Trey's Obsession free porn video

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Trey was well above average looking. In fact, he was fucking gorgeous. His most striking feature was his copper coloured hair, a tone which hairdressers were totally incapable of replicating. His lithe, well-proportioned body was almost totally hairless, except for small tufts of red hair above his cock and in his armpits. Trey’s slightly prominent top canine teeth gave him a naughty boyish smile and everywhere he went, both men and women couldn’t keep their eyes off him. Being gay, however, female attention was totally lost on him.

Trey could have his pick of any man but had a total obsession for ugly guys. The uglier and rougher looking they were, the better. There was also one further box that needed to be ticked for his final approval, and that was that the ugly men had to be well-endowed. Trey believed that if his pucker wasn’t a taking strain, then he wasn’t having proper sex. Trey was a real lavatory lizard and loved frequenting public toilets in sleazy areas. One could always get a good look at the goods on offer while standing at a urinal.

Although Trey also liked saunas, most of the ones he had visited catered for a younger crowd. He always found that he had to spend far too much time avoiding the advances of good-looking guys, who were attracted to him like moths to a flame. Most of the uglier men in these establishments were also unsatisfactory because they lacked the skanky element that he preferred.

On the internet one evening Trey encountered a local guy with whom he had a chat. The guy was large, hairy, and rough, but had rather inadequate equipment between his legs. Fortuitously, this guy gave him the name of a sauna in an old part of the city where according to Tully, the man on screen, ‘a more mature and rougher crowd’ hung out. Trey was not averse to older guys and the word ‘rougher’ resonated happily in his mind. Trey made a note of all the details pertaining to this place and decided that would definitely be visiting it on Saturday.

On Saturday, Trey arrived at the sauna at one p.m., an hour after opening time. He was very excited about his visit and even more pleased when he entered the locker room, and observed the rough tattooed men milling about. Trey started making a mental note of the talent on offer as he undressed, but being in no hurry first wanted to have a really good look at the place before getting stuck in.

Once inside the main area, his joy at being there just kept escalating and he knew he had found a spot that he would be visiting a lot in future. As he toured around lascivious eyes incessantly coveted him. Once the tour was complete, with ever-growing approval in his mind, Trey decided to initially spend some time in the steam room.

As he entered the frosted glass door to the steam room he observed built-in seating before him and to his left and right. Trey opted to stand with his back to the wall on the left side of the entrance door. There was no lighting in the room and the only illumination on offer emanated through the frosted glass door. At first, Trey battled to see the other several occupants of the room properly, but as his eyes began to adjust to the gloom he began to see them clearly.

The two men to his left were kissing and fondling one another. The two guys to his right were merely sitting back, each with a hand on each other’s knob. The three patrons across from him sat apart from one another. After a quick scan, his eyes focussed on the man in the middle, and he was totally gobsmacked by what he observed.

The guy appeared to be in his forties and had a really unattractive face. This man’s name was Manfred, as Trey would soon learn. He had reptilian eyes and a large nose, with high cheekbones above sunken cheeks. His lips were small and pouty, located above a protruding chin. Manfred’s body was scrawny, and the sinewy muscles on his arms and legs had large bulging veins. Both Manfred’s plump nipples looked like two dark prunes jutting off his chest. His hands that were clutching his knees had long amphibious fingers, and his big bony feet were rounded off with thick toes.

What interested Trey, however, was what was hanging between Manfred’s legs. Manfred was obviously into saline and pumps because his bloated cock was shaped like an oversized eggplant. Try as he might, Trey simply couldn’t stop staring at the bulbous knob once he had focussed on it. As if to impress Trey, after a short while Manfred lifted his large appendage upward to show off his unusual balls. Extending from below Manfred’s dick there was a thick six-inch long leather sleeve of sorts with two fat nuts dangling off the end. Trey stood there gawking, completely transfixed by what he was witnessing.

Manfred focused on Trey from the second he had entered the room. He observed the fleeting glance that Trey had given the other occupants of the room, and was intrigued by Trey’s eventual focus on him. Trey was absolutely beautiful and Manfred seldom got lucky with boys in Trey’s league. What particularly pleased Manfred was the look of wonder on Trey’s face. The two guys on either side of Manfred were much better looking and younger than him, and yet, Trey only had eyes for him.

When Manfred had lifted his large cock to show off his ball contraption, he was very happy about the look of wonder on Trey’s face. Manfred was now growing in confidence and wondered if the saying; opposites attract, would indeed be proved correct. Manfred would not be upset if the boy rejected him, but figured that if he was successful, Trey would be a great magnet for what Manfred liked most, namely group action. Finally, Manfred made the decision to test the water.

After Manfred arose from his seat he slowly moved across toward Trey. Next, he placed his hands on the wall on either side of Trey’s shoulders. ‘So far so good,’ Manfred thought when no rejection was forthcoming. Manfred then moved his body forward and let his oversized knob make contact with Trey’s body. Again there was no rebuff. Manfred now felt that all was going to plan and so he moved his head forward for the final test. To his delight, Manfred saw Trey’s welcoming mouth.

Trey had often had encounters with ugly guys and Manfred was right up there with the worst looking men Trey had come into contact with. Manfred’s crotch, however, placed him a notch higher, and the whore in Trey could simply not let a chance like this go a-begging. As Trey began to enjoy the oral excavation by Manfred’s long tongue, Manfred stepped backward and gripped hold of Trey’s wrist. Next, Trey was being led out of the steam room.

Once outside, as they retrieved their towels names were exchanged. After placing their towels around their hips, Trey’s wrist was once more clamped before they set off.

After mounting the stairs to the upstairs area, a section that Trey had earlier explored, they moved through a large viewing room. Several guys were in this section as they did so, and Trey once more observed lustful stares as he passed by.

In the area beyond there were five cubicles to the right, each with a plastic covered mattress’ on the floor and curtains that could be drawn for privacy. To their left, there was a large open top cubicle surrounded by a six-foot high partition. This booth had a door, and it was the one that Manfred selected. Trey again wondered about the stack of chairs that were to the left of this door, which he had seen on his earlier visit.

When Manfred closed the door, Trey realized that there was no bolt on the door and that it simply had a magnetic latch. After moving onto the large mattress in the centre of this room, Manfred removed both their towels before tossing them aside. Sinewy arms now enveloped Trey’s as Manfred commenced grinding his bloated knob into Trey. Manfred’s kissing ‘assault’ was far more intense than in the steam room, but Trey was up for the oral tussle and he ‘fought’ back valiantly.

After a few minutes, Manfred released Trey’s body and told him to lie down on his back. Manfred then retrieved a tub of lubrication from a shelf at the door, and then after positioning himself between open Trey’s legs told Trey to pull them back. Once Manfred had scooped some of the lube in his hand, he began to smear Trey’s butt crack with the cream. Soon, one of Manfred’s fingers entered Trey’s pucker, shortly followed by a second finger. Next, Manfred again dipped his hand in the tub, after which he began applying the lotion to his balls and the leather sleeve.

Trey was totally intrigued. He had never been nut-fucked before and found the prospect exhilarating. Manfred first pushed one of his balls into Trey’s backside, shortly followed by the other. When the sleeve entered Trey’s backside there was a momentary discomfort, but that quickly dissipated. Arched over Trey on extended arms and with Trey’s legs over his shoulders, Manfred began to ball-fuck Trey’s pucker.

“I need some nipple action,” Manfred announced.

Latching onto the ‘leathery prunes,’ Trey’s fingers began to twist and tug to ever-increasing groans of contentment from Manfred. Shortly, however, Trey could no longer restrain himself from fondling the ‘eggplant.’ With Trey’s left hand alternating from nipple to nipple, his right hand cupped and stroked the eggplant. Manfred’s cock was oddly spongy but felt great to the touch.

While they were busy Trey heard a clatter outside the cubicle. In the next minute, Trey saw heads appear over the partition and realized what the chairs he had seen were for. The four pairs of eyes staring down at them were spinning with horniness and Trey felt like he was being encircled by a pack of sex-starved wolves. All their mouths were open and their obscene tongues lolled in a lascivious manner as they watched.

