Will To SurviveChapter 02 free porn video

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Will’s mind had been working on what he knew of US history when he went to sleep, so it’s natural it’s the first thing on his mind when he wakes up. He remembers a few more historical facts, but a much more important memory is about a National Geographic show on gold mines in the US he saw several days ago in his time-frame. What stuck in his mind was the locations of a few of the mines near him when he watched it, with many along the Colorado River, one over near Phoenix, Pikes Peak in Colorado, many in California, and some places in New Mexico. He remembers them more because they’re close to where he’s based than any desire to mine them. The nearest one set up for tourism is the hard rock Vulture Mine mine close to Phoenix and he’d planned to visit it to see what a gold mine is like. He remembers the closest placer mining area to here is a spot on the Colorado River about 200 miles north of Yuma. He decides to try the La Paz location first because that allows him to stay near the river for fresh water while moving about during his search, and it’s placer mining which the program showed how people pan for gold in a water course. La Paz doesn’t exist at this time and it had ceased to exist in his original time, but he does remember it being on the river and its rough location north of Yuma. He figures he should be able to find the right area.

Everyone is up and getting ready for the day, so Will joins them. After breakfast he helps with the work around the ranch, working as directed by Sam because he doesn’t know the work. During the day Will learns a lot while he’s working for Sam.

Over the next few days Will learns a lot about the area, the times, and the work on a ranch like this. Jim’s wound is healing well and he’s real anxious to get back on his feet. The ladies wash all of the blankets and the clothes Will won in combat, making him very happy for doing it for him.

At the end of the first full day Will decides he needs to rationalise all of the gear he has. First is to take the parachute apart because he doubts he’ll be doing much flying in the near future. Betty is surprised when he opens a pack to pull out a lot of fine cloth. He first removes all of the cords from the chute and winds them up to store for use as light ropes or cords. The rings and straps are set aside too. Using one of the cords as a measuring string he marks out some patterns to cut some t-shirts and shorts for himself, plus two large sheets. After cutting out enough for five sets of gear and the sheets he still has a lot of material left. He can’t see a tag on the chute so he doesn’t know if this is silk or nylon because he’s not at all familiar with either material. He’s about to let Betty have the rest of the olive drab material when he decides to measure and cut out patterns for a dozen pairs of simple tube socks, which he quickly does.

Looking over at Betty he asks, “Do you have some fine needles and good thread I can use, please?” She nods yes and she gets her sewing kit. When she hands him some thread and a needle he says, “I doubt I can use all of this. If you or Ann want to make something from it, go ahead.”

The speed with which the ladies move to get at the material makes him wonder if a tornado just raced through the cabin. Sam and Jim laugh at the fast movement of the ladies. Will starts to sew a simple tube style sock together while the ladies look the material over.

Sam asks, “Will what is that cloth, and what are you making?”

“It’s a silk like material I got up north. It was originally made for a special purpose, but now I’m reusing it to make some underwear and socks. This stuff won’t rub me as raw as some of the coarser materials will, so it makes wearing other clothes less of a hassle for me.” The ladies stop to watch how he’s making the socks.

After a he does the first pair Ann takes the rest from him while saying, “I can do that better than you! Let me finish them.” He hands her the cut out material for the socks then he starts on the shorts, after the first pair are done Betty is doing his other shorts, so he starts on the first t-shirt. By then Ann is finished with the socks so she takes over his t-shirt making. The ladies don’t seem to trust him to be able to sew things properly, and he’s happy to let them do the work.

By the end of the evening, a later one than usual, all of the extra clothes are made so Will has to show them how they fit. He packs the rest away before he goes to sleep that night.

The next evening all of the Wilson family members have some new socks and underwear in olive green as the ladies were busy during the day, and they’re now working on two summer dresses as well as more underwear.

While Betty is sewing her dress Will asks her, “Betty, do you have any knitting needles and wool?” She nods yes, and a little later she shows him a large box of balls of wool and the needles she has. They’re all fine ones, so he asks, “Got any larger needles?” He gets a shake of her head.

The next morning Will asks Sam about large animal bones, and he’s shown a few from dead animals in their rubbish heap that’s downwind from the ranch. Will picks through them and he finds a few long thick bones he thinks are thigh bones from big animals, but he can’t say what the animals were. However, they’ll do for what he wants.

When Will asks him Sam informs Will he’s not needed today, so he’s free to work on his bone project. Will gets a few tools from the survival kit then he sits on the porch working on the bones. Although the others all look to see what he’s doing when they go by none of them ask about what he’s doing. They just take a look when they pass by.

After checking the bones Will takes one of the better ones and he splits it along its length to have six sections of bone about a foot long and a half inch wide. Next is to hold the wire saw in a loop to use it on the cut bone splinters to make them round before shaping a blunt point in each one. It’s a slow and finicky job that takes Will the bulk of the day to get all six of them the way he wants and the same size. The remaining time is spent making six small wood discs about three times the diameter of the bone rods with a hole in the centre, then he pushes them down onto the six rods. He finishes in time to clean up for dinner.

