You belong to me
- 2 years ago
- 17
- 0
The straps and buckles of the leather outfit coiled tightly around the curves of her body. No matter how Maiko sat, no matter how much she fidgeted she could not feel anything but restricted and confined in the ridiculous outfit Isami had made her wear. As the car sat stationary at the lights and she gazed out the window she was grateful for the long coat she wore, no one could see what she had on underneath. She felt her jaw clench and she ground her teeth. As far as she was concerned what she wore underneath was nothing. No, this outfit was worse than nothing. What exactly did Isami have planned this evening?
Every weekend Isami had come up with some new plan, some new challenge. Maiko thought Isami was determined to break her, to find something so far out of her comfort zone that she would finally snap, say it was all too much. She would never give though – never - she would prove exactly what she was made of. Although she had made up her mind that she would do whatever she was told she could not stop sweating slightly in trepidation.
“Stop grinding your teeth. I can hear you doing it,” Isami said to her from the driver’s seat. Isami had told her off for this so many times that she could not bring much anger to her voice but Maiko stopped straight away regardless. There was no chance Maiko was not going to do what she was told. Maiko had barely offered any resistance when Isami had bound her long hair up into two bunches. She said nothing about how childish and silly it looked, she supposed that was the point. She would endure the hair just like she endured the lipstick and the eyeshadow and insanely high-heels she had been told to put on as well. It was all part of the test, all part of the plan and she would obey. Anything Isami asked of her Maiko would obey.
Maiko looked over at Isami out of the corner of her eye. She hated when she was caught looking. The street lights flashed through the car windows, intermittently lighting Isami’s face in splashes of lurid yellow. Isami’s eyes looking steadily ahead, a look of alertness and anticipation just barely recognizable on her face. Maiko looked at that face full of confidence and was once again filled with conviction. Yes, she would obey her, she would follow her to the very gates of hell if she had to.
“We’re here,” Isami said as the car pulled into an almost vacant parking lot. “Let’s go, I have some people who want to meet you.” Maiko just looked at her unflinching. Who could Isami have planned to meet? They were at the edge of the industrial district, in the middle of nowhere. They got out of the car and Maiko looked up to see the front of a low building, dim light coming from the boarded windows. A sign over the door had once said, “Jack’s” but the letters were long gone and only dirty imprints remained.
“Let’s have some fun shall we? I love this place.” Isami’s boots crunched across the gravel and tarmac to the front door and gave it a hard shove. The distorted music came wailing through the open door along with an acrid smoke. Isami stepped through and held the door for Maiko who, staring straight ahead, stepped through the doorway. She found herself in the kind of dingy, smoky bar that she had not thought existed any more. The furniture and the décor must have been decades old. Her nose wrinkled slightly at the smell of cheap, bootleg, cigarettes.
Maiko scanned the room out of deeply ingrained instinct and saw straight away that what few patrons were present were all looking straight at them. She immediately tensed up not knowing what to expect. A large figure took two brisk steps towards them, towering over Maiko as he leered down at her. “Sweet piece of ass you got there Isami,” the man said. His voice sounding like a nails in a cement mixer.
Isami stepped right up to the hulking figure pulling Maiko to her side. “I’m surprised you can remember what a nice girl looks like. How is your crack-whore of girlfriend?”
“She quit that shit a long time ago and you know it Isami!” he hollered, jabbing a grimy finger towards her face. His scowl broke into a clumsy, unshaven smile. “I missed you, you fuckin’ bitch. This place was starting to get boring!”
“Missed you too Ed,” Isami said in a suddenly relaxed tone of voice. Maiko had noticed smiles break out on the faces of the few patrons she could make out through the murky haze. “Niki here?”
“At the bar as usual. Keeps threatening to water down the liquor.”
“Might help stop idiots like you losing their temper! Thanks.” Ed just nodded as Isami led Maiko through the odd assortment of tables to the middle of the bar. With a nod she directed Maiko to take a seat on a cracked and unsteady bar stool. Maiko clutched the coat around her as took her seat. The atmosphere was quiet and relaxed but Maiko kept her vigilance none-the-less. She never let her guard down and that went doubly true for a place like this.
