The Most Erogenous Zone Part Three of Nine
- 4 years ago
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The frightening thing was that the only current sensation I felt from Sara, the young drowned girl, was that ripple of wonder as she smelled flowers, and I only knew she sensed lilacs because I smelled them too at that moment. Other than that, everything I was getting from her was a memory, a lingering image of events just past, but nothing in the ‘now’.
I reached again, trying to find her, to call to her, to give her something to grab onto to pull herself back. I’d closed my eyes to focus my mind entirely on the girl, and when I opened them I found Julia watching me even as she continued CPR, a question in her eyes and drops of sweat falling from her nose and her brow onto Sara. I leaned in to give her another breath while Julia continued chest compressions, and tried again, my mouth over the young girl’s cold blue lips and my fingers pinching her nostrils closed as my mind sought hers.
I gave her another lungful of air as I tried again to draw her back, but while the air may have helped, I could tell I was doing no good on awakening her or dragging her back. She was there, I could feel it, and maybe she could feel me as well, but there was no connection. I looked at Julia and shook my head, but at the same time asked her again to not give up. She paused once more to check for a pulse and again found nothing.
“Jon, we may be spinning our wheels; you know how rarely this is successful, right, especially without an AED to shock her and get her heart started? Less than a ten percent chance, Jon.”
I was picking up Julia’s mind only faintly, through the girl, each of us touching her, and while I could read her steely determination to not let the Bastard Death win without a fight, I could also feel her doubt and fear, fear that our efforts wouldn’t be enough.
“I know, Julia, but please keep on just a little longer. Maybe the paramedics will come by helicopter… and the cold water, right? Doesn’t the cold buy her more time?”
“It does, usually, a little. That copter better show up soon if it’s coming.” She was back on the compressions even before she finished speaking, but I could tell she was tiring. I could maybe do the compressions if I could figure out a way to not kneel, something I couldn’t do, or the other guy that had been doing it, now rested, could take over again if Julia faltered, but I could feel our window of opportunity closing.
I was desperate, my mind casting about for something, anything that might work, when my gaze landed on her brother who stood to one side, pale and anguished, fists clenched at his sides. Remembering how Ella had reached me, I called out to him.
“Mark! Mark, come here, get down here.” When he kneeled between us I grabbed his hand, soaking up the mental impact of his grief like a physical blow as I placed his hand on his sister’s head. I put mine over his, my fingers laced through his so that we both touched her, and felt him recoil slightly at the unnaturally cold feel of her flesh. I put my other hand on the girl’s shoulder and then instructed him to call her back.
“Think, Mark. You can say it out loud if it helps, but think how much you love her, how you’ll miss her, the hole it will leave in your life, in your heart. Try to get your thoughts into her, Mark. Tell her you love her, that you need her to try. Let her feel what you’re feeling.”
With my hand on his I was sensing his desperation and heartache, his mourning and despair already beginning even as efforts to save his sister continued, but I also sensed something deeper, a dark, aching anguish, and the realization slowly came that he was thinking of their parents and the utter devastation this would bring to their lives. That was something I could use!
As I instructed him to continue to try to reach his sister, I gathered his pain and anguish as best I could, collecting his emotions, his sensations and fear and heartache into one hard, powerful spear point, which I thrust as one hard mass into her darkening mind. This was no nudge, no push, no teasing tickle of thought, but instead a weapon of shock and awe, a hammer blow to her mind to pummel her and batter her, a last attempt to knock her out of her now-easy slide into oblivion.
When I did it, I felt a momentary searing pain in my head, a blinding flash, and then it was gone and her body jerked like it had been shocked. It startled Julia, who missed a couple of compressions then got immediately back into the rhythm for several more thrusts.
When she paused a moment later to again check for a pulse, I could tell she was hoping, but mostly just going through the motions. So when she checked, then moved her fingers and checked again, then looked at me with a look of sheer disbelief, I dared to hope.
Her fingers still pressed into Sara’s neck, she said, “My god, I think we’ve got her! I’m feeling a pulse… weak, getting stronger. Yes, oh god yes, a pulse! Strong and steadying… unbelievable! Wait, get her on her side, quick!”
We reacted to Julia’s order just in time, rolling Sara onto her side just as her body spasmed again and she tried to draw a breath, instead, choking and coughing and vomiting up a thin gruel of water, mucus, and other stomach contents. She continued to cough and gag for several seconds before sucking in a long, deep, desperate breath, and then cried out, her voice strained, a primal howl of anguish and terror.
Her brother held onto her tightly, taking no chances on her slipping away again, clinging tenaciously as her cries of terror dissolved into tears and she began to shiver uncontrollably. I still had one hand on her and I tried to push comfort, reassurance, joy at her triumph over death - something I was feeling strongly, that joy – and her tears gradually lessened, although the shivering didn’t.
She was breathing on her own, conscious, and had a strong, steady heartbeat, but she was also hypothermic, the cold water and brief flirtation with death dropping her body temperature.
That was something we could deal with, and Julia and the other woman stripped her out of her wet clothes, getting no resistance from her as the rest of us dug in our packs for warm, dry clothes. I contributed my fleece jacket, her brother a second one and soon they had her wrapped in dry clothes and were hugging and rubbing her, trying to get her warm. Her brother, Mark, fussed over her more than anyone, his joy and relief apparent in his words and his actions.
She was still shivering, still crying and confused when the paramedics showed up, toting equipment, led by the young man that had met us on the trail. They were shocked but happy that she was up and breathing on her own, although they put her on oxygen while they checked her over and took her vital signs. Winds aloft had conspired with the narrow valley to prevent a helicopter from bringing them to where we were, although it had set them down at the parking lot; they’d made good time getting up the trail.
They insisted on carrying her out on the collapsible stretcher they’d brought, and soon had her set up, strapped in and covered in blankets and jackets. As they picked her up to leave, accompanied by the other younger folks that had initially rescued her and performed CPR, in order to take turns manning the stretcher, Sara looked around and said, “Where’s Jon?”
Everyone started looking at each other, surprised that she knew the name of anyone other than her brother or their friend – clearly the group effort to rescue her had involved a number of people that didn’t know each other – when Julia pushed me forward. “This is Jon – unless there’s another John in the group?”
When nobody spoke up, Sara held out her hands to me, and I took a few steps over to the stretcher and took her hands in mine. The tears started again when she said, “Thank you for being there.”
