Mummy Ki Mamafod Chudai
- 4 years ago
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As the day of the Expo drew closer, Page felt the pressure to get everyone ready for the experience. There were clothes to buy, arrangements to make and preparing both Carl and Willow for what they would see. There was also a box game event to complete too.
Page cut the cards and came up with a seven of hearts. The task outlined for that card involved a dildo. In one corner of the Play Room was a short stand about twenty four inches high. The dice roll told her she had to select a fairly large dildo to mount on the stand. It was just long enough that she could take all of it in her pussy and her ass would touch the top of the stand itself. This was not a good thing for Page.
The top of the stand had two electrical contacts. When the circuit was completed by touching the contacts, the computer determined how long it had been since last contact, how long she had been in contact and how high the current was the last time. If Page fucked down hard on the dildo but did not stay down, it might not shock her at all. If she stayed down, like to rest, it could ramp up the voltage to get her moving again. If she had not been in contact at all for a while, the next touch would be painful.
The stand was high enough that Page could not be on her knees, but low enough that she could not stand. Her feet where shackled but her hands were free. A rope ran from the back of her collar to a frozen timer like she had used on The Wall. The rope ran through a hole in the base, through the leg shackle and back up to the front of her collar. The rig kept her from standing up completely and coming off the dildo. She was in a squat and would remain there till the ice timer released her. The only course of action was for her to keep deeply fucking the dildo until the ice timer melted and she could get off the dildo or be shocked repeatedly and painfully.
When she was finally released she was covered in sweat, her hair matted down on her face and her legs could not hold her up. She ended up crawling out of the Play Room to her bed. She had been in the Play Room for just under two hours.
Willow spent this time scrubbing all the furniture on the back porch. She had learned that every corner and even the underside of the chairs, tables and chaise lounge would be inspected by Page for perfection. She worked with a focus and with a determination to get it right.
She also wore a wide leather belt that had a strap that ran through her crotch and up the crack of her ass. The strap held a dildo and a butt plug in place. It had been a challenge to learn to walk, bend, and work with the toys in place. It had really been hard when the dildo came to life and started vibrating and shocking her. What she did not know was that the dildo was controlled by the same computer program that controlled the stand Page had been riding. When Page was shocked, so was Willow. When Page rode the dildo hard, Willow's dildo vibrated.
Page would explain it to her later that night.
Page had Willow wear the belt with the dildo and plug for another reason. She would be wearing them at The Master's Expo in a few days. They would be a part of Willow's costume.
In some ways Carl's outfit had been the most contentious. Carl would have gone in khaki pants and a San Francisco Giants baseball cap if Page had not insisted that it would make him stand out worse than if he was naked! But alternatives to the ball cap outfit were few and far between in Carl's wardrobe. So Page made arrangements for him to see Lord Blackmon's tailor for something more appropriate. This would also be Willow's first outing as a slave.
Los Gatos is located on the southern edge of the metropolis of Silicon Valley. It was an exclusive and wealthy area even before the computer revolution brought incredible wealth to the area. It is a place of mature good taste as opposed to the garishness of San Francisco. That does not mean it was unfamiliar with the ownership and use of slaves. Old Money has a tendency to enjoy beautiful women. Once it was trophy wives that shopped and gossiped along tree lined streets. Now beautiful slaves, gagged and bound, were led by master and mistresses in front of the shops that catered to the expensive tastes of the area's wealthy and powerful.
Carl parked the Range Rover in the small lot reserved for clients of Teller and Teller Clothier. Page exited the back seat and then helped Willow do the same. Willow's arms were bound in a black arm binder. She wore a wide posture collar and corset, also in black. She had on black high heel boots that came up to her knees and her ankles were shackled about two feet apart. Her jet black hair was about an inch long and stood up straight from her head through the harness gag she wore. The harness held a bright red ball gag in place. Other than that, she was naked.
