Hooters free porn video

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Clint cruised slowly down the gravel road, leaving only a thin, short-lived trail of dust behind his RV.  Born and raised in just such an area, he knew to avoid kicking up a dust storm if he wanted to remain friendly with the locals.  He absolutely wanted to remain friendly with the locals.

Doing exactly that was why he had access to most of the properties in the area, giving him the best possible chance of accomplishing his goal.  If the stories he’d heard were true, and he could prove it, there was a chance of attracting grant money or donations to the foundation.

As he drove, he mentally mapped the locations he had recently stayed overnight, trying to decide where to set the night’s base camp.  Naturally, the next logical place was one of the few properties the owner wouldn’t allow him on.  He’d asked the previous year, and been refused in a vehement – even threatening – manner.  The property was huge, and left a giant hole in his coverage of the area.  The man’s driveway was fast approaching, and he glanced that way as he passed.

He immediately let off the accelerator, having seen a woman he didn’t recognize walking down the lane toward the mailbox.  He’d also noticed flowers growing next to the house, and those certainly hadn’t been there when the crotchety old man had chased him off the property the previous year.  He pulled as far off the side of the road as he could and stopped.

God damn! he thought as he got his first good look at her in the rearview mirror.  The white t-shirt she was wearing looked as though it was ready to explode from trying to contain her tits.  The rest of her wasn’t bad, either.  She had long blonde hair, and a pretty face.  Her shorts showed off her nice legs, and a butt that was big, but not too big.  He guessed she was about his mother’s age.

He took a moment to compose himself, and opened the door.  The heat and humidity hit him like a sledgehammer.  A thunderstorm had popped up earlier, drowning the area in a downpour.  The clouds had barely passed before the temperature had skyrocketed once more.  All the evaporating rain water made the air feel as thick as soup, and it was the hottest part of the scorching summer day.

“Afternoon,” she said when he climbed out of the RV.  “You lost?  Afraid I may not be of much help.  I barely know my own way around.”

“No, I didn’t recognize you, so I thought I’d stop.  Isn’t this...” he trailed off as the old man’s name escaped him.

“Hibb Keller?” she prompted.

He snapped his fingers.  “Yeah, I think that was the name.  Did he move?”

“Passed away at the first of the year.”

“I’m sorry.”

She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture.  “He lived a full life.  To be perfectly honest, I hadn’t seen him in over ten years.”

He walked up to her and asked, “Related?”

“My uncle.  He left the place to me.”  She chuckled, shrugged, and clarified, “Well, he left it to the family, and nobody else wanted it.”  She held out her hand and said, “I’m Alice Keller.”

Clint shook her hand and said, “Clint Drake.”

“Let me guess.  You want to look through all the junk he had stacked everywhere?”

That explained the old man’s territorial behavior.  If he was a collector, having some stranger on the property with his treasures was absolutely intolerable.  He knew the type quite well.

He shook his head.  “I work with the Raptor Research Foundation.  People in the area have been telling stories about a strange owl.  I’ve heard what I believe were calls from Boreal Owls in the area a couple of times, and it always seems to come from this direction.”

“I’ve certainly got some hooters,” she said.

You can say that again, he thought, having to fight to keep his eyes from dropping down to her breasts.

She continued, “They’re living in the barns and out in the woods.  Hear them all the time and see them once in a while.”

“Those are probably Horned Owls.  Boreals make a completely different sound, and if they’re actually here, they’re an oddity.  This is easily two hundred miles south of their normal breeding range.”

From farther up the drive, he heard a man’s voice say, “You again?”

Shit, Clint thought, recognizing the old man as Hibb’s friend, from his previous stop at the property.

Shaking his finger as he approached, the gray-haired man said, “If you think you’re going to take advantage of Alice here because Hibb passed on, you best be rethinking it.”

“It’s fine, Floyd,” Alice said.  “He’s looking for owls, not uncle Hibbs collection.”

The old man walked up next to Alice and stared daggers at Clint.  “Hmph!  Owls.  Big load of hogwash, I say.”

“We’re trying to sell things, remember?” Alice said.

“Sell them for what they’re worth.  Not peanuts or pilfering.”

Hearing that they were selling sparked an idea for a possible inroad.  “If you’re looking to sell, I know someone who buys.  They call themselves Barn Owl Treasures.”

The old man snorted and rolled his eyes.

Alice said, “I actually called them.  They said they’d put me on the list, but I haven’t heard anything back.”

Clint smiled and said, “I know the owner’s son, though.  Looking for owls, I spend a lot of time in barns.  When I see something interesting, I pass along the tip.  I’ve hit pay dirt often enough that he takes me seriously.”

“Really?  It would be nice to clean out at least a little of this stuff,” Alice said longingly.

Knowing the type, Clint tossed a trump, hoping to take the trick.  He addressed Floyd and said, “You probably know the collection like the back of your hand.  You could pick out some things you know are really valuable, and I’ll take pictures for him.  That’s sure to get his attention.”

The old man’s eyes lit up, and Clint knew he had him.  Floyd folded his arms across his chest and grinned.  “Oh, there’s a few pieces here and there that’ll make a man piss himself, if he knows what he’s looking at.”

Clint said, “Point them out, and maybe I can help you sell a few things.  In the meantime, I’ll keep my eyes on the rafters to see if I can find what I’m looking for.”

“Sounds like a good deal to me,” Alice encouraged the old man.