“Oh, honey, I didn’t do anything, I was just a bystander, mostly! These are the folks that got you out of the river, that did CPR to keep you alive – Julia, your brother Mark, this young man…” I nodded toward Julia, then indicated the guy that had performed CPR initially, until he was ready to collapse.
He smiled at her and said, “Daniel. Nice to meet you, Sara; I’m so glad you’re okay.”
She tearfully thanked each of them before returning to me. “You were there with me when I was so scared, so alone. I don’t know how, but thank you.”
“I was… I’m glad I could help, Sara, in whatever way I did. All that matters is that you’re okay now, but let them get you to the hospital so you can be checked.”
She held out her arms and I bent for a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, and then they carried her away. Mark ran back a moment later, under instructions to get my phone number, which he entered into his own phone while I took his, and then the group gradually dispersed. It was as if we were reluctant to part company, all knowing that we’d been a part of something very special, not wanting to let the moment go.
A few more of us swapped contact info, and then the group broke up, some heading up the trail, others back toward the parking lot, and in mere moments Julia and I were once again alone with the sounds of the river and the scent of the pines, no trace of the near-tragedy remaining other than my pounding headache.
Julia chuckled ruefully. “I guess I’ll never be able to say you don’t take me anyplace interesting!”
I laughed. “Yeah, true – fake monster dog attacks, drowned girls, all kinds of excitement; I’m not sure how I’ll top this one.”
“From now on let’s keep it to the false alarms, like the dog; that was easier on my heart. Do you realize how close we were to losing her?”
“I do, yes. Too close for comfort.”
She looked at me oddly. “Are you okay? You still look very pale.”
“Mmm, nasty headache; probably a combination of altitude and stress.”
“C’mere, let’s sit for a minute while I dig out some aspirin. You’re getting a bloody nose too.”
We sat on a large boulder several feet off the trail and she handed me a couple of Advil and a water bottle, followed by a Kleenex for my nose. As I dabbed at it, she asked, “How did she know your name, Jon?”
“I’m sure she heard someone say it or something.”
“No, she didn’t. She was unconscious – hell, she was basically dead, like you – and what did she mean when she thanked you for being there with her when she was alone and scared? How did you know she was still in there when you told me not to give up on her?”
“I… Julia, it’s hard to explain.” I’ve mentioned that there were two times when Julia sensed something strange about me; the first had been during the dog incident, and this was the second, only this time she was sure.
“Talk to me, Jon.”
I sighed. My head was aching and I felt mildly nauseous, likely a delayed stress reaction and I didn’t want to have to explain my weirdness to Julia, but it was time. Past time; I should have done it long ago, and here, in the peace and sudden solitude of the mountains I loved so much was, at last, the right time and place.
“Okay, but try to keep an open mind.” She was staring at me, locked in. “Ever since my accident, since I woke up from my coma when I touch people I feel their minds.”
She looked dubious, much as Ella had, but she had the advantage of knowing that she’d witnessed something weird going on. “You can read minds.” She sounded as skeptical as she’d looked.
“No, not at all. It’s hard to explain – it was hard for me to grasp – but I can feel things now. Not thoughts, but feelings. You know, feelings, emotions, the things people’s thoughts inspire, but not the actual thoughts, not things that I could verbalize. I’d know, for example, if you were feeling sad, but not why, or if you were excited about something, but not have any idea what was so exciting. Does that make sense?”
“No, but I’ve seen it in action so I’m inclined to believe you. What am I feeling right now?”
“I have to be touching you, skin-to-skin, or I have no way to know.”
She slid closer to me and put her hand on the back of my neck, gently rubbing it; it felt nice and seemed to help my headache, but when it came to reading her it wasn’t working like it should have been. I could still pick up her feelings, but it was all very blurry, indistinct. No, blurry is the wrong word; it was more like static, an electrical crackle muddying up her feelings and emotions. I was still reading her, but not well, bits and pieces obscured by noise. It made my head throb.
“Unh, crap. It’s not working very well, Julia, it’s fucked up and making me feel like crap, but you… you still feel euphoric, the high because Sara lived I guess, what we all had, and, uh, you’re incredulous…” I laughed softly, which made my head spin. “And you’re worried about something.”
She nodded. “Well, you nailed that, despite the messed up senses. I’m worried about you, Jon; you look terrible, and your nose is bleeding again. Are you all right?”
“No, I don’t think I am. We better get back.”
We started back almost immediately, taking time only for a long drink of water, which helped my stomach and head. As we walked, Julia carried on almost a soliloquy, asking about how and when I knew of my abilities and sometimes answering her own questions when my short replies failed to satisfy her. I was definitely fading, far from my best.
She was curious about me ‘reading’ her, of course, and when I’d begun, what I’d felt, and didn’t seem surprised when I told her that she’d been the only person that I couldn’t read at all. Not one trace from her until the silliness about the circumcision/Jewish thing that had left us both laughing and disarmed, when her walls had tumbled and her mind had finally opened to me.
Learning that, she fell silent for quite a while, a period during which I went downhill not only on the trail but also mentally and physically. When she asked if I had begun to try to influence her moods and feelings about that same time I almost missed it, lost in my own sick misery, but I affirmed her suspicions, apologizing for meddling in her mind. She again fell silent and I was afraid I’d ruined things completely, making me feel worse still.
Thankfully she worked it out and was not too proud to admit that I’d helped in some small way. “I should be very angry with you, Jon, for not trusting me, and for trespassing in my head, into my mind. And I am, in a way, but the truth is that I only started to come out of my black mood, started to live again at about that same time. Whatever you did, whatever way you invaded my head and messed with my thoughts and moods, it must have helped.”
“I’m glad.” I was, although I’d have rather left the discussion for when I was at full capacity. “I knew even then that it was wrong, but I just wanted to help. You were so sad and hurting so much.”
“You did help, Jon, immensely, I think, and I’m grateful. Just don’t ever do it again.”
“No, ma’am.”
She laughed. “Even when you feel like crud you make me laugh. Of course, when I say don’t ever do it again, I mean without my permission. As long as I know it’s okay.”
“You should know that I can’t necessarily avoid it. I don’t have that control, not yet, so if we touch I’ll know your moods… if this static clears up.”
She thought about that as we continued down the trail, my condition deteriorating. “Good enough, just don’t try to put anything in, to change my mood, not unless I know what you’re doing.”
