Holiday with Mum
- 2 years ago
- 36
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The sexy little encounter in her car had perked me up a bit, to say the least, there was quite a healthy bulge in my trousers as we walked into the bar and matters weren't helped by Paige who threw her arms round my neck and gave me long, searing kiss.
She'd finished one stint on the bar and had an hours break before the next and final session of the night, so we got ourselves a drink and sat outside in the twilight while I told them all about our intentions.
"Hey that's brilliant," Paige laughed and clapped her hands with genuine pleasure.
"We could come and work for you every season."
"That'd be great, girls," I smirked, "But we intend to have a house rule that underwear may not be worn."
"Who thought of that one?" came from Claire.
"I did."
"About five seconds ago."
"Pervert," laughed Paige. "But I'm doing the next session without them anyway, I'm getting double pay for it too."
She was obviously a sensation and made loads of tips, Claire and I were envied by the crowd, because she kept pushing her gorgeous little pussy practically in our faces and once, she even pushed my head back and rubbed herself over my upturned face.
After her spot, we found ourselves a spot near to the little stage and watched as the happy couple walked in arm in arm.
Being showgirls by profession, they were not only beautiful but proud to show off their stunning bodies in almost identical sheer white mini dresses with only tiny white g-strings beneath them. The dresses were in the toga style, leaving one breast bare, a different breast on each girl and a delicate gold chain linked to a gold nipple ring symbolised their love for each other.
It was a very simple and moving ceremony, really just the affirmation of their mutual love and respect, even the two sets of parents were there and led the congratulatory kisses afterwards.
"Come on then Jamie let's party." the girls grabbed me, and I allowed myself to be dragged up to dance with them both.
"Are you taking us home with you Jamie?"
I was tempted, sorely tempted, but in the end, I found I wanted to go home myself to be with mum and Sarah, so I settled for a very sexy three-way kiss in the car park as I waited for my taxi.
As I got into the taxi, Paige leaned in through the window and with a giggle, reminded me that I'd still got the panties she'd handed me earlier.
"Keep them, Jamie," she said softly. "And you can put them on me the next time we meet, okay?"
"Okay, beautiful." but I wondered if we would ever meet again.
Mum and Sarah were in bed wrapped in each other's arms, their naked breasts squashed together. I thought they made a stunningly beautiful couple, so pretty, so sexy and so much in love with each other.
It's fair to say that the atmosphere was mixed the next day when dad arrived with his lawyer, he was genuinely sad about John and spent some time alone with Sarah, which pleased me, it showed he wasn't a complete bastard anyway.
We'd spent all morning making sure there was nothing at all to hint of our activities. I'd slept alone the previous night anyway, so I moved all my clothes into that bedroom, as well as taking my shaving gear, toothpaste, etc...into the en-suite bathroom.
All evidence of drugs was well hidden in a locked briefcase in my room, along with the sex toys the girls had bought, we'd even gone to the trouble of hiring another car to park in the driveway, so he'd think I was doing my own thing.
We needn't have bothered really, he was very brisk and businesslike, almost as if mum's demand for a divorce had come as a relief to him as well.
He'd actually been more generous than he needed to with his settlement, mum got everything I'd demanded for her, but as well as that he settled one hundred thousands pounds on me and also half that amount on Sarah.
We chatted to each other for about half an hour before his lawyer suggested it was time for him to leave and with a handshake for me, a kiss and a hug for mum and Sarah, he walked out of our lives forever!
Unexpectedly it was Sarah who broke the silence that followed his departure, by announcing she was going down to the beach.
"Anyone coming?"
"Yeah, why not, come on mum, let's see you two strutting your stuff again."
She did and so did Sarah. Me? I just went along for the ride, or rather the view from behind as they strolled hand in hand along the beach, talking softly and turning to me every time the gentle sea breeze picked up the hems of their short dresses to display two beautiful little bottoms and occasionally two deliciously glistening slits between their legs.
We went to our favourite little beach bar where the girls took off the dresses and teased the barman by sitting open legged on the high stools, wriggling sexily and telling him how much they enjoyed the feel of the coverings on their pussies.
"Ha si senoras," he beamed at them proudly. "The stools, they are from the preeks of de Whales."
I asked him how he knew about Prince Charles (the Prince of Wales) and received a hefty kick from mum along with a dig in the ribs from Sara.