Floyd’s brow wrinkled, and he grunted.  “I’ve heard they pony up, and deal fair.  That’s why I had you call them, Alice.”  He turned his attention back to Clint and said, “If you think you can get them here, I’ll show you a few things.”

“Put the right stuff in front of them, and they’ll stop whatever they’re doing to come try to buy it,” Clint said.

Alice clapped her hands, and rubbed them together.  “Let’s get to it, then.  Clint, why don’t you pull up to the house?” she said while leading Floyd back up the lane.

Clint climbed back into his RV with a victorious smile.


After wiping his shoulder across his brow, Clint took another drink of the ice-cold lemonade Alice had brought out, and sighed in relief.

He was drenched in sweat, covered in barn dust, and losing daylight fast, but at least he was on the property.  Floyd had instantly lost his surly attitude and grown animated once he started talking about the items from the collection he wanted to show off.  Even with his limited knowledge, Clint knew the old man had reason to be proud of the valuable items.

After snapping pictures of the specific treasures Floyd had selected, he took some wider shots inside of the two barns as well.  He then sent a message to Justin, describing the property, and attached the pictures.

It had only been five minutes, but he received a reply that read, “Holy shit.  Get them to save that Sinclair sign for me.  I’m a couple of days out.  Can you get me a number?”

Clint gestured with his phone and said, “Justin just texted me.  He’s interested in coming out.  He wants a contact number.”

Alice offered a brilliant smile and said, “Sure.  Let me know when you’re ready.”

Clint typed in the number as she said it, and sent the message.  Justin rapidly responded with a request to call her immediately.  Alice agreed, and only seconds after Clint sent the message, her phone rang.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you then.  Bye,” she said as she ended the call.  She then explained, “He’s going to call me as soon as he gets home from his trip, and make arrangements to come out.  He asked if we’d save that Sinclair sign for him.”

Floyd offered a wicked, knowing chuckle.  “He’s hooked.  You’ll make a pretty penny off that.”  The old man then yawned and stretched.

“Go ahead home, Floyd.  I’ll call you to let you know when he’s coming out,” Alice suggested.

The old man yawned again.  “I’ll drive a hard bargain, and make sure old Hibb doesn’t start spinning in his grave.  You take care.”  He gave Alice a familiar pat on the butt, and then walked toward his pickup.

“Thanks for making the connection for us,” she said to Clint.

“Happy to do it.”  He gave Floyd time to get into his truck and start the engine before asking, “I was wondering if you’d mind me parking here tonight?  I’m hoping to hear that Boreal.”

She didn’t hesitate at all when she answered, “No, that’s fine.  Do you need to plug in?  My uncle had an outlet put in.”

Pleasantly surprised, he said, “If you don’t mind.  That would save me some gas.”

“No trouble at all.  And don’t worry about waking me up.  I keep late hours, and I sleep like the dead once I do go to bed.  Are you hungry?”

“Not really.  I ate just before I got here” he answered.  “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to walk around the property and get my bearings before it gets dark.”

“Make yourself at home,” she said as she turned back toward the house.  “The RV outlet is right next to where the bug zapper is plugged in.  If you change your mind about having a bite, just come knock on the door.”

He said, “Thanks.”  Then he thought, I’d love to have a bite of that, while watching her sexy ass sway.  He was smart enough to tear his eyes away from the sight before she caught him.  He was already parked close enough, so he plugged in the RV, and then turned his attention to exploring the property before nightfall.

He had a solid sense of where all the outbuildings, the pond, and the edge of the woods that dominated the property were by the time darkness descended.  Eventually, he hoped to be able to mark trails through the woods, allowing him to find his way at night, but for the time being, he could navigate nearby.  The full moon would help with that.

Even with the sun down, he was still sweating.  It had been a scorcher, and the night seemed as if it wasn’t going to be any cooler.

Clint settled into a lawn chair retrieved from the RV, and almost immediately wished he’d asked Alice to turn off the bug zapper.  The periodic buzzing of moths and potato bugs led to their doom by the violet light kept breaking his concentration.  His ears were his most useful tools in locating and identifying the elusive, nocturnal owls.

Those keen ears heard the door of the house open, and he glanced that way, only to be nearly knocked out of his seat by what he saw.  Alice had exchanged her white t-shirt for a bikini top that left vast swaths of her overflowing breasts bared to his stunned gaze.

“I’m going to go have a dip in the pond,” she said as she crossed the porch while whipping a towel over her shoulder.  “Do you need anything before I head that way?”

His brain short-circuiting from the unexpected revelation of even more of her huge tits, he seized on the first coherent thought that entered his head – bug zapper.  “Would you mind turning off the bug zapper?  It keeps distracting me.”

“Sure,” she said, and grinned.

He had to fight hard to hold back a groan when she bent over, showing off her ass and letting her breasts hang in the sling of her bikini top.  Though his first thought was that she was flirting, he dismissed it, unwilling to risk the chance he was wrong.  She unplugged the insect executioner, and then walked down the steps with her flip-flops slapping on the wood.

“I’ll be back at the pond, if you need anything,” she said.  She waved as she walked along the front of the house, and then vanished around the corner.

Clint blew out a long, slow breath through pursed lips once she was out of sight.  He needed something, but he wasn’t sure enough of his instincts to try for it.  Access to the property was too advantageous to his quest for the rumored Boreal.  He felt it was better safe than sorry.

Of course, he knew he was going to be sorry he didn’t jump at even the slightest chance to see the rest of those tits.  As flustered as he was, he reasoned that he probably would have made a fool of himself, anyway.  Content – for the time being – with that rationalization, he closed his eyes and attuned his ears to the sounds of the night.