“That’s fair… one thing, though: there is this arousal thing that happens sometimes, something I don’t always control. Eva felt it, and Angie – even Brad, although God knows why. You have too.”
“Oh my God, that’s what that is? That’s you?”
“Partly, I think, plus I care about you. Julia, where are we?” My question wasn’t metaphorical, about where we were in our relationship; I really had no idea where we were on the trail. “Are we almost there?” My head was screaming and my field of vision was narrowing into a dark tunnel vision.
“We are, Jon, just the uphill to the parking lot. You look like death; are you gonna make it?”
“I don’t know. I’m fading, Julia.”
I don’t remember much of the climb, just that it seemed endless and that she had to help me, half-carrying me, my arm over her shoulder, only her steely willpower dragging us up the hill. After the brutally difficult climb, she took my keys from my pocket and drove us home. The next twenty-four hours were lost to me, although Julia stayed and took care of me as my headache raged.
When I came out of my funk it was after noon on the following day. My headache was gone but I felt washed out, transparent; it wasn’t a sick feeling anymore, just a reminder that I’d been through something rough and it had cost me. Julia was with me still, explaining that she had gotten one of the other therapists to take her appointments for the next couple of days so that she could stay with me.
Part of that was true, I think; she did want to look after me, but she was also dying to know more about my abilities, apparently fully on board in believing that I had some sort of unnatural gift. I promised her that I would do my best to answer all of her questions – just as soon as I’d eaten something! I was famished, and once I’d solved that issue with two sandwiches and a huge glass of sweet tea I felt much better.
I had the sense that the coming conversation would be most productive in an intimate setting, so we crawled back into my bed – both of us naked, at my insistence – and I held her as we began to talk, my arm around her and her head on my shoulder. I was enormously relieved that I could still feel her, still read her; the static of yesterday wasn’t entirely gone but it was markedly lessened, a bit of lingering white noise.
The blinds closed and the lights turned low, I simply held her until she was ready to begin. When she was ready, she simply said, “Tell me everything. Tell me who you are and what you can do, Jon.”
That was a tall order! I wasn’t quite sure where to begin, and then suddenly, I knew. “I will, Julia, because I don’t want there to be anything hidden between us anymore, but there’s something I’ve wanted to say for a long time and I haven’t, because I was afraid I’d scare you away.”
“I don’t scare easily.”
“Yeah, I know that now. I love you, Julia. More than that, I’m hopelessly in love with you, and I have been for quite a while now – and please don’t feel obligated to return the sentiment just because I said it. I know you’ve been through a lot and that it’s different for you, but I need you to know that before I tell you anything else.”
I could feel her emotions roiling, yet softening, her psyche opening willingly to me almost as if she had consciously ordered it to. My heart swelled because I knew she loved me too, just by her reaction; I didn’t need her to say it out loud because I already knew, yet it was not at all anti-climactic when she did.
“I love you too, Jon, very much. I swore I’d never invest myself that way in a man again, yet it somehow happened and I’ve known it for a while now. You do understand why I couldn’t be the first to say it though, don’t you, even though I knew?”
I pulled her to me and we kissed, soft and slow, enjoying every sensation of our lips and tongues and minds. When we separated, I said, “Of course I understand, and it doesn’t matter now. Truth is, I’ve been reluctant to say anything too, afraid it would somehow be too soon, too much, that it wasn’t something you wanted and that I would scare you away. But I knew you cared and that you’re happy when we’re together, that I could sense; I’m not sure my senses know exactly what this kind of love feels like, but I dared to hope that maybe that was a part of it.”
“It feels like this, Jon – and yes, you have my permission to read this in whatever way you do…” She kissed me again after we nuzzled each other’s necks and lips for a few seconds, and she let down all of her walls. My mind flowed eagerly into hers, and I suddenly felt exactly what love feels like.
It was warm and secure, sensitive and sensual; it was sexual and carnal, gentle, pure, and benevolent; it was trust and acceptance, faith and understanding. It had a depth impossible to fathom, a span that had no horizons, and time that had no beginning or end; it just was, like a living thing that was all-encompassing and all-consuming, something for which words cannot do justice, and it was the best thing I had ever felt in my life.
As her love revealed itself to me, mine did the same, wrapping around her body and soul, heart and mind. I opened myself, laid myself bare and offered myself to her, for her consideration, for her love, for her safety and protection, my life and my love all for her; it was a connection that people who are truly in love may feel, but for the first time ever I thought maybe I had just the tiniest sense of what it truly is. For that moment – and I don’t know if it was one minute or thirty – we were one person.
Slowly, reluctantly, we pulled away, apart – not physically, we stayed in each other’s arms, but I reeled in my mind, withdrawing from her in the sense of trying not to explore any more than the superficial sensations I always get, those things I haven’t been able to figure out how to avoid other than by not touching. I also pulled back from pushing my feelings – my love, in this case – into her psyche.
We sat silently for a few moments afterward, both of us in awe of what we’d felt from the other, then Julia spoke first. “That was maybe the weirdest thing I’ve ever felt, but also one of the most amazing, beautiful things. Thank you, Jon, for what you feel for me and for letting me feel it.”
“No.” My voice was husky, the sound strange. “No, thank you for allowing me to feel these things, and for what you give back. It’s more than I could have hoped, more than I’d have ever been able to ask, and I promise you I’ll never let you down.”
“I know you won’t.”
“I’m not Corey, Julia.”
“Oh, God no! You’re nothing like him, even before he started drinking.”
“No, and I have no addictions, not alcohol or drugs or gambling or any of that stuff; I just don’t have an addictive personality I guess.” I laughed. “Well, I take that back; I think I may have one addiction. You.”
She laughed. “That one I can live with! Okay, now tell me about this gift, everything; how you learned about it, how you learned to control it, and what you can do, al that stuff. But don’t dawdle, because that thing you mentioned, the thing about the arousal side-effect?”
“Whoo boy, it works! I’m crazy, unbelievably horny, and it had to be that. Today, stud, is the day that I can’t wait any longer to test out all of your skills.”
I laughed. “Music to my ears! You sure you want to hear this other nonsense now?”
“Yes, and no distracting me with sex.”
So I told her. She knew all about my accident, of course, so I began with waking up to Ella’s feelings, my confusion about it, and the mental maelstrom and slow dawn of understanding of what was happening as the various medical personnel touched me. I took her forward through my experiences with Eva, Brad, and Angie, how I worked on my new skill during my time with them, and how she herself had remained a mystery to me, a blank slate in terms of reading any emotions.