“The service in this place sucks! Who do I have to fuck to get a drink around here?” Isami called to the “staff-only” door behind the bar. The door burst open and voice erupted form the opening, “I’ll show you some service! Where are…” The voice stopped as the lady strode out behind the bar scanning for trouble and saw Isami standing there smirking. “It would be you. And you brought a friend this time. Nice to meet you.” Maiko just nodded. The lady behind the bar realized that was the only response she was getting and turned back to Isami. “Usual?”
“Two of the usual. Doubles”
“Of course.”
Maiko found herself facing the largest shot of brown liquor she had ever seen. Whatever the standard legal measure was, this wasn’t it. This wasn’t even double. Isami plonked herself down, snatching up her own glass, and downed the entire drink in one go. “Drink. You’ll need it,” Isami said. No humour in her voice at all. Maiko straightened on the stool and followed suit. The liquor burned and caught in her throat but she downed it all without hesitation. Was this the challenge? It’s not like she could not drink she just preffered not to. It got in the way of her training routine.
“Nik!” Isami called. The lady behind the bar immediately poured out two more enormous glasses of liquor. “Only place I can get whisky like this anymore.” Isami downed shot number too, eyes closed, head back, clearly enjoying it. Empty glass back on the table she eyeballed Maiko’s. “Drink if you know what’s good for you,” Isami said, seriously this time. Maiko did as she was told. Isami was right, this was quality whisky.
“Is this all we came here for? To drink?” Maiko had kept quiet until now but was starting to get restless. She hated the thought that she had got herself worked up for nothing. A night drinking in a filthy bar was hardly a challenge.
“Ed was right. This place can be a little dull. You’re going to give us some entertainment. Be right back, I’m going to cue up some music.” Isami strode over to the corner of the room where a jukebox stood. A few button presses later Isami came back, a curious smile on her face. “A few personal favorites. Oh by the way. You remember that old routine of yours. You know the one? You got first place for it back in the day. I’m sure you remember”.
Maiko was taken aback. Wherever she had thought this evening was headed this was not it. “Yes I know it.”
“I loved it that time you showed me. I can’t believe you are still so flexible. Why don’t you show me again?”
“Here? Right now?” Maiko was once again on full alert, heart pumping, and perspiration building on her palms.
“Yeah, come on it’ll be fun. I know everyone here…more or less. They’ll love it.” Isami looked suddenly serious. “Give me your coat and get on the bar.”
Maiko understood now. This could be trouble. As her hands went to the belt on her coat she suddenly remembered the worse-than-nothing outfit she had on underneath. This was her worst nightmare. Being the center of attention was bad enough but to reveal herself to a room full of (probably dangerous) strangers was terrifying. As scared as she was she reminded herself that this was the life she had committed too. Deep down she wanted this.
The jukebox clicked over to the next track and the room was filled with the sound of heavy drums and bass guitar. Maiko ripped off her coat and flung it over the bar stool. Through the smoky haze the patrons saw for the first time the outfit Maiko wore. Isami had selected a leather corset black and simple with a web of straps that ran down Maiko’s legs and around her chest. All that preserved her modesty was the black satin bra and thong. She heard a wolf-whistle come from over her shoulder along with a number of jeers.
Distorted guitars growled through the smoke as Maiko, cold determination on face, jumped straight up onto the bar, high heels striking the old wood with loud crack. Isami’s eyes drank in the details of the corset lacing, the tight stitching, and especially the glorious Maiko’s thong-clad bottom as it was forcibly thrust out from her crouched position.
Maiko rotated around on the bar top extending one long, smooth leg. Facing the room she gripped the edge of the bar, one leg folded underneath her the other extended out. “I’d kill for legs like that, but then I’d have to give up training.” Isami thought to herself. Flyaway hairs were falling wildly over Maiko’s face and shoulders as she stared out into the dark. Already every face was turned to watch as she leaned her petit yet curvy frame forward and taking all her weight onto her arms, she thrust her feet behind her. Still totally within her comfort zone and with absolute control she rotated her torso down and her legs up until she was in a perfect handstand. That drew a round of applause and another round of shouts from the patrons. Maiko thought “If they think that’s impressive they’re in for a real show.”