Trey’s attention to this was interrupted when a large hairy bear entered the room. Tex, the bear, as Trey would soon learn, was known to Manfred. Trey observed Tex gripped hold of Manfred’s head and pulled it backward. Next, Tex gave Manfred a long sloppy kiss before lifting his head a spitting two large globs onto Manfred’s face. Tex then again commenced kissing Manfred before repeating the process.

When Tex again lifted his head, he said, “My fist has missed your arse, Mannie.”

“Feeling’s mutual,” Manfred replied with a snort before Tex kissed him once more.

When Tex final knelt behind Manfred and commenced lubing his hand, Trey almost began to bubble with excitement. “Please… can I watch you being fisted?” Trey pleaded.

“Sure,” Manfred replied.

After pulling his balls out of Trey’s backside, Trey quickly spun around on his back and placed his head between Manfred’s legs. With Manfred’s balls hanging over Trey’s neck, Trey took hold of the ‘eggplant’ with both hands and started fondling it. Above him, Trey saw Tex go to work. One, two, then three, and finally four fingers entered Manfred’s backside. As Tex began to move his open hand to and fro, Trey’s eyes were literally spinning in his head. With Tex’s thumb also caressing Manfred’s pussy lips, Trey watched as Tex applied lubrication to his wrist and arm with his other hand.

Next, Trey observed Tex close his fingers around his thumb like an unopened petal and commenced pressing his speared hand into Manfred. When the knuckles of Tex’s hand met resistance, he jabbed a few times and then stabbed his hand all the way in. Manfred let out a booming grunt as he did so. Tex held still for a short while before he fired up his pistoning arm and began pushing and pulling the ‘spear,’ all the way in and out of Manfred’s hole. The aural pleasure of Manfred’s grunts, the visual delight above him and the physical gratification of toying with Manfred’s knob, made Trey convulse with delight.

Tex now balled his hand into a fist, and once more commenced turning his hand to and fro inside Manfred butt-hole. As this was happening Trey observed the door open once more as another large hairy man entered. The new guy addressed Tex and Manfred by name, also referring to Manfred as Mannie, before Trey ascertained that his name was Don. As Tex continued churning his fist, Trey shortly felt his legs being lifted into the air and placed over Don’s shoulders. Trey had not seen Don applying lube to his dick but was very pleased that he had as he felt Don’s greased pole enter his arse.

Above Trey’s face, Tex commenced punch-fucking Manfred’s manhole, accompanied by the sounds of horny snarling reverberating in the booth. As this was happening Trey observed more ‘canines’ entering the room. A horny cacophony now began to escalate around Trey as the ever-increasing ‘wolf pack’ commenced howling their lustful voyeuristic commands of approval.

Shortly, Trey felt his nipples being ‘manhandled,’ along with stinging slaps to his torso. The sensation of this was mind-blowing. From above, Manfred’s grunts had turned into muffled groans as one of the pack commenced skull-fucking him. The ongoing mental and physical stimulation seemed to know no bounds. When Tex extracted his fist and started fucking Manfred, Tex’s balls danced over Trey’s face like a heavily laden pouch dripping with arse juice.

For the next half hour, everything became an orgasmic blur as the Wolves went into a feeding frenzy. Twice more Manfred was fisted and fucked, and after each episode, Trey’s face was flooded with foamy secretions oozing from Manfred’s distended pucker. During this period Trey’s backside was fucked four times. No sooner had one guy extracted his knob before another cock hammered into him. Throughout, his torso and nipples were ‘tormented’ to his total delight. The incessant lustful mating sounds around him excited him so much that after the fourth dick entered his backside, Trey’s right hand grasped hold of his own knob so that he could find release, emanating in the most spectacular orgasm of his lifetime.

When Manfred finally lifted up off his face, Trey quickly got to his feet. As he moved to the door a hand pawed at him. Trey looked at the ugly lanky guy and then down at his knob. ‘Lanky Guy’ had a long, slim, uncut dick that arched downward. Tempted as he was, however, he was determined to be on his way. Trey needed fresh air and a break from the action.

“Later, I’ll see you later,” Trey assured him, before concluding, “But I really need to take a break right now.”

Lanky Guy simply nodded his acknowledgment.

It had been a fantastic episode, but Trey really needed to get out of the stuffy booth and relax for a while. After having a shower he went to the small bar area and had a well-earned beer.

Having relaxed for twenty minutes Trey decided to return to the steam room. As he entered there were to seated guys across from the door kissing and groping one another. Both were hefty and very hairy. One of them, in particular, was so hairy that he looked like an ape. They were both snorting like pigs. The only other two guys in the room were situated to Trey’s left. One was a really skinny elderly guy who was pinned up against the tiled wall being fucked really hard, by a good-looking, well-built much younger man. They also added to the noise in the room, with the older guy whimpering loudly and the guy fucking him grunting raucously.

Trey’s lust-o-meter instantly kicked in, as he stood watching and toying with his knob. As he did so, the steam room door opened and to very large rotund men entered. Trey sniggered inwardly as he thought of them as Michelin Man One and Michelin Man Two. As he would soon learn, their names were Burt and Tom.

After Burt and Tom scanned the room, their eyes focussed on Trey before moving toward him. As the huge bodies encased him against the wall, Trey was surrounded by over six hundred pounds of flesh. Trey had observed their thick meaty uncut dicks as they had approached him, and a surge of excitement now pulsed through his body.

Next, Burt, the slightly larger of the two men, moved directly in front of Trey and compressed his body against the wall. Burt then took hold of Trey’s head in his broad hands, before his fat head closed in on Trey’s face. Burt’s broad lips and thick tongue now hungrily attacked Trey’s mouth, with the eagerness of a bloodhound enjoying its first steak. As Burt grunted and slobbered, Trey’s right hand took hold of the thick knob that was prodding into his body.

After a few minutes, Tom requested a turn with Trey. Following the same procedure as Burt, Tom now began to orally tackle Trey’s face with even more gusto. After a thorough face licking they changed body positions, before Tom placed his shoulders up against the wall and arching his back, pushed his hips forward. Kneeling in front of Tom, Trey tilted his head to the side so that he could manoeuvre his head under Tom’s stomach. Once Trey had enclosed his mouth on Tom’s knob, Tom’s hips sprang to life as he secured Trey’s head in his paws.

A short while later, Tom moved aside to allow Burt to follow the same procedure.

After sucking Burt’s dick for a few minutes, Burt decided to redirect the action. He told Trey to stand up and place his forearms against the wall, then arch his back and push arse out. Burt moved up behind Trey, and after resting his gut on Trey’s backside his fat knob commenced prodding in search of Trey’s pucker. Once located, Burt hastily hammered his dick straight in. Trey was very pleased that he had been well-fucked earlier because if he hadn’t, he would’ve screamed out in pain. Fortunately, the discomfort was very short-lived.

The strong hands clamping Trey’s backside and the ardency of Burt’s excitement was heavenly. This, coupled with the lusty accompaniment of Tom’s verbal approval and stimulating hands, sent Trey’s mind into a mental state of gratification.

Tom and Burt now began regularly taking turns, swapping to fuck Trey’s backside. Their low rumbling groans as they did so was amazing. Tom was the first one to cum and loudly roared as he seeded Trey’s arse. Burt put on an even more spectacular verbal show as he too unloaded into Trey.

Afterward, Trey’s body was turned before his body was encased against the wall by both guys. Their chubby faces now moved in on Trey’s head as a three-way kissing session commenced. During this episode, Burt told Trey that they would like to see him again and that they would like to invite him to their home. Trey answered affirmatively. Burt now asked Trey what his locker number was, and said that slip a note with their telephone number into his locker. Upon releasing Trey from his fleshy imprisonment, Burt and Tom then moved towards the door.

As they departed Trey saw the ugly lanky guy from upstairs, who had obviously been watching the action, standing in front of him and stroking his cock. Trey would soon learn that his name was Len. Len observed Trey with a proprietorship demeanour, like a landlord collecting and overdue rent. They had struck a deal upstairs and Len was here to be compensated for the promissory note.

When Trey had seen him upstairs, Trey had been in a hurry to leave the cubicle. Now, observing him more clearly, Len was even uglier and skankier than Trey had first thought. Len’s long, heavily hooded knob, however, was more impressive that Trey had initially realized.

