To Be Frank Ch. 06 free porn video

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As ever, best to start from chapter one, but this works almost as well as a stand-alone story. Feedback (and favourable votes!) welcome.

Vanessa and I finished dressing and did our make up. She was in her ‘Morticia’ outfit, all black, with totally over-the-top purple and black warpaint on her face, while I was in my green elf costume, a little blusher, light mascara and pastel eye shadow (hey, the eighties meant you HAD to!).

I’d told my parents I was staying with Vanessa, just not where. Hers were a little more liberal, and they knew she’d be spending the night at Paul’s, her boyfriend and our party host. We’d arranged to meet the boys there at around 7.30, just before everyone else turned up.

Our cab came as we were hugging each other in the driveway at Nessie’s house, and a short trip later, with the driver trying desperately to ogle us in the mirror all the way, we were at Paul’s place. We paid the driver and set off up the short semi-circular drive, behind the wall that separated the house from the street. As we approached the door there was a rustle in the bushes behind us, and all of a sudden a balaclava-clad figure had leapt out in the dark, a black raincoat opening to expose a pair of briefs with a crude fig-leaf stitched to them. Nessie squealed in shock and grabbed me, but I knew the stance anywhere.

‘Tim, stop fooling around you little pervert!’ I said, giggling. ‘Trust you to think of a twist on Hallowe’en costumes!’ Nessie relaxed and joined in the laughter as Tim accompanied us inside, an arm round each of us.

Inside we ditched our coats, and as Nessie went to find Paul in the kitchen I hung back, putting my arms around Tim and pulling him close.

‘What do you think of the costume?’ I asked, giving him a twirl and a cheeky lift of my skirt to show my pert body off.

‘Good enough to rip off later!’ Tim grinned, and reached out, pulling me to him so that I could feel the rapidly hardening cock under his coat.

We kissed, bodies pressed together, and as his hand quickly found its way under my tunic and onto my right tit, so mine reached inside his coat and squeezed his dick through his underwear.

‘Mmm!’ I murmured, my mouth half-full of Tim’s tongue. ‘I’ll have to do something about this iron rod later.’

‘Not now, Frank?’ Tim replied, in a plaintive little voice, mock-pouting his lip at me as he rubbed himself against my hand while pinching my nipple. He used his pet name for me mercilessly, knowing how hard it was for me to resist

I couldn’t fault his humour, and smiled back. ‘You’re incorrigible!’ I exclaimed, withdrawing my hand and making sure his manhood was safely ensconced in his briefs. ‘Let’s go join Nessie and Paul.’

In the kitchen, Nessie and Paul broke apart quickly as we entered, and the flush on Nessie’s face said they’d been enjoying the same close action we had. Paul was in his Dracula suit, fake fangs at the ready, and he turned to stir what looked like a really evil punchbowl. There must have been cranberry in to disguise the alcohol, as it was very red, and very tasty. We chatted a while, letting the drink take us to the party plane and drop our barriers.

The other started to arrive. Paul had invited a fair few people around to share the evening’s entertainment, and we greeted everyone as they got to the door (or in Tim’s case, just before).

We started the evening’s serious business of having fun, with Paul putting his compilation tapes through his parents’ stereo. Beers were drunk and wine opened, a few cigarettes added to the atmosphere inside and we danced and partied, talked and laughed. Def Leppard segued easily into Black Sabbath, Free, Stevie Wonder, Wham!, Depeche Mode, Queen, Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet. The music went through the last ten years and back again, and Paul’s choices were such that everyone knew at least half the words.

I found the punch had really hit the spot as I wandered around the living area, chatting to people, tipsy as I was. I saw the twins, Matthew and Daniel, dressed in identical mummy costumes (and wondered how much time it had taken to stitch the bandages to their shirts and trousers), caught up with friends Chris and Claire as Bonny and Clyde (she looked good enough to eat, and I think Chris thought the same!). I shared a cigarette with Jonathan, a particularly fetching goblin tonight, and smacked his hand as he tried to cop a feel of my arse, and danced with Kath and Jo, who’d come as nurses for some reason (and who’d probably get laid as a result – maybe they were smarter than I thought!).

