The Vixen Of Valden Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is something new and different for me. I realise I have a few stories going on and they are all still being written, but it will take some time due to other commitments. I’m usually not big on historical themes so to speak, but after coming across a few of late, a little scene popped up in my head and refused to leave and so here is the first chapter of The Vixen of Valden.

I hope you enjoy it.

Arabella Lark’s eyes swept the ballroom surreptitiously. Although she was late and it was well into the evening, she wasn’t one to make grand entrances. She could hardly stand the bourgeois and the only people that were worse, were the ones who actually had money. Unfortunately she was one of them. The thought made her pause, and smile to herself, but it didn’t last long when she found she was seated near Edward Heath and Henry Winstead, and not fresh pickings like she’d hoped. Sitting at table she glanced at the dance floor and discreetly perused the men. Perhaps, all wouldn’t be lost tonight.

‘Miss Lark, how lovely of you to grace us with your presence.’ Edward had returned to his seat, giving her the once over as his eyes lingered unabashedly on her cleavage.

Arabella didn’t proffer her hand. ‘Mr. Heath.’ She nodded in acknowledgement.

A shadow crossed his face and she sensed his annoyance. They’d had sex a few seasons ago—it was unimpressive and Arabella had told him so. Unfortunately it had only made him desperate to try again, and not run away with a wounded ego. She hid a smile, no doubt he would have slept his way across town through all the brothels. No girl worth their salt whether it was someone waiting to be married off or a chamber maid would sleep with him—especially if they valued their reputation or livlihood, and the whores? Well they got paid, so of course they’d tell him what he wanted to hear. Then there was Arabella… This time she couldn’t suppress the smile on her face.

‘Might I ask what you find so amusing?’ Edward persisted, his brown eyes searching hers.

It was a shame actually, he wasn’t a bad man. He was pleasant enough to look at: tall, medium build, a full head of blond hair. He came from a reasonable family, but Arabella was not interested.

That fact was enough to drive her father insane, who’d tried several times to marry her off. She’d never been short of suitors, but the success rate had spawned rumours that she was going to wind up a spinster—that was if she wasn’t already. The gossipers would never say that to her face, but Arabella didn’t care.

‘Nothing Mr. Heath’ She wasn’t rude, but her tone told him she wasn’t going to continue the conversation.

‘Miss Lark, your father requests your presence.’ Arabella looked up to see Stanley, smiling politely.

‘Of course Stanley.’ She stood up and shot him a glance that said what does he want now?

Stanley shot back a sympathetic look and she sighed. Her father was up to his match-making schemes again. Surely he would’ve given up by now—Arabella was twenty-eight and for a moment, the thought made her feel a little guilty. Twenty-eight was far too old for him to continue attempting to marry her off and no doubt in some ways it made him somewhat of a laughing stock. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was far wealthier than his contemporaries, the gossip or treatment likely would have been far worse.

Arabella had managed to force the last few men to withdraw their proposals. It did make her sad that her father had offered to compensate them handsomely, not to mention the knowledge of her inheritance which was substantial in itself.

Arriving at his table, her father stood up and embraced her, kissing her affectionately on the cheek. ‘Arabella dear.’

‘Father.’ She gave him a genuine smile.

‘Darling, I’d like you to meet—’

She almost missed the name, overwhelmed by the sinking disappointment in her chest.

‘Mr. Ezra Black.’

Arabella turned to appraise him coolly, and found her eyes sweeping upwards and meeting his dark gaze. He stood almost a head above her. She extended her hand.

‘Mr. Black.’

‘Miss Lark,’ his voice was smooth and deep as he held her hand, his lips brushing against her fingers. ‘Delighted,’ he drawled, sounding as though he was anything but.

Arabella almost snatched her hand back.

‘Now why don’t you two go dance.’ Her father looked pleased with himself and Arabella ground her teeth, smiling tightly.

‘May I?’ Ezra tugged her hand gently, guiding her to the dance floor.

Ezra proved to be quite the gentlemen and an adept dancer, although Arabella refused to make eye contact with him as they circled the dancefloor.

‘Miss Lark.’

This time she looked up. ‘Mr. Black.’

He watched her face, but didn’t say anything and Arabella sighed.