Steady as a statue given flesh she slowly opened her legs, feet falling slowly away from each other. The muscles in her legs tightened as her thighs parted splitting open into a perfect ‘T’. Maiko’s mind was clear and focused as she found finished the pose, ever slightly curving her back and neck. Perfection: she had never accepted less. With a deep breath she raised her left hand off the bar holding it straight out to the side.
From this one handed inverted split she slowly twisted her body, pivoting on the heel of her hand, from every angle showing off the curve of her back, the weight of her breasts barely contained by the cups of her bra, the length of her legs and the firm globes of her bottom. A single drop of sweat fell across her parted, pink lips and off the tip of her nose.
Without even visible strain she lowered her forward foot in front of her face. Using both hands flat on the bar she touched a down with a single toe. With a quick flick she brought her back foot to match the first and with feet now down on the bar she pushed her whole body into an arch, hips thrust to the ceiling breasts thrust out in front.
She couldn’t even hear the shouts and calls of the men beind her. Isami just sat contented, enthralled as the light glinted off Maiko’s liquid-soft skin, each drop of sweat, each tiny clasp and buckle, off those big, beautiful eyes of hers. She could only feel the deep rise andf fall of her chest with each deep breathe. She couldn’t help but nitice each suttle shift of Maiko’s flesh under the leather straps as she contorted herself back and forth across the bar. That round heart of her ass exposed to the world, her slim waist cinched down tight under the corset. Maiko had spent her whole young life as top-class gymnast and since then she had become so much more: even stronger, even faster and even more disciplined. Isami could never believe what Maiko could accomplish. Did she have limits at all? Was there anything of which she was not capable?
Maiko performed a perfect front aerial, legs split, body straight, a front flip in a thong and heels. Isami could not imagine wanting anyone more. She leapt to her feet and grabbed Maiko’s wrist pulling her to her knees. Maiko just managed to catch herself as she fell, gasping as Isami pressed her lips against her own. Isami grasped the back of Maiko’s head drawing her into a deep kiss. The last few patrons who had managed to remain composed until now jumped and and applauded.
Isami broke away to push Maiko back onto her ass. Forcing her thighs apart with one hand she whipped a knife from her pocket and in two quick strokes slashed the waistband of the thong and ripped it off. Heart pounding and chest heaving Maiko leaned back and spread her legs. Isami leant in and buried her face in Maiko’s smooth crotch. Maiko’s fresh sweat coated her cheeks as she pressed her lips to Maiko’s fleshy petals. Maiko gasped and her head fell back as Isami’s tongue lapped at her most intimate areas. All she could feel was the hot lights above her and Isami’s hot tongue inside her.
Maiko could not think as Isami showed her levels of pleasure no one ever had before. Maiko pushed her hips forward, adrenaline still pumping from her routine and now heart beating harder than ever from the obscenity of their display. Isami’s tongue worked like a burning rattle snake flicking viciously across her swollen clitoris. Unable to stop herself Maiko grabbed Isami’s hair and pulled, wrapping her thighs around her head. In response Isami reached up slid her hand under the cups of Maiko’s bra roughly squeezing her breasts. Maiko’s body began to tense, stomach taught as welded steel, her ass leaving the surface of the bar. Her head fell back and she felt liquid fly from between her legs as she unleashed an explosive orgasm.
Covered in Maiko’s fluids Isami raised her head and wiped her mouth on her sleeve. “Okay hun, you’re coming with me.” She pulled Maiko off the bar, offering a nod and a grin to a stunned Niki who had frozen half way through cleaning a glass. Maiko grabbed up her jacket as she was hauled bodily across the room and back out the door.
