I Seek A Toy Boy - The Preliminary I Didn't Expect.. free porn video

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I am a woman of forty-six and was married at twenty-one to a man of twenty-seven.

We lived and loved for twenty-five years before he had a heart attack and died. He was a successful businessman and left me very well off.

After he died I abstained from sex. I was not enjoying the life I had led with my husband.

I decided to join the golf club again and renew my interests in golf and joined the women's circuit.

I got my handicap down to a reasonable level and then began to enter a few tournaments and in doing so began to travel a lot more.

I had new friends and new places. I was playing an interstate tournament and met a woman I liked. I had agreed to meet her and have dinner with her.

She was in a different hotel to me and we agreed that we would meet in her hotel lobby coffee shop.

I was early and sat down and ordered a coffee knowing she would not be long.

As I sat there I noticed a number of very attractive young men that seemed to hang around the staircase leading to the first floor. They came and left in a short in a short space of time.

Within half an hour I had seen at least four or five men arrive and leave.

Then my friend arrived and joined me. During our conversation, I mentioned the comings and goings of the men.

“They are toy boys. Did you notice they always left with women of about our age.?” She explained.

“Toy Boys. What are they?” I asked.

“Virile young men, virtual male prostitutes. They frequent this hotel and is well known for the fact they ply their trade here. It is supposed to be very discrete.” My friend told me.

“I have never heard of male prostitutes, I am fascinated,” I replied.

They enjoy older women, with money, and they provide a service unparalleled I believe. How long since you had a man in your bed.?”

I flippantly replied, “Too long.” Laughed and ended that topic of conversation.

The two of us went to a nice restaurant for dinner and virtually talked golf and travel most of the evening. We never mentioned toy boys again the whole evening.

When I returned to my hotel I had a shower. My mind wandered back to those toy boys. I began to touch and feel those parts of me that my husband had for many years provided me with the sexual pleasure he provided with his penis. He gained his satisfaction a number of times a week for those twenty-five years and I rarely needed to ask if I had a desire to be fulfilled.

Before I realised it my fingers were frantically slipping back and forth in my vagina. I was actually masturbating for the first time in many years. I increased them from one to two then three. I managed to get them right in as far as they would go and then did something my husband did with them and rubbed my G spot. I had forgotten that I even had one. Then back to my clitoris. It was just so wonderful.

The sensations beginning to build up inside me soon had me shaking and shuddering as I tried to maintain the fingering of my vagina until I had completely achieved my orgasm. I jerked with the intensity of each spasm. My clitoris was super sensitive. I could not remember a more intense orgasm since I had been a teenager and just beginning to masturbate.

I did not feel guilty or ashamed of myself. I felt more like a woman than I had for a couple of years.

A thought flashed through my head. What would I have been like with a toy boy?

I continued to lay naked on the bed and soon slipped off to sleep completely naked. Something I had never done in my life before.

In the morning when I woke I still had this wonderful a sense of pleasure I had long since missed.

Before I realised it I was masturbating again and this time I was getting more adventuresome and engaged not only my vagina but my nipples and breasts and my body was having sensations it had not had for years.

It was as if I had been reborn.

After I brought myself to another orgasm I sat on the end of the bed and looked at myself in the mirror. I still had a firm body and my breasts had sagged a little however they were still firm. If I pulled my shoulders back they stood out firmly and prominently with the nipples hard and proudly positioned at the tip of my slight uplift. My tummy was still tight. My pubic hair was bushy and untamed. I thought I am not bad, I still look rather presentable, no folds, creases or wrinkles. I may still be fuckable with the right man.

My bushy pubic hair looked untidy. I decided that I would tidy it up. Something I had not done since I was a teenager. I looked in the mirror and used two fingers to expose my vagina and smiled. You dirty devil I mouthed to myself.

At University many of the girls had shaved their pubic hair off completely to be as bare as a baby. Others shaped it. My recollections were of small V’s or landing strips and wondered who actually saw them apart from themselves.

I can remember the boys loved those girls who had removed all the hair from their labia so they could lick them and not get hair in their teeth, so I was told.

I then thought, what would those toy boys prefer.

I went to the shower and again began touching myself as I rubbed soap over my body and breasts. I was having those naughty but nice thoughts again.

I was becoming obsessed with masturbating. I had done it three or four times since last night. It felt quite erotic fingering myself. I removed the shower rose and sprayed water over my nipples and vagina.

I got dressed and went to breakfast and met a couple of other women that were touring with us and the subject of golf was the only subject raised or discussed.

That day I played a reasonably good game of golf and decided I wouldn’t stay at the bar and go back to my hotel.

I showered and once again I could not help myself and masturbate again. I realised I had forgotten to buy the razor. Bum.

I had dinner on my own and decided to go for a walk. I knew if I went back to my room I would be masturbating again. I was becoming obsessed with it.

On my walk, I could not help but wonder about those toy boys. I was thinking of going back to that hotel to watch and note what happened. I could not believe I was subconsciously considering it. As I approached the hotel I passed a late night pharmacy adjacent to that hotel. I would go there to get a razor to shave my hair.

