Bella continues on her journey Part 2
- 3 years ago
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"Min - I - stra - trix", the word tumbled around a bit in her mouth as she felt the weight of its implications settle into her heart. Bella swung her legs over the edge of the bed and flexed her toes in the sunlight streaming through a tall window casting a beam of warmth across the ornately patterned rug. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and tried to remember the evening when she decided she was drawn to a ministratrix position with the Manor. Flush with wine and giddy from the sensuous environment, she had watched the other ministratri effortlessly move about the room. During parties, the ministrati were responsible for tending to the needs and whims of those gathered in hedonistic revelry. Her friend Marie who lived in the Manor had first brought her here months ago and Bella was fascinated by the concept. When an invitation arrived to become a regular visitor with a room assignment Bella did not know exactly what to expect, however, she knew the idea was deeply appealing.
The invitation had instructed Bella to arrive late on Friday evening, enter through the servant’s entrance and proceed directly up the back staircase to the fourth floor where her room would be waiting for her. When she had arrived there was a snack waiting on her night table and a note encouraging her to relax and get some rest. The protocol manual given to Bella in advance of her visit explained the use of notes and other written communication. Prior to her arrival, she had fallen asleep several nights in a row poring over the orchestrated details of everyday life in the Manor.
The Envelopes
There were three types of envelopes delivered to the occupants of the 4th floor each morning. The envelopes were always found perched on the nightstand on their ornate tri-footed easel. The flaps were always sealed with wax bearing the insignia of the household. Red, gold, and white they would be the first thing each resident or regular visitor would see as their surroundings settled in around them shortly after dawn. However, sometimes this could be much later in the morning depending on the antecedent activities and the number of hours since they ceased.
The red envelopes carried service assignments, some mundane and seemingly obvious, some would shock and be unfathomable by many living in the surrounding communities, with either type leaving room for personal embellishments by each unique ministratri. This is the type that Bella had opened earlier with trembling fingers, soon the routine will become a source of comfort and excitement, but at first, each envelope seems just the smallest bit overwhelming and wrought with uncertainty.
Gold envelopes were rewards, granted perhaps once per week or a bit less often for visitors to celebrate exemplary service, most often accompanied by a red envelope as well since simple rewards were always provided after a regular day and evening of service. On very rare, and extremely special occasions, an occupant of the 4th floor might receive a gold envelope all by itself. This would mean a full revolution of the planet drenched in pleasurable activities.
White envelopes were another matter entirely, these stark and gleaming packets of correspondence brought unfortunate news. They were somewhat a rarity, rarer than the gold that arrived with red, but not as rare as a solitary gold sparkling in the morning sun. Of course, the white envelopes were not something to look forward to as one's eyes fluttered into focus in the morning.
Unlike with the gold envelopes, a red envelope alongside the white envelope was a welcome vision, perhaps an opportunity to commute the contents of the white. A white envelope standing alone meant a day of preparation followed by a night of - perhaps quite severe - correction for whatever flaw had been discovered in the performance of the servant.
But this morning was just a typical day, with a red envelope listing precise and time-bound instructions for the next 24 hours. Bella’s first instruction for the day was to shower and dress, notable only because it explained in detail where to find everything she might need. For example, the basket of sweetly scented toiletries and plush towels resting on the crimson red tall backed brocade chair tucked into the corner at the foot of the bed.
After locating everything else on the list, Bella took another look around the room. The bed was draped in thick fabrics attached to the rail running to and fro the thick pillars reaching into the billowing cloud of the canopy above. The room was long and narrow with incredibly high ceilings, there were still several feet above the bed before the sturdy looking exposed beams crisscrossed overhead.
Seeing the time on the clock next to the bed, she could not waste one more moment absorbing the strange new world she had stepped into. Clutching the basket against her belly, she slipped out of the room and down the hall to the large bathroom shared by all occupants of the 4th floor. When she pushed open the door she discovered the bathroom already bustling with activity as each servant bathed and prepared themselves for the day ahead. The tone of those around her and the type of preparations being engaged in revealed which color envelope had arrived on their stand that morning.
The Shower
Steam rose from the soaking tubs along the west wall, two in use and two waiting empty for the deserving servant who would be celebrating a gold envelope day. The center of the room featured two parallel sets of low flat benches with padded surfaces covered in plush absorbent fabric. After the bench was used by someone for drying, applying lotion, and taking care of any other post bathing routines the damp covers would be replaced ensuring that each seat remained perfectly inviting to the next body emerging naked from a tub or nearby shower. This particular task was completed with a quiet yet energetic flourish by one of the Manor's residents. She was a petite young girl of just 19 or so - who Bella had not yet met other than to admire the flaming red hair and a smattering of golden freckles dancing across her pale, cream colored skin.
Bella had counted a total of six doors as she came down the hall, she knew that there were three more to the other side of the bathroom, so the swarm of activity was not a surprise. As she approached the three transparent shower enclosures she could see that one was available, setting her basket on the closest bench Bella removed the bottles of shampoo and soap plus the sponge and left the lotion and towels where they were. Because the walls were clear with only a delicate frosted etching of the household insignia and a faint outline, Bella could still see most of what was happening in the rest of the bathroom.
