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Slm ben sedat izmirden 19 yaşındayım.

benim başımdan geçenler dünyanın en iğrenç durumu diyebiliriz.

ailem kusursuz bir ailedir babam 50 yaşında avukatlık yapan biri annem 44 yaşında ev hanımıdır.

alsında ufaklüğümden beri çevremdekilerin annem ile ilgiliki görüşlerinden bıkmıştım. çoğu annemi sex amaçlı konuştuklarına şahit olmuştum defalarca. yalnız 2015 gördüklerim beni hüsrana uğratmıştı bizim oturduğumuz semtte yeni taşınan cem ile samimi arkadaş olmuştuk.

cem benim yaşımda yakışıklı biraz hızlı bi çocuktu. bi gün mahalledeki düğün için birlikte gitmiştik düğünü izlerken kızlara falan bakıp yorum yapıyodu. bi ara beni dürtüp oğlum bu oynamaya çıkan kaşar kim böyle off bee şu karıya bak deyip bana gösterdi. gösterdiği kadının annem olduğunu görünce şok oldum aslında. cem’e dostum yavaş o kadın annem dedim. oda baya bozuldu toparlamaya çalıştı. bi kaç gün sonra cem ile cafede otururken aklıma takıldığı için cem’e niye o akşam anneme kaşar dediğini sordum.

cem baya sıkıldı fakat ısrar ettim merak ettiğimi ifade ettim..

cem: kanka annen kaç yaşında.ben: 44.cem: kanka samimi olmak gerek görülürse 44 yaşında bak çocuğuda var mesela o etek neydi o göğüsleri meydana çıkaran elbise neydi.

ben: dostum annem genellikle bakımlıdır.

cem: yaa onuda geçtim yalan yok çok hoş kadın fakat o makyaj o ojeler evli bi kadına fazla.ben: bu onun kaşar olduğunumu gösteriyo yani.

cem: açık konuşayımmı.

ben: evet.cem: bak annen değilde diğer kadın olsaydı tava getiridim ben onu.ben: ne yani babamı aldatır bi çocuk için.

cem: iddasına bile girerim benim elimden kurtulamazdı istersen deneyip görelim.

ben: saçmalama nasıl yapıcan sende.cem: yarın size gelicem normal sana arkadaş gibi takılmaya anlaştıkmı gerisini gör bakalım.ben: hiç içime sinmiyo.

cem: yok be kanka yalnızca haklı olduğumu göstericem bişey olmuyacak.

ben: tamam bakalım.ertesi gün öğlen gibi cem bize gelmişti doğal olarak annemle tanıştırdım. biraz normal sohpet falan derken

cem ev sıkıcı yaa dışarı çıkalım dedi ve anneme dönüp feray abla sende gel değişiklik olur dedi.