I explained that I understood that Angie, the other nurses, and my therapists had been unwitting guinea pigs, but by virtue of spending so much time with them, I’d come to better understand and cope with what was happening. Julia seemed to understand the ethical can of worms that I’d opened, but also to believe me when I said that I had tried to be very aware of it and walk a fine line. I had never used my abilities for anything I was truly ashamed of, although I admitted to her that perhaps I’d abused my ability in order to heighten sensuality and create some unusually powerful sexual situations – and results!
On that score, I told her about the evening with Angie and Ben, and how intense it had been, how much fun we’d had. It was weird admitting to her that I’d been with them when I loved her, but she’d been fully aware of it and told me to go ahead. If I’d had any doubts about her sincerity I’d clearly managed to overcome them – and now, in hearing the tale, she kept asking for more detail! I happily provided it, mostly because I could feel her arousal soaring even as I spoke.
So anyhow, I went through the last few months in as much detail as I could, from the first awakening, to when her mind had let me in, until the present, including what I had gone through with her doing the physical work and me handling the mental aspects in order to revive Sara the previous day. It was Julia that figured out that my headache – and my bloody nose, as well as my static-filled head of the previous twenty-four hours – were likely a result of the supreme effort we’d made to bring her back.
I was startled when she pointed out, “Jon, the workings of the brain are just minute electrical charges through our neurons, like tiny sparks jumping across the synapses between. Do you remember how she jumped, that big spasm right before I finally got a pulse?”
“Yeah, that was right when my mind pounded hers. I was basically screaming at her to wake up, but it was more like I just insisted, with her brother’s help, by jamming the demand into her brain.”
“I figured. The thing is, her response wasn’t all that different from what a defibrillator shock would have done. Maybe the two of you together generated enough juice to basically shock her brain – or even her heart – into restarting.”
“Wow. You think?”
She laughed. “Who knows? This is all just hypothetical, after all, but you probably overdid it, and hence the headache, bloody nose, etcetera. It’s even possible you could hurt or kill yourself, judging by how you’ve felt since the river bank. You were in pretty bad shape.”
“I feel a lot better now.”
“I’m glad.”
“I can read you very clearly now, my love.”
“Mmm-hmm. And?”
“And you are one astonishingly horny girl!”
She laughed. “You truly are a mind reader, I don’t care what you say! Do I get a demonstration of your magic powers?”
“I thought you’d never ask! C’mere, do this…” I sat up, my back against the headboard and positioned her in front of me, between my legs. Feeding off her arousal, I was achingly erect, my cock rock-hard, so when I pulled her back against my chest my hard length was against her spine and my balls nestled in the top of her ass crack.
She looked over her shoulder at me. “What are we doing?”
“Bear with me while I try something. I don’t know if this will work, but it might be fun.”
“I’ve put you off all this time and now you don’t want to just instantly climb aboard? You really are a strange man!”
“Very funny. Okay, first, I’d never ‘just instantly climb aboard’, partly because I’d miss too much and partly because I plan to have plenty of time for that for, oh, the next hundred years or so; and second, this is for science - an experiment, if you will. You should be honored to be a part of it.”
She laughed. “Oh, I am! Deeply honored! Guide me, Dr. Strangelove, I am your instrument; what do you need me to do?”
“Okay. First, I need you to shut up.”
“Ssshhh! Quiet, please; now just relax, open your mind, and feel…” I put my arms around her and held her against me, cupping her breasts in my hands. My thumbs moved gently across her erect nipples, teasing and tweaking, but other than that, her breasts in my hands, and a great deal of her soft, warm skin pressed to mine, there was no tactile stimulation. Everything else was solely between our minds, theoretically our most erogenous, most important sexual organs.
First, I gave her my love and my promise to never let her down, to be there for her. I felt her open her mind, opening it to welcome me into its warm embrace; astonishingly, it felt, in a way, very similar to the way it feels to slide a hard penis into a warm, wet, welcoming vagina. Her psyche accepted me, welcomed me, molded itself around my own and squeezed me tightly.
Once in I began to think of all of the things I wanted with her. I wanted time, closeness, intimacy, a life, and I wanted all things that are possible sexually between a man and a woman. I focused on those, on the feel of her firm, warm body, on the nubbly, rubbery hardness of her nipples, on her quickening breath and racing heart. I imagined parting the soft, wet lips of her pussy with my tongue, the taste of her sweet nectar, the sounds of her gasps of pleasure.
She shifted in my arms, adjusting her position, and I paused momentarily. “Are you okay?”
“God! Please don’t stop.” This time the gasp of pleasure I heard was not just in my mind.
I continued. I mentally explored her pussy with lips and tongue, tasting, thrusting my tongue into her to draw out more of her honey, imagining using first the hard tip of my tongue and then the broad, flat surface to rasp across the rigid nub of her erect clit.
I ran my tongue, in her mind, the length of her nether lips, separating them and probing from the tight rosebud at the rear to the fleshy little hood now stretched taut over her tiny erection, caressing, licking, tasting, thrusting inward when appropriate, taking my time to seek out all of her most sensitive spots and give them the full attention of my lips and tongue – all just in our heads, of course!
She was moaning softly now, almost writhing in my arms, so as a slight cool-down I wandered away, letting the journey of my mouth in her mind wander to her legs, her feet, her toes, then back up, pausing at her hot, dripping sex before continuing over the round firmness of her buttocks, where I lingered, kissing, licking, exploring.
Moving again, now to her lower spine, I felt the heat and hardness of my own cock against her, the way it felt in her head and discovered her awareness of the warm, slippery sheen of pre-cum that had leaked from me and painted her, lubricating the places where we touched. My phantom tongue tasted it, tasted my own salty muskiness, something else I shared with her through our mental connection. She uttered a soft, “Oohhh!”, and I felt her lick her lips.
As I began to envision our actual coupling I continued to gently stroke and caress her breasts, and especially her sensitive nipples, but I also nuzzled and kissed her neck and her ears, my lips – real lips now, not the imaginary ones that had explored her body – grazing lightly over her hot skin, my breath warm and moist on her throat and shoulders.
In my mind I rubbed the hard, hot, blood-engorged head of my intangible cock between her swollen labia, parting her, my leakage of pre-cum slickening her even as her copious juices lubed me for entry. Still writhing with arousal, she softly said, “Ohh god, Jon…” as her hand dropped to her sex, the need to touch, to feel, to stimulate and come overwhelming her.
