WillowChapter 4 free porn video

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Page stepped into the steaming shower. She held her hands under the very warm water for a few moments, then reached for the body wash and poured some in her hand.

Slowly she began spreading the scented liquid across his back and down his ass and legs. She then reached around, under his arms, and gripped his shoulders. This drew her body into his, her firm breasts pressed into his back just where she had placed the body wash a moment before. She then began to move. It was like a dance but the dance floor was her master's body. She moved in circles and up and down, her breasts, stomach, hips, thighs and calves washing and massaging him. She pressed into him to maximize the contact and the sensation. As she moved lower, her hands moved across his chest and stomach. He had braced himself with his hands on the shower wall with his feet slightly spread apart. She moved lower. Her hands slid across the front of his thighs as her breasts lathered the back of them. She lowered herself even more. She held his knees while her face gently moved across his ass, gently spreading the soap to all the places it needed to be.

Page began to work her way back up and then slowly turned her Master around. She then soaped each arm, from shoulder to the ends of his fingers. She stepped to the side and ran his arm between her breasts, pulling his hand against her mons. Up and down she moved, sliding along his arm, going lower with each slow stroke. She ended up kneeling at his side, her breasts pushed together with her hands, effectively and very erotically washing his hand and fingers. After a moment she switched sides and repeated the same thing for his other arm and hand.

She then soaped his chest and began the process all over again, this time on his front. Her nipples, stimulated by the contact and friction, were hard and sensitive. She could feel the hair on his chest and his hard abdominal muscles. She moved slowly, shifting back and forth, up and down. Her hands slid down his back as she knelt down to wash his hips and legs. She used her face again, this time using the soft skin of her face to gently wash his cock and balls. She could feel the textures of his manhood as she used her cheeks to scrub and wash him.

Not once in the whole process did she look at his face. She knew his eyes would be closed. Once that had meant he was concentrating on the sensations of such an erotic and intimate act. Now she was not sure what it meant.

She only knew his cock remained soft and unresponsive.

Page poured shampoo into her hands and washed his shoulder length hair. She moved him fully under the water spray and rinsed his hair and moved her hands down to wash away the remaining body wash. Her mundane task complete and her sensual one a failure, she shut off the water and began toweling him off. When she was almost complete her Master opened his eyes, opened the shower door and stepped in the bathroom. A muttered "Thank you" was all the response she had been able to arouse from him. She dried off as well, the towel wiping away the remnants of both the shower and her silent tears.

It had been two weeks since the explosion at the auction house in Fresno. Some things had changed in unexpected ways while others had not changed at all.

The drive back towards the Pacific coast had taken more than two hours. Once they were clear of the "Vet Van" people, there was no need to flee in panic mode. All three were not feeling one hundred present. Almost as soon as they hit the highway Page fell asleep and Willow was too frightened to talk. Both were wrapped in blankets, not for modesty but for warmth. But still Willow shivered in terror, the trauma of the day catching up to her nervous system. The journey west was very quiet.

The drive across the valley is dull and, in early January, monochrome. Brown fields are broken by brown leafless trees followed by more brown fields stretching north and south without end. Up ahead the coastal hills, which are brown most of the year, turn green from the California winter rains. While they add a bit of color, they never seemed to get closer though the Range Rover was eating up the miles a quickly as it could.

Finally they began the climb into the hills between Santa Cruz and San Jose. Willow was trying to follow where they were going, hoping one day to try and escape. However she quickly became turned around and could see the rugged forest and steep hills everywhere she looked. She knew fleeing on foot would be impossible.

They turned off the highway and drove for another forty minutes, making left and right turns in an almost random pattern. Finally they slowed and turned off the paved road and onto a gravel path that ran beside an old frame house that would have looked right at home in Fresno. The paint was faded and the yard was full of weeds and scrubby bushes. The car pulled to the back of the house next to a barn, but did not stop. The path twisted around the far side of the barn and continued on into the stand of trees behind the barn. The path crossed over a bridge so narrow Willow was sure it would collapse under the weight of the Range Rover. It did not. In fact she did not feel it sway or shake.

The path they were following wound its way further into the brush. Page noticed that the very dense brush of both sides of the path was composed of a number of different plants. Sometimes a branch would reach part way across the path and be brushed aside by the SUV. When that happened Willow could see that the branch, and in fact all of the plants, were covered with very large and long thorns.