‘Mr Black. It’s fine you don’t have to dance with me. I’m sure whatever my father offered you was incredibly attractive, but I can assure you it will not work out. Please feel you’ve done your best and we can call it a night on the dancing.’

Arabella’s brow furrowed at his silence. ‘Mr. Black?’

‘I see.’

‘I’m glad you do.’ She looked over at her empty seat.

‘You father hasn’t offered me anything, although he did mention a proposal.’

She sighed in exasperation. ‘Let me make this easier for you. He will likely offer you an amount that will raise your eyebrows, provided that you marry me.’


‘Yes, mmm.’

‘You don’t look like someone who would have difficulty getting married.’

Arabella suddenly smiled slyly. ‘Mr. Black, you are absolutely correct. I do not have difficulty, but I’m twenty-eight, far past the supposed marrying age.’

He continued as he hadn’t heard her. ‘Even the coldest, or most uptight women can still manage find a husband.’

For a moment Arabella stared at him with her mouth open, and then she laughed, unable to stop until tears rolled down her face.

Ezra looked at her in confusion, as though she’d suddenly lost her mind.

Dabbing at her eyes, the laughter finally died away and she glanced to the side, realising they’d stopped dancing, but were close enough to the edge of the dancefloor so as not to be in the way of other couples.

‘Oh my.’ She smiled. ‘We’re you expecting me to slap you? Do not presume to know me Mr. Black.’ With that Arabella turned on her heel, said goodbye to her father and left the ball.

Erza was almost slack-jawed at her departure. She was right, he was expecting her to slap him or at the very least be angry, and instead, she looked at him as though he’d just said the funniest thing in the entire universe. He actually would have laughed himself if he wasn’t so surprised—her laughter was infectious, and he found himself smiling. There was no doubt that Arabella Lark was a beautiful woman, from her ebony to her dark eyes, pale pink lips, but Erza Black had seen plenty of beautiful women in his life… He pictured her face again laughing and conceded that she was probably one of the most beautiful women he’d ever had the pleasure of laying his eyes on, but what was wrong her?

Arabella dismounted her horse, giving it an affectionate pat, her breath misting in the darkness. She looked around carefully before emerging from the trees and heading across to the old barn.

‘You’re late.’

‘Yes. What are you going to do, spank me?’ Arabella drew her hood back.

Zach’s arms snaked around her and pulled her body against his, kissing her hard, bruising her lips. Eventually she pried herself away.

‘Oh your knees,’ she said quietly.

Zach slowly peeled her dress upwards, and her legs prickled against the cool air as she felt his warm lips against her thigh. The sound of her breathing filled the barn as she tried to control herself, grateful she was leaning against a post. He slipped his
tongue between her lips and she trembled as it swept over her tightening clit, feeling the jolt strike through her body. Arabella clamped a hand tightly over her mouth as she laboured erratically, Zach between her legs, unable to stop herself from whimpering as he slid two fingers inside her and continued to tease her with his mouth. One of her hands suddenly reached out and gripped his hair tightly, causing Zach to grunt in pain, but he didn’t stop, instead moving his fingers quickly as he lapped at her wet cunt. Almost incoherent, Arabella was suddenly coming, when Zach grabbed her and pushed her down onto the hay, sliding inside her in one swift movement, clamping his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming out.

‘Fuck me,’ she moaned from under his fingers, spreading her legs wider.

There was nothing like this, she vaguely thought as her eyes rolled back into her head. Zach’s mouth covered hers as he thrust into to her and she pushed her hips up against his.

‘Fuck Arabella,’ he cried.

Oh no, she knew that sound.

‘Pull out,’ she said between gritted teeth.

Zach managed to withdraw, but not far enough as he came all over her skirts with Arabella watching in disbelief. She should have been angry, but after a moment, she started to laugh and she sat up shaking her head.

‘Zachary, really?’

He looked appalled. ‘I’m sorry.’

It only made Arabella laugh harder as she looked at him on his knees, full clothed with his semi-erect cock hanging out.

She sighed. ‘It’s okay.’

‘I-I’ Zach shook his head. ‘Arabella, you make me crazy, I’ve been thinking about you all week.’

She giggled. ‘Well you should have taken care of it.’

He lay beside her in the hay and she back lay down next to him.



‘Marry me.’