I let her touch herself for a moment before I placed my hand over hers, allowing my fingers, too, to feel her molten, silky slickness, then I pulled her hand away. She whimpered in frustration, but I said, “No touching. You’ll spoil the experiment.”
She whimpered again, then said, “Fuck the experiment.”
“That’s the spirit. Here, taste…” I held her fingers, shimmering with her own juices, to her lips, allowing her to taste her own arousal for a moment before I pulled them away and brought them to my own mouth, where I sucked on them. At the same time that I was sucking her corporeal fingers, I slowly slid the hard length of my ethereal, metaphysical cock all the way into her equally incorporeal pussy, letting her feel what I felt as her imaginary body accepted me, and she came.
She did more than simply come, however; she practically exploded off the bed, her body going rigid, hips lifting upward as if to meet some phantom lover’s impassioned thrusts. Her feet scrabbled at the sheet, heels sliding, her shoulders against my chest as her hips pumped and undulated, meeting the hard thrusts of her invisible partner. She cried out, gasping, her voice low and guttural through teeth clenched tight with the ecstasy of her orgasm.
“Ohhh, GOD! Oh, fuck, my god, God, coming, Jon, oh my GOD! Ohhh, fuck, fuck…” It continued for perhaps another fifteen or twenty seconds, each utterance of the word ‘fuck’ accompanied by a hard thrust of her hips as my mentally-generated cock thrust forward, burying itself deep within her, the word ‘fuck’ as much a command as a cry of ecstasy.
Then, as explosively suddenly as it had begun, she collapsed onto me, her body going limp and falling back against me even as my cock, which had been wildly ejaculating as she thrust herself on to the pistoning cock of her invisible lover, finished its last few small spurts and spasms.
We both lay quietly for several minutes, letting the power and enormity of what we’d just experienced wash over us as we caught our breath, holding onto each other, trying to comprehend even as we basked in the sensations. She spoke first, her voice still husky with arousal.
“God almighty. That was… I don’t even know! Other-worldly, amazing, incredible, unbelievable, and a whole bunch of other superlatives that my mind can’t do right now.”
“It was definitely all that!”
She wiggled her back and bottom, sliding in the massive slick of semen that was sandwiched between us. “You came too.”
“I sure as hell did! There was no chance of holding back, not with you writhing and humping and fucking me like you were. I didn’t know you were into extreme sport-sex.”
She giggled. “That was extreme, wasn’t it?”
“I’ll say. Good thing I’ve got my own personal physical therapist or I probably wouldn’t be able to move for a week.”
“That was… it felt for all the world like you were there in front of me, over me, pounding your cock into me.”
“If it helps at all, that is on the near-term agenda.”
She laughed. “Good thing – if it wasn’t, we’d be writing a whole new agenda. I’m not sure how you plan to top that, Jon; are you at all concerned that you might have wasted the main course on the appetizer?”
“Not overly; I figure if our minds alone can do that, putting our minds and bodies together might just reverse the rotation of the earth.”
“That sounds dangerous. Should I dial the 9-1-1 on my phone so that all I have to do is touch ‘call’?”
“Might be a good idea. For now, though, I gotta say that I enjoyed you so much in my head that I absolutely have to have the real thing. Come here…” I slid down in the bed till I was lying on my back and pulled her over me, pulling her down until her wet, hot swollen pussy met my lips as the tip of my nose nestled in her ass crack.
As I ran my tongue the length of her pussy, just as I’d imagined, she murmured a soft, “Ohhh, yes, mmm…”
She was very wet, very aroused and ready, and her taste and scent immediately provided all the right signals for my cock, gone semi-flaccid, to once again begin to swell. I marveled at the soft, slick, sensuous feel of her on my lips and tongue, and my mind immediately began to play with hers. As she started to move her hips, sliding her pussy against my tongue and lips, I slid my hands up her sides to once again cup her breasts, pinching her nipples harder this time.
She came quickly and then again soon after, smaller, less intense orgasms but I could feel that she was deeply enjoying it. I let her enjoy two more of those, marveling at her ability to ride the peak like a series of shallow dips and rises on a roller coaster, coming at that sense of weightlessness at the top of each rise.
By then my cock was as rigid as an iron bar and throbbing, my arousal at a fever pitch, and I shared it with her, pushing the intensity of my arousal into her mind, and a powerful, enormous orgasm overtook her. She cried out and jammed her pussy down onto my lips, and I thrust my tongue as deeply into her as I could, trying to lick her inner walls. She reached behind her and grabbed my hair with both hands and pulled my face tightly into her pussy as she came, grinding onto my mouth, and it became a contest to see which would last longer, her orgasm or my oxygen supply!
Fortunately, her orgasm ran out just before my air did, and she collapsed forward onto my stomach, her head coming to rest just above my pubic bone and her hair falling forward over my rampant cock and aching balls. I took a deep breath and licked her sweet juices from my lips, then began to gently kiss and nuzzle her sensitive inner thighs on either side of my wet face.
I could feel her breathing heavily and sense her exhaustion, but she moaned at the touch of my lips on her skin and roused herself enough to seize my balls in one hand and the base of my cock in the other as she took the remainder deeply into her mouth. She sucked me avidly, hungrily, her lips sliding on my hard shaft as her tongue swirled around the sensitive crown, another new frontier for us; with my arousal already so heightened by her taste and her orgasms it was only moments before I was spurting eagerly into her mouth and down her throat.
She took all I had to give, gulping it down and continuing to squeeze my balls and milk my cock even when my spurts diminished, making sure she got every last bit, coming again herself as I lapped eagerly at her gloriously wet, horny pussy. To my amazement, she’d no sooner wrung me dry than she sat up, slid forward to my hips, and swung a leg over me so that she could sit down facing me as she guided my still-hard cock into her hot sex.
In my shock and surprise at her sudden move, I didn’t even get a chance to formulate an idea of how I wanted our first coupling to go, or to feel; nothing I might have done could have made it any better, though, and I gasped at the powerful sensation of her tight pussy opening to me, accepting me, and giving me that most intimate of all hugs as it formed and fitted tightly to my rigid shaft. I focused instead on trying to be sure she felt what I felt, even as I basked in the sensations of her mind as she felt me slide deep into her body, the rounded head of my cock bulling its way into her tightness.
