Tinks Training – A Sequel free porn video

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Chapter 2 Tinkerbelle’s training

Early on the morning of her second day aboard the Jolly Roger, Tink awoke to the first glimmers of sunlight peeking through the panes of the great stern cabin of the brigantine vessel. With a yawn and a stretch and a flutter of her wings, Tink arose and padded over the rough deck planks to the windows and peered outside. The sky was still purple with specs of blue and a yellow-gold stab of sunlight. Neverland’s two moons were visible on the horizon. Tink smiled, remembering the previous evening with her love, her captain, James Hook. He was Master of the vessel and Tink supposed that he was now her Master as well. A pleasant soreness still radiated outward from Tink’s sex and even that small awareness brought her nipples to full perk. Tink crossed her arms across her bosom and smiled towards the sea birds feeding in the bay.

Needing to pee, Tink left the cabin and strode towards the ship’s head, happy that most of the crew still was below decks, still sleeping off their ration of grog. A woman aboard a pirate ship could incite problems in the crew and no ships Master, and especially her Master needed problems. She’d have to get used to calling the dunny a head but there were a great many ship’s terms to learn and Tink was determined to do right by her Master and make him proud. Tink smiled at the irony that this ship’s head was on the poop deck and leaving the foul smelling closet, she skipped like a schoolgirl across the still darkened deck.

Suddenly, the muscled arms of a deckhand grabbed Tink and shoved her roughly against the foremast and covered her mouth with his filthy hands. A flood of revulsion struck Tink as her nostrils became invaded by smells of vomit, urine, fish, rum and creosote tar and she nearly puked into his palm. Her wings beat furiously as she tried to escape but with the mast tight to her back between her wings all they did was to fan the air. “Make no sound, wench!’ the brigand hissed through rotting teeth. “I aim to fill your cunny and then let you be if it pleases me to do so.” Terrified now, Tink struggled against him but the effort was useless. At only six-stone and eleven pounds, ninety-five pounds to some, she was no match for the stronger, larger twelve stone brute pinning her to the mast. He pressed his chest tight to hers to free his hands and the filthy sailor began fumbling with his ragged pants, freeing his wood. Tink never saw the fleshy pin coming at her but she felt it riding on her thigh as foul tasting lips mashed onto hers and Tink suppressed a gag. Tink fought her hardest but her assault looked inevitable when suddenly, the brute’s eyes rolled back in his head and he staggered backwards from her, blood gushing from the back of his head. As her field of vision expanded, Tink saw her Master, his good arm brandishing a belaying pin with a bloody end. Having backed up to the gunwale railing, the brigand, still unsteady on his feet, cursed and drew a flintlock pistol from his waist cincture and began raising it toward the Captain. Hook threw the belaying pin as one would a knife and Tink heard its whirling sound as the wooden pin tumbled end over end, the ten meters before it bashed the deckhand squarely between the eyes, knocking him over the railing, unconscious.

Tink began to sob and all color was gone from her face. Her beautiful soft blue eyes looked ashen, devoid of all sparkle. Hook rushed to hold Tink and prevent her from collapsing. “He..he…he tried…to…” she stammered.

“I know, just be quiet now, you’re safe. He’s off this ship forever.” Hook helped Tink to sit on the deck and compose herself. Voices came from where the man had gone overboard and Hook strode quickly to the rail. Nederland’s mermaids were the lifeguards of its seas and three of them had found the drowning sailor sinking towards the bottom and brought him still unconscious to the surface.

“Good Captain,” said the first of the mermaids, “We think one of your men met with misfortune. Would you throw down a line and haul him aboard before he succumbs to the seas?”

“Nay, friend-mermaids, there’s no place on my vessel for that scurvy brigand. If he can make it ashore on his own power and leave this place so be it. But he has no place here for he attacked my woman and tried to fuck her by force.” Horrified, the mermaids pushed away from the now semi-conscious man. Together, they watched in disgust as he paddled weakly towards shore. “Thank ye, good mermaids, “said Hook, “Maybe he’ll make shore and maybe the crabs and other bottom creatures will enjoy him, but no one here will miss or speak of him ever again.”

“What was his name?” a mermaid asked.

