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Slm ben sedat izmirden 19 yaşındayım.

benim başımdan geçenler dünyanın en iğrenç durumu diyebiliriz.

ailem kusursuz bir ailedir babam 50 yaşında avukatlık yapan biri annem 44 yaşında ev hanımıdır.

alsında ufaklüğümden beri çevremdekilerin annem ile ilgiliki görüşlerinden bıkmıştım. çoğu annemi sex amaçlı konuştuklarına şahit olmuştum defalarca. yalnız 2015 gördüklerim beni hüsrana uğratmıştı bizim oturduğumuz semtte yeni taşınan cem ile samimi arkadaş olmuştuk.

cem benim yaşımda yakışıklı biraz hızlı bi çocuktu. bi gün mahalledeki düğün için birlikte gitmiştik düğünü izlerken kızlara falan bakıp yorum yapıyodu. bi ara beni dürtüp oğlum bu oynamaya çıkan kaşar kim böyle off bee şu karıya bak deyip bana gösterdi. gösterdiği kadının annem olduğunu görünce şok oldum aslında. cem’e dostum yavaş o kadın annem dedim. oda baya bozuldu toparlamaya çalıştı. bi kaç gün sonra cem ile cafede otururken aklıma takıldığı için cem’e niye o akşam anneme kaşar dediğini sordum.

cem baya sıkıldı fakat ısrar ettim merak ettiğimi ifade ettim..

cem: kanka annen kaç yaşında.ben: 44.cem: kanka samimi olmak gerek görülürse 44 yaşında bak çocuğuda var mesela o etek neydi o göğüsleri meydana çıkaran elbise neydi.

ben: dostum annem genellikle bakımlıdır.

cem: yaa onuda geçtim yalan yok çok hoş kadın fakat o makyaj o ojeler evli bi kadına fazla.ben: bu onun kaşar olduğunumu gösteriyo yani.

cem: açık konuşayımmı.

ben: evet.cem: bak annen değilde diğer kadın olsaydı tava getiridim ben onu.ben: ne yani babamı aldatır bi çocuk için.

cem: iddasına bile girerim benim elimden kurtulamazdı istersen deneyip görelim.

ben: saçmalama nasıl yapıcan sende.cem: yarın size gelicem normal sana arkadaş gibi takılmaya anlaştıkmı gerisini gör bakalım.ben: hiç içime sinmiyo.

cem: yok be kanka yalnızca haklı olduğumu göstericem bişey olmuyacak.

ben: tamam bakalım.ertesi gün öğlen gibi cem bize gelmişti doğal olarak annemle tanıştırdım. biraz normal sohpet falan derken

cem ev sıkıcı yaa dışarı çıkalım dedi ve anneme dönüp feray abla sende gel değişiklik olur dedi.