The workout Page had been putting Willow through was having an effect. Willow no longer carried extra weight around her middle but had become quite slim. Muscle tone was becoming more evident in her thighs and calves. But where the work really had born fruit was her ass. Page and Willow had carved away the excess flesh and left something a goddess would have been proud of. It was Page's plan to feature Willow's ass in her outfit for the Expo.
Willow was not thinking about any of that. She was thinking this was her first time in public as a naked slave. Her fair skin flashed red with her blush from her face down across her ivory breasts. She wanted to hide or run, but the bondage prohibited both. Yet there was another feeling too. She thought at first the trembling was fear, but she also felt the freedom of someone else making her do this. She was displayed and she found it exciting.
Page led her by a leash attached to the posture collar. Page was dressed in a similar way with the posture collar, corset and boots in red. However her hands were free and she was not gagged.
Both Page and Willow followed Carl into the shop. An incredibly thin man met them just inside the door. Page stepped sideways and eased down to the floor in a kneeling position, guiding Willow beside her.
"I am Silas Teller. You must be ... Carl." The owner's voice dripped with condescension.
Carl had been reluctant to follow Page's suggestion regarding how he was to dress for the Expo, but he was beginning to see her wisdom. Dressed as he was in a polo shirt and mall bought slacks, he did not have this man's respect. Carl slipped into the skin he had worn as an undercover cop and began to rapidly adapt to the environment.
Carl had been shaking the thin man's hand carefully lest he hurt him. But now he increased the pressure of the handshake slightly and looked straight into Silas Teller's face without the slightest trace of a smile. "Lord Blackmon recommended I come here. I lost my suits in Hong Kong and had to fly back in these clothes. I have meetings in Sacramento the next few days and need something ... appropriate. Are you up to that?"
The shop owner stiffened at the challenge of his shop being good enough and said, "I am sure we can meet your needs. Do you have some..."
Carl waved his hand like he was dismissing the man. "What do I know of fabrics and styles? My staff and slaves do all of that. Lord Blackmon loaned me this one," he waved towards Page, "to set me up with everything. I need for you to measure and do it fast. I have a call in twenty minutes to brief me for the reporters. This slave will pick everything out."
Carl turned to Page and sneered, "Make me look bad and I will buy you from Blackmon just to stake you in the sun for a week."
Carl's act was so good, Page had chills and the fear on her face was quite real. "Yes my lord. I will not fail you or my master."
Carl spun around again and looked at the tailor then stepped up on the raised platform and mutter, "Get to work."
The skinny tailor flitted around Carl like a hummingbird, taking measurements while muttering to himself. Carl's posture projected impatience and annoyance. As soon as the measurements were completed, Carl stepped off the riser and went right out the door, pulling his cell phone from his pocket and pretending to make a very important call. The door was glass and he could watch after Page and Willow while continuing his act.
"Such an unpleasant man," Silas said to no one, but Page overheard.
"But he is very powerful," Page said in an urgent voice. "Please sir, I know Lord Blackmon likes you. Please be careful around this man. I think even the Governor is afraid of him."
"Well, let's get started then," Silas said nervously.
Page had already prepared a list of what they wanted, including the fabrics and styles. Carl would be getting six new suits, three wool and three silk, "Please include a dozen shirts that would work with these colors and a least a dozen ties. Pick some that will look good on camera. The studio lights are harsh, so keep that in mind."
Silas was really getting excited. 'My suits will be on television! Maybe this guy will be on the national news looking great in a suit I made!' He could see his sales soaring with his fame.
He turned back to Page and asked when Carl needed them. Page told him they would need to pick up the first three in two days. Silas nodded his head in agreement but was only thinking about what might look best for a press conference.
Page told him to put everything on Lord Blackmon's account, then stood up and pulled Willow up with her. Carl was still pretending to be on an urgent call but saw them stand up through the glass front door.
