Alice's Halloween free porn video

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Maybe the molly was a mistake but, at the time, it had felt like a good idea and it probably would have been if I had limited it to one pill. Or hadn’t followed that up with a tab of acid adorned with a big yellow smiley face.  There was a moment, several moments in fact, of doubt but then that indescribable feeling of liquid love started rolling through my veins like honey and all was forgotten beyond the here and the now.

Before I get too lost in my high, I should probably fill you in on a few things, such as how I’d ended up at a farmhouse, complete with an actual barn, up in the hills above Half Moon Bay on Halloween. Going to have to hit the reverse button for a second and take you back several hours and about fifty miles away to a mystical city called San Francisco. For those of you who don’t know me, that’s where I grew up. My name’s Alice. So yeah, I was high on MDMA, more commonly known as Molly; if you’ve ever dropped a little heart-stamped pill, you’d totally get it.  The rest of you, just take my word for it. It was like eating candy made with the pure essence of orgasmic pleasure. Just thinking about getting high was enough to make my tight little pussy soak through my rainbow-patterned panties.  

Speaking of drugs, damn, once it starts hitting you, it’s hard to think of anything else besides that raw need we all feel; to touch or to be touched, and no, I’m not talking about Hallmark platitudes. I’m talking about being naked and writhing around in a nest of pillows and blankets with whoever cares to join in, their hand roaming along my flanks, fingers tracing my hip bones, mouths pressing against my titties and sucking on my hard, swollen nipples while I squirm and moan, feeling like one gigantic orgasm is washing slowly through me like waves of whipped chocolate, lapping at my puffy lips and breaking against my pouty pleasure nub. Fuck, just thinking about it made me want to lean up against the bathroom wall and shove my hand into my tight little panties and finger fuck myself to nirvana. So, that’s exactly what I did, not giving a damn who was waiting to get in and take a piss, and yeah, pretty sure the door wasn’t soundproof. Like I said, though, I didn’t really care. If they wanted to get off on hearing me moan like a dirty little sex kitten in heat, I was more than happy to let them. Hell, if someone had burst in and yanked my no longer pristine panties down my thighs and helped me out, I wouldn’t have complained either. Apparently, no one was brave enough, so this time, I had to be content to be a solo act.  

Not sure how long it lasted. Drugs do funny things to me. Sometimes the fireworks explode in my brain minutes after eager fingers connect with my magic button.  Other times I can spend hours on the edge, not letting myself freefall until I’m close to exhausted with the exertion and self-induced frustration. This time, I’m guessing it was close to ten minutes, my back to the wall as I slid slowly down into a squat, feet firmly on the worn linoleum, thighs spread wide enough to let myself drive a pair of fingers, slick with my own juices, in and out of my tight little fuck hole until I started to shake and shiver, the sound of my lust-fueled moans turning me on even more until I threw my head back, lights exploding as it came into contact with the faded wallpaper covering the wall. Not that I noticed the pain. How could I when the mother of all orgasms was ripping through me savagely, threatening to turn me inside out? God, and that was probably just the first of many, I thought, sitting there stunned, my panties settled around my quivering thighs, legs spread as wide as I could manage as pearlescent fluids leaked slowly from my satisfied cunt, too spent for the moment for even a half-hearted attempt at modesty.

 And then the drugs really started kicking into high gear, making it hard to think of anything but finding someone who wanted to take advantage of a half-naked girl with nothing on her mind but getting off, this time with a partner. Perhaps two partners. Hell, as many as were willing, really. I was here on my own, learning about the party from a friend of a friend of a friend who’d hooked me up with an invite and a ride. Nobody I knew, which was cool. Like I cared. In fact, the idea appealed to me. Ended up dressed up like a fairy tripping on acid. It was a Halloween party, after all. Had the wings and everything. Totally risqué, too, with a slightly transparent dress that sparkled and shimmered with sequins. You could see my rainbow colored panties through it. My bra too, had I been wearing one. Some glittery makeup and polish and some bangles and cheap jewelry, and I was pretty much done. Hey, at least I didn’t dress up as a hooker.