Sam and Jim have no idea what they are or would be good for. But Betty recognises the design of the rods when Will sets them on the table to go and wash up, but she’s surprised at how thick they are. She asks Will, “Why have you made those knitting needles so thick?”

He replies, “I want to make a specific type of blanket for which I need large needles to make it right.”

After dinner Betty is surprised at how fast Will knits when he works on his blanket. She gets another surprise when she can hear him still knitting away in the dark after the rest go to bed. In the morning she finds a loose weave blanket big enough to cover her bed sitting on the table, and she wonders what good it’ll be with such big spaces in it.

Will knows they’re interested in the blanket so he tells them during breakfast, “I’ll sew two cloth blankets together with the new knitted one between them and sewn to one of them to hold it in place. That way it traps air in the pockets the knitted blanket makes and it’s a lot warmer.”

None of them believe him. While Betty sews the blankets together the way Will wants he knits two more blankets. That night Betty and Sam try Will’s blanket, and the next morning they admit it’s a lot warmer than they expected it to be, which will be nice on cold winter nights.

Today Betty is sewing the two new style triple blankets together and Will is knitting two more a bit bigger to match the thermal blankets he has in his kits. The family is surprised at the silver looking material, but say nothing because they’re getting used to Will’s odd gear. When Betty finishes with the blankets for her kids Will has her sew three blankets together to wrap around each of his bigger blankets with a small flap.

Going for a Visit

Life at the ranch moves on with Will helping out while Jim recovers from being shot. One morning, a few weeks after the shooting, Long Snake pays them another visit to ask Will to visit his village, and Sam also decides to go. Neither man knows what it’s about but they saddle up after Will changes back into his fatigues and vest. He’s been changing what he wears every day and washing the dirty clothes every couple of days. He wants his best combat gear on while visiting the village.

While riding along Will asks Long Snake what’s up, and he’s told, “One of the dead braves had two mates who are sisters. His mates’ mother is a widow too, and they now have no man to hunt for them. Our traditions say they’re your slaves because you killed him in a fight of war. So you need to collect them and his other things.”

Sam says, “Long Snake, you don’t normally apply that tradition to us whites, so why now?”

The Indian chief gives a half smile as he replies, “To have killed so many braves by himself your friend must be a good warrior. I hope this is true. Black Wolf is unhappy you said his brother, Dark Wolf, died a coward running away. He wants to challenge you. Also, he wants Light Fawn as a mate, but she doesn’t want him. Once you accept Big Fawn, Light Fawn, and Little Fawn as your slaves he intends to challenge you so he can win them all as his slaves. That also means he doesn’t have to submit to Big Fawn as the mother of his mate, which is our tradition.”

Will grins, “Is this Black Wolf as big a troublemaker as his brother?” He gets a nod yes in reply. “So you want me to kill this troublemaker?”

“Yes! That will make things a lot easier in my camp.”

They ride on while Will thinks on this situation as he asks questions to learn about the traditions of this Indian tribe so he doesn’t cause any trouble by accident. Both Will and Sam learn a lot about the tribe and its social structure.

Nearing the camp Long Snake says, “The women and gear are close to the horses and are waiting for you to inspect them.” So Will gets out his monocular to examine the camp and the three women standing near the group of horses. The women are comely, but not real pretty. The oldest looks to be in her mid or late 30s.

Will says, “Before I meet them I want to think on a few things and to speak to your elders. Can you show me the rest of the camp before you take me to the women?” Long Snake glances over at him as he nods yes.

Stopping at the edge of the camp they dismount and Long Snake has one of the boys take care of the horses while he leads Will and Sam away from the waiting women to look at the camp while telling them how they do things in the camp. It’s all very interesting information.

Near the far end of the camp Will says, “From what you’ve said I gather the mother of a man’s mate runs the family, he can have multiple wives and the senior or eldest mother is the family head. He submits to both mothers in the same way while the women are sister wives. All slaves are property and are dealt with in the same way as property, but a woman can’t be both a slave and a mate. Is that all correct?”

“Yes, it is. If you take the women as slaves and Black Wolf kills you they all become his slaves. But if you take one of the young widows as mate their mother is your family head and neither can be slaves. Also, Black Wolf can’t claim them as his slaves because they’re widows.”

“Long Snake, who is the head of a family if a man takes a woman and her widowed mother as mate at the same time?”

He gets a stunned look as he’s told, “I don’t know! I must ask this of the elders who keep the tribe’s knowledge and wisdom. Wait here!”

Long Snake walks away as he leaves them watching two women at work preparing a flour of some sort. A little later the Indian leader is back with two older men and two older women.

