WillowChapter 11 free porn video

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As the day of the Expo drew closer, Page felt the pressure to get everyone ready for the experience. There were clothes to buy, arrangements to make and preparing both Carl and Willow for what they would see. There was also a box game event to complete too.

Page cut the cards and came up with a seven of hearts. The task outlined for that card involved a dildo. In one corner of the Play Room was a short stand about twenty four inches high. The dice roll told her she had to select a fairly large dildo to mount on the stand. It was just long enough that she could take all of it in her pussy and her ass would touch the top of the stand itself. This was not a good thing for Page.

The top of the stand had two electrical contacts. When the circuit was completed by touching the contacts, the computer determined how long it had been since last contact, how long she had been in contact and how high the current was the last time. If Page fucked down hard on the dildo but did not stay down, it might not shock her at all. If she stayed down, like to rest, it could ramp up the voltage to get her moving again. If she had not been in contact at all for a while, the next touch would be painful.

The stand was high enough that Page could not be on her knees, but low enough that she could not stand. Her feet where shackled but her hands were free. A rope ran from the back of her collar to a frozen timer like she had used on The Wall. The rope ran through a hole in the base, through the leg shackle and back up to the front of her collar. The rig kept her from standing up completely and coming off the dildo. She was in a squat and would remain there till the ice timer released her. The only course of action was for her to keep deeply fucking the dildo until the ice timer melted and she could get off the dildo or be shocked repeatedly and painfully.

When she was finally released she was covered in sweat, her hair matted down on her face and her legs could not hold her up. She ended up crawling out of the Play Room to her bed. She had been in the Play Room for just under two hours.

Willow spent this time scrubbing all the furniture on the back porch. She had learned that every corner and even the underside of the chairs, tables and chaise lounge would be inspected by Page for perfection. She worked with a focus and with a determination to get it right.

She also wore a wide leather belt that had a strap that ran through her crotch and up the crack of her ass. The strap held a dildo and a butt plug in place. It had been a challenge to learn to walk, bend, and work with the toys in place. It had really been hard when the dildo came to life and started vibrating and shocking her. What she did not know was that the dildo was controlled by the same computer program that controlled the stand Page had been riding. When Page was shocked, so was Willow. When Page rode the dildo hard, Willow's dildo vibrated.

Page would explain it to her later that night.

Page had Willow wear the belt with the dildo and plug for another reason. She would be wearing them at The Master's Expo in a few days. They would be a part of Willow's costume.

In some ways Carl's outfit had been the most contentious. Carl would have gone in khaki pants and a San Francisco Giants baseball cap if Page had not insisted that it would make him stand out worse than if he was naked! But alternatives to the ball cap outfit were few and far between in Carl's wardrobe. So Page made arrangements for him to see Lord Blackmon's tailor for something more appropriate. This would also be Willow's first outing as a slave.

Los Gatos is located on the southern edge of the metropolis of Silicon Valley. It was an exclusive and wealthy area even before the computer revolution brought incredible wealth to the area. It is a place of mature good taste as opposed to the garishness of San Francisco. That does not mean it was unfamiliar with the ownership and use of slaves. Old Money has a tendency to enjoy beautiful women. Once it was trophy wives that shopped and gossiped along tree lined streets. Now beautiful slaves, gagged and bound, were led by master and mistresses in front of the shops that catered to the expensive tastes of the area's wealthy and powerful.

Carl parked the Range Rover in the small lot reserved for clients of Teller and Teller Clothier. Page exited the back seat and then helped Willow do the same. Willow's arms were bound in a black arm binder. She wore a wide posture collar and corset, also in black. She had on black high heel boots that came up to her knees and her ankles were shackled about two feet apart. Her jet black hair was about an inch long and stood up straight from her head through the harness gag she wore. The harness held a bright red ball gag in place. Other than that, she was naked.