I went to the pharmacy and looked for the personal hygiene section. A young woman approached me and asked if I needed help. I then said I was looking for a lady razor. She then leads me to a shielded and discrete counter on which many female items were kept and discretely displayed.

Then she began to show me a number of razors and depilation devices. She realised exactly what I had in mind after I showed some interest. She must have recognised my inexperience in using such devices. She seemed completely at ease discussing personal female hygiene and then asked.

“Have you removed any yet?”

I replied quite sheepishly. “Not yet”

She then just opened a cupboard door and removed a pamphlet.

“This may help you decide. Do you wish to remove it all or just back to the bikini line?” She asked as she handed me a brochure.

“Don't be embarrassed. This may help. I will leave you to peruse this for a minute or two. When you decide I will be able to let you have exactly what you need. We have a nudist club not far away and we get somebody most days doing exactly what you are about to do. I do it myself.”

I sat down on a chair that was provided and studied the brochure. The whole thing was an advertisement for various brands of feminine products from Hair Removal Creams, Razors, and toys. I was fascinated, and even studied the toys and wondered how many of them were sold.

Having studied the trimmers and depilation devices I decide I would buy a trimmer and seek the girl's opinion about a depilation device. If I was going to remove my hair I decided the razor would require regular maintenance as my hair did grow reasonably quickly and the depilation device would remove the hair and the root and give me longer periods between maintenance periods as they described them. Some even made claims that the hair would never regrow, I doubted that.

The brochure also showed many of the hair patterns that you could achieve with the various devices.

The young woman returned when she could see I had considered my purchase.

“Have you decided, or would you like some more help.” She enquired.

I gave her a bit of giggle and said: “I had no idea that there were so many of these to choose from.”

“The younger women and even teenagers are becoming very conscious of that part and obviously want to be modern Millie’s.” And gave me a smile.

“Well, its long time since I was a modern Millie, but I am fascinated and have decided I want to a part of the modern set. Do many women my age buy these?” I enquired.

“Far more than you would imagine. All these have been improved since they first came onto the market and there are women only products now.

In the past most used their husband's razor or bought one of the pretty pink lady ones. They claim the handle makes it easier to get around that part and not nick you.”

“Which one would you recommend? “I asked.

“How much do you want to spend?” she asked.

“I want something that will be worth the money and do the job. Really the cost is not important, the result is.”

“What I am going to recommend is that you make an appointment with a Salon. I will give you the address. I go there, and I am going to suggest that they start you off. They do an excellent wax removal and I will guarantee you will want to walk out of there with nothing below your waist, showing the world how good you look. You will be very happy with the result I can almost guarantee.”

“That sounds just the thing. They can advise me and then I can come back and buy what I need. “I answered.

“They will probably show you how they work as we keep a lot of stock they suggest. They can ring here, and I can have everything packed for you just to come in pay and be on your way with everything you need. I think you will be very happy. If you wish I can ring now and make an appointment for you. They are open until 9 pm as many women work and like it done out of normal office hours.”

I was more than happy for her to do that for me. “Go ahead.” as I passed my mobile phone to her, so she could do it at once. I would then have the number on my phone.

The girl rang the salon and it was obvious that she was well known at the salon. She turned to me and said,

“They can fit you in at 8 am or not until after six tomorrow night. It will take an hour or ninety minutes at most”.”

“Eight will be perfect,” I replied. I was not playing until late tomorrow. I could enjoy my new sensation as I walked the course. Book me in for ninety minutes.

I thanked the girl and went to leave.

“I will see you tomorrow to pick up your items.” The girl said as I left.

I went back to the hotel and stripped off and looked at myself in the mirror. This time tomorrow night I would be looking very different.

I lay on the bed and masturbated once more. I was loving each experience more and more. I had not done this for a few years I was making up for it almost by the hour. I laughed to myself. I was behaving like a teenager again with a new-found toy. Tomorrow night it would be a completely different sensation.

Before I went to sleep I had fingered myself off twice. I could not help myself.

I was up early and showered and made sure I was very clean and ready for whatever was going to happen. I knew it would be a little embarrassing at first but decided I would tough it out.

I had breakfast and back to the room, a pee, and another cleanup. I looked at myself in the mirror again and told myself. “You will be a new woman this time tomorrow.” Then left for my new experience.

I found the salon which looked very professional and on the high street. Bikini waxing is our speciality was emblazoned across the window. I walked in looking full of confidence but virtually shaking in my shoes.

I went to reception and greeted by a woman looking very much like a nurse. She greeted me and rang for another girl to come.

This girl also looked very professional in her white uniform, and very young. She wouldn’t have been in her mid-twenties.

“Hello Mrs Jones, come with me and we can get things moving.”

She leads me to a small room where there was a massage table and a set up looking a little like doctor’s surgery. I was impressed… so far.

“Please remove all your clothing, there is a rack over there to hang everything on. We will be starting with a massage to relax you seeing this is your first time with us.”

I was a little surprised I had to strip off naked, after all, it was only my pubic region that they were to work on. A massage wasn’t mentioned by the girl in the chemist, but I could see no harm so I did as I was told.

As I began to undress so did the nurse. She removed her outer covering to reveal she was bare-breasted and wearing very small white bikini pants.

I was beginning to wonder, and getting a bit anxious.