annem bilmemki siz eğlenin falan dedi fakat kabul etti hep birlikte çıktık bişeyler yedik kahve içtik gezip dolaştık ve ister istemez annem ve cem doğal şeklinde deha samimi olmaya başlamıştı. o gün öyle geçtikten sonra bi kaç gün sonra annene söyle sinemaya gidicez dedi cem. ben annemide alıp akşam üstü babam gelmeden çıktık o akşam sinemaya gittik ve artık annem ve cem hiç yabancılık yok gibi samimi olmaya başlamıştı. hatta sonradan cem ifade etti numarasını bile almış annemin normal msjlaşmaya bile başlamışlar. sonraki günlerde artık cem annemi ben olmadan cafeye gezmeye götürecek kadar samimi olmuştu. aslında annemdeki değişide görüyodum cem ile buluşmaya giderken çok hoş giyiniyo bakımlı bi biçimde gidiyodu. bigün cem beni aradı anlaştık bi cafede buluştuk bana bu akşam annen komşuya gidiyo diye yanıma gelicek bu akşam düşürücem ağıma deyip güldü. ben bişey geçmiyecek aranızda aklına sok dedim. sen merak etme akşam 8 gibi sana atıcağım urli tıkla arabada kamera var ne konuşucaz ne yapıcaz izlersin dedi. dediği gibi annem o akşam komşuya diye evden çıktı cem urli attığı gibi açtım. normal konuşuyolardı fakat cem anneme arada iltifatları yapıştırıyodu. bi ara indiler tabi konuşmalarından anlamıştım cafeye yemek yemeye girdiler sonra yeniden arabaya bindiler. cem arabayı sahile çekti arkadaki poşetten enerji içeceği çıkardı konuşmaya başladılar anneme eşinle aran nasıl çok hoşsin falan gibi laflar ediyodu. bi ara slov bi şarkı çaldı sessiz kaldılar tam şarkı tamamlanınca cem annemi başının arkasından tuttu çok hoşsin feray deyip dudağına yapıştı bi kaç saniye öpüştü sonra annem kendini hafif geri çekip.annem: cem yaptığımız doğru değil.cem: feray sana aşığık oldum gün geçtikçe.annem: cem evliyim ve bir ailem var.cem: hiç bişey umrumda değil seni seviyorum.annem: oğlumun arkadaşısın annen yaşındayım ama.cem: gel bakalım cici annecim.deyip dudaklarına yapıştı dakikalarca annemin dudaklarını ağzını öptü sonra boynu ve göğüslerine indi o arada annem dur yapma biri görür diyodu fakat cem annemin göğüslerini ısıra ısıra emiyodu. cem bununlada yetinmeyip pantolonunu çözdü sikini çıkardı annemin elini tutup sikini tutturdu. annem olmaz deyip elini kaçırsada cem anneme feray ne var bunda yalnızca tutucan deyip yeniden tutturdu. artık göbeğine kadar inmiş yalıyodu annemin elinde siki duruyodu. annemin taytını çıkarmaya kalktığında annem dur tamam yeter çok ileri gittik kocam var oğlum var yapma deyip kendini çekti. cem tamam bitanem senin üzülmeni istermiyim tamam bıraktım fakat bende erkeğim sana karşı dayanamıyorum istemiyosan zorla yapmam zira seni seviyorum fakat tek talebim çok dolahenk ağzınla boşaltmanı istiyorum dedi. annem cem lütfen eşimle dahi yapmıyoruz öyle desede cem ısrarcı olup söz veriyorum bi kere yap sonra gidicez. annem masum masum başını salladı. cem şöför koltuğunda oturur vaziyette annemin kafasını tutup sikinin üzerine getirdi ve başladı sakso çektirmeye fakat zevkten iyice ileri gidip saçlarından tutup bastırıyo annenim gırtlağına kadar giriyodu. o biçimde boşaldı annem hemen kalkıp kapıyı açtı tükürdü. arabada sessizlik oldu ve yola çıktılar fakat mahalleye yakın biyerde cem arabayı durdurdu. annem cem’e baktı cem anneme dönüp çok merak ediyorum eşime bile yapmıyorum dedin fakat sakso çekerken deneyimliydin niye diye sordu. annem konuyu kapat geç kalıyoz eve gidelim artık dedi fakat cem söylemezsen beklerim böyle dedi. annem kafasını eğdi utana utana lisede yaptım dedi. cem nasıl yani dedi. annem ben sakin biriyim lise yıllarındada öyleydim erkek arkadaşlarım bunu kullanıp beni evlenicez ilerde deyip deyip kandırdı boş sınıflarda müsait olan yerler sakso çektirdiler dedi. ben şok olmuştum cem gülmeye başladı. anneme dönüp biliyomusun esasen tipinde kaşarlık var deyip güldü. annemi eve bırakmıştı. sabah kahvaltıda annemin utancı belli etmesede belliydi. ben kahvaltıdan sonra cem’i aradım hemen yanına gittim buluştuğumuzda baya sert bi tokat attım bağırmaya başladım. fakat bi anda beni ittirdi bağırarak otur şuraya dinle dedi. bak sedat sende gördün izledin annen çok temiz karı teni vucudu bebek