Very abruptly the landscape changed. They were crossing another bridge, this one much longer and more substantial, with arching supports and cables hanging down. The bridge spanned a ravine more than forty feet deep and filled with the rushing waters deposited by the January rains. While the ravine was not wide, the bridge was set at an angle to its path. Thus the bridge had to be long and narrow. As they crossed Willow could see across to the other side. The other side was a vineyard with grape vines running along a valley floor and up a gentle slope in the distance. After the dull landscape of Fresno and the dark path between the thorns, this small valley looked like paradise.

The SUV crossed over the bridge and continued towards a stand of old growth trees towards the back of the valley. They came to a stop in front of a low stucco house with large windows and rose bushes in the front yard. The roses were blooming with red, white and yellow flowers. The plants covered most of the yard and went around the sides as far as Willow could see.

Willow was startled when the man spoke for the first time since the trip had begun.

"Help her into the house. Her room is to the left of the house down the hall. Try and get her in bed without disturbing her too much. Then come to the great room."

The man stepped out of the car and opened her door. He took her hands and unlocked the cuffs she had worn all day ... ever since ... her mother ... She tried not to think of that or she would melt right on the spot. She watched as he unlocked Page's cuffs and put them in his pocket with hers.

"Go" he said firmly but without malice.

Willow moved as quickly as her sore knee would allow to the other side of the car and gently helped Page get on her feet and walk her to the front door. The man, her owner, her master, ... she had heard Page call him "lord," whatever he was, had left the door open. She stepped into the house and turned left down the hall. There was a door open at the end on the left and Page seemed to be heading towards it.

When they got there, Page shrugged off the blanket that had been across her shoulders and walked the few paces to the bed and eased herself down on it and did not move again. Her eyes were closed and Willow took a quilt from the foot of the bed and covered the naked slave. She then turned off the light and pulled the door closed.

Willow went back down the hall and stood near the front door where she had entered. Directly across from the front door was a wall of windows that went from floor to ceiling. A rose garden, the most beautiful she had ever seen was visible. She had only seen things like that in magazines and movies. But then she heard a glass tinkle as ice was dropped into it. She hobbled over to find the great room and complete the task her master had commanded.

She found him sitting in a leather wingback chair holding a glass that looked like it contained whiskey. As she quietly entered the room, he did not move or make a sound. He seemed to be lost in thought.

"Sir?" Willow said softly.

He looked up at her. His eyes went up and down her body and she remembered she was naked except for her shoes. But it was not a lustful look he gave her, but the look of someone sizing up their purchase.

"How are you?" He squeezed he eyes shut then opened them again. "I mean, are you well? How is the leg? Can you function?" He took a long breath and continued.

"I am near collapse and feel dizzy. Page is not well either. I know we both need rest and healing time. Are you up to taking care of us for the next few days?"

"I believe so ... sir."

"Good, good. There is only one car here and I have the keys. Don't think about running, you will just get caught and treated as a runaway from the auction house. However you are safe while you remain here.

"For the next few days just take care of us. Explore the house to find what you need. If you can cook, feed us.

"You are filthy. Take a bath first thing. Use Page's bathroom. If you have a problem, wake me up. But for the next few days I am counting on you to care for us. We will sort out the rest then."

He then wedged himself out of the chair and, carrying his glass, stumbled toward the other side of the house. She heard a mumbled "Good night" just before he closed the door.

Page woke to someone pressing a finger to her shoulder. It was not painful but very insistent. Her eyes flew open and saw her master looking down at her. She always woke at least an hour before he did to work out and complete her hygiene routine. She always greeted him ready for the day and whatever task she was given. That was the way she had been trained. She began to panic at her complete loss of protocol.

But Lord Blackmon did not look angry. He held a finger to her lips indicating silence and then pointed to the right side of the room. There, curled up on an overstuffed chair, Willow was asleep, covered with a blanket from the hall closet. Lord Blackmon motioned for Page to follow and they both quietly slipped out of the room.

Once in the great room, her master turned around and held a hand to her cheek. "How are you this morning?" he asked in a low voice.