Every now and again my path crossed with Tim’s, inside now he wasn’t needed to frighten the arrivals any more, and we’d snatch a quick kiss. The third time through he pulled me close, whispering in my ear.

‘Hey, Frank. Karl’s here, with Ann.’ I looked across to see the ‘new’ couple, sheets around them, pretending to be particularly poor ghosts.

I’d not told him about my experience with Ann, precipitated when I’d found out she’d been fucking my ex. ‘Mmm. No problem’ I replied. ‘He won’t be a bother.’

It was much later in the evening, about midnight, when I found myself wandering to the upstairs toilet, desperate to relieve the pressure on my bladder. As I came out of the toilet, mission accomplished, I could here the sounds of someone seriously enjoying themselves in the spare bedroom next to the loo. Whoever it was had kept the light off, but hadn’t shut the door properly.

As I tiptoed to the doorway I heard Karl’s voice. ‘You’re the best, Ann.’ I looked inside, to see his backside bouncing up and down, Ann’s legs in the air and her arms spread, as she raised her butt to draw him deeper. Her almost subvocalised ‘Oh! Oh! Oh!’ was just audible as she got her screwing for the night.

I started to feel a little guilty and was stepping away when I saw Karl’s movement. As he’d done with me so many times, he pulled out, ejaculating across Ann’s tiny tits as she tried to pull him to her mouth to at least taste his offering. I left, shaking my head. He’d not learnt a thing. When I got Tim to myself later, I thought, the one thing I wouldn’t waste would be his cum.

Downstairs, I saw that most of the guests were leaving, or gone, and sought out Tim, finding him, still in his flasher’s mac, in the back garden with Chris and Claire, sharing a roll-up cigarette of the faintly herbal variety. I shared the last few puffs with them as we chatted idly. Tim’s arm stole around my shoulders, warming me in the chill air, and I put mine round his waist, hugging him closer.

Eventually we moved in, and Chris and Claire left, leaving us with only Paul and Nessie. We went round the house for about twenty minutes, bagging loose, empty bottles and cans, and generally making things a little easier for the morning tidy-up. As we finished, Paul went to the fridge and pulled out two bottles of champagne.

‘Personal stash’ he laughed, grabbing four glasses and pushing us upstairs in front of him toward his room.

Paul’s room was on the scale of the rest of his parents’ house – oversized. He had his double bed against one wall, a large three-seater sofa at right-angles on the next, his work desk, table, TV, stereo and shelving completed the layout. We seated ourselves, Paul and Nessie on the bed, Tim and I on the sofa, and Paul acted the role of the host, throwing us a spare duvet against the chill, turning the lights down, pouring drinks and putting another tape in his stereo. I grabbed the case to see what we were in for. Rather than the party music we’d had downstairs, this was much more laid back and intimate. Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s ‘Power Of Love’ jostled with Spandau Ballet’s Gold, and the Mash theme was pushed back by John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’.

We sat back with our glasses, relaxed in the low lamplight from Paul’s small desk lamp, angled to the wall. Under the duvet, Tim and I soon lay down next to each other, and his hand quickly found its way unde
r my tunic and back to the breast he’d spent time on earlier. I was all muzzy from the alcohol and smoking, inhibitions shot to bits, and I was happy to experience his sexual devotion. Looking across at Paul and Nessie, I saw they’d also disappeared under their duvet, and all I could see was their faces, lips locked together. I turned on the sofa so that I was on my back, with Tim on his side next to me, and he offered his mouth to mine as I hugged him.

‘Kiss, Frank?’ he murmured.

‘Thought you’d never ask. I’ve been dying for this!’ I whispered.

Our kiss seemed to last for ever, tongues entwined, lips locked, eyes closed, his hand on my breast, mine rubbing his back through the coat. Eventually I got exasperated, and slowly brought my hands up on his chest under the coat, pushing it off his shoulders.

Tim got the hint, and stealthily, using the sound of the music in the background, and trying not to disturb our hosts (fat chance!), he removed the coat, letting it fall to the floor by the couch. That impediment removed, we went back to our deep French kissing, and I hugged his naked back as he slowly undid the buttons down the front of my tunic. My top followed his coat to the floor, and we held each other close as my little titties were crushed against his chest. Eventually he leant back enough to get his hand back to them, and he wandered from one breast to the other, stroking ever so slowly, his hand stopping occasionally to squeeze a nipple, then continuing its onward journey. I was going crazy – I love my tits being played with, and my small brown nipples were as hard as bullets under Tim’s caresses.

