Gina Discovers Something About Her Stepmother
- 2 years ago
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Gina was always in the background of my summers, although back then she was so small that I thought of her as a little kid, if I thought about her at all.
Small in size, not spirit.
In some ways, Gina was always larger than life.
Take gymnastics. Lots of petite girls dream of being a gymnast. Well, Gina is a gymnast. The serious kind with her own coach and a grueling summer-training schedule that lasts until mid-afternoon six days a week.
Maybe it’s all those vaults, Yurchenkos, and handsprings, but Gina has the reflexes of a cat. Nothing intimidates her. She loves a dare, the more dangerous the better.
She was the first to ride a bike off the end of the Lake Association Dock, and leap from the Emerson's roof onto an inflatable camping mattresses. When Frisbees hung up in a tree top, or footballs rolled under a low-slung car, she was the one who went after them.
At 19, she is still barely 5-feet tall. But Gina has developed in other ways. Her hips are round and sensual, her butt a perfect heart shape when she bends over, and Gina has breasts. Not little-girl mounds either, but the kind of pert, ripe breasts that turn heads on a crowded sidewalk.
Not that I noticed. I’ve been too self-absorbed and despondent over the latest setbacks in my love-life to see that Gina is no longer the neighborhood tomboy. At least, not until she makes me notice.
The beautiful MILF who has been stroking my ego all summer, and every other part of my anatomy, has packed her Volvo, taken Tracey, her angst-ridden daughter, and gone back to Philadelphia.
It was inevitable, but that doesn't make it any less painful.
I am dulling the edge of my hurt with a six-pack of pale ale at the end of the Love Street Lake Association Dock when Gina sits down and dangles her toes in the water without a word.
One thing about Gina that hasn't changed, she’s as taciturn as ever. If she isn't going to say anything, given my foul mood, neither am I––although I do pass her my bottle. She takes a sip, hands it back, and follows my gaze to where the moonbeams are dancing on the lake.
We finished three bottles before she finally speaks.
"Gotta pee," she tells me. "Don't look."
Gina stands up and walks a few feet back toward shore. I hear her jeans unzip and slide down her legs, followed by the sound of pee trickling into the water. I want to look, just to see the mechanics of how a girl pisses off a dock on a windy night, but I just continue studying moonbeams.
"Feel better?" I ask when she returns.
“A lot," she replies. "How about you?"
"I don't have to go yet," I tell her.
"No, I mean about Tracey's Mom leaving. You still sad?"
"What about Tracey's Mom?" I am stunned that Gina knows about Laura Wiggins. I thought we’d been so discrete. Laura and I never went anywhere public together and I always waited until Tracey had gone out or was asleep before slipping through the back door into Laura's bed.
"Tracey told me you and her mom were 'fucking like rabbits all summer.'" Gina wasn't being cheeky, or even judgmental, it was just a statement of fact.
"I guess there are no secrets in Smallville," I say, feeling even more depressed. It’s just a question of time until my mom hears about it and demands to know if there is any truth to the "despicable rumors" about Laura Wiggins.
"You miss her a lot, don't you?"
"Yeah, I really do," I confess, and before I know what hits me, I am crying like a baby. A couple minutes pass before I wrestle my emotions under control. I am still sniffling when I notice Gina's arms wrapped around me in a way that feels wonderfully comforting.
We sit like that, Gina holding me with her head resting on my shoulder, for a long time without saying anything more. Finally, the pressure on my bladder becomes overwhelming.
"Don't move," I tell her, standing up and unzipping. "And don't look either." I aim downwind off the leeward side of the dock. It sounds more like a garden hose compared to Gina's dainty trickle.
I sit down and pull her arm back around my shoulder and think about all the Frisbees and footballs that Gina risked broken bones to retrieve. We stay like that in a comfortable silence until the six-pack is gone. Something about being with Gina on the dock as summer winds down feels so right.
"How long have we been hanging in the summers?" I ask.
"Since we were six, when I decided you were more handsome than Justin Timberlake."
"And you reminded me of Avril Levine."
"Liar. Lair." Gina says. "Pants on fire."
"OK, then," I confess. "Maybe not Aril Levine. More like the Emerson's lawn gnome."
"That's cruel," Gina glares.
"Well, I do remember you were the only kid in Love Street that didn't wear a bicycle hemet."
"You remember that?"
"Yeah, and also whenever I got to pick sides at the Ball field, I chose you for shortstop."
"You were my hero," she says without a hint of sarcasm.
After that, Gina and I fall into a long conversation, reminiscing about kids we'd known and things that had happened over the past dozen summers at Love Street. It's also the first time in all those years that we ever said more to each other than, "Hi. How are ya?"
When we reach last summer, the discussion takes an unexpected turn. Every year there is one new hot girl that the guys lust over. Last year it was a blonde from Baltimore named Debbie Miller.
"You know," Gina tells me. "You could have gotten into her pants any time you wanted."
"You're kidding, right?"
"I'm serious. And not just Debbie. Pretty much any of the girls," Gina says. "But Debbie is the who had the most vivid fantasies about you."
"What?" If only I'd known.
"She told me she dreamed that you fucked her in every room of their cottage. Even her parents bedroom."
"Exactly," Gina smirks. "Bet you fantasized about her too."
"Yeah," I say guiltily "There were a couple times."
"You ever think about me in that way?" Gina pauses, and looks at me very intently. "When you jerk off?"
"Could be," I equivocate.
"Yeah? Like when?"
"Like after you wore that pink florescent bikini to the Emerson's beach party."
"Cross my heart and hope to become impotent if I'm lying."
Gina laughs, then smiles as if I'd just handed her the keys to a new Lexus. "So tell me about it, Stud."
Gina is fascinated with my sexual fantasy about her, which isn't all that surprising. But she also quizzes me in embarrassing, and arousing detail, about when and where and even how I masturbate.
