Making Love To Mahler. free porn video

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This story is meant to be read while listening to a particular piece of music, Mahler’s Symphony No.2 “The Resurrection”. It would be nice to think that readers streamed it from their music service of choice and did that. It is freely available across the internet.

Making Love To Mahler.

Allegro Maestoso.

When the lightning first lit the sky, Summer stopped what she was doing and looked out of the window and waited. She counted silently, one ... two ... three ... four. Then it came, not so much a crash but a low rumble that built to a crescendo. It echoed between the surrounding hills. She loved thunderstorms, their power and frightening beauty. She felt the thunder viscerally through her body. The storm was close. She knew it was on its way, almost constant rain had been threatening to grow into something bigger all afternoon and now the world was beginning to darken an hour earlier than usual. She watched the heavy clouds roll across the dark sky. Then the inevitable happened, the power went and she was plunged into darkness.

She let her eyes slowly adjust before walking across the kitchen to the drawer where she kept her torch. This was a regular occurrence and she was always prepared. She switched on the torch and went to find her oil lamps. No point in complaining or getting upset, they would do what they could, and power would be restored soon enough. It was out of her hands. She walked into the living room to the cupboard next to the front door where she kept her lamps. On the way she stopped by the window and started to draw the curtains. Something, she wasn’t sure what, caught her eye. A movement, a change in the familiar scene. She glimpsed it again by the gate. She switched off the torch trying to see better and peered through the glass. Again something moved. Definitely not some litter blown in the wind but it was hard to make out through the gloom and the pouring rain. Whatever it was moved closer coming in through the gate into the yard. A stray a****l? No, a person. A person pushing a bicycle. It was by now too dark to make out much more than that.

Summer watched as the person made their way to the barn just inside the gate. She wondered who it might be. She had a few friends locally that might come and visit on a bike but not on a night like this. Moorland folk knew when to stay indoors. She watched as the person cautiously made their way to the open door of the barn. Summer cursed herself for not getting it together sooner to mend the door which was now propped up just inside having come off its rusty hinges a few weeks ago. With a final look round the intruder disappeared inside.

Summer sat down on the window seat. She could still just about make out the shape of the barn and the dark hole where the door should be. Another sudden flash of lightning made her jump and lit up the familiar view. There was no sign of anything strange or new. Out of habit she counted the seconds to the thunderclap. The storm was getting closer and it seemed that the rain was even more intense. For a while she sat still looking into the dark wondering what she should do. She reached over and picked up the phone and put it to her ear. As she expected, no dialling tone.

Slowly she went through her options. She couldn’t think that anyone could wish her harm personally and it was a very strange burglar that came on a bike. They’d made no attempt to come to the house so it was definitely a stranger. But it seemed from their actions that it was a stranger that posed no threat. Thoughts of weary and rain-soaked travellers seeking shelter from the storm flashed across her mind. It was a better choice than a stray mad axeman. She smiled to herself. Only one way to find out and that was to go out there and have a look. How did the phrase go? “What’s the worst thing that could happen?”

She finished closing the curtain and grabbed the two oil lamps from their hook in the cupboard. Once she had them lit and put on the kitchen table things seemed much brighter. She pulled on her waterproof jacket and wellies and took a firm grip on her torch. She hefted it in her hand. It was comfortingly tough and heavy. Taking a deep breath she opened the front door and was immediately hit by the wind and rain. She stepped outside and closed the door firmly behind her. Without switching her torch on she walked across the yard to the barn. Once there she was sheltered from the worst of the wind and rain and she stopped just outside the gaping door and listened carefully. Despite the rain and wind she could make out the sound of movement and then, suddenly, a muffled voice. “Oh shit.” What surprised Summer the most was that it was a woman’s voice. She suddenly felt less nervous. Taking a deep breath she switched on her torch and stepped into the doorway and shone it around the barn. The beam caught the pale and frightened face of a woman in her late twenties who jumped at Summer’s sudden entrance and instinctively put her hands in the air, a look of terror on her ashen face.

“Oh fuck. I’m sorry ....” and her voiced tailed off.

Summer quickly realised that the woman had no idea who or what was behind the torch.

In as gentle a voice as she could manage she tried to calm the woman down. “It’s ok, I was just wondering who was sneaking into my barn. It’s a really shit night out,” she added trying to calm her down.

To emphasise her point another bolt of lightning struck followed almost immediately by a very loud burst of thunder.

“Must be nearly overhead,” Summer said.

She lowered the beam of the torch so that it didn’t shine directly into the woman’s eyes. She could see a bicycle leaning up against some hay bales behind the woman fully laden with panniers one of which was gaping open. There was a bag of what appeared to be clothes at her feet. A waterproof jacket was d****d over a couple of hay bales still slowly dripping onto the floor. Summer flashed the torch beam back to the woman. She was wearing a dark t-shirt and what appeared to be black waterproof over-trousers. Her hair was a windswept rain-sodden mess. Summer moved slowly sideways and sat on a straw bale. The woman gradually relaxed as any threat diminished.

“So, what brings you a-visiting on a night like this?” asked Summer.

“I got lost”, came the pathetic voice in reply.

“But why were you even out there, today of all days?”

“I’m trying to be on holiday. But to be honest I don’t really know. I must be crazy.”

“So you thought a nice pleasant bike ride across the moors in a thunderstorm was a good idea?”

“Dumb or what,” replied the girl.

“Hey we all do mad things at times.”

“Look, I’m sorry about trespassing in your barn. The house was pitch black and I thought no one was at home. I’ll pack up and move on.”

“The house is dark because we have our usual power cut. It happens all the time up here. And as for moving on don’t be daft. Where else are you going to go?”

“I could find a B&B I suppose,” she replied mournfully.

“Great idea. Another five miles in this,” Summer swept her arm towards the doorway, “and anyway Molly’s shut for the winter.” She let that slowly sink in before she continued, “You hungry?”

The woman looked bemused.