gibi dudakları değişilmez fakat kaşar anladınmı kaşar dedi ben niye bu oyunu kötüye kullandın dedim. lan herşeyi gördün sende yapmak istemiyen kadın karşı çıkar fakat anan kur yapıp naz yaptı. yarrağımı löp löp yalarken sesi çıkmıyodu esasen lisede çok yalatmışlar dedi. ben bu iş bitti bidaha benlede annemlede görüşmücen dedim çıktım. aradan 1 ay gibi bi süre geçti cafede otururken ufak dilenci gibi çocuk geldi elindeki flaş belleği bana verdi bunu bi abi verdi sana vereyim diye para verdi bana dedi. ben şaşırdım aldım flaş belleği eve gidip odamda bilgisayara taktım bi video vardı hemen açtım. otel odası gibi bi oda vardı cem ayakta geziniyodu kapıyı açtı annemi içeri alıp gel bakalım orospum dedi. annem yatağın ucuna oturdu hafif ağlamaklı niye böyle yapıyon nasıl bakıcam kocamın oğlumun yüzüne dedi. cem zırlama orospu sakso kayıtlarını tüm izmire izletirim esasen lisede kaşarmışın ne mal olduğun belli dedi. soyunup annemi öpüp yalamaya başladı fakat dakikalarca öpüşüp yalaştılar sonra annemin amını yalamaya başladı uzun uzun yaladı annemde sanki zevke geliyodu. sonra sikini çıkardı diz çök şurayı dedi ve soktu fakat haplı olduğu belliydi çok sert sakso çektiriyodu annemin rimelleri akıyodu resmen sonra kolundan tutup yatağa atması ve amına girmesi bir oldu annem iyice zevke gelmeye başlamıştıki o vaziyette girerken poposuna parmağını soktuğunda annem çığlık attı. cem annemin ağzına kilotunu tutturdu devam etti parmakladıkça acı çektiği belliydi. sonra bi hırıltıyla boşaldığını anladım yatağa uzandılar cem sigara yaktı. annem ağlıya ağlıya cem içime niye boşaldın yaa kötü şeyler olursa dedi. cem olsun esasen kocan yapamıyo sanırım cayır cayır yanıyon lan dedi. yatakta yatarken cem anneme ee bebeğim anlat bakalım evlendikten sonra aldattınmı hiç senin boynuzluyu diye sordu. annem hayır dedi. cem annemin kafasını tutup dudaklarına yumuldu biraz öptü doğruyu söyle orospu senin gibi karıyı boş bırakmazlar anlat diye çıkıştı. annem evet 2 kere oldu biri evlenmeden önce nişanlıyken eski erkek arkadaşımla diğri antalyada tatildeyken oldu..cem: oo ne zaman oldu.annem: 2011 de antalya alanyaya gitmiştik o zaman.cem: anlat bakayım.annem: senin gibi gençti kocamla samimi oldular banada çok yakın davranıyodu. bi gün güneş kremi bahanesiyle okşadı beni anladım o zaman niyetinini fakat gençtir deyip sesimi çıkarmadım. gidiceğimiz günden önceki akşam lobideyken eşimle odaya çıkıcaktık kutay yani o çocuk gelin hep birlikte diskoya inelim dedieşim başının ağrıdığını ifade etti siz gidin dedi. bende saat daha erken diye kabul ettim..cem: vayy kaşar seninde niyetin vardı yani.annem: hayır fakat yakışıklı çocuktu kırmak istemedim. dans ederken baya elledi o zaman içinder 40 yaşındaydım fakat yinede 17-18 yaşlarındaki çocuğun yanısıra dikkat çekiyodum o yüzden çıkalım burdan dedim. çıkarken ister istemez elimden tuttu arka taraftan kumsala inen yerden çıktık o arada garson kutay’a ooo reis bu seferki bomba gibi fakat dikkat et sahipli sanırım kocası görmesin dedi. ben kızara bozara çıkışa attım kendimi kutay’a ben odama çıkıyom dedim beni kendine çekip öpüşmeye başladık orda aldattım dedi..cem lan orospu sen esasen boş bırakılcak karı değilsin deyip anneme ters yat dedi başladı poposunu yalamaya annem poposu parmaklandıkca ahh dur cem ordan olmaz rezil olurum bu yaşta lütfen diye yalvarıyodu fakat cem dinlemeyip yalamaya devam etti sonra annemi kaldırdı normal yere köpek pozizyonunda dur dedi annem kafasını çevirip hala yalvarmalara devam etti. cem biraz parmağınla oynayıp deliğe tükürdü ve girmeye başladı o anda sanki annem yerdeki halıyı sımsıkı tutup dişlerini kırıcak gibi sıkıp ıııhhhhhlıyordu ve cem girmeyi başardı. cem hayvan gibi girip çıkıyodu ilacın ve ilk boşalmanın etkisiyle anlar geçsede giriyodu annem o pozizyondayken dayanamayım yere saldı kendini baygın gibi yatıyodu. cem buna rağmen yerde yine annemin kalçalarını ayırdı girmeye devam etti. boşaldığında annemin üstüne yığıldı oda sonra annemi öyle bırakıp kameraya geldi bana pislik olsun diye gülerek ben yıkıyayım bu kaşarı daha 3 saat burda detip kamerayı kapattı ?

