My Perverted Family: 1. Bella's Story free porn video

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My named is Todd. I am a forty-five years old divorcee, and I love sex. I have known since early puberty that I was addicted to sex. My virginity was taken by my cousin, Sandy at a young age. She helped me learn the intended use of my cock. Sandy introduced me to a whole new world. My dick started getting hard all the time after my brief encounter with Sandy. I started playing with the damn thing night and day. It fascinated me to no end. And another thing, I am also intrigued with is the female breast. My mother told me she had a hell of a time weaning me from her breast. Now that I think back, I am sure Mom enjoyed me sucking her nipple as much as I enjoyed doing it. I think she had orgasms when I nursed. She used to pop her tit in my mouth any time I became fussy or hungry. Even today I am easily calmed with a tit in my mouth. Well, enough about me, let me tell you about the rest of my perverted family.

I seem to have come from a long line of sexually addicted relatives. Each of them has their own story, but let me start with my Aunt Isabella (Bella for short). She was a gorgeous young woman with a body that screamed come fuck me. She knew exactly what she had, and I later learned she enjoyed sharing with others. I always knew I was attracted to Aunt Bella, but I was too young to understand the attraction until one day I overheard a conversation between my Aunt Bella and my Mother.

Aunt Bella’s car was parked in our drive when I got home from school. It was two weeks before Thanksgiving, so I knew my Mom and Aunt Bella were working on the menu for the big family Holiday get-together. I am hungry as usual when I get home from school and needed something to eat. As I neared the kitchen, I heard what sounded like an argument between Aunt Bella and my Mom. They were seated at the kitchen table sipping wine. They didn't see me, so I sat on the floor out of site just outside the kitchen. What I heard opened my eyes to a lot of things.

“Bella, I am warning you one last time, leave my husband alone,” Mom shouted.

Aunt Bella just snickered at Mom and took another sip of wine. I guess I need to tell you that Aunt Bella is my Dad’s older Sister. She is about four years older than my Mom, and you would think she was Mom's sister instead of Sister-in-law. The way the two of them continuously go at one another, it’s easy to see them as Sisters. It is like a full-blown sibling rivalry with them. They seem to compete with each other over everything. I am about to learn just how far that rivalry really goes.

“I am serious, Bella. You got to fuck Ben all through high school and college," my Mom pleaded. "He's mine now, and I would appreciate you not taking advantage of his loyalty to you."

“Whoa…wait a minute,” I say to myself. Did my Mom just say that Aunt Bella had been fucking my Dad, Aunt Bella’s little brother, all through high school and college? I wanted to jump in and ask questions at this point, but I knew that this was the wrong place and time for me to make my presence known. I bit my tongue and continued to listen.

“Is LOYALTY what you call it now? I would say it’s more about his need for a really good blowjob,” Aunt Bella countered.

“Ben has never complained to me about how I suck his cock,” Mom replies and then asks, “Why would you think your blowjobs are better than mine?”

“No…Ben would never complain about your blowjobs, but he IS constantly telling me my blowjobs are the best he has ever had,” Bella brags.

“What the hell is so special about your blowjobs?” Mom screamed.

"I'll never reveal my secret, but I would suggest that practice is a key to much of my success when it comes to pleasing a man's cock," Aunt Bella laughed.

“Yes…I’m well aware of the experience you have gained over the years. I understand dating all the way back to your early teens; you and your Sister, Savannah, have sucked just about every cock in this County.”

“We did have an exciting childhood,” Aunt Bella agreed, “Everyone knew about the Caldwell Sisters and our ability sucking cock.”

“Oh…and don’t forget your skill at licking pussies,” my Mom added.

“Yes…we are good at that also,” Bella answered. “And you still can’t seem to resist my tongue on your sweet pussy either.”

“Shut the fuck up, Bella.”

“And…Let’s not forget I am not the only one here with a magical tongue, Honey”, Bella sarcastically counters. “When I think of how quickly your tongue can bring me to orgasm, I get all wet and tingly down there.”

“Shut up…Bella! My son is due home any minute,” My Mom cautioned.

Oh my, God, I think to myself. I can't believe what I am hearing. My Dad and his sister have been fucking since high school. My Aunt Bella and Aunt Savannah grew up sucking the cocks of just about every man in the county. Not only that, my Mom has had her pussy licked by Aunt Bella; probably more than once. And to top it all off, my Mom has licked Aunt Bella’s pussy as well. They all apparently like licking pussies. My head feels like it is going to explode. I start to sneak away to my room to spank my monkey, but I hear my name mentioned.

“Speaking of your sexy young son, Todd,” Aunt Bella says, “he would be the perfect person for you to practice your oral skills on. I’m sure he would love to have his mommy suck his cock when all those teenage hormones start attacking his young body.”

“Damn it, Bella, I told you to shut up. Todd will be home any minute now, and I don't want him hearing your sick remarks."

“Sick remarks?”, Aunt Bella shouts. “If you are referring to the incest aspect, then I have to remind you that incest has been a prominent part of this family for generations, and incest is nothing new to you either.”

“What are you implying, Bella?”

“I’m not implying anything. I am stating a fact. I remember Ben confiding in me that you once admitted to him that you had sex with your brother as a teenager and then later on with your Daddy. You cannot convince me that you do you not still have incestuous desires? I know from experience those desires don’t just go away. I find it very hard to resist my desires to have sex with my brother, and yes I did also fuck my Daddy and still do on occasion."

“Well, I’m not you,” Mom countered, “I am not obsessed with incest like your whole family seems to be.”