“What does it matter?” replied Hook.

With a polite wave the mermaids twirled in the sea and swam a good hundred meters before diving lest they again see this miserable man again. Hook bent and picked up the bloody belaying pin from the deck. He tossed the pin several inches in the air and easily caught it in his palm, feeling its heft. Blood and hair covered one end of the pin and Hook wanted no tiny part of this man aboard his ship and so he dropped the pin overboard to sink to the bottom where it belonged.

Returning to Tink, Hook extended a hand, helping her to her feet. “Are ye fit to return to my cabin,” he asked. Seeing her nod, he said, “You’ve much to learn about being a woman aboard a ship, especially a ship of brigands and thieves and worse.” “This morning could have gone quite badly for you.” “You’ve much to learn about being my woman as well but I will teach you.” “You are a willful girl, Lightning Bug, and I will teach you to be properly submissive.”

“Yes, James, I want to learn to please you.”

“James?” Hook asked his eyebrow arched smartly. “You may call me James in my bunk and nowhere else, not in my cabin, or my decks or in port. “ “Only in my bunk may you use a familiar name.” Otherwise, I am Master, or Captain. “In my cabin, I am either of those or “My Lord, or My Love.”

“Yes, my lov…., Yes Master,” Tink corrected herself.

Take yourself to my cabin and straddle the rail until I get there. “My First Mate, Mr. Smee will bring you food.” “He is friendly but you are not to speak to him and you are not to pleasure yourself on my rail unless I am there to see it.”

“Am I safe with Mr. Smee,” Tink asked. “Aye, he’s a good man but an old one. “ “His cock hasn’t stood proud since you were a child.” “Go there and await me.” When you hear my approach, you are to leave the rail and kneel for my inspection.” “You are to be naked.” “Go now.” Hook turned on his heel and walked forward where sailors were beginning their day working the rigging and swabbing the decks of the previous night’s dew and bird droppings.

In Hook’s cabin, Tink wondered about removing her tunic. She was to be naked and kneeling for her Master’s inspection but until then she was to be straddling his railing. Was there enough time to hear his approach and still doff her tunic and be kneeling for him or did he mean for her to be naked on the rail. If she was naked on the rail, she’d be naked when Mate Smee brought her food. What to do? She pondered. Finally, she decided to straddle the rail and await Smee and then undress while on the rail after he left. Although Tink’s sex was still sore from yesterday’s ride on the rail, as her Master once called it and of course, from their mating but she bore the pain as a matter of pride. This was, after all, part of Master’s love for her, his purifying her defects. Gingerly, she settled onto the rail, cautious to avoid forward or backward motion that would cause splinters to pierce. Her body, after all, must be perfect for her Master.

After about forty minutes on the rail a soft knock on the door and in walked a short, plump be speckled man wearing a red stocking cap and a blue striped shirt that was at least two sizes too small to cover his rotund belly. “Hoy-hoy Miss,” he called in a singsong voice, your food is here.” Seeing Tink nearly impaled on the rail he paused, blanched and said, “Arrgh, Miss that’s gonna leave you one sore split-tail that’s fer sure.” I’m Smee, and your food is here.

Smee handed Tink a small pail with a generous portion of oat porridge, two apples, a crust of bread and a jug of water. “We gets sweet water while in port. At sea, the water goes bad in about a week and we live on wine.” Tink thanked Smee for her meal and he looked again at her sweet suffering and said, “Well Miss I’ll leave you to your morning.” Tink smiled and soon Smee was gone. Quickly then, Tink got out of her tunic and folded it carefully lest her Master return soon. In that fashion she ate her meal, wasting nothing. Only minutes after Tink completed her meal she hears her Master’s voice and his approaching footsteps. Quickly, she threw her leg stiffly and painfully across the rail and she knelt at the foot of Hook’s bunk, head bowed and eyes downcast. She longed to look upon her Master’s face and see his reaction to her readiness for him but she knew better than to be impatient. Hook entered and smiled to himself. “You’re learning, Lightning Bug,” he said gently and he patted Tink’s head and rubbed her shoulders lightly. Tink’s heart leapt at his touch!

