şok oldum aslında. cem’e dostum yavaş o kadın annem dedim. oda baya bozuldu toparlamaya çalıştı. bi kaç gün sonra cem ile cafede otururken aklıma takıldığı için cem’e niye o akşam anneme kaşar dediğini sordum.

cem baya sıkıldı fakat ısrar ettim merak ettiğimi ifade ettim..

cem: kanka annen kaç yaşında.ben: 44.cem: kanka samimi olmak gerek görülürse 44 yaşında bak çocuğuda var mesela o etek neydi o göğüsleri meydana çıkaran elbise neydi.

ben: dostum annem genellikle bakımlıdır.

cem: yaa onuda geçtim yalan yok çok hoş kadın fakat o makyaj o ojeler evli bi kadına fazla.ben: bu onun kaşar olduğunumu gösteriyo yani.

cem: açık konuşayımmı.

ben: evet.cem: bak annen değilde diğer kadın olsaydı tava getiridim ben onu.ben: ne yani babamı aldatır bi çocuk için.

cem: iddasına bile girerim benim elimden kurtulamazdı istersen deneyip görelim.

ben: saçmalama nasıl yapıcan sende.cem: yarın size gelicem normal sana arkadaş gibi takılmaya anlaştıkmı gerisini gör bakalım.ben: hiç içime sinmiyo.

cem: yok be kanka yalnızca haklı olduğumu göstericem bişey olmuyacak.

ben: tamam bakalım.ertesi gün öğlen gibi cem bize gelmişti doğal olarak annemle tanıştırdım. biraz normal sohpet falan derken

cem ev sıkıcı yaa dışarı çıkalım dedi ve anneme dönüp feray abla sende gel değişiklik olur dedi.

