Back Of An UBER_(0) free porn video

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Micky was a huge Gaga fan and Shana spent her days listening to pop radio at work. Last week, her radio station of choice was offering two free tickets to the concert if you were the 32nd caller. Shana had waited just the right amount of time before she hit call on the station’s phone number which was saved in her contacts. She had won! Shana had even been on the radio for a minute while the host told her that she was the lucky winner.

Out of all Shana’s friends, Micky probably wasn’t her first choice, but for Gaga, she was the obvious one. Micky was a HUGE fan of Lady Gaga and occasionally even pretended to be the pop star. She wore outrageous cloths, acted over the top, and Shana had even heard that she had done lesbian things before, just like what they said about Lady Gaga. Of course, Shana didn’t judge those kinds of things. She would vote for gay marriage if she had the opportunity to, but she had never really found the idea of being with another woman appealing. Shana had fucked a grand total of two guys in her life and she had dated both for several months before finally giving them what they wanted. She hadn’t really found the experience as enjoyable as the hype made it seem. They had both struggled to get a condom on before they mushed and mashed her for a minute until cumming unceremoniously in their little rubber baggy. If she was being honest, she preferred a nice night with the vibrator that she had ordered online and a nice long porn video. And even though she wasn’t interested in being lesbian, sometimes when her and her friends would all crowd in the same bathroom stall together, she would sneak a peek at their pussies while they weren’t looking. That was only with really good friends though, her and Micky had never been close enough to share a stall.

As they wandered through the crowd still holding each other’s hand, Micky recognized the Uber from deion on the app and they hopped in the back seat. The driver was older, maybe in his forties or fifties. “About time.” He grumbled as he pulled away from the curb.

Shana thought this was a little rude, but she was pretty drunk and didn’t say anything. They sat in the concert traffic for what felt like forever. Micky took this opportunity to open up two of the beers that she had smuggled through concert security in a small backpack. She passed one to Shana, they clinked cans and sat back in the Uber taking a sip of the warm beer. By the time the Uber driver had made it out of the concert traffic and onto the highway the girls had downed two beers each and they both worked on a third while they cruised home. As a way of thanking Shana for the concert ticket, Micky had offered to pay for their Ubers, drinks, and told Shana she could stay at her place in the city for the night. This was a pretty easy deal for Shana considering the concert tickets were free.

“Hey.” Micky said to the driver, “Do you think you could pull into a gas station or something soon?” She asked, “I have to pee.”

“You should have gone before you got in the car.” The driver said with a demeaning tone that Shana didn’t appreciate.

Micky laughed sarcastically, “I’m sorry dad. I just didn’t think of it. But could you please pull over so I can use the bathroom please?”

“I can’t. I get off in twenty minutes. With this traffic I’m already going to be late.” The man seemed annoyed.

“Alright.” Micky said slowly, “But, like you don’t have any real ‘shifts’ or anything. That’s like the whole thing with Uber is you get to pick your hours, right? So, like, if you stopped and let me pee, it’s not like you wouldn’t get paid for that, right? You’d still be on the clock.”

“I can’t. If I do it for you then I have to do it for every other dumb drunk that gets in.”

“Excuse me?” Micky was not happy with this to say the least, “That doesn’t even make any fucking sense.”

The man didn’t say anything. He just kept staring at the windshield in front of him.

Micky looked at him, pissed off and not really believing how much of an asshole he was being, “Are you serious?”

He was.

Over the next few minutes Shana watched as Micky danced around in her seat and begged the seemingly deaf driver to let her pee. Micky was wearing a short skirt and she kept sticking a stressed and trembling hand between her legs to make sure she hadn’t leaked at all. Whenever she did this she pulled her skirt up just enough to flash Shana a quick view of the sparkly gold panties she was wearing. These were some impressive panties. Shana vaguely wondered if Micky had been looking to get laid at the concert and dressed up her privates to really impress the person she let get a view of them at the end of the night.

As Micky’s dancing got more frantic and those views of her shiny panties became more frequent, Shana just couldn’t pull her eyes away from the center of this whole struggle, Micky’s desperate crotch. Shana didn’t know if Micky had caught her staring, but before she had time to react, Micky grabbed one of Shana’s hands like she had earlier when they were making their way out of the concert. This time, instead of guiding her to the Uber, Micky guided Shana’s hand between her legs and stuck it flat against those sparkly gold panties.

