ProeliatorChapter 21 free porn video

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The news of the railway had spread very quickly and we had even more visitors. Many came by ship and marvelled at our docking facilities then at just about everything else. They were not kept away from the open hearth furnace because there was just too much technology here for them to duplicate our work.

The track was laid quickly and the tractor recalled. The wheels were removed and rail trucks put on. Tertius spent the day transporting his family then all the other people to the coking plant and back. There was no way to turn around so he pushed one way and pulled another. The track was not ground like the usual track and I would just have to get some people working on it and on machining the matching face of the wheels.

Everybody wanted a second set of tracks and I let them build it. This could only happen after they put more track to our other facilities in the area. This was acceptable too because they could go to more places. The small car with the double handle used to move along the track by hand was drawn up but I had to let others think of how to make it work.

The railway reminded me of models I had seen and got some of the men and women to make interlocking wooden cars, track, and engines used by the preschoolers of my time. They would get sold to the adults here. I could put the price high and they would still buy them and I was also sure that their children would never be allowed to touch them.

What amazed me the most was the joy everybody had in making something new. This was so strong that they studied to learn more and then did experiments to expand on that knowledge. The Greeks were not used to doing this but once they learned of the scientific method they made sure everything was done right. All of this was reinforced by those that had expanded on our knowledge and then were able to voice their discoveries. It was far short of as scientific paper but it was still very rewarding.

Iulius talked of his organ, not mine. The Greeks added their own input about the frequency, amplitude and wavelength of the sounds. A tuning fork with a pen nib was shown to corroborate their findings when the pattern of the waves were shown and counted on paper.

One enterprising individual took a table and used glass containers with water to form an instrument. This was the same thing as what I had seen in the old portion of Québec City. We all clapped our approval and I was sure there would be more of this sort of entertainment produced later.

We had started something new here by selling toys, food, and excursions. It looked to be lucrative so I asked for suggestions. I got a lot and two secretaries wrote them down.

"A Capitalist society is one where people work hard to get rich. That is the system the world follows now. We are something different in that we also are given food, education, clothing and all the other things we enjoy. This would normally be called a Socialist society except we are between the two types.

"You all work hard and some work harder still because you are doing something you enjoy. I think we can become even more prosperous by doing more tasks. Toys are a good example of this. Men and women in their spare time use our wood and machines to produce these articles. The articles are sold by me and I give a portion of the profits back to the people that worked harder. I can sell these toys in Gaul."

One of the Greeks said, "What about the organ?"

"You were paid to make this thing. You get no extra profit for doing so." The man looked a bit glum and I added, "If you learn to play the organ as an extra duty I would pay you for this. I suppose that if you put extra hours in working on the organ, I would feel obliged to pay you for them." The man looked much better now.

"Iulius, we are going back to Gaul in a few weeks. Will you find some people that will listen to suggestions for making money? We will have to do this in Gaul too."

He said, "This is to separate the good ideas from the bad?"

"I think the decisions will be based on the ones that show that they can make the most money the easiest way. It is not the same thing."

The few proposals we did get that sounded practical were sent back to the people that suggested them so they could improve on their ideas.

We prepared for our departure and word was sent to Horatius Postuma. The other forts were told too but Horatius might provide a chance to bring the mail.

Helvius was working on the boiler for the school but I knew that four men were designing a compressor without the basic physics. They would not get far without the ammonia so I ignored it. I knew a form of butane would work too but we could do one job at a time. Helvius was also working on another steam engine to pull rail cars and since it was on steel track it was simpler.

Just before I left we were treated to a musical recital. There was a forty three key organ that played notes that sounded good to me. Three women sang and one was good. Six men sang and none were very good, though I clapped for all of them. Children sang as a choir and this was excellent. We got two songs because they had not been practising long. A mixed choir of adults sounded good and I suggested that the men sing to one side and the women to the others as opposed to the men in front. They sang one song again and it sounded even better.

On the day we were to sail I found a Roman in the garb of the Imperial Courier Service near the Patricia with four burly men behind him.

He came up to me and said, "Are you Jón of Germania?"

"I am. Who are you?"

"Publius Cornelius Castus."