annem bilmemki siz eğlenin falan dedi fakat kabul etti hep birlikte çıktık bişeyler yedik kahve içtik gezip dolaştık ve ister istemez annem ve cem doğal şeklinde deha samimi olmaya başlamıştı. o gün öyle geçtikten sonra bi kaç gün sonra annene söyle sinemaya gidicez dedi cem. ben annemide alıp akşam üstü babam gelmeden çıktık o akşam sinemaya gittik ve artık annem ve cem hiç yabancılık yok gibi samimi olmaya başlamıştı. hatta sonradan cem ifade etti numarasını bile almış annemin normal msjlaşmaya bile başlamışlar. sonraki günlerde artık cem annemi ben olmadan cafeye gezmeye götürecek kadar samimi olmuştu. aslında annemdeki değişide görüyodum cem ile buluşmaya giderken çok hoş giyiniyo bakımlı bi biçimde gidiyodu. bigün cem beni aradı anlaştık bi cafede buluştuk bana bu akşam annen komşuya gidiyo diye yanıma gelicek bu akşam düşürücem ağıma deyip güldü. ben bişey geçmiyecek aranızda aklına sok dedim. sen merak etme akşam 8 gibi sana atıcağım urli tıkla arabada kamera var ne konuşucaz ne yapıcaz izlersin dedi. dediği gibi annem o akşam komşuya diye evden çıktı cem urli attığı gibi açtım. normal konuşuyolardı fakat cem anneme arada iltifatları yapıştırıyodu. bi ara indiler tabi konuşmalarından anlamıştım cafeye yemek yemeye girdiler sonra yeniden arabaya bindiler. cem arabayı sahile çekti arkadaki poşetten enerji içeceği çıkardı konuşmaya başladılar anneme eşinle aran nasıl çok hoşsin falan gibi laflar ediyodu. bi ara slov bi şarkı çaldı sessiz kaldılar tam şarkı tamamlanınca cem annemi başının arkasından tuttu çok hoşsin feray deyip dudağına yapıştı bi kaç saniye öpüştü sonra annem kendini hafif geri çekip.annem: cem yaptığımız doğru değil.cem: feray sana aşığık oldum gün geçtikçe.annem: cem evliyim ve bir ailem var.cem: hiç bişey umrumda değil seni seviyorum.annem: oğlumun arkadaşısın annen yaşındayım ama.cem: gel bakalım cici annecim.deyip dudaklarına yapıştı dakikalarca annemin dudaklarını ağzını öptü sonra boynu ve göğüslerine indi o arada annem dur yapma biri görür diyodu fakat cem annemin göğüslerini ısıra ısıra emiyodu. cem bununlada yetinmeyip pantolonunu çözdü sikini çıkardı annemin elini tutup sikini tutturdu. annem olmaz deyip elini kaçırsada cem anneme feray ne var bunda yalnızca tutucan deyip yeniden tutturdu. artık göbeğine kadar inmiş yalıyodu annemin elinde siki duruyodu. annemin taytını çıkarmaya kalktığında annem dur tamam yeter çok ileri gittik kocam var oğlum var yapma deyip kendini çekti. cem tamam bitanem senin üzülmeni istermiyim tamam bıraktım fakat bende erkeğim sana karşı dayanamıyorum istemiyosan zorla yapmam zira seni seviyorum fakat tek talebim çok dolahenk ağzınla boşaltmanı istiyorum dedi. annem cem lütfen eşimle dahi yapmıyoruz öyle desede cem ısrarcı olup söz veriyorum bi kere yap sonra gidicez. annem masum masum başını salladı. cem şöför koltuğunda oturur vaziyette annemin kafasını tutup sikinin üzerine getirdi ve başladı sakso çektirmeye fakat zevkten iyice ileri gidip saçlarından tutup bastırıyo annenim gırtlağına kadar giriyodu. o biçimde boşaldı annem hemen kalkıp kapıyı açtı tükürdü. arabada sessizlik oldu ve yola çıktılar fakat mahalleye yakın biyerde cem arabayı durdurdu. annem cem’e baktı cem anneme dönüp çok merak ediyorum eşime bile yapmıyorum dedin fakat sakso çekerken deneyimliydin niye diye sordu. annem konuyu kapat geç kalıyoz eve gidelim artık dedi fakat cem söylemezsen beklerim böyle dedi. annem kafasını eğdi utana utana lisede yaptım dedi. cem nasıl yani dedi. annem ben sakin biriyim lise yıllarındada öyleydim erkek arkadaşlarım bunu kullanıp beni evlenicez ilerde deyip deyip kandırdı boş sınıflarda müsait olan yerler sakso çektirdiler dedi. ben şok olmuştum cem gülmeye başladı. anneme dönüp biliyomusun esasen tipinde kaşarlık var deyip güldü. annemi eve bırakmıştı. sabah kahvaltıda annemin utancı belli etmesede belliydi. ben kahvaltıdan sonra cem’i aradım hemen yanına gittim buluştuğumuzda baya sert bi tokat attım bağırmaya başladım. fakat bi anda beni ittirdi bağırarak otur şuraya dinle dedi. bak sedat sende gördün izledin annen çok temiz karı teni vucudu bebek