"Ha, ha, ha," he beamed at me. "No, no ees not that preek, ees the preek of feesh, beeg feesh."
Mum nearly choked with laughter while Sarah tried to explain that Whales were not feesh, I mean fish, but mammals and got for her troubles a blank look followed by a "Que?"
"I think he's trying to tell us that you're sitting on a whale's foreskin mum, the biggest prick in the world since Bill Clinton."
"Mmm, nice thought," Sarah said. Then leaned over to me and laid her hand on the bulge in my shorts, "But you're doing very well up to now Jamie."
"Excellent in fact Jamie," added mum and I got kissed on both cheeks again.
"Right as we'll be going to the land of pipes and heather tomorrow, who fancies getting pissed, stoned and horny tonight?" asked Sarah and mum giggled again.
"Well I'm already one of those thanks to this stool, so I think we should go and work on the other two, Jamie."
I nodded and guided Sarah's hand beneath my shorts.
"I'll take that as a yes then shall I?"
The vote was unanimous.
We swam lazily in the pool in between sharing a few joints via the shotgun method of inhaling from each other's mouths, at one stage mum sat on the edge of the pool, and I watched in awe as Sarah swam between her legs and licked the whole length of her slit.
"Come and help me, Jamie," she laughed and beckoned me over to join them.
Together we made oral love to my mother as she lay back with her legs in the water, my mouth on her dripping wet cunt while Sarah's tongue explored her anus.
Mum screamed as I reached up and pulled her over the edge until only her shoulders were on the poolside tiles. Sarah wrapped her legs around my waist as I eased my cock into her tight little pussy and I managed to fuck her whilst we both worshipped her holes.
Mum climaxed so noisily and so animatedly that she forced me back and left Sarah swearing merrily at her in frustration as I withdrew from her clutching warmth, much against my will.
By way of revenge she pulled her sister into the water and tried to push her head between her legs, it couldn't be done, of course, we were far too stoned and drunk for anything so strenuous as that. So we pulled ourselves out and ran into the kitchen to warm ourselves up in the big fluffy towels mum always kept there.
Or at least mum did, Sarah insisted that as she'd been about to climax when mum rudely put an end to it, she be allowed her turn, she straddled my lap and guided my re-growing erection once more into her shaven haven.
"Piss off you," she giggled as mum moved closer to us, but mum got onto the floor behind her, and suddenly Sarah gasped into my mouth as we kissed hungrily.
"Jamie," she moaned. "Oh fuck Jamie, she's licking my bum."
"She's forgiven you, mum," I laughed, then gasped as I felt the warmth of her mouth on my balls.
"Jeez Sarah, she's sucking my balls, shit mum, yes, that feels so fucking good."
With her lips around my testicles and a finger in her sister's anus, she put a premature end to our kinky little session. Sarah collapsed with her head on my shoulder as I pumped the last of my sperm into her cunt and the three of us staggered into bed, falling asleep almost immediately.
It was raining in Glasgow as the taxi took us out over the Kingston bridge towards Stepps where Sarah had lived with John, and I uttered my thoughts of what a depressing place it was.
Apart from a very dirty look from the cabby, I received a double-edged lecture on the uniqueness of the city of Glasgow. The defunct shipyards of Govan, the once mean streets of the Gorbals, the tenements of old Springburn, the tobacco factory, the breweries, distilleries, theatres, hotels. The new years eve's years ago when the half-pissed bus conductors would walk up the aisle, a glass of whisky in one hand and a tray in the other shouting "nae tickets" and getting themselves and the driver their beer money, but above all the sheer, unadulterated zest for living shown by the average Glaswegian.
In case you haven't yet got the message, I consider Glasgow to be second only to Belfast on my list of the world's greatest and most maligned cities and believe me, I've visited more than most! Long after this tale I was sent there in'69 for three months and owing to my craftiness, deceit, and downright lies, I was able to remain there for six years, I cried when I was finally ordered to leave!
The little church was packed with mourners, and I was shocked to see my father among them with her.
We nodded to each other, and she managed a weak smile, but I couldn't believe that he'd been so insensitive as to bring her to the funeral. I whispered as much to mum, but her reply went a very long way towards defusing my anger.
"If you get a chance to talk to her darling," she whispered, "Find out if she eats pussy."
"Tart," came softly from Sarah as we stood up for the first hymn.