The 4th floor was not gender segregated, therefore both male and female servants shared the same space, and none were the least bit concerned with modesty. There were one male and one female servant each in the soaking tubs being attended to by two others, and two more males had just stepped out of the adjacent showers and were sitting facing away from each other on the benches. Bella had never seen a male genital piercing before and caught herself attempting to make sense of exactly how the ring got where it was dangling, occasionally catching the light and sending signals from within the shadow cast by the muscular legs of the thusly adorned male.
While working the thick creamy lather through her soft tawny locks, Bella's mind wandered perhaps a bit too long as she realized that now there were only two others with her in the bathroom. Time had a way of swiftly evaporating on her previous visits and she worried about being bested by the distractions here on her first day of actual service. Grabbing the water and soap soaked sponge she quickly finished refreshing the rest of her skin, checked to make sure that she rinsed clean all of the foam from her hair, and returned to the bench
While Bella slathered her skin with the sweetly scented lotion, she noticed a strange apparatus being operated in the far corner of the room. It would seem that one of the servants was tipped, face down, angled forward, and was being administered some sort of foamy fluid.
Curious, but feeling the pressure of fleeting time, she watched the procedure while she finished drying off, and then noticed the white envelope laying on the floor next to the odd table as her path back out of the bathroom gave her a different vantage point. From that angle she could also see two female servants in the other corner having a moment of mutual pleasure, trying to keep her invasive glances around the room unnoticed. Pretending to drop the towel that had been wrapped around her hair to the floor accidentally, she stole a few more seconds - hearing them tick loudly in her mind - to glance once more between the two images developing in those opposite corners. This last look provided the opportunity for the impression to be burned onto her memory, she then quickly retrieved the towel and forced herself to turn around and exit the room.
After closing the bathroom door behind her, she floated effortlessly back to her room lifted by the sense of anticipation generated by knowing what was in store next. Bella dressed hastily in the simple clothing laying across the foot of the bed and only stopped to take two deep breaths at the top of the stairs leading down to the kitchen.
The First Morning
Descending the servant's staircase with the contents of the red envelope tucked into the waistband of her short black pleated skirt, Bella was reciting the second instruction over and over in her head.
2. Go to the kitchen at 8:15, on the counter, will be a tray labeled 2D, speak to no one as it may cause you to be delayed, take the tray and bring it to room D on the second floor. Ring the bell on the tray three times and then enter whether anyone calls out to you or not, leave the door and inner curtains exactly as you found them. Once inside the room, place the tray on the long table at the foot of the bed. Stand perfectly still close by - when the occupants of the room are ready, remove the covers from the plates. If asked to obtain anything go as quickly as you can back to the kitchen and return with the desired item, our guests appreciate prompt service. Remain quiet and still unless specifically asked to do something, do not react in any way to anything that happens while you are in the room other than to respond to direct requests. Remember these instructions as from now on you will only receive a room number assignment in the morning and will follow the same procedure each day.
When she reached the last landing she could smell the delicious aroma of the fluffy Belgian waffles and bacon. She had only seen the kitchen once before, the night that she was shown how to enter the manor and find her room on the 4th floor. It had been dark at the time and the pots and pans hanging from the ceiling had been quite ominous for some reason.
She was surprised to discover in the bright morning sunshine, the kitchen was warm and the cheerful yellow paint and murals of the French countryside embracing each wall above the chair rail. She looked around in stunned silence at the others in the room carefully carrying out the perfectly orchestrated dance of preparing breakfast for the manor's guests. They worked seamlessly while carrying on animated conversations with each other. Everyone who noticed her smiled and nodded, however, no one spoke to her because no one wanted her to risk breaking the rules on the first day. The scene seemed reminiscent of a Norman Rockwell type painting of a large family enjoying each other's company whilst preparing a large meal.
The only thing that made such a recorded image unlikely was the Manor uniform, which left little to the imagination as it clung to the skin of each servant. Bella adjusted the crimson silk strap of her own camisole while she scanned the counter for the tray destined for room 2D. She found it quickly and took a deep breath before transferring its weight to her arms. Nodding at a larger woman with enormous breasts stirring something on the stove who was looking at her worriedly, Bella turned and proceeded back up the stairs and to the second floor.
Once she reached the hallway she began to wonder what she might witness within the room she had been assigned. She stepped slowly with great care not to tip the contents of the tray as she made her way to the end of the hall and stood outside room D. She breathed a sigh of relief when she found the door open and was glad to only have to step through the heavy velvet curtains at the entrance to the room. She shifted the weight of the tray onto one arm and leaned it against the wall so that she could retrieve the small silver bell. After ringing the bell three times, Bella stepped into the room looking first for the table. She set the tray on the table before noticing the woman in the corner seeming at first glance to hover in mid-air. She stood in a position so that she could see what was happening just out of the corner of her downcast eyes.