gibi dudakları değişilmez fakat kaşar anladınmı kaşar dedi ben niye bu oyunu kötüye kullandın dedim. lan herşeyi gördün sende yapmak istemiyen kadın karşı çıkar fakat anan kur yapıp naz yaptı. yarrağımı löp löp yalarken sesi çıkmıyodu esasen lisede çok yalatmışlar dedi. ben bu iş bitti bidaha benlede annemlede görüşmücen dedim çıktım. aradan 1 ay gibi bi süre geçti cafede otururken ufak dilenci gibi çocuk geldi elindeki flaş belleği bana verdi bunu bi abi verdi sana vereyim diye para verdi bana dedi. ben şaşırdım aldım flaş belleği eve gidip odamda bilgisayara taktım bi video vardı hemen açtım. otel odası gibi bi oda vardı cem ayakta geziniyodu kapıyı açtı annemi içeri alıp gel bakalım orospum dedi. annem yatağın ucuna oturdu hafif ağlamaklı niye böyle yapıyon nasıl bakıcam kocamın oğlumun yüzüne dedi. cem zırlama orospu sakso kayıtlarını tüm izmire izletirim esasen lisede kaşarmışın ne mal olduğun belli dedi. soyunup annemi öpüp yalamaya başladı fakat dakikalarca öpüşüp yalaştılar sonra annemin amını yalamaya başladı uzun uzun yaladı annemde sanki zevke geliyodu. sonra sikini çıkardı diz çök şurayı dedi ve soktu fakat haplı olduğu belliydi çok sert sakso çektiriyodu annemin rimelleri akıyodu resmen sonra kolundan tutup yatağa atması ve amına girmesi bir oldu annem iyice zevke gelmeye başlamıştıki o vaziyette girerken poposuna parmağını soktuğunda annem çığlık attı. cem annemin ağzına kilotunu tutturdu devam etti parmakladıkça acı çektiği belliydi. sonra bi hırıltıyla boşaldığını anladım yatağa uzandılar cem sigara yaktı. annem ağlıya ağlıya cem içime niye boşaldın yaa kötü şeyler olursa dedi. cem olsun esasen kocan yapamıyo sanırım cayır cayır yanıyon lan dedi. yatakta yatarken cem anneme ee bebeğim anlat bakalım evlendikten sonra aldattınmı hiç senin boynuzluyu diye sordu. annem hayır dedi. cem annemin kafasını tutup dudaklarına yumuldu biraz öptü doğruyu söyle orospu senin gibi karıyı boş bırakmazlar anlat diye çıkıştı. annem evet 2 kere oldu biri evlenmeden önce nişanlıyken eski erkek arkadaşımla diğri antalyada tatildeyken oldu..cem: oo ne zaman oldu.annem: 2011 de antalya alanyaya gitmiştik o zaman.cem: anlat bakayım.annem: senin gibi gençti kocamla samimi oldular banada çok yakın davranıyodu. bi gün güneş kremi bahanesiyle okşadı beni anladım o zaman niyetinini fakat gençtir deyip sesimi çıkarmadım. gidiceğimiz günden önceki akşam lobideyken eşimle odaya çıkıcaktık kutay yani o çocuk gelin hep birlikte diskoya inelim dedieşim başının ağrıdığını ifade etti siz gidin dedi. bende saat daha erken diye kabul ettim..cem: vayy kaşar seninde niyetin vardı yani.annem: hayır fakat yakışıklı çocuktu kırmak istemedim. dans ederken baya elledi o zaman içinder 40 yaşındaydım fakat yinede 17-18 yaşlarındaki çocuğun yanısıra dikkat çekiyodum o yüzden çıkalım burdan dedim. çıkarken ister istemez elimden tuttu arka taraftan kumsala inen yerden çıktık o arada garson kutay’a ooo reis bu seferki bomba gibi fakat dikkat et sahipli sanırım kocası görmesin dedi. ben kızara bozara çıkışa attım kendimi kutay’a ben odama çıkıyom dedim beni kendine çekip öpüşmeye başladık orda aldattım dedi..cem lan orospu sen esasen boş bırakılcak karı değilsin deyip anneme ters yat dedi başladı poposunu yalamaya annem poposu parmaklandıkca ahh dur cem ordan olmaz rezil olurum bu yaşta lütfen diye yalvarıyodu fakat cem dinlemeyip yalamaya devam etti sonra annemi kaldırdı normal yere köpek pozizyonunda dur dedi annem kafasını çevirip hala yalvarmalara devam etti. cem biraz parmağınla oynayıp deliğe tükürdü ve girmeye başladı o anda sanki annem yerdeki halıyı sımsıkı tutup dişlerini kırıcak gibi sıkıp ıııhhhhhlıyordu ve cem girmeyi başardı. cem hayvan gibi girip çıkıyodu ilacın ve ilk boşalmanın etkisiyle anlar geçsede giriyodu annem o pozizyondayken dayanamayım yere saldı kendini baygın gibi yatıyodu. cem buna rağmen yerde yine annemin kalçalarını ayırdı girmeye devam etti. boşaldığında annemin üstüne yığıldı oda sonra annemi öyle bırakıp kameraya geldi bana pislik olsun diye gülerek ben yıkıyayım bu kaşarı daha 3 saat burda detip kamerayı kapattı ?