“Come on, Marilyn, you are not going to tell me that you have never once thought about sucking your son’s cock or wondered what it would feel like sliding deep into your wet pussy?”

At this point, I lose control and shoot off in my pants. My jeans are full of cum, and my head is full of visions of my Mom taking my cock deep into her throat. I have always thought of my Mom as beautiful and sexy, but I had never visualized having sex with her. Now, I can’t get this new vision out of my mind.

Mom doesn't answer, so Aunt Bella prodded her more saying, "Come on, Marilyn, you know damn well you have entertained the thoughts of having sex with Todd."

I hold my breath and wait for my Mom to answer. She doesn't say anything, and Aunt Bella shouts, "Go ahead and admit it. You would love to take Todd's cock in your mouth and suck his cum down your throat. I know I would certainly love to taste his young cock. Go ahead and admit you would also! You know you have thought about that, and I am not going to stop pestering you until you own up to your real desires."

Mom sat there a minute before finally saying under her breath, “Yes, I have thought about it.”

“What’s that? I can’t hear you,” Aunt Bella shouts.

“Yes, I have thought about it,” Mom says a little louder.

“Thought about what, Marilyn? Come on, say it so we can hear it. What have you thought about doing with your son? Speak up loudly, and clearly, so we can all hear you; getting it all out in the open is healing. You will feel much better once you actually admit it.”

“Okay…Okay,” Mom shouts. “I admit that I have often thought about sucking Todd’s cock and I have wondered what his cock would feel like stretching my pussy! Are you satisfied now?”

I heard what my Mom said, but I don't believe I really understood it. I can't breathe. I can hear my heart drumming in my ears. My jeans were already full of my sticky cum from my last orgasmic explosion a minute or two ago, but now my cock is even harder and throbbing and threatening to blow another load in my pants.

"Oh, Marilyn. You got me all wet talking about sucking Todd's cock. I am so wet thinking about his young cock right now, you better hope I don't suck him off before you do," Bella mockingly laughed. “Otherwise you might have two men in your family preferring my blowjobs over yours!”

"Damn it, Bella, you leave my husband AND my son alone! I am serious about this; more serious than I have ever been."

That’s all I can take for now. My Mom just admitted she thinks about sucking my cock and fucking me, and now my Aunt Bella just threatened to suck my cock before my Mom does. This has to be every teenage boy's wet dream, but it's more than I can take at the moment. I rush to my room and masturbate ferociously. My hand is going ninety miles an hour as I visualize my Mom taking my cock deep into her throat. I fire off a stream of cum that travels the length of my bed and lands on the wall. That stream is followed by two more that don’t travel as far. The vision of my Mom and my Aunt fighting over who is going to suck my cock pops into my head. My cock is still hard, so I start round two of my masturbation marathons. By dinner time my cock is so raw, I can barely touch it to take a leak.

Two weeks later my perverted family gathers for our Thanksgiving celebration, and I am still going strong with daily masturbation sessions. My cock has adapted to the more frequent beat-off sessions and is not as raw as it was weeks ago. I have enough fantasy material to last me a lifetime, but still, I find myself curiously looking at my big sister, Amy and wondering what it would be like having her suck my cock. I am turning into a hardcore pervert, and it is starting to concern me.

There was a lot of drinking going on at our Thanksgiving celebration. The liquor was freely flowing. However, no one seems to be drunk, but all were feeling no pain. I observed Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Brothers, and Sisters sneaking feels of each other's private parts. I witnessed several kinsfolks squeeze my Mom’s breast and fondle her sexy little ass. That included both male and female relatives. Mom would just giggle when they caressed her and act as though it was nothing. I even witnessed in-laws getting in on the lustful activities. I am amazed it did not turn into a sex orgy. Come to think of it, some people would disappear for a while and then return in a much more jovial mood. I suspect a lot of quickie blowjobs and pussy licks took place that day.

Now that I think about it, I remember Mom going down into the cellar with Uncle Tommy to get a case of whiskey. They were down there much longer than it should have taken to grab a case of whiskey and haul it up the stairs. When they did return, and Mom's hair was mussed, and her face was all flushed. Mom's lipstick needed refreshing, and Uncle Tommy couldn't seem to reposition his cock comfortably. Mom kept tugging at her panties like they were maybe sticking to her crotch. For a fleeting moment, I visualized her panties as being full of Uncle Tommy's cum. My cock started getting hard again, so I quickly dismissed that thought.

When the quests were, leaving Mom called me into the kitchen and asked if I could help Aunt Bella and Uncle Harry with their Christmas decorations. Uncle Harry can't climb ladders anymore. They usually go all out with their decorating. It is going to take several days to complete the work, and they agreed to pay me for my help and also let me stay at their house until the task was complete. I agreed and excitedly rushed to my room to pack an overnight bag. I get hard just thinking about being around my sexy Aunt Bella for the next few days.

When I returned to the kitchen, I overheard my Mom say in a firm tone,” I mean it, Bella, don’t touch my son. When the time comes for him to be introduced to sex, I will handle that responsibility myself. Do I make myself clear, Bella!"

“Okay!” Bella whined. “I still think it’s time for the boy to get a proper blowjob. One that will show him what sex is really about. I saw him ogling all the tits today, and I think he is ready."

“I got it covered, Bella. When I think the time is right, I will give him a blowjob that will make a lasting impression”, my Mom assured.