“I ride a bike and it always makes me hungry. I have a pot of stew on the stove and my kettle’s always on.”

“It’s ok honestly, I’ll be alright. If I can just stay in here overnight.”

“Don’t be daft, I’ll enjoy the company for dinner. There’s plenty to go round. Just grab what you need and follow me.”

Summer stood up and went to stand by the door of the barn. If anything the rain was even heavier than before. The woman seemed to hesitate for a moment before grabbing her jacket from where it was d****d over the bales and picking up the bag in front of her. She walked shyly towards the door. Summer led the way as they both scurried across the yard to the front door. The welcoming light of the oil lamps greeted them as Summer opened the door and ushered the woman inside. Summer closed the door and kicked off her wellies and hung her jacket in the cupboard before turning to the woman. She reached out and grabbed the jacket from the woman who stood statue-like just inside the door.

“This will need drying out before ...” Summer stopped as she felt the inside of the jacket. “Oh dear the rain’s gone right through this. Are you soaked everywhere?”

“Just about,” she replied, hanging her head.

Summer pointed at the bag lying at her feet. “Do you have dry stuff in there?”

The woman looked close to bursting into tears as she confessed, “Not really. The rain got in there as well. Everything’s soaked.” She choked back a sob.

“It’s not the end of the world. First come into the kitchen, I’ve got the fire on in there.”

She led the way and the woman followed obediently behind. Summer opened the door of the range and poked the coals until they burnt red. She hung the coat over the back of a chair and then beckoned to the woman to come closer to the fire.

“Warm yourself up for a moment. I’ll be right back. Wait here.”

The woman watched with confusion as Summer turned on her heels and left the room.
In her bedroom Summer rummaged through her chest of drawers looking for some spare warm clothing. Her visitor seemed about the same height as her but a little smaller. She found a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a warm jumper. She wondered about underwear but felt it might be too intimate, but she did dig out a pair of long thick socks. She grabbed a large towel from the airing cupboard and went back to the kitchen. The woman was standing huddled next to the fire. Summer put the bundle of clothes on the kitchen table.

“There’s a change of clothing for you,” she said, “nothing fancy but they’re clean and dry.”

She looked the woman up and down.

“They may be a bit big but no harm in that,” she said with a smile.

Her visitor returned the smile. She was a few years younger, but it was difficult to be certain how many. Five, maybe ten and despite her bedraggled state was quite pretty. Despite herself Summer felt a slight and unfamiliar hint of lust begin to grow. She quickly thrust the feeling aside and strode to the stove and lifted the lid on the large pot that sat on top. Then she picked up the kettle and filled it from the tap and placed that next to the pot.

“Hot drink first I think,” she said and sat down in a bentwood rocking chair next to the fire. “I should get out of those wet things before you catch your death. Oh, hang on.”

She got up again and went to a large cupboard and dragged out a folding clothes drier and set it up next to the fire.

“Hang your wet things over there. They’ll be dry in no time.”

The woman picked up the pile of clothes and looked around her.

“Where ….?”

“There’s the bathroom but this is the only warm room in the house. I’m too mean to heat the rest,” Summer replied with a light laugh. She rocked gently back and forward as she gazed at the woman. “Besides there’s only you and me here and no more visitors expected.”

It wasn’t really true as the kitchen fire fed radiators throughout the house, but she was eager to see how the young woman reacted.

“Oh. Okay.” She replied in a voice as nervous as a new-born foal. She placed the clothes back on the table and began to strip off her wet over trousers. Underneath she wore a pair of cycling shorts that fit her like a second skin. She then half turned away and bent over to undo her shoes and remove her socks. Summer was offered the delight of her lycra-clad backside.

“I must say those are a bit revealing,” she said, half joking and half suggestively.

The woman straightened immediately and turned back, blushing deeply.

“Sorry,” she said plaintively.

“Don’t apologise, my dear, it’s a while since I’ve seen such a lovely arse.”

The sudden coarseness of Summer’s language seemed to startle the woman for a moment.

“Don’t mind me I’ve just lived here too long having to banter with other local farmers.”

As the woman stood there Summer caught the hint of her nipples showing behind the wet fabric of her t-shirt.

“Sooner you change the sooner you’ll be snug and warm,” she said before standing up. Picking up the kettle she walked across the kitchen and began to make two cups of coffee. Seizing her chance, the woman quickly stripped off the t-shirt and replaced it with the new dry one before pulling the thick heavy jumper over her head. They were both at least a size too large but at least the jumper was long enough for her to remove her shorts without further embarrassment. Summer turned around with a cup in each hand just in time to catch a glimpse of a pair of naked buttocks before they disappeared from view inside the oversized jeans. As she sat back in the rocker the woman was sitting by the table pulling on the pair of winter socks. Summer held out one of the cups to her.

“Better hang those wet things up first then bring the chair over by the fire, my dear. You’ll not warm up stopping over there.”

The woman blushed again and picked up her wet things and carefully d****d them over the drier then she dragged the chair a little closer and sat down. Summer handed her the steaming cup and she took it gratefully wrapping both hands around the cup, warming them before taking a sip.

“Better?” the woman nodded and smiled shyly. “I’m Summer by the way and you are…?”

“I’m Penny… and … you’re very kind.”

“Piffle! Can’t leave a damsel in distress out on a night like this. I don’t get much company up here. Good to meet you young Penny.”

And Summer raised her cup in greeting. Penny smiled and blushed once more. Summer stood up and went over to the table and picked up the towel. She came and stood behind Penny and shook out the towel.

“I’ll dry your hair for you,” she stated and started to gently rub Penny’s hair.

“There’s no need, I can …”

“Hush up, little one, its no more than I’d do for a new-born lamb.”

After that Penny sat silently allowing herself to be pampered. Soon her hair was drier but still very bedraggled.

“Have you got a brush?”

“Its in my bag,” she replied starting to stand up, but Summers hands were on her shoulders gently forcing her back down.