"I am ... ok. The headache is gone, and the upset stomach. I am sore and have a few bruises."

"Do you feel like eating something?" he asked.

"I will fix something. It will..."

"No, I want to talk while we can. How about I fix some toast and we can sit together this morning? I have managed toast in the past, I am sure I can remember how."

"Then I will fix coffee?" she whispered.


Warm toast with butter and fresh coffee was put on the table and Page began kneeling near lord Blackmon's chair like she always did.

"No. Not today. Sit at the table with me so we can talk face to face."

Page stood and moved to a chair near the window. She caught sight of her reflection and was shocked at what she saw. Her hair was a tangled, dirty mess. She had neither makeup on nor lipstick. She still had dust and soot from the fire on her face, arms and chest. In the time she had been a slave, she had stood in public completely naked, in front of hundreds of people and did not feel as ashamed as she did at that moment with just her and her master in the room.

She was running her fingers through her blond hair as he began buttering some toast and took a bite.

"Page, I need to get a handle on what is going on and what I need to do to straighten this mess out. I only have a few days before I leave and I need this settled before that. I need for you to tell me everything you know about what happened yesterday."

Page took a bite of dry toast, it seem like a good choice given that her stomach had begun doing flip-flops again. She then told her master everything she knew including Willow's birthday, her mother selling her to the auction for her virginity and what she knew about the rescue.

Blackmon had finished his toast and was on his second cup of coffee by the time Page finished her tale, including how Willow had checked on her during the night and had even brought her some water to drink.

"That is some tale. We both were lucky not to get killed or separated in all of the mayhem. You made a good call saving her life.

"But today is today. What do we do now? We have some choices to make because they will dictate what we need to do next.

"We went to Fresno looking for someone that could help you around here and keep you company while I am gone. We came home with someone, but does she fit the tasks we were looking for?"

"Sir, are you asking for my opinion?"

"Yes Page, tell me. Do we stick with Willow or do we settle her situation, send her off and find what you were looking for?"

"Sir, I am not sure she is a perfect fit in terms of helping me lay out the gardens for the new house or redecorating this one. She is so young and we know so little about her and her abilities.

"But what we do know is that she saved us both. She was smart enough to gather information that was very important and share it with us. I like her heart and courage.

"She is so young you can train her to do whatever you need. Would you at least give her a chance. Her life here, even as a slave, would be better than her future as a slave in Fresno."

Her master placed on hand on the side of his face. Page had learned that was a sign he was thinking. After a few moments he dropped his hand and look at Page.


Page's heart dropped and she began marshaling her thoughts to beg for Willow's life. She was about to speak when Lord Blackmon went on.

"No ... l will not be able to train her. Remember I am leaving in two weeks and will be gone for over four months.

"You will have to train her."

Page was startled. She had never considered training another slave. She knew there were training houses and slave schools that used other slaves to teach and punish. She had never been to one; her training had been done by a very demanding individual Lord Blackmon knew but lived in Oklahoma.

"I will call my lawyers today and let them get started in settling Willow's ownership. She was not sold for much and I think we can get it resolved for very little.

"Page, this is as good a project as the planning and redecorating you were going to do while I was gone. If she does not work out, when I get back we can take her to another auction house and sell her. I agree she deserves a chance, and I want you to give her the best chance possible.

After a moment, Page bowed her head a softly said "As you command."

The routine began to reassert itself over the next few days. Each morning Page woke very early to exercise or do Yoga and eat a bite of breakfast before her shower and grooming. She then gently woke her master, not with a blowjob as in the past, but with a gentle word and stroke of his face. She washed him in the shower and while he shaved she laid out his clothes for the day.

However, some things were different. Shortly after her conversation that morning with Lord Blackmon, Page woke Willow and pushed the half asleep girl into the shower. Willow was alarmed she was naked in the shower with another naked person, even if it was another girl. Page made Willow scrub three times to try and remove as much of the residue of the bomb blast and eighteen years of neglect as possible. She washed and conditioned Willow's hair but quickly realized it was beyond her skill to bring it under control. She would have to seek professional help.