“I suppose you need my ointment jar again to salve your saddle little one.” Tink looked up at him and nodded. “Very well Girl, go now and fetch it, but next time, I’ll let you know when to open your eyes.”

Tink got the salve and Hook directed her onto her cot. “Use the salve well my child.” “Amuse me.” Tink blushed at her nakedness while her legs spread wide for her to apply ointment all under the watchful gaze of her Master. Still though, the familiar tingling began and her vagina became very wet and she could almost feel her lips swelling. “Aye, Girl, work it in good,” Hook goaded. From within his coat, Hook produced a belaying pin pulled from a pinrail on his way to his cabin. He began goading Tink’s labia with the iron pin. She became frightened for the pin was a good three centimeters in diameter and a third of a meter long. “Put a little ointment on this pin Girl. Tink obeyed and asked if this was the same pin that had saved her earlier that day. “No My Sweet, “Hook said, I’ve consigned that one to Davy Jones locker. This one shall remain here for our use. The iron pin was smooth and its temperature began to match her own and the pressure on her labia grew intense. Still, Tink worried about being penetrated with this huge thing but she had little choice but to trust in her Master. If he would impale her, she would be impaled. Hook began to gently enter Tink with the iron pin and he moved it slowly and gently, in and out with only about two centimeters inside her at first. Tink began to squirm on her cot as the pleasure began to overtake her senses. A soft moan escaped her lips and Hook went in deeper, still a gentle motion. “Do you like this My Sweet?” Hook asked.

“Yes, My Love,” Tink answered and her hips took on a life beyond her control. Hook accelerated his assault on her vagina and soon he was fucking her hard and deep with the iron pin. Tink moaned shamelessly and her arms and legs flailed on the cot. She felt her orgasm coming but Hook ordered her not to release yet. “P-p-p-please, soon!’ Tink moaned. Hook smacked her thigh smartly for speaking out of turn but withdrew the pin and told her to move to his bunk while he undressed. Immediately, Tink hopped over to the bunk and spread wide for her Master. He entered her swiftly and his presence inside her thrilled Tink. Master was pleased and so was she. His cock was so much hotter than the belaying pin and so much more human. It was, after all, her Master’s fine cock and he would soon fill her with his seed! She vowed that she would bear any humiliation or any pain to please this man, the man who protected her from the assault of the brigand this morning. Soon, Tink felt Hook’s pace accelerate towards completion she saw his back stiffen and his teeth grit as the heat of his semen flooded her cervix. In that moment, she too felt the waves of contraction hit her like a broaching whale and she bit her lip so as not to scream.

When Hook withdrew, he ordered Tink to go to his wash basin and return to clean him and then herself. Tink immediately complied and she knelt at his bunk to wash and dry him reverently. His satisfied smile caused her heart to leap. “There’s another hole that you must learn to ready for me,” Hook said in due course. ‘He handed her the belaying pin and Tink looked at him intensely. You need to practice buggering yourself with this so that your bottom is ready for me when I desire it. Tink stared wide-eyed at the iron prick that had only recently filled her vagina with its hard metallic presence. In my drawer, there’s a different kind of salve in a blue jar. You must use the salve liberally and then move this pin in and out of your puckered , rosebud arse. Tink was clearly afraid and Hook saw that fear in her eyes. He also knew that Tink would do his bidding whatever he wished, for her desire to please him was stronger than her fears. This was a superior woman, wings or no wings.

Fingers trembling, Tink applied the salve to the pin and to her bottom. “Show me?” she asked her Master. Hook took the pin and pressed its end snugly against her.

“What’s best, Lightning Bug, is that you don’t push this into you.” “Instead, push against the pin with your bottom until it finds its way inside you, then move it in and out, going a little deeper each few minutes. “ “You don’t need to take this whole pin inside you for it is longer than I am.” As a reward, if you find this making you reach your climax, you may do so freely so long as you are in your cot when it happens and you aren’t so noisy that the crew hears you.”

“Thank you Master, I’ll be as quiet as a mouse,” Tink said softly, although she couldn’t imagine reaching orgasm with this huge iron pin stuffed in her diminutive ass.