The oldest woman says, “Long Snake has told us your question. It hasn’t happened, to our knowledge, but there is no reason why a man cannot take both a woman and her mother as his mates. Then they will stop being mother and daughter to become sister wives. The mother’s mother will be the head of the family. If she is in the other world she will visit you in your dreams to give you directions.” She smiles at Will while talking, so it’s obvious they all know what he’s thinking.

Will says, “Thank you for the information.” He turns to look at Long Snake, “I think it’s time we examined my new property.” They all go to where the three women are waiting, and Long Snake presents them all.

A crowd gathers while Will looks over everything. He turns to Long Snake and says, “I accept these goods won in battle with one exception. I don’t believe in slavery and I won’t have slaves. However, I am a man who has no mate, but I need someone to cook my meals and to keep me warm at night. So I accept these three women as my mates. How soon can you arrange for the proper ceremony for us to be mated?”

The oldest woman says, “I’m Bright Fox, one of the medicine women, and I can conduct the ceremony tomorrow, once all is ready.”

One of the men in the crowd says, “He can’t take a woman and her mother as mates together!”

Bright Fox says, “There is nothing in our traditions that says he can’t do this, so he can do it. It’s just we haven’t seen it happen before.”

The man continues, “This white man laughs at our traditions.”

Will guesses this man is Black Wolf so he says, “Long Snake, I’m being annoyed by a loud gnat. Am I allowed to squash this annoying insect?”

Before Long Snake can reply the man pulls out a knife and attacks. Will steps toward him while swinging his left arm down to knock the arm with the knife to the side as he strikes the man’s chin in a fast and hard upward motion with his open right hand. The man falls down.

All are stunned by how fast it happens. The man isn’t breathing so Long Snake asks, “Is Black Wolf dead?”

Will shakes his head no and says, “He isn’t breathing and he is dying, but if you look close you’ll see his eyes can move and he can hear us. He’ll be dead in a moment. There’s a short time between when a man stops breathing and his mind dies. Black Wolf is in that time. My blow broke his neck to stop his body from working and to send him on the path to death.” While talking he strips the body of everything useful.

Standing up Will says, “Big Fawn, move all of the things that used to belong to Black Wolf to be with my other things. Then select our best fur as a gift to Bright Fox for conducting our mating ceremony.” The woman smiles, nods yes, and leads her daughters off to get the things.

Bright Fox says, “You must stay here tonight to get ready for the ceremony tomorrow.”

Will nods yes, turns to Sam, and says, “Sam, you should go home to tell them what’s going on. I think you may also want to tell Ann she can be a part of tomorrow’s ceremony as another mate, if she wishes to.”

Sam grins, “Betty and I weren’t sure you’d noticed the way Ann was acting. I’m not sure if she wants to be one of four, but I’ll tell her.”

“Tell her to think of it as having three helpers to look after me.”

Sam laughs as he nods yes before asking, “Will, have you seen an Indian challenge fight before?” He gets a head shake of no in reply. “What was your aim with Black Wolf?”

“I figured Black Wolf thought he could kill me in the fight so I set out to protect the women from him if he won it. Then I goaded him to make him angry because an angry man doesn’t fight well. Why?”

“In a challenge fight you’re tied to each other and it’s not like a normal fight. By attacking you when he did Black Wolf gave you a better chance to win. I wondered if you’d planned it that way.” He gets a no head shake in reply. “I didn’t think so. I’ll tell Ann all about this. Then she may be more understanding about the extra wives tomorrow.” Sam goes to his horse, mounts it, and heads for home. The crowd disperses as they all go on about their other duties.

Long Snake moves up beside Will and quietly says, “That went a lot quicker and easier than I thought it would. I also learned you’re a much more dangerous man than I thought you were. I’ll see to the ceremony for Black Wolf. You now have five more horses as well as two hogans. What will you do with all these things?”

“I’ll tell my women to go through it all and to give away what we don’t need to those who need them the most. I don’t need to be carrying too much gear around.” He glances about, “Earlier I noticed you had an interest in my question about a woman and her mother. Why?”

“My youngest son wishes to take a maiden as mate, but her mother has been nothing but trouble since her man died last year. So he is hesitant about the situation. If he takes both then his mate’s mother will be her mother, and she isn’t as much trouble for others.”

Will smiles, “When you tell him of this tell him he also needs to do his nightly duties to both of his wives. I’m sure the mother is unhappy due to missing her man at night. Also, she can teach him things about that part of life.”

“I’ll tell him. You may have started an interesting trend with this.”

“I hope not. If too many do this it can disrupt your tribal life in the long term. But a few in each generation shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Will, you have much wisdom for one your age. Now go to your hogan to see what you have. Your women will want to see you.”