I stole another quick look at Paul and Nessie, and saw that Dracula’s shirt, as well as Morticia’s cloak, were on the floor. I fancied that I also heard the sound of Nessie’s dress zip being tugged gently downward, Paul’s arm under the duvet moving to trace the action as he got down and dirty with her.

I was dragged back to my situation as I felt Tim’s hand start to draw small circles across my stomach. As with every teenage boy that’s ever lived, this was the precursor to his getting below my waistline, and I knew he’d be struggling with the thin barrier my tights provided – for some reason boys never quite grasped tights properly, fumbling all around them trying to get them off. I took pity, and raised my hips to get my hands around the waistline and drag them down. They joined my top on the floor, and I quickly undid the zip on the skirt to pull that off to follow them.

Naked under the duvet, I spread my legs and lost myself in Tim’s caresses. His hand quickly went to my slit, which was already damp with anticipation, and his thumb hit my clitoris as a finger traced the outline of my vagina before disappearing quickly inside, my gasp being muffled by his mouth on mine.

My hand went to his lap, and tugged insistently on his briefs. Together we managed to get them off, and I eagerly grasped his hard-on. His cock was warm, and felt longer and harder than ever. I wrapped my hand around his thick shaft and started to slowly, surely, masturbate him. I’d slide up and down the length, occasionally rubbing his helmet, which was slick with precum, then gripping him firmly for a few more strokes before repeating the process. He throbbed beneath my touch, and I sensed his excitement as clearly as if he’d shouted it to the world.

Looking stealthily across the room once more, I saw that the rest of Paul and Nessie’s clothes were also on the floor, and they were enjoying the same heavy petting we were. As I looked, I saw Nessie roll over on top of Paul, and the quick adjustment under the duvet told me that she’d grasped his cock and put in inside her. I watched furtively as she rode him ever so slowly, trying not to make a sudden movement or noise that would break the spell between them and us.

Watching this, I knew that I had to have Tim, and soon. Leaning in to him, I had to put one foot on the floor to balance, as the sofa wasn’t wide enough. I took a mouthful of champagne, and then managed to get my lips around his dick, licking his sticky end as I drowned it in the fizzy wine and then taking him into my mouth for a full-on blow job. His surprised gasp and sigh told me that I’d transported him to seventh heaven, and that if he died tonight, he’d be a happy man. Nessie and Paul were also getting more vocal, and I looked up, to see that Nessie had abandoned all pretence, and sat up as she rode Paul’s cock, the duvet that had been covering them bunching across Paul’s legs and her butt, exposing her incredible breasts, and also Paul’s shaft as she rode up and down it’s magnificent length.

I moved back up to Tim and kissed him once more, then, casting the duvet and all modesty aside, I rose, nude, turned and, as I faced Nessie and Paul, I grabbed Tim, positioned him at the entrance to my warm, wet tunnel, and sat back, letting him fill me with his big fat cock.

I had to gasp at the sudden internal invasion, which made Nessie look over her shoulder. We shared brief eye contact and a smile, before she bent over Paul and started to kiss him as she rose up and down on his cock, and I leant backward and to one side, letting Tim do all the work thrusting in and out of me, his hands grabbing my tits, as I lay back and turned my head to plant little kisses across his face as I played with my clit just above his thrusting penis.

The sounds and smell of sex were all through the room. Nessie’s ragged breath, Paul’s measured ‘slap’ as he and Nessie connected at each stroke, Tim’s noisy blowing breathing as he thrust into me, and my own steady ‘Uh! Uh! Uh!’ as I was fucked all combined to make a highly erotic scene in the low light.

I sensed rather than felt Tim begin his journey to climax, and I saw that Paul had begun thrusting faster into Nessie too. I decided I wanted to taste Tim this time, and quickly jumped off him. His groan of deprivation was replaced by the sigh of pleasure as I took his cock in my mouth, still sticky and tasting of my own scent. Checking across the room I saw Nessie do the same, and wondered if she’d had the same dirty idea I’d just had.