annem bilmemki siz eğlenin falan dedi fakat kabul etti hep birlikte çıktık bişeyler yedik kahve içtik gezip dolaştık ve ister istemez annem ve cem doğal şeklinde deha samimi olmaya başlamıştı. o gün öyle geçtikten sonra bi kaç gün sonra annene söyle sinemaya gidicez dedi cem. ben annemide alıp akşam üstü babam gelmeden çıktık o akşam sinemaya gittik ve artık annem ve cem hiç yabancılık yok gibi samimi olmaya başlamıştı. hatta sonradan cem ifade etti numarasını bile almış annemin normal msjlaşmaya bile başlamışlar. sonraki günlerde artık cem annemi ben olmadan cafeye gezmeye götürecek kadar samimi olmuştu. aslında annemdeki değişide görüyodum cem ile buluşmaya giderken çok hoş giyiniyo bakımlı bi biçimde gidiyodu. bigün cem beni aradı anlaştık bi cafede buluştuk bana bu akşam annen komşuya gidiyo diye yanıma gelicek bu akşam düşürücem ağıma deyip güldü. ben bişey geçmiyecek aranızda aklına sok dedim. sen merak etme akşam 8 gibi sana atıcağım urli tıkla arabada kamera var ne konuşucaz ne yapıcaz izlersin dedi. dediği gibi annem o akşam komşuya diye evden çıktı cem urli attığı gibi açtım. normal konuşuyolardı fakat cem anneme arada iltifatları yapıştırıyodu. bi ara indiler tabi konuşmalarından anlamıştım cafeye yemek yemeye girdiler sonra yeniden arabaya bindiler. cem arabayı sahile çekti arkadaki poşetten enerji içeceği çıkardı konuşmaya başladılar anneme eşinle aran nasıl çok hoşsin falan gibi laflar ediyodu. bi ara slov bi şarkı çaldı sessiz kaldılar tam şarkı tamamlanınca cem annemi başının arkasından tuttu çok hoşsin feray deyip dudağına yapıştı bi kaç saniye öpüştü sonra annem kendini hafif geri çekip.annem: cem yaptığımız doğru değil.cem: feray sana aşığık oldum gün geçtikçe.annem: cem evliyim ve bir ailem var.cem: hiç bişey umrumda değil seni seviyorum.annem: oğlumun arkadaşısın annen yaşındayım ama.cem: gel bakalım cici annecim.deyip dudaklarına yapıştı dakikalarca annemin dudaklarını ağzını öptü sonra boynu ve göğüslerine indi o arada annem dur yapma biri görür diyodu fakat cem annemin göğüslerini ısıra ısıra emiyodu. cem bununlada yetinmeyip pantolonunu çözdü sikini çıkardı annemin elini tutup sikini tutturdu. annem olmaz deyip elini kaçırsada cem anneme feray ne var bunda yalnızca tutucan deyip yeniden tutturdu. artık göbeğine kadar inmiş yalıyodu annemin elinde siki duruyodu. annemin taytını çıkarmaya kalktığında annem dur tamam yeter çok ileri gittik kocam var oğlum var yapma deyip kendini çekti. cem tamam bitanem senin üzülmeni istermiyim tamam bıraktım fakat bende erkeğim sana karşı dayanamıyorum istemiyosan zorla yapmam zira seni seviyorum fakat tek talebim çok dolahenk ağzınla boşaltmanı istiyorum dedi. annem cem lütfen eşimle dahi yapmıyoruz öyle desede cem ısrarcı olup söz veriyorum bi kere yap sonra gidicez. annem masum masum başını salladı. cem şöför koltuğunda oturur vaziyette annemin kafasını tutup sikinin üzerine getirdi ve başladı sakso çektirmeye fakat zevkten iyice ileri gidip saçlarından tutup bastırıyo annenim gırtlağına kadar giriyodu. o biçimde boşaldı annem hemen kalkıp kapıyı açtı tükürdü. arabada sessizlik oldu ve yola çıktılar fakat mahalleye yakın biyerde cem arabayı durdurdu. annem cem’e baktı cem anneme dönüp çok merak ediyorum eşime bile yapmıyorum dedin fakat sakso çekerken deneyimliydin niye diye sordu. annem konuyu kapat geç kalıyoz eve gidelim artık dedi fakat cem söylemezsen beklerim böyle dedi. annem kafasını eğdi utana utana lisede yaptım dedi. cem nasıl yani dedi. annem ben sakin biriyim lise yıllarındada öyleydim erkek arkadaşlarım bunu kullanıp beni evlenicez ilerde deyip deyip kandırdı boş sınıflarda müsait olan yerler sakso çektirdiler dedi. ben şok olmuştum cem gülmeye başladı. anneme dönüp biliyomusun esasen tipinde kaşarlık var deyip güldü. annemi eve bırakmıştı. sabah kahvaltıda annemin utancı belli etmesede belliydi. ben kahvaltıdan sonra cem’i aradım hemen yanına gittim buluştuğumuzda baya sert bi tokat attım bağırmaya başladım. fakat bi anda beni ittirdi bağırarak otur şuraya dinle dedi. bak sedat sende gördün izledin annen çok temiz karı teni vucudu bebek