It wasn’t long before he was rewarded.  The hoot was that of a Horned Owl, but it provided an opportunity.  While he wanted to confirm the presence of the Boreal, he was documenting the more common types of owls as well.  He popped up from his chair and headed in the direction from which he’d heard the sound arise.  He had little trouble negotiating the shin-high grass in the moonlight as he walked toward the largest of the barns.  Once he neared the structure, the owl called again, narrowing down its location.

Clint scanned the roof of the barn, and spotted the owl at the same time as it called out again.  He lifted the camera slung around his neck, which was equipped with a low light lens and set up for same.  He snapped the picture, and upon checking it, found it was a good shot.  The roof was shingled, and that visible pattern would provide scale to determine the owl’s size.

With the owl still in sight, he let the camera settle back around his neck, and reached into the pouch on his hip.  He turned on the recorder, aimed the stereo mikes at the owl, and hit record.  The owl seemed to be purposely holding back, but he kept the device on target, knowing he had 32 gigs of storage.  Finally, the owl rewarded him with a clear call.

Though faint, he heard an answering call not long after.  Unfortunately, it was coming from deep in the woods.  Not having marked any trails, it wouldn’t be practical – or safe – to try to track down the second owl.  The first owl chose that moment to leap into flight, vanishing on its quiet wings in search of prey.

Happy with the results, he started back to the RV.  He had nearly reached his chair when he heard it.

Clint broke out into gooseflesh, and a chill raced up his spine upon hearing the staccato, high-pitched – for an owl – sound of the Boreal’s call.  For the first time, it wasn’t a rumor, or a distant, questionable tease from far away.  It was distinct, unmistakable, and thrilling.  He managed to home in on the sound before it faded away, and stalked toward it with purpose.

Along the way, he pulled out his recorder, hit record, and prayed the owl would call again.  Come on.  Come on, he thought as he moved toward the sound.  The grass grew thicker as he moved away from the various outbuildings, forcing him to watch his footing more carefully.  He slowed as he neared the woods, desperately willing the owl to sound off again.

Then, sweet victory.  He silently screamed yes when the owl called again.  Reacting quickly, he aimed the mikes directly at the sound.  He knew he was capturing something almost unheard of so far south, and everyone at the institute would be just as giddy as he was.

As soon as the call faded, he stopped recording and prepared to play it back, praying the recording was clear.

“What on earth was that?”

Clint’s head turned toward Alice’s voice in a snap.  He had been so intent upon recording the Boreal that he hadn’t even realized he was near the pond.  Alice climbed out of the water onto a patch of the shore covered in sand, apparently unconcerned with her nudity or his presence.

Glittering rivulets of water streamed down her body in the moonlight.  Her breasts were everything he had imagined.  They were big and pendulous, but not droopy.  He could clearly see her large, bumpy areolas, which surrounded nipples that looked erect.  Between her legs was a nest of curls that glimmered from the droplets of water clinging to it.

Clint drank in the sight of her naked body, growing hard at a rapid pace.  He only realized he was staring when she chuckled.

Alice leaned on one of the two chairs set on the pseudo beach, and reached up to run the fingers of her other hand through her wet hair.  There was no doubt that the pose was meant to show off her body and entice.  It was working.

She smiled and said, “Well, it’s about time.  I was starting to think you were gay.  Like what you see?”

The surprise ebbing, and with any doubt about her interest scattered on the wind, he answered, “You’re fucking hot.”

“Why don’t you come here and show me your hooter expertise?”

It was a foregone conclusion at that point.  Clint walked toward her, fumbling to put his recorder back in its pouch, but it refused to cooperate.  Alice stepped toward him once he was close, took the recorder, and dropped it on the seat of the chair, where her shorts and bikini were resting.  He put a hand on her hip, sliding it up her side.

She let out a little moan, and hefted the camera while his hand continued up toward her breast.  With a surprisingly deft movement, she swept the strap of the camera over his neck, and it too found a home in the seat of the chair.

Clint growled as he ran his hand over her right breast.  The globe was soft in his hand, but his exploring fingers soon enough found her very hard nipple.  She gasped when he touched it, and drew his other hand up as well.  He filled both hands with her big, soft tits, squeezed them, and pushed them together.

The barest touch of her hand on the back of his neck was enough to encourage him to lean in.

Alice’s fingers moved down to his back, curling into claws as he flicked her nipple with his tongue.  Her other hand soon joined it, and her nails raked his back.  Clint took the stiff nipple between his lips, sucked it for a moment, and then moved to its twin.  He rolled it between his lips, let it escape, and then swirled his tongue around the other.

Her nails, which had already been tugging his shirt upward, began to do so with intent and purpose.  Once she had the tail of the shirt in hand, he pulled away from her breast, and let her jerk the shirt over his head.  She draped it over the back of the chair while tracing the lines of his chest with the other hand, and let out a hungry moan.  Before he could wrap his lips around her nipple again, both her hands grabbed his belt.

She dispensed with his belt in a pair of rushed tugs, popped open the button, and unzipped his pants.  Not pausing in the slightest, she roughly shoved his jeans and underwear down far enough for her to wrap her hands around his hard cock.

A sexy combination of a growl and a moan escaped her as she stroked his erection.

Clint stomped on his heels in turn, allowing him to kick off his shoes, but made sure she had no trouble holding onto his cock.

“Been a while since I felt a cock this hard,” she said.