‘Oh Zach,’ she whispered, looking in his eyes, and brushing his light hair from his forehead. ‘You know we can’t.’

‘And why not?’ he demanded.

‘Zach,’ she sighed. ‘It would never work out.’

Zachary Fairchild, was from quite a wealthy family in the neighbouring shire. They’d met a polo match and he had turned out to be incredibly enthusiastic.

‘Why? I have my own fortune, you have yours. I can’t see why, it would be mutually beneficial.’ He leaned over and kissed her.

Arabella smiled and chuckled. ‘Mutually beneficial?’ Her voice lowered, ‘I suppose meaning we could fuck without being clandestine… Zach, I’m almost ten years old than you.’ And while I love being with you, I’m just not in love with you.


‘So, it wouldn’t work out. Trust me.’

He remained quiet and Arabella quickly kissed him and sat up. ‘Let’s hope I can slip in without any enquiring as to what has happened to my dress.’

Arabella entered quietly through the kitchen and carefully turned the corner, only to almost collide with one of the maids.

‘Molly!’ she gasped quietly.

‘Miss Arabella.’ Molly gave her a sly look, her eyes trailing over her from head to toe. ‘Someone smells like they’ve had a good fucking.’

Arabella returned her sly grin at Molly’s dishevelled appearance. ‘Perhaps you’re just smelling yourself.’

Molly hid her laugh by biting down on her lower lip and Arabella leaned in closer. ‘Molly, a gentleman had an accident…’ On my dress, she mouthed pointing down at her skirts.

Molly’s eyes widened and she slapped her hand over her mouth as her shoulder’s shook.

Arabella put her hands on her hips. ‘It needs to be cleaned.’

‘Yes miss,’ whispered Molly, still trying not to laugh.

Arabella rolled her eyes. ‘Get it from my room as soon as you can. I’m going upstairs now to take it off.’

Molly straightened and nodded, as Arabella turned and made her way to her room.

The next morning Arabella smiled as she descended the staircase. She’d not only slept well but the events of the previous night caused her to chuckle. She passed the drawing room and saw her father reading.

‘Father.’ Arabella kissed him on the cheek and tenderly stroked his silvery hair.

Her father pulled his spectacles and looked at her face. ‘Ah, my beautiful Arabella.’ He touched her hand. ‘Where were you last night?’

She straightened and smiled at him without skipping a beat. ‘With friends, why? Did you need me for something father?’

Ezra watched Arabella as she perched the edge of her father’s armchair, in blue dress. As simple as it was it didn’t hide the way hugged against her slider waist, gently flaring over her hips. She hadn’t noticed him, but he had certainly noticed her as she smiled. It seemed Arabella was in good spirits this morning.

‘Well dear…’ He sat up and put his spectacles down. ‘I returned with Mr. Black last night, hoping we could all have a nightcap. Unfortunately you hadn’t returned, so I invited him for breakfast.’

Arabella’s head whirled around so fast that Ezra thought she was going to fall of the armchair. He noted with disappointment as the smile evaporated from her face.

‘Mr. Black, I apologise, I did not see you there.’ Arabella stood up carefully and glanced back at her father with a careful smile, all the while bristling. How could he? Her father had tried many things over the years, only to be thwarted by Arabella’s cunning. It wasn’t that she enjoyed it, but she refused to marry any of those men. As much as she loved her father, his greatest happiness would be her greatest misery.

Thankfully Shelly, entered the drawing room with a small curtsy. ‘Breakfast is served.’

Arabella tried not to pick at her food, but it was impossible. She’d lost her desire for food, while her father and Mr. Ezra Black retained their healthy appetites, conversation included.

‘Arabella, I have some things to attend to. Would you be so kind as to show Mr. Black the gardens.’

Arabella clenched her jaw. ‘Of course father,’ she said as politely as she could muster. This was not how she expected to be spending her Saturday morning, babysitting her father’s idea of suitor. She looked at Mr. Black. ‘If you could please excuse me for a moment while I freshen up. I shall meet you at the bottom of the stairs.’

Both her father and Mr. Black stood as she rose to leave the room. The moment she was out the door she quickly raced up the stairs and threw herself on her bed. Why was he doing this to her now? Was this his final resort? They were both stubborn and Arabella knew at once, this was going to be her most difficult challenge yet.