Cool rain met their burning skin, a welcome relief. Isami pulled Maiko in front of her and spun her around, taking another deep kiss as she shoved Maiko back towards the car. Snatching up Maiko’s coat she threw it down on the ground in front of the car. With a hand on each shoulder Isami pushed Maiko to her knees. “Close your eyes, wait.” Isami was giving orders now, she wasn’t going to drive all the way home in this state. She needed satisfying here and now. She wrenched off her boots, dragged off her jeans and stripped off her panties, everything got tossed to the ground, all of it an inconvenient barrier to getting what she needed. Isami stepped in front of Maiko putting a foot on the bonnet of the car. Placing a hand on the top of Maiko’s head Isami guider her to her slick, aching pussy.
Maiko had heard the clothes fall to the pavement and felt her head pulled forwards in earnest. She was being giving explicit instructions she well understood and stuck out her tongue in obedience. Soft fuzz socked in feminine wetness greeted her, she welcomed it eagerly. She would never hold back, giving as good as she got. She would never let Isami go away unhappy. Never in her life had Maiko been second best to anyone ever. She would prove her capability in every way and any way she was asked to.
Isami got just what she was looking for as she put Maiko’s mouth to work, one hand on Maiko’s head and the other grasping a coil of her bunched hair. Maiko’s impressive gymnastic display had got her so worked up and now she needed release. She pushed Maiko away, put her foot down and pulled Maiko to her feet. Stepping towards her Isami pushed her bodily onto the hood of the car. Together they clambered up the hood, alternately supporting themselves and grabbing at each other as they climbed. Isami forced Maiko to lie her head down on the rain-splashed metal and, placing one knee either side of Maiko’s head she sat straight down, smothering her in her crotch.
Unable to even catch a breath Maiko did the only thing she could and run her everything in reach. She lapped voraciously at Isami’s asshole then burying her tongue in her pussy, reaching in then circling around the swollen opening before snaking up to dance around her clit.
The two of them were soaked from the falling rain but hardly felt it so engrossed were they in their pleasure. So engrossed they were that they didn’t notice the many pairs of eyes peeking out from the windows of the bar. Isami had wanted an audience after all and as she rode Maiko’s face right there in the parking lot she cared not if the whole world saw them.
Rocking back and forth she sat down on Maiko’s face and in moments screamed out in her own explosive passion. She savored the intense feeling every second she could before letting herself collapse next to Maiko. “You are just too good,” she said under labored breath.
“I’m glad I could entertain you,” said Maiko as Isami pulled her into a tight embrace, holding on tightly as the rain fell upon them.
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Nathan returned to camp the next day around noon without any girls to my surprise. He had left with two, and I had expected him to come back with probably four or more to have another lesbian orgy he had been talking about. As it happens, Nathan was bored just like I had been the day before. Once we admitted we were tired of all the girls and fucking, we agreed it was time to pack things up and move on. We spent the next three days traveling around in that shitty car before it broke down...
Mathew L. Gaffey turned the wheel of his new 1960 Cadillac Eldorado convertible off the South County Road. He drove down the driveway to The Breakers Palm Beach Resort and up to the valet desk. As the staff opened the door to the sparkling red machine, Gaffey nonchalantly flipped the keys to the valet as he simply said, “Gaffey.” Gaffey confidently strolled through the lobby wearing a suit personally tailored by Pierre Cardin. Even the jaded crowd at The Breakers, had to turn and take notice...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 7: "B" is for Blossom, the Forest Fairy Princess It was a few days before Christmas. The snow had gone, but it was raining very hard, so me and mummy stayed in the house. Mummy told me to put on my pink tutu and my white ballet tights and my ballet shoes. "You should practice your dances for the pantomime, Beverly," she told me. "You don't want to make any mistakes when you perform in front of the mayor, now do you?" I was puzzled. I knew that a mare was...
“Well,” said Mayor Simmons, “Since you foiled David ... why don’t you tie off to the seawall and save me the use of a golf cart or a taxi?” “Nope ... I paid good money for this dock and I’m gonna use it. Where’s the courtesy cart? And I need a pump out, fuel and a flush of my water tanks ... they still have Gold Coast water in them ... and while we’re at it ... I need new filters for everything. Where’s the bank?” “Which one?” “Closest.” “Two blocks east, cut through the parking lot...