Shana was very confused, she tried to pull her hand back out of instinct, but Micky was more forceful and held her in place. Shana couldn’t believe the heat that seemed to be radiating from between Mickey's legs. Micky held Shana’s hand there for a few seconds before she noticed a new feeling. This one wasn’t just heat, but it was wet hot now too. The first thing that flashed through Shana’s mind was that Micky had just came herself.

One time in college, Shana's ex-boyfriend was giving her a ride home after class while she was on her period. She was unusually horny and decided it would be fun to give him a hand job while he drove. She remembered the wet warm feeling on her fingers as she made him shoot his load into his pants. It felt similar to what was going on between Micky’s legs right now. But Micky wasn’t cumming in her pants, she was peeing in her skirt.

She was pissing all over Shana’s hand. Micky put a finger over her lips to shush Shana from yelling, or screaming, or doing anything that might alert the driver. Shana kept her mouth shut and repositioned her hand so that she could better feel the liquid escaping Mickey's sparkly panties. She thought it was funny that she was being shushed while her friend secretly did something naughty in the back of this dick head’s car. Shana began to giggle at the absurdity of the situation. Micky took the hand that she had been using to press Shana’s hand against her, and put it to Shana’s mouth to stiffen the giggle. The hand wasn’t dripping pee, it did smell a little like sweat though. Shana took a little sniff from her hand to satisfy a desire that her body was having without her consent. Shana could feel the gush of Micky’s pussy as she peed all over this guy’s car. She pushed on the seat under Micky and wasn’t surprised when a puddle of piss pooled around her fingers.

As Micky's stream slowed down, Shana fished her hand into Micky’s panties before even stopping to think. “Is this okay?” She asked Micky in a tentative low voice, trying not to attract the attention of the driver.

“Yeah it is.” Micky said smiling. Shana spent a minute feeling her way around Micky’s pussy, at one time she actually tried to put a finger in Micky’s ass. This is harder than it seems Shana thought to herself, no wonder most guys suck at it. Micky let her feel her way around for a while then seemed to get tired of being teased and led two of Shana’s fingers inside of her. Micky did the rest of the work. She slowly rocked back and forth on these fingers like they were one of her dildos. As Shana sat in the back seat experiencing another girl’s pussy for the first time she became aware of something about her own private parts. This whole time that she had been distracted by Micky's struggle with her bladder she had really needed to pee too. Shana didn't have the benefit of wearing a short skirt tonight. Instead she was wearing a pair of white, tight fitting jeans that she had bought for the concert tonight. To be honest they looked really fucking good on her and she had caught more than a few guys looking at her ass while she swayed by.

Shana slid to the front of her seat and spread her legs. She had to go so bad and she cared so little about this douche bag's car that this was the extent of the effort she was willing to put in to keep from wetting herself. While she had her hand pinned underneath her friend, who was bouncing her way to an orgasm, Shana began to feel warm liquid spreading across the front of her jeans and moving downward to drip off her ass. There was a patter of pee as it hit the grey carpet that covered the floor of the car. She had worn sandals to the concert and now she could feel as the pee splattered off of the already wet floor and soaked her naked feet.

Micky had heard the noises that were coming from Shana’s crotch and reached out to inspect, she almost squealed with excitement when she felt that Shana had also started to pee herself.

Quick aside about Micky: Micky has been with her fair share of girls in the past. It's safe to say Shana is not the first one to have fingered her in the back of an Uber. But despite her sexual promiscuity, Micky had never been very attracted to anal. She had done it twice in her life. Once with a boyfriend when she was twenty because she thought that’s the kind of thing you did when you were in love. Then once a few years later after another boyfriend never shut the fuck up about it. She had liked how he fucked her pussy and she figured that maybe he could make her ass feel good too. Other than those two dicks, nothing had ever gone into Micky’s ass hole. Until tonight.

Micky was so excited when she felt her friend’s pee stained pants that she wet her finger under Shana's ass where she was dripping the heaviest. Then, without much thought, Micky brought her wet hand behind her and slid her finger into her ass. The pee had given her a surprising amount of lube and there was very little resistance as she went knuckle deep in herself. She was still rocking back and forth on Shana’s fingers which were beginning to feel really good in her pussy. Her finger felt much better than either guys’ dick had felt going in her ass. It was smaller and didn’t hurt as much, but it felt pretty neat as her ass squeezed her finger, as if it was trying to consume her whole hand. As they rode down the highway, she continued to pleasure her ass while her friend helped out her pussy. She felt the slow build of an orgasm begin to form deep inside her.

