Hotel Rouge - Part Six free porn video

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In bed that night, I moved around until I got comfortable. Jeff and I had had a short session with a short, whippy cane, which had been fun. I was paying for it now, though. I thought of Rayanne's reaction to Jeff's slipper. I wondered what had happened to mum's old size fourteen. As I drifted off to sleep, remembering those happy, carefree days, I resolved to pay mum a visit; I hadn't seen her for a while, and our relationship was at a pretty low ebb. She always seemed annoyed with something when I visited, and invariably found something to criticise. It usually ended in a stand up fight and me storming out. At the heart of it, I suspected, was the fact that at thirty-two I still wasn't married. Life, for my mother, was about duty. I wasn't doing mine.

Next day I awoke with a familiar, dull ache that followed a day with Rayanne. It was one of these lazy Sundays, when nothing much happens. I donned the lycra. 'Off to visit my mum,' I told Jeff. 'Want to come?' 

'Uh, no, no thanks. I've got the, emm, grass to cut.'

I smiled. Jeff was scared of my mum. She could be quite forceful in her opinions, and considered Jeff a bit' lightweight'. 'Make sure it's done when I get back,' I said, as I mounted my bike. 'Or there'll be trouble.' Jeff waved a languid hand, not really listening. I set off on the ten mile journey. The feeling of the hard saddle through the thin lycra made it a fun trip.

The old house I grew up in hadn't changed much. Nor had my mother. She'd been a gym teacher in a rough school (not mine, thankfully) who'd kept order with the aid of a tattered plimsoll that struck fear into the toughest members of the class, Always a strong woman, she had kept fit and active since she retired by cutting logs for the fire, running, long walks with her friends and maintaining her big garden. She was 63 but could easily pass for ten years younger. She still retained that air of authority that teachers have; I was a good four inches taller than her, but that made no difference, she was the one in charge.  

She asked the usual question, about Jeff. 'He's perfectly nice, Laura, but you need someone to stand up to you, challenge you.' Today she had a new gripe: she didn't approve of my cycling getup. No point telling her that lycra was what was worn now, it was 'unladylike' and that was the end of it. It wasn't unexpected; I knew her views and had deliberately pulled on my skimpiest cycling gear to annoy her.

She was slightly mollified by the home made cupcakes I produced from my backpack; home baking was something a woman should do, after all.

After lunch I helped wash up, and when her back was turned opened the cupboard door. The old leather slipper was there. It looked massive. The mere sight of it hanging from that same old nail gave me a funny feeling inside. I had hated, feared, then endured, and finally relished the feel of it on my teenage backside.

When I closed the door she was standing looking at me. 'Yes, it's still there. Do you remember how often I had to use it on you? You were wild when you were a teenager. In the end, I think you got used to it. Sometimes I even think you got to like it a little.'

I coloured. Took a breath. 'More than a little, mum.'

'Hmm. I suspected as much. Get it for me, would you?' Said so easily, the old order that preceded a very sore backside. I lifted it down, feeling a slight tingle as I did so, handed it to her. It felt heavy, solid. Seeing her holding it, looking at me with the faint disapproval which had become the norm over my last few visits, sent me right back to my sixteen year old self, just about to get what was coming to me. It took all of my resolve not to bend over the kitchen table there and then. 

Then her gaze softened. 'Every so often, you know, when I see it there, I wonder if I was too hard on you and your brother. It's a pretty big slipper, after all. It packs quite a sting.'

I was suddenly overcome by a feeling of such love for the woman standing in front of me. To have these doubts, after all these years. I took her in my arms.'You didn't have any choice, mum. Like you said, I was wild. You kept me on the straight and narrow. It's because of you, and that slipper, that I'm the person I am today.' In more ways than one, I thought.

My face snuggled into her shoulder, and the years fell away. I was brought back to the present by a hard whack of the slipper across my bottom. 

I stepped back and rubbed at the sting through the lycra.'What the fuck, mum?' 

She blanched, and her jaw set in that way it did when she was really annoyed. 'I was going to have a word with you about a couple of things, Laura, including how you think turning up in your underwear to see me is appropriate, but now I'm annoyed. Really annoyed. You haven't changed. You still know how to wind me up. Have you forgotten how I feel about language like that? About the swearing rule in this house?'