“Don’t be concerned. My name is Lucy and I will be doing everything with you. At first, it is just a massage and we get very oily, so we always carry out the massage as I am now. After this, we will shower.”

I undressed and did as Lucy instructed and lay face down on the massage table.

Lucy then produced a small trolley with many bottles on it and then placed a towel over my backside. I assumed for modesty.

Then she poured some warm oil over my back and then began to massage me. I was a bit uptight and she recognised this immediately and said just relax you will enjoy this and come back for more, I am sure.

I took a deep breath and then just let everything go loose. I could not see any harm in what she was doing.

The massage extended from my neck to the soles of my feet. This I had to admit after twenty minutes it was most relaxing and in no way unpleasant.

Then Lucy asked me to roll over. Now I was a bit concerned. I could see her naked body and she had unbeknown to me removed her pants and was completely naked. I thought… I would love to have her body. But I may have looked like her when I was twenty.

“Now things will get a little more intrusive. I will be touching parts that you may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but I can assure you-you can relax and enjoy what will be happening." Lucy explained. 

I did my best to relax but it was harder than when I was laying on my tummy. She couldn’t see or touch my other parts there, but she did get very close when she oiled between the cheeks of my backside and I could feel her fingers almost inside where mine had been the night before. I was apprehensive for a few moments. She said, “relax” and I did.

“Are you with that group of golfing women in the hotel?" Lucy asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“I have had a few of them in for the same treatment, however, most have been here before and only need a tidy up down below. It's obvious it's your first visit. You will look like a new woman when I am finished with you. Can I ask if you have a husband?”

“No, unfortunately, he passed away a couple of years ago," I replied.

“Oh, that’s a pity, I am sorry to hear that. He would be very impressed with you when he saw you in the bedroom tonight after this “ Lucy added.

I didn’t reveal what I had in mind and it wasn’t with my husband.

“I believe some of the ladies from the golf group meet up with some of the younger men here. That’s why they come for a tidy up.” Lucy evidently had heard something I hadn’t and believed I was one of them, and I was planning to be but not telling her.

“Some of them must be keeping a few secrets,” I added.

“It’s just that I noticed more than a few of them in the locker room had been ‘tidied up ‘as you put it, and I decided to join the club so as not to be out of fashion"

It was at that moment her hand slipped between my legs and I felt her hand rub between my labia. I reacted and jumped a little.

“ Sorry," Lucy said.

“It's ok.”I replied.”All part of the treatment I assume.

“If you wish I can give you the same massage most of those women like as well,” Lucy said in a whisper as if it were something special.

“If it’s good enough for them its good enough for me,” I said, and I felt my heart blood pressure increase. What was I letting her do?

Then I found out. Her fingers ran straight into my vagina and massaged it and then I felt her finger penetrate me. I don’t know why but I instinctively opened my legs a little bit wider and this was her signal. Two then three fingers went into me and then I felt something I loved. My G spot being massaged.

“Oh, God. That feels so good.” The words had come out without me realising it. Lucy had done something that felt so wonderful.

Then the third finger went in and she began to really rub me internally now. I was getting a massage internally as well as externally. Then she did something I had never experienced in my life before. Her thumb was now exercising my clitoris as well. I had virtually her whole hand performing some sexual procedure on me. I loved it. It felt so amazing I began to shudder with the intense sensations she had aroused in me.

She recognised the sensations I was having and just quietly said

“Let it happen, relax and enjoy.”

I did.

Then she said, “Pull your legs back onto your chest.”

She then took a bottle of oil from her trolley and poured a little over me, so it ran down over my butt hole. God that felt erotic.

She then slipped her finger into me, something I had never experienced before. I instinctively tightened my sphincter and clamped her finger.

“Relax,” she said. “Just let it happen, this is something you will enjoy.”

Her finger slipped into my ass and began to rim my ass hole slowly. I could not believe how wonderful this whole experience was becoming. I was doing things I had never done in my life before or letting somebody else do them to me not even my husband had done.

I did as she instructed. Then she used her other hand to slip a couple of fingers into my vagina and I now had both orifices well and truly filled with fingers working magic upon me. Before I realised it, I was Cumming. I had never cum with another woman fingering my vagina and my ass, in fact, I had never cum with another woman fingering me anywhere. This was so amazing, and I never believed such things ever occurred. I never knew what I was missing and what pleasures some of the other women had found.

I couldn’t help myself. Lucy gently brought me to the height of my orgasm in a soft and sensual way. I hardly realised she was manipulating my sexual parts.

What I was experiencing was something I had been achieving myself. but this was amazing. It was just so sensual. My nipples became hard and I could not help myself. I squeezed each one which even highlighted the feelings she was giving me as she continued to massage both my genitals and my ass. I was floating on air.

My orgasm was long and calm and sensual, not vigorous and earth-shattering as those I had manufactured myself. This girl was an expert.

I had never been on a massage table before, I had never been masturbated by another woman before and I had never had a finger in my anus or having any form of penetrative sex with other than my late husband. I had never cum in my life whilst being fingered by another woman.

I had virtually been reborn. Up to this moment, I had never realised that such things happen and can be so wonderful.