She cried out and came again as I went deep, shuddering as she held herself down, fully impaled, her ass pressed to my balls, another good, strong orgasm. As the powerful climax began to release her from its grasp she started riding slowly up and down on me, using every one of my eight inches for her pleasure.
She looked down at me. “I needed to feel you in me. I hope you don’t mind that I just sort of took over…”
I managed to gasp, “No, not at all… God, you feel amazing!”
“Can you stay hard?”
A fair question, considering that I’d shot my load twice in just the last thirty minutes or so, but… “Yeah, I think so. This is feeling so good that I don’t think there’s any danger of losing it.”
“Excellent. My turn to show you a good time, Jon.”
It was amazing, the way I was able to keep it up; I’d always, except for very rare occasions, required at least a ten or fifteen-minute refractory period after my first orgasm, somewhat longer after a second, and usually an hour or more to attempt a third, but now I was almost like her in my ability to keep going, even if not in the ability to have orgasms by the bucket load. She rode me vigorously, her pussy squeezing and milking at my cock, which stayed gloriously hard as she came again and again.
I played with her breasts, tugging at her nipples; I slid my hand between us and used my fingers and thumb to diddle her hard clit; I seized her hips and then her ass in both hands and held her as I hammered my cock up into her, and I used my ability to make sure she felt every last trace of pleasure I was feeling and to read and luxuriate in hers.
I lost track of how many times she came, the number far less important than her satisfaction, her happiness, and her joy in finally feeling complete again, in allowing her long-repressed sexual self to bloom and flourish. Still, the sheer number of times she cried out in orgasm or ground down onto me as she rode out another climax was awe-inspiring – and extraordinarily difficult to resist.
Several times she almost dragged me over the edge with her, my mind riding it right to the brink before letting her tumble into the chasm, until finally, after she’d ridden me until she was nearly exhausted, one of her orgasms grabbed me by the balls and by the mind and I erupted into her depths. It was intensely powerful, and although I’m sure my semen volume was diminished by my earlier orgasms, there was no physical sense of that.
My cock pumped and spasmed powerfully, each throb of my climax answered by a corresponding contraction of her pussy on me, and of all of the intense orgasms I’ve ever had I may have been the most stunningly powerful.
After, she collapsed wearily on my chest, and I think we both dozed for a few minutes with my slowly-softening cock still inside of her – in fact, it was my near-flaccid cock slipping out of her in a gush of cream that woke us, the sensation of loss on our still-sensitive sexual bits leaving us gasping, then laughing as she rolled off me.
I held her and we talked softly, small, meaningless intimacies, the way lovers do. Later we made love again, Julia asking me to take her from behind, my joy in finding out that ‘doggystyle’ is one of her favorites, as it is mine. On the bed I could stay on my bum knee for a little while before it began to ache, at which point she simply slid down onto her belly, arching her back and thrusting her eager pussy up where I could continue to thrust deeply into her while resting some of my weight on my abdomen, against her firm ass.
Just before I came in her she surprised me by telling me she loved anal too, something my ex was never eager to try and thus something I’d never done; that revelation likely triggered my climax, and she laughed as I bucked and spasmed, pumping into her pussy as she teased me about being an over-eager ass man.
I paid her back by surprising her, sliding down to lick my fresh load and the remainder of my prior one from her used, sloppy pussy. I felt her shock at first, her amazement that I was doing that, but soon she was writhing and chain-climaxing as I lapped at her creamy, wet sex, and by the time I was done she was a quivering mass of oversexed, sweaty female, begging me to quit.
Before we separated we kissed, long and deep, and I could feel the arousal coursing through her without any additional assistance from me. It was entirely natural and home-grown, no mind games… or at least no intentional push from me, as I was doing my best to keep my own raging libido on a tight leash. I recalled, however, that Angie, Brad, and Eva had all been subjected to something from me that had caused them to become aroused when I was making no effort to put that emotion into their heads...
Straight SexI’d known that my arousal and hers combined, pushed back to her, could have that effect; it had done so before when she’d sucked my cock at the rehab center. This time, however, her husband had watched her come, a powerful orgasm sweeping through her as her soft, wet lips wrapped around the base of my cock. He looked stunned, but his shock and surprise weren’t enough to stop him from stroking himself through his shorts, his fingers busy on the swollen ridge of his cock as he stared at us.Angie,...
ThreesomesOver the next few weeks, I gradually healed. The bruises and minor cuts and scrapes healed first, fortunately without incurring any infections or setbacks, and they were soon able to take the staples out of the massive wound across my abdomen, leaving me with an impressive red, jagged scar that would slowly fade to white. My own lightning bolt imprinted forever on my body to remind me of the lightning that had almost ended me.The neurologist had re-tested me as well, running a new EEG, brain...
Straight SexThe day she first seemed to sense that there was something different and strange about me was an unusually warm day for early spring, almost five months after my accident. We were on one of our excursions to the park, and even though it was the middle of the day on a weekday there were a fair number of people there taking advantage of the nice weather. We followed the path through the park, chatting and enjoying the day, people-watching, maybe being watched, the gimpy guy with the beautiful...
Straight SexAuthors Note: This story follows on directly from an earlier one called Off the Bench, so if you have not read that one you should do so before tackling Eight Plus Nine. Like its predecessor this story makes many references to the grand sport of rugby, which although widely played is not known like soccer, so some explanations may be necessary, but skip this part if you are versed in the game. First the title; in rugby, unlike soccer, North American football and hockey there is a...
“Sole heir to Dutt resort chain, Rupesh Dutt under investigation for allegations of misdeeds. The son of Late Pratik Dutt and Ms. Smith Dutt has not yet been arrested and is believed to have left the country. New evidence for the case came to light after a confession video from the prime suspects, Raghav and Sujit.” “Both of them have been involved in various crimes. They were found dead in an abandoned building, possibly overdosed on drugs found on the scene. Ms. Dutt denies any connection to...
Susan Storm-Richards floated in the Negative Zone, her communicator was totally busted. "Why did I not listen to Reed, I shouldn't have come here alone." She had responded to a signal from Rosetta Stone, a high ranking political figure in Shadow City, one of the many places in the Negative Zone that the Fantastic Four had visited. Now here she was floating aimlessly, as her comm system was busted on a floating asteroid when she came through the distortion area. There would be no signalling home...