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MomBF and Daughter makes Three Chapter 2

Chapter Two - Two becomes ThreeBetween their meets Lorie and Brad continued playing online, chatting and camming when they could, emailing naughty pics when they couldnt. Interestingly it seems that Beth had picked up her mom's like of sensual pictures and had done some as well. Lorie and Beth were very close and new each other took pics and infact sometimes took some together. On this day Lorie emailed Brad some pics of her and included a couple of fun pics of her and Beth horsing around in...

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Roundabout Inhaling deeply and sharply, I could feel you behind me before you even touched me, like you were giving off some sort of electrical charge. I held that breath in anticipation of your touch, my whole body tingling, blood rushing straight to my nipples and pussy. As I turn to look at you, you gently but firmly put one hand to the back of my head to hold it straight, and one to the small of my back. Slowly you run your fingers down my long, wavy hair till you reach my waist. A shiver...

2 years ago
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Fantasize and finally fucked a maid

Hi This is chinna (name changed). I am a regular reader of Iss. I would like to share my encounter with my maid. At that time I was staying in Hyderabad studying my native place is khammam. I was very eager for sex. I would masturbate by seeing porn movies. On that day I remember it was evening. An old woman came and asked for my sister (at that time we were staying together she used to work in a bank) I said she was not there and asked for what is the matter. She said that we have asked...

1 year ago
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The Cheerleader Transformation Machine

The Cheerleader Transformation Machine By Caitlin Arabesque Chapter 1 James and Becky had been friends since 8th grade. Now they were Junior's at the same college, UNC Chapel Hill. James was still working towards s Physical Education major, while Becky had long ago decided to go for a psychology degree. It was a warm August Friday during lunch. School had just started back up. "What's that about conditioning again? You're saying it has nothing to do with hair?" James asked...

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Fun again in Sanua

This is a true story of my latest trip to my favourite sauna and the unexpected action I found there. I found myself with an empty diary and opportunity to drive the hour or so my favourite sauna knowing that I had all afternoon to spend. The downside was that it was Tuesday and I wondered whether I'd be there all alone! After careful prep, trimming pubes, douching and making myself smell good I used a bit of moisturising cream to both tone my cock and smooth the entrance to my arse. I was...

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The plumper landlord

I’m a good tenant. I always pay my rent on time. I’m not too loud. Sometimes I’ll play music or sing the shower but I don’t make nearly as much racket as she does. The thing is, Barbara blasts music until the wee-hours of the morning. I have no idea why. I’m not sure if she parties every night or anything. Barbara gets away with it for one simple reason. She’s the landlady. I’ve never confronted her, partially because I don’t want trouble and partly because Barbara is really fit. She’s curvy...

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Family Tangles

"Mama, I don't want to go." The girl clung to her mother's hip. The two have just been informed by a Nazi soldier at their door that they are to pack their things and leave their house for a train immediately. "If you take too long, the consequences will be severe." Were the man's words. He raised his hand and said "Heil Hitler" as if it's always been a way to say hello and goodbye, and left their sight. Silence filled the small house. "Mama..." The girl whimpered as her complain was not...

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My Sexy Aunt Ramya

Hi! I am Sri Kumar from Bangalore. I am 18 years old, almost 6 feet tall and have a fairly good muscular body. I live here with my parents and my sister. This story is based on a series of events that happened in my life, involving my aunt (my mother’s sister who is 45yrs now)and me, i have just changed the little details to make this story a more interesting read. Also for obvious reasons i have used fake names, hope you don’t mind. It all began when i was seventeen. I was having my summer...

3 years ago
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Call centre experience

A big hi to all the Indian sex stories’ readers. I am 23 years old with fair skin and brown eyes. I stay in Mumbai and only last year I completed my graduation. I wanted to get two years of work experience before I could go abroad to do the mba so my useless yet lovely friends suggested me to get in to a bpo as the bpo industry is the most happening right now. I am not the regular reader of iss however by looking at people sharing their made-up stories I thought of sharing my own real life...