gibi dudakları değişilmez fakat kaşar anladınmı kaşar dedi ben niye bu oyunu kötüye kullandın dedim. lan herşeyi gördün sende yapmak istemiyen kadın karşı çıkar fakat anan kur yapıp naz yaptı. yarrağımı löp löp yalarken sesi çıkmıyodu esasen lisede çok yalatmışlar dedi. ben bu iş bitti bidaha benlede annemlede görüşmücen dedim çıktım. aradan 1 ay gibi bi süre geçti cafede otururken ufak dilenci gibi çocuk geldi elindeki flaş belleği bana verdi bunu bi abi verdi sana vereyim diye para verdi bana dedi. ben şaşırdım aldım flaş belleği eve gidip odamda bilgisayara taktım bi video vardı hemen açtım. otel odası gibi bi oda vardı cem ayakta geziniyodu kapıyı açtı annemi içeri alıp gel bakalım orospum dedi. annem yatağın ucuna oturdu hafif ağlamaklı niye böyle yapıyon nasıl bakıcam kocamın oğlumun yüzüne dedi. cem zırlama orospu sakso kayıtlarını tüm izmire izletirim esasen lisede kaşarmışın ne mal olduğun belli dedi. soyunup annemi öpüp yalamaya başladı fakat dakikalarca öpüşüp yalaştılar sonra annemin amını yalamaya başladı uzun uzun yaladı annemde sanki zevke geliyodu. sonra sikini çıkardı diz çök şurayı dedi ve soktu fakat haplı olduğu belliydi çok sert sakso çektiriyodu annemin rimelleri akıyodu resmen sonra kolundan tutup yatağa atması ve amına girmesi bir oldu annem iyice zevke gelmeye başlamıştıki o vaziyette girerken poposuna parmağını soktuğunda annem çığlık attı. cem annemin ağzına kilotunu tutturdu devam etti parmakladıkça acı çektiği belliydi. sonra bi hırıltıyla boşaldığını anladım yatağa uzandılar cem sigara yaktı. annem ağlıya ağlıya cem içime niye boşaldın yaa kötü şeyler olursa dedi. cem olsun esasen kocan yapamıyo sanırım cayır cayır yanıyon lan dedi. yatakta yatarken cem anneme ee bebeğim anlat bakalım evlendikten sonra aldattınmı hiç senin boynuzluyu diye sordu. annem hayır dedi. cem annemin kafasını tutup dudaklarına yumuldu biraz öptü doğruyu söyle orospu senin gibi karıyı boş bırakmazlar anlat diye çıkıştı. annem evet 2 kere oldu biri evlenmeden önce nişanlıyken eski erkek arkadaşımla diğri antalyada tatildeyken oldu..cem: oo ne zaman oldu.annem: 2011 de antalya alanyaya gitmiştik o zaman.cem: anlat bakayım.annem: senin gibi gençti kocamla samimi oldular banada çok yakın davranıyodu. bi gün güneş kremi bahanesiyle okşadı beni anladım o zaman niyetinini fakat gençtir deyip sesimi çıkarmadım. gidiceğimiz günden önceki akşam lobideyken eşimle odaya çıkıcaktık kutay yani o çocuk gelin hep birlikte diskoya inelim dedieşim başının ağrıdığını ifade etti siz gidin dedi. bende saat daha erken diye kabul ettim..cem: vayy kaşar seninde niyetin vardı yani.annem: hayır fakat yakışıklı çocuktu kırmak istemedim. dans ederken baya elledi o zaman içinder 40 yaşındaydım fakat yinede 17-18 yaşlarındaki çocuğun yanısıra dikkat çekiyodum o yüzden çıkalım burdan dedim. çıkarken ister istemez elimden tuttu arka taraftan kumsala inen yerden çıktık o arada garson kutay’a ooo reis bu seferki bomba gibi fakat dikkat et sahipli sanırım kocası görmesin dedi. ben kızara bozara çıkışa attım kendimi kutay’a ben odama çıkıyom dedim beni kendine çekip öpüşmeye başladık orda aldattım dedi..cem lan orospu sen esasen boş bırakılcak karı değilsin deyip anneme ters yat dedi başladı poposunu yalamaya annem poposu parmaklandıkca ahh dur cem ordan olmaz rezil olurum bu yaşta lütfen diye yalvarıyodu fakat cem dinlemeyip yalamaya devam etti sonra annemi kaldırdı normal yere köpek pozizyonunda dur dedi annem kafasını çevirip hala yalvarmalara devam etti. cem biraz parmağınla oynayıp deliğe tükürdü ve girmeye başladı o anda sanki annem yerdeki halıyı sımsıkı tutup dişlerini kırıcak gibi sıkıp ıııhhhhhlıyordu ve cem girmeyi başardı. cem hayvan gibi girip çıkıyodu ilacın ve ilk boşalmanın etkisiyle anlar geçsede giriyodu annem o pozizyondayken dayanamayım yere saldı kendini baygın gibi yatıyodu. cem buna rağmen yerde yine annemin kalçalarını ayırdı girmeye devam etti. boşaldığında annemin üstüne yığıldı oda sonra annemi öyle bırakıp kameraya geldi bana pislik olsun diye gülerek ben yıkıyayım bu kaşarı daha 3 saat burda detip kamerayı kapattı ?