I'm starting to see Gina in a whole new light.
Then, somehow, the conversation drifts back to Laura Wiggins. At first Gina wants to hear salacious details, especially about what it's like to have an affair with a woman whose daughter is our own age. And as I talk about Laura, two strange things happen.
The more Gina presses me for details about Laura, the more I begin to realize that I'm probably not so much in love with Laura Wiggins as I am sexually infatuated. It also begins to dawn on me that Gina isn't asking me all these questions out of morbid curiosity, or so she has the latest juicy gossip to spread around Love Street. It hits me that the reason Gina's sitting out her on the dock is that she genuinely cares about me. That she knows I'm hurting and is trying to help me through it.
"Gina," I say, looking into her eyes and, for the first time, seeing a deep reservoir of sympathy and affection behind her tough-guy facade. "You came out here on purpose, didn't you?"
"Sure," she says with a shy smile. "I wanted to share a six-pack of your shitty beer."
I laugh. "Seriously, how'd you know?"
"That Laura Wiggins broke your heart?"
"It's that obvious?"
"To a girl who's been crushing on you for half her life. It's as obvious as the look on you face."
"Geeze, Gina," I tell her. "I think you know me better than I know myself."
"If that's true, then let me show you what need right now much more than another six-pack of shitty beer," Gina says with an expression I've never seen before.
"What's that?"
I feel her arm tighten around my shoulder and her lips brush against my ear lobe. "Come with me," she whispers. "And you'll find out."
We park our bikes on the wraparound porch of Gina's place, which is one of the few year-round homes on the Lake.
"Your parents?" I ask as Gina guides me to her room. I can't help but appreciate the beautiful contours of her jeans-clad ass as I follow her up the stairs.
"In Harrisburg."
Gina flips on the light. In all these years, I'd never been in her room before. There is a small sofa, and bed with an Amish quilt, and one whole wall with book shelves lined with trophies and plaques.
I have a few trophies myself, but nothing like this. I can’t resist taking a closer look. "Geezus, Gina! All State? Olympic Trials?"
"Yeah, well the Brazilian BBQ in Pittsburg is as close as I ever got to Rio," she quips. "You wanna see a stationary flip?"
She smiles at me, bends her knees, swings her arms back and forth three times and does a complete standing summersault.
"Pretty cool, huh?" she ask. "Now how about this?"
Before I even know what’s happened, Gina leaps onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist and sending us both toppling backward onto her bed. We land with me on my back and Gina sitting on top, her face hovering inches above mine.
"You have no idea how long I've dreamed of doing this," she says, pressing her mouth against mine. Gina kisses the way she does everything else, forcefully and without the slightest reservation. Her tongue goes straight inside my mouth as her hands reach behind my head and pull me to her, forcing our lips together.
Gina's lips aren’t the only part of her anatomy that grinds against me. Her legs are spread impossibly wide, almost in a full split, and her crotch is pressed directly against my abs. Each time our kiss deepens, she rocked her hips, pressing her warm sex ever more firmly into me.
When our lips finally separate, I am panting as if I'd just finished a wind sprint. Except wind sprints don't usually give me an erection that makes the front of my jeans look like the Great Pyramid at Giza. Judging by the moist heat radiating against my abs, Gina is also on the way to hormone madness.
She looks down at me with a dazed, dreamy expression. I can only imagine how unfocused I must look to her.
"Have you ever seen a naked gymnast?" she asks in a whisper.
"Never," I say with absolute certainty.
"Wanna see one now?"
I locked my eyes onto Gina's and nod.
She rises and backs across the room, never breaking my gaze until she reaches what looks like a door on the wall opposite her bed. But when Gina pulls on the handle, it unfolds into a three-part, floor-to-ceiling mirror. She stands in front of it, her body reflected from every side.
With the casual grace of someone who has dedicated her life to learning to control every muscle, Gina undoes her shirt one button at a time, then lets it fall off her shoulders and tumble to the floor. She has her back to me, but our eyes remain locked as I watch her image in the mirror. Even so, I can’t help but notice the way she gently rocks her butt and arches her back as she lifts her sports bra off her breasts.
This was a side of Gina I'd never seen before, and I'm sure my jaw is hanging open in amazement. She turns from the hips, giving me an amazing profile of her tan-lined tits. Too late, I discover she had also fired the bra in my direction with enough force to slap my cheek with an audible snap.
"Hey! Watch out!" I blurt.
"No, you watch," she says softly, lowering her hands to her waist and unsnapping her jeans.
It was the second time that night I heard the sound of Gina's zipper coming undone. But this time it sends a shiver that rebounds up and down my spine and leaves me panting.
Once again, from the mirror her eyes focus on mine. But I am too enthralled by the movement of her fingers to return her gaze.
Under any circumstances, watching a nubile teenager slowly stripping a few feet away would be an incredible turn on. But Gina's body is beyond nubile, each turn and curve seems to radiate a sexual beckoning from every possible angle as the mirrors offer up so many different views that it’s hard to decide where to look.
As she wiggles out of her jeans and panties, and I can see it happen from the front, back and sides all at the same time, and something happens to me that has never happened before.
I cum. Spontaneously.
No, not a profound, volcanic eruption. As orgasms go, this is a mild trembler. The overwhelming part is how it happens. As the pale triangle of Gina's moist, young pubic mound comes into view, at the same moment her magnificently curved ass, naked hip bones, and drum-tight stomach are all revealed from every angle, my senses go onto sexual overload.
I go rigid and probably made some kind of animalistic grunt that I can't remember. What I will never forget is the way my cock seemed to recoil on itself, like a snake preparing to strike, then gently pulses three or four times as I, quite literally, cream my jeans.
"Jason?" Gina seems to be talking from the end of long, dark tunnel. "You ok?"