2 years ago
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Steve and KemonChapter 8

Upon awakening, I slide out of bed and feed the stove. I go outside and startle a badger digging in my trash pile. He makes some scolding noises and the two dogs come out barking and snarling up a terrible noise. They have him surrounded, and every time he tries to move they nip at him, worse yet, he nips back. I string my bow, and after several attempts I manage to put an arrow into the badger. I have to drag the dogs by their collars back into the house. I take my Bowie knife outside and...

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More Marsha episode 11

Introduction: Marsha counted the days till her date with Dot the week following the tailgate orgy. Dot inspected her nude body in the mirror with pride as she prepared for her friends visit that afternoon. Her breasts still rode high on her chest at thirty-five, nipples prominent with large pink aureole. Her flat belly led down to the whisp of blond pubic hair that marked the top of her prominent mound of Venus. She cupped her breasts, palming the nipples until they grew even more erect. The...

1 year ago
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The IslandChapter 3

Finally, Julia Benson, the late Professor Mockson's girl, said, "A couple of the guys became worked up and came after one of the girls. She pointed and Emma, the youngest girl on the trip, was curled in a ball crying. Nola disconnected from me. She and Andrea went to her. Nola asked, "What happened, Em? Are you hurt?" "N-no. Jeremy and Mark tried to-to hurt me. They were going to force me! I had even liked Jeremy!" She sobbed more. Jeremy had a reputation as a ladies' man, at least...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 446

Not many Trump Jokes left so here is one last... ! Trump dies from the virus. He goes to Hell where the Devil is waiting for him. “I don’t know what to do,” says the Devil. “You’re on my list but I have no room for you. But you definitely have to stay here, so I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’ve got three people here who weren’t quite as bad as you. I’ll let one of them go, but you have to take their place. I’ll even let YOU decide who leaves.” Trump thought that sounded pretty good so...

3 years ago
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Romance With A Beautiful College Girl At The Theatre

Hi guys. I am Harish, 25 male, 5 ft 8 in tall from Hyderabad. I am going to narrate an incident which happened a couple of years back. After completing my engineering from a reputed college in Hyderabad, I shifted to USA (i.e; United States Of Ameerpet!). I took a room with my B.Tech friends and started attending interviews as well as talking java and C language coaching. Every day I was waiting at the big bazaar near Ameerpet for my friends who used to pick up me to the institute. This was a...

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Having a good surprise from a sensual babe

That afternoon I was walking down the mall, looking for some sexy outfit for my sweet wife. Anita had asked for it, since that night she was in the mood for sex.I went into a lingerie store and began checking some outfits.I could see a very nice sexy hot looking Latina type girl there, also making some choices. As I walked by she smiled at me. I greeted her and walked on by. I stared at her hot body from a distance. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a black tank top with sexy heels. While...

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Club Vice Ch 02

Hands ran over his slicked back hair, normally he styled it loose with a few waves of darkness cresting his brow. Blue tinted irises observed the hasty retreat of the daughter. Thoughts swirled as to why she so snubbed her sire. He was a great man, personable to a fault. He could not fathom the need to insult Vic. Then a flashback struck the forefront of his cranium, a turn of a few years back when he was merely dating Julie instead of her being a kept doll. They were in the restaurant of a...

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Meeting a Sadist

Synopsis He is going to break her quickly and efficiently. His plans are well thought out. His dominance over her will be 100% using deprivation techniques such as the military uses to break soldiers during basic training. Sensory Deprivation: She will be blindfolded almost the entire time, but when allowed to see, she will not be allowed to look at him. She will never see what he is going to do next, nor have a visual image of him. She will have ear plugs much of the time, not allowed to...

1 year ago
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Analized Saya Song Requiem For An Asian Sex Slave

Petite Asian babe Saya Song sits at attention. She is surrounded by cash but her master is not pleased. Saya Song sits on time out awaiting the repercussions from what seems to be a performance that was not up to par. Tommy Pistol degrades the tiny Asian slut by throwing her earnings in her face. He then reminds her of her purpose by taking her tiny body and making it his. He uses the Asian sex slave as nothing more but a fuck puppet. Her pussy is ignored as she is further humiliated by only...

