The Roommate Agreement Chapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 61
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“I’m going to walk away now unless you’re stupid enough to think that ‘she wanted me. I could tell’ would hold up in court against a rape charge.”
I inwardly winced at even the memory of the harsh words that I had shot at Eric not an hour ago. I was mad and what he was doing, what he wanted me to do with him, was wrong, sure. But to insinuate that he would ever force anyone to have sex with him? I knew him better than that. Didn’t I?
I also wasn’t wrong to draw that line. I knew that too. Even if the words were wrong, my decision to tell Eric “no” wasn’t, and I was proud of myself for that. I was just scared to see what my decision would do to our friendship.
I let out a sigh and watched the fog my hot breath created as it hit the cold, February air swirl above me like rolling clouds. It was obviously below freezing outside at that hour, but I couldn’t stay in that place. I was in such a rush, I was lucky I remembered shoes, let alone a jacket, as I ran from my own dorm.
I heard a crunch come from above my head as someone approached where I was sprawled out on the frozen, dew-covered grass.
It was Xander.
One word and I knew him instantly, his deep voice rolling over me and warming me better than any jacket.
I thought about ignoring him, debated whether that would be easier than dealing with the additional drama that might come from whatever conversation I would be avoiding, but I knew it wouldn’t help. Instead, I turned my head so I could see him from where I lay without actually having to get up.
“Hey, kid. 'Sup?”
“We’re really gonna get into this now? What are you doing out here in this weather? Trying to freeze yourself to the grass?”
“I wanted to see the stars, but they’re shy. I thought you weren’t gonna stumble home until tomorrow.”
“Stumble…? Never mind. What do you mean ‘shy?’”
I looked back up to the sky where only a faint smattering of stars shown overhead and pointed.
After a minute, I felt a tug at one of my hands and looked to see Xander attempting to pull me to my feet.
“What are you doing?” I groaned.
“I’m trying to get you to stand up, obviously,” he said, still tugging at my limp body as I offered no assistance in his attempts to move me.
“Don’t you want to know where the stars are hiding?” he asked with a crook of his eyebrow.
I looked at him again and nodded.
“Then get up you lazy sack of potatoes. I’m not gonna carry you.”
I reached up to him as if I did, in fact, expect him to carry me, but Xander just rolled his eyes and began to walk away.
I scrambled after him after I detached myself from where I had actually begun to freeze to the grass. “Where are we going?” I asked.
“The parking lot,” he answered shortly.
“Why?” I ask. “You can’t see the stars any better there. I checked.”
“The parking lot isn’t where the stars are. It’s where my truck is.”
“You can’t drive.”
Xander turned to yell in my face then. “God Laine! I’m eighteen, not ten! I can drive! It’s all legal and everything!!”
“I didn’t mean you’re too young to drive. I meant that you can’t drive if you’ve been drinking.” It came out as a whisper and I hated how weak my voice sounded just because he raised his voice at me.
He didn’t apologize, but a look of regret did cross his face. Then he blinked a few times and looked away from me stepping back before he responded. “Then it’s a good thing I’m sober. Isn’t it?”
We remained silent for the rest of the walk and for a few minutes as Xander drove us further and further away from the school and town.
Finally, the silence became too much. I had to say something. “You’re taking me to the middle of nowhere to kill me. Aren’t you?”
He didn’t laugh, but I saw a small smile cross his face. “Now why would you ask that? Obviously, I would say ‘no’ whether I was going to kill you and bury you in an unmarked grave or not. Right? Saying ‘yes’ would either be a lie or make me the worse murderer ever.”
I just looked at him with suspicion as if I was trying to figure out whether that was a confession or not, and that actually made him laugh.
Talking was a little easier after that, but it was only a few more minutes until he stopped and parked in the middle of a dirt road between an empty field and what looked like an abandoned barn. I couldn’t tell for sure though since it was so damn dark outside.
“I knew it,” I said turning to him. “You are gonna kill me. Probably after you pull a shovel out of your back seat and force me to dig my own grave.”
He kept his face straight before he did, in fact, reach being him into the back seat to grab something. “I guess you’ll have to get out of the car to find out. Won’t you?”
I only hesitated a minute before I hopped down from the truck and froze where I stood as I finally got a proper look at the sky.
The open field surrounded by trees left a big space open to the sky while managing to block out all the human-made light pollution from the city I knew was less than a mile away. The result was a view of the stars so breathtaking that I didn’t know you could see something so spectacular without driving a hundred miles away from any civilization big enough to dare call itself a city. A countless number of tiny dots lit the sky and I did nothing but marvel at the sight until something warm wrapped around my shoulders from behind.
“Close your mouth before you catch flies,” Xander whispered in my ear. I hadn’t even noticed that he had joined me until he had spoken.
“Where…? How…?” I stuttered, attempting to put into words the questions flitting through my mind, but I kept getting distracted by the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
“I got lost one night trying to find this warehouse everyone says throws awesome parties every Friday night. I never found that warehouse. I don’t even believe it exists anymore, but I found this place, and it’s easily ten times better than any party.”
I was surprised I was paying attention to him enough to register his words, but I laughed. “The warehouse? Seriously?”
“What?” He asks confused.
“The warehouse is a stupid joke upperclassmen play on freshman or transfer students. It doesn’t exist. Even the address is fake.”
“Is not!” Xander argued defensively. “I found the street and everything”
I laughed again. “Yes. The street exists, but the street number doesn’t belong to a building on that street and ends in a dead end with no street lights, so it’s hell to make a U-turn on. It’s a school-wide hazing ritual that ‘cool people’ do to listen to the pathetic stories of the gullible freshman getting stuck, lost, or breaking down in an attempt to find this party central that doesn’t actually exist.”
“You fell for it too!” Xander exclaims. “Didn’t you? Little, freshman Delaine wanted to go to a cool college party, so she got all dressed up only to end up in a ditch on that very same dead-end road!”