 It was a pretty cool place, really. Big farmhouse, a real actual barn like the ones you see in picture books. People running all over the place in costumes. Must have been close to two hundred partygoers, I was guessing, and at least half of them much older than me, like early thirties.  The couple I’d gotten the ride with? Shannon and Brian? Like thirty-five or so. Really nice couple.  Funny and clever and sexy as hell.  I felt like a kid riding in back, but really, that’s kind of what I was. All of eighteen.  And now? I was a horny kid candy-flipping while wandering out the front door to where the real action was, or at least where I hoped it was; within the barn, a place that I had yet to explore, having just arrived less than an hour ago. In my defense, it was up a bit of a hill, and, in my mind, fairies ran around in four-inch heels when they weren’t flittering about on gossamer wings.  Only one thing to do. I lost the heels, literally. Thank god they weren’t that expensive. Lost the panties too, after getting them tangled around my ankle and almost breaking my neck. And so it was, just as the sun was setting in the hills above Half Moon Bay, I set out up the hill, my goal drifting in and out of focus behind the foggy haze of my high as I slowly made my way, alone, up the twisting trail…

Actually, it was a fairly straight dirt road, and I wasn’t really alone. Like I’d said, there were close to a couple hundred guests and the odds of me wandering alone in the dusky twilight, dressed as I was, were pretty slim.

“Hey, fairy girl,” he called out, suddenly alongside me, taking my elbow.  

'He' being a very tall vampire or goth of some sort. I wasn’t quite sure what. Didn’t really matter, either.

“Hi,” I managed, giggling a little between the ‘H’ and the ‘I’.

“Need some help?”

Did I need some help? Hell yeah. I needed help getting off again. I needed him to push me up against a tree or something and fuck my brains out. I needed…

“I was trying to find the barn,” I managed, slurring my words a little as the world began to shift a little to the right. Or left. Or maybe it was me that shifted.

“Been drinking?” he asked with a grin.

“Nope,” I answered truthfully, unsure if I would elaborate until the words come out of my mouth.  “Dropped some E, though. And some acid. Kind of high.”

“Cool,” was all he said as he led me slowly up the road, along with several other stragglers, all moving at different paces. I could already see the gears working in his brain. He was totally going to get some tonight. I only smiled, thinking the same thing as I glanced up at the stars. Not a cloud in the sky. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I tried to get him to stop, attempting to pick out the perfect words for what I was feeling at the moment; so interconnected with everything and everyone. Finally, I found them, tilting my chin up so that I could watch his eyes as I imparted the most profound realization I had ever experienced in all my years.

“I’m not wearing panties.”

My glibness astounded even me.

“God,” he replied, or breathed, or something, his eyes lighting up like he’d just won the lottery as he cupped my pussy with his right hand, apparently needing confirmation. In response I simply moaned, unable to stop my hips from rolling against his palm, grinding my already soaked cunt against his fingers, whimpering as I felt one, no two, slide between my folds and violate me in the most delicious manner. Maybe it should have bothered me that this Twilight wannabe had his hand up under the hem of my dress and was finger fucking me in the middle of the road, but to be honest, it didn’t. It just felt too damn good to stop, even if I’d wanted to.

“Yes,” I managed as I grabbed his wrist with one hand and his belt with the other, pulling myself against him as I rubbed myself obscenely on him, my mouth parting without a second thought as he pulled me even closer, cupping my ass as he kissed me lewdly.  There was nothing tender about it, nor romantic.  It wasn’t making love, it was pure lust-fueled animal nature taking over. There was only one goal, at least for me, and that was to come.

“Fuck,” he groaned, pushing his hips against my belly, my hand trapped between, fingers still gripping his belt. For a moment I actually felt guilty about not worrying about getting his zipper down and grabbing his cock.  The least I could do is give him a handjob. Whatever. Sometimes a chick has to take care of her own needs, you know?

“Don’t fucking stop,” I managed, feeling a rush as the drugs swept through me, pushing me again towards the peak, crashing through my synapsis, my endorphins bouncing off each other in a mad rush to fill me to bursting. That’s technical talk for I was so far gone that pretty much the touch of a butterfly’s wings on my cheek would have set me off at that point. Without even a cry of warning I exploded, my fluids gushing all over his hand as I grabbed onto him for balance, my legs already giving way as the full gravity of my body settled on his hand, my pussy bearing the crux of my weight as my head slowly tilted back and I gazed at shadows of moonlit clouds above me, barely aware of my nameless lover fumbling to undo his belt one-handed, his fingers painfully gripping the cheeks of my ass.