I had forgotten, but I remembered it then. Rigidly enforced by a sliding scale of whacks from the slipper she was now flexing in her hands. 

But she wasn't the only one who was angry. I looked her straight in the eyes. 'I'm not a teenager any more, mum. I'm over 30. I swear. I drink. I fuck,' spat out, for maximum effect, 'who I like. And I dress how I like.' Delivered with the same forthrightness and vehemence that I used when I was a teenager facing a leathering.

Her voice was low and even; controlled. Always a bad sign. 'You're still my daughter, Victoria, no matter how old you are.' Victoria was my first name, which I had hated when I was a teenager, so had decided to call myself Laura, my middle name. My mother still used it if she was angry. It had always been a sign that I was in for an extra hard punishment.

She went on. 'And you're in my house. You know my rules. And what's more, I will not tolerate being spoken to that way. I didn't when you lived here, and I don't see why I should now.' She looked me in the eye. 'Bend over the table.'

My mouth dropped open. My heart was pounding and my mind was racing. But I felt a familiar tingle of anticipation inside. 'But you can't. I'm not your little girl any more. You can't slipper me. You just can't.'

'I think you'll find that I can, my girl!' I was just about to find out how angry she was. She grabbed my shoulder, pushed me across the room to the table. An irresistible force bent me forwards, until I was face down on the old scrubbed wood. I felt her hand on the small of my back. 

'In case you've forgotten, that particular word, the F word, means six of the best.' I tried to stand. Her arm was an iron rod. 'But,' she went on, 'you repeated it, and you've used a tone to me, in my own home, that I do not appreciate. And not for the first time. So that's two sixes for the repeated F word, and two for the way you spoke to me. Fourteen in all. One for each year since I last slippered your bottom. Nice coincidence, isn't it?'

I could hardly believe my ears. But I didn't respond. I remembered how hard a slippering could be when my mother was properly angry. My insides were in turmoil and I was tingling with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

I felt the slipper rest on my backside for a moment, then lift away. With a crack!that echoed round the room the smooth leather whipped across both cheeks, followed almost immediately by a second crack! just as hard. I howled and leapt to my feet, hands clasped to my smarting backside.

'Shit! That's too hard!' 

'Tut tut, my girl. Have you forgotten all the rules? Now I have to start again. And that little outburst has earned you an extra one. Down you go.' 

In a trance, I lowered myself again. Such was the authority in her voice there was no hand on my back pressing me down this time. Instead I reverted completely, and gripped the far edge of the table. 

I heard a chuckle. 'Good girl. It all comes back, doesn't it? I think I'm going to enjoy this. Makes a change from doing the weeding.' She laid the slipper across my backside. 'Your rear end has got bigger over the last fourteen years. Makes a nice target.' 

I felt the slipper move away. My knuckles were white as they gripped the table edge. Not having to hold me down meant mum could take her old stance. And her old, full swing. My mother's preferred way of delivering a slippering had been hard, fast and very painful. 

The leather connected with a crack! twice as loud than the first two. An explosion of pain washed over me. I gritted my teeth. Crack! Crack! Crack! My backside was being flayed as the heavy, smooth leather seared a path of fire across both cheeks. I jerked and writhed. Arched my back, threw my head up. I tried not to make a sound, but after the fourth stroke blazed across my punished backside I howled like a banshee. Seven blistering strokes into the fourteen, she stopped. I lay across the table, breath coming out in shuddering bursts. 

'There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?' I felt my mother's hand soothing my burning cheeks. 'This lycra is really very thin, isn't it? But it's stopping me from seeing the results of my handiwork.'

I knew what was coming next. I felt the lycra being peeled away, exposing the thin cotton panties I wear for cycling, 'Knickers on too! You won't have felt a thing. I'll leave these on if you like? For now at least.' I nodded, not able to speak through clenched teeth. 'Very good,' she continued cheerily, 'half way there now.' 