I spun around until I was face to face with a smiling Xander just a few inches away from me. “Everyone falls for it. Freshmen are led to believe that anyone that says it doesn’t exist just isn’t cool enough to have gotten the address. I was obviously cooler than everyone that told me I was being gullible.”
I smiled at the amused look on Xander’s face, and at the memory of my own stupidity.
“God, you’re beautiful” he whispered, reaching out to tuck some loose hairs over my ear. Then he leaned in slowly, giving me plenty of time to pull away if I wanted.
I didn’t though. For that moment I wanted him to kiss me. It had been so long since I had been kissed, really kissed. I’m not talking about when I’m drunk and being taken advantage of or when my mouth was assaulted by someone I didn’t want to be kissing.
Right then, I wanted him to kiss me and I didn’t question it.
He waited another breath before finally closing the distance between us and pressing a light kiss to my lips. It was hesitant and simple and soft and beautiful and so unlike the Xander I knew. The Xander from Miami who was all hot and sexy Alfa male, but knew how to laugh and have fun. The Xander I had been treating like a yo-yo lately was far more serious and aggressive if just as hot and alfa. This kiss was none of those things, and for all of those reasons, it felt like our first kiss ever.
It also wasn’t very long until he backed up again, a look of sadness in his eyes.
“I can’t believe I fucked this up” he murmured so quietly I couldn’t tell if I was meant to hear it at all.
It came back to me then. The lie that turned a summer of fun into what felt like a giant scam. Worse yet, it turned my sweet, fun-loving Xander into a liar.
Wait… my Xander? When did that happen?
“I’d go back and change it if I could.”
“Change the lie or change the fact that I found out?” I asked. I had to know.
“The lie” he answered without hesitation. “It was stupid. I shouldn’t have done it.”
“Then why did you?”
“No” I deadpanned. “Please, lie to me some more and see how that goes.”
He winced but answered without comment on my sarcasm. “I was stupid and thought that you wouldn’t be interested in me if I was just eighteen. I thought it would be one night, maybe two, then I’d never see you again and it wouldn’t matter.”
“You thought I’d have turned you down because if I knew how old you were?”
“Don’t pretend it wouldn’t have been a little weird for you. I hear you with Julia. You two call anyone under twenty years old ‘babies.’”
I winced because he was right. We did say that. A lot. I just didn’t think Xander ever overheard, and really, I never thought of Xander as an eighteen-year-old. He was just Xander.
“You still shouldn’t have lied to me. Or you should have come clean earlier and not let me walk into that room the day you moved in and get blindsided by you and the truth all at once.”
He placed his hands on either side of my face and bent until our foreheads touched. “I’m so sorry, baby. If I’d have known it was gonna be you…”
He kissed me again. He applied more pressure this time, but it was still hesitant. It was me that pulled away that time.
“I get that we can’t change the past, but no more lies. Okay? I need to be able to trust you.”
He looked me straight in the eyes and said “No more lies. I promise.” Then he kissed me again.
When he remained tentative, I was the one to deepen the kiss, letting my tongue dart out to run along the seam of his lips before disappearing back into my mouth.
My little move seemed to embolden him because he growled against my lips before he bit down and used my moan as an opportunity to slip his own tongue between my lips. I reveled in the sensation as his tongue explored my mouth and I returned the favor in kind as soon as the greedy bastard let me.
After we spent some time biting and licking each other’s lips, he bent me down and grabbed my ass hefting me into the air. My legs wrapped around his waist instinctively and I moaned at the feel of his hard length pressing deliciously into my pussy.
The blanket that he had apparently wrapped around my shoulders earlier as I first took in the view of the stars fell from my shoulders, but I didn’t miss it even as the cold air wrapped around me in its place. Xander was keeping we warm enough that I barely noticed.
He walked us somewhere until he stopped to readjust me and I sat in one of his hands. He then used his other hand to open the back of his truck bed before depositing me on the seat he created.
The kiss broke as I scooted back to allow him to join me in the bed of his truck.
“I’ll bet you take all the girls here to fuck,” I half-joked.
“They’re too wimpy to withstand the cold? I’ll bet they need a bed to have sex," I teased.
“No beds?”
Xander didn’t look at me as he walked to where he picked me up to grab the blanket off the ground where it had fallen. “No other girls.”
I laughed incredulously, but he just looked at me with a serious look on his face.
“You’re kidding. You must be," I accused. “Girls follow you around like little kids chase the ice cream man. What do you mean ‘no other girls’?”
“This ice cream man only stops for one girl.”
I flopped back in the bed of the truck, taking that in. Just me? He must be joking… or lying. I’ve been playing with him for weeks, getting him riled up, letting him get me off, then leaving him hanging time and time again. No way was he not blowing off steam with someone else.
“You don’t believe me.” It wasn’t an accusation. It was just a statement, though I could tell he wasn’t happy about it.
“How can I? Look at yourself!”
He smirked and I had to throw my arm over my eyes to shield myself from the sexy. “Thank you.”
The truck rocked under me as he hopped up to join me.
“How are you gonna see the stars if you stay like that?”
I peek around my arm to find him hovering over me. He sat back until his back hit the cab of the truck then he crooked a finger at me in invitation.
I sat up and crawled over until I settled between his spread legs. Then he grabbed my hips and twisted me until I sat between his legs the both of us wrapped in the blanket.
We sat like that for a while pointing out constellations and planets we recognized. Then we just talked. That was new for us. Even in Miami, we rarely stopped fucking long enough to talk, and when we did, it was all small talk about the then and there. Nothing serious, nothing personal.
Just then, a small speck of light flitted across the sky for just a second and I exclaimed at seeing a shooting star and flung my arm out to point. Graceful person that I was, I somehow managed to hit Xander in the process.
If the impact with my elbow wasn’t enough to tell me that, his groan of pain did.
I whirled around to see how much damage I had inflicted when I hit him in the face with my ponytail.