While I am sure that I would have enjoyed whatever designs he had, fate stepped in and turned my world, eventually, on its head. While I stood, suspended between moments, warm honey trickling down the insides of my thighs, waiting for him to stuff me full of cock, a very strange thing happened and, once again, my world tilted, this time in a 360-degree circle that turned me inside out. At least that was what it felt like. I smiled, serene and nonplussed, knowing that feeling so very well. That was the acid kicking in.  Finally.  I looked up, amazed at the veil of stars strewn across a black velvet sky.  And the moon, a bright orb floating just above me. All I had to do is reach out and touch it. Or them. Two moons, now, one glowing white and the other kind of blueish green. It took my breath away, it was so pretty. Obviously, my status as fairy girl allowed me to see this second satellite.

“Fuck,” I breathed, semi-aware of the walls of my cunt being stretched as Twilight boy shoved his cock into my wet little fuck hole. It was huge. His prick, I mean. As pussies go, mine was modestly small, or at least pretty fucking tight. Thank god I’d been creaming all over for the last however long it had been, or it might have hurt.

Somehow, I had ended up against the wall of the barn, watching in wonder as God raised his hand of blinding bright light from the earth and waved.  Giggling, I waved back, wondering what it would be like to be fucked by the supreme being.  Maybe that’s what they meant by the big bang.

“So fucking hot.”

That was him, vampire boy, not me, although despite that fact that I wasn’t wearing much of anything but a sheer dress and a pair of wings, I could feel a lovely warmth spreading through me, coiling around my nervous system, filling my belly and cunt and my tits and even twisting through the roots of the mess of gold hair that cascaded down my back.  I felt my cunt clench, clutching at his cock as he slammed into me, obviously desperate to get it over with before I could come to my senses. Funny thing was, I was perfectly in tune with what was going down, craving it far more than he did. I started slamming my hips forward, fucking back with a desperation that surprised even me, my arms wrapped around his torso, trapping him against me as I groaned and growled and let every dirty word in my vocabulary pour forth, exploding with the intensity of a star going supernova as he thrust deep inside me and begin filling me with molten cum.

We stayed like that, his cock softening inside of my still-hungry cunt, me shoved against the rough wooden wall, gasping for breath, hips still rolling as I attempted to milk every last drop from him, the excess spilling slowly down the insides of my thighs as I kissed him passionately, my tongue forcing its way past his lips like a serpent on a sugar high. Really, I had very little control over anything at the time, my ravenous hunger consuming all sentience. I had become a creature of need, pure and simple.  How long we stayed like that, tied together by desire, or what he said, if he’d said anything, upon leaving me sitting in the cool waves of grass that lapped up against the barn like the ocean, I had no recollection. I do know that I managed at least one more orgasm on my own, my legs spread to either side of me, between them, eager finger on my throbbing clit, inside me, pulling them out long enough to suck them clean like the greedy little fairy slut I had become, then inside me again, scooping up more as I pinched and pulled at my impossibly hard nips through my dress. A wet dream personified, putting on a show for any and everyone who passed, or paused to watch me debase myself and giving no fucks to what they thought of me as the drugs kicked in even harder, taking me way past heaven, nirvana, or wherever the fuck it is those things take you…

It wasn’t that I started getting cold, or coming down, but eventually, I felt the need to figure out how to make my legs work and perhaps find out what was on the other side of this wall I was propped up against.  Honestly, it wasn’t a need I was even aware of until someone took my cum soaked hand in theirs and gently tugged until, grudgingly, I floated, fairy-like, wings fluttering in confusion, to my feet and hovered above the somewhat wild lawn.  At least that’s what it felt like.  Giggling, I felt my eyeballs roll around inside my head for a while before coming to a halt and attempting to focus on the giant bumble bee before me.

“Bzzzzz,” I buzzed, attempting to communicate with the monstrous insect, a bit baffled when it replied in words I could understand. Obviously, it was telepathic. Or I was. Or I had somehow turned into a giant fubby buzzle bee myself. Bumblebee, I meant.  Of the fuzzy variety.  That led to more giggling as I slowly caught up with the one-sided conversation.

“Yes. No. I don’t know.  You’re here,” I managed, my words slightly slurred.

My response to its rather feminine query regarding my status as lone fairy.