“And I’ve never seen tits that big for real,” he said while trying – and failing – to lift a leg and remove his sock.  The encumbrance of his pants at his thighs and his refusal to move away from her soft hand stroking him made it impossible.

“You do love hooters, don’t you?”

“I’ll show you.”

Alice put a hand on his chest, preventing him from fulfilling that promise.  “Let me help you out of those pesky pants, first.”

He wasn’t going to argue with that.

She pushed his pants down, making a show of wiggling her ass and shaking her tits while doing so.  Once they were down to his knees, she straightened and said, “Sit down.”

Clint looked behind him, located the other chair on the mini beach, and stutter-stepped back to it.  As he sat down, Alice sank to her knees in front of him.  She jerked off his socks, quickly followed by his pants, and then looked up into his eyes.

He growled in approval when she hefted her right breast and sucked the nipple in a thoroughly sexy display.  She then leaned in and rubbed the moistened nub over the head of his cock.  The slippery tickle was enough to make him ooze a drop of pre-cum.  Alice didn’t miss that, and scooped it up with her nipple, which she was quick to bring back to her lips and suck clean with a loud moan.

She followed that up by letting both globes hang on either side of his erection, and then bouncing it between them.  When she squeezed them both around him, his hands joined hers, with his thumbs over her nipples.

Alice moaned as she rocked, stroking him in the warm nest of her breasts.  What little moisture remained from her dip in the pond evaporated quickly, leaving him skin on skin with her.  He rubbed and flicked her nipples with his thumbs, loving the sight of her continuously manipulating those big tits to keep him tightly squeezed between them.

“Oh, I’m getting so wet,” she said.  “I need to be touched.  So bad.  Please.”

The thought of going down on her hairy pussy aroused him far more than he ever would have expected.  Every woman he’d been with had been shaved bare, save for a patch on the mound, at most.  Shaved pussy had always been his preference, but he was rapidly reconsidering as he throbbed between her tits.

“Please,” she said again, her voice carrying hints of desperation.

The moment he let go of her tits, she did the same.  She sat up over her knees, looked over her shoulder, and snatched her towel from the back of the chair, sending his shirt tumbling to the sand in the process.  While he rose out of the chair, she gave the towel a snap, spreading it over the cropped grass just beyond the miniature beach.  She didn’t waste any time reclining on it.

Clint settled on his knees in front of her.  She gave each of her knees a quick brush, removing most of the sand from them.  He ran his hands over her shins, removing the sand there as well.  Then he slid his hands behind her knees, pushing them up and out.

Alice breathed hard and fast in anticipation – her hands gliding over her breasts and her eyes alight.  Though his curiosity and excitement for diving into her hairy pussy was building, he wasn’t done with those tits yet.

She let out a pitiful whimper when he dropped to his hands over her, rather than between her legs.

Clint quickly changed his stance, supporting himself on his elbows, freeing his hands.  He pushed her breasts together, and sucked one of her turgid nipples.  Alice continued to moan, grinding her sex against his cock, seeking relief.  He moved back and forth between her nipples, licking, sucking, and flicking the stiff points.  Then he squeezed her tits even more tightly together, allowing him to reach both nipples with his tongue at the same time.

As much as he was enjoying it, her pussy rubbing against him was wearing him down.  The increasingly needy sounds tumbling from her lips were doing the same.  After a final flurry of vigorous licking, he let her tits go.

Alice put a hand on the top of his head, pushing urgently, leaving little doubt what she wanted.  By that time, he wanted it as badly as she did.  He moved backward, scooting into position.

“Yes.  Yes.  Yes,” she whimpered, her hand pushing until he hovered over her pussy.  That hand quickly moved to the back of his head.

Clint resisted, taking in the sight of her curl-shrouded sex – so different from what he was used to.  He even moved a little, allowing the moonlight to better shine on it.

“Oh, please don’t tease me,” she begged.  “Eat my pussy.”

He dived in with a growl.

The musk of her arousal was strong – intoxicating.  Having to lap and wiggle his tongue to make a furrow in her curls was a novel experience, but one soon rewarded.  The first taste of her bittersweet juices made him feel light-headed.  Alice yelped when his tongue parted her nether lips, and her hand on the back of his head grasped a fistful of hair.

Clint swirled his tongue between her lips, drinking up her juices.  She had been telling the truth.  She was soaking wet, and absolutely delicious.  The taste of her was stronger than he was used to, but compelled him to seek even more.  He teased at first, barely touching her clit.  She responded by undulating her hips, grinding her pussy against his mouth.

He let her need it – want it – though he had to hold back as well.  The pressure on the back of his head increased.  Her fingers tightened in his hair.  Her hips lifted higher.  Finally, she let out a high-pitched growl, and he went after her clit with a vengeance.

Alice wailed to the moonlit sky above, and the sound of it echoed back even after her cry had faded.

Clint lapped and flicked her swollen button, making her writhe beneath him.  Her other hand slapped hard to the earth, and her fingers dug into the soil.  He kept up the full frontal assault, emulating a close-up, amateur lesbian video he had watched repeatedly.  It had worked like a charm the first time he tried it, and Alice’s gyrations indicated it was doing the trick for her as well.

Soon enough, her pussy wasn’t the only thing that was wet.  Her skin grew slick beneath his hands in the heavy night air.  He could feel sweat beading on his forehead as well.  He began to add moments of relief, slipping down to gather her juices on his tongue.  She would shiver in anticipation, then cry out when he returned to the center of her pleasure.  He waited longer the second time.  Then darted back to her clit almost instantly the third, keeping her off balance.