As Len moved toward him, Len smiled salaciously, revealing his badly stained uneven teeth. Len now pushed his body up against Trey, pinning him to the wall. Len then lifted his arms before his icky hands took control of Trey’s head. As Len’s mouth closed in on trey’s lips, Trey could smell Len’s stale tobacco breath and the odour of his ripe armpits. This did not faze Trey too much, because he had frequently encountered rough working men in the toilets he loved to visit, and many of them weren’t paragons of personal hygiene.

Their kissing continued for the following few minutes as Len rubbed his knob against Trey’s body.

When Len finally moved his head backward slightly, he said, “You made me wait and now you are going to pay,” then after a pause, he resumed, “I’m going to skull-fuck you till you can’t speak anymore.”

Len then pushed Trey’s body downward, onto his knees. As Trey stared at the crotch before him, he inhaled the rich aroma of Len’s pongy genitals. Trey also became aware of two bodies that were now flanking Len, staring down at him. They were the two hairy guys that he had seen across the room earlier. The very hairy one’s name was Gill, as Trey would shortly learn from the banter that was about to ensue, and the other one’s name was Mark. Both hairy guys had their meaty cocks in hand and were leisurely tugging on them.

Len now took hold of his knob and ran the ample snout to and fro, across Trey’s lips. After a short time, Len held his dick still under Trey’s nose and began retracting the long foreskin. As the puce head emerged, an overpowering fishy smell assailed Trey’s nostrils.

Len then pushed the knob-head firmly under Trey’s nose and said, “Smell this dirty cock that’s about to skull-fuck you.”

Trey instinctively turned his head to the side. Instantly, Len gripped hold of Trey’s hair and forced his head to face forward. As two hefty slaps were administered to Trey’s face a cacophony of grunts and growls spurted from the lips of the hairy onlookers. Their lustful chanting thenceforth became incessant, as a barrage of verbal ‘abuse’ rained down on Trey. Trey could not have been happier.

Len now pushed his smelly dick against Trey’s lips as he barked, “Open up your fucking mouth, bitch.”

An impish notion entered Trey’s mind, and he decided he was going to milk this situation to the limit, playing ‘hard to get.’

Once more placed his knob on Trey’s lips demanding entry. Again Trey kept his lips closed prolonging the charade. Trey now received a face flogging as Len used his dick to whip Trey’s face before two more slaps followed to the barking approval of the hairy onlookers. Again, Trey would not relent.

After whipping Trey’s cheeks twice more with his knob, and administering several more slaps to Trey’s face accompanied by ever-increasing verbal taunting, Gill bent over and gripped hold of Trey’s nipple. As he pinched Trey’s nipple very hard, Trey’s mouth finally opened as he yelped. Len swiftly entered Trey’s mouth as this happened and he commenced nudging his dick ever forward.

“The bitch’s mouth is dry,” Len complained.

After extracting his cock and telling Gill to keep his fingers on Trey’s tit, so that Trey wouldn’t shut his mouth again, Len gripped hold of Trey’s hair and yanked his head backward. After bending his torso over, Len now spat three globs of spit into Trey’s mouth. Len then invited both Gill and Mark to do the same. When he pulled Trey’s head forward after the lubrication exercise had been completed, Len began to conquer Trey’s mouth and throat with his knob.

As Len’s long dick snaked its way into the well-oiled cave, Trey felt Len’s cock caressing the opening of his throat. After a momentary pause, the serpent penetrated his throat as far as it could. For the next few minutes, Len kept clamping Trey’s head, then holding his knob still in Trey’s throat to allow him to adjust to the incursion, before slowly withdrawing his dick to allow Trey fresh air.

Once Len sensed that Trey was totally comfortable, Len leisurely commenced skull-fucking Trey. As their rhythmic union progressed, Trey couldn’t believe how much he was enjoying it and he was definitely enjoying the best skull-fucking of his lifetime. Len was also revelling in the fact that he was face-fucking the most beautiful boy that he ever received a blowjob from. What further pleased Len was that Trey’s hands were clutching onto his backside, encouraging his languid thrusting. Both Len and Trey entered a state of blissful ecstasy, totally oblivious to the horny incantations of hairy duo observing them.

After several minutes in paradise, Len’s body began to shudder as he announced his impending orgasm. Trey’s eager hands on his backside signalled his acquiescence before Len started unloading in his mouth. As Len was cumming, he knew that he needed to see Trey again, and hoped that his earlier rough machinations had not negated this prospect.

When Trey had thoroughly cleaned Len’s knob, Len leaned over and kissed Trey. Len then moved his lips to Trey’s ear before he quietly whispered, “These guys won’t take long, when they are done please meet me in the bar.” As Len lifted his head afterward, Trey’ eyes gave him an affirmative answer.

As Len left the room, Gill immediately took hold of Trey’s head and commenced face-fucking him with gusto. Much as Trey hoped that the forest of fur from Gill’s crotch would excite him, sadly it did not. Gill only lasted two hectic minutes before he yanked Trey’s head backward and shot his load all over Trey’s face.

After smearing his spunk all over Trey’s face with the head of his knob, Gill said, “I hoped you enjoyed your facial, you slut.” Truthfully, Trey hadn’t.

Mark then moved before Trey and lasted an even shorter time before he too followed Gill’s procedure.

When Trey’s second facial ended he immediately got to his feet. As he watched the hairy duo leave the room Trey saw an unremarkable man with eager eyes and a small cock standing before him. Ignoring the guy, Trey swiftly made his way to the door.

After an enjoyable shower, Trey made his way to the bar with his towel wrapped around his hips.

Upon entering the bar he saw Len sipping a beer. As Trey took the seat next to Len, Len smiled at him and asked, “So, what’s your name, pretty boy?”

“Trey,” he answered.

“I’m Len,” Len replied, before resuming, “I’m sorry if I was a little rough with you earlier.”

“Don’t be. That was the best skull-fucking I’ve ever had,” Trey responded, with a smile.

With a proud look on his face, Len replied, “That was the best blowjob I’ve ever had.” After a pause, Len continued, “I haven’t seen you here before.”

“It is my first visit, but it won’t be my last,” Trey answered, with a naughty smile.

“Well, if you can tolerate an ugly guy like me, I would like to see a lot more of you,” Len suggestively stated.

“Firstly, I don’t think you’re ugly. Secondly, I find you incredibly sexy and thirdly, I would love to see more of you,” Trey countered.

Emboldened by what Trey had said, Len told him that he was free most Saturdays because his wife invariably spent the day with her sister. He also went on to say that he was generally free on Wednesday evenings because his wife worked at a community centre and never got home before eleven.

“Both days are good for me,” Trey assured him.

“Will you give me your telephone number,” Len asked.

“Definitely,” Trey replied.

After glancing at the clock in the bar, Len explained that he needed to be on his way as soon as possible and in fact, was already late. “We’re having a barbeque tonight and the fire should’ve already been on the go,” Len informed him. After slugging down the last of his beer, Len resumed, “Shall we go to the locker-room and swap telephone numbers?”

Nodding in agreement, Trey left his unfinished beer on the counter and followed Len.

After they opened their lockers, Trey smiled when he saw the note that Burt slipped under his locker door. Both men now retrieved their phones and did as planned. After they returned their phones to their respective lockers, Len moved up to Trey and undid his towel, letting it drop to the floor. Len then repeated the same procedure with his own towel.

Next, Len grabbed hold of Trey’s body and with his left hand anchoring Trey’s head, Len’s right hand moved onto Trey’s backside. As they commenced kissing, Len’s middle right finger located Trey’s pucker, before entering and fingering Trey’s manhole.

Pulling his head back slightly Len said, “I’m going to fuck your arse and your mouth so hard on Wednesday, that you won’t be able to walk or talk the next day.” Len then kissed Trey again.

When Len again moved his head back he looked into Trey’s eyes and said, Jesus, I’m late, but I would love to fuck you right now.”

“Then fuck me,” Trey said, challengingly.

“I’m late,” Len reiterated.

“Fuck me,” Trey repeated.

“Oh, shit, you’re driving me mad you little bitch. Fuck, Jesus, fucking turn and anchor your body against the lockers,” Len said in a raspy growl.