“You’re going to stick with me, understand?”

I didn’t, not really, but I wasn’t about to admit it.  After all, bees could be very dangerous when pissed off. I’d been stung enough as a kid to recognize a dangerous situation when I saw it. And no, I realized it wasn’t actually a bee, I mean, I’m not a complete dumbass, but in my state of mind, it could have been, and I like the possibility that the world was much more magical than most gave it credit for.

“You’re very pretty.”  That meant yes, or rather, no, but I’m trying really hard so please don’t be angry with me, in fairy girl speak.

“So are you.  Now come, it’s warmer inside.”

Thing was, I was perfectly comfortable right here, but bee girl wasn’t about to take no for an answer. She simply took control and I, being who I was, played along, holding her hand loosely as I stumbled, skipped, and meandered alongside, often pulling us both off the pathway through the grass, singing a little tune that I am sure was nonsensical at best and probably slightly out of tune.

Eventually, we made it to the open doors of the barn and, once again, I found myself entering a very different world, this one full of music and warmth and enough light to get a good look at bee girl for the first time, attempting to focus on her face, my vision admittedly somewhat blurred.

Huge dark eyes, mostly pupil, set beneath a set of sardonically arched brows, and glazed caramel skin. And her mouth, plump ruby-colored lips that I needed to kiss as soon as possible or sooner.  Sensing a kindred soul, I did just that, my nose brushing against hers, gazing into surprised wide eyes, her lashes closing like shutters as my kiss grew into our kiss, her mouth welcoming mine.  I played with the black silk that fell to her shoulders, eventually concentrating on one of her spring-like antennae, flicking it playfully with one finger until she pushed me away, both of us giggling.

Yes, she was high, although I couldn’t imagine as high as me. She wore a black and yellow striped leotard, and matching wings, that clung to her curvy figure and highlighted a pair of perfect tits tipped with thick nipples that dented her costume.  Naturally, I reached out to them, fingers drawn like metal to a magnet, my thumbs brushing the tips until she moaned breathlessly, pulling me against her, her mouth demanding against mine, her hand cupping my bottom possessively until I, too, was breathless with passion.

Around us, music swirled. I vaguely remember someone mentioning a band or bands. Something vaguely psychedelic, or maybe that was just me. At the moment, I wasn’t too concerned, seeing as I felt her hand cupping my bare pussy.  I was suddenly conscious of the fact of how wet I was, and that her fingers and palm were now smeared with the honey leaking from my teenaged cunt.  I felt my flushed cheeks heating with lust as her tongue pushed between my open lips in tandem with her fingers parting another pair of lips and pushing their way rudely into my tight, slippery hole.

“God, you’re hot,” she breathed, pushing me back several steps until my back was up against one of the open doors, my hips pushing forward, desperate to feel her fingers slip deeper into my quivering pussy, noting the gathering of a small audience over her shoulder.  Thankfully, neither of us gave an apparent fuck about modesty at that point, and she continued to finger fuck me as I writhed and moaned, pinned against the wooden planks of the huge door, our mouths melting into one, her tongue slipping and sliding over mine, fingers hooking into her costume, drawing the stretchy material down to expose her delightfully round tit, taking her stiff nipple between thumb and forefinger and rolling obsessively as I began to hump her hand like a cat in heat.

“Somewhere more private?” she gasped, her lashes fluttering sensuously.

“Don’t care,” I replied, too far gone to wait much longer as waves of pure pleasure washed through me and I began to tremble with ecstasy, already on my way to an unstoppable orgasm. She must have sensed it, because she began pushing into me harder, her fingers sinking deeper into my clenching hole, until she was grunting with each thrust, her palm smashing against my clit almost painfully until I was overwhelmed by the sensation and came, silencing my orgasmic cry against her throat, my teeth pressing against her warm brown skin. Eventually, I came down, panting hard, her fingers still inside me, stroking slowly, hooked and curling so that their tips pressed against my g-spot, making it impossible to concentrate on anything else.

Vaguely, I was aware of the scents lingering inside the huge structure. The sweet smell of sensimilla and hashish hanging like a cloud above the party. Sweat and sex, probably both emanating from the bee girl and me.  The musky scent of damp hay and smoke from an indoor fire pit that people were sitting around, drinking beers and roasting marshmallows.  The band was playing something vaguely familiar. The Beatles, I think, guitars jangling playfully while two of the guys sang about love.  And oh, god, her voice, honey-thick and husky with desire, hot breath against my ear, her lips brushing my lobe, her words burning like embers.