"Oh, My, God!" I mutter. "OH, MY, GOD!"
Gina's eyes followed mine to the wet spot fanning across the front of my jeans and her look of alarm transforms into a wide mischievous smile. "Did you just do what I think you did?"
I nod.
"Can I see?"
Gina really doesn’t give me time to answer. In less than a heartbeat, she’s kneeling between my legs, her fingers undoing my belt, snap and zipper. "Lord have mercy," as Los Angeles DJ Jim Ladd is fond of saying from high in the Hollywood Hills. Does this girl ever have hand-eye coordination.
"Where… did you learn to do a strip tease like that?" I stammer, regaining enough of my senses to realize where I am and what had just happened.
"Pole Dancing Class," she says looking up at me with her big eyes and a completely straight face.
"No, you big Dope! But if you give this girl a triple wall mirror, she'll figure out the best way to use it."
By now, Gina is tugging my jeans and soggy briefs past my ankles. Usually, an orgasm will leave me feeling sated, at least for a few minutes. Not this time. Looking down at Gina looking down at my sticky but still very rampant cock, brings on another hormone-fueled rush.
"Mmmmm," Gina purrs as she places her fingers delicately underneath the tip of my cock and lifts it for a closer inspection. "No permanent damage," she says, petting me with long, agile strokes that bring my furnace back to a full boil within seconds.
Gina finishes undressing me with a few deft moves, then stands up, dragging me up with her. For a moment, neither one us move.
I can't speak for Gina, but I am busy trying to memorize every curve of her remarkable figure. The contrast between the deeply tanned skin on most of her body, and the creamy white private zones created by the shape of her bikini is almost overpoweringly erotic. Her tiny pink nipples are so stiff and tightly twisted that there’s almost no areola visible.
Before I can complete my inventory, Gina unexpectedly repeats her standing vault into my arms, although this time, she chooses a trajectory that leaves me standing, or at least wavering.
Gina's legs are again wrapped around my waist, her arms behind my neck, and her steaming pussy pressed into my lower abs. When I look down between us, her pussy lips peek out from under her pubic mound like a flower in blossom.
A moment later, the finger nails of Gina's right hand slowly claw my back on a direct line toward my butt. Instinctively, I thrust my hips forward to reduce the target, which lifts my cock to within inches of those pouting pussy lips. Before I can relax, in a single, seamless motion, Gina's hand grabs my cock at the base as she lowers her body. I slip effortlessly between her open lips and into the warm channel of her vagina.
My half closed eyes fly open in surprise, and although she at least knows what was coming, Gina's eyes also grow wide as I penetrate deep inside her. She smiles at me for a glorious instant before her eyelids flutter close and she utters a little giggle that slowly morphs into a contented moan.
At first Gina uses her remarkable musculature to lift and lower herself along the full length of my shaft, generating sensations that I'd never experienced before. Perhaps it is my overheated imagination, but it seems as if I can feel the muscles of her vagina contracting and releasing each time she rides up and down my cock. The contented look on Gina’s face is the perfect match for the unhurried, even languid pace of our coupling.
Merely holding on to Gina without toppling over requires nearly all my concentration. But as I grow more accustomed to holding her, I find I can roll my hips and meet her halfway as she pumps her body up and down on me.
We fuck like this in the center of her room until I sense an urgency building within each of us.
"The mirror," she pants in my ear. "Closer."
There’s a certain precarious adventure to walking while Gina and I are joined at the pelvis, but with careful, deliberate steps I manage to shuffle between the outstretched arms of the three-panel mirrors.
What I see, takes my breath away.
Gina looks tiny, almost doll-like in my arms. I'll go to my grave with the memory of her incomparable tits squeezed against my chest and her exquisitely feminine ass cheeks grinding up and down on my cock in an overwhelmingly erotic three-dimensional dance. Thankfully, my first eruption relieved some of the sexual pressure, or I think I would have cum the moment I see our reflection in the mirror. And it isn’t just the pure eros of her magnificent body in this vulnerable and alluring pose.
What strikes an even deeper chord inside me was the way her head nuzzles against my chest, and the expression of supreme contentment on her face, as if she has waited her entire life for this moment.
I guess I'll never know if Gina intended it this way, but with that one glance in the mirror, I felt Laura's grip on my heart weaken and slip away. The depression that had held me in a cold and melancholy stranglehold begins to recede like fog in the morning sun.
They say that when you die, your entire life flashes before your eyes. Well, it wasn't my entire life, but in that one instant, the memories of ten summers rolled across my imagination and in every one, Gina moved from background player to heroine and one soul-consuming insight revealed itself to me.
Across all the time and space of at least ten summers gone, the girl in my arms had loved, adored and worshiped me from afar. And the selfish, self-absorbed fool that I had been, never noticed until she offers herself to me, not so much to satisfy her own longings, but to ease the pain the she knew I was enduring.
The passion for Gina that erupts within me could never be satisfied in this insanely erotic, but nevertheless awkward position. In a single motion, even though it means withdrawing from the intoxicating pleasure of her slippery love canal, I sweep Gina into my arms. She looks up at me in shock and surprise. I suppose I am hyper-charged with adrenaline, but Gina feels almost weightless as I sweep across the room and gently unfold her tiny body on the bed.
The second most enduring image I carry in my heart, is the expression of joy on Gina's face as I fold her legs back over my shoulders and plunge back inside. From there, raw and unbridled emotion consumes us. I pound Gina with ever ounce of energy I have, my hips rocking and bucking, balls slapping, in an explosion of passion.
Gina responds with whimpers, cries, and a series of powerful counter-thrusts of her own. Sweat pours off our bodies, the bed vibrates violently against the wall, rattling windows and threatening to topple the book shelves.
It doesn't matter. Nothing matters, except the way my heart opens and lets Gina's love pour inside.