Same as Willow
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Fiona Cali was casted for the lead role in an upcoming lesbian flick. Linda Perkins, the proprietor of Safemme Studios, lusted after her. Hence, she lured Fiona by offering her a handsome amount and invited her at home to sign the contract. At Linda's residence, Fiona gave in to her sexual advance. And she was definitely gratified by her erotic maneuver. Cast of Characters: Major Characters: Fiona Cali: Protagonist. Linda Perkins: Lesbian proprietor of Safemme Studios. Minor Characters: Ralph...

2 years ago
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Une famille dans la prcarit

(WIP renommage des personnage avec le "nouveau" systeme de variables) Julie vivait dans un petit appartement avec ses parents : (Bruno) Bruno et (Valérie) Valérie DURAND. Au lycée, Julie n'était pas la plus jolie fille, mais elle n'était pas non plus dans la catégorie des moches. Ses parents s'étaient connus à l'époque dans ce même lycée d'ailleurs. Le couple resta amoureux, même si quelques temps après la grossesse de Valérie n'était pas prévue, et ils se marièrent avant la naissance de Julie,...

3 years ago
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Escape Ch2

Escape by sammig82 Edited by DocVS Chapter 2 The Fugitives Ten hours after the accident, a couple of fine policeman showed up at the log cabin to inquire whether they have seen any suspicious personals around these woods. "No, I don't think so. Have you noticed anything strange after Kevin and I went to the crash site today, honey?" Oliver redirected the question to his wife in a strapless orange mid-thigh summer dress, shorter than the one she wore this morning. "I don't...

3 years ago
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Campus Life Slut WeekChapter 14

The digital video and photo antics continued. Tylea, along with Lee, moved around and found a guy with a tattoo on his chest covered by his shirt. Lee got him to remove his shirt, with some encouragement from the guy's date, and to let Tylea kiss the tattoo while Lee got the video and some stills. The guy's date surprised him and everybody else when she raised her blouse slightly in back and turned around to let Lee kiss the tattoo she had on her lower back right above her shapely ass....

2 years ago
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my 1st time with anothe guy pt3

I was laid back on the sofa stroking my hard cock when I heard " oh danny, sorry I didn't think you'd still be here" it was mr smith back earlier than I thought"oh shit" I cried as I jumped up and scrambled to pull up my white briefs, the rest of my clothes folded on the dining table out of reach"whoa,whoa calm down ,its ok! calm down, its alright no need to be embaressed" he said in a soft tone of voice as I unsuccessfully tried to tuck my hard on into my briefs" i've told you before all boys...

4 years ago
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Soon To Be More Than Friends

My best friend, Kelsey, was the love of my life and she knew it too. For three years I had been dying to get my hands on her and now was my perfect chance. For days we had been catching up on things since we’d last talked. With her now living two hours away, we rarely talked but still maintained our tight friendship. Last night I was home alone and feeling pretty lonely. Sadly the weather was horrible and my friend just couldn’t make the trip to see me no matter how much I begged. She promised...

1 year ago
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The Ballgame

For being a little town nestled into the hills the roads were as twisting and turning as I have ever seen. The scenery was beautiful if you could take it in for keeping your eye on the road. But eventually we arrived to a clearing in the woods with a double wide and a garage tucked neatly out of view from the main road.They must have been waiting for I no sooner pulled into the yard when Amy and her son appear out the door headed for the car. He was an image of his ma but unmistakeably a male...

3 years ago
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My true story Part 3

"Does that feel good, Nisha?" Lynn asked with a sly grin."Oh God baby, don't stop. Mmmm, you're great baby, you're the best!" Tonisha moaned loudly.Lynn was becoming very turned on. Though Tonisha was sitting on HER face, she felt like she was in total control. She and she alone could pleasure this beautiful ebony princess. Her own white pussy was so aroused she knew she was about to cum."Uhmm, you little white bitch, I want your tongue deep, deep into my black pussy" she growled. "Do it...

3 years ago
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A Nightmare Reborn Ch 02

A NIGHTMARE REBORN: FREDDY VS. JASON 2 CHAPTER 02 BASED UPON CHARACTERS CREATED BY: WES CRAVEN: A Nightmare on Elm Street VICTOR MILLER: Friday the 13th JOHN CARPENTER: Halloween STEPHEN KING: It VICTOR SALVA: Jeepers Creepers KEVIN WILLIAMSON: Scream CLIVE BARKER: Candyman ALFRED HITCHCOCK: Psycho CREATIVE CONSULTANTS: Sean Renaud, Tessa Alexander and Miriam Belle EDITOR: Miriam Belle AUTHOR’S NOTE: -‘There have been a few questions regarding the fate of Dr. Loomis at the end...