I put out my hand and said, "Hello Publius."

He didn't look pleased but he did shake my hand. I asked, "What can I do for the Imperial Courier Service?"

"We require transportation to Lutetia as soon as possible."

I looked at the four men and said, "I can take the mail without charge to the empire. I do require help with the nets and the cleaning of the fish we may catch on the way. For this service I will pay a share of the profits. This is not negotiable though."

"I am not a fisherman," he said haughtily.

"I am not either but I want to find out about fishing and to do so I must fish this new way. I will carry the mail for free and you too but you must become a fisherman for at least a few days but you should also be well compensated. It is to be both or none."

The man thought and said, "One of my men may do this work."

"All of you work and all of you share in the profits. When I have some of the other ships finished we will take passengers and pamper them. We cannot do that now."

"I can demand that you take me."

"Sure you can but when I leave, you will be left standing on the dock."

"I am a representative of the Augustus."

"I am the prince of a foreign power."

"I can have you arrested."

I relaxed though Rufus and Iulius were prepared to fight. "You can only try to arrest me. There are only five of you and one of me. You are outnumbered."

The man didn't understand this because it must be the new math. The man reached forward for me and grabbed my shoulder. I had one sword over my back and no armour. I also had a large duffel bag of clothing and possessions in each hand.

The bags were dropped and I had his arm rotated as I held his wrist at arm's length. The bully boys started to reach for their swords and I said, "You come closer and you will regret it. I have used no weapon yet."

I flexed the wrist and the Publius Cornelius Castus cried out in pain.

"Were you trying to arrest me?"

"Your tricks are no good. I will report this."

I worked on the man's speech centre for just a minute then let him go. He stood up with a snarl on his face and started to talk but no words came out, only croaks. His hands went to his throat and his eyes got big. His head was pushed forward and the veins in his neck stood out. Nothing intelligent came from his throat.

The bags were left on the ground and I walked around the stricken man and to the four men. "Hello. My name is Jón of Germania. Have any of you heard of me?" I got four nods and this was the reason the men had kept their distance.

"The man has problems with his voice but he is not hurt otherwise. Now if you would be so kind tell me your names and where you are usually stationed."

It took a while and I need to do a bit more prompting. The men were from a fort much further up the Rhine and had been down this way on official business. When Publius needed guards these men had been detached into his service.

Publius came running at me now and I listened to his steps and moved at the last minute. He had no weapon in his hand and I only pushed him off balance. He fell to the ground.

"Well Publius Cornelius Castus, what am I going to do with you? Working for the Augustus means you deserve some respect but you squander it on a patrician attitude that is not suited to Germania Inferior."

The man got up with a knife in his hand but I kicked his wrist first and the knife flew away. I also heard the distinct break of the bone.

Publius looked from me to his oddly hanging wrist and didn't know what to do.

I turned back to the men and said, "Are you to accompany this man to Lutetia?" One said yes while two nodded.

Taking pity on the man on the ground I put my hand on his head and in a few seconds he fell over unconscious with his damaged wrist on top of him.

"Will you carry him onboard please? Where can we drop off the horses? I don't want to carry them all the way to Lutetia."

The youngest man said, "The courier drops them off at any fort and takes new mounts."

"Thanks. Put him on the barge. Iulius will show you which room."

Licinia arrived a bit later but had not seen the encounter. Her family and mine wished us a safe trip.

Iulius said when we were underway, "What are we going to do with that man?"

"I guess we have to heal his wrist but I may leave his voice until later."

"What you did is a crime."

"It may be but there is time for the man to come around."

Iulius splinted the wrist as Rufus piloted the Patricia out of the Don and into the Rhine. The soldiers were very nervous and I had to calm them down and told them why I did what I had done.

"I am polite to those that are polite to me. Iulius has splinted the wrist and I am going to heal the break now."

The men had heard of this but I guess they had not believed all of what they had heard. It took three minutes and I held the break as close to the original position as possible.

"Publius will be healed enough to help us when we get to the Seine but he will miss the fun when we leave the Rhine." I talked about the paying passengers I would be picking up on the way down the Rhine then I gave them a tour of the upper portion of the barge.