A man with long dark hair crossed behind her from the small door on the opposite side of the room, the room's private bathroom, and smacked Bella on her ample bottom as he said, "Don't pretend you don't want to look, isn't she beautiful like that?"
With this explicit permission, Bella examined the scene before her carefully and saw how the woman had been suspended by a series of pulleys and cables from the ceiling, her flesh was straining against the tight rope tied in diamond patterns across her torso and limbs. The image stirred something inside of Bella and her interest in what she was seeing was made obvious by the blush creeping over her cheeks and the fact that her nipples became extremely visible through the thin material of her top. As the man lowered the woman to the floor and released the many points where her body was attached to pulleys, he told Bella to get the items on the tray ready for consumption.
The guests enjoyed their breakfast, thanked Bella, and sent her on her way.
Bella collected the items back to the tray and left the room as silently as she had entered. Heading back to the kitchen she risked an upward glance to see an exquisitely beautiful and impossibly tall woman wearing a shiny black bathrobe. Having never met the actual owners of the manor she could not be sure, but she thought that it might be the Lady. Returning her eyes to the floor about two paces ahead of her feet, she was surprised to feel a hand on her shoulder and hear a voice in her ear, "You must be the new 4a, let me take a look at you," the woman motioned for Bella to make a full turn. "Very interesting, well Marie has never steered us wrong, welcome to the manor, perhaps I will see you again soon."
The woman continued down the hallway and entered the doorway at the very end, the Master suite, more evidence that this was, in fact, the Lady.
Casual Dinner Service
3. Once you have completed breakfast service you are to take the tray back to the kitchen and leave it by the sink. On the counter there will be a tray with your room number on it, 4a, the tray will have items for your breakfast and lunch, for today you should take it up to your room so that you can relax and prepare for your evening duties in quiet. There is a long night ahead so please do not be ashamed to nap, you will soon find that it is a necessary ritual to maintain the pace of the household.
As Bella returned to the sunshine filled kitchen bubbling with activity and cheerful voices, she was greeted this time with several introductions that somewhat blurred together. She briefly introduced herself and thanked everyone for making her feel very welcome, she had met only a handful of the regular residents on her short visits to Marie before her decision to become a visiting member of the household. Marie was one of the regular residents, the occupants living on the third floor, some were servants like Bella, however of a slightly higher status, and some alternated between service and being served, Marie fit into the latter category and was one of the Lady's very favorite female residents regardless of her role on any given day. Marie spent most of her time on the second floor, either in the master suite or in service to other honored guests of the manor.
Bella found her tray and headed back up to the fourth floor to settle into her room for the next few hours.
Grateful that she had the presence of mind to set an alarm for 3 pm, Bella woke startled to discover that she had in fact fallen asleep, right on top of the protocol manual she was studying so that she would be prepared for the evening. Granted, she had been poring over the manual for weeks, ever since Marie suggested that Bella might feel very at home in the world she occupied any time she was not at the place of employment they shared. It was pretty risky for Marie to share this information with Bella, as these days women even accuse other women of harassment, but Marie was positive that Bella was open to possibilities that exceeded the basic romantic interactions of men and women. And, Marie was correct in her assessment, Bella absorbed everything she could about Marie's world and was drawn back to the manor on every opportunity to learn enough to know that she wanted to be a part of it.
4. At 3:30 you will need to report to the kitchen to assist with preparations for tonight's dinner. There are two dinner services each night, one in the main ballroom, and one in the game room. You will be serving in the game room until you have developed the skills necessary to serve at the level required for the dinners in the ballroom. Make sure that your hair is pinned up so that no hair falls in your face at any time, you may wear it down on your neck, however, most of our guests prefer that it be swept completely into a knot or other updo style.
Make sure to put on a fresh uniform, there are several in the closet and laundry is not an issue, that is why we house such a large collection of ministratri. You will find the instructions for serving casual dinner in the protocol manual which I trust you must have committed to memory by now, but if not, your job tonight is simple. You will be the water girl and keep each water goblet full all evening once you are released to the game room from your kitchen assignment which will be issued by Beatrice. As with breakfast, tomorrow your instruction will simply say "game-room." All instructions are cumulative and will only change upon written notice, keep these in the folder that is in the top left desk drawer for your future reference.
Bella had in fact memorized most of the manual but was nonetheless happy to have such a simple task on her first night. Wearing a fresh uniform and having piled her hair into a cascade originating where a standard ponytail might, she descended the staircase and arrived in the kitchen ready to meet Beatrice.
Beatrice was in charge of all things culinary within the manor and issued each servant a card with their task, each went about their way creating such indulgent meals Bella could hardly contain her excitement knowing how much each bite would be savored and enjoyed by the most discerning guests. Her assignment was salad, 1 wedge baby butter lettuce, topped with slivers of radish, grape tomatoes, shreds of cucumber and carrot, and drizzled with a creamy dressing of buttermilk, sharp cheese, and Beatrice's secret blend of spices. Beatrice stopped by her area to take a peek and joked that there were bonus points for drawing the house insignia with the dressing before nodding in approval at the rows and rows of perfectly identical plates and moving on.