There was a light knock at the door.


Molly poked her head around the corner of the door. Arabella ushered her in quickly with her hand.

‘Who’s he dapper gentleman?’

Arabella rolled her eyes. ‘You too? Maybe you should entertain him.’

‘What? He’s not that bad. He’s probably the best looking one yet.’ Molly grinned.

‘Well why don’t you take him around the back,’ Arabella said slyly, giving Molly a sideways glance.

Molly twirled a strand of blonde hair around her finger. She was short, voluptuous and busty, all the things that Arabella was not. It was a wonder she hadn’t gotten herself in more trouble, her baby blue eyes peeking out from under her cap.

‘Well..’ She returned Arabella’s sly smile, but then sighed. ‘Somehow I don’t think he’d go for it, and well, no need to make the gardener jealous.’

Arabella laughed. That was true, Jeremy probably wouldn’t take to kindly to Molly’s tricks in his garden of all places.

The cloudless sky was blue as far as the eye could see. Arabella led Ezra into the garden and they walked in silence along the treeline in the shadows, Arabella wishing she was anywhere but in the garden with Mr. Black.

Ezra quietly watched the woman who walked beside him. He knew she wasn’t pleased, even if she was good at disg
uising it. Her ebony hair revealed glints of maple, as they passed through streams of sunlight.

‘Mr. Black, what are you playing at?’ Arabella’s voice cut through his thoughts.

‘I beg your pardon?’

‘I said…’ She turned quickly and faced him.’What are you playing at? What do you want? Why are you here?’

‘I’m here because you father invited me.’

He watched as she took a sharp intake of breath, clearly infuriated as her eyes narrowed on him.

Arabella stared at him for a moment and then her face slowly turned into a smile. Two can play this game, she thought.

‘Mr. Black, are you desperate to get married?’

Ezra watched as as smile upturned her lips and realised that, her being angry was probably better than her smiling at him. He blinked for a moment as registered what she’d said.

‘No Miss Lark, I am not.’

She nodded her head thoughtfully. ‘And you recall what I told you last night?’

Ezra paused. ‘Yes, I do recall what you told me last night.

‘So then a well-educated man such as yourself—and I believe that it would not be so presumptuous of me to assume you are a well-educated man—understands why he is here.’

‘Meaning? Miss Lark.’

She continued to smile, regarding him shrewdly. ‘That you understand my father, if he hasn’t done so already between our last meeting and this one, will make that proposal. Mark my words, he will not stop unless you decline, and since you are not desperate to get married, it would be safe to assume that you will decline?’

Erza opened his mouth, but Arabella continued.

‘Surely a well-educated man with a stature of some regard, would not knowingly lead another gentlemen on? Unless…’

Ezra frowned. ‘Unless what?’

‘Unless Mr. Black, you are not who you purport to be, and your intentions are untoward.’

Ezra’s eyes widened, as he cleared his throat. Arabella had blatantly insulted his integrity without even so much as knowing who he was. She was intentionally riling him and it had worked.

‘Miss Lark,’ he drawled. ‘I see that you are concerned for father’s well-being, something I must commend you on. Many daughters of Valden are rather…’ He paused. ‘Let me put it this way, it appears you are a guileless woman…’ Ezra paused again, enjoying the effect of the double-entendre. ‘So I imagine being frank is something you do not find offensive, so how should I say it… Many daughters of Valden are merely selfish, spoilt and naive, and hardly worthy of the names that they carry.’

Arabella suddenly smiled, flashing Ezra a heart-stopping grin, causing him to almost forget what he’d just said.

‘Mr. Black, I am ever-so-pleased that we appear to share similar sentiments in some regards.’ Arabella’s gaze openly trailed over him and paused in the middle.

Shocked, Ezra stood frozen under her scrutiny, unable to believe what Arabella was doing.

‘However, it still does not answer my question Mr. Black. Apart from my father’s invitation, what are you doing—’

‘There you both are.’ William Lark approached them with a big smile on his face. ‘What do you think of our gardens, Mr. Black?’

‘I think there are many things of beauty in your garden Mr. Lark, you must be quite proud.’ Ezra stared pointedly Arabella, who returned his stare with a look of nonchalance. It was a far cry from the giggling embarrassment that those type of comments usually drew, the only difference was, he meant every word.