It was after dark when we got to Aunt Bella’s home. My hard cock had throbbed all the way to her house. I couldn’t wait to get a little privacy so I could jack-off and relieve the pressure. We were all still full from our Thanksgiving feast, so Uncle Harry put some water on for hot chocolate. I went to change into my pajamas as did Aunt Bella. I also took time to drain my balls of the cum that had accumulated throughout the day. When Aunt Bella returned to the den, she was wearing a long cotton nightshirt that came down to mid-thigh. She was barefoot and apparently not wearing a bra. I could see her nipples harden occasionally. Her large breast would also jiggle and bounce with each step. I looked over to Uncle Harry to see if he would object to how she was dressed in front of me. He didn’t seem to pay any attention to her nightwear. I guess when you get Uncle Harry's age, pussy is not the most important thing on your mind.

Aunt Bella saw me look to Uncle Harry for his reaction to her attire. She seems to know I was looking to see if Uncle Harry approved. When I looked back at her, she smiled and winked. I could feel my cock starting to harden again. I quickly plopped down in an over-stuffed chair and waited for Uncle Harry to serve the hot chocolate. Aunt Bella sat on the end of the sofa across from me. She folded her legs under her and to the side as she leaned on the armrest of the couch. She looked me squarely in the eyes, smiled, stealthy lifted one leg and gave me a quick glimpse of her bare pussy. I almost spilled my hot chocolate in my lap. That would have been a real disaster because it would have drawn attention to my hard cock that was fighting to get out of my pants. Aunt Bella found the whole thing amusing.

Every once in a while, when Uncle Harry wasn’t looking, Aunt Bella would flash me again and wink. My hard cock was aching so bad I finally had to excuse myself for bed. Aunt Bella playfully asked if I needed her to tuck me in. Uncle Harry told her to stop treating me like a baby. I fled to my bathroom, and within seconds I exploded into the sink. There had to be at least a cup of cum pour out of my cock. I peered at myself in the mirror and jacked off three more times before I cleaned up the mess and went to bed. I fell asleep dreaming of Aunt Bella crawling into my bed and smothering me with her naked tits.

When I came down for breakfast the next morning, Aunt Bella was dressed in some very tight-fitting jeans and an over-sized grey sweatshirt. I couldn’t tell if she was braless or not, but I suspected or more likely hoped she was. Uncle Harry was already outside unpacking boxes of decorations. I knew I was in for a rough day when Aunt Bella leaned over my back to place my breakfast in front of me. She raked her big tits across my shoulder when she put the plate in front of me and took her time dragging them back over my shoulder as she withdrew. I no longer had any doubt she was braless. I heard her giggle softly in my ear. I don’t have to tell you my cock was like a piece of steel. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the day without Uncle Harry noticing my predicament. I was sure Aunt Bella was making me hard for her own amusement.

When I finished eating breakfast, Aunt Bella was standing at the sink rinsing dishes. I approached her to one side to put my dishes in the sink. Just as I got to the sink, she stepped in front of me and pressed her butt onto my bulging cock. She immediately said excuse me and pretended it was an accident, but she didn’t stop pressing against my hard cock. I genuinely don't think it was an accident. The whole day went like that, and I was hard the entire time. My balls were so full and were aching so badly I couldn’t stand it. I tried several times to get away to pound my meat, but Aunt Bella seems to keep me occupied intentionally. It wasn't until bedtime that I was able to get some privacy in the shower. I shot my load no less than five times during that shower.

I dressed in a t-shirt and my boxer shorts for bed. I am still so horny, I just slipped into bed without telling Uncle Harry and Aunt Bella good night. I pulled my boxers off and began to caress my still throbbing cock. I was just on the verge of another good orgasm when I heard a light rap on my door. It was my Aunt Bella who had come to see if I was alright. I pulled the top sheet over my cock and told her to come in.

"Are you okay, Honey?" Aunt Bella asked. "I became concerned went you didn't come to tell us goodnight. Is everything okay?"

“I’m sorry, Aunt Bella, I was so worn out from today’s workout, all I could think about was this nice soft bed.”

Aunt Bella was dressed as she was the night before. All that kept going through mind was, she doesn't have her panties and bra on under that nightgown. Her nipples were hard and poking against the thin fabric of her nightgown. My cock was starting to throb again. I almost put my hand on it to squeeze it with my Aunt standing there, but I caught myself. I needed to get her out of my room so I could relieve the pressure in my balls. It was clear Aunt Bella wasn’t leaving right away. She walked over and sat on the edge of my bed.

"I'm sorry we worked you so hard, Sweetheart," she cooed softly, "Is there anything I can do? Should I rub some cream on your sore muscles? Just let me know what you need. I will be happy to oblige."

I wanted to scream, “Yes! You can suck my aching cock.” However, I just replied, “I’ll be okay by morning. Besides, Uncle Harry will begin to wonder what happened to you.”

“Oh…don’t worry about Uncle Harry. He’s sound to sleep. Once he takes his blood pressure medicine, he is out for the night. A tornado couldn't wake him up."

Oh, shit! I think to myself. My sexy Aunt is sitting on the side of my bed in nothing but a thin cotton nightgown. My Uncle is out like a light, and she just asked me if there was something, she could do for me. After teasing me last night and most of today, she has me horny enough to fuck a rattlesnake. My cock twitched and caused the top sheet to move. She saw the movement and looked up at me and smiled. She placed her hand on my thigh and whispered, “Are you sure there is nothing I can do for you, Honey?”