She seemed to be enjoying herself. Bent over the table with the lycra tight across my thighs I felt utterly exposed, more than I did when on the receiving end of a spanking from Jeff or Rayanne. The first blistering Crack! told me that the lycra had been giving me some protection after all. My hips bucked against the table as I arched my back.

'Aaah! Jesus!'

'You just earned yourself another two extra, I'm afraid.' She really was having a whale of a time.

Crack! Crack! Crack! The blows fell hard and fast, the wide leather whipping across my cheeks with punishing speed. My mum had years of experience, and used a full swing to deliver a roundhouse blow. I cried out, I howled, jerking my hips hard against the table each time the slipper lashed across my backside. It was so big that every blistering blow fell full across both cheeks. After fourteen strokes she stopped.

''That's the lot, apart from the extra ones. I make it three. And I think we'll have the knickers down now.' Her tone brooked no argument, and I stood and slipped the thin cotton down over my hips, without arguing, as if I was a teenager again. 'Very good. Ready? Down you go.' I bent forward again, the skin on my backside burning. I could imagine how red it must look.

As if she was reading my mind, my mother confirmed it. 'You've gone a lovely red colour. This is just like the old days.' She sighed, and I felt her hand on my bottom. 'Quite a bit of heat, too.' I felt the leather rest against my burning cheeks 'I must warn you, Victoria, these last ones will be a bit harder. They're going to sting.'

I tensed. Harder? Could that be possible? With a sinking feeling I knew that they would be. My mother has never been guilty of empty promises. If she says they're going to be harder, you can put money on it. I could also put money on them hurting. A lot. I closed my eyes and waited. 

I heard a couple of quick steps behind me. I just had time to realise that meant a run-up when with a CRACK! the leather lashed across my behind with an impact that moved the table a good six inches. I had never experienced pain like it. I leapt to my feet, hands to blazing cheeks, tears pricking my eyes. 'Owowow! Aah! No more, mum, please. I don't think I can take it.'

'Nonsense. You're a strong lass. And it's not as if this is the first time, is it? Down you go. Only three more to go, as long as you don't get up again.'

I had no choice. I promised myself that I would stay down no matter what. 

I bent over again and gripped the table edge. As I stretched, my punished skin felt impossibly tight. The cool leather rested on my burning cheeks, lifted, and lashed across my stinging bottom with a CRACK! that must have been heard miles away. I stayed down. Another quick shuffle of feet behind me. I closed my eyes tight, jaw clenched. CRACK! The pain was indescribable. I even whimpered a little as I heard her take one, two steps. Then CRACK! The final blow of thick leather on my punished cheeks felt harder than anything I'd ever experienced. 

I stayed in my position,waiting for the storm inside me to subside, and the pain to become bearable. Slowly, my hands unclenched their grip of the table edge. On stiff arms I pushed myself upright. 

'What the.... Just what happened here just now, mum?' I braced my hips against the table, my hands massaging my burning backside. 

'I'm not quite sure, Laura. I didn't realise there was so much pent up rage inside me. Now it's out I feel much better. I feel our relationship can move on at last. How do you feel?'

It was my turn for a throaty chuckle. 'How do you think? I've just had the licking of my life. I feel sore. I'll feel sore for days.' I closed my eyes and stood up, pushing my hips forward as I tried to massage away some of the heat. 

'You will. I'm not going to apologise though. You made me angry, and you meant to. But I have to say, I found slippering your rear very therapeutic, and I think, once the pain dies down, that you will too. Perhaps we'll even do it again again some time. Now, why don't I put the kettle on while you nip to the loo and make yourself presentable.'

I shuffled out and surveyed the damage in the bathroom mirror. My whole backside was a deep, dark red. Seeing it, and feeling the burn, had the usual effect, and my hand crept between my legs.

A few minutes later, I lowered myself carefully on to the kitchen chair. No chair had ever felt as hard. A cup of tea was set out for me. The slipper lay on the centre of the table. I was surprised there wasn't smoke rising from it. I reached out my hand, touched it but didn't pick it up. My mother surveyed me calmly over the rim of her cup. 'A bit sore?'

'A bit? I've never felt anything like it.' I moved around on the hard kitchen chair, trying to find a position that gave me some relief. 'But I think you're right. About our relationship.'