He caught my hair mid swish and growled, “Stop moving.”
“I’m sorry” I whispered. He wasn’t visibly bleeding and he wasn’t holding anything in pain so I just waited patiently until he decided that he was safe enough to let me go.
But he didn’t let go. He just held my hair as he held my gaze. I actually watched as something carnal filled his eyes.
Two minutes ago we were talking like pals and now I was wondering if he wanted to eat me since he was looking at me like that.
Then he kissed me. There were no hesitations at all this time. There was no playfulness either. It was all raw passions and I thought maybe this is his way of consuming me.
Then he rolled until I was beneath him and released my lips only to kiss down my neck.
He growled in frustration when he was met with the resistance of my jacket and the rest of my clothes.
In response, I sat up and he let me. I could tell that he thought I was going to stop him, but instead, I just shrugged off my jacket and lay it out behind me before stripping off my tank top.
His eyes widened appreciatively when he saw I wasn’t wearing a bra.
The cold air bit my skin and my nipples pebbled, but it wasn’t windy and I had a feeling that Xander wasn’t planning on letting me sit in the cold for long.
He didn’t disappoint, as a second later he bent to take one of my nipples in his mouth.
The contrast between the cold night air and the heat of his greedy mouth did something to me and I moaned threading my fingers through his hair and clutching him to me.
One of his hands pinched and tweaked the nipple he wasn’t running circles around with his tongue and the other hand went straight for my crotch to rub up and down the seam of my pants.
I moaned again and ground my hips attempting to use his fingers to get me off.
“Xander. I want you.”
He stopped his playing to look up at me in wonder. “Tell me this time is different, Laine.” His voice was gruff with need and I suddenly felt awful for how I had been treating him the past few weeks. “I’m gonna go crazy if I can’t be inside of you tonight. I want you so badly, baby.”
I nod my head because even though I haven’t been waiting like he has, I still wanted him so badly it hurt. “Condom?” I asked hopefully.
He scrambled off of me and literally jumped out of the truck to get to the passenger side. When he came back, he had an entire case of condoms with him.
I laughed. “Optimistic much?” I teased.
“More like prepared,” he corrected. “Don’t tease or I won’t share.”
“We both know that that’s an empty threat.”
“True,” he admitted as he climbed back into the truck “but you’ll hurt my feelings.”
I laughed again and I marveled at how easy it all was just then. I was truly happy in that moment, and all because this sexy, silly, amazing man was just so damn easy to be around. Despite all his faults, all his mistakes, he made me happy. The steel rod in his pants that I got an eyeful of as he joined me again certainly didn’t hurt my good mood either.
“Get down here so I can fuck you so hard you’ll see stars no matter where you’re looking when you come.”
His sexy smirk was back, but he didn’t do as I told him to. Stubborn man. Instead, he bent down and grabbed the legs of my sweatpants and pulled until he met with resistance once more, this time in the form of my boots.
“I hate winter sometimes” he grumbled as he worked off first my boots, then my pants until he was able to toss them away. “Remember summer?” He asked. “You barely wore anything then. It was all flip-flops, bikinis, and sundresses. I could get at your pussy in under five seconds any time of the day if I wanted.”
He sighed wistfully then groaned when he saw that beneath my sweatpants, I wore a pair of the little shorts I usually slept in. “You want to make this difficult for me,” he accused.
I shrugged, but still lifted my butt as he wriggled my shorts and panties off too until I was naked and bared to the open sky and the cold night air. And to him.
I let him look his fill enjoying my own show as I got to watch his dick get even bigger and harder than it already had been.
Finally fed up with waiting (and freezing my tits off while I did), I hooked a leg around his hips and pulled until he fell on top of me.
There was another growl of desire before his mouth met mine again.
He gripped the back of my neck to deepen the kiss as I clutched at him to make it easier for me to grind into him. The friction created by his jeans and tee-shirt rubbing against my naked skin was amazing, but what I craved most just then was the warmth of his skin on mine.
With that in mind, I let my hands travel up and under his jacket and shirt to run lightly over the skin of his lower back. When he groaned I slid my hands up higher before dragging my nails back down.
His mouth tore away from mine after a parting nip to my bottom lip. “Laine,” he warned.
“Take it off.” My voice was a little breathy, but the command was still obvious.
Xander didn’t say anything, but a small smirk grew on his face before he sat up and practically ripped his jacket from his body. The Shirt soon followed, but that was all the time I was willing to give him before I needed his body pressed to mine again.
“You’ve been gone too long. I’m cold.”
“Poor little Laine,” he chuckled. “Do you need me to warm you up?”
When I nodded, he laid back down pressing his body into mine, his bare skin sliding deliciously against mine and I moaned at the sensation.
As he kissed my neck I shivered at the sensation his light scruff created as it lightly dragged over the sensitive skin. I began to run my fingers over the skin of his back marveling at how smooth it was. Then my hands continued further up until it tangled in his hair just in time for his kisses to leave my neck and begin to travel south.
Xander explored me with his mouth kissing, licking, and nipping his way down my body. He let his tongue dip into the hollow by my collarbone, then a soft brush of his lips traveled down the valley between my breasts. He gave a long suck and a quick bite to both nipples before licking down my stomach so lightly I began to buck at the teasing touch only for it to stop suddenly with a languid lick around my bellybutton. The burning path Xander blazed with his mouth made me squirm, but he held me firmly so he could continue his slow torcher.
His mouth left my body just so he could run his nose down… down until it ran over the crease between my leg and my pelvis, first one then the other. I started to relax when I thought he would finally put me out of my misery and touch me where I needed him, but then he skipped right over my pussy and my aching clit and began to run little kisses down my thigh.
“Xander!” I cried in protest.
“Shh, baby. Don’t rush me. I’m exploring.”
“But I need you now.”
“Delayed gratification, little one. I’ll make it worth your while.” And with that, he went back to his “exploring.”