It was hardly the time nor the place for eroticism but sitting between my mother and my aunt, two of the most highly sexed women any man could wish to meet was turning me on far more than I would have ever imagined.
Their perfume filled my nostrils, arousing me, a thigh pressed against each of mine, the gentle pressure of two hardly noticeable suspender buttons reminded me of what they were wearing beneath their black suits.
I'd watched them dressing in their tight black corsets, flimsy black bras and sat quietly as they picked out identical black panties, mums from her suitcase and Sarah's from her drawer, they'd giggled at the look on my face as I shook my head in amazement.
"I don't suppose you were anywhere near each other when you bought them, were you?"
"Uh, uh," they chorused.
"Glasgow and London?"
"Yup," came from Sarah,
"How did you guess?" from mum,
Their freshly shaven mounds were brushed with my breath as I pulled each pair of panties up over their thighs and gently fussed over them, making sure they cupped each beautiful, pouting pair of sex lips sensuously, before watching them pull their skirts up, hiding their secrets from everyone but me and each other.
During every prayer, they reached across me to hold hands, I suggested quietly changing places with one or the other, but was met with a whispered "no," and they brought my own hand up to join theirs.
After we'd stood outside the church with Sarah while she thanked everyone for attending, I walked with them to where our car waited for us and motioned the driver to stay in his seat.
Each woman knew exactly what she was doing when I held the door open and watched her get in, each pair of legs parted invitingly, each black vee bulged out teasingly under the pressure of the sweet little cunt it caressed, and each pair of eyes smiled at me in a blatant invitation of the pleasures still to come.
As ever in Glasgow, the reception cum-wake went on forever. I stayed in the background and watched in awe as a succession of very big, very tough looking men took their turn in shaking her hand and paid their respects to a fellow hard man, some, if not all, had broken noses, a reminder perhaps of when they'd crossed him.
A few, without doubt, felt that he'd wronged them as with all gaffers and workers, but none would have done her the disservice of mentioning it, the grudge died with the man as far as they were concerned.
She introduced mum and me to every one of them and amazed me by knowing all their names, they were:- Shugs and wee Hughies, Big Wullies and countless men named Billy, a few Johns and Jackies and even a big yin but without the jaggy bunnet.
They spent money like it was going out of fashion and drank as if each drink was their last, I was utterly, utterly fascinated by these men, many of whom seemed to have misheard Sarah when she'd introduced me as Jamie.
"See you Jimmy?" and a finger would jab at me, breaking only a couple of ribs in the process.
"You look after yon wee women, she'sTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
"Mum, where the hell did that come from?"I could hardly see her through my tears of laughter, it was the most remarkable thing I'd ever seen her do.She was still shaking with laughter too, rocking back in her chair and lifting her knees up under her chin to hug herself."For God's sake mum," I laughed. "Will you please stop flashing your pussy at me?""Yup no problem," she said and sat upright, knees together with her hands folded demurely in her lap."Is that better?" she was dying to laugh...
IncestAfter our afternoon of fun me and mum hadn't mention what had happened, we went on normal as if nothing happened. It was two days after when i was sitting round the pool when i couldn't help but say something. Mum was reading her book and i started making conversation about the holiday its self, when i said to her how did she feel about our afternoon of fun. She went a little bit nervous and didn't really say much. It was the first time she got a little bit shy. I left it at that and didn't say...
She was not only identical to mum in looks but also in temperament, a lovely, flirty, sexy bundle of fun. I remember thinking, thank God she's wearing a diamond nose stud or I'd never have told them apart.Mum had often told me tales of when they were kids if one fell and hurt herself, there was a good chance that the other one would do the same, never deliberately, it just happened.Obviously, I'd met Sarah hundreds of times, but this was different, she hugged and kissed mum while passers-by did...
IncestMark looked at his mother’s naked body through the crack in the door.Their holiday in Spain had been arranged to take Helens minds off work A fortnight in Spain. “Let’s recharge the batteries,” she’d said, “and just chill – you and me, the sun, the sea and the sand.”In Mark’s mind the added ingredient of “…and the sex” also sprang forward, as he looked forward to the opportunity of meeting nubile young girls stretched out on a Spanish beach, by the hotel pool or, maybe, even in disco.Four days...