I had allowed myself to cum and not worry about Lucy seeing me. She had seen it all before and obviously provided the same or similar service to other women. She had no inhibitions about doing what she did to me.

After having given me the experience of a lifetime she went to the cabinet and removed a towel. Then she spread this warm towel over me and then used another hand towel to remove the oil and sweat from my body.

Once more she ran her hands over every part of my body and I never flinched and just lay there and enjoyed a whole raft of new sensations I had enjoyed like no other.

Having dried me off completely she asked.

“Have you any idea of the shape you want, or do you want it all off?”

It seems now she was going to work on removing my pubic hair.

I informed her I had looked at the brochure in the pharmacy and decided that I would like to retain the retain the shape but in a much smaller version.

I said.

“I like a lower case “V” rather than an upper case”.

“I know exactly, that is very popular. The other shape that women like is the strip. Then there are those who want it all removed.”

“I have seen a couple of the women in the locker room like that and I don’t particularly like it like that.”

Lucy explained. “It's very easy to maintain like that.” She added “But I like to see a little bit of hair as you can see on me. My husband prefers me like this also.”

“What does your husband think of you doing this sort of work?” I asked.

“He has no problems and I have a couple of girlfriends that come around for me to touch them up. They are all friends, so what we do can be sexual. We can enjoy the experience without feeling any attachment to each other."

Lucy continued.

"We can and do share the pleasures of having sex with each other or together on occasions. It is something we don’t do a lot and it's usually when our husbands are around, so they are aware of what we do together. They don’t miss out either and the men have their experiences with each of us as well. It’s all rather promiscuous but we refer to it as recreational. Just like a swinger’s club but there are only six couples involved. Not all at once though Nothing behind closed doors is something we have agreed upon. Variety can be quite enjoyable.“

“I can imagine,” I added somewhat bemused..

“You must be very good friends to be able to accept the fact one woman's husband can have sex with another man's wife, and nobody cares.”

“Oh, we care and make sure that what we do together is basically just sex – nothing more serious. It’s fun and it's nice to be with somebody else for a change. Nothing is done in private and probably in full view of anybody that happens to be there. Everybody has seen it and been seen before. The girls decide if they want the guy to use a condom. It sometimes happens if there is a chance we may do it with a couple of the guys, or even our husbands later.

The guys don’t really mind, and it is the girls that insist upon it. They realise if they don’t want to comply they are not going to get it any other way.

We have agreed, no kissing etc. We are, and we have been doing it together for over a year now and we have never had a bad word or a dispute between us.” Lucy said quite openly and without shame.

I just said. “That’s amazing.”

“Naughty perhaps, but fun. Ironically one of the girls was going steady with one of the other girl's husbands before they met. To them, it's like old times.”

Lucy had just about completed her treatment of me in removing most of my hair using a set of electric clippers. Then she told me to stand up and admire her work in the mirror.

I loved the new shape.

“Now lay back and I will tidy it all up. I can use a cream or the IPL. The IPL uses a light and heat to remove the hair. It lasts longer but the hair does grow back in a few months. You will feel it. The cream takes a while to act and it’s just a matter of washing it off basically and the hair goes with it.” Lucy explained.

“Jan told me you wanted to purchase some equipment to allow you to maintain it yourself. Maybe I can do one of each on both on each side, so you can choose.”

“That sounds great, let's do it like that,” I suggested.

Lucy then proceeded to work on me and had no qualms about working on my pubic region. Obviously, she does it on a lot of women. One thing she did was to put a cotton pad between the lips of my vagina, whether to soak up my juice or to protect it from the cream I didn't know - or care.

It was fascinating as I was sitting up and watching her work on me – and feel her working around there as well. It was quite interesting as she worked I had no sensation of anything erotic or sensual. It was not unlike getting a normal haircut.

When she was using the device on me I expected it to hurt but it didn’t even around my labia. The cream had a smell so neither were much better than the other.

After she had reduced my patch to what I had decided I wanted I looked in the mirror and I looked wonderful, like a teenager again. She was admiring her work as well and said I agree what you have there is better than the nude look. Then she produced a lifelike photograph of a woman’s vagina that had been completely shaved.

"Put that over you and you can see what you would have looked like had you decided to remove it all"

I looked and decided I looked better with some hair rather than none. 

“There see how much better you look with just some hair. I would have given you that photo to see had you asked to be completely bare. You can always take more off but not put it back on.” Lucy explained.

“I love it,” I told her.

“It would take more than a month to get anything like enough hair to do anything with after that,” Lucy mentioned.

“Now which do you prefer, the IPL or the cream? I think we should wait until you decide what you like before we do any Lasering. That is reasonably permanent.” Lucy enquired.

Keep going with the IPL and see how long that lasts with me. I just want to look at it and feel it – it feels so smooth.

“Your husband will be surprised I am sure,” Lucy added.

“It's not my husband that will be seeing it. I have plans. I no longer have a husband.” I said with a smile on my face.

“Well, whoever it is I am sure he or she will admire it as much as you do,” Lucy responded.

“I love it. OK let's finish it off and do the other side. I like the feel of that too, but I am hoping the other way will keep my tidier for longer.” I said.