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Me and my best friend Nic get up to stuff in the high school showers

So this is the story of me and my friend Nick, we are just ordinary boys, no thoughts of Gay stuff between us and we don't look at gay porn, We are still virgins and never had sex (Well we do now :D )... One stressfull and tiring day on a Friday afternoon, our class played some Football for Sport Education, While on the pitch, Me and Nick we were just so tired and bored we were talking about What we gonna be doing at nics house. So it's the end of the day and The whistle blows,. We all jog back...

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A Life of a Barbie 2

2. If John felt that their mood would improve after switching to Mary and accept the role in the play, he was dead wrong. He could not relax even for a minute on Saturday, and the situation has not changed the next day ... _ I do not know ... I think not want to go ... _Said John on the phone on Sunday morning. _ But John! You promised! 'Said Linda. John had arranged earlier in the week that he would have lunch at the home of his girlfriend on Sunday, but the truth is that he...

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Sarah cheating with the young neighbour

So... This one's a bit of a two sided story. There's Sarah's side and there's my side. So I'll tell both stories side by side, having talked to Sarah about it and got her side. Let me last the scene for you...We were 29, working hard at our careers and trying to save money etc.So we moved into a house on a 1 year contract in an area that we wouldn't normally stay in because it was cheap.Cheap rents generally attract a lot of different kinds of people and it can be a real melting pot.Our Street...

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My first embarrassing spanking exposed

Growing up I’ve always had an interest in spankings. I’m sure it all started from being spanked as a k**. I’m a happily married 52 year old white male. To give you a better picture of me, I’m 6ft, 195 lbs, short red hair, smooth body, 5 1/2 inch cut cock, decent shape.My curiosity to receive a spanking as an adult grew more and more. I was wanting to be spanked by an older man. Not a severe spanking, but one that would leave my ass red. And to have a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt and...

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Simon Says RevengeChapter 2

“Ah, Mr. Avanti. Nice to meet you. Sana said that you’d be coming,” the attorney greeted me as I entered his main office after about twenty minutes or so of admiring the secretary. I tried not to be too obvious, but hey, blondes ... what could I say? “Sana?” I asked. “Dr. Habib. I’m Yuri Natansky and you’re Simon Avanti, the man who was her patient last night, right?” the bald, goateed divorce lawyer confirmed. “That I am. Look ... what my wife did last night ... it’s not simple adultery....

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Girlfriends Mother Become My Girlfriend Part 8211 II

Hello, friends thanks for all your lovely response it is really heart touching, you can reach me out at for all are welcome for discussion I would like to thank indian sex stories dot net for their support. That night with Kalpana changed my life completely I totally fell in love with her with all warm affection we kissed all most for hours that night exchanging our salivas and feeling the true warmth of each other, while my cock is resting and relaxing in her ass.The best part is switched off...