Alice was breathing hard, and her cries rose in both pitch and volume with each passing moment.  He wasn’t done, though.  He put his thumb above her hood, tugged, and went after her naked clit.

Her gasp caught in her throat almost as soon as it started.  The breath emerged as an explosive yelp a heartbeat later, and her back arched up from the towel, only to slam back down hard.

Clint held on tight and mercilessly licked her undefended button.

For a few seconds, the only sound she made was her labored breathing.  Her hips twitched and jerked chaotically.  One hand clawed at his scalp and shoulders, while the other flailed about, tearing at the grass.

“Fuck me,” she said in a rush, and then yelped when he sucked her clit.

He ignored her, licking and sucking even more fervently.

“Fuck me,” she repeated, her tone more demanding.

Once again, he ignored her, determined to push her over the edge with his tongue.

Her hand fisted in his hair, pulling hard, and she shrieked, “Fuck me now!”

That brought him up short.  He winced, and followed the tug of her hand, his chin brushing against her damp curls.

Her grip on his hair relaxed, and she said, “I need it.  Please.  I need your cock inside me.”

Hearing her beg for it was enough to cause the aching throb of his cock to overwhelm his desire for her to come on his tongue.  He pushed up to see her looking at him with a pleading gaze – her face flushed, and her forehead beaded with sweat.  So he kept rising.  One of her feet hooked behind his butt, urging his hips forward, and he knelt between her widespread legs to take his cock in hand.

Alice reached down, put her fingers atop his erection, and helped guide it.  Together, they wiggled it through the hair damp with his saliva and her juices, and pressed it against the entrance of her canal.

She said, “Give it to...”  But the last word vanished in a squeal when he pushed.

He groaned as he sank inside her.  She felt like pure, tight, hot, wet heaven.  The hair on her pussy felt softer than he expected, tickling his shaft as he withdrew.  It then tickled his balls when he sank into her to the hilt on the second thrust.

“Oh yes!” she cried.  “Fuck me.  Fuck me hard.”

He tried to keep a steady pace at first, but she felt too good.  He built the speed and power of his thrusts in short order, until he was rocking her body.  Her breasts bounced and jiggled, and she slipped an arm beneath them.  It barely accomplished anything due to the shockwaves of his cock slamming into her.

Clint gave her exactly what she wanted.  He fucked her hard – grunting with effort – and fighting the strong, slow spreading tickle that arose in the head of his cock.  Sweat beaded on both of their bodies, running in rivulets down their skin.  The claps of their colliding flesh echoed back from the darkness.  Alice pressed her fingers over her clit and began to rub them back and forth at a frantic pace.

Her eyes widened.  Her mouth slowly dropped open, and her jaw quivered.  Growls joined his grunts as his own pleasure mounted.  But, she was well ahead of him.  Her eyes rolled up in her head on one hard thrust, then her eyes closed, her back arched, and she screamed as her orgasm claimed her.

“Yah!”  The sound burst from his lips when her pussy squeezed around him.

Her hands flailed, tearing at the vegetation and slapping the earth.  Her head lashed back and forth.  Her body bucked.  It was all too much.  The tight squeeze of her pussy and the sight of her coming so ferociously sent him hurtling to the edge.

She knew.  Still deep in the throes of her orgasm, she stuttered, “C-c-cum for m-meee!”

Clint managed a few more thrusts, and hit the point of no return.  He jerked free of her clinging sheath, took his cock in hand, stroked it a single time, and erupted.

Alice squealed when she felt his hot cum spatter on her sweat-slick breasts.  Trembling hands pushed the huge globes together, providing an even better target for the next explosive blast.  Stream after stream arched through the air, glazing her breasts and spattering on her stomach.  Clint’s hips bucked.  Growls bordering on roars rumbled in his throat as he gave her all he had to offer.

He remained shuddering above her, dribbling cum into her pussy hair, until his strength and balance both ebbed away.  He sat down hard, and then flopped onto his back with a groan.

As they lay panting for breath, he heard her softly moaning – and even giggling.  He forced his eyes open, and saw her running her fingers through the cum decorating her breasts.  As soon as she noticed him looking, she brought her nipple to her mouth and licked a dollop off of it.

Clint grunted from the aftershock that sight caused to rip through him, and closed his eyes once more.  Her amused chuckle at that said that she knew exactly what had happened.

The grass was hardly comfortable, and he was still sweating in the heat, which kept him from growing dozy as he recovered.  After a minute or so, Alice said, “Oh, you made me come so hard.”

“Uh huh,” he weakly responded.

She laughed.  “I know you did, because it’s all over me.”  She moaned, and then said, “So sweet.”

Even imagining her tasting his cum made him tense up.

“Aren’t you supposed to take pictures of any hooters you come across?” she asked.

Even as weak as he was, he had to chuckle at that.

“Well, get to work then.  You certainly came across these hooters – a lot.”

He groaned and shook his head.

“Come on now.”  She punctuated it by slapping him with her foot.  “Get up.  I want to see.”

He made no effort to do so at first, but when she kept slapping him with her foot, he finally relented.  He sat up slowly, and crawled over to the chair amidst a peal of laughter from her, in response to the pitiful sight.  Once he had the camera in hand, he sat back on his heels and readied it.

Alice raised her arms over her head, striking a sexy pose for him.  He snapped the picture, and then sat down next to her to bring it up so she could see.  She moaned at the eerie, enhanced lighting shot of her covered in smeared cum.