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Subiksha8217s First Sexual Encounter

Hello readers! I’m writing this for the first time about my sexual encounter, so excuse me for the errors. I’m Subiksha (not my real name). I’m 20 years old, and I’m from Chennai. I’m in the third year of college now. I stay with three other girls in a PG. During my second year, when , I was caught by a roommate. Her name is Harshini. She was not from my college, but she’s elder to me. When she caught me, she didn’t confront or said anything. After a few days, when we were talking, she casually...

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Banging A Hyderabadi Pussy In A Hotel Room 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers, I am Abinash from Bangalore. I am 5 ft 9 inches tall with 6.5-inch dick size. I am working in MNC. Today I am going to share one of my unimaginable stories. I was slightly hesitant to share as I have never shared stories. But someone wanted me to share the story here. So I decided to dedicate my real experience to all readers. I am big fans of ISS. Please forgive me for my spelling mistakes. Without wasting time, I am coming to the story. I have a female friend whom with I am...

3 years ago
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Angies New World AdventureChapter 7 Arriving Home and Getting Back to Normal

The car journey home from Wales was pretty uneventful, apart from the usual road works which always seemed to be where they would cause most delays. Very little was spoken between the couple as Bobby drove, in fact you could have sworn that the pair had fallen out and had an argument; but in fact they were deep in their own thoughts. For bobby he was trying to sort out his own feelings about sucking another man’s cock and just how far would he have allowed the youth to go. Whilst Angie too...

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Will to SurviveChapter 02

Will’s mind had been working on what he knew of US history when he went to sleep, so it’s natural it’s the first thing on his mind when he wakes up. He remembers a few more historical facts, but a much more important memory is about a National Geographic show on gold mines in the US he saw several days ago in his time-frame. What stuck in his mind was the locations of a few of the mines near him when he watched it, with many along the Colorado River, one over near Phoenix, Pikes Peak in...

5 years ago
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masturbation temptation

As a 33 year old single male, with a high sex drive, with a very high need for exhibition, at the same timenot wanting to get caught, I would check into an older motel chosing the top floor (third) on a weeknightcrack the curtains , strip and using the bathroom light with a tight cockring, bend over and masturbateto a full 8" hard cock, all the time inserting a fully greased 8" to 10" vibrating dildo up my ass.......This behavior continued hoping someone would walk by my window, peek in...

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Slut Sister In Andaman

Hello friends i am vicky 26 years, slim fit’ athletic figure with height 5.10 feet. I am going to share a story of my family which is untold to everyone so far. I did not share it because it is against our traditional values but after coming to this forum i came to know that our society has also grown up to do some adventures. This story belongs to me and my younger sis promila. We live with our parents at lucknow. Promila is 23 with a sexy 34 24 32 figure size. Since she is youngest in family...

5 years ago
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How I Met My Wife

How I Met My WifeThis is a true story about how I met my slut wife and my early lifeby eroscplit is not complete but a work in progressBeginningThere she comes down the path towards the basketball courts. Darrel told me she comes this way on her way to her part time job.From my vantage point back in the bushes and lining the back edge of the park I can plainly see the courts and the restroom. I first saw her walking towards me down the hall in school. Conservatively dressed in slacks and button...