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My wifes KIK account part 4

The feeling in my butt had not eased. I later found out that She had inserted a butt-plug. “I’m going to release your arms” said Goddess “and I’m content that you have no place to go. See that camera set up over there?”I looked over in the direction that she was pointing and sure enough… a camera was pointed our way.“Your confession of infidelity was clearly captured” Said Goddess “And your wife will use it to ruin you. In addition,” She continued, “you will NEVER see that baby.”Goddess helped...

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Saucy sauna

It was hot, there was nothing on TV and I was bored. To relieve the boredom I retrieved my stash of sexy underwear. A sexy little see through thong caught my eye, the flimsy triangle of material big enough to cover my rapidly swelling cock. I pulled the panties up my legs slowly getting harder all the time. I lay on the bed and stroked my bulge. My mind wandered, fantasizing about cocks and what I´d like to do with them. I was getting hotter and hotter. I could wank myself for relief but I...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Lexi Belle Naughty Lexi Lowe Gets Pleasured

While her parents are downstairs having dinner with guests, barely legal blonde Lexi Lowe is busy being naughty upstairs masturbating her trimmed pussy. When the young sex kitten tells her boyfriend Rocco Reed that she wishes he was there, the stud takes it upon himself to sneak into his horny girlfriend’s bedroom to pleasure her tight teen twat himself. Watch the salacious Penthouse Pet’s banging body quiver as she gets her pussy licked and her perfect all natural tits bounce as...

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Wife Fulfill8217s Husband Fantasy

Hi guys and gals always wanted to share my experiences. Thanks to ISS I got the forum to share it with u. some may find it to be offensive bur if your mind id open you can emulate my experience and experience sheer pleasure. I am a happily married man of 37.My wife is a sexy 32 year old lady with a passion for quality and experimental sex. We have a tremendous sex life. We both are avid porn watchers and one day I came across a site called fuck my wife/ Both sites dealt with a...

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WebYoung Kristen Scott Luna Daniels Finding Your Rhythm

Luna Daniels is having fun dancing around her bedroom with her headphones on. She’s energetic and clumsy, lost in the moment as she enjoys herself to the fullest. Meanwhile, her step-sister, Kristen Scott, wanders by the bedroom and sees Luna cutely goofing around. Since Luna is so distracted by her own music and dancing, Kristen admires her awhile before stepping in. Although Luna’s embarrassed, she easily admits to Kristen that she’s practicing her dancing for the prom....

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Bride Gets It From Many

© 2001 This is a true story, though it happened quite a few years ago. It's a story of how my best friend managed to get into the pants of my conservative bride with my unwitting help. He took full advantage of the situation and wound up doing many a kinky thing with her. At first I did not know what was going on, but eventually found out, or rather was told - no more correctly, shown - that my conservative uptight wife was in fact a slut. In the 1970s the sexual revolution was in...

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GirlsTryAnal Chanel Preston Kira Noir The Anal Babysitter

Chanel Preston has hired Kira Noir to babysit. When Kira arrives at the house, Chanel tells her she’ll only be a couple of hours and that she could watch TV in her bedroom to pass the time. Chanel leaves the house and drives to work. When she calls her receptionist on her way to the office, here receptionist tells her it’s actually Sunday and the office is closed. Chanel has been working so hard she forgot what day it was. She turns her car around and heads back home. Meanwhile back...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 31 He Shoots He Scores

October 29, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Aren’t you going to say SOMETHING?” Penny asked. “About what?” “Oh for fuck’s sake! My engagement!” “I told you ‘congratulations’,” I replied evenly. “And then you went back to work as if I’d said the rain had stopped or we were out of TP in the bathrooms!” “What did you want me to say? I can’t interfere in ANY way with you and Terry. You two need to work it out between yourselves. I’m happy that you’re doing that. But Penny, remember what caused...

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Mom After Mom Season 2 Part 12 They Are On Their Own

Mom – “You both have caused disrespect to the family. Let me inform this to your dad.” She went to call dad and I sat beside Di as she was wiping her tears. Me – “Di… It’s ok… We will talk to him and he will probably withdraw this.” Di – “It’s over Mannu. Things won’t work out even if we try to convince him. Let him get a new life rather than being in an unstable relationship with me.” Me – “But I feel bad for him. We have cheated on him.” Di – “We did. Unintentionally though, but we did...