“Its okay, I’ll get it.” Despite her protestations Summer walked over to the table. The bag was a simple cheap canvas hold-all. She unzipped it and looked inside. Much as she expected it contained a few of the essentials including a plastic hair brush. As she picked it out Summer noticed something underneath that caught her immediate attention. Nestled among the toothbrush and lip salve was a medium sized white vibrator. She glanced at the woman before a mischievous grin formed on her lips. She picked out the vibrator and experimentally switched it on. A low hum filled the room. Penny let out a horrified gasp before burying her had in her hands.

“That’s one way to keep warm on a chilly night in a tent I suppose,” Summer said with an air of mockery in her voice. She switched it off and placed it, not back in the bag, but in plain sight on the table.

“We’ve all been there no need to be ashamed. Now, head up while I brush your hair.”

Gently she teased out the tangles. The compliance of the young woman revived old memories for Summer, memories she found both disquieting and exciting. The silent ritual continued in the gentle light of the paraffin lamps and the glow from the fire. Eventually Summer stepped back.

“Better?” she asked, and Penny simply nodded and muttered “Thanks” in her timid voice.

“Time for supper I think,” Summer announced. She started to clear the table and was about to replace the vibrator in the bag when she hesitated before placing it on the dresser. Maybe it could come in useful later. She filled two bowls with steaming stew and laid them on the table and sat down at one end.

“Come, bring your chair over and eat some food.”

Penny dragged her chair across, sat down and started to attack her bowl with relish. The effort of cycling all day up the hills onto the moor as well as the emotions of her chance meeting had made her ravenous. She finished quickly and Summer stood up at once and took the bowl and refilled it. This time Penny ate more slowly. After supper they chatted a while about nothing in particular before Penny’s eyes began to droop and she found it harder and harder to stay awake.

“You poor thing, you’re exhausted and here’s me nattering on and on. Grab your bag and I’ll show you the spare room.”

Summer picked up one of the lamps and led the way out of the kitchen and up the stairs, opening the door to the spare room. She stepped aside to let Penny in. The room was small, and the double bed took up most of it. It was warmer than expected as the spare heat from the kitchen stove was directly below. It felt snug and warm.

“The sheets are clean, I changed them only a couple of days ago. The bathroom’s directly opposite when you need it. I’ll leave you to get settled. I hope you sleep well.”

“Thank you so much, you’ve been so kind I don’t know what to say.”

“Then say nothing and have a good sleep.”

With that Summer left the room and quietly closed the door. Smiling to herself she went back down to the kitchen. As she tidied up she listened to the muffled noises from the room above which finally ended with the creak of the bed. Summer went to the back door and opened it, sniffing the air as she did so. The rain had stopped, and the half moon could be seen through breaks in the clouds. The storm had passed. She stepped back into the kitchen, riddled and re-stocked the fire and then stood silently listening for any sounds from above. She looked at the dresser and the pale toy still lying there. With a grin she picked it up then, taking the second lamp, she headed up the stairs. She listened intensely outside the door to the guest room before knocking gently and opening the door immediately. She was in time to see Penny franticly pulling the sheets up to her chin, her eyes wide with shock.

Summer held up the vibrator and smiled, “You forgot this,” she said gently, “I thought you might need it,” and she winked at the girl in the bed.

At this point in the score Mahler asks for a five minute rest before the music continues as the turbulence of the first movement was too great a contrast to the softness and tranquillity of the second. I suggest you do the same, assuming you are determined to continue reading. Make a cup of tea, pour a glass of wine or simply sit quietly for a while.

Andante Moderato.

“You forgot this,” said Summer with a twinkle in her eye. She paused, looking directly into the frightened gaze of her new guest. “But something tells me you’ve been making do without.”

Summer winked and came further into the room, slowly approaching the bed. Penny said nothing but simply clutched the sheets more firmly under her chin.

“No problem,” said Summer, “we all have needs.”

She sat down uninvited on the edge of the bed, the vibrator still held tauntingly on display. Still Penny lay silently but flinched suddenly as Summer’s hand came to rest gently on her leg. She could feel the weight of it through the covers. She stayed still, too nervous to protest, as the hand began to make tiny caresses, down and then up, her thigh. Summer leaned forward and placed the vibe upright on the bedside table, a potent symbol between them, before gently moving Penny’s hair to one side and stroking her cheek.

“You’re like a frightened rabbit caught in the headlights,” observed Summer.

The caresses on Penny’s face and thigh synchronised but each time the touch on her leg seemed to drift higher.

“Just what were you up to when I came in, little rabbit?”

A long hesitation before … “I was sleeping.”


“I … I … was ….” The response faltered and stopped.

“You were playing with yourself, be honest.” Summer’s voice was suddenly quite harsh. Penny’s eyes lowered and her face turned red.

“Hey, I don’t mind. But I have a better idea.” Penny’s eyes flicked upwards once more. She felt the hand now high on her thigh tighten its grip.

Summer was suddenly riven with doubt. She was usually a good judge of character but what if the girl started kicking and screaming and fighting back? So far there was no sign of that and her guesses seemed to be right so far. As a test she slipped her hand an inch or two higher on the girl’s leg and got no adverse reaction.

“First off, no more fibs. Sleeping? Really?”

Penny’s face turned an even brighter shade of red.

“I thought not. From now on you do as you’re told and you’ll be fine. Understood?”

There was an almost imperceptible nod of the head.

“Good girl. Next … let go of the sheet.” Penny’s eyes open wide and she remained frozen. “Now!” snapped Summer. A smile crossed her face as Penny’s fingers very slowly relaxed and opened. “Very good, now hands behind your head.” At a snail’s pace Penny’s hands emerged from beneath the sheet and moved to behind her head. She felt a strange comfort with the familiar pose. The woman sat on the bed somehow seemed to know about her feelings. Summer smiled down at her and then leant in and briefly kissed her on the lips.