“Push your arse out,” Len now grunted, before he placed his dick at Trey’s pucker before pushing his knob-head in. Then, frantically grabbing Trey’s hips, he pulled Trey’s onto his dick in one fell swoop.

As Trey started gasping, Len said, “Yeah, bitch, take this fucking cock."

When Len commenced thrusting he said, “Jesus, this fucking hole of yours is as hot as you beautiful mouth.”

Trey could tell that Len was in a hurry because he now started going ballistic, thumping Trey’s backside so hard that the locker Trey was leaning against began to clutter. In the melee, Trey also received hefty slaps to his backside. In response, Trey just kept intoning, “Yeah, fuck me,” over and over again.

When Trey felt Len’s rough hands manically compressing the flesh on his backside, he knew that Len was close to cumming. Roaring, Len finally seeded his arse. Len did not remove his dick immediately but instead swayed his hips as he stirred his cock in Trey’s butt. As Len finally removed his knob, Trey got more solid slaps to his backside.

Upon turning to face Len afterward, Len smiled at him, and said; “Get the fuck out of here because you are driving me crazy.”

Smiling back at Len, Trey lifted his towel off the floor and tied it around his hips. Still smiling, Trey then turned around and headed toward to the bar.

Back in the bar Trey struck-up a conversation with the barman. Although he knew that the operating hours of the sauna were from midday till midnight, the barman informed him that on weekends the peak times were from two till five in the afternoons, and from eight till eleven in the evenings. Trey was pleased with this useful information.

As the barman left to attend to another customer, Trey thought about his day. He was very pleased about the note from Burt and Tom because he had enjoyed his scene with them very much. The prospect of seeing Len quite often also pleased him enormously. Much as Trey loved frequenting toilets, there was always a risk factor involved. Now, having discovered this place, he no longer needed to take those risks and knew that he would become a regular visitor.

Trey next pondered his immediate options. He had enjoyed the sauna and wondered if he should call it a day. He thought about the steam room as well but decided against that. In conclusion, he opted for one more visit upstairs. Trey had only cum once thus far and he was still feeling quite horny. After consuming the last of his beer he headed off in that direction.

When Trey arrived upstairs he saw the unremarkable guy with the small dick sitting there. He did not make eye contact with him, not wanting to encourage him in any way or form. Passing by, Trey headed for the cubicle where he had enjoyed his encounter with Manfred and the wolf-pack. Sadly, this entire section was devoid of humans. Taking this as a sign that the time for him to leave the sauna had come, he headed in the direction of the stairs.

As he approached he saw the large body of a man ascending the stairs. Trey stopped in his tracks to see what the huge form would reveal. When the guy got to the top and halted, Trey’s heart skipped a beat. This man was the epitome of uber-masculinity. Most people wouldn’t call him good-looking, but to Trey, he was a magnificent sight. His upper body, arms, and calves were muscle-bound and from Trey could discern beneath his towel, his thighs were gargantuan. Above all, the lump in front of his towel where his cock was situated looked very impressive.

The guy had a large head with thickset features and his hands and feet were thick and beefy. He was bald with no facial hair but he did, however, have a very distinct five o’clock shadow. As he stared at Trey he had the look of a marauding warrior.

After a brief pause, he began to move toward Trey. As he did so, Trey now noticed the two beautiful large tattoos that he had on his upper arms. They appeared to be Viking symbols and were monochromatic, coloured in a Prussian blue. The skin on the arms where the tattoos were located seemed elevated and almost appeared ‘blistered.’ Trey had read about branded tattoos before, but never actually seen one.

The man now moved forward and stood directly before Trey. “Hi, my name is Alf,” he said.

“Hi, I’m Trey,” Trey answered.

“So, where were you headed?” Alf asked.

“Well, I was actually on my way to the locker-room. I’ve been here a while and am planning to go home and relax this evening,” Trey countered.

“With you looks you’ve obviously had a busy afternoon,” Alf said, with a snigger. Trey just smiled in answer.

“So, no more fuel left in the tank?” Alf asked, jokingly.

“I’ve always got fuel in the tank,” Trey answered with an impish grin.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Alf replied, before resuming, “Tell me, Trey, what kind of men do you prefer?”

Shrugging, Trey impishly answered, “Big, rough, dominating guys.”

Alf gave Trey a bemused look before countering, “Well, maybe I can accommodate your preferences… if you really still have enough fuel left.”

Defiantly, Trey answered, “Bring it on.”

“In that case, let me suggest you turn around and head back to where you just came from,” Alf suggested with authority.

Trey did as told and soon they entered the room where he formerly encountered Manfred and the ‘Wolf Pack.’

After Alf closed the door, he and Trey stood facing one another on the large mat. “Do you mind if I touch your tattoos?” Trey asked.

“Go for it,” Alf replied.

As Trey moved his hands over the raised skin it felt smooth, like satin to the touch. “Was it painful to have these tattoos done,” Trey asked.

“Well, they did use a local anaesthetic, but when that wore off I had to swallow a good number of painkillers,” Alf informed him.

“Your tattoos are really stunning, so I’m sure it was well worth it,” Trey assured Alf.

“Thank you. Yeah, I’m very proud of them,” Alf affirmed.

Alf then cupped the back of Trey’s head and kissed him gently. After letting go of Trey’s head, Alf then moved back slightly and undid Trey’s towel before tossing it aside. Alf’s eyes now scanned Trey’s body with a look of delight on his face.

Next, Alf’s huge hands commenced caressing Trey’s torso, arms, and face.

“Fuck, you are beautiful,” Alf said as his hands worshipped Trey’s body. Trey simply smiled in appreciation.

“Why don’t you lie down on your back,” Alf eventually suggested.

As Trey lay on the mat with legs apart, Alf also removed his towel and tossed it aside. Looking up at Alf’s knob, Trey smiled as he observed the most spectacular cock of the day. Some would call Alf’s dick ugly, but to Trey, it was totally magnificent.

Alf’s knob was very thick and the shaft tapered slightly toward the dick-head. The shaft was dark and the protruding veins gave it a gnarled appearance. Toward the head of his dick, there was an even darker circumcision ring, beyond which the colour of the skin was much lighter. The bulbous puce coloured head of Alf’s was shiny and beautifully formed. Trey was happy that he still had Len’s load in his backside because he suspected that his pucker was about to face its greatest challenge of the day.

As Alf knelt down between Trey’ open legs he asked, “Have you got a load inside you?”

“Yes, I got fucked in the locker-room before I came upstairs,” Trey informed him.

“Cool, then we’ll use that for lube… now pull your legs back,” Alf advised.

Alf then placed his open hand under Trey’s pucker and told him to push some of the spunk out of his arse. Alf now used the jizz to lube up his knob, before requesting Trey to expel a bit more.

Next, Alf placed his dick-head at Trey’s manhole before pushing the large head into Trey. The sensation, as the glans popped into Trey’s pucker was awesome. Slowly, Alf began to nudge his cock ever forward, dilating Trey’s sphincter as the ever-thickening shaft slipped in deeper. Trey started to gasp with pleasure as his hole got stretched. Once all in, Alf placed Trey’s legs over his shoulders before moving his torso over Trey and supporting it on outstretched arms.

As Alf began to work in knob in Trey’s backside he said, “Fuck me, this is one fine hot pussy you have.”

When Alf commenced a steady rhythm as he speared into Trey, Trey began to whimper with delight. There was a look of total satisfaction on Alf’s face as he intensively gazed at Trey. Lifting his hands, Trey now started caressing the silky tattoos on Alf’s upper arms. As Alf began to vary his trusting, Trey was transported into a heavenly state of bliss.

Taking hold of his dick, Trey now commenced tugging on his knob. Trey was so overcome with ecstasy that he had barely got going before his dick exploded his seed all over his stomach. As this happened Alf really began hammering Trey’s butt very hard.

“I want you to punch my chest hard when I tell you to,” Alf growled as his breathing became heavier.

A minute later Alf grunted, “Now… punch me now.”

As Trey punched Alf’s muscular moobs, Alf’s breathing became laboured and his body began to shudder. Roaring, Alf started unloading his spunk into Trey’s arse.

After lowering his torso Alf again kissed Trey. Alf then lifted his head and asked, “Do you any plans for tonight?”