Oh the gauntlet had been thrown! Arabella smiled to herself, whatever Mr. Black was playing at, she was going to enjoy this—thoroughly. She excused herself from the gardens and left her father alone with Mr. Black.

The two men walked along silently for several minutes before William paused and turned to Ezra.

‘Mr. Black, I hope you do not mind, but I wish to speak of this proposal that I mentioned to you.’

Ezra nodded. ‘Go on Mr. Lark.’

The silver-haired man looked up at the sky, his gaze wistfully drawing over the horizon. ‘My Arabella—all I’ve ever wanted was for her happiness and it seems I’ve even failed at that.’ He turned and looked at Ezra. ‘It’s common knowledge that she has had many suitors, yet for one reason or another, it has never resulted in marriage. I do not know why she is so averse to it.’

‘Mr. Lark, forgive me for being so forthright, but have you asked your daughter?’

William sighed. ‘I’ve attempted to broach the subject many a time, but alas my Arabella is no longer a child. She quick, deft and easily avoid or deflects any attempt to discuss why. I do admit, she has never appeared to be unhappy. She is not for want of anything, yet she had never really asked for anything either. I should…’ He chuckled. ‘I should perhaps be grateful. I am not a blind man, I see the heart of many of the daughters in this shire, and while I know my Arabella is not perfect she is not preoccupied with status or money really for that fact.’ William looked back over the gardens. ‘I suppose that’s why I find it so difficult to accept. She would make a wonderful wife—of course, for the right gentleman.’

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Vixen Matriculates

After a year of pornographic movie-making at her father’s upstate New York studio, Vixen had a fat bank account, a used convertible, bruised thighs, stretched nipples and a sore anus and flabby vagina. She was disappointed. She had thought making porn movies would be exciting,. It was not. She had dreamed that some Hollywood agent would see her work and offer her a test. None did. She had met some interesting women and a lot of sad dolts, mostly male. The work had become a bore. She decided to...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Vixen Recalibrates

That summer Vixen took a job as a driver for one of Taylor Wilkins' wealthy friends. She was outfitted in a very mannish uniform complete with military-style cap and high boots, and when she was properly dressed in her small room above the four-car garage, she reported to the library for her instructions, feeling a bit ill at ease. A portly man and his stylish wife were waiting for her. "You look very nice," the woman said, arching a manicured eyebrow. "I'm glad the boots fit." Vixen...

3 years ago
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Vixen Remonstrates

If you had asked him, Jim Morris would have admitted he was eager, eager to get this camp set up, eager to wolf down some food and then eager to get into the young student he had brought to the beach with him. Vixen was reasonably well aware of the last item on his list. She could smell lust and was seldom wrong. They had talked of school and sports on the way down the Jersey Turnpike and had been surprisingly relaxed with each other despite the fact that he was a teacher and she was one of...

2 years ago
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Vixen Renovates

Early in the second semester of her second year of college, when she had fully recovered from her injuries, at least physically, Vixen decided to get out more and meet some new people. On this sunny March afternoon she was sitting behind home plate and watching the school's softball team practice and enjoying the day. Three members of the volleyball team she had been part of were trying out for the squad, females she knew and liked. The white-haired coach left the batting practice and came to...

1 year ago
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Vixen 2

The busy sound of phones ringing and papers shuffling filled the precinct as a lulling background noise that every officer and detective had grown accustomed to. Despite the drug addict that had to be dragged through the office to his awaited cell in handcuffs and eventually shown the effects of a stun gun, today seemed lazily uneventful. Dane sat at his desk in the center of the sluggish haze, tapping a pen to his lower lip with his feet resting next to his sleek desktop computer...

4 years ago
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Vixen Educates

Jim Morris was married. He had been married more than a month. Vixen knew that. She had even seen his new wife a time or two, a wispy girl with long legs and light hair, who, she was told, was in law school at Camden. To Vixen that meant that her art teacher might be available now and then during the week, so she hopped up on the edge of his desk and smiled. "How about we take another little trip down to Cape May? Weather looks pretty good." Jim stared at her and swallowed. He could not...