“Okay.  Time to wash up,” she said while handing the camera back to him.  Then she popped to her feet with energy that was the polar opposite of what he was feeling.

“Really?” he asked, looking up at her.

“Yes, really.  We’re both sweaty and sticky.”

It took quite a bit of effort, but he lurched to his feet and followed her into the water.  Once it was swirling around his legs, the coolness encouraged him to wade in deeper.  He moaned once submerged to his neck, with the water drawing the heat from his skin.

Alice floated onto her back – her breasts breaking the water like two islands in the moonlight.  He admired her until she let her legs sink once more, and swam over to him.  She wrapped her arms around him, and drew him into a kiss.

They floated with their tongues slipping over each other, their hands roaming, and their feet just touching the muddy bottom.

Alice pulled back and said, “You know, when I told you to come for me, I meant to come inside me.”

He grunted in disappointment at that revelation of a lost opportunity.

“No need to be sad,” she said, and her fingers brushed his cock beneath the water.  “You’re young.  I bet I can get you hard for me again in no time.  Would you like that?  Fuck me, and come deep in my pussy?” 

He was more than a little surprised by the tingle that arose in his manhood from her words and her touch.  “Oh yeah.”

She moaned.  “Then make it hard for me.  I want that hard young cock inside me again.  I want you to fuck me, make me come, and then fill me up.  Shoot all that cum deep inside me.”

The sexy encouragement continued while her fingers glided over his cock.  She caressed it, his balls, the ropy cord between them and his ass, and even the puckered iris of it.  Though it took a few minutes, she got him hard enough to wrap her fingers around him, and he surged to full erection.

“Oh yes,” she said, gave him one final squeeze, and waded toward the shore.  He was hot on her heels.

Alice sauntered out of the water and to her towel, her butt swaying back and forth as water cascaded down her body.  She sat down on her towel, still posing for his enjoyment, and then slowly reclined, beckoning him with a crooked finger.

Clint sank to his knees between her parted legs, and followed her waved instruction to lean over her for a kiss.  When their lips parted, she slipped a hand between them, and cupped his cock with her fingers.  He rose to his knees once more, took his throbbing erection in hand, and helped guide it against her folds.

They rubbed the head of his cock up and down the parting of her lips.  It dragged at first, as water is a poor lubricant.  It did provide hot friction on her clit, however, drawing out a moan.  She teased the button with his cock – her body writhing slightly from the sensation.  The next time she dipped his cock between her nether lips, her wetness had replaced that of the pond.

She settled it at the entrance of her canal, bit her lower lip, and nodded.  They both groaned as he sank inside her.  After a couple of strokes, he was balls deep, and she beckoned him in for a kiss again.

Though the position was awkward and unfamiliar, Clint found a rhythm that let him rock his hips, stroking his cock inside her as they kissed.  From the way she whimpered and moaned, he knew it was certainly working for her.  Her breasts were hot, soft, and slippery against his chest.  They kissed and caressed each other’s faces as he grew more confident, increasing the speed and power of his thrusts.

Alice lifted her breast, guiding his lips to it.  He sucked her nipple, growling around it, and kept his hips working.  She pulled him back to her lips, kissed him, and then offered him the other nipple, which he suckled eagerly.

So it went for long, exquisite minutes.  He tasted her lips, worshiped her nipples, and watched color spread from her cheeks through the rest of her face.  His ardor mounted slowly, but surely, and the rate of his rocking hips rose to match it.

They undulated in a serpentine dance, bodies tight against each other, and once again slippery with sweat in the hot night air.  Alice began to whimper, and put her arms around him, holding him even closer.  He grunted and growled as the hot itch spread through his cock and swelled.

“Yes.  Just like that.  So good,” Alice whimpered.  “Going to make me come.”

Fighting hard to hold out long enough for that to happen, Clint grunted, “Come for me.”

“Yes.  Don’t stop.”

A few pumps of his hips later, he knew he was losing the battle.  “Too good.  Damn.  Close.”

She let out a loud whimper and said, “So close.  Do it.  Come in me.  Fill me up.  Come in me.”

Though he fought it with every ounce of his will, he was on the edge, and had to surrender to the inevitable.  For a dozen fast thrusts, his hips bucked beyond his control, drawing out whimpers from Alice.  A long, low groan escaped him as he pulsed in her depths.

“I feel it,” she cried.  “Oh yes.  I..  I...  Oh god!”  She whimpered, tensed, and her legs suddenly snapped to his butt.  She held him hard against her as she tumbled over the edge into orgasm.

They twitched and jerked from the waves of orgasmic energy crashing through them, and his cock throbbed, flooding her with every drop of cum he had left.  She held on tight, keeping him inside her, and he went limp, collapsing atop her once he was spent.

They quivered, cooed, and moaned through the aftershocks until long after he had gone soft inside her.


Clint blinked his eyes against the light streaming in the window.  The bed and the room were both unfamiliar, and left him confused at first.  His senses seeped back in, and he realized the light that had seemed so bright at first was the dim light of dawn.  He could barely see anything beyond the window.  Then the memory of the night before caused him to smile.

It had taken them quite some time to gather their clothing, his equipment, and trudge back up to the house.  After a shared shower, they’d slipped into her bed.  Despite having only awakened at two in the afternoon from his previous night’s vigil, he barely remembered anything afterward.

He sat up, and noticed his camera and recorder on the nightstand.  A look around revealed none of his clothing, save the briefs he was wearing.  The sound of a creaking board drew his attention to the doorway, and Alice stepped into it.