When the driver turned off the highway showing her that they were only a few minutes away from her place she pulled her special golden glittery panties to the side and really started to rock on those fingers while she pulled her own finger in and out, driving it a little further up every now and then, seeing how much of her finger she could take until it started to hurt. She felt the orgasm growing closer and closer, she squeezed her eyes shut tight and bit her lip to keep herself from making any noise. This ass hole driver was so clueless she doubted he would notice if she had lit his car on fire.

They turned onto her street. Mickey felt the orgasm become inevitable and as the driver slowed in front of her building. She ripped her finger out of her ass, lifted her hips off of Shana’s fingers, and surprised herself by letting out a massive projectile squirt that went over the seat in front of her and splashed against windshield. Shana exploded in a fit of uncontrollable giggling and jumped out of the car before he had even put it into park. Micky was a step behind her but before she rolled out of the car she trailed her dirty finger right under the nose of the driver. She didn’t know if he had picked up on the smell she was trying to force up his nose, she was gone before he could react. The two wet and giggling girls ran into the building and up the few flights of stairs to Mickey’s apartment.

The white jeans that Shana had worn to the concert had become transparent after she let her bladder go in the back of the cab and now as they ran up the stairs Mickey had a mesmerizing view of Shana’s ass bouncing with every step she took and the little black panties that were clearly visible beneath. If she had been able to catch up with the plump ass in front of her face, she would have buried her head in between those cheeks and had her way with the girl.

Mickey fumbled with her apartment keys before she turned the knob, flung the door open, and slammed it behind them as they clamored behind its safety. Mickey had barely turned the lock back in place when Shana had her dripping wet, see through pants on the floor. Mickey leaped at her and pushed her up against a wall, she gripped Shana's throat lightly with one hand while she kissed her, with the other hand she reached up Shana's shirt and grasped one of her large boobs. Shana was frozen with inexperience at first, she had never been kissed so hard before and she had certainly never kissed a girl like this before. It only took a few seconds before she submitted to the moment and grasped Mickey's ass with both hands, pulling Mickey closer to her and spreading her ass cheeks apart at the same time.

Shana was struck by an idea that she hopped would make Micky feel as good as it was going to make her feel. She took one of her hands off of Mickey's ass and brought it to her own crotch. She pulled her wet panties to the side and plunged two fingers inside herself. She let them sit there for a few seconds moving them slightly to cover them in herself, hoping they would become as slick and wet as her pussy. When she thought her fingers were wet enough, she maneuvered both her hands up Mickey’s wet skirt. She used her dry hand to pull the gold panties out of the way and spread Mickey’s firm ass cheeks apart and then gently eased her wet finger’s into Mickey’s tightly clenched ass. Mickey's eyes, which had been closed while she kissed, choked, and groped Shana, snapped open. She broke off the kiss and began laughing.

"What?" Said Shana, nervous that she wasn't good at fingering assholes.

"You're fucking wild." Mickey said, "I like it." She stuck out her tongue and slowly licked Shana’s neck. A chill ran down Shana's spine and she felt a wonderful tingle in her crotch. Mickey whispered in her ear, "I'm going to give you such a good orgasm. Wait here." Mickey ran down the hall to her bedroom.

Shana stood awkwardly against the wall where Mickey had left her. She was still wearing her piss soaked underwear pulled to the side, her bra had come half off under her shirt as Mickey had grabbed at her breast, and she was still holding out her finger, fresh from Mickey’s ass. She looked like a mess, but she was tingling with excitement. She was hoping that Mickey would come through on her promise and give her a good orgasm. If she did, it would be the first time that Shana would cum with another person around. She liked that idea.

Mickey came running back down the hall with sex toys clutched in both hands. She laid them out on the table like a chef lays out his knives.

"Wow." Shana said taking in Mickey's collection. It certainly put her one vibrator to shame.

"You ready?" Mickey asked, looking at Shana.

Shana nodded her head silently. Her stomach was fluttering and her vagina was trembling with the anticipation.

"Take off your cloths and lay down." Mickey said.

Shana did as she was told, taking her shirt off over her head, then unclasping her bra, and finally letting her panties drop to her ankles. When her cloths were strewn all over Mickey's floor, she slowly sat down, feeling the gentle scratching of the carpet on her bare ass. From her spot on the floor Shana watched as Mickey started to take off the miscellaneous clothes she was still wearing. She pulled on the end of her wet skirt and shimmied her hips until it fell into a damp heap on the carpet. The Lady Gaga concert T shirt she was wearing was pulled over her head to reveal a shiny silver bra holding Mickey's small breasts in place.