His big hands grabbed my knees and forced them apart before he slid his hands down my legs.
At first, I thought it was odd when I realized that he was maneuvering to lick behind my knees, but once he got there, I was officially done thinking.
That was as for south as he went before doubling back and running his nose up the inside of one of my thighs. I was marveling at that sensation when it abruptly stopped. His hands returned to forcing my knees apart and his tongue was shoved deep into my pussy.
I cried out in shock and pleasure and he ran his tongue in and out and around my sex again and again, eating me like a starving man. I couldn’t help but writhe under his mouth and hands from the sensation his oral attack sent pinging around my body.
What were usually light and playful licks and flicks were now a ravenous consumption and it was driving me wild while sending me hire and hire.
“Xander!” I cried “Just a little more. Please! I’m so close.”
The secant the words leave my mouth, he was gone. I looked up to see Xander, his pants and boxers pulled just under his ass, rolling a condom onto his straining erection.
“I was so close,” I groused.
He chuckled at me before leaning over me to press a kiss to my nose. “You wanted more” he pointed out. “I’m giving you more.”
Then I could feel his cock as he rubbed it up and down my dripping pussy lips before he pushed slowly into me. I could feel every centimeter of him as his dick dragged along the inside of my pussy. I had nearly forgotten just how well-endowed Xander was and the stretch required to fit him stung a bit and I let out a small whimper, but even that added to the sensations ringing through my body and the feeling was so electric that I couldn’t breathe until he was finally sheathed to the root.
We both let out a groan of satisfaction. No memory of what he felt like deep in me could ever hold a candle to the reality. For a while, neither of us moved, content in simply being connected like this again. It had only been a few months, but it felt like it had been years since I had felt this full and complete. Looking back, even the two months that we had spent together before were nothing compared to this feeling.
That was the last thought I had before Xander propped himself up on his elbows and began to move.
At first, his strokes were agonizingly slow and methodical. It was almost like he was savoring the feel of me around him, and maybe that’s exactly what he was doing. To a certain extent, I was doing the exact same thing.
I traced my fingers lightly up and down his back marveling at the way his muscles bunched and flexed as he moved over me and inside of me. Then I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair scratching his head a bit while I did. He moaned a bit and stopped moving so he could look me in the eyes.
Then I pulled him down for a kiss.
The kiss was very much like our coupling had been up until this point: soft and slow and savoring, but I wanted more. I deepened the kiss and Xander didn’t hesitate a moment before he joined me in making the kiss into the passionate melding of mouths that I think we both needed at that point.
When he started to move inside me again, his thrusts very much matched the level of passion being achieved by our lips and tongues. He moved faster, thrust deeper, pushed harder until we were racing together towards our mutual release.
I ripped my mouth away from his to cry out wordlessly as my burning orgasm ripped through me. It washed over me like a wave then kept going like a steady pulse as Xander continued to move inside me.
Then his hand was between our bodies and he quickly located my sensitive clit so he could give it a quick pinch before I was falling over another edge I hadn’t realized I had reached.
When Xander’s yell cut through the air, I realized he too was coming as he pistoned his hips into me wildly. When he too came back down, he collapsed next to me.
After taking a minute to calm our breathing, he pulled off the condom and tied it off to dispose of later before he gathered me into his arms and I settled into his side, head on his chest and I listened to his heart still beating madly in his chest.
“I missed you,” I heard him whisper into my hair before he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.
A few minutes passed in comfortable silence as we just lay there cuddled together under the blanket.
I thought I might drift off to sleep until Xander murmured something into my hair.
“Hm?” I hummed sleepily.
“We should get going," he repeated.
I groaned and pulled the blanket up over my head in protest.
“Blanket cocoon? Really Laine? I thought you were the adult and I was the kid.” He gave the blankets a tug, but I had already wrapped the blanket around myself and I clearly wasn’t going anywhere.
He sighed but left me there. I could tell from the rocking of the truck that he was getting his clothes back on. “I could always drive back to campus with you and your blanket cocoon right where you are. It’s not like you’re not already in my truck.”
In response, I popped my head out form the blanket and stuck my tongue out at him before disappearing back into the warmth of the blanket.
“Is that how we’re going to play it?” Then the truck began to rock furiously and loud thumping announced his presence next to me before strong arms wrap around my waist and I’m hauled into the air, blanket cocoon and all.
He threw me over his shoulder and I tried to kick and pound on his back, but my limbs easily got tangled in my own cocoon and I went limp in defeat.
I didn’t put up any struggle at all as he maneuvered us until we were both out of the truck and back on solid ground. Then he dropped me from his shoulder and set me on my feet before he began to pull at the blanket.
I held on the best I could, but my strength was no match for his and I was soon standing in the dirt sans blanket, shoes, or clothing. The rocks beneath my feet were uncomfortable and I was freezing all of a sudden without him or the blanket to keep the cold at bay.
I make a grab for the blanket, but he held it over his head. More desperate than determined, I gave up and jumped back into the truck bed and made a mad dash for my clothes. They were cold, too, having been off of my body and in the cold long enough to lose all its heat, but it was better than being out in the open in my birthday suit.
Xander was still laughing when I joined him in the truck cab once I was fully dressed and I lightly smacked his chest for his teasing.
Unlike the drive to the field, the drive back to campus and out walk back to our dorm was filled with easy conversation and laughter. The best part though was Xander’s refusal to keep his hands off of me.
It wasn’t inappropriate though, or even sexual. It was just like he didn’t want to break contact with me. The whole time, his hand remained on my leg, on my back, or in my hand, and it was nice. It felt natural. It felt right.
The easy atmosphere was shattered just as we got to the door to our dorm though when the door was yanked open and Gavin practically threw himself out the door and straight into Xander.
It wasn’t until they shove apart that I saw that his eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face.