The workout Page had been putting Willow through was having an effect. Willow no longer carried extra weight around her middle but had become quite slim. Muscle tone was becoming more evident in her thighs and calves. But where the work really had born fruit was her ass. Page and Willow had carved away the excess flesh and left something a goddess would have been proud of. It was Page's plan to feature Willow's ass in her outfit for the Expo.

Willow was not thinking about any of that. She was thinking this was her first time in public as a naked slave. Her fair skin flashed red with her blush from her face down across her ivory breasts. She wanted to hide or run, but the bondage prohibited both. Yet there was another feeling too. She thought at first the trembling was fear, but she also felt the freedom of someone else making her do this. She was displayed and she found it exciting.

Page led her by a leash attached to the posture collar. Page was dressed in a similar way with the posture collar, corset and boots in red. However her hands were free and she was not gagged.

Both Page and Willow followed Carl into the shop. An incredibly thin man met them just inside the door. Page stepped sideways and eased down to the floor in a kneeling position, guiding Willow beside her.

"I am Silas Teller. You must be ... Carl." The owner's voice dripped with condescension.

Carl had been reluctant to follow Page's suggestion regarding how he was to dress for the Expo, but he was beginning to see her wisdom. Dressed as he was in a polo shirt and mall bought slacks, he did not have this man's respect. Carl slipped into the skin he had worn as an undercover cop and began to rapidly adapt to the environment.

Carl had been shaking the thin man's hand carefully lest he hurt him. But now he increased the pressure of the handshake slightly and looked straight into Silas Teller's face without the slightest trace of a smile. "Lord Blackmon recommended I come here. I lost my suits in Hong Kong and had to fly back in these clothes. I have meetings in Sacramento the next few days and need something ... appropriate. Are you up to that?"

The shop owner stiffened at the challenge of his shop being good enough and said, "I am sure we can meet your needs. Do you have some..."

Carl waved his hand like he was dismissing the man. "What do I know of fabrics and styles? My staff and slaves do all of that. Lord Blackmon loaned me this one," he waved towards Page, "to set me up with everything. I need for you to measure and do it fast. I have a call in twenty minutes to brief me for the reporters. This slave will pick everything out."

Carl turned to Page and sneered, "Make me look bad and I will buy you from Blackmon just to stake you in the sun for a week."

Carl's act was so good, Page had chills and the fear on her face was quite real. "Yes my lord. I will not fail you or my master."

Carl spun around again and looked at the tailor then stepped up on the raised platform and mutter, "Get to work."

The skinny tailor flitted around Carl like a hummingbird, taking measurements while muttering to himself. Carl's posture projected impatience and annoyance. As soon as the measurements were completed, Carl stepped off the riser and went right out the door, pulling his cell phone from his pocket and pretending to make a very important call. The door was glass and he could watch after Page and Willow while continuing his act.

"Such an unpleasant man," Silas said to no one, but Page overheard.

"But he is very powerful," Page said in an urgent voice. "Please sir, I know Lord Blackmon likes you. Please be careful around this man. I think even the Governor is afraid of him."

"Well, let's get started then," Silas said nervously.

Page had already prepared a list of what they wanted, including the fabrics and styles. Carl would be getting six new suits, three wool and three silk, "Please include a dozen shirts that would work with these colors and a least a dozen ties. Pick some that will look good on camera. The studio lights are harsh, so keep that in mind."

Silas was really getting excited. 'My suits will be on television! Maybe this guy will be on the national news looking great in a suit I made!' He could see his sales soaring with his fame.

He turned back to Page and asked when Carl needed them. Page told him they would need to pick up the first three in two days. Silas nodded his head in agreement but was only thinking about what might look best for a press conference.

Page told him to put everything on Lord Blackmon's account, then stood up and pulled Willow up with her. Carl was still pretending to be on an urgent call but saw them stand up through the glass front door.

At that moment, Willow felt a hand sliding across her ass while another took hold of her arm binder. "Is this one available for my use? This is a rush order and I need an incentive, you know, to get all this done on such short notice," Silas hissed in a low voice.