Mark looked at his mother’s naked body through the crack in the door.Their holiday in Spain had been arranged to take Helens minds off work A fortnight in Spain. “Let’s recharge the batteries,” she’d said, “and just chill – you and me, the sun, the sea and the sand.”In Mark’s mind the added ingredient of “…and the sex” also sprang forward, as he looked forward to the opportunity of meeting nubile young girls stretched out on a Spanish beach, by the hotel pool or, maybe, even in disco.Four days...
It was late when I awoke alone in the huge emperor sized bed and followed my nose down to the kitchen where mum was taking some croissants from the oven. She wore one of my shirts, far too big for her and I thought how small and vulnerable she was, how utterly fucking gorgeous too! She giggled as I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her breasts through the shirt. "Breakfast, you horny boy" and she squealed as I lifted her up onto the worktop. "The coffee will get cold" she...
It was a beautiful, long, slow and very tender coupling. We wrapped our arms around each other and just sat there with mum's breasts squashed against my chest, our mouths occasionally touching whilst I told her my thoughts and desires!"If he really loved you mum, he wouldn't be fucking her would he?""Well I'll tell you something you don't know Jamie," she said and squeezed her vaginal muscles around my cock. "But you must never, ever let you father know that I've told you.""Of course I won't...
IncestIt was late when I awoke alone in the huge emperor sized bed and followed my nose down to the kitchen where mum was taking some croissants from the oven.She wore one of my shirts which was far too big for her, and I thought how small and vulnerable she was, how utterly fucking gorgeous too.She giggled as I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her breasts through the shirt."Breakfast, you horny boy." and she squealed as I lifted her up onto the worktop."The coffee will get cold," she protested...
IncestWe spent the morning on the beach, swimming lazily in the beautiful blue water, the girls flirting outrageously with me as well as each other.They walked out of the water hand in hand and kissed at the water's edge while I just stood and watched.It was an achingly beautiful scene, almost as if one of the women was kissing her own reflection in a mirror and it made me very sad to think that it had to end soon.But did it? A germ of an idea began to form in my mind, an idea so outrageous, so...
IncestI went outside to breathe some fresh air and saw the girls walking arm in arm across the car park, wicked grins on both their faces."What're you two up to?" I laughed, but they just laughed and told me I'd find out later.I did too.At their request, I sat in the garden drinking a beer and thinking about my encounter at the bar while I rolled a few joints.I really didn't know how mum would react, when and if the gorgeous little teen did actually arrive with her girlfriend the following night, but...
IncestWe spent the morning on the beach, swimming lazily in the beautiful blue water, the girls flirting outrageously with me as well as each other. They walked out of the water hand in hand like and kissed at the water's edge while I just stood and watched. It was an achingly beautiful scene, almost as if one of the women was kissing her own reflection in a mirror and it made me very sad to think that it had to end soon. But did it? A germ of an idea began to form in my mind, an idea so...
I felt like death warmed over when I finally awoke and even the two warm bodies sandwiching me didn't help very much.The very second I eased myself out from between them, they closed the gap I'd left and their arms went around each other's neck."Bloody hell." I thought and smiled at the absurdity of it, "Imagine if I had a twin sister like mum did and woke up with her wrapped around me like that."I groaned as I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth and felt a pair of arms slipping around my...
Incest"I've got something to tell you, mum.""I kind of thought you might have," she smiled. "I would hate all this secrecy to have been for nothing."She pulled the car out into the traffic and waited for me to continue, but I was thinking of the right way to tell her."I think I'll wait until a see a big truck coming the other way," she said quietly, "And I'll drive towards it.""Sorry?"Behind me Sarah giggled, leaving me with the distinct impression that I was missing something."And just before it...
IncestI went outside to breathe some fresh air and saw the girls walking arm in arm across the car park, wicked grins on both their faces! "What're you two up to?" I laughed, but they just laughed and told me I'd find out later! I did too! At their request, I sat in the garden drinking a beer and thinking about my encounter at the bar while I rolled a few joints. I really didn't know how mum would react, when and if the gorgeous little teen did actually arrive with her girlfriend the...
"Hi Sarah, how are you?" "Oh I'm fine baby, in fact I'm more than fine, I'm absolutely bubbling!" I left her to it and went to the bar for two more drinks, what mum had just told me had shocked me, although it was undoubtedly a pleasant shock! The though of her and her sister making love to each other was mind blowing, every man's fantasy, (never mind every horny, eighteen year old's!) and I could hardly wait until she got here! "Well?" I asked as I returned with our drinks,...