He does as suggested to spend the rest of the day getting to know the three women while they sort through everything, and they take many things out to give to others who need them. He enjoys the meals they cook, although they are a little different to what he’s used to.

In the afternoon Bright Fox visits to explain what will happen in the ceremony tomorrow, and he tells her there may be another woman to be included. She leaves with a big smile and an odd look on her face.

At one point Big Fawn says, “Will, you now have two good stallions that want to fight instead of being friends. You should get rid of one!”

That’s an easy problem to solve, a quick visit to Long Snake, a talk, and the biggest stallion is exchanged for two young mares.

The Next Day

The whole Wilson family arrives mid-morning with Sam on his horse and the rest in the farm wagon. Ann gets down, and she goes right past Will to speak with the women behind him. The women all vanish into the hogan.

Betty gets down and says, “You do live an interesting life, Will. Ann isn’t happy about you having other wives, but she understands how it came about. If she gets on with the others you’ll have four wives, if not, only three. Can you live with that?”

“Yes, I can. She shouldn’t join us if she can’t get on with them.”

Bright Fox turns up and tells Will what he has to do while handing him a set of clothes to wear. She leaves him to go into the hogan to speak to the women. Will takes the opportunity to go have a bath in the nearby river before getting dressed in the clothes just given him.

Thinking he may have to wait some time for the ladies Will looks at some of the wood piled up for camp fires and he selects a few pieces to work with. Then he sits to work on the wood with his knife by cutting it down to the shape he wants. It doesn’t take him long to have three bits of wood shaped how he wants before he ties some cord to them.

He smiles when he stands up, because he has quite an audience who wonder what he’s up to. Will hands two items to Sam to hold, steps clear of all his watchers, and he swings the device he made in a big circle. In just two turns it’s making a loud noise and getting lots of attention.

Sam asks, “What the hell is that?”

“It’s a traditional Australian noise maker. We call it a bull-roarer, and it’s used to make a sort of music during celebrations and other things. Some are also made to scare bad spirits away.”

Long Snake walks over and says, “We have something similar for the same purposes. Ours look different to the ones you have there. Why the three shapes?”

“Each shape gives a different sound.” He proceeds to swap them and he tests each one. Thus demonstrating the different tones of them. Being an ambidextrous person he surprises them by timing the swinging while he swings one in each of his hands at the same time. He makes sure to have them swinging in a way to not hit together. The combined sounds of the two of the them together is very different to just one by itself.

A smiling Long Snake designates three of the older boys to practice with these so they can be used during the mating ceremony. Will hands them over then he starts to work on a curved piece of wood. He garners a new audience to watch what he’s up to while he waits.

Due to him using his sharp knives and the saw wire it doesn’t take Will long to carve a boomerang. The sure way he works makes it clear he’s had a lot of experience making these things. He’s almost finished when he’s called to come forward for the ceremony, so he simply tosses the almost finished boomerang into his hogan before he goes to where he’s told to go. About half an hour later he’s a mated man with four wives, and all watching the ceremony are happy.

It’s late afternoon when Will and his family finish packing all of his things into the Wilson’s wagon so it can help carry them back to the ranch. The horses are put on long leads and tied to the back of the wagon. The ladies and Jim sit on the load in the wagon while Sam and Will ride beside it. It’s almost dark when they get back to the ranch, but Will’s women are fast to set up house in the barn for the night.


The next few days are interesting while Will and his ladies establish themselves living out of a teepee he makes for them when he sets it up by the cabin. Most meals end up being eaten at the table in the ranch cabin after all of the ladies work together to cook it. The Indian ladies are surprised at how warm Will’s blankets are so they prefer to sleep in them.

Some days Sam needs Will to help him with things on the ranch, and some days he doesn’t. On his free days Will spends time doing things to help Sam’s family or preparing things for himself. He finishes making several hunting boomerangs and he demonstrates their use, surprising the others when he kills small animals near the ranch with them.

One thing that takes a lot of time, and help from his mates, is the making of a lot of sun dried adobe bricks he uses to build walls around the cabin. He also makes thinner ones to lay on the porch and he cuts sod to put on the roof. He’s about half done before Sam asks him why he’s doing it, and Will says, “Adobe doesn’t burn as easily as wood. Also, it keeps the building cooler in summer and warmer in winter.”

Sam is surprised when Will has two of his ladies join them when they go hunting. After they get some game Will takes time teaching the ladies how to use both the rifles and the pistols. Once all are good with the guns he makes a number of woomeras and spears for them, then he teaches them all how to use the spear throwers to hunt small game. The result is a lot of the smaller local wildlife is added to their daily diet and all of his ladies are accurate with the woomera, pistols, and rifles.

Betty and Ann learn how to make many things the way the Indians do, like moccasins and buckskin clothes while the Indian ladies learn from them as well. The other Indians are regular visitors, and they’re always welcomed. It’s during one visit by a passing hunting party Will learns the Indians have given him the name of Fast Hand.