She was wearing a nightgown so short and sheer that she may as well have been wearing nothing at all.  He had seen it the night before, of course, but he had been on the verge of sleep, and hadn’t noticed how revealing it was at the time.

Alice leaned against the doorway and said, “I thought I heard you.  I’m making breakfast.”

“I’m starving,” he admitted.

“Me too.  Guess we worked up an appetite.”  She strutted into the room and moved in for a brief kiss.  “I need to get back to it, so nothing burns.”

He nodded toward his equipment and said, “I should go put those on the chargers.”

“Okay.  Breakfast will be ready soon, so don’t dally.”  With that, she turned and walked with swaying hips back to the door.

“Do you know where my pants are?” he asked.

Her playful shrug and shake of her head let him know that she did, but she wasn’t telling.  She laughed as she vanished into the hallway again.

Chuckling himself, he climbed out of bed, grabbed his equipment, and stepped into the hall.  A purring moan greeted him when he entered the front room.  He looked toward her in the kitchen to see her admiring him with a lusty gaze.  Though he did peek out first, he crossed the porch in his underwear without much concern about someone seeing him.

He had just reached the RV and grabbed the handle of the door when a scratching sound caught his attention.  He glanced that way, and froze in disbelief.  There, perched on the corner of the porch roof, in the slowly rising light of dawn, was a Boreal Owl.

The bird tilted its head one way, and then the other, seemingly regarding him with curiosity.

His heart racing, Clint bent his knees and squatted, moving as slowly and smoothly as he could, never taking his eyes off the owl.  He put down his recorder, and stood again as he readied his camera, praying the bird would stay for just a few seconds longer.  It obliged, puffing out its feathers and giving him another tilted-head glance.

He took aim, hit the button to record video, and exalted in the unexpected victory.  He now had video as well as audio proving that the bird was here, so far from where it had any right to be.  The owl remained for a few seconds longer, as if it had waited for him to prepare the camera, gifted him with a call, and then leapt into the sky.

Clint tracked the bird until it vanished behind the house, and then scrambled into his RV.  He started the video, watched the scene once more in the view screen, and had an irrational urge to squeal like a schoolgirl.  As soon as it ended, he replayed it again.

He’d replayed the video twice more when he heard Alice shout, “Breakfast is ready.”

Clint stepped out the door of the RV, and stooped down to pick up his recorder from where he’d left it.  “Yeah.  Just a minute.”

“Well, hurry before it gets cold.  As soon as we eat, there are some hooters I’d like you to do some careful research on.”

He hurried back inside to plug in his equipment, more than ready to get to work on that project.

Same as

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Scribe and Star

“Does she know?” Stargazer asked as they walked along the dirt trail. Scribe adjusted the pack on her shoulders. “Does who know what?” She bent down to pick up a couple of milkweed pods, carefully inspecting them before tossing them in the backpack. “Does Red know that you still dream about her mate? How you wish he’d chosen you? How you’re still in lo-” Scribe’s hand made contact with his cheek. “Shut up!” she snapped before turning away. “We don't talk about the past, you know that.” ...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Surprising The Visitor Part Three

Surprising The Visitor - Part 3 Dear reader - thanks for your words of encouragement. To get the full effect of this story, please read parts 1 & 2. The story continuity will make more sense. Thanks for any feedback as well. Susan smiled at my whispered desire of a response. Her eyes looked deep into mine as she drew closer.. She planted a soft, sensuous but trusting kiss on the side of my cheek. I smiled and almost cried at the same time. Susan turned her back to...

3 years ago
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Hope Is In The Lounge Part 1

Talk about a gorgeous fall night on the Gulf Coast that quickly turned erotic!She was dancing in front of the bandstand to almost every song. A very attractive face with a slender body and a nice rack that had a lot of single guys drooling. I found myself watching and wondering if she was staying at the inn or just in with friends for the music and dancing. As a good three-piece band, we usually packed the place on weekends.She looked very sexy and supple as she wiggled and shook that pair of...

Quickie Sex
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Parenting my Crush

Let’s start off with a little about me: My name is Matthew, I am a lawyer in the midwest. My main area of focus is corporate law. I travel all around the world helping large businesses acquire/merge with other medium to large businesses. I married my wife Lex 3 years ago. I spoil the hell out of here, have brought her home from working in corporate America, bought her a new set of DD tits that she loves showing off and we have an unbelievable sex life. Lex is 5’4 120lbs soaking wet. She was a...

2 years ago
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Winter In New York

Copyright© 2007 Victor Echo This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's disturbed imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead, undead or mostly harmless, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Truth be told, my first visit to New York was in the early 1970's when I was five years old. I do not remember any of it. I barely remember my second visit near...

2 years ago
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Delhi Wali Girlfriend Ki Pyasi Choot

Friends apka apna imran fir apki sewa me hajir h apkni lyf ki dusri real incident batane ke liye…Aur dosto meri pehli kahani ka fed back atcha raha thank u fr that…Koi v apni sex life enjoy karna chahta h with ful privacy to plz mujhe contact kare may kisi ki v bato ko revel nai karta meri ye khasiyat h any girl aur women interested in sex plz contact me..My id is (galtio ke liye maaf kijiega)..M apne bare me lya batau wo to ap sab jaante hi hay m a good looking n ltl shy type boy aur log...