His hardness filled my mouth, and I had to banish the empty feeling in my pussy with two of my fingers as I sucked him off, alternately wanking him and caressing his balls with my spare hand. Tim was thrusting in and out of my mouth, and only seconds later I felt his ejaculation rise in pulses through his shaft and into my mouth, hitting the roof and washing my tongue with his spunk, all at once salty, aspirin, aniseed and ouzo.

Paul’s orgasm was seconds after, and he groaned as he unloaded into Nessie’s waiting mouth. I’d held Tim’s cum on my tongue, and remembering my earlier promise to Nessie to pick up where we’d left off that afternoon, I crawled across the floor to her, caressing her as she finished cleaning Paul’s cock in her mouth and turned to me. She had got the same idea!

We kissed, a full French kiss, in front of our boyfriends, and, open-mouthed, we swapped their respective gifts. Paul’s cum washed into my mouth as I transferred some of Tim’s love deposit into Nessie’s. Combined, I was surprised that I could feel and taste a difference. Paul’s was thinner, and tasted a little spicier next to Tim’s.

‘Wow!’ was all I heard from Tim and Paul, a stereo announcement from two young men who’d never seen anything like it, unless they’d been watching ‘Debbie Does Dallas’. The live action always beats the film!

We swallowed, but couldn’t break the kiss, oh so sexy, and much more delicate than kissing a guy. One hand holding her close as we knelt in front of each other, my other hand rose to cup one of her large breasts and play with the nipple. Nessie did the same, and we carried on snogging in front of the guys. My hand dropped to her freshly fucked cunt, delving between her newly shaven lips to find her clit, and Nessie followed suit, finding my button quickly in my open slit. Despite our extended foreplay and recent screwi
ng, neither of us had orgasmed, and the knowledge of the woman’s touch across each other’s clit sent us over the edge as we hit the edge of reason together.

It was like a bomb going off inside me. Waves radiated through me from my pleasure button under Nessie’s expert touch, and I temporarily lost all sight and sound as I was consumed from within. As my breathing slowed and vision returned, I became aware that there were two hard cocks between Nessie and myself. The guys had recovered, helped along by the show we’d put on.

Surprisingly, Nessie went for Tim’s cock. I was never sure whether she did it on purpose, or whether she just took the first one she saw, but I was totally in the mood, and quickly took Paul’s length into my mouth. I could still taste Nessie on him, an unthreatening, feminine musk, and I relished the feel of this new cock in my mouth.

One hand still in Vanessa’s pussy, I reached up to cup Tim’s balls as Nessie sucked him. In my mouth, Paul’s cock was rigid, and I concentrated on trying to etch into my memory each ridge and contour of his large, circumcised penis. I had to have it inside me, and I had to get him to do this quick.

‘Nessie’ I asked, my words thick and unformed as his cock obstructed me, ‘do you mind if I borrowed Paul?’

‘Only if I can get this inside me!’ Nessie replied, holding Tim’s cock as she carried on licking the head.

We slowly lay down in opposite directions, so that the boys were behind us, and I had an uninterrupted view of Nessie’s cunt as she stared at mine. I felt Paul lay behind me, and saw Tim lie behind Nessie. Grabbing Tim’s dick, I parted Nessie’s pussy lips and aimed him in the direction of her vagina, as Paul’s helmet found my entrance. Seconds later I was lost in orgasm again as his hard cock, the largest I’d taken inside me, filled me in a single thrust.

I could see Tim’s glistening dick dive into Nessie, reappear and disappear as Paul did the same, setting up a steady fucking rhythm. Each stroke from Paul filled me like never before, touching deeper than I’d ever been touched, then withdrawing, and leaving me curiously empty, before returning to fill the void. Tim’s fatter cock was doing the same to Nessie.

I found myself comparing. Where Tim was exquisite in his touch, using technique to tease me out, Paul was much more direct, relying on his length and shape to bring me off. It was as if Tim used his cock as a tool, while Paul used his as a weapon – brute force versus strategy, almost. Tim’s lovemaking was much more tender, the kind a girl could drown in, while Paul was more direct, less controlled, but just as fulfilling in a different way, especially in a foursome where half the electricity was being provided by his partner and mine fucking inches away.