She sat back up and looked down at the young woman before her. Her hand moved, pushing deep between her thighs, her touch muffled by the covers. Was she mistaken or could she already detect the musky aroma of arousal? Softly she gripped the edge of the sheet and pulled it down to Penny’s waist, revealing a pair of small but very pretty breasts, the nipples dark and erect.

“Very lovely,” Summer commented, and she ran her palm across the nearest one. She felt the rasp of the hard nipple against her palm. She took it between her thumb and forefinger and tweaked it, not cruelly but not gently either. Penny’s eyelids closed slightly at her touch. Summer tweaked again this time a little harder. Still no protest but Penny’s mouth opened and there was a swift inrush of breath. This time Summer gripped harder and held on for a moment. She felt the girl’s breath quicken then she let go and leant forward and kissed it softly. Skilfully using her lips and tongue she massaged the protruding nipple while moving her hand across to the other breast and pinching the nipple hard and holding on. She sensed Penny struggling between the two sensations of pleasure and pain. She released her grip and leaned across and ministered to the bruised nipple with her tongue again. She heard a moan from higher up and glanced briefly. Penny’s eyes were closed and her mouth hung open. Pleased with the effect so far, she nipped at the nipple with her teeth and was rewarded with another moan.

Sitting up she used both hands, one on each breast, pinching the nipples hard and twisting them at the same time.

“Fuck ….!” Was Penny’s only response and her hands stayed obediently behind her head.

Without letting go Summer muttered, almost to herself, “So, little slut, you enjoy a mixture of pain and pleasure. We shall get on well we two.”

Releasing the nipples from her grasp she left one hand to softly rub them and the other to slide the sheets further down the bed. To her delight the girl was shaved clean. To her annoyance her thighs were clamped shut.

“Tut tut!” she said, “spread them for me.”

When she got no response, she slapped the girl’s thigh, hard enough to leave a mark.

“I said spread them.”

This time Penny responded by opening her legs.


As Summer raised her hand ready to slap her again Penny quickly opened her legs even more. Summer was suddenly struck by the heavenly and delicious smell of womanly arousal. She looked down at what, for her, was the perfect pussy. A Goldilocks pussy, neither too loose nor too tight just perfectly in between. The hint of its insides gleaming with a sheen of moistness.

“You have a very pretty cunt,” she complimented the girl.

Experimentally she stroked one finger along its length. As she had suspected it came away wet and slightly sticky. She felt Penny quiver at her touch. She lifted the finger to her nose and inhaled deeply then to her mouth and licked at it. Mmmm a delicious and long-awaited taste. She put her finger back, this time probing deeper. She let another finger join it. Inside Penny was almost dripping with moisture. She looked at the girl who lay there, eyes closed and mouth wide. Summer lifted her fingers up and offered them. Sensing what they were and what was expected of her Penny took them eagerly, sucking them in and twirling around them with her tongue. Summer slowly pulled them free and back onto the waiting pussy. This time she probed deeper into the welcoming depths. Penny’s hips lifted from the bed slightly as if in greeting. Summer started to slide them slowly in and out and, of her own accord, Penny open her legs even wider and lifted her knees.

Slowly Summer increased the speed and depth of her thrusts. The scent rising from the open pussy intensified with every stroke. She released her grip on the breast and reached over to grab the waiting vibrator from the bedside table. She managed to switch it on with one hand and placed it firmly on Penny’s swollen clit. The girl was writhing on the bed and Summer sensed the impending orgasm which came with an explosive spray. “Oh my, the girl’s a squirter” she thought as her hand was soaked. She felt drops hitting her face and could see dark splatter marks across her blouse. Slowly Penny slumped back onto the bed, her eyes closed, and her hands still firmly clasped behind her head. Summer watched her for a while before gently pulling up the sheets and covering her. She barely stirred. Summer stood up.

“Rest awhile, little one, I’ll be back soon.”

She switched off the vibrator and placed it back on the table before quietly turning and leaving the room.

In ruhig fließender Bewegung (With quietly flowing movement)

Back in her own bedroom Summer opened the wardrobe door and looked at herself in the long mirror. She was finding it impossible to wipe the smile from her face as she examined the image in front of her. She lifted her fingers to her nose and inhaled deeply then licked them clean. She looked at her blouse, covered in dark spots where Penny’s spray had splashed her. She undid the buttons and took it off and flung it in the direction of the laundry basket. She kicked off her shoes and then peeled off her socks before unzipping her jeans and pushing them down and off, kicking them in the same direction as the blouse. She looked back to the mirror. She was still pleased with what she saw. Her breasts were maybe slightly smaller than those of her younger guest but they were still firm and buoyant. She slipped out of her white thong and felt across her pussy. She had shaved it carefully the previous evening and could feel no trace of stubble. She took a final glance at herself and then reached into the wardrobe and scrabbled around finally coming up with a somewhat battered vintage suitcase.

She carried it over to the bed and laid it down. Unsnapping the locks, she lifted the lid to show her collection of toys. Not much used of late they brought back memories of past liaisons. She closed the suitcase and clicked the locks shut. Reaching once more into the wardrobe she found her old riding crop. She doubted she’d need it but its presence might help. With a sudden air of determination, she picked up the suitcase and returned to the other room.

Penny still lay as she had left her, eyes closed, hands behind her head and her legs spread. Moving aside the vibrator and the little travel clock she placed the suitcase on the bedside table. The locks opened with a loud ‘Click’ and Penny’s eyes flashed open. When she saw Summer standing naked by the bed she relaxed and smiled.

“Rested?” asked Summer and was answered with another smile. “So, you’re a squirter.”

Penny blushed again and muttered a whispered “Sorry.”

“Its no problem, I like that in a girl, although not only did you manage to spray me and possibly ruin my blouse but you are going to have to sleep in the mess you made. But moving on … ready for round two?”

This time Penny’s eyebrows went up partly in shock and partly as a question.