“Gav!” I gasped and reached for him. Something was clearly wrong and I wanted to comfort him. But what happened? Why was he running out of our dorm at this hour? He and Eric must have had a fight. It was the only explanation.
I went to give him a hug, but he jerked away from me and out of my reach before he shoved a finger in my face. “You!” he screamed. He went to make a move for me, but suddenly Xander was between us shoving the sobbing, screaming man away from me and against the wall.
Xander was protecting me from anything physical Gavin may have done, but it did nothing to protect me from the string of hateful words Gavin threw at me before he shoved Xander’s arms away and ran down the hall.
“What was that about?” Xander asked as he turned to look at me. I was nearly in tears myself at that point and it must have shown on my face because he immediately went to me and wrapped me in a hug.
The whole encounter must have only lasted a few seconds, though it felt longer. I marveled at how I already felt like I was about to collapse from exhaustion when I was wide awake and so happy just a minute ago.
“Come on, little one,” Xander crooned. “Let’s get you inside and do bed. It’s late.” He pressed a lingering kiss to my forehead just as the door opened again. This time, it was Eric that stood in the door.
“What. The. Fuck?”
The End
JK Part 6 coming soon
“Don’t do it Julia.” After a second, Julia pried her eyes away from the door and looked back at me where I sat on the couch next to her. “Don’t do what?” she asked innocently averting her eyes again. “Don’t go throwing yourself at Jackson!” I said. To her credit, Julia didn’t bother playing ignorant again. It was obvious that she was into Jackson from how she always talked about him. She just stared back at the door through which Jackson had just left and sighed. “I know.” “Know what?” I...
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BDSM2:46am and I was still awake. I had been tossing and turning for hours and still wasn’t any more tired than I had been when I first got into bed. The only difference was that now I was antsy.It had been only two days since Xander moved in and already I could tell that my living situation was going downhill fast. I was still awkward as all hell around both Eric and Gavin, but now I was actively giving Xander the cold shoulder too.Heather didn’t seem to have a problem with the new guy, but Eric...
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LesbianKatie’s Roommate1 Katie KendalKatie Kendal was extremely proud of the fact that for more than three years, she lived by herself in an rented house and paid all the bills on time. It was difficult, and at times she barely made ends meet. Worse than that was the fact that she was terrified of being alone. It had been the most difficult decision she had ever made when she decided at twenty years old to move out of her parents house and into the real world. She hated living by herself but she knew...
This is my first time writing a story so please excuse my styleIt is a true and recent story between me and my girlfriend and female roommateLet me start my story by explaining my situation, I'm going to school now so I'm living away from home, I also have a female roommate around my age who is pretty hot... Now this sounds like a guys fantasy to be living with a hot girl but it gets awkward since I have a girlfriend who happens to be here all the time!Anyway me and my roommate never did...
Hello guys this is Ajai from Lucknow. I’m 23 years old. 5’11” fair in colour, athletically built, musician, engineer, gentleman, 6-inch cock and a lot of sexual experience. I’m here to narrate a real incident that took place in my life 3 years back when my little sister visited me and was fucked by my roommate while I was gone. Let me tell you about my sister first. Her name is Smriti and she was 19 years old then. She has a very fair skin colour and has a big, firm, round and tight ass which...
“Pffff, another sweater.” Aaron says as he holds up the red, green, and white Christmas garment is aunt sent him. “At least this one as an actual cool design on it.” Ian says as he smiles at his roommate. In a small house in a secluded neighborhood covered in snow, two men in their mid-20’s enjoy a simple holiday together. With the pandemic still at large, both guys have spent their family time on their laptops’ cams. Wishing their loved ones Happy Holidays and having shipped their gifts to one...
Sarah's New Roommate By Bill Hart "You're very beautiful." Mike pulled the young girl he'd just met in the bar to him again and kissed her. "But I'll bet you already knew that," he smiled, even as Sarah blushed. "How could you not know how beautiful you are, Sarah Jennings?" Sarah continued blushing. No one other than her grandfather had ever called her beautiful before. She wasn't entirely certain why she'd gone to the bar; she wasn't altogether sure why she'd brought Mike home...
So if you read my last story then you know the situation...if not a quick summary would be that I have a female roommate who turned out to be very dominant and has joined me and my girlfriend in our sex life.Ok now the new dynamic of the relationship is that me and my girlfriend are still together and everything is normal, except that sometimes my roommate would join us in bed or act in a dominant way with me every now and then, overall its a really good situation although I'm sure it's going...
The year after I finished college, I took a job as a junior management trainee in a stock market firm. I hated everything about the job, but it paid my share of the rent while I got my screwed up brain together. One Saturday, a female showed at our door, asking if we would consider a girl for the roommate opening we had posted. She looked presentable, and I invited her in to meet Sean, my one remaining roommate. The lease was in my name, and it wasn't a good time of the year for finding...
Alice and I were rolling around in the sheets of my dorm room. She and I had vibrators inside us and we were holding onto each other’s toy – pushing it in and out of soaked swollen pussy. Anyone who has ever felt the odd sensation of something so desired, so thought about, so hoped for, finally complete – anyone who has felt that, could know what I was feeling. My virginity was gone. I felt like a bird released from her cage, and I lavished everything on Alice. I wanted to give everything to...
When she arrived at the apartment and saw that her roommate had done the laundry, she knew she was fucked.Jane had just finished her last college class for the day and her heart sunk after seeing that her roommate had taken away all the bed sheets to wash. Laundry day was supposed to be tomorrow. Not today!She changed her clothes into something more relaxed: pajama pants along with a Star Wars t-shirt, and bunny slippers on her feet. She wasn't exactly a dork, but she wasn't the most popular...
It was easy to keep myself busy at work – too busy to have time to think about recent events. I made it all the way to five o'clock without once feeling the need to reexamine my sexuality or my relationship with my roommate but as soon as I walked into the door of the apartment, as soon as I laid eyes on that couch – the one that John had stretched back in just a couple of night ago while I sucked his cock for the first time – it all rushed back to me. I was both drawn to and repulsed by it. I...