My cock twitched again and moved the sheet again. My heart started pounding in my ears. It sounded like jungle drums beating in the background of an old Tarzan movie. I couldn’t suck enough air into my lungs to answered. I felt dizzy like I am going to pass out. Suddenly I heard someone shout, “You can suck my aching cock!”

My dizziness suddenly disappeared, and I realize it was me who shouted. I thought to myself, oh shit. I have really fucked up now. How am I going to explain this sudden, crude outburst to my Aunt? Aunt Bella had a startled expression on her face that slowly turned into a smile. She pulled the sheet from my cock and took it gently into her hand. I took a deep breath as a chill travel from my balls up my spine to my head. I started to tremble as she leans forward and takes my cock into her mouth.

Aunt Bella began to suck my cock with unmitigated skill letting the head slip to the edges of her lips before plunging back down again to take nearly its full length into her warm mouth. She took my cock to the back of her mouth and held it at the opening of her throat. Aunt Bella bobbed her head a few times as the muscles of her throat relaxed and allowed my cock to enter. She squeezed my cock head several times with her throat muscles making a soft retching sound. I was beside myself, and at one point I couldn't help but grab her head and shove my cock roughly in and out listening to her struggle to take it.

She pulled off my cock and curtly said, "If you want me to suck your cock, then chill out and let me do the work. I know what feels good to a man. All you have to do is enjoy the ride! Suffice it to say, you won't be left wanting for anything when I am through."

"Yes Ma’am," I meekly answered.

I laid back on my pillow and let her take complete charge. She just smiled and took my cock back in her mouth. I wasn’t really surprised that Aunt Bella was damn good at giving head. I remembered hearing Mom talk about how many cocks Aunt Bella and Aunt Savannah had sucked over the years. Aunt Bella began swirling her tongue over my cock like she was possessed. She loved sucking cock, that much was obvious. As she sucked my cock, I reached down and started caressing her tits and teasing her nipples. I was born a breast man and will always be drawn to them. Aunt Bella was soon moaning with my cock in her mouth making it feel even better as she took me down her throat. She would tighten her throat muscles around my cock head and slowly pull off, making it feel like she was milking my cock. It wasn’t long before I pumped a sizable load of cum in her mouth.

I never lost my hard and wanted to fuck her now, but she said no. She had my night of sexual awaking all planned and didn't intend to deviate from that plan. She climbed up my chest and gave my first grownup kiss; complete with tongue action and everything. I could taste saltiness in her mouth. She sensed my surprise and told me that I was tasting my own cum. She then shoved her wet sticky fingers in my mouth and asked me to compare her taste to my own. That made my cock get even harder.

I pushed Aunt Bella back onto the bed. I didn’t know how many more loaded I would be able to deliver before it was over. I wanted to pump my seed into her pussy at least one time before it was over. Aunt Bella told me to be patient and placed her hand on my head, guiding me down to her crotch. As I looked at her camel toe and smelled her arousal, I thought about how lovely she looked in those sexy panties. I smiled as I started pulling her panties down. I was pleased by the site of her well-manicured, yet very hairy pussy. Aunt Bella had adorable full pussy lips and a large clit that begged for me to suck it.

I moved down the bed further, placing my face between her legs. I spread the lips of her vagina and blew gently on her opening. I had seen this on a porn site and was eager to try it. Just like on the porn site her clit pushed out from under its protective hood. I began kissing her inner thighs, listening to her moans and gasps. I move back to her pussy where I ran my tongue over her wet lips. Aunt Bella let out a deep guttural groan, and then I felt her hands on my head again; guiding me to the places, she needed me. I began licking her hot lips, listening to her moans of pleasure as I continued running my tongue up and down her pussy. I parted her folds and let her juices flow down onto my tongue. I found myself tongue fucking Aunt Bella as she began gyrating on the bed and pulling my hair with her fingers. I am so glad I had watched those porn sites. I wanted Aunt Bella to think of me as a worthy sex partner; not just a horny teenager.

I worked my tongue deep into her pussy as she thrust her hips upward before I moved up and took her clit into my mouth. As I began sucking Aunt Bella’s clit, I worked a couple of fingers deep into her pussy finding just how tight it was. That’s another little trick I learned on the porn site. I alternated between licking and sucking her clit, as she became more and more impassioned. It wasn't long before she was thrusting her pussy hard into my face as the first of many orgasms washed over her.

Next, Aunt Bella pulled me up kissing me and licking her cum from my face. I didn’t wait for her approval this time and slipped my cock into her pussy as she gasped and wrapped her legs tightly around my waist. After my first thrust, she placed her heels under my ass cheeks and told me to fuck her good and hard. I had to smile, it is evident that my Aunt’s pussy had not seen a hard cock in quite some time. I knew Uncle Harry was getting old, but I didn't realize he was at that point in life where his cock didn’t rise to the occasion when needed. I had heard his diabetes interfered with his erection quite often. I felt sorry for Aunt Bella being one hell of a hot woman and not having a man able to make love to her the way she deserved. I started thrusting my cock hard into her pussy as she grunted and took it all.

I could feel the lust and pure enthusiasm coming from her as I fucked her. Every once in a while, she would stiffen and use her heels to pull me deeper into her. She would shudder and shake for a moment and then relax. It concerned me, and I asked her if I was hurting her and she assured me I was not. She told me that was her having an orgasm. I asked her to warn me before each orgasm so I would know what was coming.