Willow was terrified and, to her surprise, excited. He could push her down and fuck her right here, in front of the window, in front of everyone, and she could not stop him! Page could not physically stop him because she was a slave too. Conflicting feelings crashed into her. She was learning she liked the exposure and fear.

Page said, "She is a gift from Lord Blackmon to Master Carl. I don't think Master Carl is the sharing kind, at least not without asking first."

Silas looked out the glass door at Carl. The cold fury that was evident in his face made the tailor reconsider his actions. With an expression that showed regret and envy, he pushed Willow towards the door. Page was right behind.

As Willow and Page passed Carl, he did not look at them. He was wholly focused on the thin weasel behind the glass door. Just as Page got past Carl, she realized that the anger on his face was not a part of any act. But once the girls were past him and safe, Carl banked his feelings and returned to playing a part.

Even when they were in the car, Carl did not drop the act. Too many undercover cops had been compromised by letting their guard down too soon. This was the persona that Carl would need at the Expo. Page decided to ride the moment with him.

"Master Carl, you will need shoes to go with the new suits. A very good shoe store is in the next block. May this slave assist you picking out some shoes?"

Carl picked up on the fact that Page had not broken character yet. He was not sure why she was doing it but his reflexes told him to keep going. Using the same voice he had in the tailor's shop he said, "If we can be quick."

Page lowered her head, "Yes sir, we will be quick."

They entered the shoe shop just as they had the tailor's, except Carl was already in character. He turned to the first clerk he saw and said, "Can you help me? I need some shoes and I am in a hurry. Just measure my foot and this slave will tell you what to bring out. Let's go!" He clapped twice to help move the clerk along.

It looked like there was only one clerk in the store but there were customers ahead of them. It did not matter. The other two customers in the store were gaping at the two naked slaves. Carl, always the student of human behavior, wanted to laugh. He could have robbed the store and these two guys could not have identified him. He is not sure they even looked his way.

Page had seen this too and thought this might be an interesting time to expand Willow's training. Both slaves had knelt next to Carl's chair as the clerk measured his foot. Page then told the clerk which style shoes were needed. When the clerk scurried away to bring the boxes of shoes, Page stood up. She guided Willow to her feet the directed her to kneel in front of Carl's chair but facing to the side. Page pushed Willow's head down until it touched the floor. She then carefully placed Carl's socked feet up on Willow's back. Willow was now Carl's footrest.

Carl was shocked, but again his undercover training kept him in character. He crossed his feet and pulled out his cell phone like he was checking his email. Page returned to his side with her head down. When the clerk returned he was confronted for the first time with the human footstool. He decided the only thing he could do was to ignore Willow and try to sell this man some shoes. The clerk talked about the quality and look of the shoe while lacing up the first sample. He then used a shoehorn to slip the Italian leather shoes on Carl's foot.

Carl took his feet off of Willow and stood up to get a feel of the new shoes. The clerk stayed on his low stool and took a moment to point out the excellent stitching and materials. Page could see that while the clerk was talking, he was also running his hand over Willow's ass. This was different than the creep at the tailor's shop. There was nothing possessive or predatory in his touch. This was just a boy coping a feel of a pretty girl. Willow squirmed very slightly.

However, there was more than one person that needed some training in slave culture. Page remembered her conversation with Carl over the difference between seeing them as women and seeing them as slaves. Carl had taken a step towards treating them like slaves, but there was still a long way to go before he would really understand. Page decided to challenge him while he was in character and in public.

When Carl sat down again the clerk took the first pair of shoes off and began lacing up the next pair for Carl to try. While he droned on about the color and style of the shoes he had brought, Page reached up and took Carl's right hand and brought it down to her left breast.