Summer reached down and pulled the bedding off the bed and flung it on the floor. Penny started to close her legs and bring her hands down to cover herself. Summer picked up the horse crop and slapped it against her own palm.

“Did I say you could move? Only when I tell you to, understand?” To emphasise she slapped her palm again. Penny’s hands went back behind her head and her legs opened once more.

“Good girl. Now turn over, hands and knees.”

Somewhat reluctant Penny still obediently did as she was told.

“Head down, arse up!” commanded Summer and the girl obeyed. Summer paused to admire the sight that greeted her before lifting out of the case her trusty strap-on. It had been expensive back in the day but worth every penny. She placed it out of sight at the foot of the bed and sat down beside it. She took some time to admire the proffered delight of Penny’s backside. Her pussy still gleamed and there were wet streaks along her thighs. She reached out to stroke her cheeks, now taught and firm from her position. She trailed a finger down the cleft and stroked the dark pucker.

“Has this ever been used?” she asked.

Penny shook her head and a querulous “No” came muffled from the pillow.

“What a waste,” said Summer as her finger drifted lower, “we’ll have to do something about that.”

Summer stroked along the length of her pussy liberally coating her finger with Penny’s juices before taking it back up to paint her arse. Her other hand went to her clit and started to stroke it gently. She could sense the girl relaxing and even beginning to enjoy the finger starting to push more insistently at her arse. Without warning she pressed it home. There was a gasp and the girl stiffened but made no move to object. A finger from her other hand plunged deep into Penny’s pussy. Summer could feel her two fingers almost touching each other. She slid one out and then in Penny’s arse while her thumb found and then massaged her clit. She could tell that the girl was beginning to enjoy the sensation and was responding to it swaying slightly back with each inward thrust. As Summer speeded up her thrusts the response kept time with her and became more eager. A rhythmic noise, somewhere between a grunt and a moan was coming from deep in the pillow. Feeling that an orgasm was close Summer suddenly removed both hands. She smacked to girl loudly on her bottom leaving a red hand print.

“Not yet, little one,” she said brightly, “we cannot rush these things.”

She stood up and went back over to the case and took out a couple of items.

“Look at me,” she ordered, and Penny immediately turned her head to do so. Summer held up one of the items she had taken from the case, a small but sinister looking black butt plug. Penny’s eyes widened with fear.

“B-b-but I can’t … I’ve never …”

“’Can’t’ and ‘never’ are not words we use in here. I think you’ll be fine.”

Summer walked out of sight and sat back down at the foot of the bed. The other item in her hand was a bottle of lube which she applied generously to the plug and to Penny’s bottom. She wanted to make this as enjoyable an experience as she could. She placed the tip of the plug against Penny’s tight entrance and began to push firmly. She was already half way in before Penny started to flinch and try to pull away. A firm spank and a harsh telling off stopped her from moving any further. The relentless pushing went on with occasional mutterings of protest.

“Oh, fuck … fuck … fuck.”

Summer ignored her and finally the widest part slipped in and the plug nestled into its rightful place. She sat back to admire her handiwork. The round base sat neatly between the cheeks and she tapped it gently.

“Who was saying they couldn’t?” she asked, “we’ll leave that there for a while so you can get used to it and start to enjoy it.”

She heard a sniffling coming from the pillow so she reached forward and took a handful of hair and lifted the girl’s head up. Her eyes were red and she had clearly been crying. She let the head fall back down. Such a cry-baby. She slipped a couple of fingers into her pussy and could feel the bulge of the plug. She smiled to herself, stood up and started to put on the strap-on. It was an elaborate device with a dildo for the wearer as an addition. Summer had decided it was her turn for some fun. She carefully inserted it, pleased to find she was almost as wet as Penny, and then tightened the belt. She climbed back onto the bed and knelt behind Penny. Two fingers investigated the offered pussy and she decided that no lube would be needed. She took her hand away and guided the tip of the strap-on into the waiting pussy. It was tight because of the bulge of the plug but she pushed past it until she was buried deep inside. There had been a gasp when she had first entered which soon turned into an almost eager pushing back. Slowly she began to pump in and out. With each thrust she felt the clever harness press back against her clit and the dildo inside her slide back and forth. As she pushed in Penny responded. She clearly wanted this as much as she did.

“Yes, little slut, liking it now.”

As she continued to fuck her she alternated sharp smacks on each cheek until they were pink and glowing. She heard a cry of joy as Penny orgasmed once and then a second time and she felt her juices splashing over them both. She ignored them and kept going, speeding up little by little. She could feel her own orgasm approaching. When it came it washed over her like a tidal wave. So many years she had saved for this moment and she all but fainted. She collapsed forward over Penny’s back, breathing hard trying to gasp in fresh air.

"Urlicht" (Primeval Light).

Penny remained frozen in place. She was half scared to move, worried what her new friend might say. She was in total thrall of this woman. She was also taking pleasure from the feel of another woman’s body so intimately entwined with hers. The so familiar feeling of breasts on her back, the sharp points of her nipples as little accents. Further down she could sense the smarting of her bottom and wondered if it showed with that lovely red she craved so much. Uncomfortable though she was she stayed still until she felt a stirring above her.

Summer was slowly regaining her senses. She blinked and then opened her eyes fully. She sensed rather than saw the girl lying beneath her. The poor thing hadn’t moved an inch. A good sign! Placing a hand flat between the girl’s shoulder blades she pushed herself upright. She was amazed to find she was still impaled in the girl’s pussy. She pulled out slowly and there was a slight slippery noise as she did so. In the dim yellow light of the oil lamp she saw the flat end of the butt plug still in place and the bright pink of the two arse cheeks. She smiled to herself. As she freed herself the kneeling figure started to collapse sideways. A sharp smack on her right cheek checked her movement.

“Did I say you could move?”

The naked figure struggled to stay upright. Summer leaned back on her heels and undid the belt that held the strap-on in place. Releasing the strap that went between her legs she carefully pulled it from her own pussy and held it in front of her. Both ends glistened in the pale light. Slowly and a little shakily she climbed off the bed.