The way her pussy kept tightening and gripping my cock, and the enthusiasm of her thrusts was terrific. Aunt Bella told me it was her pussy’s way of thanking me for fucking it so well. Over and over I hammered my cock into Aunt Bella's pussy, fucking her in every position she suggested. Some of those positions I hadn’t even seen on the porn site. I could feel my balls tighten and tingle as my orgasm finally began to bubble up. I fought like hell to stop the explosion for Aunt Bella to have one more orgasm, but it wasn’t necessary to delay it because she started cumming at the same time as did I. She screamed as my hot sperm burst into her spasming pussy. I was afraid she would wake Uncle Harry with her screams as I filled her extracting and clenching pussy with all I had in me. Her clenching pussy sucked the final drops from my balls. When we finally came down from our orgasmic high, Aunt Bella couldn't thank me enough for making love to her. I told Aunt Bella I couldn't begin to express my thanks for her skillful introduction into the world of grown-up sex.

"Listen, Aunt Bella, anytime you can get away, you let me know, and we can meet here or any place of your choosing and do this all over again," I sincerely promised. “We can have some fun any time the mood strikes you. I am young, and I get hard just looking at you."

"Thank you so much, Sweetie, you have no idea how much this meant to me," Aunt Bella swooned. "And I also want to do this with you many more times. However, it is critical we never let your Mom know we did this.”

“Your secret is safe with me, Aunt Bella.” I solemnly promised.

I immediately start calculating a way to let my Mom find out about this sexual interlude without it being traced back to me. I know how completive Mom and Aunt Bella are and hope this will spur my Mom into seducing me. I get hard all over again thinking about Mom and Aunt Bella both sneaking around fucking me at every opportunity.


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The club is dimly lit and very smokey, the only source of light comes from a single strip light shining down onto the table in the centre of the room. A naked man sits at each end of the table staring at his opponent, both are heavily drugged and seem oblivious to every one around them. No-one stands directly behind them, but everywhere else couples are watching them, they're all expensively dressed as befits their income, you have to be rich to be able to afford this club! Without...

4 years ago
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The Orchid The Storyteller

This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...

3 years ago
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My Perverted Family 4 Moms Story

Most so-called ordinary family’s interactions are governed by what is known as the “Westermarck Effect." That just means that they are not sexually attracted to one another, but several studies seem to contradict the standard view of the Westermarck effect. People seem to have sexual preferences toward faces that resemble their parents' or their own. If correct, this would suggest that Freud's idea of the Oedipus complex had more merit to it. My whole family has always seemed to be devoid...

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My Perverted Family 5 Dads Story

My named is Todd. I am a forty-five years old divorcee, and I love sex. I have known since puberty that I was addicted to sex. As I have mentioned in my other stories, I come from a very long line of sexually perverted individuals. My family is riddled with tales of incest and debauchery. My parents, my Aunts & Uncles, my nieces & nephews, my Cousins and most of my In-Laws have engaged in Incest and every other form of sexual deviancy. You name it, and someone in my family probably did...

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My Perverted Family 3 Jasons Story

My whole family has always seemed to be devoid of the Westermarck Effect, but heavy on the Oedipus complex. We have some relatives that just love sex with whoever is available. We also have our share of gay or bisexual individuals. With that said, let me tell you about my older sister’s ex-husband, my ex-brother-in-law, Jason. Jason’s Story My named is Todd. I am a forty-five years old divorcee, and I love sex. I prefer heterosexual sex, but that’s not to say I would outright reject a...

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My Perverted Family 2 Amys Story

However, several studies seem to contradict the standard view of the Westermarck effect as a natural learning process; instead, it may be a cultural phenomenon. People seem to have sexual preferences toward faces that resemble their parents' or their own. If correct, this would suggest that Freud's idea of the Oedipus complex had more merit to it. My whole family has always seemed to be devoid of the Westermarck Effect, but heavy on the Oedipus complex. There are very few female relatives...

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Perverted Deeds Part 1

My first acts of true perversion. (Incest/Taboo) (Non-Consent/Reluctance) I am Sam and I figured out I was a pervert at a very young age. Our household consisted of me, my sister, and my Mom. As a young man I was always watching my Mom and sister. I am 19 years old, my sister is 21, and Mom just turned 41. I am over six feet tall and about 180 lbs. I am in excellent shape, blonde hair, blue eyes and a nice thick 7 inch cock. My Mom and sister are like twins, both are about 5’8”,...

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Perverted Uncle

This story is about my pervert uncle Mark. He was 45 year old man, 6ft 5 tall. He had an extremely hairy body and a big belly. He has a thick veiny 9 inch cock. He was gay of course no one in the family knew about it. Mark was a single father to a son who just turned 18. He was the pervert of the family but only towards boys of the family. He used to made extremely perverse jokes with all us boys. Mark was black sheep of the family, my grandfather left us good money and a good income...

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The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....

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An Indian Family Story

On that particular day, Ramu was returning from the near by town after finishing some official business. When he alighted from the old bus at the junction of the road to his village, it was almost 1.00 o’clock in the afternoon. In the middle of May, it was the peak of summer. No one ventured outside unless it was absolutely necessary. So there was no chance of him getting a lift from anyone with a bullock-cart, or a bicycle. Ramu bravely faced the two-kilometer walk to Periparai village. With...

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An Indian Family Story

Ramu was an office boy in the Village Office. He was considered as somewhat of a big man. He knew every body. Any one with any work in the Village Office must seek his blessings first, before approaching the Village Officer himself. Otherwise one’s file will somehow vanish and will not appear till Ramu has been appeased. So he commanded a lot of respect in the village of Periaparai. Being a bachelor, he was also eyed by many girls in the village. His government job produced a steady income and...