Once everything was prepared and in its place, each servant was to take their places before the guests entered the two dinner service areas. Bella found the group headed to the game room and after discovering the location of the water cooler she got to work. Following the instructions in the manual she filled 6 carafes with water, ice, slices of lemon and lime and placed them on the cart, she then filled each water goblet and delivered them to the tall square table for 12 which was intimidating enough as it stood empty. She then returned to the cooler and refilled the carafes with water. The guests began to arrive and take their seats, however, the evening would prove distracting as each guest was accompanied by their own source of entertainment.
The game room was not equipped with poker or pool tables, surrounding the table were an assortment of uncomfortable looking situations waiting for those assigned to entertainment this evening to be attached to. Next to the water station was a giant spinning wheel, one of the female servants was being lifted up and attached to the wheel with leather straps on her wrists and ankles and a harness around her hips and waist. The wheel spun slowly and with much effort, the pointer would land on various names for body parts and the game would be for one of the guests to spin the wheel and have their way with whatever prize was revealed. After one or two spins the servant still seemed to be enjoying herself but Bella could not imagine how dizzying that might be.
Bella kept the water glasses perfectly full all evening despite being cautiously aware of the "games" happening around her. A male servant was attached spread eagle to the opposite wearing safety goggles. He was sprayed with something to make his skin look very wet and the guests were shooting suction-cup guns at him and keeping score of how long the "bullets" stuck to his skin, but also tallying points for the most creative targets.
The next wall over was difficult to see as it was mostly dark, except for bright flashes of light every so often, and on the other wall was a box full of about 1 inch round holes all over it. The point of that game was for the guests to push an item of their choice through the hole and determine what body part it had come into contact with on the servant inside the box. Points were scored by a variety of criteria including whether or not they were right about the body part, and how loud the noise from inside the box was before the servant revealed what body part had been impacted.
The servants took turns on each of the games throughout the evening and were sent to the table to eat during rest breaks, they were not wearing the household uniform, were completely nude during the entire meal and for several hours after as the guests enjoyed the game room.
But Bella was most interested in making sure that the water glasses remained full. She was almost in a state of euphoria by the end of the evening when suddenly she caught a glimpse of a figure standing perfectly still in the doorway. Taking another careful look in the door's direction, Bella saw that it was the woman she had seen this morning in the second floor hallway, dressed in a black evening gown that was extremely low cut with a slit rising from ankle to mid-thigh made even more prominent by the way the woman was standing with one exceptionally high heel out in front of the other, her arms crossed in what appeared to be amused contemplation, and her shoulder leaning against the door frame. Bella felt a warmth spread over her body as she realized that the woman was looking directly at her, eyes following as she made the last round of water re-fills and began to clean her area as she was to be excused from duty at 11 pm. When she looked again, the doorway was empty.
5. When you are excused from service for the evening you should return to your room and go to sleep. If you are not tired you may join any other unassigned servants in the fourth-floor parlor and enjoy whatever merriment you find there. You will need to wake up at 8:30 am and although that is later than this morning's requirement I do not recommend staying up too late. Since you leave tomorrow afternoon your instructions will be brief.
Bella had already become so comfortable in her surroundings that she had forgotten that 36 hours comes and goes so quickly, the next week would be torture waiting for the next opportunity to return. She pushed the thought out of her mind reminding herself that there was no reason to think about these things until it was time to go.
Bella put everything away and headed up to find the 4th-floor parlor, promising herself that she would only stay an hour, maybe two.
Later That Night
At the end of the hall were the two large doors leading to the fourth-floor parlor, they were closed, but unlike the bedroom doors, there was no prohibition against opening them without express permission. Bella could hear what sounded like a movie playing and hoped that the doors didn't open in a way that would disturb anyone already in the room. Opening the door slowly she peeked inside, seeing that the television was on the opposite wall she completed her entrance seemingly unnoticed by any of the occupants of the room.
Most of the servants were still assigned to activities leading late into the night so there were only two others in the parlor that night. Bella did not recognize either the male or female sitting on opposite ends of the large overstuffed couch positioned facing the television as if it had been moved there haphazardly just for the evening. Both looked up from the movie just long enough to nod in greeting to Bella and then were obviously so engrossed with the movie that they did not wish to be distracted. Sitting down on a nearby chair Bella wondered if she could catch up with the movie's story line enough to enjoy the story, but it was already too far along.
Bella was just about to get up to leave when she felt someone sit down on the arm of the chair she was sitting in. she looked up to see Marie perched on the arm, legs crossed, and looking amused. "Come on let’s go to my room, it seems pretty dead in here tonight," she said while grabbing Bella's arm and springing to her feet.