Her name was Robin, she was a new hire and my boss had asked me to specifically take her under my wing and show her the ropes. I had noticed her sitting outside my bosses office when he called me in, surmising when I did that she was most likely one of the new employee's we'd recently hired on with the increase in workload we'd recently been experiencing. At least I hoped she was, she was very attractive looking, though a bit on the slim side. I knocked and then entered Jim's office...
This is a true story, my first time writing as well. Happened in the winter of 2011. Makes me laugh whenever I think about it, haven't told friends so I would like to share with someone lol.It was a Saturday on a very cold, typical Alberta winter night. Roommate and I had just finished a long hitch of OT. Decided to unwind have some drinks at the house and head to a club. Usual time looking for women and hitting the drinks hard lol Met a few nice ladies, added a few new contacts in the cell,...
I hope this letter, apart from being a turn-on, acts as a warning. Judith and I have been married for three years now, but the incident I’m about to describe took place ten months ago. Judith had been on about trying out another man, and in the end she talked me into agreeing that she could with someone, as long as he was a total stranger, that I was allowed to watch and that he wore a condom – just as I had to. Judith told me that she wanted a black man – to find...
Lucien.Get up. Time to go— Seth growled in his mind. His eyes flew open. It was still dark since he had his lights set to activate only on command. Hot breath fanned his chest and his legs were tangled with… Oh, God. He teleported himself in a surge of power into the hygiene room. His legs almost gave out beneath him making him need to clutch the entrance to the hygiene unit to steady himself. Everything around him seemed to swirl and distort. He closed his eyes with a groan and muttered...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMe and My Big Mouth (Part 1) If you read my first two stories you'll know I've recently found my first man friend, Richard. You'll need to read those to find out how he helped me find my role in life. Unfortunately this new relationship has had to go on the back burner for a while as his mother has been taken seriously ill and he has had to go to London to look after her. He just had time to email me quickly with this sad news, saying the thought of seeing me in the future would...
“Would you like to join us?,” Chantal and her man Chris ask. Chris is a hunky and good looking muscular man, six feet plus and two hundred pounds. Chantal is tall blond, around four inches less than him with a voluptuous body encased in a tight black thigh length skirt with a white silk blouse undone enough to display good cleavage. And I love her killer heels on her long legs as she crosses them and flaunts them for my man. Thirty minutes later we are in the elevator with them on the way to...
I came home five hours late and ready for trouble.Daddy was waiting for me in the living room, sitting in his big easychair and staring at the front door. He had his belt in his hands, thelong black leather one that he usually wore. Daddy held it doubledover across his thighs and I had the impresson that he'd been sittinglike that for a long time already.I didn't say anything. I just swallowed hard and closed the doorbehind me with a loud snick sound. The house was very quiet and thatmade it...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: August 22, 2011) Chapter 50 - Scenic Interview We returned to the hotel at about one in the afternoon. I promptly crawled into my bed and fell asleep. It had been a taxing morning, and I slept until evening, replenishing the...
Hey guys, thank you for the overwhelming support for my previous story, I was really awestruck by the response to my last story. I’m going to keep writing my experiences, I have 3 more stories, and in addition, I’m already in plans on with few more ISS readers, will probably get more stories to write hereafter. And guys I’m open to discussion on all kinds of requests (I’m straight), you can get in touch with me at dracost . I actually didn’t complete my previous story, it goes like this. Arpita...
Actually waking up next to someone you really love and adore ends up being one of the most satisfying things you can do. I've slept with lots of women I had fucked the night before, but this was totally different. Instead of trepidation of wondering whether she may have thought that the sex "meant" something or was recreation and I might have made a commitment of sorts, I woke up hungering for her once again and not wanting to wait to tell her I loved her. My deep sigh from filling my...
The statue of a lovely young woman is standing there in front of big Bo tree near the gate to a temple, as Buddha may have done. Her shaven head and entire body is white. She may be made from cement but more likely plaster. Her eyes are shut. Her beauty is stunning. Her small shapely body is a vision of perfection in white. There is a white top hat on the ground in front of the statue. The busy Chiangmai Sunday market throngs around her, getting into full swing as the sun sets. A...