Will’s family all get to know each other very well while the days turn into weeks, then into months, and soon winter arrives.

Same as Will to Survive
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Willow hadn't intended for the spell to go this way. It was supposed to create a ball of sunlight, and sure enough, it did. But the spell had other effects, as she soon found out. Buffy had been staring straight into the spell for twenty minutes when Willow found her. By that time it was to late. The spell carried Willow's deepest desires with it, and in those twenty minutes Buffy went from straight to bisexual to lesbian. Willow was horrified to realize she'd turned her best friend into a...

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Willows World

Romance, CD, Dick Girl, Panty Boy, Shemale, Flashing, Upskirt, Multiple Partners, Cream Pie SexRusty and Willard had been life long friends, Rusty a football jock and Willard on the swim team. Rusty, muscular and tough, Willard, slim, shaved and long haired. Rusty was also protector and Willard the brain that helped Rusty graduate. Rusty also knew Willard was gay and cross dressed in the privacy of his own home. Rusty spent 3 years in the Army, came home suffering PTSD while Willard had became...

2 years ago
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Wills new old home Part 12

Introduction: Will cant get rid of a boner, Amys new job, Blanes fate, more embarrassment for poor Will, and Paul gets his first orgasm…also Rachel may have dropped another ball Amy walked through the halls of the UCSD Medical Center, wearing pink scrubs and white nursess shoes. Her long blond hair was tied in a bun, she had on red lipstick and black mascara, which complemented her already stunning physical appearance. Today marked a new chapter in Amys life, for though she wasnt in prison, or...

3 years ago
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Wills new old home ending Part 1

Introduction: Will is given an ultimatum, Rachels obsession brings about her downfall, and Brook and Rev. Greene began their Family Reunion To avoid an ending with 20 pages, I broke it into two chapters…so enjoy…….And I am so sorry its been so long!! Ive been so busy lately I barely had enough time to finish this story!! Thanks for reading guys!! And if you like the story, or have some criticism, please leave your comments bellow….Also, whether or not you liked this series, Im open to...

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Wills new old home Part 5

Introduction: So Will has an erotic dream about Brook and Pierce, Lynn and Will deal with hangovers, Amy feels regret, and Rachel, well, she is still crazy…also Blane is still in the hospital Hello, is this Mr. and or Mrs. Bailey? Yes, this is Mrs. Bailey, who is this? This is Dr. Phelps, from the UCSD Medical Center. Your son, Blane, was taken to our emergency room about five minutes ago. He has overdosed on three kinds of substances, we think its a mixture of cocaine, alcohol and another...

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Wills new old home Part 4

Introduction: So theres this party….Lynn goes wild, Will gets drunk, Blane, well hes screwed, and Brook cheats on Will….exciting stuff! Oh! and what does the reverend have to do with it?….Good read, not to much erotic stuff, but just hold on, a super erotic chapter is on the way!! BTW, Haley finds out about Amy Lewiss session with Pierce and Will…..ALSO I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF UNDER AGED DRINKING OR DRUG ABUSE!!! (I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL ESPECIALLY BY MINORs, ITS NOT...

3 years ago
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Wills new home Part 7

Introduction: the Farm, a Traitor, and a great handjob Will walked down stairs, still sporting an obvious boner and a grin on his face. However, as he saw the girls sitting around the kitchen table, he tucked his erection up in the waist band of his boxers, and then proceeded to enter the kitchen. Anna smiled at him seductively, and he smiled back with a face of pure pride and content, what a morning, and what an experience he had had. The morning was slow and relaxed. Maggie returned to the...

1 year ago
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Wills new old home Part 13

Introduction: so this one starts with an erotic dream, Hayden fending off a rapist, Sam secretly fingering Brook, Brook unknowingly giving Sam a handy, Amy harassing a cop, and Will…well hes pretty much asleep the whole damn time….and what is Rachel going to have to do for the cult next? a bit more erotic than my last three stories…enjoy…. Hayden stood still in the doorway, as she walked slowly into the bedroom, shedding her tight tank-top and shorts. Her c-cup breast stuck out, her light...

3 years ago
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Willow and Cordy

BtVS: Willow and Cordy"Do you guys feel hypnotized? Are we supposed to feel hypnotized? Do you think we were hypnotized? 'Cause I don't feel hypnotized," rambled Willow Rosenberg.Buffy and Xander stopped walking and just stared.Willow shrugged. "I guess not.""Willow, the guy was a crock, although the monkey was kinda cool," stated Xander, "Right, Buff?""Definitely," agreed Buffy. "I'm not really one to fall for that 'Ooga wooga, you're under my control mumbo jumbo. Slaying legions of the...