Carl thought Page was trying to rattle him, but he was a professional. If Page was going to rattle him she would have to do better than this. In fact he was the most highly decorated undercover agent in the western states. The unexpected and outrageous was where he thrived. Carl decided to call her bluff. He began to openly play with Page's nipple. He began to tug on it and gently twisting it too. The actions were casual, almost like a habit, done without thought. Carl was not sure who moaned first; Page or the guys watching the action from across the room.

"What do you think slave?" Carl asked Page. She had gotten lost in the sensation and had forgotten to look at the shoes. After stammering for a moment, Page replied that both pairs would work with his new suites. Carl realized she had lost her focus for a moment and mentally marked that one as a point for him.

He was not so sure a moment later when Page reached up and began to gently stroke and caress his arm, wrist and the hand that was still playing with her breast. Carl felt his cock begin to respond to all the stimulation. It was his turn to stammer when the clerk asked if he needed to see anything else.

"No, I think these will do. Please put those in the boxes. This slave will pay and carry them out. Include a dozen pairs of black socks too." With that Carl pinched Page's nipple and made her squeak. She took this as her cue to stand up and follow the clerk to the register.

In the meantime Carl took a moment before taking his feet off of Willow. "You, little slave, put my shoes back on my feet," he said. Willow unfolded from her low crouch and sensuously slid Carl's feet back into his penny loafers. Carl thought that it was as erotic an act as touching Page's breast.

When they walked out, Carl made sure to walk the slaves close to the two men that had been gawking the whole time. He wanted to make sure they were still breathing.

The ride back to the house was quiet. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, Carl was ashamed of his actions. He had taken advantage of Page. Lord Blackmon had trusted him and he had violated that trust. He was sure that Page would contact Lord Blackmon and have him removed from his position.

Same as Willow
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sex games

when i was a middle aged teen male.my family always took a vacation in the country.mom ,my sister and father.well this particular year my sister invited a school friend,karen.she was real shy,but kind of outgoing with my sister mary and me.my sister mary was already 21 and so was karen.well , we reached the cottage on the lake.what a boring spot.,good thing we had a boat,to use.also a beer store down in the marina.after we settled in it was not to bad.also another family with 2 girls rented the...

4 years ago
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Kevin Fucks his Mothers Ass

As evening starts to color Mitchell's Plain a pinkish-orange, Kevin lies in his room, checking out his digital camera. As he goes through the photos that he and Jody took a few days ago, a thought suddenly explodes in his mind. Yes, why the hell not? He jumps up and goes to the kitchen where his mother is busy preparing food. His seventy one year old mother is wearing her pink housecoat. He can see right through the flimsy material of the housecoat. He can see the outline of the half-slip she...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Fiancee Part 3 continuation

As we stood by the car my body was trembling I begged for Leon to stop but no matter how hard I tried to get him to stop the more persistant he became, I think he knew he intimidated me and eventually he would get his way his dirty talk and vulgarness continued. Leon said now look bitch if you do what I say then I will leave you alone and you and your little white boy can get married and be happy, besides he fired me and now im going to fuck his little girlfriend again to get even. Finally...

Erotic Fiction
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It was around 8:00-9:30pm, and I was on my way to a party. It was a nice night, so I decided to walk, and as I was walking past the park I heard a scream, so I ran to investigate. I saw a young woman being chased by two men, so I ran to help her, when I caught up to the men I punched the bigger one in the face, breaking his nose. As the second one ran at me I dodged him and pushed him into a tree, knocking him out. As I went up to the woman to see how she was, I realised how beautiful she was....

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 161

"Don't listen to this message if you're with someone," Karen's husky, very sensual and suggestive voice breathed into Laura's phone answering machine. "I'll give you five seconds to shut off the machine." But Laura was alone. She waited. "Okay, you're alone," Karen continued, her voice smoky and alluring. "I had a wet dream last night. You were in it... fist-fucking me in my ass. I woke up coming. I need you to do it." Laura sat down, feeling the pulse in her neck flare up...