With one final thrust, climax overtakes us. Gina's screams fill my ears and my ejaculation feels as if it will never end, and even when it does, the rhythmic contractions of Gina's vagina will not.
We fall asleep naked and spent in each other’s arms.
Sometime before dawn, I emerge from a dream that relives that moment when I see us coupling within the mirror. Gina’s legs are wrapped around my hips as my aching cock pumps in and out of her wet, receptive sex. I’m close to erupting in orgasm when I open my eyes to yet another unforgettable sight.
Gina’s lips are wrapped around the glans of my cock and her tiny hand pumps feverishly up and down the swollen shaft. That vision is all it takes to send me over the edge once again, and I feel myself contract and release in Gina’s mouth, ejaculating time after time across her warm and waiting tongue.
An instant later, we are kissing and I taste the salty tang of my own cum on her lips. Then my lips ride the path down her beautiful naked torso, feasting on her nipples before my tongue swirls the length of her stomach, plunges over her muscular abs and buries itself deep between Gina’s legs. Her thighs clamp the sides of my head as I alternate between probing deep inside her warm and slippery vagina and fluttering against the swollen kernel of her clitoris.
“Oh, my God, Jason… Ohhhhhhhh…. Baby,” she cries. “You’re going… going… to make me… CUMMMMMMMMMMMMM!”
Gina hips thrust and grind her sex against my mouth as a sudden eruption of musky-scented girl juice erupts from within her, flooding my tongue and lips.
“Oh my God!” she wails as a second, and then a third wave of contractions grip my tongue as I thrust as deep as it will travel.
Later that afternoon, Gina’s parents return from their trip to Harrisburg. Each night for the last week of summer vacation, we meet secretly at the Dock, then ride our bikes to former childhood haunts––the baseball diamond, the Love Street Marina, the East Lake Beach, the abandoned boat house on Scranton Street––where in some kind of crazy sexual rite of passage, we make love in the same places where we once threw Frisbees, built sandcastles, went waterskiing or just hung out with whoever happened to be around that summer.
On the last night, we leave our bikes and clothes on the shore near the Lake Association Dock and swim naked to the float where we so often spent childhood afternoons. It’s a balmy night and Gina’s wet body glistens in the moonlight as I hoist her into my arms and lower her onto my hard cock. We stay like that for a long time, standing on the swim float in the moonlight looking back on the lights of the shoreline cottages, making sweet almost mournful love. Then we cry in each other’s arms, knowing that tomorrow Gina leaves for Olympic gymnastics training in Michigan and a few days later, I’d be on my way to Massachusetts.
Our week of wild sex has exorcised the pain of my affair with Laura Wiggins and fulfilled Gina’s secret romantic longings for me. It has healed me and made us both whole. We part unsure if we will remain lovers, but irrevocably certain of our friendship.
Authors Note: Long Ago in a Galaxy Far Away
I came of age during a magic window of history between the advent of “the pill” and the arrival of incurable STDs. It was the briefest of eras when recreational sex wasn’t just a possibility.
It was an obligation.
Love Street grew out some personal recollections. The first ten chapters, in particular, are fact-based, although highly, sometimes wildly, elaborated.
Chapters 01 to 06, which conclude with “Gina,” condense four years of high-school exploration into a single year for the sake of conforming to age rules.
Chapter 01, “Grinding with Gretchen” is a romanticized remembrance of that unforgettable first girlfriend. She was not nearly as stunning as Gretchen, nor was she much of an athlete. She was, however, an actress and therefore by definition an exhibitionist. She loved to show me her body almost as much as she loved exploring mine. We never progressed beyond super heavy petting and oral sex, but it didn’t matter.
Chapters 02, “Tommy’s Mommy,” and Chapter 05, “Stacey’s Mom,” are based on real events that have been significantly dramatized for the sake of a good-old erotic tale.
This is probably the right time to confess that while I was, indeed, a high-school school football player, five years of weight training is pure fantasy.
If anything, I was a string bean.
Still, girls did gravitate in my direction.
“You have the most handsome face I’ve ever seen,” was something I heard more than once. The unspoken implication, of course, was that the body didn’t quite live up to the face. Fortunately, in those pre-Internet days, the ideal male physique was still ill-defined and many happily believed the idea behind the lyrics of a classic song by the Swallows, “It Ain’t the Meat (It’s the Motion”).
Chapter 03 about a misdialed telephone call that eventually leads to sex lessons for overprotected girls is absolutely, positively based on a real event, although in a much milder “I’ll-show-you-mine-if-you-show-me-yours” kind of way. Oh, and there were just two, not three, inquisitive young things.
As for Chapter 04, it’s pretty much a stroke-by-strike description of an Asian massage, although the innocent Korean music student is somewhat fictionalized. If you’ve never had a good Asian massage, regardless of your gender, you’re missing one of nature’s most mind-blowing experiences.
The crazy sex in Chapter 06 with Gina, the neighborhood Tomboy who had been crushing on me for years, was another real-life event. Sadly, there was no three-way mirror or Olympic Trial trophies.
Looking ahead, Chapters 07 and 08, as improbable as it may seem, are a true story that began the first week my freshman year of college.
I really and truly did end up being shared by four roommates.
I don’t think they made a blanket vow to share everything, although that makes a nice tag line. But I was expressly “handed off” from Donna to Barbara. And before we graduated, I had brief liaisons with Mary and Patty as well. Some of the supporting details, especially about Barbara’s bisexuality, are pure male fantasy.
Chapter 09, about a bashful, but frustrated, young mom also has a kernel of factual inspiration. It was my only time with a married MILF, and in retrospect, I’m glad we stopped at oral sex. Sexual guilt may be an alien concept to me, but it certainly wasn’t for Heidi.