“Onto your back. Hands behind your head and legs spread,” she ordered.

The girl toppled onto her side and then awkwardly moved onto her back. Her hands went dutifully back behind her head and her legs parted more willingly this time. Summer held the strap-on out towards the girl’s gaze and, without prompting, she opened her mouth. Summer flipped it round and pushed into the waiting mouth the end which had been inside her as she’d fucked the girl.

“You made me cum, little one,” and it dawned on Penny what she was really tasting. “Thank you.”

Summer slowly pulled it from her mouth despite the obvious reluctance to let it go and offered the other end. Again, it was eagerly taken.

“And you’ve made even more mess on the sheets,” Summer said jokingly. Gagged by the large silicone dildo the girl tried to apologise but could only produce gibberish. Summer slid the dildo from the girl’s mouth and tossed it towards the suitcase on the bedside table.

“Enough of all these pretend cocks … time for the real thing, don’t you think?”

Penny’s eyes widened again. She felt exhausted but apparently the night was not yet over.

“Let’s see how good you are at eating pussy.”

Saying this, Summer climbed onto the bed, one foot on either side of Penny’s head, facing the bottom of the bed. Penny gazed upward at the glistening lips of the pussy above her, watching as it slowly came nearer. Now onto her knees Summer stayed up tantalizing her. She reached down and parted her lips and still holding them spread she lowered herself onto the girl’s mouth. Penny was now in more familiar territory and flashes of previous girlfriends intruded briefly. This was something she knew how to do, and she set to her task with pleasure, revelling in the taste and smell that were on offer.

Summer felt the tongue push into her immediately and gasped with pleasure. She felt the soft touch of lips on her lips. The tongue slipped out and licked forward along the length of her pussy before coming back. It travelled on until it found her arse and gently licked that as well. Eventually it returned inside her pussy and swirled about. Summer rocked back and forth against the trapped face beneath her and, reaching down, she started to play with her clit. She could already feel the orgasm coming, insistent and inevitable. She tried desparately to hold back but a form of primitive magic was being worked down there.

There was a sudden rattling against the naked window. The storm had returned. A flash lit the room, overpowering the feeble oil lamp. Summer came as the thunder roared. Her orgasm rumbled, built and then exploded through her, unstoppable. For the second time she collapsed.

Im Tempo des Scherzos (In the tempo of the scherzo).

This time she had managed to fall to one side and simply lay there panting. It took longer to recover but at last her breathing slowed to normal. Penny had lain unmoving again, ignoring the weight of the leg over her chest, her hands obediently still behind her head. She felt Summer begin to revive and slowly come back to life. The weight lifted off her chest as the leg was swung to one side. She started to feel a chill spread over her and wished she had the courage to move and find the sheets which had been thrown somewhere. All her instincts told her to stay still so she did so and suffered silently infused with a strange sense of gratitude. Then Summer slowly sat up and swivelled round to face her. There was a smile stretched across her face and a look of utter kindness in her eyes.

“This was the last thing I expected this evening,” she said almost with a girlish giggle.

Her eyes stopped looking at Penny’s happy face and roamed over her body. The bed was a total mess. It looked like a war-zone. The bottom sheet had come untucked and in places was dark with moisture. She didn’t want to think about the mattress underneath. Penny was also soaked, and a small slow trickle still oozed from her pussy.

“Look at the state of you! You really are a dirty little slut, aren’t you,” observed Summer in a jovial tone. Penny blushed deeply. “Better get you cleaned up. Follow me.”

Summer stood up, grabbed the oil lamp and headed for the door. Understanding slowly crept up on Penny and she finally struggled to sit up and then stand. She followed Summer into the bathroom. Summer switched on the shower and adjusted the temperature. At least the hot water was supplied by the fire downstairs and there should be plenty of it. She took Penny’s hand and led her into the cubicle. She handed the girl a bottle of shower gel.

“Wash me first then I’ll do you.” She told her and leant back against the tiled wall and presented herself.

Nervously Penny squeezed some gel into her palm and started to apply it gently. She took special care of Summer’s breasts and delighted in the fact that the nipples were stiff against her hands. She applied more gel and moved her hands lower and with trepidation approached the place she had come to know and love.

“Don’t be scared, girl, make sure I have a nice clean cunt.”

The sudden coarseness took Penny by surprise and she dropped to her knees in the confine space. Now at eye-level she gently parted the lips and meticulously cleaned inside and out. She washed down each leg in turn and Summer lifted one foot and then the other, so she could clean those as well. When Penny had finished she turned around.

“I want my arse-hole nice and clean as well,” she said sternly.

Summer reached behind her with both hands and spread her cheeks apart. Penny averted her gaze and then told herself off for being so silly. She slowly looked back at the offered puckered hole. Softly she applied more gel and cleaned along the crack. Finally, she moved to Summer’s back and she could stand once more. She moved aside as much as she could and waited for a sign of approval. Summer stepped into the centre and turned slowly round letting the spray of water splash over her, washing away the soapy bubbles. Penny was squeezed into the corner with the same ‘deer in the headlights’ look in her eyes.

“Your turn,” said Summer pointing to the wall and plucking the bottle of gel from Penny’s fingers. Penny quickly stepped across and placed her back to the wall.

“Hands behind head again,” ordered Summer.

Penny did so and once more felt the excitement of vulnerability that came with the pose. Summer squirted a jet of gel directly at Penny’s breasts and then began to wash her. She was much more forceful and less gentle than Penny had been and seemed to spend a long time toying with her nipples. She pinched them both between thumbs and forefingers and squeezed tightly. A small frown appeared on Penny’s face and her lips tightened together as Summer let each of them slide slowly out of her soapy grip.