Tink began pushing against the iron pin. “Rock your body against it,” Hook directed. The pressure didn’t feel good or bad, just intense. Soon though she felt herself opening a bit and after several minutes of trying, she felt the handle end of the pin plop inside her. There was a feeling of fullness and mild discomfort like needing to use the dunny, but it wasn’t exactly painful either and her master’s eyes were glazed in lust so this must be good. “Take it now, and work it until you’re comfortable. “ I want you to do this every morning for at least a week to prepare yourself for me. “Tink rocked her body against the invading iron prick and soon she realized that there was an intense tingling deep inside her vagina. Somehow this huge bar up her ass was making her moan in lust. Her clitoris swelled and her labia became hugely engorged. Tink couldn’t help herself and her free hand found her clit and thrashed furiously as she pumped iron into her now hungry rectum. Tink looked at her Master who was beside himself in lust and stroking his cock to match her speed and intensity. Tink felt an orgasm rising within her and from her cot she could see that her Master’s balls were tightening for his release. His seed flooded out from his cock like a jet and it landed across her sweating body from her shoulder to her breast and down her body. With that Tink felt her own release coming and her eyes closed involuntarily and she pumped like a woman possessed.

Afterwards, Tink’s hand fell from the iron pin and it slowly withdrew. The experience felt like using the dunny but Tink knew it was just the iron leaving her body. “Did that please you,” asked Hook.

Yes, Master, thank you.”

“It pleased me too, to watch and to direct you.” “Please clean us both up and then kneel here. “ Tink quickly washed her Master and then herself and positioned herself on her knees at the foot of his bunk. Hook removed a small bag from the coat hanging over the rail. “I had something made for you,” Hook said, removing a small strap from the bag. “I’ve had a collar made for you to wear.” “If I’m to be your Master, you must have this to show that you are under my protection.” “Do you understand me?”

“Yes Master, I think so,” Tink said, her voice quivering in excitement. The collar was a simple leather strap with buckles that would secure the strap at the back of her neck. At the front was a small gold hook, a replica of the iron hook at the end of her Master’s arm. “Oh My loving Master!’ Tink gushed, her eyes filled with tears.

“So you’ll wear it?” Hook asked. “I’ll treasure wearing it! “ Said Tink. Hook brought the soft leather band around her neck and buckled the strap snugly but comfortably about her slender neck. Overjoyed, and overcome, the tears flooded Tink’s cheeks and streamed down her face. Genuinely moved, Hook dried her tears and kissed her tenderly. Get some rest and then return to your training my sweet Lightning Bug,” Hook said before returning to his ship’s duties.

Tink rested, her fingers tracing the hook on her collar and savoring her good fortune. Yes, her vagina and her bottom were sore and yes, there were many more corrections in store for her as her training plied its course, but Tink felt loved, protected and secure. Tink remembered her crush on Peter Pan and realized that a girlish crush meant nothing. She was a woman now. A woman in love.

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In the Bedroom An At The Window Sequel

Little sister was a snoop.  Little sister had seen big sister in her room with her laptop.  Had she been chatting?  With whom?  Why had she touched herself?  Little sister was a very inexperienced sophomore who had just turned sixteen.  She had been puzzled as she watched her big sister. She knew big sister had been on a sex site.  She was curious.  After watching her, big sister left the room.  Without giving it much thought, she approached the laptop left behind.  She looked.   What was a...

First Time
2 years ago
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I Want to Play a Game The Sequel

Chapter 1: Capture ‘Remember team, we don’t know exactly what we are dealing with here.’ commanded Officer Reynolds, ‘The target is most probably armed and dangerous and there is a high possibility that the premises is heavily booby-trapped so proceed with caution.’ Ever since his wife was kidnapped two years before by a sadistic psycho known by the press as ‘Barbiemaker’, Officer John Reynolds had made it his mission to track down and capture the person responsible. During this time he had...

3 years ago
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Was He Guilty The Sequel

To the readers: You may want to read the original story, ‘Was He Guilty?’ before reading this story. I will mention a number of things from the first story. If you read the original story, it may make this story easier to understand. I felt that the story was left with to many unanswered questions. A big thank you to Estragon for editing this story. Chapter 1 I’m Joe Baker, a full-time appliance salesman and part-time writer. I have written a few books, but not sold enough to live on, till...