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Ammu8217s Family Sex Story

The time was 1 pm in the afternoon. Ammu’s father closed the shop and came home for lunch. He directly went to the bedroom for changing his clothes. Ammu took a glass of water and went to the bedroom to give it to him. As soon as she opened the door, she was shocked. Ammu’s father was standing only with a banyan and his 7″ penis was hanging! Ammu had not seen such a big penis till now, and she was confused about what to do. Her father shouted, “Will you give me water or not?” Ammu gave him the...

4 years ago
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Million Dollar Bella

Isabella Dea La Reis Merkzockowich, better known as "Bella The Breaker", had just suffered her fifth loss in a row. At the age of twenty-seven, a once-promising career in mixed martial arts was on a downward spiral. Bella had taken the sport by storm and crowded covers of sports magazines due to her crazy win streak in the sport of female MMA. Now, due to a loss, Bella was slowly on her way out of the organization and even her sports career.Bella had a unique build made for fighting and good...

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Possessing Bella

Pieces of Bella...Bella lay like a starfish as the heaving body above her grunted with each thrust. Yet another failed attempt to find some pleasure in her empty world, "Dam you Mel!" She yelled in her own mind as the man finally groaned and rolled off her. She turned her head to look at him. She had thought this time would be different; she had carefully chosen to flirt with an older man this time reasoning that if nothing else he would be experienced as a lover and able to get her at least...

4 years ago
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The Secret Cheerleader VoteChapter 8 Bella

The Secret Cheerleader Vote - #8 The next day was Sunday, so Zane slept in. He was exhausted from the previous night’s activities and the fitful sleep that followed. He spent the entire night dreaming of the things he had seen. Five girls, naked, all over each other, doing things he never would have imagined. He probably still wouldn’t have believed it if not for the video that Stephanie had taken of the whole thing. He was hard from the moment he woke up. Not you’re regular morning wood,...

3 years ago
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Bella Ministratrix Part One

"Min - I - stra - trix", the word tumbled around a bit in her mouth as she felt the weight of its implications settle into her heart. Bella swung her legs over the edge of the bed and flexed her toes in the sunlight streaming through a tall window casting a beam of warmth across the ornately patterned rug.  Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and tried to remember the evening when she decided she was drawn to a ministratrix position with the Manor.  Flush with wine and giddy from the...

1 year ago
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Sharing my girlfriend with an older man Bella

This is a true story. AND A LONG ONE (You've been warned)My name is Brad (obviously) and I have been with my girlfriend Bella quite a while now, she has a beautiful bubble butt, a lovely pair of 34DD's and prefers to trim down below, rather than shave.Earlier this year me and my girlfriend Bella took a two week holiday up in Scotland, to a camp site; a rather expensive one!The view was gorgeous, fresh air, country all around and the site was full of mostly older...

1 year ago
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My girlfriend fucked by an older man Bella

This is a true story. AND A LONG ONE (You've been warned)My name is Brad (obviously) and I have been with my girlfriend Bella quite a while now, she has a beautiful bubble butt, a lovely pair of 34DD's and prefers to trim down below, rather than shave.Earlier this year me and my girlfriend Bella took a two week holiday up in Scotland, to a camp site; a rather expensive one!The view was gorgeous, fresh air, country all around and the site was full of mostly older...

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Leelus Family HistoryDaddys Story

Leelu lay in her bed for hours after her mother told her about her punishment. Soon she fell asleep and started having her special dreams, as she called them. They always started the same way. She is in the bathtub and her mommy and daddy are washing her. Every Friday night is bath night at her house. Her parents have her get in the tub and they fill it with bubbles. They kneel there and soap her up, wash her hair and rub her everywhere. They make sure to clean her butt and pussy really well....

2 years ago
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The Bella Chronicles Chapter 3 A Cold Serving

Chapter 1 Reasons and Rationale“So why did you come here?”The four of them were getting dressed. Bella looked at Jake as she buttoned her shirt. Her mind went back to the video call with Dave and Es that started all of this. She could still hear Es saying, “This is how Jake lost everything.”Es and Dave had told her the story of Jake falling in love with his co-worker, Anika, at Aksin Industries. They quickly became engaged. Jake was totally enamored.The two of them rose in the ranks, with Anika...

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I was sitting enjoying my morning espresso at an outside table at Starbucks in Honolulu. Actually it was a Venti Java Chip Frapachino. That is my favorite drink. The girls at the store start making me one as soon as I walk in the front door. I guess I'm a creature of habit. I do get a few dirty looks from people waiting in line when one of the girls walks down the line and hands me my drink with a pleasant, "Good Morning Mr. Mitchell. Of course the tip may help. It was a typical Hawaiian...

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The Bella Chronicles Chapter 2 Unexpected Encounters

Part 1 Pleasant Surprises Jake stepped into the shower.  The warm water felt amazing on his back and instantly awoke his senses.  It had been two months since he met Bella and every shower since had him revisiting their final hours together.  They had traded texts and Skyped once, but he felt closest to her in his morning shower.As he made the scrunchy sudsy, the smell of the soap had its effect.  He felt his manhood become rock hard.  He closed his eyes as the suds made a trail down his chest...