Zone Dreams My mind was still reeling from your erotic visit of the nightbefore. I showered and climbed into bed snuggling intothe soft pillows and pulling my duvet snuggly around me. I couldn’t sleep – I was thinking about what you said. Youbegged me to trust you, to follow where you led and to obeywith out question. My body had still been tingling withthe pleasure you had given me and I agreed to whatever yousaid and to whatever it might bring me. I wasn’t frightenedthen and gave no thought...
BDSMAll the chattering employees heard a door swing open and the tapping of heels. The room immediately fell silent. They knew the boss' secretary only came out if she had news for some unfortunate soul. It was a slower day than usual at the Mixed Zone Bureau of Economic Analysis. Endless forms came in and out, hastily checked and processed by lackluster employees who'd rather talk to their mate the next cubicle over than actually do their job. There was an exception to this trend of...
Author's Note: In Grandfather's Cock Was Too Large For His Jock, Kimberly and her BFF Cissy did some girl on girl before Cissy turned Kimmie over to her brother Neil to have her cherry broken. Kimmie goes home to find Grandpa watching a porn flick while he baby sits Kimmie, whose parents were away for the weekend with Cissy and Neil's parents. It turns out that Grandpa was the star of the film, one of many films, and that his leading lady was Kimmie's Mom. Kimmie and Grandpa proceed to fuck...
[This little erotic novella is a collaborative effort between myself, and another, who has fleshed out Snama in more ways than one.] Part one . . . Reality in the Twilight Zone Perhaps it was a gentle, anemonic caress of his manhood sheathed inside Snama’s yoni that had awakened Neshe. Or it was just a sleepy stirring of the angelic form spooned against his chest and loins that encroached upon his sleep. Maybe it was a combination of these two. Or was it . . . He was not clear. His eyes...
The Oedipal Zone idea is a creation of Squelchapron, from his old “freeusecaptions” Tumblr. The original captioned stories (Field Observations and Paragon Magazine) have been used here with his permission. An Oedipal Zone is an area within a more general free use world. The normal free use tropes apply in most parts of the world: society functions more or less as it does in the real world, but adult women are expected to submit to any sexual request from an adult male. This is a relatively...
FetishI would like to thank everyone who has read and enjoyed some of the little sex stories I post here. Your comments mean a lot to me. This one is the third Oatmeal Switch story I've posted, but it was supposed to be the first (I was hung up on something in it). I hope you all like it. [Edited for typos, grammar, some wording, lots of things, argh!] ~ "The Erogenous Education of a Clueless Switchgirl" by Rohmer Fan ~ I looked around at all the families who'd already started piling...
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling The Haunted Room - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Max Kleebler has inherited a lovely old vacant building from his Uncle. Only, he's unaware that the house also comes with its own history. A history far stranger than what he could possibly...
-phenylalanine An alarm roused Cait from her snooze, and she snapped awake, massaging her eyes and slapping her cheeks into alertness. Pushing her hands against the bulkhead above her to drop back into her chair where she gripped the armrests and scanned her instruments. Her tablet was floating by her hand, apparently having been released when she dozed off while reading a book. She slapped it down and the weak magnet built into the case adhered to the edge of the panel, anchoring it from...
Going along with his plan, Zax had a few things to fear from but each had the potential to end his endeavor. One was the nurse or the doctor, whichever she was. If she would awake up to see that he is not in the resting bed and alert the staff members and representative Guardians before he will enter cave zero thirty nine again then his plan will most likely fail. Second were the staff members that distribute the green time bracelets. If even one of them will notice that they are missing...
Pulling up Swinger Zone Central in my browser, I was greeted by a sexy babe in red lingerie, the text imploring me to “Find the hottest people in your area.” Ah, another adult hookup site. Seeking out the local thots is always on my mind when I’m not cranking off to or filming porn, so I was certainly intrigued by the premise. The thing is, though, I’ve seen plenty of hookup sites, and they don’t always have the action I’m looking for. So what makes this one any better than the competition?I’ve...
Hookup Sites"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Haunting - A TWILIGHT ZONE Story By Anon Allsop Somewhere within the darkened hallways of the Steward Manor, lurks an entity seeking to claim his lost love, a love which can only be found by entering through a doorway into...The Twilight...
A lonely man makes an incredible find in a small antique shop. How could he know that within the confines of the ancient cabinet was a portal into another time? Come with us as he enters... THE TWILIGHT ZONE. The Crying Spirit: A Twilight Zone Story By Anon Allsop "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."--Rod...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Runaway - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Philip was a young teenager running from abuse, an abuse brought on by his foster father. Thinking escape was the only option for him, he bolted from home and ran head-on into the warm embrace...
This story is dedicated to a beautiful young girl who tragically took her own life on September 5, 2006. This story is not about her. Nor does it involve her suicide, but rather, is a result of my own grief for her family. When I feel the ache of sadness, I's the only way I am able to understand and cope with tragedy. - Anon Allsop ***************************************************************** "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Indian Maiden - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop An ancient, blind Indian woman is asked to provide a squaw for a brash, handsome warrior prince. She agrees and summons one through the spirits. Here on this sacred land, drums pound the beat,...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Street Rat - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Carroll was a child prostitute who did his tricks for drugs. An unscrupulous doctor with a strange kinky desire, traded the drugs he supplied to the boy with feminine hormones from the hospital's...
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling The Book - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Mark Faylor had an ongoing vendetta against his sister, he wanted to dig up dirt on her and make her life miserable at home with their parents. He thought he found just what he was looking for, when he...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling The Piano - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Chris Blake had one wish, to appear on stage in front of a vast multitude of fans and experience the thrill of their applause and adoration. Chris is about to find out what happens, when you open the door...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling ****** The Portal - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Covington's anger at a colleague had built into a rage, forcing him to commit the unthinkable and taking a life, murdering Doctor Goodwill. Eric attempts to escape justice by using a portal...
So far nothing had turned up on the sensors with respect to the missing vessel. No sign of the vessel or any debris or chemical compositions that would suggest explosions or escape of gases. For all Cait knew the vessel had simply emerged from the zone late and was back en route, and she had no way of knowing. In the interim she kept diligently performing regular sensor sweeps, which at least gave her something to do besides read or watch movies or exercise in the ship’s tiny gym....
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. -Rod Serling Somewhere In Time - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Lee Parker loved hearing about his family's roots. His Grandmother has decided that Lee's interest should be rewarded, so she gives him the wedding gown that once belonged to his Great, Great...