I changed the circumstances of Chapter 10 a bit to fit the overall story arc. But during the year I spent in Paris during college, I lived in a room that really overlook a women’s dorm across the courtyard, and although the musical interlude is imaginary, Marina and I spent many nights in our windows “performing” for each other. And we did eventually hookup for real.
Chapters 11, 12, and 13 are about a night-flight to Paris and subsequent adventures while biking across the Europe. The irrepressible Violet takes inspiration from an uninhibited real-life friend. The scene involving the sexy lady paparazzi and the celebrity French lovers is purely imaginary. As are the delicious Norwegian twins Runa and Raven along with Lillie’s sexy little sister Lysa.
But Love Street is a real place.
One of thousands of little clusters of lakeside summer cottages that are an essential ingredient of the American way of life across much of New England, the mid-Atlantic, and the Upper mid-West.
Could there be better place to spend the summers during our hormone-addled teen years? From skinny dipping to a mid-night rendezvous in some neighbor’s chez-lounge, the opportunities for sexual exploration are endless. Even after finishing the first six chapters of Love Street, long forgotten memories of a strip-poker party as well as a game called “touch me, feel me,” came drifting back with amazing clarity.
Is there some takeaway from all these horny recollections?
Well, yes.
For one thing, unlike what Elle King might say, you don’t have to let all your Ex’s be Zeros. I’ve remained friends with a lot of my Ex’s, including Gina, Gretchen, Donna, and Barbara.
For another, it’s been great fun commemorating old flames and fantasies before the ravages of time and a strict regime of 1-liter-of-wine-a-day dull the erotic edge of these remembrances.
As they say, thanks for reading!
Gina The Loving Naive Wife Part 1It was 20:00 on Friday night, Gina was just returning home from another long shift at the hospital. “I hope he’s done something today.” She thought to herself as she approached the front door. Gina was referring to her husband Alex, he’d been signed off work for the best part of the last 6 months with depression. Gina had done everything she could think of to help. She had helped him find a good counsellor, tried to keep him active where possible and always made...
It was 20:00 on Friday night, Gina was just returning home from another long shift at the hospital. “I hope he’s done something today.” She thought to herself as she approached the front door. Gina was referring to her husband Alex, he’d been signed off work for the best part of the last 6 months with depression. Gina had done everything she could think of to help. She had helped him find a good counsellor, tried to keep him active where possible and always made herself available should he...
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Gina Wears White: From Bridesmaid to Bride By Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 I called home during the middle of my honeymoon to make sure that everyone was all right. My new husband understood this and sat and read while I made the call. Mom answered and we chatted for a few minutes. She then mentioned that my brother Gene, or rather my new little sister Gina, seemed like a different person since the wedding. She said that with Gina's presence openly acknowledged Gene had seemed...
Gina The Loving Naive Wife Part 2The following morning Gina woke up before Alex, he looked happy in his sleep and Gina knew she had finally made a breakthrough to help her husband. She leaned over to kiss him good morning and brushed her hair to side of her face. At least she tried but it was stuck in place. She tried to run her hands through her hair, but she was met by lots of matted hair stuck together with cum. “I better jump in the shower honey,” she said as she kissed Alex’s cheek. He...
“I better jump in the shower honey,” she said as she kissed Alex’s cheek. He didn’t respond, she walked across the bedroom to the en-suite. She got into the shower and turned it on, as she washed herself, she had flashbacks to night before. Thinking of how all the guys had fucked her in every hole they could, how they took turns pushing her to her limits, then how they joined together to push her further. She remembered how good it felt and started to feel excited. She slid a finger from...
Introduction: Married woman cheats with neighbor. Oral, Humil, ass play. bond. exhib Gina 2 In the first part Gina was introduced as the wife across the street. Her husband Dan Gilbert was a small man that left his wife for a Boys Only weekend in Las Vegas. Gina called me after I offered to help her while her husband was gone. I learned she gets off on dirty degrading talk and later her chest size (which she was ashamed of and hid all she could) was 36E. She invited me over and I ended up...
In the first part Gina was introduced as the wife across the street. Her husband Dan Gilbert was a small man that left his wife for a ‘Boys Only’ weekend in Las Vegas. Gina called me after I offered to help her while her husband was gone. I learned she gets off on dirty degrading talk and later her chest size (which she was ashamed of and hid all she could) was 36E. She invited me over and I ended up tying her up, spanking her and fucking her everywhere like a dirty little whore; which she...
Gina was very happy knowing her lover and neighbor Jake had given her a baby 3 1/2 months ago and now she wants her husband Dan to step up and be a better provider for her and her baby. Gina made a point of telling Dan repeatedly that he needs to promote. She was no longer the dependant wife lucky to have a place to live. She realized that she has the upper hand in the marriage now, no matter what happens Dan was going to take care of her and Jake's baby from now on. She decided Dan...
Gina’s taleIt was Friday night and Gina Lytham entered Shelia’s bar looking to find another submissive to play with. While she herself was an inexperienced Dominatrix, she felt she was ready to train a slave. Three months earlier, Gina found on the internet a coupon for 25% off an item at Shelia’s boutique, and since her husband Karl was coming home that weekend she thought she would surprise him wearing something sexy. Karl worked for one of the oil companies in the Gulf of Mexico and...
Gina.Gina was a married neighbor that had a white mother and a Portuguese father. She was mid thirties, 5’6” and a toned 145 lbs. Brown curly hair, brown eyes and dark olive skin. Besides Gina’s white smile, her best features were her small waist, big round ass and hints of a large bust. Gina didn’t mind wearing tight jeans but always wore floppy loose tops to hide what was there. The way she tried to hide them made me even more interested in finding out what she had.Her husband was Dan. Dan...