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The Workout

Kay gripped the iron handle and pulled down. One--one, two, three. She relaxed and let the bar rise. She pulled down again, moving smoothly and confidently through her third and final set. Two--one, two, three. Tension pulled at the muscles across her chest. She closed her thighs tightly on the padded bench for support. Six--one, two, three. A low whistle interrupted her count. "Looking good." The mirror revealed a six-foot frame veiled in a gray T-shirt and basketball-style shorts. Jeremy...

Group Sex
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The Almost Complete No Turning Back

The Almost Complete No Turning Back By Cassandra Ann Note: This is my first story. I'm sure it's riddled with holes, writing errors, spelling errors and might not be any good. I invite honest opinions as I want to learn and you don't learn unless people tell you what's wrong. Thanks for reading and I hope it's not too bad. BTW some of this is true, some of this is fantasy and I let you ponder fact from fiction :) (Note: the first half of this was written many years ago. I've...

4 years ago
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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 6B

ALYSSA (Sunday morning after dawn 1/29) In the morning, Riona and I were slightly sore all over, with a bit extra in our boobs, stomachs and pussies -- I hadn't counted, but we'd probably came hard at least twenty times each last night! We trimmed each other's fannies until they were just right then I gave her a long, slow lick right up her center. We managed to alleviate the soreness with mutual breast and stomach massages. Well, maybe not alleviate, but it took our minds off it after...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 05

The weakness of the flesh Several hours of clearing up at Uncle Albert’s house brought me no real reward. It was arduous, unpleasant work on such a sultry day, and I felt terribly invasive going through the old boy’s things. The reflection that now they really belonged to me made me feel slightly less uncomfortable about it, but it did not make the work any easier. I decided to tackle one room at a time. So I started on a pile of old magazines at one end of the front room and took it from...

3 years ago
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Sarah and Ben Ch 02

My husband has told his part now it is time for me to tell mine. I have been in love with Ben forever. Well, since I have known him. We had been a very happily married couple. I had some friends and he had some of his own. We also had a few friends together. June was one of my friends and I had been a bit jealous of her for a long time. June was one of those girls who looked sexy in anything she wore. I had seen Ben look at her in ‘that’ way more than once. I had also noticed him looking at...

3 years ago
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She Said He Said

Chapter 1: Memories of Kelly She couldn’t believe her eyes as she stared at her computer screen. She usually didn’t open emails from people she didn’t know but, but when she saw the name ‘Kelly’ in the ‘Re:’ category her heart skipped a beat and she caught her breath. It was amazing how, even after 3 years the mere sight of his name could have such an effect on her. With a trembling hand, she opened the email from, ‘HoundogX.’ Slowly she read the message from her former lover: ‘Just wanted...

3 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 16 A Call From The Kalinin

I was up in the Sales Centre watching another auction. Some of the women that had taken longer in orientation were now ready for market. Brian was convinced that prices were starting to rise. I still wasn't convinced. I looked around the room; it didn't look like there were too many buyers to me. I saw that the first lot onto the platform was to be Julia. I'd seen her, after she'd got over the punishments for her escape attempt, being trained to play her part in the auction. Brian was...

4 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Chapter 9 Playing Hooky With Jessica

When she realized I was there she apologized for walking in on me. “Sorry Tony, I didn’t realize you were in here but judging by what’s going on down there I’m glad I did.” “That’s fine Jess, I’m happy to see you. You were pretty quiet last night. I thought you would have popped in at some point.” She said, “I thought about it but wanted to leave Char alone so she could enjoy her time with you. Did you have fun?” “Of course I did and I think Mary Ann and Char won’t be waking up for a...

4 years ago
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The odd meeting

Once home from work, I made a cup of tea, sorted out a piece of cake and sat in front of the computer and logged on. xHamster first. Three new messages and a new friend request. The messages were easily sorted and so I checked the friend request. I liked the sound of the guy. He didn't have many pictures but I liked the ones that he had posted. Also he had left a lovely comment on my latest gallery and so I thought that I wouldn't be churlish and accepted him. Almost as soon as the messages...