We rode each other’s boyfriends for what seemed like hours, but was in all probability minutes, minutes well spent. One of my fingers strayed to Nessies’ vagina lips and caressed her clit, and she returned the favour. I was in sensory overload. I’d given up trying to orgasm as I’d sensed that this fuck was one long sub-orgasmic experience that I’d not see the likes of for a long time again. My cunt was stretched and opened deep by Paul, I could see Tim’s penis doing the same to Vanessa, and our fingers were busy helping each other along. True bliss.

‘Ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod’ was all I was capable of saying as Paul filled my passage. Over my voice, I could hear Nessie gasp ‘Yes, Yes, Yes’ as Tim shagged her.

It must have been pure coincidence that, once more, the guys climaxed within seconds of each other. Paul’s cock had, if it seemed possible, got even harder for the last moments, and he sped his strokes up before holding himself deep inside me and unleashing a torrent of sperm deep within, the pulsing of his cock felt through my pussy walls as he shot his load. My hand caressed Tim’s balls as he went rigid inside Vanessa and I felt them twitch as he did the same to her.

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Brad had lots more humiliation in store for Kelly this time. He got Eddie's wife Alice and some other women to hold Kelly in a prone position across the banquet table, her ass sticking up for all to see, and he found the videographer, a geeky young man named Ted, and told him: "I want you to videotape this, and make sure you get lots of closeups of my wife's ass getting spanked. Don't miss a second of it. When we're finished, I want you to take the disc back to your office and make 200...

1 year ago
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School of Fangs

Welcome to college, here you'll start classes towards the career you're chosen. Here at FBA, we assure you that we will teach you all that's needed to advance within your field. Here on campus we have lots of activites and clubs you can join. Feel like just kicking back with a few friends, then head on over to Tabz, the campus hangout. It is technically a bar, but it serves non alcoholic drinks, for those of you that dont partake. As for those activities, theirs a onsite public pool , a...

3 years ago
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My Wife Me And Our Neighbors ndash Part 1

I was lucky enough in my first year of engineering that I caught up with a final year senior and got married to her. I always fantasized women elder to me.So we lived on the 3rd floor along with our two-year-old k**. The floor was shared with another neighbor family from Kerala. There were only 4 people in that family. Amrita and her husband Roshan with their two-year-old k** and her mother-in-law Reshma.Amrita’s husband had was in the merchant navy and was posted in Delhi and used to visit...

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Loving Moms Wildest Dreams Ch02

The day before the fall break, Mom was waiting for me when I came home from school and asked that I sat next to her.Not sure what this was about, I took a seat next to her on the sofa, and she then informed me how the school had called once again, saying I still lacked in my studies.Wow, that news bummed me out since I genuinely figured I was doing much better.I think Mom also knew I was disappointed and said, "Are you still having trouble sleeping?"I just slowly shook my head and then heard...

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Enigmatic Rendezvous

Her breasts jiggled, quivering with excitement as she slipped tacitly from her revealing robe. The pink of her nipples, having been exposed to the cool night air, quickly became rounded nubs. The woman smiled coyly as her dark red hair fell languorously around her chest. The curled crimson framed her breasts as she sauntered over to the bed. Her legs moved with a certain grace that caused his jeans to tighten. His bulge was prominent even in the low light and her lips were a full red in...

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06 HomeChapter 91

Present – Jens – Traveling back to the cabin We ... Well, I stole the taxi, the taxi company disabled it and locked the doors (damn 'roadside assistance' that is really just another way to spy on you). I had just shot out my side window and Yasmeen shoots out her side window at the worst possible time - just as a sheriff deputy drives up. The bullet goes through the side window of the taxi and through the side window of the deputy's car. He flies out of his car, crouches behind it and...

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The Forest house

I looked up into the sky as I walked the fields, bathing in the dying sunlight one last time before it fell under the horizon. I ran past field after field, and tree after tree, my heart thudding in my chest as the house of my best friend, Lucille, came into view. Well, saying she was my best friend is only a cover, since I don’t think my parents would approve of the fact I am dating another girl. Lucy’s house was fairly small, with a white, wooden picket fence surrounding it, it had four...