Then laid back for Lucy to continue to manicure that part of me that I was beginning to find was becoming far more interesting than it ever has been before.

“I gather you have plans to enjoy the new you?” Lucy inquired as she began to finish the job she had started on me.

“I do indeed. I am planning to do something I have never done since my husband died. I am going to find me a toy boy. I believe half the women I play golf with using their services. Not all are single like me either. I noticed some young men at one of their hotels the other evening and decided I might like to see for myself why they seem to be so popular.” I stated.

Lucy stopped for a minute and then said.

“I can recommend a couple that I am sure you would enjoy. They are clients of mine and come in for treatment themselves. I can assure you they are very good at what they do. You can have a look at my album. They look every bit as wonderful in the photo as they do in real life, and they are naked, so you can see what you are going to get. That’s a bit better than those toy boys at the Hotel. Half of them are gay anyhow and only do it for the money. My guys will make you more than happy I can assure you.

“I gather by that that you might have had some experience with them?” I asked.

“They don’t get accepted by me unless I am happy I can assure you. I have a few girls that are also available for anybody that is bisexual. There are a number of women that prefer other women.” Lucy informed me quite casually.

“Are you bisexual?” I asked.

“Yes. I have been since college. In fact, the girl who served you in the pharmacy is one of the women who are available to both men and women. She is very popular.” Lucy told me.

“My god, I would never have picked her as a prostitute,” I said rather incredulously.

“We do not consider ourselves to be prostitutes in the strict sense. We do accept money for our services, but we prefer to be recognised as masseuses not call girls – we receive a call and we provide the service. If you are in the hotel adjacent to the pharmacy, they use our services regularly. In fact, there are two girls there tonight looking after a couple of women. Possibly your golfing friends. The concierge in almost every hotel can provide men or women should a guest ask. It's virtually part of his responsibility. Nobody wants to go out onto the street looking for women and if they do the hotel will often deny them access if they are known street girls or school girls. Both can be a real problem with the police. All hotels provide that service and I are happy to provide it for them. It's very lucrative. We know the client then as he or she is not somebody that can cause problems. Our business is a nice front for it. We provide the service we advertise, and a few we don’t.” Lucy said and laughed.

“Well I am surprised and maybe I should take up your offer,” I said.

“You won't be sorry,” Lucy replied.

Lucy had almost finished her work on me and as I had been enthralled by her admissions I hadn’t felt the hairs being ripped out. If she was as good in bed as she was a massage therapist and waxing expert she would be making a lot of money, and be in demand as well.

After Lucy had finished she used warm towels to wipe me down and again slipped her finger into me and gave me a tweak in a friendly way.

“No doubt this is going to provide you with some interesting and enjoyable experiences shortly. “Lucy said as she finished cleaning me up.

I didn’t quite know what to say. I wanted to see those albums and possibly pick a young man that may do just as she said.

“Get yourself dressed, have a shower if you feel like it”. Lucy offered.

I decided that I would shower and admire her work in my hotel room, so I just got dressed and slipped my pants into my bag. I was going to walk out of there bare beneath my dress. It felt awesome.

“Going Commando.” Lucy quipped as she returned to the room, this time with two photo albums. She hadn’t forgotten or was looking for work for her ‘employees’.

She showed me the men first.

“Have no doubt they are all very good at what they do. They must impress me first before they can work for me.”

Some were young, and I would say in their mid-twenties, other a bit older in the early thirties. All looked fit and virile and had very attractive penises.

There were eight to select from. I picked two and I would ultimately reduce that to one. Before I made my decision, Lucy said one of those is my husband. You will be more than happy with him I can assure you. The other is Jan’s husband, the girl from the pharmacy. You picked the best two of them all in my opinion.

I asked which was her man? One was in the younger category and the other in the older category.

“It's up to you,” Lucy said.

“Make your pick. I will tell you which one which is after you decide.”

I picked the older one.

“That’s Jan’s husband.” You will be very happy with him.

“Can I see the women as well,” I asked.

Lucy opened the other album and there were eight to choose from. Two were Lucy and Jan. The other six were about their age as well.

I looked and asked. “The women are all younger than most of us golfers. Is it these that that choose from?" I asked.

“Yes. We are more than happy to go with the older women as they are less demanding and asked for more sedate experiences than the younger ones. We rarely get requests from women under fifty.” Lucy responded.

"I have never had an experience with another woman other than what you did to me tonight. Maybe I could have a night with you on my next trip."

“I would love it. We could be very good friends after that. I would enjoy being with you too as we have along brilliantly tonight. If I am otherwise employed I can recommend Jan as she is in demand a lot, from women as well.”

“Keeping it in the family so to speak.” I quipped.

“We work together well, and one good turn deserve another. She referred you to me tonight and I can refer you to her the next time you visit us. I know you won't be disappointed with any of us.” Lucy said.

“Do I make an appointment with you or with Jan seeing he is her husband,” I asked.

“It’s all done through this business as it is then seen as an appointment with us. If you were to go to the others directly, it could be prostitution. Here it is a massage… and legal.” Lucy replied.

“Thank you. I can't wait.”

Lucy took down all the details and the entire proposition was done in a very professional way.

“Do you require him to provide condoms or?” Lucy asked.