"Oh for God's sake," I laughed, "She's at it again."Paige had a hand inside her panties again as she sat between the twins, watching the puzzled expressions on their faces.Their squeals of laughter could have been heard all over the island when, with a flourish, she produced a little silver wrap and showed them the contents.Mum (or Sarah) got the main prize and delighted Paige by sucking lasciviously at the foil, glistening with her juices and then both of them listened while I told them that...
IncestI felt like death warmed up when I finally awoke and even the two warm bodies sandwiching me didn't help very much. The very second I eased myself out from between them, they closed the gap I'd left and their arms went around each other's neck. "Bloody hell" I thought and smiled at the absurdity of it, "Imagine if I had a twin sister like mum did and woke up with her wrapped around me like that!" I groaned as I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth and felt a pair of arms slipping...
"Mum, where the hell did that come from?" I could hardly see her through my tears of laughter, it was the most remarkable thing I'd ever seen her do! She was still shaking with laughter too, rocking back in her chair and lifting her knees up under her chin to hug herself. "For God's sake mum" I laughed, "Will you please stop flashing your pussy at me!" "Yup no problem" she said and sat upright, knees together with her hands folded demurely in her lap. "Is that better?" she...
The sexy little encounter in her car had perked me up a bit to say the least, there was quite a healthy bulge in my trousers as we walked into the bar and matters weren't helped by Paige who threw her arms round my neck and gave me long, searing kiss, She'd finished one stint on the bar and had an hours break before the next and final session of the night, so we got ourselves a drink and sat outside in the twilight while I told them all about our intentions. "Hey that's brilliant"...
It was a beautiful, long, slow and very tender coupling, we wrapped our arms around each other and just sat there with mum's breasts squashed against my chest, our mouths occasionally touching whilst I told her my thoughts and desires! "If he really loved you mum, he wouldn't be fucking her would he?" "Well I'll tell you something you don't know Jamie" she said and squeezed her vaginal muscles around my cock, "But you must never, ever let you father know that I've told you" "Of...
"Oh for God's sake" I laughed, "She's at it again!" Paige had a hand inside her panties again as she sat between the twins, watching the puzzled expressions on their faces. Their squeals of laughter could have been heard all over the island when, with a flourish, she produced a little silver wrap and showed them the contents. Mum (or Sarah) got the main prize and delighted Paige by sucking lasciviously at the foil, glistening with her juices and then both of them listened while I...
"I've got something to tell you mum" "I kind of thought you might have" she smiled, "I would hate all this secrecy to have been for nothing" She pulled the car out into the traffic and waited for me to continue, but I was thinking of the right way to tell her. "I think I'll wait until a see a big truck coming the other way" she said quietly, "And I'll drive towards it" "Sorry?" Behind me Sarah giggled, leaving me with the distinct impression that I was missing...
It was hardly the time nor the place for eroticism but sitting between my mother and my aunt, two of the most highly sexed women any man could wish to meet was turning me on far more than I would have ever imagined. Their perfume filled my nostrils, arousing me, a thigh pressed against each of mine, the gentle pressure of two hardly noticeable suspender buttons reminded me of what they were wearing beneath their black suits. I'd watched them dressing in their tight black corsets, flimsy...
Tracey wheeled her son out of the hospital, helped him into the car and headed off to collect her daughter Erin who had been dumped reluctantly on Tracey's sister while she stayed with the injured Allan.Erin was younger and heavier than Allan with bleached blond hair cut short in an attempt to fit in with her try-hard lesbian clique. She was wearing a 'FCUK' t-shirt knotted to show her chubby and pierced belly and baggy torn shorts that rode so low her pubic hair would be on show if she didn't...
Mum drove, May and her will- less slave shared the rear bench. Since mum’s vagina still was a little sensitive from the piercing session and she had just taken my load while we showered I thought this was a good way dealing with the situation. I sat on the right side and may on the left. I didn’t know the way too this mysterious Chinese restaurant so I thought if mother wouldn’t have turned out to be a sexy lady with a strange but still super hot past, I would have wondered why the bloody...