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Tution mein chudai

Hi, it’s me ashi agion . To thik hai darasal mijhe isn baar ek pagal ki tarah bina ruke ho sex karna tha so maine soch chalo college main to admission le hi rahi hoon kyon wahi par is iccha ko poor a kiya jaye. Main ek bous college main gayi. Main ek chota sa fock aur choti se top pehan liya aur us par shawl odh li phir maine pricipal ke office main gayi wahan par unke saath 4 jan aur bethe hueb the wahan par ek standing fan bhi tha. Maine janbhooh kar is tarah se kahdi hui ki merei frock ek...

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Buttocks Are the Bomb

When I was 34 years old I fell in love with a young lady of 25 years. We were honest to each other, up to a point (I had a few secrets), and after we dated for two months we felt so comfortable with each other that we decided to marry. I am Harry and she is Vanessa. I had met her family and they were a good, Christian, conservative group of folks. Myself, I was an orphan. But I had gathered together a small family of friends and like-minded adults who shared my values, and would soon share my...

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WednesdaysChapter 17 Jenny Flashes Dana

In the mornings, weekdays anyway, the alarm rings at six. Usually, we roll right out and use the bathroom, come back and grab something to read while we wake up. I pick up one of my books of erotica, Ed picks up a copy of X-Rated Letters or something else from the shelf next to his side of the bed. We sit close together as we read and usually I have my hand on his thigh. "You're up early this morning," I said after a while. "Umm. You felt good this morning before the alarm went off....

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 7 Princess DoubleTeamed by the Futas

I savored my Ojo-sama’s breasts rubbing on mine as she lay atop me on the onsen’s edge. Our lips devoured each other. Her hips moved, rubbing her hot flesh against mine. The little pearls in our clams brushed, kissed, sparking pleasure through my body. She moved her hips, undulating like she wished she had a cock to fuck me for real. And I wished I had a cock to fuck her. The cicadas sang around us in the warm, summer evening. Their chirping cries celebrated our love. My tongue brushed...

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ValerieChapter 26

"Hi Ginny," I said after clicking the open button on the phone. "Hi Dad," she replied, sounding delighted. "What can I do for you?" I asked carefully "You know exactly what, Dad. But that's not why I called," she answered, her voice low with ... call it lust, I can't describe it any other way. "And?" I asked, a little relieved. "Just letting you know that I'm coming to the barbecue a week Saturday night," she replied breezily. "O.K. I'll let your mum know you're...

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My Big Black Cock Slut Adventure Part 2

Cal and I had agreed that it would be best for both of us to keep our relationship relatively quiet, at least until something changed that would make us both want it public. We both still wanted the option of seeing other people and we did not want questions about what might be going on with us. I had a couple guys that I went out with occasionally and had sex with occasionally but they were really just fun friends. I had no serious relationships on the horizon and was not really looking for...

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New Career 1930Chapter 5

Author's note: delineate mind-to-mind dialogue. The call to "resign" from the Secret Service went to that special number in Washington. I made some trivial comments about the weapons just in case somebody heard my conversation. At the end, I said, "Thanks for releasing the guns to me. I may need them in my new job." [Excellent, John. This puts you permanently where you need to be without having to generate some specious excuses. Thank you, and keep up the good work.] The next day, I...

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The Teacher Part Two

That night I didn't sleep, I couldn't bring myself to fall into a stupur and forget the drive with Carmen. Maybe it was my mind, and it was rethinking things that happened, how I wanted them to happen but they didn't. Either way but, I was happy with how the drive went. There was something there, between me and Carmen. She wanted to tell me something, before she changed her mind on speaking. I hoped, I begged god to make what she wanted to tell me about us, maybe a chance between us. Some nod...

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I wasn't sure if I liked or hated but one thing is certain, they didn't leave me feeling like I wasted my time. At least they gave me something that so many sites didn't - substance and character. They have a certain pull to them that's luring you in but it is kind of hard to determine exactly what's at play. I clicked on the site and immediately there was a popup, giving me a redirection to another site. Ah the bastards, they got me again! The second click did the same freakin' thing...