“No,” I replied. "I believe I am safe, and you know I am clean."

“Do you want him to visit you in your hotel room or somewhere else?”

“My room would be perfect. Has he been with any other women like my golfing friends? I wouldn’t like them to know I was enjoying something they already have.” I asked.

“No, you will be his first booking for over a week. Nobody will know. He will have a credit card authorization machine, so you can pay him for the service.” Lucy assured me.

With that, I paid for her service and left with her business card safely tucked away in my purse. Nobody would realise what I had done this evening or what I had arranged for the following evening. Lucy had rung Jan and provided her with the details of the equipment I would like.

“Don’t forget to call in on Jan on the way back.” Lucy reminded me.

I immediately went to see Jan.

“Well, I believe you had a very enjoyable evening,” Jan said.

“And another one tomorrow evening, I believe,” I replied.

“You won't be disappointed with Mike he really gives the ladies a good time, as I can attest to,” Jan told me.

“I am finding it a bit hard to come to grips with in talking to you and me planning to have sex with your husband  How do you feel about that?"

“I am no different to him. I have sex with men and women. He only engages with other women. I wouldn’t like to see him with another man.” Jan replied.

“I cannot believe I am actually doing this, or have done what I have tonight,” I told her.

“You really must accustom yourself to it. You can really enjoy your life now that you have broken the ice.” She mentioned.

“I will tell you how much I may or may not be involving myself in future if I survive tomorrow night,” I said sheepishly.

“You will love it and be back for more. Lucy told me what happened tonight and how well that you enjoyed yourself. Next time you could pick Lucy or me and keep it in the family so to speak.” As she laughed.

Then she said.

“Maybe we could arrange a threesome with us both. You can decide after you have had the first experience with one of us or another woman. You might be like me. Once I had the first experience I have not been able to give it up. Enjoying your time with another woman is really amazing I can assure you.” Jan told me.

“I have to go and admire Lucy’s work and probably give it a test run myself. She did wonders for me earlier and I loved it.”

“So you enjoyed yourself?” Jan enquired.

“I had the most wonderful experience of my life,” I replied.

“Then you will be more than happy. Mike is a wonderful man and makes love like an angel.” Jan replied.

“I can't believe he is your husband, and you are also engaged in Lucy’s business.”

“We are partners as are the men. We provide a most necessary service. Without you, golf lady’s, things would be a bit quiet.” Jan replied.

“Lucy’s told me her husband is also involved in the business,” I commented.

“We all love what we do. Maybe next time you should try Sam he is almost as good as Mike, but I am biased.” She said as she laughed.

“Thank you. I will look forward to seeing you next time I am in town.” I told her.

“Next time book Sam. You won't be disappointed.” Jan told me.

I paid for the package that I would unwrap when I returned to my room.

When I returned to the room I stripped of completely again. I was enjoying the feeling of being nude, unlike any other time. I looked into the mirror and could not but help admire what Lucy had done for me. I looked years younger and I wish now I had done this to myself years ago. I was sure Harry my husband would have been proud of the way it looked.

Tomorrow I was playing golf and I believed I would play better than ever knowing what I had beneath my skirt. I might even ‘go commando as Lucy called it, and wear no pants at all. Lucy had mentioned that some of the golfing women were already clients. I would be interested to learn how many had taken advantage of Lucy’s treatment and possibly her husband, and if they were members of our group.

I didn’t play my best golf. I was thinking of what I was going to experience that night when I was going to enjoy my first toy boy. He was to be Jan’s husband, which I felt was a bit strange, but she obviously has no problems with him servicing older women. It would be interesting to listen to their conversation after he got home.

I couldn’t get over the fact I was going to have sex with a perfect stranger whose job it seems was to make older women happy having sex. I should have been apprehensive, I was more excited about that than I had been for some time. I thought back to my teen days when as a virgin I wondered if the boy taking out was going to make a pass and do something I wanted, but was not game to take that risk. This was far more exciting. I knew what I was doing this time and knew it would happen. Pregnancy would not be a problem either.

I have never had real sex with a man apart from my husband apart from a couple of oral experiences with boys at college, just to say I had sex. This was going to be something I was going to enjoy beyond anything I could imagine.

Bring it on.


This is the preamble - The next story is when it all happens.





Same as I Seek a Toy Boy - The Preliminary I Didn't Expect.. Videos

3 years ago
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Sissyboy Conversion Therapy

One The ProblemI know I have high standards, Doc, Matt Studley said to his ther****t, Dr.Freudist. But it s more than that. Dr. Freudist nodded and said, Um hum. Can I be honest with you, Doc Matt asked.They always ask that, Dr. Freudist said to himself. I ve been listening tothis guy ramble on about his issues for seven weeks, twice a week, andNOW he s going to be honest But Dr. Freudist merely nodded and said, Of course. This is a safe place. And then he waited.And waited.Finally,...

1 year ago
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Sissyboy Conversion Therapy

One The ProblemI know I have high standards, Doc, Matt Studley said to his ther****t, Dr.Freudist. But it s more than that. Dr. Freudist nodded and said, Um hum. Can I be honest with you, Doc Matt asked.They always ask that, Dr. Freudist said to himself. I ve been listening tothis guy ramble on about his issues for seven weeks, twice a week, andNOW he s going to be honest But Dr. Freudist merely nodded and said, Of course. This is a safe place. And then he waited.And waited.Finally,...