As I was stretched out on the sofa when I heard the front door open, and then Mum's familiar voice, "Hello Darling I'm home, how was your day?"I turned towards her. "Hi Mum. It was fine thanks."She came up to me and gave me a big hug and a motherly kiss on the lips, Mum was what most people would call pretty. She wasn't stunning and she rarely turned heads, but she had an almost c***d-like face, which had its own attractions. She kept her dark brown hair fairly long. She had a good shape, curvy...
Mark walked into the cold house, he and his mother lived in."Hey Darling, I'm in the living room," Mark's mum Helen called from the other room and he went to her. He walked in the living room and wondered what was going on. Mum was making a giant bed made in front of the fireplace and it was set up for two people. "What are you doing?" he asked and hoped that Mum wasn't having a man over, but she hadn't dated in the last few years and this was a big surprise.His mum was 33 and she had shoulder...
Mark walked into the cold house, he and his mother lived in."Hey Darling, I'm in the living room," Mark's mum Helen called from the other room and he went to her. He walked in the living room and wondered what was going on. Mum was making a giant bed made in front of the fireplace and it was set up for two people. "What are you doing?" he asked and hoped that Mum wasn't having a man over, but she hadn't dated in the last few years and this was a big surprise.His mum was 33 and she had shoulder...
My earliest memories of my mum go back to when I was about six or seven years old. She would have been about 23 or 24 at that time and I think that was when I first became consciously aware of the fact that my mother was beautiful, with long shapely legs And large tits 38D with big nipples. She had long, brown hair that fell just below her shoulders, brown eyes and full pouty lips which she always painted with bright red lipstick. She loved to wear tight blouses and sweaters. I remember how her...
I was in bed with a pair of her knickers, smelling them. Yes one of her worn knickers I picked from the dirty cloth hamper in the bathroom. But it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me.I am the love of mum’s life. I have always loved being around her. Even though she is in her thirties, she has a really sexy body, with big, full, 38D breasts. When I was 13 I started to notice my mother as a woman, more than just myMother. She would walk around the house either nude or...
My first family experience happened in the late 70’s. I had just turned 18 and I considered myself a normal teenage k**. I was not into school and was very glad it was the school holidays. Mum told me she wanted me to go with her to her bestfriend’s daughters wedding in a few weeks time. My Aunt and Uncle in Fort William in Scotland. That was a good nine hours from our house in North Wales. I was glad to go with mum as there could be some nice girls at the wedding. I should probably tell you a...
I had been struggling all month to work out what to do for my mother’s birthday, I was searching the internet high and low and eventually found a deal for a night stay with a couple of spa treatments. I went ahead and booked it for the following week of her birthday. Being a surprise, I didn’t tell her until the night before we were going. Dad was working away on this particular weekend, so I thought it would be nice to get out and enjoy a bit of much needed relaxation. Telling mum, the night...
365 FUN WITH MUM AND AUNTY Let`s start at the beginning, my name is Jack I am 5foot six and a 33year old blond single man, at school I was classified learning difficulties, so I am still living with my widowed mother. I work in a council yard as an assistant storeman and am a single unattached man, who, since my girlfriend in my 6th form at our special school, went off with one of the masters, it broke my heart and I have not had much to do with girls since. My mum is Milly, she a slightly...
……………………………………………………………………………………. There are many accounts of boys having sex with their mothers on here but l haven’t read another one where their first fuck was on a train. There are many who say how their mother was some hot piece with amazing tits and a great arse. Well that wasn’t my mother. I’m not saying she was ugly, in fact she was just ordinary, just Mum. The time l’m talking about was the mid nineteen sixties. We lived in a small country town, l had recently started...
When I was 10 my mum and dad divorced, and me and my mum moved in to a new house,my mum had a good job in an office so she could support us we was both happy with our new life away from my dad. A few years past and I had come in to my body I was in to sports so I was in shape muscular I got a lot of attention from the girls at school I would date girls but nothing seemed to last a couple of months at the most when I would get in to a relationship I wouldn't take long till we started having sex...
Finally we arrived at the hotel. We checked in and went up to our room. Because it was a work trip mum's firm had paid for the whole thing and put us up in a very nice hotel. It was a large, double twin room. Two double beds each with it's own dresser, night stand and wardrobe. There was a large sofa with a coffee table in front of it and a a TV on a stand in front of that. In the corner there was a table with four chairs around it. I dumped my travel bag on one of the beds, mum did the...