When I found that one man could read I directed him to my rule book on chess and I said, "I will challenge you gentlemen later if you want. I am sure my Romans will defeat your Persians. They didn't understand and were still worried. "I will be back around noon to cook a meal. This chore moves to all of us so you have to learn how to cook if you don't already."

We picked up a six officers a few hours later. There was a crowd on the shore. When I went on deck most of them gave the sign of the Möbius. I thanked the people for coming and talked about the gods. I stayed away from prayers as much as possible.

The officers though were not followers and remained aloof. They were given one common room. They may have been used to better quarters with slaves but the cost was too high to bring slaves. The cost of separate room would have been much higher.

At noon I made a meal for all of us. I started with basic hygiene and then went on with the way to cook the meal. I tried to act like a TV chef as is sipped some watered wine and made a few jokes.

Decimus was the most outgoing of the four men and I got him to help me. Some wine facilitated this greatly. Decimus got to eat first and then I served the guests. Decimus assisted again by feeding his friends.

The officers didn't want to have anything to do with the lower ranks so they didn't find out about Publius. The officers were introduced to the library and one of the chess sets then a copy of the book for the game itself.

I said, "This is a game of skill and strategy. It is of war too. Some people pick up the game quickly but even the very best take many years to hone their skills."

The men looked at the book's thickness and didn't seem interested. "There is another game called checkers that is simpler but again there is strategy and skill involved. There are pictures so you can see how to play."

I went to see Publius and took one of the men because I was going into their room. The man woke up at my touch and this startled the guard.

Publius started to rant at me but found that his voice had not returned.

I said, "We will talk later. At the moment we are sailing down the Rhine. There is food in the kitchen for you. There are four paying passengers onboard. They have paid for their meals with their passage. Crew eat free but crew help with the fishing."

The man was nervous now but his patrician blood didn't allow him to show much of his fear. "I will make a wager with you. There are some books on chess. If you beat me in any game I will return your voice to you."

He didn't seem to like this so I added, "The gods assisted me in removing your voice. You will never get it back without me. There are many copies of two books that I have written. Read either of the books and I will return your voice to you."

He didn't like this either but I just got up and left. I left the poor soldier with the insufferable man. I walked the plank from the barge to the ship and jumped the final distance. This was dangerous but there was also a rope stretching across the distance too. After checking with the rest of the crew I went to my room to work on the book about females in the land of the gods.

After an hour I found I was writing a story about a girl of fourteen in the twentieth century. The technology was secondary to the story but it had to be explained. This gave me a chance to talk about all the small details of my time that were not in any of the other two books. Newspapers with coloured pictures and words in columns were explained and then so were the ads. School and the relationships she had with her friends and with the young males were explained. Conflict was the fact that she wanted a boy named Chad but her parents didn't want her to go with him. Contraceptives were explained but most of all the culture was shown as male lead but not as strongly as it was here and now.

Bus rides and car rides were talked about as well as the highway system. Sporting events were popular with the boys so the girls had to go to. More conflict with studies when social events and television competed. The radio and the portable MP3 players were talked about.

It was dark when I looked up and I was only part way through the story. I had to show some girls that failed and ones that surpassed many men. In between were the majority and how they would be just mediocre.

One university was where Woden worked. I planned on showing how he and his trusted companions worked to help mankind while juggling responsibility to their own world.

The papers were locked up in a box and I only took my k-bar with me as I checked on the crew. Iulius was busy with some sheet music and I avoided going in to help by saying I was looking for something to eat. The engines had stopped and so had the supply of hot water but I could live with this until tomorrow morning.

Back on the barge I found some fish stew so Rufus must have been cooking. He was even quite good at it. When I was done I watched the officers trying to play checkers from the rule book. They rearranged the board and I was asked to show them how to play.

The part they didn't like was that they had to hop my piece if the opportunity arose. To make the men feel better we started over again many times with nobody losing.

It was not long until one of the officers said, "What happened to Publius Cornelius Castus?"

"He attacked me. Why do you ask?"

"He is an officer and a Courier. You cannot interfere with him or his duties."