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A Very Brady Sequel

As Mr. Brady’s car pulled into the driveway, Alice ran out side. ‘Mr. Brady, Mr. Brady’ she excitedly yelled. ‘You won’t believe what was going on while you were gone!’ she exclaimed, waving the photos at him. Mike Brady told Alice to calm down. He began looking at the photos that she held in her hands. There was his beautiful wife, Carol and his son Greg fucking like rabbits. Another photo showed Marcia with her face buried between his wife’s pussy. Mr. Brady’s cock became quite erect as he...

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A Journey to Reality The Sequel

Author’s note: Time travel has been the stuff of dreams for generations. It has been the basis of classic fiction (H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine), bad television (Time Tunnel) and popular films (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and, of course, the Back To The Future trilogy). Recently, a relatively new writer on Literotica, nyte_byrd, wrote an interesting time travel story called, ‘A Journey to Reality,’ in the Non-Erotic category. In her story, the narrator, a woman named Crystal, talks her...

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Fucking Stepmom sequel

The thing that woke me was my phone ringing.I checked who was calling an found that it was my Mom,I did backtrack and remembered i was to go see her today.Standing there nude with my semi erect dick watching my naked step mom sleeping like a baby in the bed, who had been fucked 9 times or so in the last 18 hrs or so by me. I picked up my moms call greeting her,she was a bit mad because this was not the first call she made to me, other thing she made clear for me was it was 2 in the noon and...

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My Bitch Sequel

One day, after an intense bout of sexual frenzy, Derek laid back on the bed and was lost in thought. Cooper was cuddled against Derek's body, doodling on his smooth chest with his slender index finger, softly drawing shapes and lines that meant nothing. Derek had come to enjoy Cooper's playfulness and sensitivity, as well as his intellect, insight and personality. Besides that, it tickled a bit. However, serious thoughts began coursing through his mind. “How can you do this?...

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I broke both of my thumbs in a car accident and I was plastered up both arms to mid-level with thumbs locked outward. I had the use of my fingers since the casts stopped at knuckle level but I was finding it literally impossible to masturbate with just use of finger tips. With just one week in the casts gone and 5 more to go, I was going insane. My 14 year-old sister, Lynn, bounced in after dinner and plopped down on the couch next to me. She was a petite 5 foot 2 with her blond hair...

2 years ago
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Family Strip Poker The Sequel

I mean it was never like on the agenda or anything like that, it just happened, although after the third time we had our strip poker night, Brian and Amanda actually started having sex with just each other and not just on Saturdays nights either. I loved it honestly, the idea of them being together always got my panties wet, it was like magic. So I supported them 100%, but I did catch them having sex many times all over the house, in his room, in her room and even in public a couple times,...

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Im all yours I dont like my Music teacher sequel

I log into my Hotmail, hoping to find an email from the university I applied to, but instead found two emails from him. My heart sped up and with shaky hands I clicked to open up the first email. “Jess. I hope you learned a lot about today’s lesson after school. Would love if you could come again and practice some more though. – Jake Thompson Sent: 1th October, 2012 at 10:00pm” The second read: “Jess, where are you? You’ve missed out on a whole week of school. Please, answer me! –...

2 years ago
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Musings From The Sequel

Hello, it's me again. And guess what, guess what? I have a name now - King Kong. Master's friend's cock, Little Willy, is jealous of my name. Master finally settled down with a lovely girl and she named me. I am so excited you will have to forgive me for bouncing up and down a little.Sadly, I have endured some traumas since we last spoke. These horrors left me scarred. One trauma came at the hands, or should I say mouth, of one of Master's ex-girlfriends. I nicknamed her, Chompers. She...

4 years ago
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Jenn Becky the sequel

In the summer of '99, things had changed in a big way for me. Especially sexually. My girlfriend Jennifer who was 15 at the time, and her best friend Becky who was 16, all became very "close" if you know what i mean. For more insight on the two of them and how our relationship blossomed, check out my first story titled "I'm late for work!!!". After our first encounter that summer, there were other minor experiences, but nothing worth writing about. But as summer came to an end, it...