2 years ago
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MatureSchool Girl SexThe Follow Up

Having Fucked Kelly at the school disco night,and really enjoyed it,i really wanted more.But as i said she was married so i knew that it was probably a one off.The week after the school disco night i was at work one day enjoying a cup of tea when kelly came and sat next to me.We were sat in a quiet corner of the room so nobody could hear our conversation.She told me that when she got home that night her husband had indeed been horny.When she went upstairs to her bedroom he was lying there still...

2 years ago
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Big Booty Goth BF

You are Damien Smith a 20 year old high school senior who's really into goth culture, your parents say it's just a phase, but you don't think so. you look like a regular teen save for you're dark hair, and very feminine figure. For as long as you could remember you always a very girly frame, which many people made fun of, except for, Avery, the love of your life. Right now is the last day of high school, and you'd better get going before you're late. "god damnit! where are my underwear?" you...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Kenzie Taylor Olive Glass MomSwap Arrangement

ALERT: We need your help! These MYLF Labs updates are our way of putting out new stuff for you. Your feedback drives everything, so if you love it, please tell us. If you hate it, please let us know what we can do better. We’re counting on you so please tell us! On that note, here’s the latest scene. Stepmoms Kenzie Taylor and Olive Glass have had it with their stepsons’ misbehaviors lately, so they come up with an arrangement that will benefit all. They decide to switch and...

2 years ago
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Kelly Chapter 9 Part 1

I loved my family, well, most of them, but a week of my daughter, her husband, and my two grandchildren, cooped up in my house was plenty. Then add my mother-in-law and wife, we were a bit crowded. The kids left a couple of days after Christmas and my wife had to go out of town on business the day after that. My mother-in-law had been invited to a bingo tournament, in Mesquite, NV.Things were hectic, to say the least.I live in a tiny, high desert town. The nearest actual city is 25 miles away....

4 years ago
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Best Sex With The Patient

By : Anahitagarwal Hi, this is Anahita again, and you must have read about my trysts with the basketball team and my brother-in-law. Now, I will be telling you about how I got a patient of mine to fuck me. I was then posted in Skin and STD department, during my internship about a year back. Being in that department, I was seeing a lot of cases of fungal infections, and few patients with ulcers on their penis. As our department had only female staffs, I, being the junior most was always told to...

2 years ago
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Do you want to be a woman

I was completely look liked a girl if i wore women clothing. The only man thing i had was my micro penis. Now i used to dress up at home and wearing sexy lingerie and all. One day I was up early. I wanted to go for a walk. I was wearing a lingerie and thought i would be exciting to wear it underneath my clothes. I wore a short short and nice tshirt over a red laced lingerie. I went out and jogged towards a forest nearby my place. Now i never wandered there, it was my first time wandering in...

3 years ago
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Sounds from the attic The fourth chapter

Over the next four months, Erin, and her husband Joe, continued to have parties at their house. I never really figured out why, but they did. Anyway, every time they had a party, I made sure I was there. I had sex with Erin, Shawna and Billy quite a few times, and it was hot. Somehow, Erin's husband never found out. I could never figure that out, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world though. After a while, it became mostly Erin. I even came over during the week, and fucked Erin's brains...

2 years ago
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Caroline Ch 0110

Caroline’s Story: Maria and ‘dessert’ (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) Note: This is the second time that ‘girl only’ sex is specifically mentioned. As I said, I don’t go into detail as I have no experience of what happens between female lovers (I don’t count adult movies!). If anyone has and they would like to write up an insert I’d be...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Eliza Ibarra Kyler Quinn Kimmy Kimm Nicole Doshi Swapping Sororities

Two pairs of sorority girls from two rival sororities are trying to recruit new students to their houses. Each pair is comprised of a leader and a lackey. Kyler Quinn is the leader of the sorority that looks pretty in pink, and Nicole Doshi is her lackey. Kyler is bossy and doesn’t seem to treat Nicole very well, dismissing Nicole’s idea for attracting new recruits. Meanwhile, Eliza Ibarra is the leader of the sorority that looks beautiful in blue, and Kimmy Kimm is her lackey....

2 years ago
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Breaking in Nicole

You see Nicole, a new CHYOO member, standing at the other end of the room. She is petite, with smallish breasts and slender legs. She is wearing a bright red t-shirt and snug white shorts. She seems to be somewhat lost. "Oh hi," she says with a nervous smile. "I'm Nicole."

2 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 40 Executing Carlys Plan Part II

So far, so good ... four days after we made our landmark decision, Carly and I were going great. Now I was about to find out about "her two projects" ... But on this Friday, I still needed to make a very important phone call North. I caught Vi in a good mood at the farm, but I absolutely had to tell her about the pact that had been made the weekend before. My dilemmas were many ... how could I carry out Vi's wishes without including Carly; how could I tell Carly that for several months,...

4 years ago
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Fucked By 5 French Men In France Part 8211 2

Guys, since the lady who’s telling me her story is quite busy, I’m not able to finish this story in 2nd part itself. I will try to finish this in the next part on how she was fucked by 5 guys. And guys, please don’t ask me for the ladies mail id or any other details. If she has preferred to come out and speak on her own, she could have done it. Since she doesn’t want to have any more new relationship and only wanted to make us happy by sharing her real life incident, she is telling it through...

2 years ago
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Natural Predator

Olivia and Samantha weren't exactly sure how this situation was even possible, but whatever was happening they knew they should be scared, fighting it, something other then only lying motionless and thinking on an entirely intellectual level. There were no bonds holding them down yet somehow they couldn't move at all. They knew that there was this strange green dust on each other's faces but that's it. For some reason this seems to give him complete control over everything but the most distant...

Mind Control

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