Gina was a married neighbor that had a white mother and a Portuguese father. She was mid thirties, 5’6” and a toned 145 lbs. Brown curly hair, brown eyes and dark olive skin. Besides Gina’s white smile, her best features were her small waist, big round ass and hints of a large bust. Gina didn’t mind wearing tight jeans but always wore floppy loose tops to hide what was there. The way she tried to hide them made me even more interested in finding out what she had. Her husband was Dan. Dan...
Gina and I talked about our unplanned stop on the way to her home, but admitted it was hot and that we will have to meet with them again. Gina says she would love to eat Sharon cunt. We arrive at her home and tell her that being a doctor must be going well for her, this is one hell of a house. She has to roommates also doctors. She notices me looking in awe and says in a k**ding way, please tell me you are not going to look at me as a sugar mamma because I have a nice house. I told her that...
A woman is lying on the bed - her eyes half open a smile on her face and her legs spread wide. She is a matronly woman with soft face and lines around her eyes and forehead. She has nice lips. She is naked except the open robe that is bunched under her. There are bite marks all over her body, on her large pendulous breasts and round aereoles, on her belly and even on her thighs. Between her legs her shaved vagina is still pulsating, her large labia is open and thick white liquid is making its...
Gina Is My Bridesmaid By Janis Elizabeth It was about a year before my wedding that I started noticing that my clothes and makeup were not quite in the same place, as I knew that I had left them. Sometimes my lingerie in my dresser appeared to be slightly rearranged or refolded. I also noticed that sometimes a dress or a blouse would not be situated properly on a hanger in my closet or would be hung in a different spot. At first, I...
STATE OF Pacifica DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Pacifica Women?s Correctional Institute - Sing Sing EXECUTION REPORT Prisoner ID No. 00-9375079 Name: Gina {last name deleted} Date of Birth: September 9, 2068 Crime(s): Adultery (third offense) Sentence: Death by Electrocution Height: 5?5? Measurements: 30B-23-25 Hair: Brunette Eyes: Blue GINA?S Execution All executions in Pacifica are carried out at the State Penitentiary at Sing Sing in our new electric chair. Gina was its...
Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. The sixth sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). A computer error placed Gina in a course she hated but if Mike mentored her, would she like his course any better? ? ? ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? NIS PP 7 Mike & Gina ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take...
I awoke with a sense of purpose that I had been missing for several years. I knew I was good enough to manage the project and get everything Gina, Yoni and I wanted in Albai. We filled the entire day with hard work. Then the night with good sleep. I was relaxed and ready for Prince Tulan, at nine a.m. sharp. Yoni and Gina could each recite what I was going to say, word for word, but they were basket cases. I did not envy them sitting it out, not knowing what was happening. Their discomfort...
I had just moved into a new neighbourhood after my divorce. We sold our home and acreage and I was able to buy this modest two-story home. I like a lot of space around me and since I'm alone now, this gave me what I wanted. I also work from home and I was fortunate to have a large study on the upper floor. My house is on a corner lot and I have only one neighbour. She lives in a very large house on a double lot. I saw her briefly as I was moving things in. We nodded to each other, but never got...
Chapter 1 Gina's a very interesting woman -- she's about medium height, very pretty and has beautiful brunette hair and two attractive children. She has a great personality but the only thing that's sort of unusual about Gina is that she's rather small-breasted. I'd say that for a woman in her middle 30's, Gina's got a decent A-cup set of breasts but nothing more. On occasion, she'll wear something that makes her look slightly larger -- a padded bra or a tight-fitting top that...
When Gina came home, I told what happened today and hope she didn't mind that i had fucked both of her roommates even though I knew she wouldn't mind. When I told her how before that, how I tortured Lisa, she said great,well that made her day. Friday came and all of us were busy setting up for the party. Of course Lisa was running around the house more naked than not. Gina laid down the ground rules about sexual behavior, directing most of if it towards Lisa, not that it would do any good....
The next morning I picked Yoni up early from her love nest at Kinba’s house. ‘Yoni you cannot tell Gina any of this. In fact when it happens, she has to be totally surprised. We all will act surprised that you are not here.’ She would have agreed to anything at this point. She was getting a lot: out of slavery, the man she loves, he was going to be safe, they would have a new free life and two children. I hated to complicate her life but I did. I needed her advice and help. ‘Yoni, you know I...
Gina and I had been friends for 15 years. She’s a 52 years-old cougar. She stands five foot ten inches with a rock hard body from working out five days a week. She has long dark black hair and the face of a model. She has been married twice but has no children and is happily single and has been for 10 of the 15 years I’ve known her. Gina is a business professional that has earned her corporate stripes through hard work and dedication. Her two failed marriages slowed down her rise up the...
This is a continuation of the tale of Ed who has a big cock. The first tale was "Lil s*s Discovers My Big Dick!"Britney was looking forward to spending the day with her brother Ed who was home from college on mid-term break. Today would be really special since mom and dad would be gone. You see Ed was not just her brother but also the best fuck she had ever had in her life!It all started last summer when she had walked in on him jacking off. What she discovered that day was the biggest cock...
Now Gina is 36yrs. 5'7" about 118lbs. married with two k**s a boy 10yrs. and a girl 17yrs. her and her husband Tom live a good safe life married 20yrs. both work good high paying jobs nice home the total package. There sex life is good not great but good. Friday at the start of the day Connie a girl at work comes in all happy and ask everyone to the bar after work she is getting married, Gina thinks I know Tom would not like me to go but why not I'll be home early it'll be fun, so she calls...
Gina and I had been friends for 15 years. She’s a 52 years-old cougar. She stands five foot ten inches with a rock hard body from working out five days a week. She has long dark black hair and the face of a model. She has been married twice but has no children and is happily single and has been for 10 of the 15 years I’ve known her. Gina is a business professional that has earned her corporate stripes through hard work and dedication. Her two failed marriages slowed down her rise up the...