“No,” Trey answered.

“Cool, because then you’re coming home with me. I need a lot more of your hot cunt,” Alf proclaimed, before resuming, “I’ll even make dinner for you.”

“Okay,” Trey answered.

Trey followed Alf’s pickup for twenty minutes and wondered where the hell they were going as they drove into the countryside.

Alf lived on a smallholding, and as they drove up to the modern looking home Trey was very impressed. After parking their vehicles in front of the double garage on the left side of the house they entered Alf’s home.

The inside was modern, spacious, and the living area was open plan. Everything seemed neat and well-ordered. As Alf would later confess, he hated untidiness.

“Let’s grab a beer and get the fire started,” Alf suggested. “I’ll show you around later.”

Once the fire was roaring they once entered the kitchen where Alf began to marinate six large steaks. Trey was a little perplexed by this, but as it was none of his business he didn’t say anything.

Next, the house tour commenced. The three bedrooms were located on the right side of the house. The two spare bedrooms shared a bathroom, and Alf’s bedroom had its own en-suite bathroom. All three rooms and the bathrooms were very modern and tasteful. Alf then opened a door that led into the garage on the left side of the living area. The garage was spotless.

Their last port of call was the spacious scullery to the left of the kitchen, separated from the kitchen by a wall. There was another door in the scullery and Trey presumed this also led into the garage. When Trey inquired about this door Alf got a naughty look in his eyes.

“No,” Alf said, before resuming, “This leads in my ‘special’ room behind the garage. Would you like to see it?”

Trey presumed that it was either a workshop or study. When Alf open the door, however, Trey’s jaw almost hit the floor. The centre of the large square room exhibited the largest and most solid sling that Trey had ever seen. The entire floor was tiled and Trey instantly focussed on the drain outlet fitting beneath the sling. In the far corner, Trey observed a shower consul with a large shower head above, in addition to a handheld nozzle. A floor level squatting pan served as the drain for the shower. Trey was blown away.

“I’ve never been in a sling,” Trey uttered, practically speechless.

“Well, why don’t you give it a go,” Alf suggested.

Gingerly, Trey moved to the sling and when he was about to get on Alf said, “Hey, what are you doing?”

Afraid that he was about to commit a mortal sin he turned and faced Alf with a questioning look.

“You cannot get in a sling with your clothes on. That’s disrespectful,” Alf announced with a naughty smile.

“Hang your clothes over the hook,” Alf said, pointing to the pegs to the left of the door.

After doing as told, Trey approached the sling and got on. As he lay on his back Alf circled him and tied his ankles and wrists to the chains. Once done, Alf asked, “There, now you can feel the holistic experience of being in a sling. So, how does it feel?”

“Fantastic,” Trey answered.

“Great. I think I need to take a photograph,” Alf replied, before removing his phone from his pocket.

After snapping Trey on the sling, Alf got an impish look on his face. “I have to send this picture to a buddy,” Alf announced.

Scarcely a minute after the picture was sent Alf’s phone rang. Upon answering his phone Alf pressed the speakerphone button.

“Hi, buddy,” Trey heard, before the voice asked, “Who the fuck is this beauty?”

“Well, Earl, I’ve got this pretty redhead tied up on my sling like a trussed up turkey,” Alf answered with a laugh. Before the Earl could reply Alf asked, “What you up to buddy?”

“I’m sitting here with Dell and Ollie enjoying a couple of beers.” Earl was also obviously also on speakerphone because a chorus of ‘HI’s’ followed.

“Have you guys eaten?” Alf inquired.

“Nah, we are planning to get takeaways later,” Earl answered.

“Well, guys, I have a few large steaks marinating, a fire going, a large potato salad, and the ingredients for a salad awaiting my attention,” Alf informed him before more consenting sounds followed.

“What must we bring?” one of the voices asked.

“Only beer,” Alf answered, before resuming, “And of course, your starter and dessert will be served in the sling.” There was now a cacophony of approval that boomed through the speaker of Alf’s phone.

“By the way, Ollie, how are you enjoying your freedom?” Alf inquired.

“It’s fucking awesome, bro. The only problem is that I can’t seem to get rid of the penitentiary pong,” Ollie replied.

“Well, maybe you should shower a bit more you dirty fuck,” one of the other voices said, to roars of laughter from all the guys, including Alf.

“Fuck you guys, none of you are all that clean,” Ollie countered.

After the laughter finally died down, Earl said, “We’ll see you in fifteen minutes, buddy.”

When the call ended Trey nervously asked, “Why was Ollie in prison?”

“Don’t worry about that,” Alf assured him. Ollie and the other men are really great guys. We all met at senior high school and have been best buddies for the past ten years. We are all bisexual but Ollie and I prefer men. Earl and I work together in the construction business and Ollie and Dell are mechanics. Ollie is one of the strongest men you will ever meet. Unfortunately, he got into a bar fight several months ago and really beat up a guy severely. Truthfully, the guy provoked Ollie to the limit and once Ollie got going… well, to cut a long story short, the man spent four days in a hospital with four cracked ribs and a broken arm.”

After a pause, Alf continued his tale. “The judge felt that Ollie had gone overboard, but luckily there were witnesses who testified to the fact that Ollie had not initiated the fracas and instead of getting nine months, he only had to serve three. On the positive side, Ollie is an excellent mechanic and so, when he was released from prison his job was waiting for him.”

Alf then gave Trey a supercilious look before saying, “You said you like rough butch men, and I promise you that my buddies won’t disappoint you.”

“Is Ollie really his proper name?” Trey asked.

“No, it’s a nickname. Actually, his real name is Clayton,” Alf replied.

“Then why do you call him Ollie?” Trey asked.

With a smirk on his face, Alf answered, “Well, why don’t you wait and see?”

Alf then announced that he was going to check on the fire and make the additional salad. “Aren’t you going to untie me first?” Trey asked enquiringly.

“No,” after glancing at his watch Alf said, “They’ll be here in about ten minutes and you are exactly where you should be. Remember, I promised them a starter.” With a smile, Alf then turned and left the room.

As Trey lay there he was both excited and slightly nervous. The ‘Ollie’ factor worried him marginally, but he was up for the challenge. Again he thought about his day thus far. It had been one of the most incredible days of his life and he wondered if things were about to get even better. Burt, Tom, and Len were in the bag, and now the prospect of further meetings with Alf looked promising. He also pondered what the upcoming butch trio would deliver.

Several minutes later he heard voices in the house. As they drew closer his heart began to beat faster. When Alf entered he was followed by three very butch looking men. Trey was in heaven as Alf introduced his three buddies. They were all wearing wife beater t-shirts and shorts.

At a quick glance, Trey was sure that the three had kept a tattoo parlour in business, a detail that was further enhanced when the three guys got undressed a short while later. Although none of them would be termed good-looking, to Trey they were absolutely perfect. Ollie, in particular, made Trey’s heart beat faster. Ollie had a pug nose, large puppy dog eyes, and large wingnut ears. Trey instantly assumed that his ears had inspired his nickname.

All three men sported beards. Earl had a short-cropped beard and an army styled haircut, and Ollie and Dell had long beards and shaved to top of their heads. Earl was the tallest of the three and was marginally slimmer than Ollie and Dell.

“Well, guys, I’m going to check out the fire and finish the salad. I estimate that you guys have around twenty-five minutes to enjoy your starter before the meat goes on the fire.” Then with a suggestive grin, Alf departed.

The three men now began to undress before hanging their clothes over the pegs next to the door. Once they were naked Trey’s eyes lit up. Earl and Dell had meaty uncut dicks, but Ollie’s cock was spectacular. Ollie had the head of an elephant tattooed on his crotch with his knob tattooed like the elephant’s trunk. Trey had never seen such a large cock in real life before and although he had seen pictures of well-hung naked guys on the internet, he knew that most of those pictures had been photo-shopped.

As the men moved toward him, Ollie took up station at Trey’s backside and the other two on either side of his head.

After lifting his dick and flopping over Trey’s crotch, Ollie asked, “Do you like elephants?”

“Sure,” Trey answered.

“Do you know how elephants clean themselves?” Ollie asked as the other two guys began to snigger.