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Yacws Yet Another Cheating Wife Story

The plan was perfect. The execution would be even better. Ah, now there's a word you can get right out of your mind, execution, George Sanders thought to himself as he sat in the dark dimness of Sammy's Roadhouse with a pint of Guinness in front of him. Execution is not a word you want to be thinking about right now, good buddy. Yet the dark thoughts wouldn't go away, so he dumped more beer on them. He was only vaguely aware of the Monday night football game going on above him on the big...

4 years ago
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Everyone Needs Special indian sex Love In Life

How I had indian sex with my friend’s daughter. I work in an IT sector in Metro city. One day, a friend of mine from a small town called me and said, his daughter got a job in my city. He said she has never visited any big cities so far, so they need my help to find her accommodation and local support. I said fine, you can come, I will arrange necessary things. Next weekend, my friend along with his daughter, Divya, came to me. I told them to stay with me until we make necessary arrangements...

2 years ago
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Teenage homeless junkie whats not to love

So, I had just left a strip club and was feeling unsatisfied. I'd managed to get out before handing over my life savings in the hope of a discrete handjob that was never going to arrive. So I was walking down the street, in a slightly seedy part of town, horny and frustrated, and slightly pissed off.I saw a girl walking by herself, pulling a small rolling suitcase behind her. Heading home from a trip, perhaps? I decided to have some fun. I slowly caught up with her and walked beside her for a...

1 year ago
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Sandrines triple reward

There was a ripple of applause from the guests at the outdoor bar as the three young African men gave a bow to their audience to mark the end of the performance. Sandrine had enjoyed the show very much, unlike her husband who sat beside her in sullen silence drinking his beer. They had come to the Senegal beach resort on holiday for a bit of sun and relaxation, as many white middle class couples do. Tonight they had come to watch a show performed by an all-male acrobatic group. Sandrine was...

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alya dan om bejo anals

Pak Bejo mengelus seluruh tubuh Alya tanpa ada perlawanan berarti. Seluruh perasaan dan keinginan Alya untuk melawan hilang ditelan oleh kenikmatan orgasme yang baru saja dirasakannya. Pak Bejo mengecup pantat Alya yang bulat, mulus dan kencang. Beberapa kecupan meninggalkan bekas cupang memerah di pantat Alya. Pak Bejo merenggangkan kedua sisi pantat itu dan mulai menjilat lubang kecil yang berada di tengah, tepat di atas bibir vagina Alya yang masih meneteskan air mani. Lubang anus Alya...

4 years ago
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Mistress Bianca Bettina Felicia Carlota Moroi

Mistress Bianca Bettina Felicia Carlota Moroi, Mistress of Cougar Town House of Corrections By: Malissa Madison At an early age, Bianca Moroi was already a habitual runaway. She'd star hiked most of the Orion System, landing in and out of its juvenile corrections centers by the time she turned fourteen. Her biggest reason for running away at the time was the loss of her parents at the age of ten, and finding herself a ward of the system. Then at the age of fourteen, having...

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New Life in Paradise

I awoke on the coastline of an unknown island with Natalie still in my arms and the wash pouring over us. I rapidly came to my senses and stood up carrying Natalie in my arms. Luckily a small overhanging rock right on the edge of the treeline was present and I rushed over there to get her out of the sun. It was already into the evening, so I began to grab the things needed to make a fire to dry us off. By the time I had it build and used some flint to ignite the grass and wood Natalie had...

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Crossdressing with my Girlfriend

My girlfriend and I had been dating for several years and our sex life had basically become non-existent. It had been at least a year since we last had sex, and probably another six months before that. The problem was, as much as I loved her, I had developed a different kind of attraction.For some deep-rooted reason, I had grown a craving for ladies' clothing. Lingerie, stockings, high heels; all drove me crazy with lust. Eventually, this led to me dressing and wearing slutty outfits, gaining a...

Love Stories
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Hot Nuns

I spent the better time of my high school years in detention. I just couldn't seem to keep myself out of trouble. Hell, that was why I graduated a year late, because I never could seem to get to school enough to get the grades I needed to get outa good old St. Francis High. That was until the first day of school in what would be my last year of high school. That was the day sister Mary Beth and sister Anne came into my life. I was sitting outside Father...