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A Boy and His Sisters Best Friend In Love The Long Awaited Sequel

“Look, Jill…” I stammered “Allie, can you excuse us for a minute? I have to talk to my brother in private about something,” my sister said cutting me off. “Ok, but don’t bitch him out or anything or tell on us. He was really gentle and didn’t hurt me at all,” Allie said as she got up and gathered her clothes. After Allie had left, she closed the door and I started to put on my clothes in an attempt to look decent, even though I was still sweating and smelled of sex. My sister...

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Jane The Sequel

“Well, I don’t know about you, but after that fantastic experience, I’m ready to go all the way, lover. I ache to feel you inside me, and I’m not talking just about your fingers and tongue.” With that she kind of pulled us both over so that instead of lying across the bed, our legs dangling over the edge, we were more in the centre of the bed, lying up and down. She stayed on top and when we were comfortable, she started to kiss me again, a long sexy kiss, the tips of our tongues...

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Object of Desire The Sequel

He:   By the time my plane landed, I had answered my own question. There was no doubt in my mind that, if the opportunity arose, I would definitely want to see Trina again.   Assuming of course that I hadn’t freaked her out with my last words, which had just popped out of my head without thinking.   When I got back to work the next day, there was a friendly little note waiting for me.   And so it went for the next few months. We exchanged messages almost daily, sometimes several times a...

4 years ago
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The Saleslady The Sequel

After our session in my office after Thanksgiving, things areound the office were just as if nothing had happen between Mrs. M and I. Her name was actually Mariel and since our company really frowned on employees having relationships, we both were really careful. That and the fact that she was married made it necessary that we kept our little secret. There were no repeats of our little affair much to my dismay. Marier was so fucking hot. When ever I saw her my cock would twitch, remembering...

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My StepSister Amy Sequel

In the morning, I rolled out of bed and remembered where I was, Elle’s house. Shit, I thought to myself. We’d fucked all night and Elle and dad could’ve come home at any time, I couldn’t believe I’d been so careless. Amy was still asleep, her sweet, soft hair curled around her adorable, perfect face. I leaned down and kissed her cheek, and she woke up a little, yawning and turning over. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she realised her step-brother was naked in her bed. ‘Oh Drew, last night…’ She...

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Jessie and James second adventure sequel

Author’s note: If any of you are wondering why the first story and this one is from Jame’s point of view when I in real life am a girl, it’s because these stories really happened with me and my current boyfriend. I just used fake names. I knew how I was feeling, but I’d fantasized about everything he’d felt. I decided to use my fantasies in the story to see how close I could get to what a man would feel losing his virginity to another virgin. Thank you for your interest in my stories. Comment...

3 years ago
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A Boy and His Sisters Best Friend In Love The Long Awaited Sequel

Introduction: This story, while technically a continuation of the one I wrote last year, can still stand on its own. Its my first attempt at a sex-crazed incest story, and it describes perfectly what I dream about doing with my sister I sat there, dumbfounded, with Allie still in my arms while my sister stood in the doorway. Even Allie had managed a countenance of fear on her face. Look, Jill&hellip, I stammered Allie, can you excuse us for a minute? I have to talk to my brother in private...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Killed My Kitty Kat Part 2 The Sequel

… I remembered the tempting voice of Bria ‘I bet you squirt don’t you? The quiet ones always do’. Too long had it been. I was sure that I’d peed myself, but as I looked back through jolts of pleasure, I saw my sweet, clear liquid squirt from my pussy onto the dildo and Gina’s stomach. She started pumping the strap-on harder, deeper inside of me. ‘You better cum all the way bitch! I didn’t wait this long to break you off for nothin’!’ Gina had lost it. I was convinced. It didn’t matter...

4 years ago
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Spied On By The Kids Next Door The Sequel

Cody:I woke to the aroma of fresh brewed coffee and thoughts of yesterday played out in my mind like a movie. Getting out of bed, I slipped on my boxers and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Joni, my wife, was sitting at the kitchen island, sipping her coffee. I walked over and kissed her cheek before pouring a cup of joe for myself.“Good morning, sleepy head, I see you're still excited from yesterday,” she said, putting down her cup and noticing the long tent pole straining the front of my...