“Sure, they slurp up water into their trunks and spray it over their bodies,” Trey answered.

“Clever boy,” Ollie replied, before lifting his knob and unleashing a torrent of piss all over Trey.

Simultaneously, Dell and Earl also let rip as they swished their dicks about and joined in the golden shower. Trey had never indulged in piss-play before and was amazed by how much it was turning him on. After being drench in yellow sap the three streams eventually stopped.

Ollie now stuck his middle finger in Trey’s butt, and said, “Wow, feels like you have already got complimentary lube inside your backside, no doubt thanks to Alf.” Trey simply smiled in reply.

Next, after placing his dick-head on Trey’s pucker, Ollie commenced pushing his knob into Trey’s backside as Dell and Earl began vying for Trey’s mouth. With four hands manipulating Trey’s head, Earl’s cock was the first to enter Trey’s mouth.

As Ollie’s trunk pushed in ever deeper, Trey was amazed by how good it felt. There was minimal discomfort and the feeling of fullness that he was experiencing was breath-taking. Once Ollie had fully entered his arse, a languid to and fro thrusting got underway. Trey was further delighted as he felt Ollie’s rough hands caressing his legs sensually. Much as he was enjoying Earl and Dell’s attention, he nevertheless wished that they would finish quickly so that he could observe Ollie properly.

Fortunately, after two turns each in Trey’s mouth, Dell unloaded first, followed by Earl a minute or so later. As Dell and Earl left the room afterward, Trey could now enjoy the full benefit of Ollie’s attention.

Once they were alone, Ollie and Trey’s eyes locked in a sensual embrace as Ollie speared into Trey, with his hands dancing up and down Trey’s legs.

Next, without losing eye contact, Ollie started licking Trey’s feet and sucking on his toes. For the first time that day, Trey felt like someone wasn’t simply fucking him, but making love to him. He was totally nuts about Ollie and hoped that he would see him again in future.

No sooner had that thought crossed Trey’s mind, before Ollie said, “I realize that you are going to spend the night with Alf, but I really wish you were coming home with me.”

“Me too,” Trey replied.

“Will you give me your number, because I definitely want to see you again?” Ollie inquired.

“I’d love that,” Trey confirmed.

“Cool, but I want you all to myself next time we meet,” Ollie informed him.

“No problem,” Trey assured him, ecstatic about Ollie’s request.

“We’d better finish off because I am sure the food will be ready shortly,” Ollie advised.

After gripping hold of Trey’s legs firmly, Ollie’s foraging trunk began to escalate its intensity. Overwhelmed by bliss, Trey also commenced tugging on his knob.

After Trey had shot his load Ollie followed shortly, with his body shuddering to the accompaniment of a low rumbling growl.

After Trey had been untied, Ollie watched as Trey quickly rinsed himself off under the shower. When they moved to the pegs to retrieve their boxer shorts, both guys took out their phones and swapped telephone numbers. After returning their phones to the pockets of their shorts, Ollie enfolded Trey in his arms and commenced kissing him sensually.

When their lips finally broke apart Trey said, “I really like your ‘penitentiary pong.’

“That’s really good news,” Ollie replied, before resuming, “because my buddies always rib me about my strong body odour.”

“Well, I love it,” Trey declared.

Then, after a brief kiss, Ollie looked into Trey’s eyes and said, “You’re going to be seeing a lot of me.”

“I really hope so,” Trey answered.

After they joined the other guys the food was ready to be served.

The meal was great, and afterward, Trey helped Alf clear the dishes and place them in the dishwasher.

Finally, with beers in hand, the guys made their way back to the ‘fuck-room.’

After Trey had once more been tied up, another golden shower session followed. This time, Trey took things further and even drank some of it. He found the taste very much to his liking.

Trey was now orally and anally fucked as the guys kept revolving around him. The scene was heavenly as hands continually stoked and fondled as he was incessantly penetrated. Twenty minutes later Dell was the first to unload in Trey’s backside, shortly followed by Earl.

After they departed, Alf took up the reigns and commenced fucking Trey in his customary hard manner. As Alf trumped Trey’s arse, Trey orally worshipped Ollie’s knob and balls.

When Alf had also seeded Trey’s backside he let out a laugh and before departing, he said, “Well, time to you lovers alone.”

After Ollie moved around to Trey’s backside, they continued their ‘lovemaking’ from earlier on. Wrapped up in a timeless age of gratification Trey’s legs got caressed, and his feet licked and toes sucked one more.

Trey began to imagine a threesome with him and Len, pondering the bliss of having Ollie fucking his backside as Len skull-fucked him.

With a multitude of loads in Trey’s backside, Ollie really began churning the spunk in into a foamy cream. Every so often Ollie now extracted his knob and after skimming the froth off his knob would offer the spume to Trey’s mouth.

When Ollie finally unloaded and untied Trey, he joined Trey for a shower.

Afterward, as they were towelling off, he asked Trey if he could visit him on Monday because Ollie had a weekly arrangement on Sundays visiting his parents. Trey smiled and invited Ollie to dinner on Monday night.

After another kissing session, Ollie left to join the other guys in the lounge. Trey now finally got to try out the squatting pan.

Trey now only realized how tired he was, and after he entered the lounge he asked if the guys would mind if he headed off to bed because he was totally exhausted. They did not.

Trey’s head scarcely hit the pillow before he was in dreamland and he didn’t awake when Alf finally arrived in the bedroom later.

The following morning when Trey awoke Alf was returning from the bedroom. It immediately became clear that Alf was intent on making up for what he had missed out on the night before. Trey’s body was manipulated and contorted into every possible position for the next hour as Alf fucked him harder than ever before. Trey’s butt was spanked continuously and it was clear that Alf was in horny overdrive as he thumped Trey’s arse, as if punishing him for his lethargy the previous night. After seeding Trey’s backside twice, they made their way to the kitchen for breakfast.

As they ate their cereal Alf smiled and said, “Ollie is fucking nuts about you. You do know that he is going all over you like a rash in future. Apart from the fact that you are beautiful, Ollie has a total fetish for redhead boys.” After another spoonful of cereal, Alf continued, “But then I believe that you also have the hots for him if I read your body language correctly last night.” Trey just smiled demurely.

“In any case, if you get a break from Ollie in future, you’re welcome to give me a call and pop around,” Alf concluded, with a wink.

At nine-thirty, Trey departed for home.

When he got there he had a long shower before relaxing in the lounge with a cup of coffee. As he did so he picked up his phone and texted Burt as he had promised to do.

Within a minute he received a reply inviting him to lunch at twelve-thirty. The text also mentioned that they had invited another five, ‘big boys’ to lunch. Trey accepted the invitation.

Seconds later, he received another text with their address.

At twelve-fifteen, Trey departed from his home with a bottle of wine. He was really looking forward to his lunchtime appointment.

After arriving at Burt and Tom’s front door he rang the bell. Upon entering he looked at seven men and over two tons of flesh standing before him. As he observed the horny eyes ogling him, Trey knew that he was about to have a very interesting afternoon.

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Introduction:A lonely mom that becomes obsessed with curiosity and her sonThis one’s a little lengthy. A lot of background, lead-up, and “Explaining”, as most of my 1st chapters seem to be. I feel it’s kind of important to know what the characters are thinking, where they're goming from. For those of you that just want to get right to the sex……Sorry. For those of you that, as I do, think it makes for a better story……Here ya go. −Obsession−Chapter one:My name is Cathy. I’m a 43 year old widowed...

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Her Panty Obsession

I have been obsessed with panties for as long as I can remember. The different styles, textures, designs, etc. But one day, my fashion obsession for underwear became sexual. It all started when I was 18. I had been curious about what other women's panties smelled like. One day when I was doing laundry, I noticed a stunning pair of panties that belonged to my mother. They were satin pink with a nylon lining. They had gold and diamond speckles all...

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Wonder Woman Obsession

Inspired by a story on The character of Wonder Woman belongs to DC comics. This is just a fan fiction. Thanks to Steve Zink, matchless and generous Prince of Editors for all his help. Wonder Woman ? Obsession By Eric Princess Diana sighed. She hated going to public fundraisers or any large functions. She did not enjoy being the automatic center of attention. She was used to it both as Wonder Woman and as her real identity, Princess Diana on Paradise...