2 years ago
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I Fucked Bhabhi8217s Foreign Friend

Hi friends, you would be living happy and joyful life and your penis must have tasting many different kind of pussis and asses. I am pinku here. again with new experience. My age is 25 as already mention in my last story. I am going to share my new experience with my sex lover’s friends including girls and ladies. Ur emails and love inspire me to keep writing and sharing my experiences. Please keep writing mail to me. You can share with me your idea, suggestion, advice or problems related to...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 81 Tripping Out on Cloud Nine

As Jessie stepped out of the shower she caught sight of her naked body in the full length mirror in her adjoining room just through the bathroom door. She walked slowly up to that mirror as she towelled her body and her hair dry, an action that caused her breasts to jiggle up and down. Those jiggling breasts made Jessie laugh a little bit at herself before she threw her towel aside and just stared full on at her gorgeous naked body. As the naked girl laughed and smiled at herself she just...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates Project Zulo

(Author's Note: This story provides a finale to all the Altered Fates tales I've posted here to date. It contains spoilers for, and resolves dangling threads from, most of those eleven stories. I wrote them out of sequence, but I always knew where each of them fitted in the overall scheme. Read in order, the larger story should all fall into place with what might have seemed stray characters and random bits of business all connecting up. Even if you read the individual stories as they...

3 years ago
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Police Ne Khub Choda 8211 Part 2

Ab tak apne pada ki kaise hum ek dusre me samane lage chumte hue.. Wo muje chumta hua mere boobs ko dabane laga..Jaise hi usne poore dum se meri boobs dabayi mai chila uthi..Ye sunkr usne mere lips ko lock kr diya or fir se dabana shuru kr diya..Mera skirt to kahi kone me fekaya hua tha hi..Ab top bi nikl kr feka gya Ab mai apne transparent red color ki bra me uske saamne leti hui ti.. Soja spring waali hone k karan hum usme dabte jaa reh the kyuki kartik mujme haafi hone laga usne apna pura...

2 years ago
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His Dream

© 2008, wildirishrose ‘Are you asleep, my dream?’ he asked softly of his auburn-haired lover lying by his side, as he stroked the silky skin of the arm closest to him. Her breathing continued, deep, and steady, as he gazed at her face in the moonlight that touched her from the window. He was moved by the desire that never waned, as he took in her innocent looking face, relaxed as it was in slumber. The long lashes against the lightly freckled cheeks, the full soft rosy lips of her mouth, that...

3 years ago
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first orgasm1

“Of course!” No no no! You can’t tell her this secret. She’ll laugh! She’ll make fun of you! It’s too embarrassing! Abort mission! “Um... on second thought... nevermind.” “What? You can’t do that to me! Tell me you have a secret and then back out of it!” My heart is beating so fast... I feel like I might puke. Uhhhh! I really don’t wanna tell her! “I.... I uh... I’ve never had an orgasm.” “Well that’s okay. But you just told me you and Jake finally did it...? I’m confused.” Well she...

3 years ago
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Sister Setting Sexual Fire On Diwali

Hello, I am Amit, your old friend, back again with a real and hot sex story which happened between me and my hottie sis Abha this Diwali. My sister came home on the holidays and we were having a lot of fun. She was sexually satisfied as she had a boyfriend but I was not. And I was craving for her body. We went on shopping almost daily on my bike and I used to apply brakes unnecessarily, just to feel her melons on my back. My sister knew that but didn’t say anything. I used to masturbate on her...

2 years ago
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A Brothers Love Ch 02

(September 22nd 1994) Lena trembled as she looked up, sickness creeping into her stomach. She didn’t want to go in, didn’t want to accept that this was her new school now. Her old school was so much better, with its deep red brickwork and long green lawns. This place was too big and uninviting. Smooth grey pathways led between sculpted grounds of bark chippings and prim box hedges, up to the large, sweeping steps at the school’s entrance. Huge windows loomed over them from a blank,...