4 years ago
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WillowChapter 10

Willow was sitting in the guest suite. It was located on the Master's side of the house and she had never been in these rooms before. With their muted tones and stained wood furnishings, it was all very masculine, like the library had been. The suite consisted of three rooms. There was a small sitting room that held a leather covered armchair, leather love seat and a small table with a reading lamp. As she sat in the chair, she could see into the bedroom area. The very large bed was covered...

2 years ago
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Wills new home Part 3

Introduction: So not as much sexual content as the others, but good stuff none the less, next one will be chocked full of sex i promise! What do you think of Will? Lisa asked Brook as the three girls sat on the couch watching a movie, each curled around a pillow and wearing pajama bottoms with t-shirts on. Well, what do you mean by that Brook asked. Do you think hes cute? Anna giggled. Brook thought for a minute about Wills appearance. He was defiantly attractive, and had an athletic body. His...

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WillowChapter 7

Page was taught that good habits were important. She set about engraining good habit in Willow from the beginning of her training. Page had given Willow detailed instructions about how her morning was to proceed. She was sleeping on the floor next to Page's bed. Willow's alarm went off at 5:45am and it had to be turned off within the first 10 seconds. She then had 15 minutes to complete her assigned tasks before Page woke at 6:00. She put her blanket and thin pad away, folded neatly, in...

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WillowChapter 9

The next day Willow was amazed how little of Page's skin was damaged. All of the angry redness was gone and only a few spots showed scratches or abrasions. One knee was skinned up, but that was the worst of it. Page herself seemed to be more tense and reflective but Willow dismissed that as exhaustion. Willow was wrong. There were important things on Page's mind. Willow got an idea that things would be different that day as soon as breakfast was over. Page had been instructing Willow on...

2 years ago
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WillowChapter 6

Page released Willow from the belt restraint and the ball gag. "Clean up this mess. Shower and then come find me. Present yourself like you think a slave should. You have two hours." Page left the room and went to fix a small bite to eat. Willow would eat later. Two hours and seven minutes later Willow found Page in a chair looking over blueprints of some kind. Willow stood by her chair and quietly coughed. "Ma'am? I am done ma'am." Page did not move for a minute then looked up and...

1 year ago
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Wills new old home Part 2

Introduction: So this one is less erotic, and focuses on some drama….I like it, you may not, but I like it….btw, if you want to see anything in particular happen in this story, post a comment about what you want to see, and if I like it, its in!! AH! Lynn yelled. She quickly sat up in her bed, clutching her sheets tightly in her hands. She turned around in her bed to put her feet on the carpet. Standing, she walked to the bathroom. What the fuck is wrong with me… She said to herself, as she...

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Wills new home Part 9

Introduction: not super erotic until the end, but some good filler nonetheless, also some drama…everyones favorite Will sat behind the rock, he made no noise except for his panting. The terrain he was in could only be crossed by foot, even if the reverend could drive his truck, he would have to get out and climb the mountain to catch Will. Sitting by the mountain stream, Will thought about what might happen to Maggie. Its all my fault. He thought to himself, If anything happens to her…it will...

1 year ago
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Willow and her Dad Part two1

~ A story in the Young Fern Universe ~ Willow is living with her Dad now and has settled into a comfortable routine. ~ Willow and I sat and watched the sun go down from my sixth floor apartment and cuddled on the couch chair. ‘RING’ I had ordered some Indian food and was expecting the door bell to ring. Willow hopped up to answer the door and brought back some sweet smelling Butter Chicken and curry dishes. We ate and she talked about her time spent with Uncle Mike, Tom and his...

2 years ago
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WillowChapter 16

From where Carl was sitting he could see the four towers of the Bay Bridge. In many ways, the Bay Bridge is a greater engineering achievement than the Golden Gate Bridge just a few miles away. It has four towers instead of two. It has a central anchorage that is big enough to hold the entire Empire State Building. The tunnel on the east side was one of the largest of its day. The Bay Bridge remains a marvel of beauty and engineering. For the moment, Carl did not care one bit about the Bay...

2 years ago
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Another day at Foster Academy. My spirits lift a little since I convinced my friends, Charlotte, Richard, Emily, and William, to go hiking in the woods on the school's property. Well, the word friends isn't really accurate, as they really only tolerate me because my uncle is Headmaster.You see, my parents died in a car accident a year ago and I was sent to live with my only other living relative, Uncle Thomas. He just happens to be Headmaster at this prestigious school. Unfortunately, he...

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"I want to be a slut," Willow whispered."What?" I asked. I didn't quite believe my ears. My best friend Willow, who was sometimes shy beyond belief, had just told me she wanted to be a slut.I guess some background is in order. Willow and I met as lab partners during our sophomore year of college. She was shy and had a hard time speaking around others, but she was hella smart. Over the course of the semester we became close friends and some of her shyness vanished around me. She would still go...