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Dinner had been lovely. The wine was decent and the décor was elaborate, just like always. This party had been just as fun and just as boring as those in years past. Iris had been more social than she might have been under other circumstances, though. This year she was without a date. She was alone by choice, but not enjoying it as much as she had hoped she would be. A plan was forming, though. A devious, delicious, drunken one. During dinner, she had been talking to a coworker whom she did not...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 63

“How’s my favorite Pookie-bear?” Linda asked as she crawled onto Eric’s lap. “Pookie-bear?” Dan asked incredulous. “I’m just fine, Love Muffin,” Eric answered just before giving her a kiss. “Love Muffin,” Dan repeated closing his eyes. “Can I get a little snuggle from my Pookie-Wookie?” Linda asked rubbing her nose against Eric’s. “Oh, God, they’re going to start at it again,” Dan said putting his hands over his ears. He hoped that this little exchange of romantic small talk didn’t last...

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Just One KissChapter 4

The next day I went down to the college to sign up for some summer classes. I figured I would take at least two classes to advance a little more. My freshman year I had been such a slacker that I wasted a lot of time. I was walking towards the registration office when I heard my phone go off. It was a text message. I stopped near the front entrance and smiled when I saw Ethan's name. Ethan: Hello my love. Thinking about you. I bit my lower lip and texted him back: I'm always thinking...

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Life Changes Through HypnosisChapter 7

As Jackie left the stage, Sandy motioned for her and she walked over to the table where the man had given her the first $5. “Hey, I’m Jackie and wanted to thank you for the tip.” She leaned in and kissed him as his hand went between her legs and his finger slipped around the soaking wet G-string and into her pussy. “Humm, that feels nice, but I bet you have something that feels even better than that.” Will pulled her to his lap and began to rub all over her nearly nude body. Sandy whispered...

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George Payne Pt 04

What a nice sundress, Lucy. Didn’t think ya had to change but I’m glad ya did, yellow looks good on you. It was fun running before the wind again, just wish I coulda done the sails. But you were a good mate, did everything just as I told you. God what fun, haven’t felt that alive for a long time. You can sail with me anytime. Wish you could stick around so we could do it again. But you gotta go back to Cambridge tomorrow, right? Finish up your degree and start doin’ the Lord’s work, I guess. ...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Jenny and Tory Chap 2

Jenny grabbed Tory’s hand, giggled and led her a little further up the path to a secluded area where Tory could do her business. As Tory eased down her bikini bottoms, Jenny turned away but not before she caught a glimpse of Tory’s beautiful nine inch she cock. She imagined wrapping her juicy lips around that gorgeous girly cock and felt her bikini bottoms get creamy again. Tory let her stream flow and Jenny remembered all the previous hot conversations about pee play they had shared. Jenny...

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The Trials of First Love Chapter 4

I pulled myself out of bed and dragged myself to the shower. After tossing and turning all night, I was exhausted. I let the hot water of the shower flow over me and tried to forget about Jeremy and Nicki. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and let the water wash over my face. As the water cascaded over me, I let him flow down the drain. When I could no longer hold my breath, I lowered my face and breathed feeling a little better. I washed and rinsed my hair and body before shutting off the...

First Time
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Flirt4Free Latina

Latinas have long been seen as girls who are some of the sexiest in the world. With their stereotypically huge asses and big titties, they can immediately catch the attention of any guy in the room. Well, nowadays, you don’t even need to find a real physical room in which you’ll be attracted to Latina babes since there are options where you can do it online. Introducing Flirt4Free, one of the most popular places to go to whenever you’ve got an itch only a Latina bitch can scratch. And by itch,...

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Something in the WaterChapter 7 We Have The Technology

Louise struck lucky with a laboratory at about eleven-thirty that morning. She had said she needed to run some tests on possible reactions between softened water from a particular type of softener and milky coffee of a particular brand. The technician wasn't thrown at all. She asked what sort of reaction we were looking for, and Louise said it might be the sort of reaction which had an effect on human cells in certain parts of the body. The female body. The breasts. Making them grow. Can...

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SRU The Retrun fo the Love Doll

SRU: The Return of the Love Doll By Ran Dandel The Riding Club of the University was one of its most exclusive organizations. It was like a non-resident fraternity. The members gathered there to meet and socialize, and to build their skills at networking. The exclusivity was guaranteed because only the wealthiest students in good standing in their respective cities' Society could become members. Members who graduated were destined to wield great power in whatever ...