Alice and I were rolling around in the sheets of my dorm room. She and I had vibrators inside us and we were holding onto each other's toy – pushing it in and out of soaked swollen pussy. Anyone who has ever felt the odd sensation of something so desired, so thought about, so hoped for, finally complete – anyone who has felt that, could know what I was feeling. My virginity was gone. I felt like a bird released from her cage, and I lavished everything on Alice. I wanted to give everything to...
LesbianIt had been almost two weeks since I had spent the night at Janice’s. The last time J had been awakened by her roommate screaming as I fucked her in the bathroom. J didn’t necessarily care, but a few days later, she admitted to fucking a random guy she picked up from a bar because I wasn’t around.She blamed her high libido, and every day since I had made sure I was around to fuck her when she needed it. It was starting to seem like she was doing everything in her power to keep me away from her...
Straight SexRoommate Replacement 2: Cabin Fever by Everitt James Twenty year old Grover Tyson flexed his dark muscles in glimmer of the California sun. Not that California has a sun distinct from the rest of the solar system, but ever since he had moved into the area as a teen, he felt as if everything here was somehow different, changed in some miraculous way he couldn't quite describe. Sometimes this change would just creep on him. Something would be one way, but that California sun would hit...
I had been a promiscuous slut for Blacks while in high school and found no reason to discontinue my indiscriminant sexual encounters while in college. In fact I now had more freedom than ever before to whore around. Having already been introduced to the fraternity brothers of Kappa Alpha something from some prior high school fuck buddies, I was in the enviable position to get as much Black Cock that I could take. So college looked to be an adventure in the making, if only I didn’t have to...
Nathan entered the bathroom, feeling a combination of embarrassment, surprise and relief. It wasn’t ideal to be caught wanking by your new roommate but the result was unexpected. There had been many rumours about Jay’s successful pursuit of the girls on campus and Nathan hadn’t been sure about being his roommate on this football trip. But that changed pretty quickly when he felt Jay’s warm mouth descend on his throbbing cock. Now he stood in the bathroom wondering what to do next. His new...
First TimeAbout six months after my divorce, I decided to accept the company’s long-standing offer and transfer to New York. Being a small-town guy from the Midwest, I was a little intimidated about moving to such a big city, but I felt like the change would do me good. Most of my friends had been my ex-wife’s friends first, so I was beginning to feel isolated. If some woman had come along in those six months to pique my interest, I might have stayed longer to see if the relationship might go somewhere,...
Gay MaleMarie’s survey of the kitchen was slow and methodical. As she scrutinized the room, she took a deep breath and a much needed break. She had washed all the dishes, mopped the floor, scrubbed the sink, waxed the dinner table, and organized the food in the pantry and fridge and freezer. And yet, the nagging feeling that she had missed something remained. Maybe she hadn’t been thorough enough with the sink, she fussed. Maybe it needed the toothbrush treatment, she thought to herself, not without a...
Hello everyone, my name is Anuj and I am from Gurugram. This story is not mine but of a fan which he sent me. I will tell this story in his own words. My name is Vishal. I live in Bangalore, I am 27 years old and work in MNC. I live in a flat in Bangalore, with college friend Rahul. My roommate Rahul works in another company. We live in a flat which has 2 bedrooms, an open kitchen, a dining room with a TV and a sofa set. This flat belongs to Rahul. My story starts one year back when only Rahul...
Gay MaleCharlene was dressed like a high-school girl, and a prudish one at that - white blouse buttoned up to her neck and tucked into a pleated gray skirt that came down almost to her knees. Not that the skirt length made much difference with her legs being totally covered by white stockings.Tommy wasn’t even sure he wanted to admit knowing her. And such a shame too, he thought. Charlene was a pretty girl – not too short and not too tall, petite, but shapely, blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and...
College SexCharlene was dressed like a high-school girl, and a prudish one at that - white blouse buttoned up to her neck and tucked into a pleated gray skirt that came down almost to her knees. Not that the skirt length made much difference with her legs being totally covered by white stockings.Tommy wasn’t even sure he wanted to admit knowing her. And such a shame too, he thought. Charlene was a pretty girl – not too short and not too tall, petite, but shapely, blond hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and...
College SexI wanted to share another story, about the first time I secretly recorded my roommate. By this point we had been living together for over a year. I had the pleasure of listening her have sex with various guys on a number of occasions. It still didn’t happen often as she often waited until I was out of the apartment (between that and the cleaning she really was a courteous roommate).On the few times she had come home with a guy for sex, I had taken to listening behind my door. I would bring a...
My wife and I had been dating for about three months when I got a new roommate. Jason was decidedly gay, though he did a good job of covering it up. As far as roommates goes, he wasn't a bad one at all. Most weekends he was gone and didn't come back until late Sunday evening, so on those weekends that Laura and I were strapped for cash and couldn't afford a hotel off base, it was nice to know that we had some privacy in my room. Because it was a training command, having a guest of the opposite...
BisexualJames and I had planned to get married for the longest time. It seemed to take forever for him to find the romantic moment for him to kneel and ask me to be his bride.The ring was perfect. I said YES!I was so excited to finally plan my wedding. I had been imagining every detail since I was seven or eight. I knew the kind of dress I'd wear, the church we would have it in, the way I would look as I walked down the aisle to become Mrs. James Hook. It would be beautiful. I would be beautiful. It...
LesbianAfter I graduated from college, I moved in a new apartment and shortly afterwards met my girlfriend Becky. I’m not a very attractive guy, so I was incredibly lucky to have managed to get her. At the time, Becky was twenty-five and a total knockout. She had a cute button nose, a killer smile, and long, dark brunette hair, which she usually put in a pony-tail. She worked out a lot, and her body showed it. She had a small, tight butt and a slim, defined torso. Her breasts were a large C cup, full...