Shana thought Mickey looked really fucking good standing over her in those wet gold panties and silver bra. Shana flashed back to the thought she had earlier; Mickey must have been looking to get laid when she went to the concert tonight. Shana wondered if Mickey had been looking to meet someone there and had settled with Shana when that didn’t work out. Or had this been her plan the whole time?

From the table Mickey selected a tiny pink vibrator and large purple dildo that was ribbed all along the sides. Micky held one toy in each hand as she straddled Shana and sat down on her stomach with her back to Shana’s face. Mickey had an optimal view of her worksite as she looked down on the small patch of pubic hair framing Shana’s pussy. Shana felt the cool wetness of Mickey's panties as they touched her bare skin, but she also felt the intense heat of Mickey's crotch as it pressed against her through the damp fabric that separated Mickey’s pussy from rubbing against Shana's belly button.

Shana couldn't see anything that Mickey was doing but she heard a loud buzz begin as Mickey turned on the small pink vibrator. Mickey ran the buzzing vibrator over the inside of Shana's upper thigh, teasing her. Mickey forced Shana to spread her legs further apart and as she did so. Mickey snuck the vibrator across the lower portion of Shana's pussy. Shana let out a little gasp as she felt the intense vibrations briefly rattle through her sensitive pussy. Mickey smiled when she heard this, knowing that Shana would be blown away before she was done.

Mickey moved the vibrator between Shana's spread ass cheeks and held it against her ass hole for a couple of second. Then she dragged the vibrator upwards, letting it run across the small strip of skin that separated Shana's ass hole from her pussy. The vibrator trailed up her vagina which silently begged to be penetrated by the small toy, who’s next stop was Shana's clit. As soon as Mickey found the clit with her toy, Shana's legs spasmed and she grabbed onto Mickey's ankles which were sitting around her boobs. Mickey held the vibrator in this place as Shana tried to get her pleasure under control. She tried to take deep breaths, but these quickly devolved into gaspy moans. Mickey moved the vibrator around slightly, keeping it focused on the clit and trying to attack the sensitive point from all angles. Mickey used her other hand to reach down and rub the rest of Shana's pussy, when her hand came back it was soaked in Shana's juices. Mickey reached the same hand back down and wiped it off between Shana's ass cheeks.

Mickey reluctantly took the vibrator away from Shana's clit, ready to move onto the next stage of her pleasure tour. She moved the vibrator back down and pressed it against Shana's asshole which was now wet with her own pussy juice. "Breath in." She told Shana over her shoulder. When Shana did as she was told Mickey pressed the vibrator harder against her ass hole. "And out." Mickey instructed. This time when Shana did as she was told Mickey pushed harder and forced the small wet pink toy inside Shana's tight ass.

"Fuck." Shana said surprised.

Mickey felt Shana reflexively try and squeeze her cheeks shut, but Mickey held the vibrator in place, "Just relax." She said calmly. Shana let her muscles go loose and Mickey proceeded to slowly slide the rest of the vibrator inside her until only a small pink nub was sticking out of Shana's ass. "Try to hold that in there, okay?" Mickey said slowly removing her hand from between Shana's ass cheeks but letting it hover there just in case Shana tried to push it out again. When it looked like Shana’s ass had the humming vibrator securely in place, Mickey picked up the ribbed purple dildo. She used it to lightly tap at Shana's pussy a few times before lining the head up with the entrance of her vagina. Mickey gently slid the tip of the toy inside Shana, giving her body time to adapt to the size of the object that was trying to enter her. Mickey twisted the toy slightly while the tip was inside Shana, letting the textures of the dildo tease the sensitive skin around the soft entrance. The toy moved inside Shana's unbelievably tight vagina with almost no resistance as she was practically dripping with natural lubricant. When she was confident that Shana's tight pussy would allow her to proceed, Mickey pushed more of the dildo inside her, twisting it slightly as she went, almost like she was tightening a screw.

Shana breathed in as more of the dildo entered her, the buzzing in her ass coupled with the pleasurable stretching of her pussy was driving her wild. "Just go ahead and fuck me already." She said as the teasing with the dildo became unbearable.