"I am a prince of a foreign land. Nobody fools around with me. Have you forgotten how Woden and Aldúlfr helped me with invaders?"

They were not fools and didn't react with anger. One said, "We have heard."

I replied, "I may not be important but Woden, I think, is superior to any human that ever lived."

The man or his friends had nothing to say about this. I went on with, "I was attacked by a man that thought he was superior to a young man. He moved unhurriedly, his reflexes were slow and he had a very poor method of subduing me. Any of you could have done better I think."

The man changed the subject and said, "When are you going to return his voice to him?"

"When he reads the book on chess and beats me in a game. Failing that he has to read one of the two books I wrote. Woden may also direct me to repair his voice but he may also want to come here and turn him into a frog."

The men moved back from me and I said, "I would not do that unless ordered. Woden may also turn Publius into a woman with large breasts. The intention was to teach a lesson or to educate the man. Woden is not vindictive."

The men were worried now and to get off the subject said, "We had heard that Thor has given you his hammer."

"He has in a way but I am unable to throw it. It takes the arms of a god to do that. He has allowed Aldúlfr to give me a small part of the power of his hammer in the form of arrows."

"May we see them?"

"They are not something to be brought out to show guests. The gods showed me checkers and chess. They showed me how to kill with my hands but they have recently shown me how to heal the sick. My duty to the gods is serious and not to be taken lightly."

They didn't dare push the matter now and were at a loss of what to say. I got the men seated and got one man to move and then his opponent. The four guards had quietly left and I found them in their room with Publius.

I knocked on the door and was admitted. One man had a book in his hand and I had heard him speaking the words out loud. It was the book on chess.

It just occurred to me that Publius might not be able to read and I felt bad about this. "I see that three of you cannot read. Would you like to come to another room and I can teach you. We may not get far on the trip but it will pass the time." I looked at Publius and said, "You are welcome to come and observe." The man did some thinking then nodded his head.

I copied out the alphabet onto the blackboard. Latin used K, Y and Z for Greek words and J, U and W for some other languages but not their own. They also did not use lower case letters like I did. All the punctuation and the arabic/indian numbers had to be put in and this was seen as unnecessary by most. Under this I put the names of a soldier's equipment. I parsed one word at a time and explained how certain characters produced certain sounds. All of the men had to repeat the sounds except Publius. I used their names next and they then had to go into their families.

The lesson was stopped as I asked them about their families and where they came from. This got to be fairly friendly and I said to Publius, "I am going to teach your men how to read. The chess book will be what I am going to teach now. Will you actively take part even if you can read like Decimus?"

He nodded his head much more quickly. I added, "This means that you say the words and the sounds the same as the rest. This is on your word as a Roman."

It was not said as a question but Publius nodded. I went over to him and he pulled his head back then after thinking put it forward. I held his head in my hands and said out loud, "Woden, please aid me to repair this man's voice." I was also triggering the release of the endorphins into the man's blood stream. I corrected what I had done to the muscles controlling his larynx.

When I stepped back the man looked radically changed. I may have caused too much of the hormones to be released. We all waited and in a moment Publius said, "Thank you and thanks to Woden as well."

I went back to the board and restarted the lesson.

The next day Publius seemed to be a new man. This may last but it might not too. He, at least, was amendable to some ideas that he would not have encompassed before. The four officers soon pulled him to one side and had a lot of questions for him.

The four guards were given a tour of the boat now and I showed them the engine. It was noisy here so when we went on deck I asked, "Do any of you want to learn how the engine works?" There were a lot of eager smiles so we went back to the blackboard. We had not got far when Publius hurried in and took a seat.

"Hello Publius. We were going to talk about how the engine works for a while first."

"Please go right ahead."

I talked about how Rufus explained about the power of steam to the Frisians. None of them knew about an explosion but I did the best I could. I got five smiles now.

The engine was drawn at its simplest form and then the double linkage to the wheel that turned the propeller shaft. The next part was to teach them about a propellor but that was easy with a knife and a piece of wood. This one flew through the air though and that was easy enough to understand.