Bella accompanied her down the main staircase just outside the parlor and to the third floor where Marie's room was located. Bella had stayed over in Marie's room on the occasions she had visited the Manor prior to becoming a regular visitor and knew that it was larger and had its own bathroom. While they had slept in the same bed before, they had never been intimate and Bella did not consider that anything of that nature would ever occur between them.
Marie grabbed two glasses off of the bureau and swung the door of the small fridge in the corner of the room open with her foot and indicated for Bella to retrieve the bottle of wine from the door. "There's a corkscrew on the night stand sweetheart, be a good girl and open the bottle and pour us each a glass please."
Bella did as she was told instinctively, not even thinking about the fact that Marie had intentions beyond a late night chat.
After a couple glasses of the wine Marie was done making small talk, after asking about the day and Bella's feelings about the successful completion of her first red envelope, she was ready to get down to her real intentions, "Bella baby,” she purred, “please take off your uniform and come over here."
Bella stood up and looked at Marie for a moment in stunned silence, she began to protest slightly which prompted Marie to stand up and move closer until she was just inches away, "ok then, I'll help you out of it."
The words had barely escaped her lips when she reached out and the next thing Bella knew the thin camisole was laying on the floor and she was reaching for her own skirt, she freed its closure and let it fall to her feet. Marie's mouth was already hot on her neck and her arms had wrapped around Bella’s shoulders drawing her closer. Moving her hand to entangle her fingers in the fine hair that had come loose from Bella's pinned up hairstyle at the back of her neck, Marie pulled Bella’s mouth to her own and kissed her deeply as their bodies melted together in the embrace. Right at that moment, an urgent buzzing began to emanate from the phone on Marie's night stand.
"Damn it! You have to go," Marie hastily gathered up Bella's uniform and thrust it at her as she ushered her briskly into the hallway. "Hey, I'll see you at work on Monday." She whispered urgently. "Hurry up the main staircase before... well... just hurry!"
A somewhat disoriented Bella stood for a moment stark naked in the hallway of the third floor holding onto her clothing unsure if she should put it back on until she heard footsteps coming up from the second floor and she made a dash to the landing and flew up to the fourth floor since Marie had just told her moments ago to hurry.
When Bella reached the fourth-floor landing she realized that the footsteps had not stopped on the third floor. They had followed her up the next flight of stairs and were on the way to the fourth-floor landing. Ducking around the corner at the top of the stairs and quickly pulling on her camisole and skirt she was just buttoning the skirt when an unhappy looking male stepped into the hallway. Bella started down the hall toward her room trying to look like she was just walking from the parlor and had only stopped momentarily to fix her skirt, but the man was behind her and being taller caught up quickly.
Bella turned around and greeted him politely but then turned again to continue to her room. Before she could complete the 180-degree revolution he had grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward him pinning her arm behind her back. Grabbing a handful of her hair he inhaled deeply as he examined the scent, "Yep that's Marie's!" He spat out and then mumbled something about the damn bisexuals in this place.
He released Bella's wrist and spun her around to face the wall and held her there with one arm across her shoulders, and reached under her skirt with the other hand until he had forced two fingers past the point of anything resembling appropriate and half growled into Bella's ear: "Well at least this one likes it rough."
He was reaching for his zipper when a deep female voice barked: "Let her go, Marcus, she is not for you and this is not how we do things here."
The man, Marcus, released Bella who remained motionless and unsure of what to do next. Maybe if she just held still long enough she could just teleport herself into her bed and this would have all been an unfortunate dream. She heard Marcus's feet on the stairs heading back down to the third floor, and then heard a door slam - Marie's door most likely - and then silence spread across the hallway like a thick dark cloud.
The next thing Bella knew she was laying on her bed, naked, and covered with a soft blanket while someone was talking to her in a soothing tone. Opening her eyes she saw the redhead from the bathroom sitting in a chair right next to the bed smoothing a cool washcloth across her forehead. "Shh.. don't move,” she whispered. “ I think you bumped your head when you fainted, you should take it easy for a while."
As Bella remembered that evening's events she wondered if that sort of thing was a common occurrence. Then she realized that there was another person in the room with them, it was the Lady. "Well, it looks like you have everything under control Logi, stay with her for the night and please explain to her what we spoke about so that it does not come as a surprise."
The Lady then exited the room without another word.
Bella turned to the girl and asked what the Lady was talking about.
Logi responded cautiously, "Technically you broke the rules tonight, your instructions had two options for your evening and neither was to visit a friend on the third floor, the Lady is considering whether or not to have you punished."
Bella felt the tears instantly well up in her eyes and the hot liquid begin to fall onto her cheeks, "but I didn't know, it was Marie's idea and she lives here - she came up and got me... "
Logi replied that Bella had agreed in her contract to have her actions dictated by the house and that any previous relationships were at that time superseded by the house.
"Sweetie, get some sleep, you are new, it won't be that bad, I'll stay here until I have to report in the morning but you can sleep until your wake up time."
Logi then climbed into bed with Bella, wrapped her arms around her and fell asleep.