'I'm so glad you see it that way too. Very mature of you.' She gave me a measured look. 'I did think you could handle it though. You've been spanked since you left here, haven't you?'

She was a wise woman, my mother. How she worked these things out I'll never know. But, squirming on that hard chair, I told her everything. Even about Rayanne. She listened, nodding.

'You know, there was something about the way you looked at that old slipper hanging there..something that made me think you hadn't just come for a chat. Let me get something.' She disappeared into the house, came back a minute later with - a second slipper.

'Two slippers?' I said. 'I never knew.'

'He had two feet, your dad. Big feet. I kept them both, and used to rotate them. I reckoned if I just used one it would wear out on your impudent rear end.' She smiled to take the sting out of the words.

'Why did I used to get it so much more than Tom? Was he just good?'

'No, you were wilful. And you knew just how to push my buttons. Just like you did today. I think that slippering's been building up for years. Maybe that's why I gave it to you so hard. You coped though, didn't you?'

I smiled. 'Just. I'm not looking forward to cycling home though.' That was a lie, I was already itching to get on the saddle. 'But I was wondering. As you have two, and never use them. Could I?...'

She pushed the slipper that had reddened my backside towards me. 'Why not?'

I turned it over in my hands. 'How old do you think it is?'

'At least thirty years. And I reckon it must have met your bottom more than 1,500 times. Think about it,' she went on. 'Two slippers, in rotation. A slippering at least once a week, between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. An average of ten strokes a session. That's over 2,500 times your derriere was warmed by me. And that's a conservative estimate. Many's the week you had a few slipperings. I remember once when you were sixteen you got it every day for two weeks.'

'I was a bad girl, wasn't I?' I smiled at the memory.

'As I said, not bad, just wilful. But now I need to clean up. Time for you to get back to Jeff. See if you can't beat some sense into him with that.' She nodded at the slipper in my hand. Was it my imagination, or did it feel warm? My backside certainly did.

At the gate, I tried not to wince as I lowered myself on to the seat. Mum came to the gate, gave me a peck on the cheek. 'You come back any time now. I enjoyed your visit.' I turned the wheel to the road, turned back to look at my mother. 'So did I.' She gave me a cheery wave with the slipper and I was away.

I had to stop half way home, and use the customer toilets at Sainsburys to - ah - relieve myself, such was the delicious torment caused by the action of my punished bottom against the saddle.

When I got home, I noticed the grass hadn't been touched. Jeff was sitting in a deckchair with a drink in his hand. I gave him my best angry glare. 'I see the grass hasn't been done.' I held up a hand to stop his protestations of innocence. 'Don't bother. I have something in this bag that will leave you in no doubt how I feel about the matter.' I took his drink from his hand, set it down on the grass, and led him by the hand into the house.


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Hotel Trap

Hotel TrapBy  Sonya EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected]’s Note:(Note: this story clarification is about 6 to 8 pages long and the actual story starts after 5 pages but please please do put up and bear with me.  Thank you ;)  Trust me reading this bit too, is worth it.)This is the second story to my Lovecraftian Horror-Sex Story Anthology-Trilogy (with Witness to Horror  being the first story).  Like my previous story,  this story too is adapted and borrows a lot,  but not much...

2 years ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

4 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

5 years ago
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Hotel Sex With Schoolmate 8211 Part 1

Hey there. My name is John and this is the story of how my friend seduced me to fuck him. This incident happened last year when I was studying in 12th grade in UAE. Mark and I were really good friends since high school and we used to do everything together. After 10th grade, we lost touch as we were in different classes. It all started when the school announced that there was going to be a boys only night stay over at a hotel. We both decided to go for the hotel stay over as everybody was...

Gay Male
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Hotel Hearts

Chapter 1     At last winter was over and spring had begun, even though the air still had a small bite of the cold that had hung around longer than normal. I wasn’t here to see it but was told that in only two weeks all of the forest and bushes in Altoona Pennsylvania had turned a deep, healthy green. I had come to Altoona on a work crew working for a Wind Energy Company and quickly fell in love with the lush country side. The work I had come to do sucked but when I was off work I spent most...