100% fiction! “Goodnight guys.” Jake’s father said to him and his mother as he passed from the kitchen into the living room where they were watching a movie, drunkenly stumbling towards the far bedroom of the trailer and slamming the door. Jake slightly turned his head from the television toward his mother behind him where she was spread out on the couch with a comforter upon her trying to keep warm from the lack of heat and drafts coming through the windows. From the colorful lights blinking...
IncestAnilingus (from the Latin anus + -lingus, from lingere, "to lick", variantly spelled "analingus") is the oral and anal sex act in which a person stimulates the anus of another by using the mouth, including lips, tongue, or teeth. It is also called anal–oral contact and anal–oral sex; colloquial names include rimming and rim job. It may be performed by and on persons of any sexual orientation for pleasure or as a form of erotic humiliation. Health risks include fecal–oral transmission.Pleasure...
Several hours passed, and talk had dwindled to an occasional question and answer. During a pause they heard a gasp, and then, “Two! He has two Companions! AND they are beautiful! What would such a Hero ever want with a plain thing like me?” They turned and saw the diminutive Soo-Min holding tightly to a tall, slim woman with close-cropped flaming red hair. She was - ‘svelte’ would be a good word - and her words did not match her lovely appearance. Soo-Min’s captive was clearly trying to...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the ninth chapter of a multi-part story. Please read the first eight chapters before this one to understand the whole story. Please enjoy. * After a long time, he stirred. ‘Where am I?’ he thought. Then a more pertinent question came to him. ‘WHEN am I?’ How long had he been asleep? Days? Weeks? Months? ‘Rip Van Winkle’s got nothing on me’ he thought. He opened his eyes. His brain couldn’t keep up with the flood of sensory data. He was so dizzy he nearly vomited. He...
I some times wonder if we are exhibitionists or just unlucky when we decide to make love in the open air, we have at times been miles away from civilisation and five minutes after the clothes come off and we get down to serious lovemaking some guy appears out of nowhere and watches us. Not that we are too upset by being watched but where the hell do they come from, one one occasion we had been hiking in the Lake District in England and the weather closed in so we found a nice sheltered spot and...
It had been quite some time since I planned an evening for my boyfriend, Jason. Jason and I had been seeing each other for more than six months and we have fulfilled some of our deepest darkest sexual fantasies together. Recently, I thought of a new one which only he could fulfill it for me. Every Friday was movie night at my apartment. Over the past two weeks, I had been requested by Jason to remain in my office attire until he arrived at my place. Jason always had the obsession of wanting...
Susan Castle was used to hearing how good she looked for her age. But the still-handsome, 60-something dance teacher was, at this particular moment, telling her age to shut up. A third floor landing? No problem for a fit individual who ran a marathon or two in her youth. But she forgot to factor in the two (not one?) bags that she carried with her at all times. One held the video equipment she couldn’t afford to leave in the studio or duplicate to always have at home. The other held her...
The Power Brokers: A Crude Business An Entertainment in several parts by James Anderton This story results from suggestions from correspondents that I add more chapters to my earlier story ‘The Ambassador’s Wife’. As the idea grew, I decided to incorporate characters from ‘Vengeance’ another of my previous works. I decided to use a long established literary device used by thriller writers for centuries?, pioneered (on the internet, at least) by Parker and others in their ‘Bankok Slaver’...
Gender Test: After 20 years of marriage things were getting mundane. Mylene and I were becoming frustrated and bored of the humdrum of daily existence. It was true that we had nearly paid off the mortgage but we had had to give up those stary eyed dreams of youth rather like we felt we had to give up on new labour. As young people we had honestly believed that "Things Can Only Get Better" but as we watched fiasco after fiasco on the news we had become cynical. We were growing old. We...
Hey guys, this is a continuation of my previous asstr story. So, do check it out, guys. This is the event that took place after the badminton court. My best friend Kalpana and I took a shower in different bathrooms. I wrapped a towel and sat on my bed. Kalpana came out wearing a towel and her hair was still dripping wet and it was just so beautiful. I moved my towel a little bit and started stroking my dick as she was drying herself. She saw me and turned away as she was shy. I went near her...