Another squirt of gel this time directly at Penny’s pussy brought more calm to the girl’s face. Summer’s hand went between her legs and roughly stroked the lips before suddenly pushing deep inside her. She felt Penny almost give at her knees at the sudden intrusion. She moved on, soaping the girl’s legs and then one by one tapping her on the calf and demanding “Lift”. Penny lifted her feet one after the other and allowed them to be cleaned. She was terrified of falling over. Standing on one leg in the slippery shower was not easy, especially as she didn’t dare move her hands to hang on to anything.

“Turn round,” came the order and she did so at once.

She felt gel trickle down her arse crack and over her anus. The base of the plug twinkled in the splashing water. Summer took hold and pulled at it playfully.

“Time for this little beauty to come out. I think you enjoyed it though, didn’t you?” she asked.

“After a while … yes,” admitted Penny in a whisper.

Penny braced herself as Summer pulled out the plug with a slow but steady pull. It popped out and Penny’s arse slowly closed back to its normal self. Summer washed it thoroughly and then slid a finger inside. Penny jumped, she hadn’t expected that.

“This needs to be used a bit more, I’m sure you agree.”

Without waiting for a reply she took out her finger and finished washing Penny’s back. She stepped aside.


Penny washed off any soap as Summer stepped out of the cubicle. From a cupboard she took out several large fluffy towels. She handed one of the biggest and softest to Penny.

“Dry me but be gentle.” she said.

Penny took the towel and carefully stroked the droplets of water from Summer’s body taking care to be gentle in her more sensitive places, wanting to please her. She started above her waist before dropping to her knees. She was careful to dry between the cheeks of her arse and to kneel dutifully going between each toe. Then she sat back on her heels and waited. Summer took another large towel and wrapped it around herself and sat down on the closed toilet. She held out another towel to Penny.

“Now do yourself.”

Penny began to dry herself under the watchful eye of Summer. She still had about her that air of shyness which Summer found oddly endearing. When she was done she started to wrap the towel around herself in imitation of Summer.

“You don’t need that. I prefer you naked,” said Summer as she stood up, “follow me.”

She walked out of the room carrying the lamp and through another door opposite. To Penny’s surprise this was a different room and obviously Summer’s bedroom.

“This is a privilege being in here. Now … bed!” she said pointing to the far side of the large bed. Penny faltered, unsure of herself.

“Silly girl, I was joking about you sleeping in the mess next door. Now, do as you’re told.”

Penny moved to the far side and slipped between the warm sheets and tugged them up to her chin. She watched as Summer placed the lamp on the bedside table and stripped off the towel before climbing in next to her. She leant across and turned down the wick of the lamp and the flame slowly faded and died, and the room went black. The storm seemed to have past and there was silence beyond the curtainless window. In the darkness Penny felt a hand on her face as her head was turned to one side and a light kiss came on her lips. The bed moved and she sensed the woman next to her turn on her side and face the wall.

“Goodnight, little one.”

Feeling suddenly bold Penny replied, “goodnight, Miss,” as she too turned on her side and spooned herself into the back of Summer. When no protest came she smiled to herself and relaxed.

“I forgot to ask … where were you planning to go on your holiday jaunt?”

“I … er … nowhere in particular, Miss.”

“That’s good news, I think I might keep you for a while longer. Now go to sleep we will talk more in the morning.”

A brief note about the origins of this story. Many years ago, I was on a cycling holiday and was caught in weather very similar to that in the story. Rain went on for a day and a half and there was little or nothing to do but lie there and wait for it to stop. I had with me my Walkman and four cassettes and a small sketchbook with a few blank pages. Slowly the fantasy formed, and I committed some ideas to the page. I recently re-discovered that old notebook.

Same as Making Love To Mahler. Videos

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Lovers Desire

Disclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...

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Tramp Stamped Ass Heros Soul and a Lovers Heart

Prologue The light fog added moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one candle burning in the kitchen window. Part One: Seductive Arrest Gabrielle Garrison was a woman on a mission and neither cold, fog, or wetness was going to deter her from its swift...

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Master Strangelove or How I Learned to Love the Leash and Stop WorryingChapter 2

I woke up the next morning, not sure if what had happened the night before had been a dream. Before I even opened my eyes I felt Chris's hairy chest against my cheek and smelled his musky male scent. The reality of the previous day came back to me. I totally lost my will to this young man, who could light up my body like a Christmas tree. I had tried to resist him, and got only pain as a result. My resistance was futile. I could not deny my Master. I heard Andrea let out a moan, and I...

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Filthy White Gloved Hands

A tight grip on her arm he pulled her around the room, as he rummaged through the kitchen drawers and cabinets. Her mind still in shock, trying hard to comprehend what was going on and assess her situation, needing to anticipate his next move,all she wanted was to stay alive. Searching like a wild man, throwing contents from the drawers on to the floor, until he found what he needed. A spool of butcher's twine and a carving knife. Pushing her hard she fell, the back of her head striking...

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“What would make it better for you? Harder, faster, slower?” She is obviously jealous, but very turned on as she watches her toyboy sucking my cock. We made an understanding some time ago that she could have a threesome situation around once a month with a third man for her sexual gratification. One of her girlfriends runs an ‘agency’ that specialises in supplying toyboys who are capable of providing sexual gratification for both females and males. We are in the fortunate situation of...

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“What would make it better for you? Harder, faster, slower?” She is obviously jealous, but very turned on as she watches her toyboy sucking my cock. We made an understanding some time ago that she could have a threesome situation around once a month with a third man for her sexual gratification. One of her girlfriends runs an ‘agency’ that specializes in supplying toyboys who are capable of providing sexual gratification for both females and males. We are in the fortunate situation of...

2 years ago
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Master Strangelove or How I Learned to Love the Leash and Stop WorryingChapter 3

I woke up left out. My two co-slaves were snuggled up against our master, with no room for me. My sister, Becky, was sucking on his cock, while my assistant at work, Andrea, was underneath her, licking his balls. Chris let out a moan. "That's very nice, girls. Becky get on top and fuck me, like the other two did yesterday. Fuck to make me feel good. Your pleasure is secondary." Nodding, she knelt so his big erection was just below her pussy lips. Andrea gave some quick instructions on...