2 years ago
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Hotel Ki Online Receptionist Ko Asli Sex Ka Maja Dia Hun 8211 Part 3

Hi ISS readers, Basa from Bangalore 37 married handsome businessman hun, mai es story ka part 1&2 submit kar chuka hun aur bahut sare readers say response be mila hai, mai in sob readers ko thanks karta hun esliya k time spent for reading my story, story kisa bhe ho muje zaror comments karay, es part may kis tara se anushka ke chut ko lal aur tadpa k chuda hun. Chut ka darshan shuru keya, chut to eak dum clean shaved chut ti aur achi tara se wet ho chuka ta, jab mai chut ke love juice ka smell...

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Hotel Maid

Dedicated to Xoffie. When I was twenty-eight years old, I was working as an assistant marketing specialist at the Moscow's office of a big western company. I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my intellect, ability to work hard and a good reputation; but these were setting my feet in the road to an eventual career, and I was content with the prospect. I dedicated my days to work and study and never paid any attention to the political situation in the...

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Hotel Part 1 Under The Table

The hotel dining room had the most marvellous views over the rugged Devon coastline, and during the brief intervals when she wasn’t either taking someone’s order or clearing away the crockery, Susie used to enjoy watching the sun slowly setting behind the rocky headland. There was a spot just beside one of the pillars where she could simultaneously keep an eye on the tables while enjoying the scenery and not get in the way of the other waitresses as they bustled past. That particular August...

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Hotel Amsterdam 8211 Part 3

Hi this is Nithya back with another story about Vicky Singh and his sexcapades in his hotel Amsterdam. The last time we left off Vicky he had just fucked his maids and cook Ava, Kim, Jill and May in his New hotel Amsterdam. At 10 am Vicky woke up to Kim calling to him. K: Master! It’s 10 am master. Here is your breakfast. Vicky wakes up to see his red head bitch of a maid with a tray in her hand wearing her French maid uniform. Kim has killer ass. Her figure is 34 26 40. Her ass is more worked...

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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

2 years ago
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A couple of months after my seventeenth birthday, I discovered three things. The first was that I am a lesbian; the second was that I have an eager appetite for sex – I’ll spread my legs for almost any woman, any time; the third was not just that I am a slut, but a bondage slut – that I get my biggest thrills from being tied up and taken by another woman (better still, by women in the plural). The first was not a great surprise, but the other two were! This is how it all happened. I...

4 years ago
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Hotel Bang Part 2

Hotel Bang Part 2 As it says this is the continuing story of my wife Karen and her dirty sexual adventures. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think. After the weekend we had just had I was a bundle of nerves. I so wanted to see my wife get fucked like that again that I was walking around with a permanent stiffy. Lucky for me within a fortnight Karen was informing me that she had arranged a stopover on a Saturday night at a friends house. Could this be what I was...

2 years ago
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Hotel Mature Fun

i am 27 years old and my wife is 22 years old. We live in canada. Actually from bangladesh. We went back to bangladesh after 4 years of our marriage. She always wanted to go for our first honeymoon in coxès bazar. So according to our plan we went there and reserv a hotel honeymoon room. That hotel was 5 storied tall and we got a balcony room in the corner. There was another balcony attached to ours. We planned to stay there for 7 days. The first night of our honeymoon was very sexual and she...

3 years ago
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Hotel Amsterdam ndash Part 1

Business tycoon Gold Singh was very shocked to get a call from his contact in the anti corruption bureau. One can never be too sure with the amount of gold he smuggles.Inspector Rajesh voice came out from the speaker: Goldji. The cops are onto you. One of your boats were captured and one of your boys was caught with your cargo. One of the cops identified him to be with your son when he was last arrested in that pimp case. I spoke to your lawyer and his opinion is to keep him out of the country...

5 years ago
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Hotel Executive Maid

Hotel Executive Housekeeper This is the story of a man's gradual transformation into a hotel maid. From once a masculine, successful businessman?into a feminine life of servitude. It can happen to anyone... My story starts about three years ago. I was a mid-level executive with a leading insurance company. The job had me traveling around the country for weeks at a time. I was single and unattached, so the travel was OK. Most of my trips took me to Atlanta where I stayed at a...