2 years ago
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Vixen Reevaluates

Vixen leaned back in the comfortable, first-class seat on the Icelandic 777, and tried to relax. She had only been away from home a little over a month, and her life was changing again. Her brief career as the star of a X-rated, full-length film had been short but interesting and now she was returning to her real world of men's lust and college courses. She sighed and looked out at cloud tops. "Ah well," she thought as she wrapped herself in a light blanket, "at least I'm rich." She...

3 years ago
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Vixen Collaborates

Dave stroked Vixen's smooth back, his highly pleased ram still a half-foot or so in her throbbing vagina and his left hand filled with her full breast. He could not believe how smooth and silky her warm skin was or how tirelessly she had fucked him for the last hour. The small girl's strength and the depth of her combustible libido constantly amazed him. It had been nearly three months since the troubles in New York City, and now things were getting back to normal in the girl's mind and...

3 years ago
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Vixen Retaliates

Vixen's elderly World History teacher was Professor Ivan G. Wainmoor who had a Ph.D. from a Midwestern college that no longer existed and was the long-time head of the history department as well as a respected member of the faculty council. A widower, he had been at Seaside for more than twenty years and could do almost all of his lectures from memory. He gave the same exams year after year in his required courses, and any student who did not acquire a copy early on wasn't really paying...

1 year ago
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Vixen Wars

People think being The Porn Dude involves nothing but jerking off to taboo anal movies and explicit voyeurism hentai, but the world of pornography is so much wider-ranging than that. Today, for example, I spent the day shaking my dick at an adult video game about a dark magician trying to corrupt my sister. Normally, I’m fine with any kind of sister corruption that goes on in adult entertainment, but in Vixen Wars, you fight alongside sexy broads who want to hook up, so maybe the trade-off will...

Best Porn Games
2 years ago
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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...

3 years ago
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Vixen Ameliorates

Vixen stood before her tall mirror with her firm breasts in her hands, lifting them and studying them, her nipples so high she could bend and lick them. "They are just much too big," she decided. When she squeezed them hard, more than half of each boob jutted well out beyond her grip. The implant job had been done when she was fifteen and had about a 32B chest that was enlarged to 36C with heavy silicone bags, illegal at the time, but done for a good price by an unscrupulous surgeon who...

2 years ago
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Vixen Matriculates

After a year of pornographic movie-making at her father's upstate New York studio, Vixen had a fat bank account, a used convertible, bruised thighs, stretched nipples and a sore anus. She was disappointed. She had thought making porn movies would be exciting. It was not. She had dreamed that some Hollywood agent would see her work and offer her a test. None did. She had met some interesting women and a lot of sad dolts, mostly male. The work had become a bore. She decided to go to college...

2 years ago
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Vixen Celebrates

When her first year of college was over, and having aced her finals and piled up a 3.75 GPS, Vixen treated herself to a couple of weeks at the beach at an empty cottage that belonged to one of her father's friends. Toward the end of that vacation, after ten days of relaxation and no sex, Vixen strolled the narrow beach wearing her favorite tiny bikini and carrying her iPod, scanning the water's edge from behind oversized sunglasses, her tunes turned down low and a dark green baseball hat...

2 years ago
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Vixen Schoolgirl Stripper Hooker

Saffron slipped ever lower into her chair as the stripper twirled around the silver pole on a dias just feet from where she sat with her cousin Charles and his friend Sebastian.Already completely naked the slim blonde girl just gyrated aimlessly around the pole as she waited for the song to finish.Saffron had watched with a sort of detached interest as the girl had inelegantly discarded her costume mis timing her moves so the men had lost interest before her spot ended and were back talking to...

1 year ago
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Vixen Ecdyslastiates

After meatloaf supper at the local diner, Vixen sat in her rented room and looked at her bankbook. She had pretty much gone through the money she had earned making hard-core porn for her father as a teenager, but she had enough left from the summer job for her tuition and books and probably the rent until Christmas. It was going to be close. She was going to need some income, money to run on. And for food and beer and stuff. She figured that she could live on less than five dollars a day if...

3 years ago
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Vixen Estimates

At the end of her summer-long stint as a driver, a job the dean had helped her find, Vixen received not only the ten thousand dollars she had agreed to but a thousand more as a bonus for her incredible sexual services to the family. By summer's end, the lusty girl was forgetting the violence of the past winter. Her voluptuous body already had. In her six weeks she had fucked or sucked the cockolded master of the house half-a-dozen times and both of his sons twice that often. She had helped...