Mickey turned her neck to face Shana, "Ask and you shall receive." She shimmied her hips a little, grinding her pussy into Shana's stomach before turning back around to her work. She pulled the dildo almost entirely out of Shana, leaving just the tip still inside her, then slid the whole thing back in. When she pulled it out this time, she turned her wrist slightly to let the ribbed edges of the dildo make as much of an impact as they could. Mickey pulled the dildo out and pushed it back in, turning her wrist as she did so. She did this a few times slowly, making sure she had her mechanics down. When she had built up some confidence, she started moving her arm faster, getting a good rhythm going which was accompanied by the wet squelching sound of Shana's satisfied pussy.

The sound of Shana's wet suction cup of a vagina began to drown out the mechanic humming that was coming from her ass hole. Shana was also making a loud "Ooh" noise every time the large purple dildo disappeared inside her. When Mickey's arm got tired she switched and used the tired arm to begin rubbing Shana's clit. This brought a very satisfied squeal from Shana as she enjoyed the pleasure that was coming from so many places in her lower body. Urged on by Shana's squeal, Mickey doubled down and began pumping the dildo in and out of her pussy at a rapid speed while her fingers flew back and forth across her clit.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck." Shana called from the floor as she watched the muscles on Mickey's back and shoulders work rapidly. Mickey tried to increase her speed even further, determined to bring Shana to an orgasm. She was pumping the dildo so fast that her hand holding it was practically punching Shana's pussy every time she slid it inside her and the friction she was causing on Shana's clit may have started a fire if the whole area hadn't been soaked in pussy juice. Shana screamed and as Mickey was pulling the dildo back, it shot out of Shana's pussy, followed by a powerful jet of liquid which flew across the room and hosed down the wall. Mickey watched in awe as Shana’s pussy convulsed and sent another huge burst of liquid against the wall. Mickey kept rubbing Shana’s clit while her hips tried to buck Mickey off. A smaller squirt of liquid soaked the carpet in front of Shana's pussy. Followed by a hearty dribble that further soaked her crotch and legs.

When Shana’s pussy had calmed down, Mickey rolled off of her and lay on the carpet next to Shana as they both tried to catch their breath.

Mickey looked at the ceiling for a few minutes before asking, “You want to go to bed?” She herself was feeling very tired after such an eventful day.

There was silence for a few seconds.

Mickey looked over to see that Shana had passed out right where she lay. Mickey laughed to herself as she got to her feet. She slowly made her way to the closet, peeling off her golden panties, letting them splat to the floor, and unclasping her bra as she went. She got a couple extra pillows out of the closet and tossed them to where Shana was sleeping then pulled out a large blanket. She almost tossed the blanket over too, but before she did, she grabbed a handful of it and scrubbed it between her legs, trying to dry off her impossible wetness. She threw the soiled blanket on top of the pillows and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

She stood naked on her bathroom floormat while working the toothbrush back to her molars. She decided to pee before going to bed and did no more than spread her legs apart. A small trickle dripped down the inside of her leg and was absorbed into the floormat.

She spit into the sink and made her way back to where Shana lay in a pile of her own cum. Mickey gently lifted Shana’s head up and slipped a pillow underneath her then covered her with the large blanket. She pulled a pillow over for herself and slipped under the blanket as well. She snuggled up against Shana’s naked body, enjoying the sexy feel of her form against her.

Just like that Mickey drifted into a deep and restful sleep.


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First I’m going to introduce myself I’m John I’m caucasian, 6 feet tall, dark blonde hair, a six pack, and a ten inch dick. I just won tickets to a WWE show and a backstage pass. My goal with the backstage pass is to meet and fuck some of the women in WWE. I arrived at the arena and can’t wait to try to meet women like Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks, Charly Caruso, Becky Lynch, Stephenie McMahon, etc. “I can’t believe I won this backstage pass! I wonder who I’m going to meet this is exciting!” When I...

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Backstage Pass

No, this story is not about groupie plaster casters at a glam rock concert getting the cock and balls in plaster of a rock star they fucked. Nor is it about going backstage at a theatrical performance of a highly sexual play, although elements of such drama are in this story. It was a simple sign in the woods, ?Backstage Pass?. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy....

3 years ago
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Horseback Ride

Horseback Ride As soon as my sister walked in the door I told her that we had to talk. She said okay but that she really had to pee first. I paced the floor waiting for her to come back out to me. When Emma reappeared she looked great. My sister was something special. She had just come back from a night out with the girls and she was dressed to kill. Her short tight cotton skirt was black in color and just barely covered any panties that she might be wearing. Her little white half...