It had be a lovely few days sitting by the pool at our hotel in gran canaria, drinking the all inclusive drinks and enjoying the good food. I was away on holiday with my parents to relax for the week which I was doing very well. We was a few days in and was getting a little bored by the pool when we decided we would take a trip down to the beach for the day. I was sitting on the sun lounger when I was discussing this with my parents when dad had mentioned that he wasn't fussed about going and...
We were waiting outside for are pre booked taxi, myself and mum had been to a friend’s 50th birthday and was heading home. We were waiting outside the venue on a lovely summers night it was just before 11.30pm and we were talking about how nice it was to catch up with old friends, and how funny it was to see Dave still hitting on mum after all these year, even if it was a good friend of dads. We were both merry standing around waiting for are taxi to turn up. Mum was still a very attractive...
It was out last full day of our weekend away in the log cabin. Dad had decided to go out for the day into the village and see the sites. Both me and mum couldn't think of anything worse and decided that being our last day we would chill out and maybe go to the spa. It had just gone lunch time and we had just finished are lunch when I said to mum about going for a swim and Jacuzzi before we go. Mum liked the sound of this and we headed off over there. Like before I had my shorts on underneath...
It was a saturday morning and me and my mum was heading up to scotland via train to meet up with some distance relatives. We was getting a train and had this booked for a few weeks. Boarding the train i couldnt help looking at mum whos 51 and still in good shape. Carry her bags on board i let her go infront of me to look for our seats. I didnt mind walking from bedhind as she was wearing tight deniem jeans with a white tight top showing off her big 34dd tits, and a navy cardigan. I loved it...
It was a lovely august weekend and we had gone away for the weekend to stay with friends on a nice carvan site. They recently bought it so we gave it a try and to be fair it was pretty nice. It was your typical site where as soon as you drove in you could see the sites club house and arcades, the big lake and the tennis courts. Once we enter the site we drove to what seemed like the furthest caravan at the back. We parked up and got out. I had drove down with my parents and we was meeting up...
Mum and myself lived on our own at home. Dad left when I was 5. I used to jump in her bed in the mornings for a cuddle. When I was 13 we were having a cuddle and my hand touched her breast. It was an accident. As she never moved I touched it again, but this time mum moved it. Next morning I jumped in again and touch her again. This time she moved it away and rolled over and told me that it was wrong to touch her. She wasn’t angry about it. It was a few days later I did it again to her, I...
Fucking with MumMum’s friend had arrived early that morning. Fran was an attractive woman, a little older than Mum, in her mid to late thirties. I hadn’t seen her for a year or so, but had always liked her. They were staying for a couple of nights, Fran and her son, well built, and muscle in all the right places. He had those dreamy blue eyes that made my stomach skip. He had injured himself cycling, and had his leg pinned from the ankle to the top of his thigh. The sort of pins that are on the...
"Well, are we going to the movies or not?" Helen asked, It was Friday night and Helen and Mark her 15 year old Son were going to the movies. They normaly did this or went out for supper on a Friday night.At the movie theater they got some popcorn then found a seat near the back row. Since the movie had been out for a while, the theater wasn't crowded. They practically had the theater to themselves.The movie was funny and light, making them both laugh. About midway through the movie, Mark...
Like any teenage boy I jerked off a lot. I had my secret stash of adult magazines I would masturbate too on a daily basis; One night I began to read an i****t story. The more I read the mum/son stories I did find myself becoming very aroused. Soon after that I was wanking off to my first i****t story, one about a mum and son. It ended up being one the best ejaculations I had ever had.After reading and wanking off to these stories for a couple of weeks I began to look at my mum in a different...
"Hi mum," I said as I entered the living room."Hi Steve," my mum smiled. She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, which was at the back of the single-storey house she and I lived. "How was school?" she asked."The usual, boring," I replied, dumping my schoolbag on the floor and kicking my trainers off. I didn't do too badly at school, and was an ace at sports, but like most fifteen-year-old boys I didn't exactly find it terribly thrilling. It was nice to be home.My mum, Helen,...
I know this has taken sometime to follow up on, but things in life very rarely go to plan and many things have kept me from following on from where I left off. Mum and I still have our little get together now and then, it usually culminates in torrid, hot and sweaty sex, but then, that’s what we both enjoy. Dad is still with us, although he has never got any better and indeed, his health continues to slowly deteriorate. Over the years, mum and I have had some great and very pleasurable moments...