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Mariah gave a smile to her family, friends and fans as she stood in the dock awaiting the judges return. She was wearing the clothes she had been wearing when she was arrested. Tight blue denim shorts. A top that didnt leave much to the imagination. It was shaped like a butterfly, with the front wings covering her curvaceous breasts and the rear wings covering her ribs. The intricately woven material was almost see through and clung to her body. It was held in place by thin tight strings that...

3 years ago
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My wife and I have been married for about seven years. We fell in love at the tender age of sixteen and were each other’s first sex experiences. Of course neither of us knew what we were doing but through good old trial and error we finally were able to satisfy each other’s sexual needs. What we didn’t know about were all the variations involved in sex. I mean what man really knows all about the many ways to satisfy a woman. I thought I did, boy was I surprised when I started to read and...

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A New Years Eve To Remember repost

Well, as the night wore on I got chatting with a friend (Jane) of my mate’s wife (Michelle). At about 10 pm my wife turns to me and says she is tired and is heading to bed, so I kissed on the cheek and said goodnight. I went back to chatting with Jane and as the New Year came we kissed each other on the cheek and said happy New Year. At about 2 am there was just me Jane and Michelle awake. The other guys had passed out or gone to bed. Jane suggested a game of pool so we started...

1 year ago
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As I Was Walking in the ParkChapter 1

Last evening as it was going dark And I was walking in the park I saw a boy along the way Alas, he wasn't there today It was the third week of July when I first saw him. On a Thursday. At nearly eight-thirty to be more exact. I had been walking in the county park located about a mile or so from our new home and I was just starting back when I heard a slight sound behind me. I turned and saw a boy about my age rapidly approaching on a bike. Not anyone I knew, of course, but there was...

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 18 A Cold and Lonely Time in a City Once Teeming With Life

While Peter headed south on 11th Avenue, Alice cut over to Columbus. Pedaling the bicycle was difficult due to the slippery snow and intermittent winds which unbalanced her awkward loads. The Metropolitan Opera was still an impressive sight. But the shorter buildings and large open spaces created eddies for the winds to swirl around her. The resulting snowsqualls made vision difficult and slowed her progress. She also kept shifting her bags to improve her balance or reduce the strain. Lassie,...

3 years ago
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Sisters Horsey UrgesChapter 9

"It's going deep, real, real deep!" Jackie gathered the blanket in her fingers, clutching and grabbing at it as the sparks flew in her cunt. Jack was bending over her, kissing her between the shoulderblades. It felt so lovely, so normal. Jackie didn't care what he thought of her, of what anyone would think of her. She was a woman now, a woman taking on a man who wanted her desperately. She could easily tell Jack had been around the track more than once as he fucked easily into her cunt,...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 440

Sunday afternoon Ben-David brought over the items he wanted to send to Ambassador Dansky. All the boxes were labeled and sealed as diplomatic cargo, the same as Frank’s. The C5 crew was there going through last minute items. The cargo master loaded Frank’s and Ben’s freight and secured it. There were 20 crates of supplies and requested frozen foods - packed in dry ice - for my men at Kampala. The fuel trucks loaded the tanks to 80%. Tomorrow morning before the plane hit the taxi way they...

1 year ago
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sequel to 11 year old Kelly

Introduction: As I asked before please forgive any spelling mistakes, I have read this several times and think Ive got them all. After reading the few comments of my first story, I realise I should have told more about Susans first time so I will back track a little and tell this. As before the action is fact, but I will have to embellish the talk. I had answered the door to Susan, Is Kelly here? Yes, do you want to see her? I was wondering if she was coming to play Kelly came down the stairs...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 333

"Atlantic flight 709 this is Morton tower please acknowledge." "Morton Tower this is Dover Air Force Base Tower; we are communicating with Atlantic flight 709. They are at 35000 feet 100 miles out, heading 180, transponder is 7700. Radio frequency is 129.75. We will relay for you if necessary." "Thank you Dover AFB, stand by please." "Dover tower relay to Atlantic 709, maintain altitude and heading, at way point Echo change heading to 220 and begin descent to 4000 ft. Intersect the...