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The ultimate pleasure 3

The ultimate pleasure – Part 3We slept cuddling each other. Jane was so soft and was so easy to sleep with. The night was warm but with the aircon going at full speed the room was nice and cool.I felt something move between my legs. I opened my eyes and saw Jane sucking on my dick. I was half asleep, and it felt so good. I usually have a massive hard-on in the morning and her mouth felt so nice against my hardness. She was so good at giving blow jobs. With lot of spit and suction she had my...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 24 Hello to you too

November 12, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Then what happened?” Jessica asked with a smirk as our trio walked to Doctor Green’s office from the ER. “Nothing, really! I told you I’m just messing with her. I told her I was in the middle of a project and couldn’t really leave the office. I couldn’t really tease her in front of Keri.” “No, you don’t want to advertise to her what’s going on now that you and Kimmy aren’t seeing each other.” “Correct. Anyway, she asked me to have coffee with her...

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My Innocent Mother

I’m from a Punjabi family, and just want to be know by K. (this is a real story and I don’t want anyone to know who I really am). My father is a alcoholic and once he started to drink he will drink for days. My mom is a simple lady. I’m the eldest and I have 2 sisters and the youngest is my brother. My mom really gone through difficult time bringing us up. I didn’t continued my studies to the higher level because I wanted to help my mom with the finance. So I started to work in a factory. After...

4 years ago
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SeekersChapter 3

Monday morning. Not just any Monday morning. Seven a.m., woken by Also Sprach Zarathustra. A groan from the limpet clamped to me as I stretched out to silence the wakeup. I kissed the top of her head, her hair ... her gorgeous, auburn hair ... fragrant of woman. I knew Monday is Teri's college day for her Librarianship degree, and she didn't need to be up yet, so I gently disentangled myself and headed for the bathroom. I used the toilet and cleaned my teeth, ran the shower until the water...

3 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 43

"An unusual birthday present" As she heard my approach Laura stood up and faced the door with bated breath and an expression of fascinated terror on her face. But as I entered, she all but collapsed. All the air seemed to go out of her as if she had taken a haymaker in the midriff and with a kind of combined snort and chortle she sat down abruptly on the bed. I pulled up a chair and sat near her. Very red in the face, she was gasping for air and her eyes were watering, and she avoided...

2 years ago
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Sorrento Pt 01

Looking back, it is easy to see how the holiday was going to change the person that I was, the stresses, the triggers, the opportunities, were all there. It was like the planets aligning for some spectacular solar eclipse. But of course, all that is easy to see with the benefit of hindsight. The holiday was Tom’s idea. He had to be in Sorrento for work, but, being the pragmatist that he is, he suggested now that we had some free time and a few less financial commitments, I might like to...

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Suprise Of An Indian Son8217s Life 8211 Part 1

Hi ladies and gentlemen. I am Vignesh. I am 25 years of age. I am currently staying in Chennai. Now coming to the story. This story is about my mom. Her name is Shalini. She is a normal middle-aged woman with extra flesh at the right places and with fair complexion. My father died 5 years back when I was studying engineering 3rd year. My family consists of me, my younger sister and my mother. After my father’s death, we faced a big financial crisis. We actually didn’t have enough savings to run...

2 years ago
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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 2

It had been almost an hour when Betty’s bedroom door opened. It had been a long awkward hour for Karen. She and her son heard grunting, giggling, slapping, and what was obviously a few of Betty’s screaming loud orgasms. Mark, Cheyenne, and Savannah seemed to pay no attention at all to it even though they clearly heard it. Mark introduced Tucker to his Xbox, and the boys started playing. “I have an Xbox one in the car,” Tucker said excitedly. “Oh, that’s cool. This is an Xbox 360, though,...

4 years ago
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Mafia And The Journalist Of Seduction 8211 Part 7 Gangbang With Gangsters

Alisha pushed Arora and grabbed her white top then ran towards the back door. She pushed it open and ran outside when a car drifted and stopped right in front of her. “Who is this now?” she groaned. “Why are you always naked when we meet,” Nyla giggled unrolling the window of her black sedan. “Get in Dumbo, we have to escape” Nyla shouted again. Nyla was David’s sister but Alisha wasn’t bothered about that. To Alisha, saving herself was the most important thing right now. Alisha was seated at...

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