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling Gettysburg - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Van Vleet wanted nothing more than to learn all he could about the Civil War, the society could help experience the sights and sounds of battle as they played out their reenactment in a quiet room, but...
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling A Home Is Made Of Love Alone - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Cade, in a desperate attempt to flee from his Mother's abuse, runs away. His only crime was trying to escape the wrath of a spiteful, drunken woman that hated everything about her son. On a...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling Beware The Reaper's Wrath - A Twilight Zone story By Anon Allsop Kenny Edholm was a thug. His entire existence rode upon the backs of the less fortunate. He was a parasite of the worst degree. Inside Kenny's cold, calculating heart beat the blood of pure...
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Kendra - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Kendra Allen tried to use an ancient magic book to cast a spell, a book he had no right of possessing. His intent was kindly, his motive honest...but somehow, I doubt if Kendra had intended for the outcome to be...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Becoming Samantha - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop He was mesmerized by her youthful beauty, but not as you may think. He didn't want to possess Samantha as a lover might, he wanted to become her, stepping into her life completely....
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling ****** Gwain - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop He loved his Princess deeply, yet because of her royal station, and his lowly stock, he stayed away. On the very night he finally was going to express his love for her, she is confronted by a sorcerer bent on...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Pleasure Island - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop For two boys fantasy takes on a whole new meaning when they discuss being on a deserted island with a beautiful 'willing' girl. When Logan stumbles upon an ancient Indian artifact, their fantasy suddenly...
“Girls of fifteen (Sexually Knowing!) The ushers are sniffing (Eau de Cologne-ing!) The seats are seductive (Celibate scene!) Pretty girls digging (Prettier women!)” -The Who, “5:15“ This ended up graduating from Note to Foreword. I got back into writing two years ago, starting with a little experiment in dialogue with no description about two best friends realizing that their soulmate had been staring them in the face their whole lives, thanks to their mind control powers. In that time,...
Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Nine - Come Fly With Me Candi breezed through the remainder of the course; her five years experience as head waiter at one of London's leading restaurants gave her a distinct advantage over the others when it came to providing personal in-flight passenger service. Candi was so good at it that the instructors used her as an exemplar for the other students. In the mockup of the First Class section of the plane she demonstrated...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
You unlock this door with the Key of Phallicy? You unlock this door with the Key of Fellatio?Beyond it is another Dimension,A Dimension of Orgasms?A Dimension of Infatuation?A Dimension of Lust?You?re moving into a Landof Both Desire and Sex, of Obsession and Fetish, You?ve just crossed over into? The Erogenous Zone. Episode 1: The Gift by Darqside Meet Cassandra Summersby, known by many of her friends simply as Cassy.? On outward appearance, she?s a normal college girl of the age...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop A cursed mirror begins our trilogy of an evil, vain young woman's trip into the unknown. Ending somewhere between there and here, where the known and unknown intersect. Only to play itself out...
"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.... It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity... It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears, and the summit of his knowledge... This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Twilight Zone. A dapper middle-aged man in a black suit with a familiar voice is smoking a cigarette on a silent...
*”Love bomb, love bomber. It’s a-comin’ on strong. Cant’ take it anymore. Come a-rockin’ through your door.”* -AC/DC, “Love Bomb” Larry raced through the practically deserted streets of his neighborhood. The boss had sent everyone home when news about the attack reached them, and he was pulling out of the parking garage when Jill’s first text came. “CUM HOM PLZ 911? Curiously, or perhaps not, getting home had been easier than expected. Unlike most terror attacks, the bulk of the traffic was...
Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Eight - Caputo Kaput Candi was heartbroken. She lay in bed Saturday morning and refused to answer phone calls from Michelle or John despite their insistent calling. She eventually left the receiver off the hook. She didn't get up until after twelve noon and when she saw herself in the mirror she cringed. "Fuck them! Looking good is probably the best revenge!" Candi painstakingly applied makeup and slipped into the same red...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...
The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
“What’s going on, where are you taking me?” She protested. Cait took a couple of steps towards the door but realised she was useless in this situation and stood helplessly as the guard watching her stood between her and Max as she was taken away. Max struggled but was unable to resist the guard’s strength. She shot Cait one last pleading look as she was removed from the room, then they were gone. It was all over in seconds. Cait collapsed onto the bed laying on her side as she reflected on her...
“How do you want to do this?” He asked. “Let’s take things slow.” Cait suggested, unsure of what she was capable of offering him physically. Rhys nodded and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her close. She braced her hands against his chest, looking down in sadness as she was reminded that while she could touch him, she couldn’t feel. The prosthetics communicated pressure to her brain, but it was not the same. She wondered if there was any way that Rhys would understand that if she...
Gentle reader you are about to enter a place where the boundary between man and woman is blurred you are about to enter the TG Zone! Mark Williams was an average 14-year-old however he was about to have a day that was far from average as his life inexplicably entered the TG Zone. Our story begins with Mark alone at home and he was bored, his bitch of a sister had taken his latest video game to teach him a lesson a storm raged outside so he was stuck watching rubbish daytime...
Julie had long ago crawled into a bottle and found it a very warming place to be. The only men in her life were Jim Beam and Johnny Walker. At twenty-four she thought that he whole life had ended. Twelve short months ago she was a superb athlete selected to represent her country in the pentathlon at the Olympic games. She had the looks and the brains that made her stand out in any crowd. A feminine yet muscular body standing an impressive 6 ft tall 160 lbs 34 26 34 small breasted at a B cup she...
FantasyBikini Beach - Twilight Zone Edition Chapter 1 There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone. Rod Serling Somewhere out in...
The Characters and situations in the story are ficticious and author cautions that the situations depicted may upset some readers. Bomatsu Msingu waved happily as he saw my Land Rover sweep round to the check point."Very good to see you Bwana, welcome" he shouted."How are we doing," I enquired as I stopped and climbed from the ageing vehicle."Very well Bwana, on target, your friends will be very happy."Oxbridge Greening, my charity, bringing a sustainable future for farming in an area of...
I was in a rut. I had lost my mojo. Anytime I talked with a woman that I was attracted to, I fumbled and stuttered and looked like a totally non functional human being. I finally made a deal with myself. I figured I had nothing to lose. I had been alone for so long, I needed to kick myself out of my funk somehow or other. I vowed to approach any attractive woman that I saw and let her know that I found her attractive. I expected to receive my share of rejection but I was bound and determined...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
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