Three days before Maire’s visit I asked Terry that we abstain from sex so that we will be both revved up for her visit. She agreed. From that first time through the last several nights her enthusiasm for fucking me in the ass had steadily diminished. The impending visit of her college roommate and what might take place between the three of us was on her mind, to the point of distraction. She told me she was thinking of Maire’s visit several times a day, sometime an hour. “I really liked sex...
Hello everyone, I am Aakash from Bangalore. I am 24 years old working in it company. I am staying at flat with my friends. Thanks for your feedback to my last story. This sex story is about how I fucked my flatmate’s girlfriend by blackmailing them. We are staying together for last one year. He has a girl friend. She used to come at home many times. But I didn’t know that they are into physical relationship also. So one day I returned from outside. I had spare key and he didn’t lock it properly...
After I graduated from college, I moved in a new apartment and shortly afterwards met my girlfriend Becky. I'm not a very attractive guy, so I was incredibly lucky to have managed to get her. At the time, Becky was twenty-five and a total knockout. She had a cute button nose, a killer smile, and long, dark brunette hair, which she usually put in a pony-tail. She worked out a lot, and her body showed it. She had a small, tight butt and a slim, defined torso. Her breasts were a large C cup, full...
After I graduated from college, I moved in a new apartment and shortly afterwards met my girlfriend Becky. I'm not a very attractive guy, so I was incredibly lucky to have managed to get her. At the time, Becky was twenty-five and a total knockout. She had a cute button nose, a killer smile, and long, dark brunette hair, which she usually put in a pony-tail. She worked out a lot, and her body showed it. She had a small, tight butt and a slim, defined torso. Her breasts were a large C cup, full...
Here's the next installment of a story in search of a video.Setting: living room of an apartment. Nothing fancy. It has typical living room furniture - coffee table, couch, armchairs, TV. There’s a closet by the front door. This is an apartment for college girls.We see Cristy, an attractive young woman enter. Medium height. Dark hair. Could be kind of curly, down to around her shoulders. She has a club outfit on. short skirt, shiny. There should be a cutout in the skirt. If not, a slit up one...
This happened when I had a girl roommate in college. First it's important to know that whenever we both got bored, we would fool around and sometimes have sex even though we never really dated. We shared a bathroom but whenever she used it, she had to walk all the way across the apartment to get back to her room since they were on opposite ends. One day when I had some guy friends over, I thought I'd play a prank on her. My friends and I were playing video games in the living room when my...
EroticUnfortunately, sex was about all she loved. Tina and I had been together for about seven months. After the sixth month she and I decided it was time we moved in together. We fucked from sun-up to sun-down, left to right, all over the apartment. I had just gotten a good job in Providence and I met her as soon as I moved from Buffalo. I was staying in a hotel for the first few weeks and she helped me find the apartment. It was a big, three bedroom house with two stories, a fireplace, and...
"Oh My God! Fuck me! Harder baby! Fuck me with that big, black, cock!" These were the sounds that greeted me as I walked in the door after a long day of work and class. It was the normal thing, and probably wasn't the first time they had been fucking today. Anna was an insatiable redhead, and Ty was like a machine. Even if he had just cum, it seemed like he was always ready to fuck again. It was normal for them to fuck multiple times throughout the day. For once they had actually made it to the...
It was supposed to be a celebratory night for us. My good friend had just been promoted and we were supposed to meet at a local club to celebrate. I had just reached and ordered a beer when I got the phone call from him, “Hey bro, sorry man my girlfriend is free and we are spending time together. We will celebrate another day. Sorry man.” I never liked his GF, too controlling and well, kind of a bitch. She had a nice rack though so I understand why my buddy puts up with it I guess. I had no...
Foreword: This entry is a direct continuation from my previous stories. Basically I’m just telling all of the most interesting and exciting sexual stories of my life in chronological order. I will try and include enough back story for a new reader to be able to jump right in, however I apologize if I fail to provide enough. In short, if you want to get the full effect, you may want to read the entire thing from the beginning. Thanks and enjoy. The RoommateJune 2002In the summer of 2002, I was...
"The Roommate" (Pt. VI) Ted had watched me from the kitchen window as I pulled down the driveway. He'd also seen Jack! "Shit," he said aloud but under his breath at seeing Jack out in his yard and then realizing that he must have seen Laine! "Well, let's test the theory, see if it'll fly," Ted continued to himself as he grabbed his baseball cap and made his way out to start in on the yard work. He was inside the garage checking his mower over as...
Chapter 1: Doin' The College Thing It's hard to believe you finally did it. You really made it to this point in your life. Have you actually gone away from home? Have you actually come to college? Are you actually standing in your own room at Western State College? You can't believe it. It seems like only yesterday that you started High School and suddenly you are out on your own and moving into your own Dorm room. You're not sure you are really ready for this. In fact, you aren't even sure you...
Eighteen-year-old Katherine Sparks moved into her dorm room to find gothic-looking posters up on the right side of the room. She planted her box of stuff on the single bed on the left. A busty pretty girl with long black hair in a black skirt and short cut top with heavy gothic makeup on walked in. She turned to her."Hi, you must be my roommate, I'm Nina Davis," she said and shook Katherine's hand. "Katherine," Katherine replied. Her blue eyes lingered down to her roommate's bust and...
LesbianI swear he’s always like this. So worried about everything. I don’t know how the kid has survived this long. Probably because I’m always here to calm him down. It’s kind of funny, not many people can see Andrew and me as being friends. Him being a meek, petite, nerd who’s often confused as a girl and me a muscle-bound, jock who gets all the girls. We’re complete opposites from each other. And yet, Andrew and I have always been best friends. We grew up next door to each other, I’m always...