Group SexGina sipped her coffee as Jim looked on. As on her previous visit to his home she was very nervous. There was no feeling of nervous anticipation this time because she knew what to expect, but she was going to experience pain and, of course, someone else would be present. It had been an ordeal letting Jim see her nakedness last time and it was going to be a bigger ordeal letting another stranger see her intimately. “Well let’s get it over with then” Gina said as she stood up. Jim smiled. “Is it...
SpankingA couple of minutes later, Brad staggered out of the house burdened by a half-dozen towels. “Awright, here you go!” He dropped the pile on a lounger. “Can you catch?” he asked Celeste. “Yes, I can catch!” Celeste retorted sarcastically. “Fine.” Brad tossed a towel at her. She was still in the pool, so she shrieked and just managed to keep it above water. “Next!” “Wait! Wait!” Sarah howled, thrashing her way to the ladder. “Fine.” Brad looked around. “Anybody else?” “Don’t toss ‘em in the...
The night before with my 53 year-old looker Gina and her younger friend Becky had been one of the hottest nights of my life. This morning was somewhat normal for Gina and I as she joined me in the shower for a hot Sunday morning banging. After some play in the hot tub Becky gave me the ride of my life and I reciprocated by giving her the anal sex she longed for. I had just finished taking Becky’s fine asshole when all three of us cuddled on the lounger on the back porch by the hot tub. Becky...
We had decided to move to the countryside and had settled on a cottage in a sleepy village in Yorkshire. Well, that was what we thought. Over time, we slowly got to know the locals. There was something about certain individuals that didn’t come across as sleepy; in fact just the opposite.Gina was one of them, she owned the cottage just three doors away from us, but it took a while before Robert and I decided to find out what she would think of us. Gina knew everyone, absolutely everyone. Men...
SwingersThe night before with my 53 year-old looker Gina and her younger friend Becky had been one of the hottest nights of my life. This morning was somewhat normal for Gina and I as she joined me in the shower for a hot Sunday morning banging. After some play in the hot tub Becky gave me the ride of my life and I reciprocated by giving her the anal sex she longed for. I had just finished taking Becky’s fine asshole when all three of us cuddled on the lounger on the back porch by the hot tub. Becky...
Group SexGina and I head out to meet with Sharon and John the couple that saw Gina giving me a blowjob on the way to her house after she picked me up at the airport. We followed them to their cabin about about a mile of the highway, a private road. We played with them briefly and promised to come back again and now here we go. As we get tot the end of the road to their cabin they were sitting on the porch naked. Gina and I looked at each other with disbelief. As we walk up to the house, we wave and say...
It was Friday morning and Gina and Ryan were chatting at the breakfast table prior to her day at work and his at school. With it being a Friday, the evening would lead to a weekend of incestuous sex but would also very likely involve physical punishment of some kind with Gina. On this occasion, her being on the receiving end almost a certainty.Gina, who had been born in Italy but moved to England with her family when in her early teens, had never told her son that she had received a caning at...
IncestGinaThe story of Gina is true, although I have changed her name. The first thing to know about me is that my name is Vince; at the time I was happily married with two teenage k**s a boy and a girl. I had been using the internet for year or two and had discovered the joys of using chat rooms to make new friends. Occasionally getting to web cam with them or trade pictures. All of this I took with a pinch of salt as I knew there where many fakes. I could usually spot them by their inconsistencies...
As you now may know I love to jerkoff and do it every day, sometimes twice even if I fuck my wife. She has gotten use to me playing with my cock all the time. I jerked off for her on our very first date when she was having her period.I use to hide it from her like in the shower, the bathroom, behind the garage, but she caught me a few times and just smiles and says have fun. Gradually she started to like for me to jerk off for her usually when she's fully clothed. She would tell me how hot...
It started, the way my last Gina Fantasy started-with an email from Gina inviting her BULLS to a "special event". We were instructed to meet at a small airport in the Port Angeles area about 10 a.m. at hanger number 6. with two days of cloths and-get this-our balls full of sperm. Oh well, no jerking off to Gina videos before the trip. I arrived a few minutes early, but already Gina's herd of bulls was gathering. As we introduced of our selfs, I was struck by Gina's collection of sperm bulls....
Gina woke as the sun shone through the crack in her drapes. As she lay there her thoughts drifted back to last night and her date with Rick. They had had a lovely evening where they had talked and laughed after which he had dropped her at her front door, kissed her gently on the lips and watched as she walked in and closed it behind her. The thought gave her butterflies in her stomach and she smiled to herself. She hadn’t felt like this for a long time and she was glad that Rick was taking it...
Gina woke as the sun shone through the crack in her drapes. As she lay there her thoughts drifted back to last night and her date with Rick. They had had a lovely evening where they had talked and laughed after which he had dropped her at her front door, kissed her gently on the lips and watched as she walked in and closed it behind her. The thought gave her butterflies in her stomach and she smiled to herself. She hadn’t felt like this for a long time and she was glad that Rick was taking it...
Straight SexGina, the woman I once called a 'fat slut' lowers herself up and down on my erect cock. I stroke her thighs as she rides me. I am grimacing for as repulsive as her weight seems to me, her ample breasts are bounding and her nipples are bolt erect. When Gina rises a little up, her cunt muscles tighten. She is siphoning the spunk out of me and will take it for her own. My wife Jenny watches and kisses Lincoln luxuriantly. This is rather special, isn't it... Do you know what a 'bestie' is? Well may...
DominatrixPart 2 I had just watched one of the most erotic acts of my life. I had to pinch myself several times to be sure this was real; two hot women were in my bed and made the sweetest love to each other. Almost heavenly... As the Becky and Gina were coming down from the sexual pleasure they had shared with each other, I poured more wine for us. We made small talk and there was no mention of what just happened or what was about to happen. The conversation was more along the lines of “friends”...