4 years ago
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Jillian Barberie AdoptAFuckingPetChapter 6

By this time, Damien was tired of being left out of all this fucking. The large Doberman moved around sniffing and licking Pamela's body trying to find some relief for himself. When he got to her face, Pam parted her lips and offered him her mouth. The dog's tongue quickly explored this offering and slithered inside, frenchkissing the voluptuous woman. Pam immediately reciprocated by sucking on the sandpapery tongue as it explored her mouth, right to the back of her throat. "Oooooh!"...

2 years ago
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Secret Affairs with my friends son Part 12

Adam’s words started making me wet. I could already imagine myself standing in front of him, waiting for him to fuck me. “And then what happened?” I asked, as I leaned back on the couch and spread my legs a little. My hand reached down under my skirt and I was still looking at Adam, who was looking outside the window. He had no idea that I had started rubbing my pussy hearing his dirty dream about me. “You keep looking at me until I slip my hand in my underwear and take out my cock to show you...

1 year ago
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Cathy pt 3

Cathy. (Pt 3) If you are NOT 18 or older, please get lost and visit another web page instead. It's not easy trying to write about a character who was created having a voice impediment, especially with the spell checker red lining numerous the spelling errors. So at times you may have to read a sentence twice or read it out aloud to make more sense of it. - I apologize most profusely for the frustration. THIS story is a complete work of fiction. And because it's about a...

3 years ago
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Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 15

Elizabeth stopped to rest. She wasn’t used to this kind of activity. She clung to the vine and panted lightly, looking around. There wasn’t much to see. She was in the clouds, and all there was within sight was beanstalk. Her stomach growled. All this climbing had made her hungry. Her eyes fell on a pod. She broke the pod open and chewed several beans, and put another handful in her apron pocket. After all, if she got to see Mortie, she knew he’d want to renew their relationship the same...

1 year ago
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Sinful Night Part 8211 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net After a day filled with meetings, I just wanted to grab a few drinks in the bar next to my hotel and go back and dump myself in the bed. However, I did not know, how long a night this was going to be. I took a taxi from the office to my hotel and throughout the way, I was lost in my own thoughts away from my family in a place, so alien. I checked a few emails on the phone and a dating site I was a member of to score some quick...

3 years ago
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College Lust

‘Oh, yes. Touch me there’ I whispered as Anthony’s fingers traced a delicate weave up the inside of my thigh up my hockey skirt, his lips soft and wet at my throat as I lay a quivering heap of jelly on his single bed. He hesitated, his hand tantalizingly close to my mound as he lifted his head and listened. ‘Shh!’ ‘What is it?’ I moaned, frustratedly, a pool of heat growing between my thighs. ‘I thought I heard my parents’ car.’ ‘You’re paranoid!’ I reached for his wrist and urged his hand...

1 year ago
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Milfty Reagan Foxx New MILF Tit Test Drive

Usually our studs mom picks him up from soccer practice, but today Reagan Foxx is doing her a favor by giving the soccer star a ride home. He gets in Reagans car and immediately sees the brand new set of headlights she just got done. He can barely keep his tongue in his mouth! They get back to her place, and her new tits fall right out of her top. She is embarrassed, but she wants the lucky guy to give them a test run to see if they are good. He pops a boner, and Reagan knows that she has to...

2 years ago
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How i fucked my mami

A bit about myself; i am 22 years of age, 6 feet in height with a gud physique and built. The story i would love to share wid all of u is an excellent real relationship between me and my mami (mamoo’s wife) which started off just as an incident but was further florished with my acts. Lemme tell all of u a bit about my mami.she is around 40 her name is erum n she got married to my mamoo around 20 years back. The day she stepped in our house, i was just 2 years of age. As my mother was a working...