“I want to do bad things to you, fairy girl."

“Please,” I whimpered, feeling the heat from my high blossoming in my groin and burning through my nervous system like wildfire as her hand slipped from between my thighs and took my wrist possessively, pulling me further into the barn, keeping to the walls, hidden in shadow, away from the rest of the crowd, until we came to a sturdy looking ladder that led up to a trap door in the floor of the overhead loft...




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An Unforgettable Halloween

An Unforgettable Halloween With Three Women. Tessa gets tricked at a Halloween ball but it turns out to be an unforgettable treat. This past Halloween I took advantage of a chance to attend a charity Halloween ball. I had to travel for business to a city in upstate New York for a few days, and my first day there I saw an advertisement for an annual Halloween costume ball taking place in the mansion of local philanthropist. The annual party raises a significant amount of money...

2 years ago
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My Thanks to Halloween

One of the phenomena I was thoroughly thankful for was the acceptance of our new relationship between me and Vassy by her parents. At first they were leery of me, even though my unknown actions were the catalyst that brought Vassy back from her very dark place. That fact kept me awake many a night attempting to figure out just what I had done, whatever it was I was eternally grateful for the result. I had Peter Grate to thank because of his hours of comments about his hometown, Abbotsville....

1 year ago
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XENA FOR HALLOWEENBy Karen Flynn It was approaching Halloween. My girlfriend and I were trying tofigure out some good costumes. Halloween was the only time of the year thatI was allowed to venture out of the house crossdressed so I always tried tomake the best of it. We were sitting at home watching TV when I saw mycostume. I got a smile out of Debbie when I said "That's it I am going tobe XENA." Much to my surprise Debbie said "Ok, I will be Gabriel." Let me give you a little background on...

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Xena For Halloween

Xena For Halloween By Karen Flynn It was approaching Halloween. My girlfriend and I were trying to figure out some good costumes. Halloween was the only time of the year that I was allowed to venture out of the house crossdressed so I always tried to make the best of it. We were sitting at home watching TV when I saw my costume. I got a smile out of Debbie when I said, "That's it I am going to be XENA." Much to my surprise Debbie said, "Okay, I will be Gabriel." Let me...

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wild halloween

WILD Halloween PARTY EVERFirst sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Halloween party I ever been too. It was black party nothing but black guys and very few white guys but lots of white, Asian and black shemale was their and soon I walk in lots of black...

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Alices Wonderland

Introduction: Just a fictional Magical Transformation I had been coming to the cabin for years. It was off in the mountains of North Carolina, about five hours away from our home in Tennessee, and while not the greatest of accommodations, it was a retreat from our busy lives. Sometimes my wife would come with me, sometimes, I would get away to write, and depending on if I was alone or with her, decided how relaxed I would be. I had married a younger woman after I had gotten well established in...

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An Unforgettable Halloween

This past Halloween I took advantage of a chance to attend a charity Halloween ball. I had to travel for business to a city in upstate New York for a few days, and my first day there I saw an advertisement for an annual Halloween costume ball taking place in the mansion of local philanthropist. The annual party raises a significant amount of money for a designated charitable foundation. This year all proceeds were designated to go to Hospice. The cause itself was good enough reason for me to...

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My Best Halloween

I just love Halloween. To me it’s the time of year where grown-ups can play dress up, with masks. I love the idea of hiding my identity behind a mask, because my inhibitions seem to disappear and my whole body quivers with lust. I remember one Halloween where my husband and I were invited to a swingers costume party. This couple was close friends of ours, and even though the event was a month away, I could hardly wait. Nothing says Halloween like a costume with near nudity. So we went online in...

Straight Sex
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The Witches come visiting on Halloween

Halloween Night The Witches Come Visiting on HalloweenAn erotic fable By Alfamann Part 1  It was the evening of Halloween and 33 year old Rachel sat alone in front of her television. As she glanced outside through the lounge window of her small, one bedroom Annapolis apartment she could see the sun beginning to set on yet another day. She felt thoroughly miserable. In fact, she didn?t think she had ever felt more alone and miserable in her whole life. Her 12 year marriage had broken up...