1 year ago
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Vixen Tales

Laying on my bed listening to my music is how I prefer to spend my nights after work. But it was saturday night and my ass didn't have a thing to do. My phone was blowing up with texts, but I was waiting for him to text me. My night always turned out right when he contacted me. I looked over at my clock, 9:30pm. Still early. He was probably on his way home from work. Now, I didn't know him that well; Hell, I met him at the club four weeks ago. He was into his music, and he had the club...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....

3 years ago
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Tales of the Naughty Vixen

It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Hungry For Vixen

Guy had just got home from work and turned his computer on. After his usual shower, he sat and checked his email. As usual, most of it was spam, but there was a request from a woman to post her personal ad on his Kinky Personals page. The page started when he posted a couple of his own ads, and a few for a couple of friends. Now, he gets so many requests from males that he has to turn most of them down, otherwise he'd end up running a full-blown dating service. But this was a request from...

1 year ago
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Cosplay Cumdump Chapter 1 Victim Of The Vixens

The first day had been spent milling around the convention hall and taking in all the sights and sounds. Micah had played beta builds of unreleased videogames, seen previews of upcoming seasons of some of his favorite anime and collected a plethora of convention swag and freebies. UwU Con was weeaboo nirvana. Even if it had only been a one day event, it would've been worth the trip. But UwU Con was a three day event and the best was yet to come. The primary reason Micah had attended was...

2 years ago
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Vixen Demonstrates

Vixen’s art teacher was a young man with a beard, a neatly trimmed red beard. He was fresh out of grad school, and this was his first position. He was hoping for tenure and then for a better job at a bigger and more prestigious school. He was not married and lived very frugally. The first time he saw Vixen as she entered his classroom, his genitals quivered. He wanted her. But, of course, he knew the rules, she was off limits. Vixen studied him now and then as she stood at her easel and drew a...

1 year ago
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Gold Vixen

My name is Jordan Lee. Just an average girl, living an average life. There really isn't anything inherently special about me or the life I have lived. I came from an average family, I studied philosophy at my local community college and I now work as a waitress at a local bar. I make just enough to make modest living and though I have always desired more in life, I have rarely been presented with a chance to do more with my life. Until one day when it came. It seemed like a normal package. It...

2 years ago
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Tales from the Vixen Theater

In Santa Monica in the 60's and 70's there was a small adult theater,"The Vixen," on Main Street. I had been going there for several months and always enjoyed jerking off covertly.One visit I was half in the bag after drinking most of the day and thought, "Why not." So I gathered up my special things in a paper bag and headed out to the Vixen.In the bag I had my favorite vintage black lace garter belt with four hook and eye clasp and four garter straps and metal and rubber garters. My...

3 years ago
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Unveiling The Virgin Vixen

DISCLAIMER: Its a real event so the story is long and narrative but trust me each moment is worth it! Hope you enjoy… This started one fine summer morning when we hitched upon the plan to beat the heat and spend a vacation at the magnificent yet underrated Gangtok! We are a group of 5 peeps n have been buddies since schooldays. So lemme introduce u to the 3 men, me-Nolan cross, karan and nick and the 2 lovely ladies my sexy smouldering gf Lizz and the pretty petite steph.we procured 6 tickets...

1 year ago
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Violent VixenChapter 6

As she awoke, the first thing she noticed was a smell of soap. Then she peeked over and saw the big tits outlined under a thin sheet, and that auburn hair cascading over the pillow. Mom had slept much more soundly since she met Peter, and her face in repose was so pretty now, relaxed and content. Debbie wiggled over and hugged to the warm, firm body beside her. The contact drew a little movement and a sleepy smile. Debbie snuggled closer, and breathed in her mother's ear. She let her pussy...

1 year ago
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My Summer Vacation With Three Vixen Girls

The morning sun streamed through the slats of the Venetian blinds sending laser beams of light made visible by the dust bunny maker dust floating in the morning air. I slowly opened my eyes to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. My girlfriend Marianne must have gotten up early, the late all night sex smell still lingered in the room but I smelled fresh coffee. Marianne must have gotten up early something she seldom does on a day off. I stumbled out of bed, still half asleep, the drive...