It was the 70's and I was t******n at the time. My dad had just bought a Polaroid camera that would self-develop pictures just after taking them.He took several pics of the family and told my mum to put on a mini skirt and took a picture of her showing plenty of very shapely leg. He stopped taking pics and said that he was going to save the rest of the film for later so excitement over us k***s went back to our usual activities.We lived in a three bedroom house in London and a few weeks after...
It had been a couple of weeks since mum and I had a wild night in a hotel with total strangers. We had spent years flirting and teasing each other and eventually the sexual tension and chemistry between us became real. We hadn’t really touched on what happen but the way we’d pass each other at home and give each other smiles, we were both thinking the same, what a brilliant night it was. So, it was not a surprise when one evening we got talking about it. More to the point, it came across that...
I was away on holiday with my parents to a friends villa in Spain. We was only away for a few days so I took advantage of a free relaxing trip with my parents. We was a couple of days into it and was a bit bored of the pool and as we had hired a car dad said he would take us to the local beach 15 minutes away. We had a cool bag packed and our towels and we set off mid morning. I didn't no until we pulled up that dad wasn't actually coming to the beach with us he said that he had things to do....
It was dark out when I got home from school. Mum answered the door. She gave me a big hug and her hands roamed my body as we hugged, but I didn't think anything of it.I followed her into the house and into the kitchen. Mum always looked smart her long brunnette hair d****d over the back of her pink V-neck shirt, the fabric stretching over her figure. Mum's firm 38D tits jutted out from her body. A blue jean skirt hugged her arse.It wasn't until around my second year of high school that I...
It was coming up to Christmas and it was that time of year when all the Christmas parties happen. This year I had started work in the same office as mum, so instead of normally picking her up from them parties I was now going to one. The company had taken everyone to a hotel for dinner and dance night. Being a bit of a distance away and both wanting to drink we stayed about 5 minutes away in a travel lodge. We had only booked the one room but with single beds. Me and mum are pretty close so it...
25 year old Charlotte walked nervously down the stairs holding the letter that her Mum would have to sign, her bottom stinging from the caning she had been given by Mrs. Denver just an hour or so earlier. The letter made it very clear her Mum was expected to give her a spanking before she got back to College tomorrow. Charlotte was worried a spanking today would open the flood gates, that her Mum would insist that spanking her will also be reintroduced for her at home purely for disciplinary...
SpankingDad had left us when I was five years old. We owned a three bedroom cottage on four acres of land that sat well off of the road and was bordered on one side by a river. The road was in reality a dirt road and we sat far back in the North Wales hills. So we had our privacy. I kept my I did all of the outdoor work, cutting the grass, repairs as needed. Mum always found the time to make things fun for me to, to keep me occupied. She would invent games inside when it was raining or snowing and we...
This story is dedicated to my mother Chrystine. One of the first people who I came out too, someone who helped me find my femme name and helped me find my style. She sadly passed away 20 years ago. It was my mother who encouraged me to write. I hope that she would be pleased with the pieces I now produce. Mum I Have Something to Tell You. By Maria Ski I would like to, if I may, tell you a story, the story of how a young man went on a journey of discovery and found his true...
It was a nice sunday afternoon and me and mum had taken a drive out to a shopping centre which was a good hour away. We had set off about midday and I was driving. We had never been to this shopping centre so we was driving blind, just on rough directions. I was quite close with mum, we got on really well. Little did she know I did like to spy on her every now and then. Tina my mum was in her early 50's small, brown hair brown eyes. slimish build with a large busty chest, 34dd as I had...
my mum was 5 foot 6, size 14, blue eyes, dark brown hair, She has 38C breasts (I know, I've seen her bra's), I would peek a glance at her any chance I could; I had seen her nude many times around the house, She had a lovely hairy vagina that I had started to notice more latly These images and would flood into my head when I'd jerk off, and it disturbed me. At first. I shouldn't think about mum that way, it's gross and wrong, she's my mum. But the more I thought about it, the less inhibitions I...
Mum and Son go all the way.Ok, it has been over a month now since the incident with my mum. Incident! What the fuck am I talking about, It was the best fucking sexual experience of my life so far! Things had returned to pretty much normal at home. The sexual encounter between me and my mum was never brought up, I assumed that It was a “one off” owing to a combination of mum having a little too much to drink after a night out with her girlfriends, her being a little sexually frustrated and...