4 years ago
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Alices erster Kunde

Was hatte mich zum Fremdgehen gebracht? Im Laufe der Jahre hatten wir eine Reihe von Au Pair Mädchen, und verschiedene Teenager aus der Nachbarschaft als Babysitter, und ich habe keiner von ihnen auch nur einen Blick gegönnt. Nicht ein einziges einmal. Ja wirklich. Bis Alice aus einem kleinen Flecken in Österreich daherkam. Wie beschreibe ich sie? Was hatte sie? Diese seltsame Aura, die mich unwiderstehlich wie ein riesiges schwarzes Loch in ihr Sphäre gezogen hat. Ihre naive Unschuld, gepaart...

2 years ago
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Alices erster Liebhaber

Was hatte mich zum Fremdgehen gebracht? Im Laufe der Jahre hatten wir eine Reihe von Au Pair Mädchen, und verschiedene Teenager aus der Nachbarschaft als Babysitter, und ich habe keiner von ihnen auch nur einen Blick gegönnt. Nicht ein einziges einmal. Ja wirklich. Bis Alice aus einem kleinen Flecken in Österreich daherkam. Wie beschreibe ich sie? Was hatte sie? Diese seltsame Aura, die mich unwiderstehlich wie ein riesiges schwarzes Loch in ihr Sphäre gezogen hat. Ihre naive Unschuld, gepaart...

1 year ago
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I Hate Halloween

‘I hate Halloween,’ repeating it louder the second time hoping it will shut Diana up. Walking next to me she replies in a sarcastic voice, ‘You are hopeless. Your parents named you Rhiannon, after a Celtic fairy. The fairies are supposed to come out of their world and into ours, to do all that fairy stuff during their one night on earth, Halloween night.’ She waves her hands in the air with a look of disgust on her face. ‘So come out of your world little fairy, it is the night of goblins,...

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The damndest things can happen on Halloween

I was at a Halloween party with a bunch of people I didn't know after my girlfriend got pissy because I looked better then she did and left. Let's back this up two days !!! We've been invited to Tammy's Halloween party Saturday night, my girlfriend Carol told me. It's a maskarade party. We gotta get costumes. Oh great I said. Tammy is the rich bitch that's been after my dick since grade 9. I'm not into her. Way to snobby for my liking. Carol on the other had is the complete...

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Percys Halloween

This is my first story. Comment if you like it, or if you figure out the refrence! :D *** "No!" Percy refused. He crossed his arms and glared at his friends. "I'm not doing it!" "C'mon, Percy," Grover pleaded. "Connor, Travis, and I are doing it, so you have to too!" "Yeah," Connor butted in. "You said you would be in our Halloween group, so you have to dress up in the same theme we do!" "That was before I knew what it was!" Percy argued. "I am NOT doing it!" "I didn't...

1 year ago
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Der Geist von Halloween

Vorbemerkung: Ich schreibe keine Geschichten, ich erz?hle nur von meinen Phantasien... Heute versuche ich mich erstmals, etwas in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben. Ich versuche zeitnah eine englische Version nachzulegen. Inspiriert wurde ich von folgender Comicsequenz 504719679, habe allerdings auf Grund pers?nlicher Pr?ferenzen die homosexuelle Komponente entfernt. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ich gel...

2 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 15 The Holiday Stories Halloween

Halloween is a silly holiday. People dress up in silly outfits and beg for candy. We live in a spread-out neighborhood that is part up-scale homes and part farm homes. Any trick or treating to be done had to be done using transportation. Several of our neighbors had a golf cart that they used to haul garden stuff around their property, they didn’t make golf carts big enough for the Herd, so we used the 16-passenger van we had decided to buy, and we drove the Herd from house to house in...

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No Escape Chapter One Halloween

large mass of muscle, though having a six pack and noticeably worked arms. Seth had medium length black hair that hung barely past his ears. Nice blue eyes, and very distant freckles on his face. Seth was at his home, but was planning on going to get a drink at the bar. It was 6:33pm. The day was Saturday, and Seth didn’t have to go to work tomorrow. What he didn’t realize is, today was October 30th. When Seth went outside to his car, he say Halloween decorations all across the block. He...