2 years ago
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The Vixen in Maidstone

Me and The Vixen (her name is G) hadn't met for a while. We always keep in touch but the phone sex and teasing vids and pics we exchanged weren't satisfying us both. We needed to meet again and fuck! A month ago I told her I'd be close by in Maidstone for a couple of days. She called me to tell me she was on her way over to my hotel so I waited in the hotel bar for her. The weather was terrible and she arrived in a long coat around 11 in the morning. I had my head down reading the paper when I...

3 years ago
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The Vixen Stories 1

Let me bring you into my bed and lay you on my satin sheets. Let me feel the head of your big dick rubbin all over my lucious lips. Then I'll lick the head of your dick with my tongue real fast and then lick it slow and swallow your whole dick into my warm moist mouth...and watch me suck up and down over and over again.Then I'll climb on top with my big juicy breast and hard nipple hanging over your lips to suck on. Then listen to me moan as I slowly put your dick inside my warm, wet, moist...

3 years ago
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Vixen Matriculates

After a year of pornographic movie-making at her father’s upstate New York studio, Vixen had a fat bank account, a used convertible, bruised thighs, stretched nipples and a sore anus and flabby vagina. She was disappointed. She had thought making porn movies would be exciting,. It was not. She had dreamed that some Hollywood agent would see her work and offer her a test. None did. She had met some interesting women and a lot of sad dolts, mostly male. The work had become a bore. She decided...

3 years ago
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my sweet vixen

The warm sweet fragrance from my freshly washed and dried covers emit around me as I would lay in my bed to relax and drift into a quiet slumber for the rest of the night I lay against my pillow, thinking of her. My mind wanders at how amazing she is, older and heavier than I am and at the same time beautiful and brilliant with her words. She tells me a million times how much she adores me and is thankful that I am something of a gift to her, these words so simple yet so precious and sweet that...

1 year ago
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One hot vixen

The windows were open, and the tropical air felt good on my skin. I had the covers pulled to the side, letting the light wind softly caress my body as I lie in bed. I’m masturbating as I recall the evening's flirting with Kimi, and what I would like to do with her. My wife, Lorry, is lightly snoring beside me. This wasn’t the first time I had masturbated to the thought of having Kimi in bed. My wife and her best friend Kimi, had had a sewing day, and I knew they hadn’t eaten any real food...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Vacation Vixen

I only cheat on Ron once a year, and to be honest, he deserves it. It’s when we’re on vacation, when he deserts me for his beloved golf, so I have nothing to do with my time but to seek out lovers. It started about ten years ago, when we’d been married around eight years. Ron’s parents had agreed to take young Sam for a fortnight to allow us to have something of a second honeymoon, so we’d flown off to the Med. But reliving our introduction to marital sex was the last thing on Ron’s mind...

3 years ago
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Daughter of a Vixen

Disclaimer This is a note to all readers and authors. I have taken parts from stories I have read here in fictionmania. I took quite a bit from Grey and Ying and Yang from the Morf universe. Nist Shadow and Britney McMaster I give you both credit for this story of mine because I liked you're ideas, but I liked the thought of combining them together in this spoof. I don't know if I took other parts from other stories but if I did please tell me in the reviews. Please also note there are...

2 years ago
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Little Vixen In My Bed

I walk into the house and was greeted by some heavy sighing and moaning. I go up the stairs and make my way over to the bedroom and notice the door is slightly ajar. I look through the crack and the sight I am greeted with stops me in my tracks and my jaw drops. I cant believe it. It is the girl of my erotic dreams. Well, to better clarify, she is a mutual friend of both my fiancée and I. We met her a couple months back and I have not been able to get her out of my head since then. And it...

1 year ago
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my sweet vixen

The warm sweet fragrance from my freshly washed and dried covers emit around me as I would lay in my bed to relax and drift into a quiet slumber for the rest of the night I lay against my pillow, thinking of her. My mind wanders at how amazing she is, older and heavier than I am and at the same time beautiful and brilliant with her words. She tells me a million times how much she adores me and is thankful that I am something of a gift to her, these words so simple yet so precious and sweet that...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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