1 year ago
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My New Boy Toy

"I quit!" the woman yelled, exiting my office. "Perv!""Motherfucker!" I roared, hitting my desk and leaning forward. "That's the third one in two months now. Troy, get your fucking ass in here!" I yelled, looking at him through the doorway.I sat down and had smoke coming out of my ears as I clenched my fists."Yes, Ms. Jacobs?" he wearily answered, coming in there."Sit your ass down!"He did and couldn't make eye contact with me. I took a deep breath, but it wasn't easy not to rip his head...

3 years ago
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Becoming a leather toy boy

This is a little story of one of my first encounters with a leather milf.It all started when the parents were looking to move house and began visiting properties. Not something I'm interested in at all but one day decided to go with them to see this so called 'amazing' house. And I'm so glad I did because it turned out it really was.... Well for me anyway!!!So we walked up the drive and knocked on the door. As the door opened there stood a gorgeous green eyed, blonde mature woman. Not only did...

4 years ago
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Boy Toy Part 3

"What about you Boy Toy? Do you think you deserve a reward?" I taunted toy with my wriggling ass as I stroked his hard cock. I smiled when his only response was a groan as I licked the tip of his cock. The breath caught in his throat when I closed my mouth around the thick mushroom head and gave it a gentle suckle.I smiled when Toy squirmed a little in his bonds pushing his cock up to my mouth nearly insisting that I take him deeper. But we had just learned lesson number one. He was here to...

3 years ago
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Toy Store Boy Chaper one That Dumb Ass Song

Chapter One: That Dumb Ass Song I want to start off by saying that all of this story is true. Its written as it was lived. I changed the names to protect the secrets of those written here. I wanted the story to start with the losing of my virginity because of what it meant to me that day. I loved her more than anyone in my whole life. I wanted to tell that story before telling the rest of the story. After whats to come it may change your persepsion of the prologue. I hope it doesnt because she...

3 years ago
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My Toy Boy Experience

My Sex Life is Restored.I decided to use the services of a toy boy to reintroduce myself to a sex life again, whilst at a golf tournament a couple of years ago following the death of my husband. I realised what I had enjoyed with him had not died with him, and I needed my sex drive to be rekindled. I had attended a massage clinic to prepare myself for the experience and Lucy the masseuse arranged for me to meet a man that would provide me with the services I desired.The sun finally set and I...

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Boy Toy Part 2

I had to wipe that smug look off of his face.When we broke our first intense kiss and I saw the look on his face, that arrogant, I can have any woman I want look of triumph, I knew it was going to be my mission to take him down a peg or two. He was already far too comfortable and I had allowed him too many liberties with my body. This was MY toy... and he was about to learn he was here for MY pleasure, not the other way around.I wrapped my hand around his cock and smiled. "Hi Boy Toy, you...

1 year ago
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the ex girlfriend and what she didnt know

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3 years ago
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Ho 50 anni ma non li dimostro, o almeno così dicono i miei amanti.Mi guardo allo specchio tutte le mattine e scorro le mie mani nude sulle mie rotondità, scoprendo una donna in forma e che ancora attira gli sguardi degli uomini.Ogni tanto ne scelgo uno, molto più giovane di me, bello quasi quanto me e con tutti i muscoli al loro posto.Scelgo il meglio perché posso permettermelo e perché sono interessata solo a farci sesso.Non ho storie d’amore da anni perché ho capito che fare sesso con tanti...

3 years ago
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Roman toy boy

Roman toy boyI decided to try and write something a little different from what I usually write and because I find Roman history fascinating decided to write a first person femdom roman historical story. I choose the mid 70 AD’s because it was a time of change but one where the empire was quite stable and also before Vesuvius erupted and the information we get from Pompeii. I also wanted to make it reasonably authentic and make my hero and the other characters Roman and not English circa 1980...

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Sandras Boy Toy and Masons Cockwhore

Arriving exactly 10 minutes after the discussed time, Sandra walked into the high traffic restaurant. The hostess was searched her list to find the corresponding table. “So you’re the lucky girl.” She said as she found the table. “What do you mean?” She wondered. The hostess smiled, nearly laughing. “All the waitresses have been eyeing your date. Hoping that you would stand him up.” The envy pumped Sandra’s heart. “Maybe we’ll bring one of yous to join us.” She said, clearly hitting...

2 years ago
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Boy Toy Part 1

I swear I wasn't looking for a boy toy.I am a 33 year old intelligent, professional, responsible woman... normally. But I have myself a slight exhibitionist streak. Until now, I have only had one dirty little secret: I love to post my naked pictures online. I love when men from many countries, states, colors, backgrounds come to the site and look at my pictures and jerk off to them. I love tributes, comments, even the cave men types that message me and tell me every day how many ways they would...