Last night was the second time they had sex. Now this was the second time today. Just like the last two times, her need, her lust, controlled her body. Forcing her to submit to her roommate, regardless of the fact that she was a lesbian. And what was a lesbian that craved cock? Cindy didn’t know. All she knew was that she couldn’t deny it. Her tits slapped together as her body shook to Robert’s thrusts. Shivers of pleasure ran from her well pounded twat to the tip of her scalp. She moaned...
I was back at J’s house a couple of days later. After fucking J to sleep, I lay sleepless in the bed beside her. Once I was sure J was sound asleep, mainly because of her girly snores, I got up, put my pants on, and decided to wander a little. A quick glance at J’s clock on the nightstand told me that it was 2:00 am. The rest of the house seemed quiet, and I wondered if it was too late to run into J’s roommate again. She was probably busy since her boyfriend had spent the night too. Even if I...
CheatingBrian looked down at Stacy. He couldn't believe he might be fucking these huge tits for the last time. The two of them had a good thing going on between them for these past three months. They both had decided not to put a label on their relationship. Instead, they just enjoyed each others company, as well as fucking each other to the point of exhaustion. All of that would have to was on hold for now. Stacy and her ex-husband had agreed to go on a long trip together. It was their last attempt...
InterracialBack in college I was dating this girl Shannon. She was on the school volleyball team so she was in incredible shape. The only problem was that, during the season, she was often busy, and when she wasn’t busy she was tired. This often left me lacking when it came to sex, and I would often be left to take care of myself. When she wasn’t in season, though, she could and would screw me until I couldn’t take it anymore. I think it was part of her off season training plan to stay in shape. After a...
College SexSomething happened to me not long ago that altered my life. I am not a gayman. I have never liked gay men. I could never imagine how a man could besexually attracted to another man. It's unnatural. I always believed thatit surely must be against God's will.When my son, Mike, moved into his dorm room at college during his Freshmanyear, his mother and I visited him to make sure he was comfortable and thatall arrangements were satisfactory. We met his roommate, Tom. He seemedvery nice, and...
As I approached the dormitories at the beginning of my sophomore year, I have to admit I wasn’t entirely happy. I’d had such a great roommate my freshman year that I wasn’t looking forward to a new one. No, it wasn’t what you’re probably thinking. My previous contentment had nothing to do with sex, since Gerry had been totally straight and not at all physically my type; but he was smart, funny, neat, and tolerant, and, in short, perfect to live with. When he decided, over the summer, to get an...
I was parked at the airport waiting for my wife and her ex- college roommate. Ami. Linda’s friend was arriving from overseas where she had lived the past 5 years. Linda and I agreed to let her stay with us until she could find her own place. I had only met Ami for a short time five years ago at our wedding and I enjoyed the idea of her being with us. Ami was a tall thin chocolate colored woman with very nice perky looking breasts.I knew that they were very close but was not able to spend any...
Trans“Relax, Andrew. It’s just a party. Yeah, sure there will be girls there, but it’s not like they’re serial killers or something,” I tell my best friend as we make our way to the party. I swear he’s always like this. So worried about everything. I don’t know how the kid has survived this long. Probably because I’m always here to calm him down. It’s kind of funny, not many people can see Andrew and me as being friends. Him being a meek, petite, nerd who’s often confused as a girl and me a...
You hate your job. You hate the long hours you have to work. You hate your fat, sweaty, incompetent boss. You hate the work you do and your clients' demands which are equal parts incessant and annoying. You hate that your job pays too well for you to quit. However, despite all the bullshit you put up with, your week is finally over. And working there has paid off in at least two ways. The first comes in the form an apartment that qualifies as more than just "okay." The huge living room packed...
My name is Fathima (34-25-35). This story took place when I was in my second year of the degree. I came from a very traditional Muslim family where I had to follow a strict dress code everywhere, even inside my own house. Everything had changed from the time I started living in a college hostel. I was free from those vigorous rules. Since my native was very far from the city I lived in, my parents visited me very less. This, in turn, resulted in me getting sufficient pocket money every...
LesbianThis incident happened when I was staying with my bachelor friends. It was a 2 BHK flat where there were 5 boys staying together including me. We used to have drinks almost on a daily basis and were enjoying our lives as roommates, but none of us were involved in sex with each other as there were no gays in the group.We had 3 spare keys for the main door and any of the 2 roommates would keep each of them, and last key, we normally keep in the nearby bakery to avoid any last minute confusion...
Most people don’t have good experiences with their roommates in college. Not me. In fact, I can still remember my freshman year vividly…It had been a chaotic day of last minute shopping at Target. My parents and I had spent the better half of the day trying to get everything an eighteen year old would need for his first year. After piling everything into the car, we trudged into the entrance of Marks Hall, where I would be spending the next eight months of my life.203…. 204…. 205…206… I...
Gay MaleI arrived at my university in Colorado in late August for my freshmen year of college. Orientation and classes were starting and I was eager to meet my roommate. Lee had been on campus all summer prior to me arriving. He was a Linebacker on the football team and was also a true freshman like me. Lee was up early each morning and very busy each day but had time to help me with orientation, building locations, and introducing me to other guys on the football team. He seemed like a great roommate....
“Where are they sending you this time?” Grace asked her roommate Hailey as she noticed her stuffing a suitcase.“New Orleans,” Hailey quickly responded.“What happened down there?” Grace probed trying to pry for more information.“Just a routine software upgrade, shouldn’t be more than a couple days,” Hailey replied, continuing to pack without averting her gaze.Grace slumped a little with a slight nod. Hailey had become somewhat distant recently and it was becoming increasingly apparent. She no...
Spanking“Where are they sending you this time?” Grace asked her roommate Hailey as she noticed her stuffing a suitcase.“New Orleans,” Hailey quickly responded.“What happened down there?” Grace probed trying to pry for more information.“Just a routine software upgrade, shouldn’t be more than a couple days,” Hailey replied, continuing to pack without averting her gaze.Grace slumped a little with a slight nod. Hailey had become somewhat distant recently and it was becoming increasingly apparent. She no...