When Bella woke up the next morning Logi was gone and on the nightstand stood a stark, cold, white envelope.
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It was a sunny Sunday in February, and as I walked out of my apartment building I grabbed my sunglasses from my head and pushed them down in front of my eyes. They were raw, and I still had a splitting headache from the previous night’s partying. I made my way along the parked cars until I reached the street and turned left, heading for the local cafe. I needed a complete breakfast and my hands were so shaky from all the booze the previous night that I didn’t trust them close to a stove. I was...
TransThe airport was bustling with people going to and fro their destinations. Weaving through the crowd, I saw my parents waiting for my arrival. It's been 4 long years since I last saw my family. I joined the military shortly after high school. I spent 6 months in the states training, and the other four in Afghanistan. It was great to be home. My mom gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek. My dad welcomed me back with is usual tight gripped handshake. He always said if a man doesn't give you a...
Petra Perkins escorted us into her living room and offered refreshments; She and I both had a glass of Newcastle Brown ale, while Bella sipped at a glass of wine. "You'll gather I'm not your run-of-the-mill solicitor," she began, "Zeke and I were friends on the classic bike circuit for years. When he met and married Beth, we kept in touch, but obviously..." she paused, "anyway, things changed. Then Beth ... died. Zeke ... didn't stop riding completely, but he wanted to make sure he...
"I'm going to this party over at my friend’s house if you want to come!" Bella had messaged me on Facebook. "Yeah I want to go party with you!" I typed back, tonight was the night I was going to see those beautiful double D tits! "Come pick me up?" "Ok we're on our way :)" I always loved it when a girl uses smiley faces. Makes me feel special! Bella soon arrived at my house and called to tell me to head outside. By this point I was about 4 shots deep so I was feeling pretty...
Dawn woke me, so it was fairly late, maybe eight; we were still in the same positions we'd dropped off to sleep in. Sometime during the night as I slept my mind had come to a conclusion. A terrible, terrifying, wonderful conclusion. I was in love with this woman. Her scent, the feel of her body against mine was just right. Whatever she looked like, I knew the essential Bella, and I wanted her. Not for a week, or a month, or three months, or even three years. I knew she was different. The...
"Hi Penny." "Hey, Andrew, you're looking a lot better. The break was obviously good for you." "It was. In fact, I need to book some more time in the New Year; another couple of weeks." "Shouldn't be a problem. What are you thinking of doing?" "Nothing much. Get married, start a family, look for a larger house." "Okay, let me ... WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I couldn't suppress a grin. "Oh, I'll be getting married to a young woman I met while I was away." It's not often I get...
I grew up in a suburb of New York and had this crazy, old, whitecouple as neighbors for as long as I could remember. Then, the summer before I turned 18, a new family moved in. They were black and seemed very nice. There was a mother, a father and a little daughter, but this story is mostly about the mother. Her name was Bella and she was a very nice woman. She was 5 foot 2, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. We would occasionally talk, and I even helped them out around the house when they...
InterracialB for BellaMr B yawned as he stared at the clock. Another hour of exam supervision. What a waste of time. He listened to the room. The sound of the clock ticking over and the soft scratching of pencils going over paper. He looked out the window. Mrs S was coming up down the hall to relieve the other teacher in the room. Not like they needed two teachers here. It was only five girls who were sitting the drama exam. Mrs S quietly opened the door and walked to the other teacher whispered into his...
Part 2 of Bella’s journey of discovery, at the request of her husband Fernando. If you read part 1 you know that Bella is a beautiful young woman, married, with a husband who would love to have her act out his fantasies of her having sex with other men. It’s finally happened, and now Bella has found that she loves it, loves having sex with her new lover, Rico, but she still loves her husband, Fernando. In case you’ve forgotten, or haven’t read the first part, Bella is of average height...
This story is completely fictional, any references to persons, or places is accidental, and this story was written by me misstayla. All characters in this story are also 16 years or older. Comments Welcome By the way if you haven't already you should read Bella and Uncle Trevor which begins this story between and girl and her uncle. When Uncle Trevor finally spoke, we were lying on our sides, his arms around me, my head on his shoulder, and his cock pressing into my ass. “Bella this is...
IncestDurham. I'd never been there before... "And a time will come at last when I ... will take the hidden paths that run, east of the moon, west of the sun..." I'd always had a destination, a purpose. I wasn't sure I had Tolkien's words right, but the spirit was there, I thought. I found a Travelodge, anonymous, convenient, economical. I found an indifferent restaurant, ate a passable but infinitely forgettable meal, thinking of Bella's soup, trying to remember what she looked like, my...
Bella And Her Uncle Trevor This story is completely fictional, any references to persons, or places is accidental, and this story was written by me misstayla. All characters in this story are also 16 years or older. -Also any comments you make would help as this is my first story, if you want to hear more of Bella and Uncle Trevor let me know.- Hi my name is Isabella (Bella for short, I hate being called Isabella), and this is my story. First let me tell you about myself, I am decently...