1 year ago
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Handsome Teenaged Boy Playing in the Nude

A beautiful teen boy in his room I was sitting in the sofa reading a magazine about computer games at a friends place. My friends wanted to get some popcorn and had left for the store. I was there all by myself, or that was what I thought to start with. Then suddenly I heard that some one was moving in a room not far away from the sofa where I was sitting. I lower my magazine and look over to the room. The door is wide open and I notice a beautiful teen boy inside the room. I’m sure he saw me,...

3 years ago
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Megan Tina And Her Boyfriend Tim

“Wow Megan, I can’t believe what a jerk your boyfriend is for leaving you. You are such a nice person,” Tina said. As Megan sat down sobbing, she said, ”I just don’t get it. He thought we needed more space and that we should see other people.” “You are better off without him. I know you can do a lot better than him anyhow. You are a beautiful looking 21 year old. You are still young so just forget about him. I got an idea Megan. Why don’t you come with my boyfriend Tim and I tonight? I really...

2 years ago
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A Rain Date with an Asian Girl

Hey this is Sharan from Hyderabad. Life is full of fun and excitement through different times and i want to share with the ISS readers a part what happened in my Life.This is a story about the incidents that happened back when i was doing my graduation. staying away from hyderabad, i was constantly hooked to the internet. i had made quite a lot o friends. she was someone whom i used to chat with occasionally. she was from an Asian City but was pursuing her education here in India. we always...

4 years ago
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My Professors Office

We got to my professor's office, which was actually quite roomy. "Drop your books young lady," she said with authority. "Good, now I want you to put your hair into pigtails," she said. "Great, now take off your shirt so I can see those perky young tits of yours," she instructed. I saw her eyes widen as she stared at my two perfectly pierced nipples.  I don't know what it was, but it was making me horny again to listen to her commands. As I did, she began to suck on my nipples, making them even...

3 years ago
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Sex with Litty

This is a true story about my first time ever having sex.I had been with my girlfriend for about 1 year and 6 monthes before we started having sex. We were 16 at the time and i had wanted it for a long time but she always just said im not ready and we stuck to blow jobs and me eating her out.Soon after we started giving oral sex to eachother i had fantasized about doing more stuff because of my odd obsession of watching porn and jacking off because i was always thinking about my girlfriend,...

3 years ago
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Random Meet

Hey all,someone just mailed me, asking whats the dirtiest, kinkiest thing I've done. Thats a tough question, but because of the way it happened, I reckon this is pretty close. It was random, scary, dirty... kinda got the lot :)Would love to know your thoughts :)sooo....I was very close to my house, in a quiet closed off area, usually for dog walkers to park up and enter the nearby woods. I use it as a changing area... leave the house, park up take off my top layer of guy clothes to reveal girl...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 428

I had been sitting behind one of the cubicles while I was working and listening to the conversation. I stood up just as the movement started towards the meeting room door. “I would suggest not interrupting their meeting. Follow me back to the other meeting room,” I said. When I stood up I could see the camera monitor; in front of the security office were two unmarked Dodge Chargers with blue and red hidden emergency lights flashing. I was angry all over again; this was not what Eric and...

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Introduction: Please read the chapters in order. it would be redic to have to explain everything over and over. Thanks for all the encouragement. i am thankful so many of you like the story. for those of you who keep asking if this story is real, i will tell you that some parts are real. Youll just have to wonder at which ,o MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 9 TEASING I woke slowly from my cum induced nap. As my brain hazily reconstructed reality around me, I realized Rach had already...

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06 The Chico Tales

Julie had just finished recounting the story of the wild time her and Sarah, (Michelle's mother) had in Mexico where Sarah had been ganged by seven dogs. Julie paused for a moment as she looked at Michelle's sweet young face and the pure pleasure that was etched across it as Chico throbbed and pulsed inside her, filling her with his seed. Julie knew that Michelle had come a long way in such a short time and was still young, but she was confident that Michelle could handle the final tasks....

1 year ago
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Generous OffersChapter 4 DAY THREE Wednesday

I took my ladies to the Iron World Investments office. I had planned on arriving at 8:30 when they opened but my ladies were so giddy with excitement that their sexuality surpassed what I had considered normal for them. All I could think was if they killed me I would at least die with a permanent smile on my face. We left without eating breakfast, but decided later to swing by Jack in the Box for breakfast. That was not my first choice but we were all hungry after the morning’s sexual...