Group Sex
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The Bella Chronicles Chapter 1 Just Desserts

Part 1: The Encounter The phone chimed twice and vibrated in his pocket.  Jake pulled it out and saw two texts had just arrived:    DA    CODE RED    ES    30 Min out.  On my way.Code Red was an agreed-upon signal with Dave and Es that meant someone needed assistance as soon as possible.  Dave was tending bar tonight at his place.  Es was too far away to provide immediate assistance.  It wasn't clear what was needed, but either way, Jake knew it was time to drop everything and head...

Straight Sex
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Bella meets some of Ricos friends

After her night with Rico Bella had gone home and, no surprise, found Fernando there, waiting somewhat impatiently. He wanted to hear the details, who had she been with?, what had she done?, had she enjoyed it?, would she do it again? He was bursting with questions but he kept his silence, waiting for her to come forward.   Bella told him that she had met Rico at the café. ‘You remember the handsome man we saw awhile ago outside with his friends, and you said I should go with him to his...

4 years ago
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Bella meets some of Ricos friends

After her night with Rico Bella had gone home and, no surprise, found Fernando there, waiting somewhat impatiently. He wanted to hear the details; who had she been with?, what had she done?, had she enjoyed it?, would she do it again? He was bursting with questions but he kept his silence, waiting for her to come forward.   Bella told him that she had met Rico at the café. "You remember the handsome man we saw awhile ago outside with his friends, and you said I...

Group Sex
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Possessing Bella Ch 1011

Authors Note: This is a chapter in this series primarily based in BDSM practises. If that is not to your tastes please stop reading and find one of the other wonderful stories on this site more suited to your kink. This chapter is considerably longer than usual but those who follow Bella’s story will realise I had some bridging of events to do before her next adventure. I am grateful for everyone’s patience with my writing. I hope you enjoy this extended chapter. Thank you once again to...

2 years ago
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Sharing Bella with a work friend Part 1

Sharing Bella, again.I know I spend a long time in between our experiences, we're not the type for doing it frequently. But here is another true story about sharing my gorgeous girlfriend, Bella. (And no, you lucky and un-named Xhamster member, I told you I'd write about you in another story) So me and Bella have been together a while, it is serious. As usual, not much has changed, a few new tattoos, but that's about it. Still a gorgeous set of 34DD tits with an amazing bubble butt, and one of...

2 years ago
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Sharing Bella with a work colleague

Sharing Bella, again.I know I spend a long time in between our experiences, we're not the type for doing it frequently. But here is another true story about sharing my gorgeous girlfriend, Bella. (And no, you lucky and un-named Xhamster member, I told you I'd write about you in another story) So me and Bella have been together a while, it is serious. As usual, not much has changed, a few new tattoos, but that's about it. Still a gorgeous set of 34DD tits with an amazing bubble butt, and one of...

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Perverted Deeds Part 2

My Sister has a new boyfriend. It has been over 8 months since Joe and I did our dirty deeds to his wife and my Mom and Sister. Things have been great around the house. Mom and Sis appear to be no worse for their night of sex with me and I get a lot of attention from my Mom and Sis. Mom seems to be more loving to Sis and me. We have not had sex again but I suspect Mom and Sis want to, I know I want to have sex with them. They are even more exciting to me. Mom and Sis being nude...

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Perverted High School

You begin the day like any other eighteen year old high school girl. You brush your long dark hair, put it into two long pony tails, put on some subtle lipstick and think about what to wear. You’re not the interested in dating but you do care about your appearance. Your main concern is the school you attend. Lately, there have been lots of reports of sexual harassment at said school, enough to get your attention. Last week, one of your friends said that the male nurse at achool flashed his...

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Bella Meets My Dad

We had moved several times since Dad and Mom got their divorce, mostly for Dad to escape from the memories. My brother and sister, Steven and Ashley, had been awarded to Mom in the divorce decree and I to Dad, and I was pleased. Mom and I had never gotten along with her overbearing attitude and downright cruelty in dealing with me and my problems. Really, they were not problems, more that I had no real desire to fit in with those around me, and chose to rebel rather than conform.We were now far...

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Bella Rolland 100 274000

Bella Rolland was born in Sacramento, California, on July 11th, 1994. She spent her entire childhood in Sacramento, where Bella eventually graduated from El Camino High School. Wait a minute. El Camino? As in the half sedan half pick-up El Camino? The school must have been full of the coolest cholos in the state.From Horse Girl to Whore GirlOr maybe not. Bella wrestled and raised horses after classes, and I don't think cholos wrestle or raise horses very often. So does this mean that Bella is a...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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DGIRL SORORITY pt 1 Sam and Bella

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Jake, caucasian, tan, brown hair, 7.5 inch cock Katie, caucasian, pale, blonde hair, medium size tits Samantha "Sam", caucasian, tan, chestnut hair, big tits, fit, 7 inch surprise Annabelle "Bella", latina, dark tan & tattooed, dark brown hair, small tits, big ass, 6 inch slender surprise ____________________________________________________________________________________________ The rain...

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Bella decides to live out some of her fantasies

Bella was anxious. Nervous didn't quite cover it. She was outwardly calm but inside the beautiful exterior her emotions and body were raging. Let me explain. Consider a beautiful woman, with some experience in life, by no means a virgin and certainly not a prude. In fact, Bella had prided herself on being able to live life to its fullest, until tonight. For as long as Bella and Fernando had been together, even after they had gotten married, they had talked about her many admirers. Every time...

Straight Sex
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Possessing Bella Ch 09

Authors Note: This is a chapter in this series primarily based in BDSM practises. If that is not to your tastes please stop reading and find one of the other wonderful stories on this site more suited to your kink. Thank you once again to everyone who leaves comments and feedback on my writing, it is much appreciated. ~ellie ***** Under the watchful eyes of Stephen Bella carefully got into the car and smiled up at him as he closed her door. She ached all over and felt exhausted after a night...