At that moment, Willow felt a hand sliding across her ass while another took hold of her arm binder. "Is this one available for my use? This is a rush order and I need an incentive, you know, to get all this done on such short notice," Silas hissed in a low voice.
Willow was terrified and, to her surprise, excited. He could push her down and fuck her right here, in front of the window, in front of everyone, and she could not stop him! Page could not physically stop him because she was a slave too. Conflicting feelings crashed into her. She was learning she liked the exposure and fear.
Page said, "She is a gift from Lord Blackmon to Master Carl. I don't think Master Carl is the sharing kind, at least not without asking first."
Silas looked out the glass door at Carl. The cold fury that was evident in his face made the tailor reconsider his actions. With an expression that showed regret and envy, he pushed Willow towards the door. Page was right behind.
As Willow and Page passed Carl, he did not look at them. He was wholly focused on the thin weasel behind the glass door. Just as Page got past Carl, she realized that the anger on his face was not a part of any act. But once the girls were past him and safe, Carl banked his feelings and returned to playing a part.
Even when they were in the car, Carl did not drop the act. Too many undercover cops had been compromised by letting their guard down too soon. This was the persona that Carl would need at the Expo. Page decided to ride the moment with him.
"Master Carl, you will need shoes to go with the new suits. A very good shoe store is in the next block. May this slave assist you picking out some shoes?"
Carl picked up on the fact that Page had not broken character yet. He was not sure why she was doing it but his reflexes told him to keep going. Using the same voice he had in the tailor's shop he said, "If we can be quick."
Page lowered her head, "Yes sir, we will be quick."
They entered the shoe shop just as they had the tailor's, except Carl was already in character. He turned to the first clerk he saw and said, "Can you help me? I need some shoes and I am in a hurry. Just measure my foot and this slave will tell you what to bring out. Let's go!" He clapped twice to help move the clerk along.
It looked like there was only one clerk in the store but there were customers ahead of them. It did not matter. The other two customers in the store were gaping at the two naked slaves. Carl, always the student of human behavior, wanted to laugh. He could have robbed the store and these two guys could not have identified him. He is not sure they even looked his way.
Page had seen this too and thought this might be an interesting time to expand Willow's training. Both slaves had knelt next to Carl's chair as the clerk measured his foot. Page then told the clerk which style shoes were needed. When the clerk scurried away to bring the boxes of shoes, Page stood up. She guided Willow to her feet the directed her to kneel in front of Carl's chair but facing to the side. Page pushed Willow's head down until it touched the floor. She then carefully placed Carl's socked feet up on Willow's back. Willow was now Carl's footrest.
Carl was shocked, but again his undercover training kept him in character. He crossed his feet and pulled out his cell phone like he was checking his email. Page returned to his side with her head down. When the clerk returned he was confronted for the first time with the human footstool. He decided the only thing he could do was to ignore Willow and try to sell this man some shoes. The clerk talked about the quality and look of the shoe while lacing up the first sample. He then used a shoehorn to slip the Italian leather shoes on Carl's foot.
Carl took his feet off of Willow and stood up to get a feel of the new shoes. The clerk stayed on his low stool and took a moment to point out the excellent stitching and materials. Page could see that while the clerk was talking, he was also running his hand over Willow's ass. This was different than the creep at the tailor's shop. There was nothing possessive or predatory in his touch. This was just a boy coping a feel of a pretty girl. Willow squirmed very slightly.
However, there was more than one person that needed some training in slave culture. Page remembered her conversation with Carl over the difference between seeing them as women and seeing them as slaves. Carl had taken a step towards treating them like slaves, but there was still a long way to go before he would really understand. Page decided to challenge him while he was in character and in public.
When Carl sat down again the clerk took the first pair of shoes off and began lacing up the next pair for Carl to try. While he droned on about the color and style of the shoes he had brought, Page reached up and took Carl's right hand and brought it down to her left breast.