2 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book Ch 15

Monday 13th November 2017Re-connecting with Gemma had been wonderful. It seemed a lifetime ago that we’d first made love, in reality only ten days ago which seemed a much simpler and less complicated time. As we lay recovering from our shared orgasm, I couldn’t help but gawk slightly at the lovely Gemma. A few years older than Jill, her buxom figure and dyed red hair suited her bubbly personality, the whole package reminding me so much of Ruby Wax in her younger years.Gemma seemed to enjoy my...

Wife Lovers
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TittyAttack Ivy Rose Busty Maid Service

Ivy Rose gets called in by a horny man who wants a busty maid to come clean his place. He ordered a brunette and is delighted when Ivy arrives in a slutty maid outfit complete with black stockings. She gets cleaning while the man who ordered her watches. She is very accommodating to him asking if he likes the view of her tits. She then moves outside and starts cleaning his windows while smashing her orgasmic tits to the window. Finally, she goes into the kitchen and puts her tits on a plate and...

1 year ago
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Door 2 DoorChapter 12

Abel barely got home before Christina, Roni and Jules in tow, of course. The two brats were eager to see their new auntie, after all. Eva had to rush to get herself decent, but she managed, if only just. She then rushed at Abel to kiss him very hard and fiercely on the lips before hugging her new nieces. She sniffed the air, too, and laughed knowingly. “Who was the lucky bitch who got the D?” Eva whispered in her brother’s ear. “Stacey from work. She’s married, too,” Abel winked at his...

1 year ago
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The Two Couples An Indian and Pakistani couple sw

When Rita finished telling the events of the weekend, her face was flushed. They were sitting on the couch and she was sipping some wine while he had a glass of Scotch on the table, untouched. His cock was throbbing in his shorts.He leaned sideways and kissed her. "Shhh.... my darling. I am glad you enjoyed it. I did too. I was pounding Nasreen and was in planet of lust.""This won't affect our relationship, will it.""Tell me, after fucking Rana does it feel you love me less?""On the contrary...

2 years ago
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Bobby the Babysitter RevisitedChapter 2

I had just passed my seventeenth birthday and was sad because both my foster sister Ronnie and her best girlfriend Trudi had gone away to the shore for an extended vacation at Trudi's parent's vacation condo. I was not invited. I still had a bit of a bad reputation because of my problems with the authorities with bonking the babysitting parent who happened to be a deaconess in the respected church downtown. I got off because I was still underage in the eyes of the law even if I was over...

3 years ago
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Annie and her Granny Epilogue

Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Epilogue Will Annie and her new mother-in-law live happily ever after? Looking back, I'm surprised how easy it was to take over my mother's life, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she took me over. I suppose a certain amount of 'personality bleed' is inevitable if you are living as someone else day-to-day. I looked like her; I sounded like her; through constant practice I now stood like her and walked like her; and...

3 years ago
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Jenny in the beginning

Jenny is the reason why i'm such a fucking pervert. From when i was a k** she was my next door neighbor. When I was about 16 though I started getting feelings about her. She was about 50 single with two boya. Very dark hair lots of it.Pretty for her age. I loved her juicy shapely arse more than any thing though.I started watching her through my bedroom window and wanking off over her. I loved seeing her in her work clothes. Very tight black trousers caressing her round shapely but full arse....

4 years ago
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Ruchi Ruchi and Ruchi

Being only two years older than my sister, my earliest memories of Ruchi are of her around age 4. She didn’t turn into a jock until she got into High School. As a kid, Ruchi was all girl; dolls, tea parties attended by imaginary guests… In other words, everything yucky to a older brother. Therefore we never did very much together as kids. Sometimes we played board games as a family, but that’s about it. You don’t grow particularly close to a sibling playing Chutes and Ladders once in a...