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Bella continues on her journey Part 2

Part 2 of Bella's journey of discovery, at the request of her husband Fernando.   If you read part 1 you know that Bella is a beautiful young woman, married, with a husband who would love to have her act out his fantasies of her having sex with other men. It's finally happened, and now Bella has found that she loves it, loves having sex with her new lover, Rico, but she still loves her husband, Fernando.   In case you've forgotten, or haven't read the first part, Bella is of average height...

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Bella discovers her Mums secret

Bella paused, puzzled. “Mom, are you there?” she called out “Sure, here I am sweetie” finally came the response as Maxine, her mother, emerged from her bedroom door at the top of the stairs looking flustered and wearing only her dressing gown. “Oh dear, have you only just got up?” teased Bella. “Ha, no dear,” laughed her mom distractedly, “I just didn’t realise you would be home so soon.” “Well, I’m going to go and start my homework,” said Bella “I’ve got a mountain to do, and a math test...

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Bella loved sex. She had been with most men in her town from the high school football team to the 80 year old grandpa. She would spend hours in bed to just a quick fuck in the back of a car. Yesterday she fucked grandpa Joe for three hours in his back yard. He loved that she would deepthroat his cock as grandma would not even touch it. She even would have sex with a wife while the hubby watched. Men loved to see their wives lick and suck Bella's smooth pussy while they stroked their cock. Then...

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DGIRL SORORITY pt 3 Jake gives Bella a shower

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Jake, caucasian, tan, brown hair, 7.5 inch cock Katie, caucasian, pale, blonde hair, medium size tits Samantha "Sam", caucasian, tan, chestnut hair, big tits, fit, 7 inch surprise Annabelle "Bella", latina, dark tan & tattooed, dark brown hair, small tits, big ass, 6 inch slender surprise ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sam let go...

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I was sitting enjoying my morning espresso at an outside table at Starbucks in Honolulu. Actually it was a Venti Java Chip Frapachino. That is my favorite drink. The girls at the store start making me one as soon as I walk in the front door. I guess I’m a creature of habit. I do get a few dirty looks from people waiting in line when one of the girls walks down the line and hands me my drink with a pleasant, ‘Good Morning Mr. Mitchell. Of course the tip may help. It was a typical Hawaiian day,...

4 years ago
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Bella and the Beast

Bella and the BeastA Horror Story of Animal Lust and a Young GirlIntroduction and Disclaimer        This is a story of  a thirteeen-year-old girl who becomes the object of a strange, mythic, humanoid creature.  The Beast has a primordial, imperative drive to mate, but has endured decades without opportunity.  He happens to encounter a rare candidate—lovely, young Bella.  It is a violent story of inter-species sex, and readers who are under eighteen, and those who would be offended by a very...

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Bouncing Bella part 2

And if you don't like this stuff don't read it. Only nice comments please. BELLA I'm pretty sure sure dad relized the same time as me.  So I stopped. I kicked. I screamed. I went completely crazy a him.  He just stared for a few minutes then shook his head and left.  Shutting the down tightly behind him.   Once I was alone again I got up and locked my door then sat back on the end on my bed facing my full length mirror. I dropped my head into my hands and cried.  What the fuck...

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It was a sunny Sunday in February, and as I walked out of my apartment building I grabbed my sunglasses from my head and pushed them down in front of my eyes. They were raw, and I still had a splitting headache from the previous night’s partying.  I made my way along the parked cars until I reached the street and turned left, heading for the local cafe. I needed a complete breakfast and my hands were so shaky from all the booze the previous night that I didn’t trust them close to a stove. I was...

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Beach Banging BellaChapter 2

Bella had kept in touch with CiCi who’d kept Todd as her favorite fuck-buddy. They’d usually get it on at her place but went out on dates some weekends. He was busy with school but filled her pussy several times a week. She had a regular job which left weeknights for her continuing sex explorations with other men. There were few days her pussy wasn’t exercised by a hard male organ or two. The foursome got together every couple of months to do some activities besides the swapping and other...

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Bouncing Bella

This story is written from both father and daughters perspective New BELLA Until last year my life was pretty normal. Dad worked. Mum stayed home and me and my sister went to school. We lived in a nice house. All was pretty great. Then when I was 14 my mum died in a car accident.  my sister was 6.  Dad was a mess. We all were. He started drinking every night when he came home from work. Which he never did when mum was alive.  He never became abusive or angry so it was never really a...

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Family guy porn story

“Brian TELEPHONE!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s jasper he seems a bit upset”, Louis words rang through brain like a clock bell on Sunday Brian gets out of the little pool and dries himself off, he puts back on his collar and gulps down his martini, “do you mind if i take this in the house?”, brain says casually. “sure brain just say hello to jasper for me” ” I will Louise”, he went inside and started talking too jasper It was ‘t any longer than a minute or two after all the initial catching...

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First Time With My Dog Bella part 20

I didnt know what to do, I ran and grabbed a towel and started cleaning myself off. She started knocking again so I quick cleaned off Bella and opened the door. I let her in and she started saying how her mom and dad were fighting and she just didnt want to be home. We sat down on the couch and I put on a movie. We were sitting there for awhile then she started kissing me. I started to pull off her shirt while she pulled off mine. I was even more turned on because I didnt get off with Bella. I...

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