2 years ago
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If The Heels Fit

This was originally posted, by me, on StorySite. I picked it up, did a little editing, some re-writing, and here it is. I hope you enjoy If The Heels Fit by Anne O'Nonymous Tap, Tap, Tap. Hello darkness, my old friend - I've come to visit you again. The blackened room had one occupant, almost. Ken's mind was not in that dark area; it was miles away. An opened, almost full, bottle of "Black and White" sat on a small table to his right, an unused glass beside it. A...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 449

A FEW WORDS ON THE VIRUS JUST TRYING TO LIGHTEN THE LOAD???? Ontario has banned groups larger than 5. If you’re a family of 6, you’re all about to find out who’s the least favourite. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be to return to a society where pants and bras are required. Happy hour is starting earlier and earlier. If this keeps up, I’ll be pouring wine in my cereal. Today’s Weather? Room temperature. Smoking pot and skipping school had me in trouble constantly. Now...

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Candys Lucky Escape and the man of her dreams

At school, the year was coming to an end, and there was a big party on this weekend, which everyone was going to. I was studying in the library with a girlfriend when I saw him. By him, I mean Zac, a boy I have a huge crush on. He is about 6’3, he has brown hair and dreamy blue eyes, and a skinny frame, although he wasn’t skinny, he was more average, but far from obese or anything. He played guitar in a band called the Headlock Horrors with my friend’s bf Alex and a couple of other guys, and...

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Kim Possible

Kim Possible: Dreams Can Come True - Chapter 1 - Kim's wet dreamKim Possible was lying naked in her bed. Her face was a little red, her breath was shortened, her nipples were pointing straight up in the air and had a familiar moist between her legs. The same moist she has had five mornings in a row. Caused by the same dream, every night. In the dream, Kim was tied on the bed nude with her legs spread wide. Next to the bed was standing Drakken's sidekick, Shego. She was also nude, except her...

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I Love Big Boobs

Don't worry, I will always answer your so nice and hot messages... :-)))) It's only that I don't have always time to answer you immediately but be sure that you make me wet... :-PPPP Sorry but I prefer to don't tell you from which side of the world I'm writing, that was in the deal with my husband. I hope and wish that you understand. Who knows maybe one day you will suck my nipples and not only... :-))) Never say never... :-))) Yes I think so that it's tough move go into therapy with your wife...

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My Life8217s Sex Journey 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto, I am Samrat lives in Delhi 35 years of age having two sons and one beautiful wife who loves me very much… I am owner of gym spa and also small investment companies I am strong build up regularly go to gym 2hr morning and 2hr evening and having a dick size huge 11.8 inch and I am look very dynamic….. And my wife is not cheat with me because of my giant penis….. Dosto chaliya mai ab apko apni story batata hun hun yeh baat aaj se 10 year phele ji hai jb mai 25 years ka tha ustym meri...

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It was a black tie black affair New Years Eve

It had been literally years since we’d gone out like this together. Between work, the kids, cub scouts, girl scouts, mowing the lawn and every other activity that consumed almost every waking moment, there was little time for just us. We finally moved this past summer slightly closer to home. A few weeks before the millennium Carol’s parents called and said they’d be coming down for New Years Eve. They even volunteered to watch the kids if we wanted to go out. At first we...

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Carrying OnChapter 20

After leaving Andrew to his own devices, Bryan had found Silver in the hot tub again, this time simply relaxing. She was floating along on a cushion of bubbles and it was apparent that she had turned the jets up as high as possible. Her figure lay just under the surface of the rolling froth, steam obscuring the details from inside the door. Her arms were outstretched, her legs spread wide to balance her atop the churning water. Her nudity was not unexpected, as it was almost obligatory for...

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I may have mentioned this before one of my previous stories, but anyway, I love the Fictionmania story, "Forced Into Babyhood." I admit to liberally taking ideas from that story, as well as a few others. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Warning: This story is a bit harsh and not for the faint of heart - or stomach. A sequel is being polished off as we speak. I welcome your emails about this or my other stories at [email protected]. Thanks. Enjoy. Mariah By Verna...