IncestThe next day, Bella knocked on my door at noon. I opened thedoor and saw Bella wearing a trench coat. For a few moments, she just stared at me, without saying anything. I knew that she came over for a reason, so I let her gather her thoughts. A minute later she looked me in the eyes and said “I wanted to thank you again for yesterday. I really needed that and I appreciate it very much.” I responded “The pleasure was all mine, Bella. That was the greatest sex I’ve ever had by far and I hope...
Bella was anxious. Nervous didn’t quite cover it. She was outwardly calm but inside the beautiful exterior her emotions and body were raging. Let me explain. Consider a beautiful woman, with some experience in life, by no means a virgin and certainly not a prude. In fact, Bella had prided herself on being able to live life to its fullest, until tonight. For as long as Bella and Fernando had been together, even after they had gotten married, they had talked about her many admirers. Every time...
Bella gasped, her body tightening immediately against the ties and cuffs that held her open. Her hips squirmed as Cean laid a hand between her breasts, and she stilled at his words. “My love, there’s nothing to be frightened of. You trust me, you said.” Her nod was jerky, even as her breasts rose and fell rapidly, heart hammering nervously against his palm. She lay there and felt the warmth of the stranger’s body suddenly leaking into hers, and the unknown of what this other man could do,...
Ana sat on the curb in front of the school waiting for Todd to pick her up. She’d spent the remainder of the day in the nurses office, after Lizzie had suggested that she tell them she had period cramps. This wasn’t too far from the truth, since she was bleeding, and her insides felt like they were on fire. She was feeling a little better now, but she didn’t think she could go to the dance studio that Todd had promised to take her to. Todd’s car pulled up to the curb and she stood up to...
Ana was fourteen years old when she moved to America from Bolivia. Her parents had died in a car accident in La Paz, so her older sister Sofia brought her to America to live with her and her husband Todd in New York City. Todd was much older than Sofia, old enough to be her father, Ana thought. But she was grateful for having a place to live and good food and nice clothing. When she arrived at the apartment in the taxi from the airport, Sofia ran out to greet her and to hug her close since...
Bella, you're driving home not expecting me, your husband, to be there as usual. My evening job always keeps me until the wee hours of the morning on the weekends. I'm a manager and bartender at the local pub, which had often made you wonder how much of the young clientele I sampled as well. I never came home smelling like anything other than work. You wish just every now and then I would show you the same devotion I did my job. We had just had an argument over that very subject this morning....
The entire situation was **SO** embarrassing! I've been bullied for so long that I can't remember the last weekday I came home without rushing to mommy for a hug. It made everything better, even though she didn't really understand the whole story... She doesn't know that my bully is...actually a futanari. Revealing that detail, that I've been pushed around by some big-tittied, hung bully would honestly be harder to accept than the hell I go through on a daily basis. I've been made to...
Bella Strega Night was so easy; darkness cloaked every vice and shrouded every sin. Thenight was another world, another place, utterly removed from the demands ofmundane day-today living. In the dark all fantasies were possible, one couldgive life to one's clandestine self, and no one would ever tell. And in thedark, all secrets were sacred, cloaked in the benediction of silence. She lay awake, deep into the night, her body betraying her yet again. Shecould count on nothing. She wanted...
Cean rolled his shoulders and sat back in his chair, robe draping open over his wide chest as his fingers drummed on the table. He stared into the hallway leading down to the bedrooms, a smirk on his face as he imagined the look on his Bella’s face at what he had planned for the night. Speaking of his little pet … He straightened in his chair, leaning over his strong forearms on the table, knowing she was in the bathroom. ‘Bella!’ His voice was firm, and she’d recognize instantly that he was...
I grew up in a suburb of New York and had this crazy, old, whitecouple as neighbors for as long as I could remember. Then, the summer before I turned 18, a new family moved in. They were black and seemed very nice. There was a mother, a father and a little daughter, but this story is mostly about the mother. Her name was Bella and she was a very nice woman. She was 5 foot 2, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. We would occasionally talk, and I even helped them out around the house when they...
Introduction: A story about a wet nurse named Bella. Bella loved being pregnant. She also loved having full and milky breasts. Bella had quickly realized after her first pregnancy that she was happiest when she was pregnant, and her breasts were full of milk. When her body was in this condition she felt amazing. Not only did she feel incredibly beautiful and sexy, but she also felt extremely sensual as well. Bella simply adored all the wonderful sensations she felt coursing through her body...
Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...
I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...
Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...
"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...
After a silent dinner during which Todd stroked her knee under the table, and Ana hummed the lullaby in her head so she would feel nothing, Ana went upstairs to use the laptop Todd and Sofia had bought her. She logged in to facebook and saw that she had one friend request. It was Lezzie Lizzie, or rather Lizzie Trusset as she now learned. She accepted the request, and immediately a chat window popped up. “Hey Ana, are you okay?” Lizzie asked. “Yes, I am fine now,” Ana typed...