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I'm Herman Howell and I'm a stalker. Well, not exactly a stalker, I don't want to hurt anyone; I'm just in love with a woman I've never met. I'm totally obsessed with a certain writer. I'm a man in my forties and have never been married. I've never even come close. I guess I'm what a lot of people call a loser, but it's not true. I've always paid my way, never took money from the government. I'm always reading stories about these good looking guys who screw all these women. They...

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NOTE: Just a short story that struck my fancy. Many thanks to Anynomous for "Mall Watchers." Hope you like it. LS Obsession By Lord Stormbringer Marty sat at a table at the mall watching all the pussy walk by. There was a large variety of ass that swarmed the mall, all of it on display. Normally there were groups of women carrying bags and bags of clothes. Marty drank it all in. He noticed that all of the girls had their hair fashioned, lips made up, clothes positioned just so....

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Haleys obsession

Harley's obsession Author: wits11 (more than 22,400 words) My dear joker will not be angry, we Together, you can do something to kill the damn bat I don't want that. Damn my plan is ruined A heavy blow hit Halley's face and she flew out If you hadn't been able to get the bat out of the way, he'd have been in the trap of my design Haley left with a sad cheek over the swollen cheek Sorry, I just wanted to help you It's a stupid woman, I can't think of a more interesting...

4 years ago
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A Shameful Obsession

We just published a new book, called A Shameful Obsession (61 pages in print). It’s about the middle-aged headmaster of a village school who becomes obsessed by his new neighbour. There is plenty of voyeurism and fetish & power play in it. Dennis Hobson is the well-respected headmaster of the village school. Already in his fifties he is happily married and enjoying a calm and peaceful life that is filled with nature, classical music and literature. One day though, out of the blue, he...

1 year ago
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Loving Wives My Obsession

I've discovered a new genre that I've been reading on the internet: Loving Wives. At first, being married, I thought that the stories would deal with the love and respect that a wife has for her husband and the romance that was involved in their equal union. The stories were hit and miss. A few were romantic, others were on swinging, okay that's not my thing, and then I started to see a trend that disturbed me. Cheating. Cheating wives. Cuckolded husbands. Humiliation. The more I read,...

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Breasts Obsession

Here is another 100% true story coming from me. Hope my stories is keeping someone entertained. Here is goes…. I had just graduated from high school and just got out of a relationship and was looking for a girl. This one girl out of the blue contacted me on the internet. From what her picture looked like, she looked like a sexy brunette. Well we ended up setting up a movie date. She came to pick me up the day of our date and i noticed she looked nothing like the pics i saw of her. she was a...

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BabySitting Obsession

I’d been watching her for a while now. Amy was supposed to be baby sitting me, not that I needed ‘baby’ sitting! I was fully capable of looking after myself but my parents hired her anyway. I guess they’d wanted to keep me out of trouble and hiring a leggy 24 year old with long blonde curls and the most perfect set of tits I’d ever fucking seen, was a good way to do that..... Apparently though, baby sitting a horny teenage boy wasn’t exactly her idea of a fun Saturday night so once my parents...

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Sandys Obsession

My story is a continuation of (The Forever secret) Friday night was a wild night for Sasha, Sassy and I, we had a wild sexy night. It just so happens that even though we thought we were being quiet enough , we made a lot of noise and Sandy and her friend Julie heard most of what was Happening . Let me tell you about Sandy. Sasha and Sandy are half sisters from different fathers. She is half Spanish and Irish, dirty blond hair and very fair skin, with just the most beautiful clear...

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A Teachers Obsession

all of the kids in the school are ages 14-18 years old . A few 18 year olds are here that failed. I am 29 years old and well-built. I played sports all through grade school and college I love that I know many young girls have a crush on me and I constantly hear them giggle with one another when they look at me as I walk by them. I look back at them with a smile because I have always liked young girls. It has always been a fantasy to make love to one. Sasha is a beautiful 16 year old...

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A Sinful Obsession

Diane was a knockout for her age. She was 5'6, 140 lbs, D tits, shapely figure. She was not a pencil thin woman. She took pride in her semi-thick figure. She knew damn well that men lusted after her. She had one of those asses that a man could smack, and it would jiggle a little bit. She often caught men staring at her ass, their eyes full of lust. Then she would go home and rub her clit, fantasizing about licking their cocks like a lolly pop. She knew what men desired, and she had no...

1 year ago
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The Cuckolds Princess Part 1 Genesis of an Obsession

The first time I saw the footage, I thought it meant the end for Lori and me, never for one moment imagined it a new beginning for us.Two men and Lori —well, not quite men: Tom and Vince were little more than boys back then, students in their final year at uni, my supposed friends. What affected me the most seeing her between them was the radiance in her eyes, how she encouraged them with glances, her expressions shifting from coy to sultry. I saw how she relished their hands on her naked body,...

2 years ago
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Secret Obsession

It had been filling the edges of my mind for several months, like sand fills air pockets in a jar full of pebbles. My growing attraction to a long-time friend was now nearing obsession and I still hadn’t worked up the courage to tell him. But tonight was going to be the night. Bryn had come over to help with dinner and my outfit. As dinner was nearly ready, I dressed in slimming black slacks and a low cut blouse the color of rich champagne. ‘Fabulous,’ Bryn assured me. She put the finishing...

1 year ago
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Dark Obsession

It was game day, the game was going on as I finished up preparing for what the after game show would show. I wanted to see the object of my obsession in all her glory, so I placed cameras in the locker room and monitored them from the acting stage in the back room since it was hardly ever used. I watched the news on my second laptop as they covered the game but my attention wasn’t on the game, it was on Erin. She was rather short, big soft breasts, thin frame with a nice ass. Her dark brownish...

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Teen Neighbor Obsession

Introduction: Her name was Taylor and she had the nicest ass I had ever seen. A girl moved into the area and immediately became friends with my daughter. Everything started out normal, but the more I saw of her and the more i had contact with her the more she became an obsession and then fantasies started to become reality. Taylor was 13 when she got here. Due to the way she was raised, she dressed prospectively with short skirts, short shorts, thongs showing, and tight pants. I am a big guy...

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The Obsession

As he neared the downtown bar where he was to meet his friend, Marty was less than enthusiastic about their meeting. He was meeting his friend from college who had been his roommate for the five years they had spent at Tech. They met the first day of their freshman year when they just happened to be picked as roommates. As so rarely happens, Marty and Nelson became fast friends almost at once. They were both business majors from relatively small towns on the opposite side of the state. Nelson...

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Fucking my mother in law an obsession

Ever since I began dating my wife when we were teenagers in High School, I had this thing for her mother Sophie. Sophie reminded me of the actress Angie Dickenson who lives and breathes sensuality. Every time I was around her I would get a raging hard on and would end up masturbating later thinking of this hot sexy lady. Fucking her became my biggest fantasy. Erica my wife was a hot little minx that loved to fuck and suck which should have been enough for me, but I could never get Sophie out of...

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FAQ ndash My MOTHER is my obsession

Hello, my dear perverted buddies!As is widely known, I have an obsession with my mother, so through this post I am going to answer those questions asked me more frequently via chat about the relation between her and me.I would be really glad you to leave a comment for any other question/remark/opinion or to share with me your fantasies and experiences with your mother!NB. Cerchi la traduzione italiana di questa storia? Ecco a te il link:...

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Dark Obsession

It was game day, the game was going on as I finished up preparing for what the after game show would show. I wanted to see the object of my obsession in all her glory, so I placed cameras in the locker room and monitored them from the acting stage in the back room since it was hardly ever used. I watched the news on my second laptop as they covered the game but my attention wasn't on the game, it was on Erin. She was rather short, big soft breasts, thin frame with a nice ass. Her dark brownish...

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Janets Obsession

Janet's ObsessionChapter IAs the intercom buzzer to her modest little apartment buzzed, Janet's heart raced. Rushing over she picked up the mouthpiece as the small black and white surveillance screen flickered to life, reflecting back to her a courier holding a padded parcel and a clipboard.“Yes”“Hi, package for a Miss Janet Finch”, the courier mouthed into the intercom.“Come in, up to level 1, I'll be out in a sec”, she quickly said while replacing the mouthpiece, pressing the electronic...