3 years ago
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"Jeff, it seems like you're more interested in your friends than in me. I wish we could see each other more." "Maria, we're together now. Why talk about that now. Let's enjoy the moment." "I can't talk about it when you're not around." "My best moments are with you, Maria, but we need to keep our other friendships strong too. Actually, I'd like to take our friendship to the next level." "Next level? What do you mean? We talk about everything." "I dream of us...

2 years ago
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Rene Makes a Confession

Part 1: He wants me Trevor, I have to tell you a story. (Those are the first words I read in my email from my cyber friend Rene. She and I have never met, but we have great cyber and phone sex and have become each other’s confidante, sharing nearly every thing with each other, all the way from our innermost fantasies to the birth of our sons, her first and my third, who were born on the same day, about seven months ago. Rene never holds back, and from her first sentence, I knew I was in for a...

3 years ago
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Workout Time

This story will feature a variety of celebrities who are known to be fit and athletic. During one of their workout sessions, they will go from working out to getting fucked. Below is the list for now, but more will be added. If there's a celeb you would like to see, just let me know and I will add them.

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The Ballerinas Next Door Part 3 The Orgy

I had met our new neighbors for the first time at the beginning of the week. There were three of them, a husband and wife and their adopted daughter.I had introduced myself. The man in heavily accented English gruffly bid me a good day and went back to directing the movers who were offloading a moving truck.The woman smiled at me and extended her hand. “You will have to excuse Sergei,” she said, “He’s not used to having this type of efficiency and feels he has to tell everybody what to do. My...

1 year ago
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First time for Everything Part 4

Things have been slowing down for Matt and I over the past few weeks. With the holidays fast approaching and both of our jobs needing more from us, we haven’t had much energy left for anything but working and sleeping. And as sad it is to admit, anyone who’s been in a long term relationship knows that when the sex life starts to slip, fuses get shorter and shorter. Arguing about petty things like the laundry certainly doesn’t spark a mood either. Just as I was starting to get concerned about...

2 years ago
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My Sis My Girlfriend

Hi guys this is Rc ye story meri or meri cousin sis ki hai.pahle mai apne baare me bata du meri hight 5.11 fts hai i’m god looking guy mere lund k size 8″ hai quite enough to setisfie a grl ab story par aate hai dosto me faridabad me apni mosi ke saath rhta hu or ek rich family se blong karta hu ek din mai apne room soya hua tha tabhi sweety[my czn sis]aayi or aake mere paas me so gayi hum aapas me bahot frank h or thodi der baad mai use hug karke let gaya usne sirt or trouser pahna hua tha wo...

1 year ago
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Return to EdenChapter 14

The morning brought the usual mild confusion, as scientists in various stages of wakefulness meandered around the pavilion and to and from the sequestered toilet and shower sections. As she and Igwanda, the latter with Meier slung over his shoulder, headed for the communal coffee pot Meiersdottir noticed Zo sitting by himself at a table with a slightly bemused expression. "Good morning, Lingy," she said with amusement, detouring slightly to pass near him. Startled he looked up and, seeing...

2 years ago
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Julie meets 007 one of my first

Here is a quick introduction by way of a story of a one of my first meetings, I think I was 34 than, enjoy ! Nervously typing and fidgeting, feeling very naughty I'm wearing a pair of sexy satin panties and hose under my drab khaki slacks. I chat through yahoo instant messenger with my CD Admirer. I've wanted to feel the touch of man, be undressed and feel feminine. We finally agree to a meeting and I'm giddy with excitement. The day finally comes and I discretly make sure my feminine clothes...

3 years ago
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Seduction Of Milkman Part 8211 2

After few days, about a fortnight of seduction and sexual subtle signals as detailed in my first story (my real life experience), my husband and I planned various methods by which our milkman will be sexually aroused and compelled by the situation to fuck me. First of all for 2 consecutive days, my husband hid himself below our bed and I faking a try to take out the milk pot from the shelf kept at a height in dining space, by standing on my toes, stretching my hands extremely upwards, thereby...

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