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An Unexpected Development Part 1

Ted was sitting at his desk late on Tuesday afternoon. Because it was already dark outside, most of the people in his part of the building had already gone home for the day. Having been divorced for almost two years, Ted wasn’t in any rush to go home. The idea of going to his empty kitchen to find something to eat didn’t appeal to him and he would often work into the evening. He went through a mental checklist to make certain that he had enough scotch in his liquor cabinet to get him through...

4 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 3

Present – Liz and others – at the cabin command center After Jens dropped the bombshell about wanting to get married at the campsite tomorrow, I called together the team and we went to work. Unfortunately, Maria couldn't help because she had some medical issues with her pregnancy and we had an ambulance take her to the hospital in Denver. With Maria out of action, I appointed Gretchen as my assistant and as a team we came up with a whiteboard list of what we needed to make the wedding...

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Donalds PathChapter 2

The following night I waited until 11:00 to venture out of my room. I had been suppressing a hard-on all afternoon and evening. I had realized belatedly that I hadn't even copped a feel of titty the two times I had the ultimate opportunities. I slipped into the parlor and successfully navigated my way to Mildred's day bed. I spoke to her rather loudly to make sure she was completely under the pills spell. Heaven forbid if she should forget to take her medicine. Poor girl wouldn't get well...

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World Cup

"Hello and welcome to this, the 50th World Cup finals we've all been waiting for. I'm your host, Garth Braithwaite. With me is former world championship referee Ted Sturgis and three-time world champion Cindy Chastain." "Thank you, Ted – honored to be here." "We've seen two weeks of fantastic effort from representatives from over 50 countries, but we're now down to the final four. The stadium here at Sao Paulo is packed with 100,000 chanting fans, joining the millions watching live...

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The Flight of the Ugly Swan Chapter 4

I woke up knowing that my life would be different now. I was different now. I was no longer a virgin. It wasn't a very romantic way to get rid of my cherry, but it was gone. Getting fucked was checked off my bucket list. I was no longer eligible for all those satanic rituals that previously would have required my blood. I no longer had to fear that "Returned Unopened" would be my epitaph.I got up early despite being so keyed up that I didn't sleep much. I felt as if I had tons of energy....

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Gay first time with best mate Later that night

I’d spent a lot of the evening replaying what Kenny and I had done earlier while pretending to watch the TV. Kenny seemed to be concentrating on the film but I could see his thick cock was semi-hard as it lay on his belly. I began to obsess with the size and the fact that it had been inside me a couple of hours ago. I wanted it again and I wanted to stick my cock in Kenny’s arse and fuck him hard. I found myself getting hard again at the thought. ‘So about earlier.’ I said during an ad break.

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Alice Does ItalyChapter 7

The trip to the Black Sea was so uneventful that it was boring as hell! I began to wish for a pirate or something else to break the monotony of the sail through the gentle swell of the Mediterranean Sea. The first part of the trip was interesting, since I had never spent much time in deep water, but day after day of the same thing can get pretty dull, even with something as beautiful and willing and accommodating as an avatar of Venus. With nothing else to do, my cock got pretty damn sore,...

2 years ago
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First Time pt 3

A couple weeks went by and I only seen my younger black guy a few times. He let me suck his big cock but that was it. One day he told me he met someone else and to not come around any more. As I turned the corner and was heading home his dad, James, pulled up along side me in his car. He said, "Jessica, why do you look so sad, girl?" I told him his son broke up with me. He told me he'd give me a ride home but he had to run a couple errands first. I told him that was fine, I could use...

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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 2A Tuesday

Personal log (voice), J. J. Stone, captain of the Flying Dutchman, 1204 EST October 27th 2006. It was 12:04am. That is what my alarm clock said in those bright neon numbers the nearly blind could read at twenty paces. With my vision, I could not see them from further away than three feet. These thoughts I should not have running in my head. I should be having my post midnight fantasy about now. The noise that interrupted my sleep sounded again. I turned over and looked. There was a new...

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