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M J Part Three Oral obsession

M led J to the bed and gently pushed him down to a seated position. “Dude…this is crazy!! What are you doing?” J asked. “I am about to blow your brains out, get ready…”M popped a video into the VCR; a four hour epic of lesbian love. It depicted nothing but gorgeous busty women licking and sucking their lovers. Each scene started slow but reached a crescendo with the women sucking and fucking their partners to amazing orgasms. Something about lesbians appealed to both M and J, they loved the...

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The family Obsession

Marsha and Paul is a happily married couple. They have a son, Mark, who had just started high school and growing into a young man. Marsha has kept a great relationship with Paul’s parents, Seth and Estella. However, Marsha was not aware of Paul’s family dark secret, which leads to her own secret. Seth and Estella were high school sweethearts, who both at 15 got married due to the Estella’s pregnancy from Seth. And Estella gave birth to Paul months after. When Paul was a teenager in high school,...

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Breasts Obsession

Here is another 100% true story coming from me. Hope my stories is keeping someone entertained. Here is goes....I had just graduated from high school and just got out of a relationship and was looking for a girl. This one girl out of the blue contacted me on the internet. From what her picture looked like, she looked like a sexy brunette. Well we ended up setting up a movie date. She came to pick me up the day of our date and i noticed she looked nothing like the pics i saw of her. she was a...

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Mellas Obsession

Mella's ObsessionChapter One        Mella knew she was going to be in for it when she got home.  First off, she was over 30 minutes late because of traffic on the freeway and the food she'd bought her Master was getting cold and secondly, she'd given in to the one thing she'd been told specifically not to do by her Master... 1 hour later:  Master Ben was securing the last of the restraints on Mella's shapely ankles to the bedpost.  She was lovely and luscious spread out for display like this. ...

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An Obsession

Hi all If u like my stories plz mail me on My wife and I have been happily married for 26 years. During that time we have had an active sex life and there is little we haven’t tried. Debbie is a beautiful 46 year old, with golden blonde hair, the bluest eyes and a body that still makes heads turn. Her breasts are a 34 C with very sensitive nipples. I have had an on going fantasy, no an obsession, of seeing my wife masturbate. She will play with her tits when we are having sex, especially when...

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Debauched Obsession

Question: Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you think It was so natural for me to end up here then realise, I’m lying in a bed of jizz.   No? Just me? Oh, okay then.I just turned thirty. People my age talk about their first loves, and how they’ve married their ‘one true love’. I just think about how I can’t tell them about my first love, and my one true love. Cum.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had epic relationships with both men and women.  But, if we’re being truly honest, when I’m...

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A Mothers Obsession

The cab ride to the hotel had me anxious and excited to see my son Jason. It had been months since he visited me at Thanksgiving with his girlfriend Margo but now I was feeling those familiar yet forbidden urges I’ve been having on account of this obsession with my son. And to think it was only four years ago that I began wanting my son, sexually that is. I can remember it like it had happened just moments ago; the first time I saw his cock fully erect. *** It had been a long, trying day...

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An Innocent Obsession

Introduction: Abby is a young girl just entering into college life. She has been trained in lesbian delights by her mom's best friend "Aunt Ronnie" and is a self-professed bisexual. Her sexual development is pushed to new limits with the introduction of her new room-mates, Yummi and Maria. They are completely different and appealing in their own unique ways. Her dalliance with Todd leads to his visit to the dorm and the happy foursome find new ways to celebrate their sexual freedom. Abby is...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! I had always had an obsession with my sister's pussy. When I was 18 years old, I walked in on her fingering herself in the living room. We were home alone at the time, and even though she screamed and quickly covered up, I remember every second of it. I couldn't stop staring at her. I noticed her beautifully even pussy lips, her throbbing clit, and her moaning. Ever since then, I would try to peek at it. When she got out of the shower, looking through...

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Sandys obsession

*** My story is a continuation of The Forever secret. Friday night was a wild night for Sasha, Sassy and I, we had a wild sexy night. It just so happens that even though we thought we were being quiet enough , we made a lot of noise and Sandy and her friend Julie heard most of what was Happening . Let me tell you about Sandy. Sasha and Sandy are half sisters from different fathers. She is half Spanish and Irish, dirty blond hair and very fair skin, with just the most beautiful clear green eyes...

First Time
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Your Wish Come True Chapter 3 Strange Obsessions

Many thanks for all the kind responses so far. I'm glad people are enjoying the story. This instalment is quite long. I hope this doesn't discourage anyone. Chapter 3 Strange Obsessions He begins to have strange dreams. With new interests emerging, he hastily concocts a story "OH, Di! I've missed you so much!" They were in bed together, entwined in each other's arms. Their lips met and he felt her tongue hot against his own. He kissed her gently--feather-light...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 3 Strange Obsessions

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 3 Strange Obsessions He begins to have strange dreams. With new interests emerging, he hastily concocts a story "OH, Di! I've missed you so much!" They were in bed together, entwined in each other's arms. Their lips met and he felt her tongue hot against his own. He kissed her gently--feather-light kisses--on her closed eyelids, her chin, her...

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His Obsession

Forty-five long minutes later she jumped out of her car the second it was parked and rushed inside. Her aunt had pulled a couple of strings and managed to get her this job, one she desperately needed. Being in the second trimester of a potentially risky pregnancy, she only worked mornings as the PA to Alexander Colonomos. She had suggested her niece to take over from her in the afternoons. And even though she had absolutely no experience, the man had taken her aunt’s vouch. Making both herself...

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Her hair was shorter. Way shorter. I’d always remembered her the way the photos in my phone did; long dark hair hanging down, pinned up, braided, lying in tangles across white pillowcases. But those days were over. It had been a year. A year and two months, in fact. What was it she’d said? Something about not feeling safe, secure, something about me being the bad guy, about magnets attracting and repelling. God. An eloquent excuse for ending six months of madness. Eloquent. The word didn’t...

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My Amy Jo Johnson Obsession

This is Amy Jo Johnson. Isn’t she beautiful? She played Kimberly Hart who was the pink ranger on the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. She also started in a few other shows shortly after. She was my first crush. She was also the first girl I ever masturbated to. One of the things I noticed about her when I was in my teens was…Below is a few pics of Amy doing a back flip on power rangers. Notice how big her butt looks and how broad her hips are.Also notice her figure in the pics below... I always...

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Sexy Accounts A Nephews Lust Part 1 Obsession

From the view of the nephew.At the age of sixteen, I started to find myself wanting to go round to my cousin’s house, just to be able to see my sexy auntie.Back from that summer trip, I found myself masturbating a lot. I did jerk off to magazines, but I always thought about my auntie. What made it worse was that my uncle wasn’t a nice guy and was big and fat, and quite ugly. I often wondered how had he landed a woman like my auntie.Even seeing pictures of them both from their youth, he wasn’t...

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Jack and His Sister A Tale of Love Incest and Obsession

The noise of engines in the street below brought Jack back to the world. Seven a.m. and every bus in Manchester sounded as if it was using Lever Street to escape the city. Most had to stop at the lights on the junction with Great Ancoats Street and wait for the change that allowed them to turn and continue their journey. On green, the guttural combustion growls escalate in volume and rise through the icy November air and into his third floor room, through the small gap that the fixed...

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Tilas Cum Obsession

My name is Tila, and I have a confession to make. I love cum. I’m addicted to seeing it, feeling it and tasting it. I love the way it slides down my throat and how I can smear is all over my tits. But I’ve always had one problem with cum so far, it’s never enough. I’ve done 25 guys in a gangbang once, there was a lot of cum but it wasn’t enough. I wanna have cum all over my body, in every oriphus, I want my stomach full of cum, I wanna shit out cum from my tight asshole. I wanna snort cum like...

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I was obsessed with Tina from the moment I first set eyes on her. She was petite, dark haired and had wonderful hazel coloured eyes that smiled at you. She wore plain clothes, no make-up and projected a “please don’t notice me” persona. I was immediately fascinated by Tina and wanted to go over and chat. The trouble was she was with her daughter and I was with my son and my wife, Jessica. It was the very first day of school for our four year olds and we were huddled together in the school yard,...

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