Group SexGina sat nervously, holding onto her mug of coffee as if for dear life. Jim sat opposite her relaxed and waiting patiently. “So how do you feel about things now?” he asked her, in a soft spoken voice. She smiled nervously but said nothing. “You can leave it for another time”, he told her, “There’s no pressure” Gina took a sip from her mug. He was wrong there was pressure. Though the choice was hers and hers alone she knew that if she walked away now she would probably never come back and would...
SpankingBOB`s side When I first met Gina I liked what I saw short bubbly blonde with big tits , we went to her local pub , and like all true gentlemen I treated to lunch , and what surprised me but pleased me as well was her willingness to drink a pint with me , I thought to myself , play it cool boy you`re going to do well with this one. I have over the years had many conquests it`s not just getting in her knickers its managing to change the woman`s preconceived notions, ( I`m a good...
The first thing I do when I get back home from work is take my dog out. I put the leash on her, walk out the backdoor and start my daily round. It’s not a very big round. Big enough for her to do her business and to get some exercise, while I just want to go home, eat and relax after a day at the office. I just moved to this apartment complex. After my girlfriend and I broke up, I needed to have something and this was the first one I saw that I could afford. It’s not a bad place, the...
Love StoriesI had one of the most enjoyable nights of my life with my 52 year-old lover, Gina, and her younger friend, Becky. It was a night that all nights in which my sexual adventures will be compared to but the next day led to more sexual adventures… I woke around 8:00 and both women were gone. I slowly replayed last night in my mind and I soon had a raging hard-on. I couldn’t help but stroke myself. Not wanting to make myself cum I got up and went to the master bathroom for shower. I see towels on...
It all started when I was in 8th grade. Girls were drawing my attention more and more every day it seemed. I was becoming distracted by them during class and pretty much everywhere I went.Then one day it hit me like a freight train. I was sitting at lunch with some friends when I glanced up at the counter. There was a blonde, with some shapely hips and long legs. She was shifting her weight from side to side in a very provocative way. Her blonde pony tail tossed back and forth with her...
I had one of the most enjoyable nights of my life with my 52 year-old lover, Gina, and her younger friend, Becky. It was a night that all nights in which my sexual adventures will be compared to but the next day led to more sexual adventures… I woke around 8:00 and both women were gone. I slowly replayed last night in my mind and I soon had a raging hard-on. I couldn’t help but stroke myself. Not wanting to make myself cum I got up and went to the master bathroom for shower. I see towels on...
Group SexRoots Motel - Gina and Irena [part 2 of 2]By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected])Roots Motel - Gina and IrenaYou do not need to have read the other chapters to enjoy these stories."Ah shit" I said in frustration "This fucking stain just won't come off"Gina the cleaner looked over to me as I bent over on the floor rubbing at some mysterious stain that was on the carpet in the restaurant."What is it?" she asked"I think it's some of that curried tomato sauce stuff from last night. It's a bit of...
Gina and I had been having our clandestine affair for just over six months, spending as much time together as possible without arousing suspicion, generally a couple of hours snatched here and there. Although not perfect, in our circumstances it was all we could sensibly manage and Gina was happy with the arrangement and the sex was as good as ever. Gina would always be in just stockings and heeled shoes and within five minutes of me walking into her house, her lips would be wrapped around my...
MatureBrad was four pulses into the most incredible orgasm of his life when he became aware of a crash and a number of thumps to his right. Looking over the side of the bed, he beheld Sarah, lying half on her side, apparently trying to catch her breath. “Are you okay?” he puffed. Sarah gazed up at him in shock and embarrassment. It WAS Brad! “I think so,” she said in a small voice. “Who is it?” Gina asked. “I can’t see...” “It’s Sarah,” Brad related. “How long have you been here?” Sarah stood...
Gina and I had been having our clandestine affair for just over six months, spending as much time together as possible without arousing suspicion, generally a couple of hours snatched here and there. Although not perfect, in our circumstances it was all we could sensibly manage and Gina was happy with the arrangement and the sex was as good as ever. Gina would always be in just stockings and heeled shoes and within five minutes of me walking into her house, her lips would be wrapped around my...
Last week me a few of my buddies went to the Mississippi cost for a long weekend of playing golf and fishing.After playing 18 holes of golf and a few cocktails I decided to head back to the resort and not play the nifty little par 3 gold course. It was long night of drinking and gambling and I was a little worn out and headed back to the resort alone.I gabbed a margeritta and layed by the pool after a few minutes I hear this sweet lil voice say , hi, is this lounge chair taken? As I turned...
Gina's daughter Sandra, had been living back at home for just over a month and was keeping out of our way as much as possible, not that we made it easy for her. When at home, Gina would always wear just a pair of stockings and shoes beneath a see through gown, even when I wasn't present and when I was there, I was naked. Sandra just had to live with it. We even fucked a few times when she was present and to really rub her nose in it, Gina even made her watch us once as I drilled her arse. We...
MatureIf you are at the sperm4gina site, you are no doubt a fan of the legendary Mrs Gina Jones, the lovely sperm eating Filipina. The following is a fantasy. I received an email invite from Gina for a "special event" for guys who were, for what ever reason, a bit camera shy. I arrived at the time and place, a small industrial building, and went in and meet the lovely Gina and her husband. Gina was dressed in that cum fuck me style you see in her videos. Black Bra, black stockings, black slut high...
Late. Very late, or very early, depending on where one is supposed to be at 4:00 in the morning. I’d fully expected to head to my office in just three more hours, but now that was all changed. Gina changed it. Her unexpected arrival at my apartment the night before had opened a pandora’s box. There was no way I could walk into my office with all the thoughts now preoccupying me and still expect to get a lick of work accomplished. Besides, I had other work to take care of now. It was six hours...