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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 8

Around midnight Lord Blackmon woke Willow and ordered her to take Page down from her suspension, remove her hood, and make sure she was ok. He instructed her to take her to the bathroom, give her water and a protein drink if she needed it, and then chain her in the bondage room. When that was completed, Willow was to come back to Lord Blackmon’s bed. When he had completed giving her instructions he rolled over on his side and slipped back to sleep. She released Page from the frame and half...

1 year ago
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Willy and her Friends2

There were a lot of international students at Willy’s school from lots of different cultures. Girls had heard Dixie’s story and wanted some instruction of their own. “Some of them have never seen a guy’s thing, a lot of them are virgins and they want somebody safe to show them. Dixie has convinced them that you’re the guy. I’m thinking we can make some good money off this situation,” Willy said in my room a few weeks after Christmas. “What do you mean, make money?” I asked. “Look, Tim,...

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Willow Autumn Dakota Elle

Willow, Autumn, Dakota & Elle In on an airport’s pick-up area Willow and Autumn stand with their luggage, as a car pulls up, and Dakota sticks her head out. “Oh, my God!” she squeals, “You’re so grown up!”Behind her, Elle gets out.“Not as much as her!” Willow jokes.“Oh, I know, my baby sister just shot up overnight. She could carry me now!”Elle goes around back, and opens the trunk, and her and Autumn load the luggage in. “Did you just get that cut?” Elle says, referring to Autumn’s short...

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WillowChapter 17

She was lying on her stomach because the tight floor length hobble skirt would only allow her to bend her knees only a little. The leather skirt was open in the back leaving her ass exposed. An anal hook was embedded in her ass and was connected to a ball gag harness by a rope. The rope was adjusted so that Page's back had to be slightly bent backwards. To see what she was doing Page had to put most of her upper body weight on her breasts. Moving meant pulling herself along the floor an inch...

1 year ago
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WillowChapter 11

As the day of the Expo drew closer, Page felt the pressure to get everyone ready for the experience. There were clothes to buy, arrangements to make and preparing both Carl and Willow for what they would see. There was also a box game event to complete too. Page cut the cards and came up with a seven of hearts. The task outlined for that card involved a dildo. In one corner of the Play Room was a short stand about twenty four inches high. The dice roll told her she had to select a fairly...

2 years ago
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Willy Mo Mamba 2

If you like any of my stories you can get my full length novels at http://www.bondagebookshelf.com Enjoy! If you aren’t into early teen frolics, please check out other stories. Willy Mo was a street kid and he was as black as the ace of spades. He was from the wrong side of the tracks, didn’t know who his father was and was well entrenched at the poverty line, being a third generation welfare client. He’d only occasionally attended high school classes and his grades, for the...

2 years ago
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Willow Seduces Her Father

Goddammit! She was going to be late for school again! One would think she could set an alarm and get the hell out of bed when it went off but Willow would slap it off and roll over for another few more minutes sleep. He hurried down the hall to her bedroom and threw open the door then slammed to a halt, the shout of “Get up!” stuck in his throat. His daughter was lying on her back, uncovered by blankets, as nude as the day she came into this world. Her eyes were closed in sleep so she didn’t...

3 years ago
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WillowChapter 19

When Carl stepped into the private dining room, the first thing he noticed was a server asking the four men about taking drink orders. The woman was very pretty with flame red hair and pale freckles. She was dressed in the uniform of the house-help with a green short halter top and a low ride miniskirt that showed off her very slim waist and flat tummy. The uniform was important to distinguish her as an employee and not a slave. Carl touched her on the arm and said, "Excuse me, but could I...

2 years ago
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Willy Mo Mamba 1

If you like any of my stories you can get my full length novels Enjoy! If you aren’t into early teen frolics, please check out other stories. Willy Mo was a street kid and he was as black as the ace of spades. He was from the wrong side of the tracks, didn’t know who his father was and was well entrenched at the poverty line, being a third generation welfare client. He’d only occasionally attended high school classes and his grades, for the most part were piss poor. ...

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WillowChapter 18

Carl held the small recorder in his hand as it played. Page and Willow knelt at his feet giving all of their attention to the description of the investigation and what the police knew or thought they knew. When the recording finished, Carl leaned back and said, "Well, it is clear that 'Master Carl' is not the focus of the inquiry." It had been made clear to Page and Willow that this discussion was operating on the "kneeling pad" principles. Page took advantage of that to ask, "Sir,...

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Willow and her Dad2

~ A story in the Young Fern Universe ~ This story follows on from the “Young Fern Part Six” and revolves around Willow and her new life living with her Dad. ~ Philip had just been through a sole crushing divorce which saw his wife of 15 years try to take him for all he was worth and deny him the right to ever see his daughter again. Her vituperative comments came to nothing when as it turned out she was found to be cheating on him with the very lawyer that was representing her and with...