Carl thought Page was trying to rattle him, but he was a professional. If Page was going to rattle him she would have to do better than this. In fact he was the most highly decorated undercover agent in the western states. The unexpected and outrageous was where he thrived. Carl decided to call her bluff. He began to openly play with Page's nipple. He began to tug on it and gently twisting it too. The actions were casual, almost like a habit, done without thought. Carl was not sure who moaned first; Page or the guys watching the action from across the room.
"What do you think slave?" Carl asked Page. She had gotten lost in the sensation and had forgotten to look at the shoes. After stammering for a moment, Page replied that both pairs would work with his new suites. Carl realized she had lost her focus for a moment and mentally marked that one as a point for him.
He was not so sure a moment later when Page reached up and began to gently stroke and caress his arm, wrist and the hand that was still playing with her breast. Carl felt his cock begin to respond to all the stimulation. It was his turn to stammer when the clerk asked if he needed to see anything else.
"No, I think these will do. Please put those in the boxes. This slave will pay and carry them out. Include a dozen pairs of black socks too." With that Carl pinched Page's nipple and made her squeak. She took this as her cue to stand up and follow the clerk to the register.
In the meantime Carl took a moment before taking his feet off of Willow. "You, little slave, put my shoes back on my feet," he said. Willow unfolded from her low crouch and sensuously slid Carl's feet back into his penny loafers. Carl thought that it was as erotic an act as touching Page's breast.
When they walked out, Carl made sure to walk the slaves close to the two men that had been gawking the whole time. He wanted to make sure they were still breathing.
The ride back to the house was quiet. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, Carl was ashamed of his actions. He had taken advantage of Page. Lord Blackmon had trusted him and he had violated that trust. He was sure that Page would contact Lord Blackmon and have him removed from his position.
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I love summer. I hate the heat and the humidity, especially in the City. But I do love the Summer. Dresses get shorter and heels get higher. The variety of heels and skirts that shuffle, hobble and march their way down the streets is amazing. Sure there are the skinny girls that would look good in a potato sack, but those often can’t walk in heels. A woman needs to be able to walk in heels — not so much walk in heels as saunter, swaying gently. Not that grotesque model swaying, that looks too...
By : Sexmaster Few Months back I was travelling by a train with my friend along with his wife Sumathi and his only daughter Naviya to his native to attend a marriage of our friend. Sumathi is 38 years old looks like tamil actress preetha (Actress Manjula’s daughter) and her figure is 36-30-40, medium fair with charming smile, big eyes and tempting beauty, that day wearing black blouse and plain violet saree. Her daughter Naviya is just touching 18 years. But she had good boobs with 32-24-34...
What’s her name again? Amy? Ashley? Allie? Fuck it, you can’t ask her now. The noise of the crowded frat party deafens you. And besides, the short, skinny freshman is all over you. You’re cleaning her alcohol-stained mouth with your tongue in the corner of your crowded frat house, one hand in her soft, messy blond hair and the other lifting up her skirt to squeeze her firm little ass through her thin panties. You’re only thinking of her nameless but very tempting body. “Let’s go somewhere we...
Mind ControlThe trees have turned and the daylight doesn’t linger as long as it use to. A rich landscape of green has been repainted with the subtle hues of orange and gold. The sand traps are riddled with fallen leaves and if you brave the afternoon chill long enough to play the back nine you will be rewarded with a view from the fourteenth tee that is as pretty as an autumn postcard. Early frosts are already biting into my morning tee times and the gentle summer breezes have yielded to hearty northern...
Catherine de Medici (1519-1589), queen of France (1547-1559) and mother of the last three Valoiskings of France. She was a major force in French politics during the 30 yearsof Roman Catholic-Huguenot wars and an instigator of the St Bartholomew's DayMassacre . Catherine was born on April 13, 1519, in Florence, the daughter of the Florentineruler Lorenzo de' Medici , called Lorenzo the Magnificent. In 1533 she marriedthe duc d'Orl?ans, who became king of France in 1547 as Henry II . She...