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BlindfoldedI. SheShe lay blindfolded in the center of the huge bed, her ankles and wrists bound to the four posts at the corners with soft, silken restraints. She could see nothing, hear nothing.She could feel the cool flow of air across her bare skin, and the thought of being exposed to whomever her lover chose made her nipples harden and her thighs tremble.She heard the sharp sound of a match being struck, then she could smell the sulphur as it burned and was extinguished. The pungent smell...

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When Young Sally Met Old Harry

I am a nudist and frequently visit our nudist beach alone or with my friends, both male and female. Depending upon my work commitments, I often go alone during the week when it is very quiet and very few people are there. They are mostly older retired types who enjoy just lazing about or walking the beach nude. The weekends are always busy with nature lovers of all ages. In recent weeks I have noticed an older guy there whenever I am there mid-week. We were often the only two on the beach. He...

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Joining of Souls

Driving up the long windy road to the cabin Lori thought about Trevor and all they’d been through in the last few months. Before she’d left that day she’d left a note on the dining room table at the house asking him to please meet her at the cabin for a weekend alone just the two of them, now the bags packed, wine and tidbits in the cooler and a quick stop at a lingerie store she was still a good half hour from the cabin Trevor had bought her for their fifth wedding anniversary. She thought...

2 years ago
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Kaise Mere Husband Ke Dost Ne Mujhe

Main 23 saal ki eik pakistani larki hoon…ajh kal main apne hubby ke sath usa main rehti hoon.shadi howe 2 sallho chuke heen lakin abhi tak koi baby nahi ha.mujhe daikhte hi har koi mujhe se free hona chahta ha kiun ka main kafi khoobsoret hoon.mera kadh 5′ 6″ ha aur figers 34b/28/36 heen.rang bohat gora ha moti aankheen heen.main apne jisim ko waise bhi bohat maintain rekhti hoon aur hamesha khobsoret rehne ki koshish kerti hoon.shadi ke eik sal badh main pakistan se usa hubby ke pass aa ghai...

3 years ago
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Last Train

It's 3:00 AM.I sit alone on the last train to the suburbs. Graffiti seemed to be everywhere these days. They couldn't clean it fast enough before more surfaced in its place. My thick cock was rigid and straining to break free from its restraints. After quickly ensuring there was nobody else on board, I obliged my cock by lowering my trousers to my knees and setting it free. A sigh escaped my lips as I gripped my prick and stroked it slow and firm.Growing bolder with each empty platform, I...

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Adventures with Trish Part 3 Night Club Sex

Trish and her co-worker get hot on the dance floor. Trish later enjoying her coworkers cock. He shot a load in my girlfriends sweet pussy.My girlfriend and I were a couple, but Trish was hot, and loved to have a good time. So I let her have some freedom when it came to sex. Once Trish wanted to go to a new dance club. So we double dated with her friend Barbara and her Boyfriend. Trish was telling a coworker Sam about it and he asked if he could come along too. Trish dressed very sexy as usual...

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A Warriors Tale

Your name is John Doe and you are a General with the Revolutionary Army of Oceana. You fight to free slaves imprisoned by the King. Right now you are on the plains of Azura far to the north of the capital. You command a force of one thousand men. "Sir Doe!" a man comes to you out of breath and bleeding. You recognize him as the scout you sent to look for the enemy. "Yes?" you say looking down at him from your horse. "The enemy approaches, they are moving fast!" "Okay thank you, have that cut...

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Annes Balcony

Anne loved her new apartment. The movers had taken great care with her stuff and the view from her balcony was wonderful. From her third floor perch she could look out over the other apartments and the city lights beyond. She made coffee even though it was late. She had a few days off work in the engineering department. Sitting on the balcony the soft summer breeze felt wonderful. People came and went, children were put to bed and she watched one young couple put their two kids to bed for the...