3 years ago
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My friends mom part 1

Im over at my friends (bob, were 18) when he pops out for a bit and says i can wait in the lounge. His mom comes down stairs, asks me where bob is and i tell her gone to shops and says i can wait around. she says that is ok and goes to get a drink of wine, as she bends over at the fridge i catch a glimpse of her pants as her shortish dress has risen up. i start to get a bit hard cause bobs mom is quite hot. she says i can put the tele on while waiting. i put it on and on comes some softcore...

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Ill be a Mommys UncleChapter 4

After that night I pretty much knew when I could ask to wear her clothes. About once a week seemed to satisfy her. It drove me to near madness. I jerked off constantly, filling every scrap of cloth with cum, desperately alert for her next moment of naked availability. About once a week, mother would strip in front of me and dress me in her clothes. Then she would proceed to act like a little girl who desperately needed love and attention from her mommy. My own role in these games were so...

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Rebecca gives Her Daughter a Gift

Rebecca or Bec as her friends call her came home from work in a dazy state her daughter Ginny was taken by her mothers mood mom are you ok? Bec looked at her daughter in one week she would be 17yrs her long hair hung to just above her perfect ass. Ginny was turning 17 but her body was one of a gorgeous model long legs to a perfect ass then 36C tits even bigger then her mother's a face of an angel the total package. Honey please come sit with me ok? Sure mom what's up with you why are you...

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The Card Game

I was playing poker with three of my friends and had lost almost all my money. My wife was really pissed off at me for losing so much cash. Two of my buddies called it a night, so that left Calvin and me. Calvin had been the big winner that night, and my wife asked him to give me back the money I'd lost.He looked at her for a few moments, then looked at me and said, "I'll make you a deal." He said that he'd give me a chance to win it back if my wife would ante up one piece of clothing in each...

Wife Lovers
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Showing Off SusanChapter 10

Joe and his friends escorted the helpless young couple back to their room, walking at a leisurely pace across the parking lot to the accompaniment of blasting horns from passing cars, a comment on the beautiful, naked young woman in their midst. They split up at the door to the room. Joe went inside with Susan and gathered up their belongings. Then they left in Joe's car. Susan slumped down in her seat, still naked. She only spoke once. She asked where Lanny was. Joe responded with an evil...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 73

"So, let's see if we can buy it." I said to the deacon before I walked back to the seller. "Well sir my friend drove your truck and said this particular model with that engine and transmission configuration is due for work," I said. "Some others have said something similar. I think it is a tactic to beat me down." He said. "Well, if you aren't willing to negotiate, I'm sorry I wasted your time," I said. "So what did you have in mind?" he asked. "Frankly I would feel...

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Im an Old CowhandChapter 2

Jeff Blanton, the foreman, straightened right up, but he wasn't the only one with an opinion of who should be taking over. I noticed Carl Blankenship seemed to think he ought to be running things now. Sooner than later we got into an argument and I guess Carl thought he was the fastest one on the draw on our ranch now. We were arguing over which cows to move next and when I put my foot down and told him no he finally bucked up his nerve and went for his revolver. I'd been paying close...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Vanessa Cage Allie Nicole Paying For Pleasure

When investigative cutie Allie Nicole confronts our stud about fucking her stepmom, Vanessa Cage, she discovers a surprising truth. Her old man set it all up! He wants his wife to get her fill of fat cock, so our stud has been coming over to do his bidding. But now that Allie knows the secret, she wants in on the action. She chokes on the lucky guys dong as her pussy gets soaking wet. Later, Vanessa invites the horny young dicklover to join in on a steamy threesome with her and her boytoy. The...

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BugsChapter 16

The rest of the stuff on the trailers was unloaded as quickly as possible and moved into that first chamber. Once the unloading was complete, preparations were made for the return trip. Everybody spent one last night together, then the tractors and trailers left to make the next pickup. As soon as those people had left, the remaining people began organizing to shift furniture into available chambers. At the moment, there were enough chambers available leading from the main chamber to house...

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Do it with my brother

“You know, Rohan, I think Vishal’s turned on by you,” Neha said as her brother, Vishal, left the apartment, giving me a smile. Neha’s my lover and Vishal’s her brother. Vishal moved in with me and Neha when he came to live in New York a couple of months ago, right after graduating high school. It seemed someone saw him in a high school drama production back in Iowa and thought he had real talent. So the second he got his diploma and turned eighteen, Vishal headed for the Big Apple and right...

1 year ago
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