2 years ago
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Attacked by Silk Gloves

Attacked by Silk Gloves by RH Music The set-up takes a few pages, but stick with it, for there is plenty of good stuff later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chapter 1 --------- Paul was obsessed. He had no friends, no social life, and no spare time. All this because his mind was completely consumed by his obsession with magic. It started when he was in high school with simple magic tricks and then increased as he gradually learned more and more complicated illusions. He...

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Our Beloved Son

Our Beloved Son ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Our Beloved Son??????????????????????????????????????? Chapter one-the first night ?? (Mother) Our beloved son, Mickey, has asked us, his mother and father, to write about his early years. He is now one of the wealthiest men in the world, he is young and enjoys his life. How did he get to be so successful? We loved him dearly, of course from the time we took him home from the hospital. All parents love their children,...

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I Love My Sisters Ass and She Loves Me

Two months ago, I was snooping through my sister's dresser looking for a fresh pair of panties to stroke my cock with. I often did this but I was always careful not to leave any cum behind. That's why I used a tissue. I spotted some sexy lingerie at the bottom and went to grab it when the back of my fingers rubbed against semi-soft surface. I took out the object and discovered it was Robin's diary! It had some silly floral designs on the cover and a cheap lock to keep it secure. These things...

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Lovely Looking Leah Lesbian Love 1

Lovely looking Leah feels very lonely after the long Summer of Love with her secret first lover.Lovely looking Leah feels so alone in her bed, she misses cuddling up together as spoons in love.Lovely looking Leah is a smart girl. She decides to apply her lessons of love to get a fresh love.Lovely looking Leah develops a big crush for Lucy. She often wonders, how juicy Lucy will be?Lovely looking Leah secretly looks at Lucy under the shower together after their ballet classes.Lovely looking Leah...

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Attacked by Silk GlovesChapter 3 Completely trapped

Paul did not sleep soundly. His dreams were full of disembodied, self-animated gloves caressing his body, of Rosemary humiliating him as he tried to explain why the gloves were stained with cum, and of him naked in front of her as she verbally abused his enormous rock-hard cock. Then he dreamt he had become a glove, able to move like an inchworm, able to grasp onto an unsuspecting hand and swallow it down his throat. The scene changed and he was a pair of panties, being put on by the...

4 years ago
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Matchmaking TrapChapter 2

Roberta knew of but one way left to get Chad to display any latent dominant tendencies- she had to get him angry enough to act on them. If she broke her promise not to tell Deanna, Chad would get mad at her, and probably retaliate. That's what she wanted, and so, sure enough, she went over to Deanna's, with some other info on her mind. She knew, although Chad didn't, that Deanna was cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend Donny- a hyper-sensitive, love-struck, pansy, lame excuse for a man,...

2 years ago
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Matchmaking TrapChapter 3

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too...

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Matchmaking TrapChapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. No male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 2 Turnabouts Fair Play

Roberta knew of but one way left to get Chad to display any latent dominant tendencies- she had to get him angry enough to act on them. If she broke her promise not to tell Deanna, Chad would get mad at her, and probably retaliate. That's what she wanted, and so, sure enough, she went over to Deanna's, with some other info on her mind. She knew, although Chad didn't, that Deanna was cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend Donny- a hyper-sensitive, love-struck, pansy, lame excuse for a man, if...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 3 Donna

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too sensitive,...

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Matchmaking Trap Chapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. NO male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say that...

She Males
1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap

Note : This story is completely fictional! Roberta was a 43 year old bartender, working weekends to make enough to keep her house, after her husband's death. She was also incredibly gorgeous, with soft, sensual skin, that cried out for a massage. She kept her hair cut fairly short, but it was still a beautiful jet-black, and she managed to seem quite feminine, despite her tomboyish exterior. She had loved being married, because, unlike many wives, she wanted sex every day, and made sure that...

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Lovers Game

I'm awakened to the feel of the silk blindfold being lowered over my eyes. I mumble and stir, and my lover's quiet voice hushes me. "Shh, just you relax. We're going to play another little game this morning," he tells me. "mmmmm" is my sleepy reply. His games are always exciting, and through my grogginess I feel a spark of interest and excitement kindle inside. He shifts on the bed, pulling the sheets from over us. I try to curl up into a warm ball, but his strong, confident hands take hold of...

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Flashed Lovers Lane

Mark, Benny and Jim watched Steve and Julie at the bar. "Don't know why he's bothering. She's a slapper," said Mark. "Easy shag," said Jim as Steve and Julie headed for the exit. "Hey, Steve, you off to Lover's Lane?" Mark called. "I'm gonna show Julie my new sound system." "Yeah, right. A likely story." Mark burst out laughing. Two pints after Steve and Julie had left, the three friends were depressed. "Why does Steve always get the birds?" Jim asked. "Must be his...

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Ladz Local Lovelies 56 LauraChapter 2

Laura lay back on her bed, her hands behind her head, and stared at the ceiling. One leg was bent, with her foot flat on the bed, and her other leg was crossed over it. She bounced her foot idly and wondered if Gavin had picked up his copy of Ladz from the campus newsagents yet. She’d find out soon enough. He was due back any minute now. At twenty, Gavin was almost year older than Laura. Instead of going to university straight from school, he’d deferred his entry, travelled around Europe,...

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Ladz Local Lovelies 58 EmmaChapter 2

Jake stood on the platform, his head spinning. He almost felt like a teenager again. Either side of him, people rushed past as if he were a rock in their fast-flowing stream. When he regained his composure, he ambled after the crowd and once through the ticket gates, he was faced with a choice. The ramp to his left led to up the main station concourse. The steps to his right led down to the tube station. Charing Cross was on the Northern and Bakerloo lines. Jake chose the Northern line, which...

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