4 years ago
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My visit with Christie and her Boy Toy

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My visit with Christie and her Boy Toy

I had been trying and wanting to see Mistress for quite some time. Our schedules simply did not match, and while they did on two occasions, Mistress was incapacitated with her monthly cycle. Though finally, our schedules melded. I had scheduled a time with her several weeks in advance; it had been a very pleasant yet torturous anticipation. Mistress had promised me several scenarios that would be new to me. She had promised to be dressed in a very sophisticated manner, boy did she every live...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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The Girl Who Didnt Have A Mom

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24Hour Boy Toy Tiffany

I didn't write this story, but enjoyed reading it elsewhere. Had a search for it here and couldn't see it so I thought I'd share it with everyone here.CHAPTER ONETHE ONE THAT GOES LIKE THIS:"We're on our own, cousin/All alone, cousin/Let's think of some games to play/Now the grown-ups have all gone away."- "Cousin Kevin," The WhoIt had been four months since Tiffany Daniels had been a toy.The gorgeous 16-year-old cheerleader had spent those four months trying tore-build her reputation at...

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What I Didnt Know About Jim

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Wife shares her boy toy

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“Next time two toy boys while you watch, baby,?” she asked the next day as a reminder. “Which do you prefer from your list, number eight, nine or fourteen?” When I checked my list, number nine was my preference. It read, “You fuck and suck two very well hung younger men while I watch and masturbate.” “Can I have that one baby?,” she asked ever so sweetly. “Look at these pics one of my girlfriends sent me. Two, twenty-three year old boys, almost twenty-years younger than us. Could you...

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“Next time two toy boys while you watch, baby,?” she asked the next day as a reminder. “Which do you prefer from your list, number eight, nine or fourteen?” When I checked my list, number nine was my preference. It read, “You fuck and suck two very well hung younger men while I watch and masturbate.” “Can I have that one baby?,” she asked ever so sweetly. “Look at these pics one of my girlfriends sent me. Two, twenty-three year old boys, almost twenty-years younger than us. Could you...

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Oops I didnt mean to

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A Boys Dream A Brothers Expectation

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My new Boy toy

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Older boy fucks his CD sex toy

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My Brothers Toy

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The Toy The Theatre

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

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Antheas baby 1

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How I became Elainersquos toy boy

So this is how I met my older lover and started several years of being Elaine’s toy boy sex toy I was in my early twenties at the time and my job was fitting car stereos. I would give my number out all the time to try and get work so used to get quite a few odd and unusual calls and most ended in earning money so that was great. So one day I get a call from a very pleasantly spoken lady, a strong but not butch voice asking about fitting a new radio in her car. I said “of course I can when do...

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Latoyas return

So you all remember Latoya, the singer who looks like Misty Stone? Well, we were supposed to go camping with friends, but they pulled out. So, having the weekend free, me and Latoya opted to go hiking. Latoya showed up at my house dressed in jeans, a half shirt, and she was wearing one of those old plaid shirts the grunge freaks wore in the ninties, only she'd cut the shirt down and cut off the sleeves, turning it into a vest. I wore jeans and a Poison shirt. For those that aren't aware exactly...

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A Boy for a Toy

 Michelle breathed a sigh of relief after getting off the plane. She hated flying. The only way this frequent flyer could handle being in the sky was by lubricating her fears with alcohol, usually two drinks in the first ten minutes to settle down, followed by several more during the flight. On this journey from New York to Seattle, she had knocked back seven shots of Jack Daniels on the rocks. She still had a buzz going as she walked through the terminal. The tired traveler was looking forward...

3 years ago
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I just hadthe BEST toy session

Today I decided to pretend to be a slut. So I put on a pair of crotchless fishnet stockings a jean micro mini skirt a push up bra and a corset over that and a pair of fuck me cowboy boots. Then I got my favorite toys out. An 8 inch curved dildo that I stuck to the wall, and 18 inch double headed dildo and a 6 inch vibrator.I started with the wall mounted one. After oiling it up I turned and started rubbing it up and down m ass crack. After a few seconds of that I pushed the head against my...

2 years ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

4 years ago
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Boy Toy

Copyright © 2002, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Date of first publication Friday PM, July 12, 2002: Later in my life I learn my mom always wanted a girl. After I was born mom's doctor advises her that her childbearing abilities are over, she will never have the daughter she always wanted. Subsequently she raises me like the daughter she can never have rather then the boy I am. My dad makes it easy for her. Dad's job requires intensive travel. Sometimes he is away from home for months,...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Jeri Ryans Boy Toy

Jeri Ryan took the world by storm when she was introduced into 'Star Trek Voyager'. Who could resist this phenomenal Borg-Babe? Her biggest assets were those incredibly tight cat suits; which, in turn, emphasized her other considerable assets - her Tits & Ass. This sexually related story about her is nothing more than my fantasy about being close and catching her eye. I'm a part-time Taxi driver. I was at the airport, waiting for a fare. A female voice loudly called to me. I turned...

2 years ago
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WhiteBoy Taken

I led Jay down the short corridor, opening the bathroom door for him to see. It was neat and clean. Then I led him the next few steps to the bedroom. The door was open and he pushed past me. His shoulder and arm brushed across my chest as he moved through the doorway. My cock was already rock hard. I watched him walk to the closet and open the door. As he checked it out, I checked out his body.Jay was tall and muscular, but not overly developed. He wore some long shorts and a tight fitting...

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