3 years ago
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hotel party

I got an invite to a party a "friend" i met online was throwing. I went to his house parties before but this time it was in a hotel.I put on a very short frilly black dress long brown wig, makeup 4" high heels, crotchless suntan shiny pantyhosei arrive at the hotel and get a cel phone text with room number and a message to use side door its open and come right up to room. im happy I dont have to pass the front desk. I go to side door and go to elevator. As i get in a couple enter...

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Hotel Quarantine Chap 1

Everything had turned grey. And also dull. The result of a hotel quarantine after two days. Eight more to go! The dullness was deafening. Hotel Wi-Fi was choppy, and there was nothing on TV. I felt like a bloody prisoner in my economy class hotel room right by Heathrow airport in London. My boss had thought it essential that I safe their London branch, and so he sent me across the pond willing to pay the £2,000 to quarantine me. And to be honest, it flattered me. I felt needed and valuable to...

2 years ago
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Hotel Maid for Life

It all started when I was an executive with an insurance company, traveling around the country on business. I would frequently stay at mid-range type hotels, nothing fancy, but reasonably priced. Often, because I was bored and lonely, I would befriend many of the hotel workers---even the housekeepers. Well, I was at a small business class hotel in Atlanta, when my life took a drastic turn. Because of the sour economy, my company decided to lay me off. When I got the news, I asked...

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Hotel Ki Online Receptionist Ko Asli Sex Ka Maja Dia Hun 8211 Part 2

Hi iss readers, thanks for reading my story, mera 2nd story ka 2nd part hai, basa here from bangalore, 37 married handsome business man hun, hamesha business tour kar ta hun, unsatisfied aur hot chutoo ko muje dekhtay he mera se satisfy milnay ke confident karti hain aur mai enka confident ko fulfill kar k he chod ta hun, muje easily real sex ka chance mil ja ta hai, jo be chance milta hai kar kay he rehta hun. Mera 5wan sex encounter 50 din phela huva ta, aaj tak jo be chut mera lund k saat...

4 years ago
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Hotel Love

About three years ago my marriage was in deep trouble. We’d been married for nine years; with twin 7 year old daughters. I’d not long had a promotion at work and my wife was struggling to combine a full-time job with being a good mother and loving spouse. A new job meant that I earned a lot more money but had to work longer hours and stay away from home two or three nights a week. I was too busy to notice any problems until one Friday night when I arrived home to find the kids...

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Hotel Antics

I was on my knees, bent over the outdoor chaise on the balcony of the hotel suite I was staying in. Jason's hands on my hips kept me pressed to his groin as he ground hard against my ass cheeks. He sounded like a man in pain as he came deep in my pussy. I barely had the breath to tell him how incredibly well fucked I felt. Resting my head down on the cushion, I continued to slide my fingers through my wet slit to lightly touch my clit. My own orgasm had been long and very satisfying. Jason...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

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Hotel Shilton

Dr. Baleshwar Prasad Ph.D., Ballu to his friends, is a good friend of mine. Ballu is quite a ladies man. He is tall, slim and handsome. He is also very virile. Many times, I think that his libido works overtime. He heads a large government educational institute. He was selected by the government to attend a four week workshop on 'Challenges of Education in the 21st Century' to be held in Brighton, UK. I think it would be better if you hear what happened during his visit to Brighton in his...

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Corsets and Boots Part Six

Corsets and Boots: Part Six Chapter Eleven Consolidation. We both made a concerted effort to establish a good working and domestic relationship, and I concentrated on trying to be attentive; polite; considerate; industrious, and in fact not at all like my usual self! Dorothy showed off her skills of household management and organisation, and she must have been good at both, because I began enjoying my food and found myself helping her with what I had previously considered to be...

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Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, and she was only a little over sixteen years old, which is the minimum legal age for employment in Britain. Sally-Anne wanted to save money towards paying for driving lessons when she turned seventeen next...