Hello, I just want to introduce myself. I'm John's penis and I want to share our adventures with you. A little about John, he's 6'1” and pretty fit. He keeps his dark hair neatly trimmed and stays clean shaven. He does well with the ladies, so I assume he's a good talker. Me? I'm a circumcised grower who ends up being a solid 8” long with good girth. When I'm really excited I am hard as a steel rod, and honestly I am pretty easy to excite. I spend most of my days in the dark either sleeping or...
Chapter 2 Tinkerbelle’s training Early on the morning of her second day aboard the Jolly Roger, Tink awoke to the first glimmers of sunlight peeking through the panes of the great stern cabin of the brigantine vessel. With a yawn and a stretch and a flutter of her wings, Tink arose and padded over the rough deck planks to the windows and peered outside. The sky was still purple with specs of blue and a yellow-gold stab of sunlight. Neverland’s two moons were visible on the horizon. Tink smiled,...
Dani was beside herself with excitement at the thought of getting fucked by her brother. She’s seen that big cock of his in action on her computer screen, and couldn’t believe that she was really going to have it inside her, to have him be her first. It was her dream come true. “Gosh, Mom, if it feels as good as you say, I can’t wait.” Sonya knowingly nodded her head as she continued to maul Dani’s substantial breasts. “Oh, it feels as good as I say. You won’t believe how amazing that huge...
Introduction: Thanks for reading. This is my first story with these characters and I have many ideas on where to take the story, so look forward to future chapters. I will happily take any advice or suggestions. I entered the old barn and found her sleeping there, bound and gagged, wearing nothing besides the pair of sexy high heels and knee socks that I loved so much. My wifes hands were chained to the wall and each leg had its own restraint on the floor. Under her hips was a large pillow,...
I was out most of the day not really thinking about anything specific. I played a round of golf and came home, showered and started to work on some of my video files. I’ve collected many gigabytes of my favorite subject, that of female masturbation. I don’t know why it turns me on so much but seeing any woman climax to their fingers is a rush that I love. I enjoy piecing together clips and produce longer videos, and at times posting them online. I recently produced a music video dedicated to my...
Mister Garrik looked up at the ceiling, raising an eyebrow at the muffled sounds of a woman’s pleasure. “Mister Sterling, I appreciate your time, but I came here to do business, not be distracted by the sounds of blue theatre.”Will cleared his throat. “Apologies, Mister Garrik.” Will’s quick mind pulled a lie out of thin air. He was talking before he’d really formulated his story. “I am hosting a friend who... used to work as a brothel girl. She upset the madam and was kicked out of her room. I...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMay 1981 — Milford/Cincinnati, Ohio “Steve Adams, I promised to fuck you to within an inch of your life, and that’s what I’m going to do. If you can walk out of this hotel tomorrow morning, I’ve failed!” “I do need to be able to walk out, as well as drive home!” I protested with a laugh. “True. So maybe only to within two inches. Or is it just over six?” she giggled. “Cute, Bethany, cute!” I chuckled. “And,” she smirked, licking her lips with the tip of her tongue, “I have a very special...
Tuesday Afternoon Okay, if I hear one more person, male or female, of any age, say to me, naked or not, "let's go into the darkroom and see what develops," I am going to punch him or her in the nose! No jury in the world would convict me. "Hi, Beth, let's go in the darkroom and see what develops," was the greeting I got from every one of the eight boys in the photography club as they joined me, one by one, by the soccer field. The three girls who were club members winced and groaned,...