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My Best Halloween

Nothing says Halloween like a costume with near nudity. So we went online in search of just the right outfits. I of course would love to go as a sultry vampire, with hubby as Count Dracula. Oh God, the mere thought of that sends shivers through my whole body! It wasn’t long until we found the perfect attire. My name is Kandy, and my costume was an “Elvira” one. The “Mistress of the Dark,” who hypnotizes any man and can make their deepest wishes a reality. It doesn't get any sexier...

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I Remember Halloween

Written by Jimmmy D. Halloween night, Samhain, the day before All Saints Day, a day when the demons are suppose to pounce from the ethereal planes to our materal planes. We wear masks to hide who we are, and to scare the demons away, but if you hde yourself for too long will you become your costume? Benjamin Bradley as a young man, abouty 17 years old, a slender young man, but strong never-the-less. His ratty unkempt hair hd his face from passers-by, and his punk attitude scared...

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Leons Halloween

Despite it being Halloween night Leon wasn't too happy. His plans of attending the Halloween party put on by some friends were ruined when his wife was called into work. It was one of the small annoyances at being married to Doctor who was on call.The outside of their house had been decorated with lights, giant spider webs, gravestones and eerie figures. A soundtrack of scary organ music emanated from hidden speakers and it was plain to everyone that Halloween was his favourite holiday.The warm...

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I sat at the back of the 127 bus to Wakefield. The infamous blocks of flats along with the cathedral’s spire scraped the night’s sky. The glowing signs of numerous fast food joints whizzed by as the bus sped up Westgate. I watched the groups of people starting their journey on the ‘Westgate run.’ I smirked as I saw some pretty lame Halloween costumes amongst them. “What are you laughing at?” Chris, my boyfriend, asked. “Just the costumes,” I replied as I turned to him. “I can see why,” he...

Straight Sex
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(C) 2006 Nick B - All rights reserved Chapter I The thing with Halloween is that it's unpredictable; predictably so. Last year for instance, was not what Chris Burton would have expected even if he had been told it would happen beforehand. Chris owned and ran a software company and business was a little down at that particular time. He had started the company in October of 1999, just when everyone was panicking about the Millennium Bug. You know, it was just prior to that time...

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Rocky Horror Halloween

Rocky Horror Bet "Come on Lisa, don't you think this is going too far?" I asked nervously. "Tom, a bet is a bet. And you lost fair and square...besides, this is my final, and we need to have you ready for the show tonight." I swallowed again and shut up. It was no use whining, I had lost the bet. I wiggled in the chair in the beauty school as she worked on me. Part 1 It all started last week as my Jets faced off against her Giants. It was one of those rare times in...

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TGS Surrounded On Halloween

Surrounded On Halloween A Timber Grove Story by Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- William walked alone through the City Park, the sounds of laughter and cheers in the distance causing him no merriment at all. With each step his hiking boots seemed to drag a little more, with his jeans and jacket becoming more heavy as well. A sudden wind picked up, causing him to pull his jacket closer. It was rather mild for late October, but mild in Timber Grove was cold just about anywhere...

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A Katie R Halloween

"Hey, Claudette, let's play a trick on the new Librarian from Australia. Them foreign babes are willing to do just about anything if you put it to 'em right." Every year Del Rio, Texas and Wallaby, Australia trade librarians. No one knows exactly why this is done, but once two governments start something they never seem able to stop. This year's Aussie babe is the hottest one yet. Looks like a natural blonde to me and so tiny and cute. She can't be more than 5' 1" at the most, but no...

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I Love Halloween

I love Halloween, not just the day, but the whole season. I go to as many costume parties as I can. I sometimes have to crash the parties, but with everyone wearing a mask no one notices me. That's the benefit of costume parties, no one notices me. The rest of the year everyone tries to avoid me, ever since the accident. Ten years ago I was riding my bicycle to school. I was sixteen and could not drive yet. There was a big hill just down from the apartment mom and I lived in. It was great for...

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Full Circle Halloween

So, there I was, at a party going stag, a Halloween bash, of all things! Now, bear in mind that Halloween itself is my birthday and it happened to fall on a Saturday that year. I had just broken up with Selina, my girlfriend of two months, over something that I thought was petty, but she deemed a catastrophe. She had seriously overreacted and committed the unpardonable sin when dating me: physical violence. She had slapped me, I considered that to be abuse, and I told her so as I walked out on...