1 year ago
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Wife Secrets Part 1 Filipina story

My husband Patrick was constantly traveling to the central and southern Philippines to gather our native products that he would supply to our exporters and retailers in Manila. I was running the Manila warehouse whenever he is out. We also live there in the second floor of our building while down stairs was the warehouse. I was just 22 when we married and at this time I turned 25 and we had a 2 yr old daughter. The business we inherited was on the verge of bankruptcy. Patrick badly needed to...

2 years ago
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Trolling 4 BBCs in My Younger Years

With the help of two drag queens and friends,I perfected my "Sheila" persona many years ago.I looked a lot like Nancy Allen when dressed.Out on the town,I was completely passable as a hot,fuckable woman.When trolling for my DARK DESIRES,I never failed to tell them that under the make-up I was a man.I never lie and I didn't want to get beat up.Just like in my "Black Cannon" story,I've had many pricks pressed against my thigh.Even after learning the truth,a lot of the straight black guys I was...

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Club adventure turns to super sexy weekend

Club adventure turns to super sexy weekendIt's only three weeks ago now, and Zara was getting ready to go clubbing and she had been browsing some porn, getting into party mode.. She was hot n’ wet in anticipation of what was to be, she had showered and was parading around in skimpy white panties, trying on, all the most revealing of her sexiest outfits. I didn’t hesitate and quickly got organized to accompany my beautiful Princess into town. I zoomed about the apartment like the Tasmanian...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 101

The helicopter came in with Captain Madison, Jill and Kathy on board. Realizing the three were burdened down with packages, Jeff met them in the hallway by the back door and grinned at the pilot. "Frank said you had to wait out a storm." Jill and Kathy spoke to Jeff and hugged him, then pulling their luggage plus a little cart each — the carts loaded with shopping bags — they headed on down the hall. Jeff slapped Bill on the back, grabbed some of the packages he was laden with, and the two...

1 year ago
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Rolling onto his stomach Mike groaned as he stretched, the sheets on his bed rubbing against his hard 12" cock creating friction against his member. Feeling the pleasure course through him the memory of what had caused his morning woody came back to him. With his eyes closed Mike sat up a little, placing his hand on his big cock he envisioned the dream he just had. Squeezing his did as he jacked off he imagined that his hand was his 18 year old white step sister's tight pussy. Stroking his meat...

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For Love or Friendship

I’ve known her for so long. It seems almost too long. Yet if I sat down and thought about it, it’d only be four or five years, six at the most. Hardly a lifetime, yet we are still young. For us it feels longer. Friends are hard to come by at the best of times, but to find a friend that your at ease with and you can rely on, perhaps even trust your life with, is even rarer. I was lucky enough to find her. Back when I was fourteen, when I was needy and scared about the changes I was going...

2 years ago
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The Affair Chapter 2sending Nena in subspace

Arrives ########## Thursday Morning ########## **** Nena ********dream*** Scott was ramming his rock hard dick in and out of my pussy as I tighten my the grip that my thighs have around his waist pulling him deeper inside of me.Im matching his thrust the best I can. “ Oh Scott harder baby harder ooooh damn that right Scott pound my pussy into submission. Oh God Scott it been So Long since i have had a real man pounding the hell out my my pussy.... Oh God...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Development

Andrea lounged on the super-king hotel bed beside Derek, her friend and colleague. Their notes were scattered around them. She frowned and chewed a pen absent-mindedly. ‘I still think the conclusion of my presentation needs more work,’ she sighed. ‘Nonsense,’ Derek declared. Resting on his elbows, he lay so close their noses almost touched. ‘It’s perfect the way it is.’ Andrea narrowed her eyes. ‘You’re just saying that because you don’t want to do any more work tonight.’ ‘Guilty as...

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He doesnt fuck me like you do

"I'm so fucking horny right now. I can't bear it..."Those are the kind of texts I get from you throughout the week. Every now and then just to remind me what you are looking forward to. What we are both looking forward to. Thursday nights can never come soon enough, it's a shame I can only get away that one night a week. It's fine though, the anticipation and all the secrecy only makes the experience that much more satisfying when we are in the moment. We tease ourselves, it's almost like...