Stunning Asian spinner Cindy Starfall challenges her pussy with the BIGGEST cock she’s ever seen, Dredd! Dressed in one piece sheer lingerie with rose patterns on it and high heels, Cindy shakes her ass by the pool as she talks about how excited she is to meet Dredd. She pulls out her tits and plays with her perky nipples then makes her way up the stairs to tease you until Dredd arrives. He joins her outside and is blown away by how spunky this little spinner is while he examines her perfect...
xmoviesforyouIt was just an overnight trip, a ninety-minute flight from home. Em hadn’t really wanted to go, but there was no one else on her team who could make it. So she had packed just an overnight bag, booked the best motel in town, and consoled herself that she’d be out of there first thing in the morning. The dinner was boring, as most such things are. It ended early, as mostly they did in two-and-a-half-horse towns. Most of the dinner goers called it a night but Em wasn’t ready to quit and neither...
Hey need to talk about what happened yesterday has never been so horny in my entire life.Me and two friends where at the pub we are 20 years and then at 3am we decide to have an afterparty. At my apartment. We sit down to listen to music and drinking whiskey, one of my friends passed out on the couch and fell asleep.I felt tired and fell asleep in the other couch, but wake up after maybe 30 minutes of my other friend was moaning.I now remembered that i forgot my inflatable lovedoll in my...
Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 27: Perfect Circle It was a Saturday afternoon. Holly and I had been out doing the typical couple stuff, shopping, eating lunch, nothing out of the ordinary. As I pulled into the driveway, we both noticed some extra vehicles. We walked in the front door, to a surprise. There was six girls sitting in our living room. Sandy and Stephanie, of course. Sandy, the short latino with large natural breasts, Stephanie the blonde with small tits. But also...
PANTY CHECK by Quizzer Part one: "Is that the hunky stallion who just moved into town?" Tommy asked his aunt, the Fag-Hag about this openly gay, vegan muscle boy from across the room. Tommy was the Fag-Hag's gay nephew and houseguest. He was visiting from San Francisco and wanted to date local young men. "His name is Dale," the Fag-Hag answered. "I know he looks cute, Tommy, but the gay gym crowd isn't boyfriend material for you." "If you want a boyfriend - You should dress up...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I have had excellent feedback on the Quad’s, and as long as you the reader keep asking for more, I will continue writing. Enjoy. **** Shit! We were in trouble. My parents, who had left for the weekend, had returned early and caught my sisters, brother and I in bed together. Let me explain. My name is Shawn. My sisters, Stephanie and Stacy, along with my brother, Shane and I are a set of identical 18 yr. old quadruplets. A few nights ago, we consummated...
Incest!!! NOTE !!! One of the endings has now been completed! Any guys or girls out there can message me new ideas for encounters or another ending. Let me know and I will write it in. There are still a few paths to take! WARNING: this contains some intense ballbusting. Prepare your nuts. BACKGROUND: In the near future, the world is dominated by women. Men are subjugated to work as slaves for them until they hit 21. At that point men have the choice to enter The Arena. If you make it through then...
BDSMWe move to Christy’s bedroom. Entering Jo says “Dick get on your back on the bed. Christy finish what you started. Susie lay by Dick.” Christy straddles me sliding my cock into her tight cunt. I take one of her tits in hand toying with it. I watch as Susie lays beside me and Jo on her side by her. Jo and Susie begin kissing. Jo’s hand is at Susies pussy. Christy is riding me. I’m in turmoil trying to watch all thats going on and with Christy fucking me. It almost impossible to keep up....
Synopsis: Two women in a bar... one of them snarls at the other from time to time. The other one makes like I-am-above-all-that. One of the people there asks whats the problem, since the brunette is really looking daggers at the woman next to her. Angry, almost sobbing she gets up and leaves. She then goes over the events that led to this. Two Months Hence She's looking at them. I can feel it. She's undressing them with her eyes. The slut! While I sit here helpless, she tears me...
The Deception of Choice. Episode Two, comprising Chapters 3, 4, & 5. Preamble David's life might be thought, by those more concerned with physical rather than mental deprivation, to have taken a more promising turn. Perhaps so but David is less than convinced; indeed in his mind the confusion mounts. And the sweet reasonableness of it all so difficult to resist. Chapter 3. The perfumed warmth of the room engulfed him. It was an alien place after the cell. The warmth...