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A sexy train mate

This is Kumar, I wanted to share one of my experiences with u guys hope u find it interesting. As part of my work I travel a lot to different cities inside and outside the country. During last December I boarded rajdhani express in premium class from Delhi to Calcutta. It was ice cold in Delhi at that time. I was wearing warm clothes. Let me describe myself. I’m 36 yr old. 5 feet 11 inches tall. Very short haired (I love that US marines type hair cut. Hope u guys like it too) .I’m strong faced...

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Handling Sara the right way

I met Sara in 12th grade, my final year of high school. Sara was the happy go lucky type, she never let others bring her down. The more I got to know her I notice she had a naughty side to her, basically she was kinda a flirt. Sometimes in the locker room when I would be there getting ready for P.E., I would hear some of the guys talking about her, and how they would have a blast with her. I became curious and I started to wonder why she never asked me to hang out? I mean we had been friends...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 10 House Cleaning

From the writings of Aarcidmus, high archivist and lord researcher to High Emperor Sedimer'tiskoniar: Milord has been obsessed as of late. His only concern is the weakness that has been spreading. The sickness seemed to come from nowhere, and yet, minor cases of it have been appearing in my research dating back several imperials. The weaker lords have been becoming ill and dying. The weak have vanished. The powers all demon kin has been weakening over time. I have not been able to make a...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 12

Two weeks earlier, when Duncan and Eli had split as they arrived in Tulsa, Duncan felt alone as he rode north toward Kansas. Though he’d been a deputy marshal for over two years when he met Eli, he’d grown to like hid friend so well that he missed his company and the friendship they shared together on their trips into the Territory. He rode into southern Kansas two days later, after riding late like he and Eli often did when they first met. He wanted to hurry and do his law business, then...

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BounderChapter 4

With the gathering of hardboys growing just down the street from us, we really had very little time left to linger but I first need to get the items that I'd asked Mumford to collect for me from the house. "Mumford, I see you brought the package I asked for?" He nodded and handed me a small but heavy parcel wrapped in twine from inside of his large cloth covered market basket. Mumford always handled my daily shopping needs for our cook and could be regularly seen in the local markets...

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Of Paths To Take The Path Ahead

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path Ahead By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over all...

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Marathi Kouthambik Katha

Hi Iss readers, I’m huge fan of Iss posted I true story on Iss. After that I got huge response from readers so many women readers asking about sex and all… All you lovely ladies, girls, aunties, bhabis, widows from Pune, Mumbai who have not tasted the real spice of your lives what are you waiting for.. All this can happen to you also & you can be very happy & satisfy all your desires. Our relationship will be confidential & with totally secret. Assuring you to the maximum satisfaction. Mail me...

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El PasoChapter 19

While I was singing Irish Eyes to Molly Dean, Feleena and about half the girls from Rosa’s came in. I gave Molly a kiss on the cheek when I finished the song and joined in as the Hombres swung into ‘El Paso’. For once Feleena acknowledged my singing by tilting her head in my direction and smiling at me. The ladies’ happy hour passed quickly as the women from the different saloons and dance halls rotated in and out. Feleena stayed for fifteen minutes and had a glass of wine. I stopped by her...

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Jasons Joy Part 2

I made our tea, and took it back into the front room. I was still naked. Jack was just about to sit in the arm chair. He stopped to look me over, then sat down. I placed our teas on the table, deliberately bending forward with my back to him so that he could see my arse. I looked over my shoulder to make sure he was looking. He was. I wiggled my bum at him. I stood back up and walked to him and sat in his lap, twisting round so that i was at right angles to him. I put my arm around his neck and...

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Fun a truck driving school

Hi, my name is Arvin, I’m 6’4 245lbs with blue eyes, brown hair and a good tan body. My story starts in May of 1997 I was in Indianapolis, Indiana at C1 truck driving school learning how to become a truck driver. The day I arrived at the school I meet my teacher he was a pretty nice guy and he informed me that I would be sharing a hotel room with two other students. I said ok and headed to the hotel to get checked in and it was a nice hotel it had a in door pool, bar, and a restaurant. I got...


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