Group Sex
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Spied On By The Kids Next Door The Sequel

Cody:I woke to the aroma of fresh brewed coffee and thoughts of yesterday played out in my mind like a movie. Getting out of bed, I slipped on my boxers and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Joni, my wife, was sitting at the kitchen island, sipping her coffee. I walked over and kissed her cheek before pouring a cup of joe for myself.“Good morning, sleepy head, I see you're still excited from yesterday,” she said, putting down her cup and noticing the long tent pole straining the front of my...

Group Sex
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Not Going To Be Cheap The Sequel

The experience at the hands of the two mechanics had awakened a sleeping need in Cathy. She had always masturbated regularly, but now the itch in her hairy pussy seemed to never end, her need for satisfaction was constant. Now, no shower went by without her pleasuring herself.Today was no exception. In fact, she had only just had her second cum of the day, lying on her bed with her bullet vibrator still in her hand, her clit still coming down from the orgasm.The doorbell startled her. “Damn! I...

Group Sex
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Chance Encounter The sequel

After the time at the glory hole, both girls knew their lives had changed. They had gone from young wives and mothers to thrill-seeking bitches. Apart from the cocks they had wanked, it had been the first time they had sexually touched each other.Jane had thrilled at the feel of Sue's tongue licking and sucking her clit. Now when they found themselves alone, they never missed the opportunity to make each other cum.This particular Monday morning found them lying naked next to each other, resting...

Group Sex
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An Invitation The Sequel

Martha invited me to lunch.  She drove me to the city, to a quiet bistro by the river.  It was the first time we had seen each other since her party, and I was a little apprehensive.  We rarely went as long without talking as we had recently and my misgivings about my behavior with her husband lingered unpleasantly.  The number of times I had awakened from my dreams to images of him fucking me and driving me wild...and my thoughts of him as I masturbated in the early morning hours ...  did...

4 years ago
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A Time Just For Us From My Very First The Sequel

 If you like wham bam sex stories, this probably isn’t for you. If you prefer more romantic, slow-burn, real-life accounts, but with complete honesty, then please enjoy.~~Jessica~~ In the beginning, I really did have every intention of waiting until my wedding night to lose my virginity, until that one blissful night when Chuck and I spent the night in a luxurious hotel room in Jackson after attending our team’s football game earlier one Saturday afternoon a year ago.For those who have asked...

Straight Sex
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Jessa The Sequel

"Claude, I'm trusting you to watch her like a hawk," he told me, strolling to me. "I've warned her so many times to watch it. She has a mouth and pushes the limits at every turn. I know she is just your younger step sister, but I'm sure you have some instincts to protect her. I can't blame you for that, but I'm asking you to keep her in this house for the weekend," he explained before he leaned towards me. "I'll do my best, Brian." He turned to her. "I love you to death, Jessa, but I've had it....

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Mali Bamako to Fana sequel

After breakfast, Arnoud and Henrique tell us that they will prepare the car and themselves for our trip tomorrow. I decide to take it easy and to stay in the lovely garden. Alwin has agreed with a few old acquaintances from his stay in Mali a few years earlier. I relax in a sun lounger and watch the activities of the hotel staff. Around lunchtime the man who checked us in asks if I want to have lunch. Time to introduce myself, while I extend my hand and mention my name. He says his name is...

3 years ago
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Family strip poker The sequel

3 months ago my son Brian suggested that we play strip poker for our Saturday night together. Of course my daughter Amanda and I weren't too sure about it, but although, Amanda quickly came up with some logic on it, so we played strip poker as a family. Everyone got to see each other naked up close and after the game, my kids started making out, which led to the 3 of us having amazing sex. I mean I felt connections to them I seriously never ever felt before. After that night we continued to...

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A Family ThreeWay The Sequel

After what had happened a week ago, Sandy was finding it hard to look at her two kids the same way. While her husband had been away on one of his regular business trips, she had been caught by her son as she masturbated on the couch, after convincing him to join her, Casey, her daughter had also come home. She had also joined. The three of them had agreed not to tell Tom, her husband. Every time Tracy thought about that night, a blush spread across her cheeks along with the feeling of...


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