The bus stopped in front of the school, a large rectangular brick building. Ana and Lizzie got off the bus and were greeted by a group of jeering boys. “He look, it’s Lezzie Lizzie,” one of the boys sneered. “Who’s your girlfriend Lezzie Lizzie?” Ana frowned. “I’m not her girlfriend!” The boy sidled up beside her. “Well then what’s your name gorgeous?” “Ana,” Ana said, and hurried away from him towards the school building. On the way there she tripped on a crack in the sidewalk...
He was just too close for her liking. She had to fake a smile, act like she loved the attention he showered her with. They moved together to the melody. Everybody was there, the press, the ministers and politicians, the high class celebrities and the King himself. All eyes were on them as they danced. Her insides were burning with rage. Gregory had tricked her father. She didn’t want anything to do with him. After three full years chasing after her, he had won Arabella by simply offering her...
Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....
And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...
"Oh, you're home late, Isabella." Her mother was standing in the small kitchen next to the entrance. There was a boiling pot on the stove and the smell of food cooking. "Dad called, so I stopped and talked to him for a bit," Isabella explained. "Isn't that sweet of him," her mom was completely understanding. "Hey kid," Stuart's gruff voice emanated from the couch in the living room, which made up the majority of the apartment space. Isabella made a face at her mom, silently...
WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...
Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...
Finally, her luck ran out when Adam and Sheryl suggested they all take a walk down to the beach to stretch after their long flight. "I'd rather just rest in my room first," Isabella suggested. "Don’t be ridiculous, you were snoring the whole way here," Sheryl scoffs at her excuse. "Come on, we'll buy you a bikini that will make your brothers have to fight off all the boys around." She dragged Isabella into a shore side shop. "They seem to get along well," Adam laughed. "Don’t be...
Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...
To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....
I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...
The good old day when pornstars were nothing but a pretty set of tits bouncing up and down. Nowadays, everyone has an opinion and the right to share it with the rest of the world without any limitations. If Titanic sunk in 2023, nobody would have the balls to ask about one's goddamn gender before inviting them inside the goddamn lifeboat. Shemales, gays, males, tarts, everyone's one big happy family that shags for the sake of horny pricks who feast their eyes on smut on screens of all shapes...
Twitter Porn AccountsChapter One It had been fifteen years since the end of the great war between the north and south. I had fought along side my Pa and my brothers in the victorious fight against the rebels. After the fighting was done, I went back home for a year or so, but found that I liked the adventure of traveling and gambling. This led me to St. Louis, Missouri. I took a job as a security officer with a river boat gambling company. I was well suited for the job. I’m a large man at six feet five inches and...
Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...
298 Part 2.The last atonement. Sitting on the old leather sofa, wearing just my hold up stockings and shoes I felt somehow relieved. I’d reached this far with little more than a few slaps and a couple of painful punches to my still tender stomach. That poor girl sitting next to me however was in a very different place. Her once wild eyes and her defiance were now reduced to the self-pity and some realisation of what lay in store for her and I watched this poor wretch sobbing uncontrollably...
"Come on, Andy. Take that big cock of yours and fuck your sister's throat. Shove it all the way in. Make me gag and choke on it. Don't you want to see your slut sister struggling to breathe as you take what you want from her?" With her hands still bound she had to use her teeth to pull his fly down. Just listening to her obscene words had brought his cock from slightly bulging to raging hard-on. The moment his cock was free of his pants, Andy grabbed Isabella's head and shoved it into...
After dark the family took a stroll along beach and gazed at the stars. It was not until after midnight that they finally returned to the hotel. Isabella went to her room while Alex went his shared room. They both shared a silent glance, promising to meet once Andy had fallen asleep. Isabella was fast asleep in her room when Alex entered, having found the door left slightly ajar for him. He crept over to her bed and gazed down at her motionless form. She was wearing panties and a shirt that...
It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...
THE TRILL CAME TOO LATE for me to save Persephone. Early that morning I'd opened my eyes to see Hebe, her face inches away, her smile an open invitation. In answer I rolled onto her and settled myself in the cradle of her hips and entered her with a single stroke. She grunted and locked her legs around my butt. "Don't wait for me, Sam," she whispered. "I'm right on the edge." She was. After I finished I slid down and used my tongue to give her a little vibrato of my own. She shoved...
In the classroom after breakfast, I sat down as usual with the others as Ann called out the days pairings. There were a couple of sighs when the names were called out, mine being missing until the end. I heard Melanie give a small cry of yes as she knew that it would be us together for the day with her name being the last one called out. She was up on her feet in a flash and was ready for me to take her hand and lead her to the last vacant futon. ‘Oh Will,’ she said as she lay down on the...
The Second School. Part One. I was proud to stand on the steps of the school and see twenty four girls and boys unload themselves from taxi’s, knowing that half of them would be our first set of young men and women coming to learn about sex at our school. If you’ve read the first book, you will know how I came to be there waiting for them, but as in a lot of cases, you read the second one first not knowing that time has passed and we are into another book. So I will give you a recap although...