2 years ago
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Performing For My Neighbor

I have always been an exhibitionist. As far back as I can remember I have always hated wearing clothing and always enjoyed being naked. Once I got my own place I wouldn't hesitate to walk around the house constantly without a stitch of clothing. I realized that I found it quite thrilling that someone might catch me in this state of undress and take advantage of me, which only made me want to do it more.To add to this addiction to be nude all the time I also had an ever increasing desire to...

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my mothers lovers

My mom and I had just moved in with Greg, my soon to be stepfather. He was a rich lawyer and his house was huge and luxurious. I was happy that my mother was marrying Greg because I really liked the guy. He was a very handsome man who really took care of himself. At age forty he looked at least ten years younger and had a very muscular and well-trimmed body. Unlike the majority of my mother's previous love interests Greg was down to earth and genuinely nice to me. My mother was an extremely...

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The Final Mission

The airdrome was quiet this day. The fog that had crept in like a thief in the night still lay heavy on the land. The airplanes stood like silent statues as the mist soften their shapes. They lined the green grass landing strip which faded to gray in the fog. Mechanics and guards drifted in and out, shapes with no form. They called to each other in weird, muffled, and distorted voices. The men who flew these lighter than air craft moved like shadows towards the stone farmhouse that served as...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 49

Miela swiftly added her own sheaf of arrows to the many others raining down on the camp. There was indistinct sounds of agonised squeals and shouts of pain from injured soldiers, but Corvo noted not a sound from his own warriors. They were there to do a job, and that was it. For women, he was astounded at their professionalism. John regarded such ability from his warriors as the new normal. Once Miela had sent her final arrow, John took over. Thanking Corvo, he passed on the order to...

2 years ago
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Red Ribbons in Her Hair Ch 07

‘We’ve got another missing persons, Cap. Another girl. But this one came with a bonus.’ ‘What do you mean, a bonus,’ the captain said, leaning back in his chair and staring at Detective Dean Campbell. ‘Our guy wasn’t just happy with taking one girl. He had to kill someone too.’ Kaylee looked up from where she was sitting at an empty desk in the bull pen, a stack of mug shot books in front of her. Her heart began to race. Had he given up? Was he moving on and going to leave her alone? Oh God,...

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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 22

Chapter XXII     The guys returned around 7 PM to find the four women sitting around a small table laughing and talking about things women love talking about, cloths, money and sex. When the guys approached Janice was the first to speak up.   “Well look who decided to return,” she said getting up and walking over toward the three men, her 36D breasts bouncing as she walked. “We thought you guys forgot all about us.”   “Now how could we do that?” Ed replied to his wife as she now...

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Of Towers Summer and Oaks

He had a way of looking at me as if he were looking though me. In his gaze, my reality faded, and I was transformed. Under his stare I felt like the butterfly being released from the confines of its prison. His arms wrapped around me like the warmth of the sun drying out newborn wings. His soft lips were like gentle breezes lifting me to flight. His nurturing touches my life sustaining floral nectar. I would soar in flight deep within the blue-green of his eyes. The summer was too fleeting and...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 137

Monday morning we were waiting on Kate to arrive before going to the Island airport. The dummies and our bags had already been loaded on the King Air. The G5 was on its way to Naples Fl. to pick up our working/vacationing parents. Dad had called Sunday night to see if there were any more houses we wanted checked out. I could tell they were disappointed when I said, "no." I did tell them they could stay another week and could fly back with us on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week when we...

1 year ago
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The Lady and the Tramp

Suzie was generally happy with her life. Married to Jason, a Vicar, Suzie had become a sort of freelance amateur councillor, or agony Aunt, to her husbands flock, or at least the female half, and kept herself busy. Jason had three parishes to cover, that kept him busy. Suzie showed her face in all three places, but did more of the group stuff, flower club, help the heroes coffee mornings and child related things, in the parish where she lived, Lower Bannerfield in Hampshire. A quiet country...


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