Oral Sex
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The Bridge

true story unique Experience Today at the super hot day buzz me the whole time so nasty things through my head, my husband is in five days at work and today he comes home at last. Normal case I him. Around his neck and we have the same sex after such a long time but today I'm going to let him annoyed and fidget something I pull me in sexy underwear, a nearly transparent bra and thong with slot, thereby Think about how I like to dance him on the nose well. A mini and an upper part where I have a...

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A Fun Weekend

I sighed heavily as I opened the front door and locked it behind me. Another day’s work at the restaurant finally over. I placed my keys in the bowl in the entryway, hung up my purse and coat on the rack, and dropped my umbrella in the holder. I proceeded into the living room, where I glanced through the mail on the coffee table before flopping onto the couch and kicking off my shoes. I picked up my phone and browsed Facebook. I liked a picture of my mom and dad at dinner somewhere. I commented...

2 years ago
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New job new start not for Fiona 6

Introduction: The blackmail takes a twist & Fiona will not be pleased Names changed to protect peoples privacy: locations genuine. Now what I could do is rewrite every one of Fionas encounters that she constantly adds to her growing sex journal, but I think thatd get a little tedious. So Ill add a new story when I think it will be slightly more exciting for the readers or when Fionas situation or predicament alters which makes her story worth telling. Seven weeks after the garage incident...

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Confession time

100 hail maries not exactly more like 100 orgasms. We in Italia visit confession every week. I have a cousin who suggested me and Andi try get it on in the confession box.Andi is too shy so I decided do it. I led him on. Took him to confession and as spoke to the babo ( father ) decided let my babys hands be where was most sinful. Sat on his lap with the small curtain blocking view of priest I kisses him and teased him whispering sexy things in his ear. Then looking at him while I licked my...

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Episode 41 Jenny and Toby

TobyHi, I'm a black Great Dane.My Mistress Jenny calls me Toh-Bee! Especially when I'm being good.Right now, I'm pretending to be asleep, with my head in her lap, breathing in the gorgeous aroma of her personal scent. I can recognise that scent as she comes out of the shop that doesn't allow dogs. She ties my leash around a bollard, my head at cunt height – all I can do is sniff all the women that walk past, waiting for Jenny to return. Once I stuck my head up a little girl's skirt – her...

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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 7

The next day Benni had no answers. He noticed that his presence on the street of the enclave brought an immediate chill to the family preparing for the day shift, which meant that Shasa must have talked away the night. Yet He received no challenge, which was a relief and a disappointment rolled into a confusing desire for resolution and vindication. No one came at him with a knife so the traitor must have failed to convince her audience. He stomped off to work greatly preoccupied. Once he...

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she again sent a header

The 2014 World Cup Final was Kloses 137th international match, making him the most capped player at this summers tournament. Like Pele, the 36-year-old contested his second World Cup Final 12 years after his first.71 - Klose has scored a remarkable 71 goals for his country. In September 2013 he equalled Gerd Mullers German goalscoring record of 68 in a World Cup qualifier against Austria before becoming the outright record holder in his sides 6-1 win over Armenia in June this year. Its a joke...

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A man and his maid Part 14

Chapter IIINext afternoon, after seeing that everything was in working order in the Snuggery, I threw open both doors as if carelessly, and taking off my coat as if not expecting any visitors, I proceeded to putter about the room, keeping a vigilant eye on the stairs. Before long, I heard footsteps on the landing but pretended not to know that any one was there till Alice tapped merrily on the door saying, "May we come in, Jack?""Good Heavens! Alice?" I exclaimed in pretended surprise as I...

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My Transition Chapter 02 The Break Up

After my first experience bottoming to a real cock in my ass, I loved it. I soon realized that I enjoyed being dominated by men too much. The thought of being taken and being penetrated deep and hard by someone physically stronger than me was a dream come true. As their cock slides in and out of me, and the sound of his balls slapping me with each grunting drive, numbs my head with pleasure. By the time the guy fucking me has ejaculated inside my ass with cum, I will have had a heavenly...

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