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Tanya Blows Halloween

A friend, our sometimes shy and always tiny Tanya, arrived at our post-Halloween brunch with her beau and two strangers, Chuck and Carol. After introductions, Mario asked how she met her new friends. The four of them burst out in giggles and blushing grins. “Oh, this should be interesting,” Mario smiled at his wife, Maria. Sue brought out a pitcher of frosty Marguerites and poured as Tanya hung a black trench coat and a black, long-feathered mask on a chair then began her embarrassing...

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Alices Awakening

If there was one rule in her life that Alice had always felt she’d be able to abide by, it was the ‘NO OFFICE ROMANCE’ rule. Why then was this new email notification giving her such an intense and unfamiliar fluttering in the pit of her stomach? Her morning had been the usual flurry of activity to get out of the door on time after once again trying to induce some kind of passionate response from Dave, her long time partner. But even taking his flaccid penis into her mouth had failed to...

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Alices Dirty Fantasy

Why the fuck haven’t I been packed until now?! I began cursing myself as I realized I only had a few minutes before my ride to the airport was to show up. I scrambled through the mess of clothes that happened to be lying in a heap on my bed. Would it have fucking killed me to do this shit last night? No, instead I had to go to the fucking bar and get plastered with my friends before heading out! I should’ve packed before then! I was very angry with myself. I heard the horn of my buddy’s car...

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My Best Halloween

I just love Halloween. To me it’s the time of year where grown-ups can play dress up, with masks. I love the idea of hiding my identity behind a mask, because my inhibitions seem to disappear and my whole body quivers with lust. I remember one Halloween where my husband and I were invited to a swingers costume party. This couple was close friends of ours, and even though the event was a month away, I could hardly wait. Nothing says Halloween like a costume with near nudity. So we went online...

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A Vampire on Halloween

The bobbing crowd momentarily obscured the tall blond man from my view. What I saw was enough to prick my interest. The tight-fitting leather pants hugged his lower body and when he turned around at a long table that served as a bar, I could see the bulging outline of his cock. He planted his black boots a few feet apart and thrust his pelvis forward for all to admire his tool. His white satin shirt was open to the navel and I could see his naked flesh daring me to touch it. My pussy responded...

Group Sex
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Red White and Blue Halloween

This story is dedicated to the men and women who defend us all. And to the silent heroes, their families. Bless you all. *** ‘It’s a tradition,’ Esther reminded herself as she pulled the box from the top shelf. For twenty-five years, since her Tommy was just two, she had decorated their house from top to bottom with ghosts, vampires and ghouls of all shapes and sizes. She, herself, would dress as a gypsy and read the cards for children of all ages in the neighborhood. She spent days before...

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A Broken Halloween

Where to begin this story is perhaps the toughest part so maybe I should start with my background. An unwanted pregnancy, an accident, between a man looking for a rich girl and a naïve college student. By the time he tried to call off the wedding I was already on the way. Needless to say the marriage didn’t last and my mother ended up remarrying. Unfortunately this failed also and I got shuttled between father and grandparents till I was in the process of being sent to a group home. Because...

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My Los Angeles Halloween

My Los Angeles Halloween By Mellissa Lynn Dear Diary, Last night was Halloween. I was going out with Lana, Tim, and Phil, and decided to introduce my real self. Boy, am I glad I did! After a hard day at work, I started making preparations for the evening. The first thing I did was to go shopping for some last-minute things (hose, etc.), then headed back to my apartment. I immediately went into the back bathroom and went to work. I started by slathering myself with...

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My Strange Halloween

My Strange Halloween By Jennifer Adams I want to tell you something that happened to me last Halloween, just to warn others so that they do not suffer a similar fate. This is about the Halloween that changed my life, literally. After a party I attended with my wife, she talked me into going as a ballerina. She had said that this would be especially funny since I weigh over two hundred pounds. It turned out to be a rather dull evening all in all. I did win an Ouija board as door...

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Donnas Halloween

Donna Anne's Halloween by Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to those of real persons or situations is purely coincidence. This is a work of fiction. ********************************************************** I had done it! I had won the costume contest at my school. It had been wonderful and I was very happy when I had gone to sleep last night. Now it was morning and I woke up in my bed holding on to Raggedy Ann. Today...

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