2 years ago
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WillowChapter 12

To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Carl Page, It has been quite the adventure down here this week. Our ship was caught in the ice for almost twelve hours. The wind shifted and a nearby ice field decided to pack itself around our ship while we were trying to deploy one of the large telemetry buoys. The hull was damaged, but nothing major. The wind shifted again and we were able to work free. We might have to go back to New Zealand for repairs if the damage...

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WillowChapter 4

Page stepped into the steaming shower. She held her hands under the very warm water for a few moments, then reached for the body wash and poured some in her hand. Slowly she began spreading the scented liquid across his back and down his ass and legs. She then reached around, under his arms, and gripped his shoulders. This drew her body into his, her firm breasts pressed into his back just where she had placed the body wash a moment before. She then began to move. It was like a dance but the...

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WillowChapter 8

Gorp It was called the Rose House for a good reason. There were extensive rose gardens all around the house. Each had a theme and a purpose. The front was a cheerful series of terraced beds that welcomed and comforted those arriving. It was, as it were, the public face of Rose house. The two along the sides of the house were exotic in variety of plants and how they were presented. They were outdoor, long-term experiments in design and presentation. The back courtyard and garden of the house...

4 years ago
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Wills new home Final Chapter

Introduction: kinda long, but its the last story so why not? Sex scene is in the middle, lots of non erotic stuff, but still a good story Brook had to rest, her body was begging for relief, but she kept running up the hill. I bet theyre at the well… She thought to herself. Brook was almost to the point of collapse as she ran. The sole thought of Will being in danger kept her going. She couldnt bear the thought of losing him, she just couldnt accept such a thing. Brook finally reached the top...

2 years ago
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Wills new old home Part 8

Introduction: the plot advances as Pierce and Will witness Rachel drop the ball about Mark and the woman in the restaurant, Lynn and tells her dad that shes a Lesbian and Brook devises a plan to get rid of Amy lewis That night Haley called Brook on her cell phone. Hello? Brook, i have to tell you something What? Brook asked. Its something bad, and I need your help Well what is it? Its Pierce and Will. Ms. Lewis makes them come in early everyday or stay late, and she-uh-she makes them do...

1 year ago
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Wills new home Part 10

Introduction: thing get interesting, not to much erotic stuff but should be a good read, I dont know, just read it…the second to last chapter, enjoy I cant believe he did this Brook thought to herself. She was now sitting on the couch with Lisa and Maggie, as she felt unfathomable sadness overcome her. The pure and utter betrayal of her first love and her best friend seemed to be too much for her to handle. Brook, listen. I know what your going through. Believe me when I saw that you cant...

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Wills new home Part 4

Introduction: Will and Brook finally express their love, and Will explores his strange fetish Will sat on his couch, his hand quickly stroking his five and half inch teenaged dic. He continued stroking his erect cock, meanwhile starring at the assortment of porn magazines strewn out on the coffee table before him. Right now, Will had on only his green t-shirt, and had thrown his boxers and shorts in the corner of the room while he masturbated furiously to the images before him. He looked down...

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Wills new old home ENDING

Introduction: this one ended with a touchy-feely ending, but I like it, and you possibly might like it too!! Sorry its not as erotic as it could be, but, you know what, its good closure, and Im happy with it please write to me if you want to make a series or a stand alone story with any of my characters, Im more than happy to approve them, and also, dont worry all twelve of my fans Ive got another story under consideration, and I promise it will be better than this one, as in 10 times more...

1 year ago
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Willy Takes ChargeChapter 2

Willy stared at his nude mother who was still tied spread eagle on the bed. She had red welts from the tawse his grandfather had left him as a gift. She had stripes left by the split leather across the front of her thighs and more on her full breasts. There were several globs of Willy's cum cooling on his mother's stomach and breasts. He had shot an intense load of cream without ever having touched his cock. His cock now hung limp from his groin but it was beginning to rise again while he...

1 year ago
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WillowChapter 13b

Steve watched the slave girl getting fucked and felt the anger burning brightly within his mind. He felt his commitment to the cause growing stronger and better defined. While the rest of the crowd saw a girl dressed in black, he saw Dee and the night she died. This was what he had come to stop. He wondered what the other slave, the one dressed in black but with her tits out, was saying to the bound slave? She was probably whispering encouragements and comforting words to the poor girl being...

4 years ago
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WillowChapter 15

Highway seventeen is notorious for delays. The winding road is narrow and often lacks a shoulder. Traffic going both north and south is heavy. Whether it was a stalled vehicle, road work or a crash, any event brings everyone to a halt. There are no bypasses and no turning around. Being stuck in traffic is a great time to think. You are captive and can't simply move on to some other activity. The boredom forces the mind to reach out for stimulation. Being in the mountains between San Jose...

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