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Hotel Sex

One of the guys I’ve been fucking off and on for quite some time now contacted me the other day and enquired was I interested in spending the night in a hotel with him, Champagne, Strawberries the works with a few conditions thrown in. Intrigued as I was, I wanted to know what the conditions were. I’d be saying yes anyway as he is a fantastic fuck and very imaginative, and I’m sure the conditions would mean plenty of pleasure and an abundance of orgasms for me. He said we would be staying at...

4 years ago
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Hotel Mai Chodi 2 Bhabhi Ek Saath

Hi friends mai apka karan rajput delhi se. Kaise hai aap sab log I hope you all are good. Aapne meri pichli kamukta stories padhi or bahut mze liye. Aasha karta hoon meri stories padhker ladko ne apne lund zarur hilaye honge or ladkiyun ne chut mai ungli jarur daali hogi. Aap mujhse sampark kar sakte hai meri email id per jo hai or yhi mera google hangout account bhi hai so fnds jyada se jyada mujhe email kigiye or google hangout per mujhse chat kigiye. So aaiye ab aate hai story per jo mere...

2 years ago
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Hotel Pink Flamingo chapter 1

Sammy sat on the edge of his sisters bed. The chill air of the slightly ajar window prickling his naked skin. Nervous at what he was about to do. His heart lept as the curtain fluttered in the breeze. He sat frozen and motionless. His heart pounded in his ears. He listened to the sounds outside, a nervous twitch in his hands and joints. He sat perched and ready to flee. It was quiet and still, the night air oppressing with it’s heavy silence. Hiking up his right leg to the edge of the bed he...

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Hotel VIP client

By Dina PetroMy name is Debbie, I am 29 years old, a good looking, curvy girl who is working a couple of part-time jobs for fun and money, besides my main job as a secretary at an insurance company.Working part time job as a housekeeper at the five-star hotel is lots of fun for me, besides making good money, may be not exactly from the low salary they paid me, but from the side pay I get which is lots of money in fact, the side pay comes from tips as direct form as usual or other tips in return...

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Hotel of Humiliation

Hotel of Humiliation. My name is Ken. I used to be an executive for a financial company. Now I work behind a bar in a remote part of Scotland. My old life changed one day. It was one of the strangest things that ever happened to me. I was staying in a hotel at the time. It wasn’t that the room was dirty or the food terrible, it was…something else. I was in London on business, meeting clients on behalf of the company I worked for. I was to give a presentation in the functions room of the hotel....

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Hotel Pleasure Facilitator

For several years, I’ve been working at a local hotel. It’s not a high-end chain hotel, nor is it a discount hotel. It’s a small, city-based, ‘best-kept secret’ type of hotel, the kind that prides itself on it’s personal approach to customer service and thrives on maintaining the privacy of it’s guests. It does tend to cater to the wealthy, whether they are private citizens or celebrities, who expect and rely on the privacy and services we provide for them. In the years I’ve been working at...

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Hotel Turned Her Into A Slut

I’m 29 years old, owning my own business since 10 years. I belong to Ahmedabad and alike to all in Gujarat my mother tongue is Gujarati too. Two years ago when I was well settled my parents pushed me for marriage and I accepted it after a little hesitation.My wife name is Busra she was 23 when we married and currently her age is 25. She is an awesome bombshell, have more than heavy breast, she was having 36 sized breasts at the time of marriage itself. At the marriage ceremony, I observed my...

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Hotel of Humiliation

Hotel of Humiliation.My name is Ken. I used to be an executive for a financial company. Now I work behind a bar in a remote part of Scotland. My old life changed one day. It was one of the strangest things that ever happened to me. I was staying in a hotel at the time. It wasn’t that the room was dirty or the food terrible, it was…something else. I was in London on business, meeting clients on behalf of the company I worked for. I was to give a presentation in the functions room of the hotel....

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Hotel Pleasure Facilitator

For several years, I've been working at a local hotel. It's not a high-end chain hotel, nor is it a discount hotel. It's a small, city-based, "best-kept secret" type of hotel, the kind that prides itself on it's personal approach to customer service and thrives on maintaining the privacy of it's guests. It does tend to cater to the wealthy, whether they are private citizens or celebrities, who expect and rely on the privacy and services we provide for them. In the years I've been working at the...


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