2 years ago
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Backstage Pass0

“Thanks very much! Now…….Pretty boys with BIG GUITARS!” Mac, the singer, screamed into the microphone. “Aaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!” we roared as the first thunderous chords blasted into the hall. As one, hundreds of people jumped up and down, pogoing and punching the air as we shouted the chorus back at the band on stage. Four feet from me Emma was hanging over the rails, of the mosh pit, trying to get Mac’s attention. Without any warning she lifted her T-shirt and flashed her tits...

1 year ago
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Backstage Pass

“Thanks very much! Now…….Pretty boys with BIG GUITARS!” Mac, the singer, screamed into the microphone. “Aaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhh!” we roared as the first thunderous chords blasted into the hall. As one, hundreds of people jumped up and down, pogoing and punching the air as we shouted the chorus back at the band on stage. Four feet from me Emma was hanging over the rails, of the mosh pit, trying to get Mac’s attention. Without any warning she lifted her T-shirt and flashed her tits at him. He...

Group Sex
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Flashbacks"Here you go, safe at last: those awful people can't touch you here!" assured the good-looking brunette policewoman as her charge explored her new home. She kicked herself mentally as she saw the stunning blonde's gaze locked firmly on the handcuffs on her belt - standard police equipment, of course, but nothing but a liability on this very strange assignment: baby-sitting the former slave as she adjusted to life as a free woman again, keeping her safe until the trial.Jenny quickly...

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Backwoods fuck

During the last year I had been down on my luck, I found myself staying in this rural run down trailer park in south Alabama. I was the only African American living in this trailer park, but that did not stop me from making friends. Everyone who lived around me was facing the same type of problems of trying to find a good paying job. On Friday my buddy Jimmy was throwing a get together at his place. The park was full of loud music, pot smoking and drinking; the atmosphere was a wild one. There...

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Permission given to post on Fictionmania and Crystals Story Site. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand...

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backwoods man

I'm not sure even at this point if my sexual likes are a product of something I was born with, predisposed to be open to what I am, or if it is a learned response from those that taught me. My sexual universe seems to be ever-expanding born from the good, the bad, the strife, disappointment, and randomness of the lovers I had. This is a recounting of a man from my past who helped mold me into what I am. I can't say whether I am grateful for the man he was but I can see the positive in what I...

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Backwoods Bruises

Backwoods Bruises Chapter 1 The roadway off of the main street was bumpy and filled with muddy depressions, which left me with the impression that, at any time, my car might sink into the mire and leave me in an everlasting pit, from which I was doomed to never return to civilization.  It went on that way for almost a quarter of a mile, before I finally saw the first and only house on the desolate forested expanse.  The house itself had seen better days, totally lacking paint of any kind, with...

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Horseback and Picnic Adventure

I want to tell you about a wonderful day that my boyfriend and I had a week ago. He's the sweetest man in the world and wanted to take me on a horseback riding trip. He also planned a wonderful picnic for us to have together. I'll go over all the details of this amazing day we shared together.I was very excited that my boyfriend was going to be coming over. He had planned a day of riding horses together on a wonderful trail in the country. I was very excited to do this with him. We had never...

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I guess I was pretty clueless when I went to work at Thaxter’s. I knew it was a gay bar and all, but I assumed today’s gay bars weren’t that different from straight ones. I definitely didn’t expect getting hung from the fly loft like a random piece of meat. But apparently there’s a first time for everything.I should probably back up and say I was always a theater geek. You know the type: the guy who spent his teen years playing Troy in High School Musical, though he was really lusting after Zac...

Gay Male
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Backstage Pass 1 The Discovery

It was a simple sign in the woods, “Backstage Pass”. I had cycled to the end of a woodland trail, an old rail bed, and found a gate blocking the trail, presumably erected there by a property owner jealous of his privacy. The gate was flanked by barbed wire fencing that stretched away into the mixed hardwood bush on both sides as far as the eye could see. However, off to the right of the gate, nailed to a sapling, was the sign: “Backstage Pass”. Intriguing. Mysterious. Beside the sapling...

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Backstory Ch 02

Note: This is Part II of the backstory on Jim and Monique, two grieving lovers who find each other on a private island in the South Pacific. In the previous installment, Jim meets Monique, who has anchored on the far side of his island, secretly, to stock up on fresh water before sailing to Hawaii. He tells her that if she had only asked he would have given her all the fresh water she wanted, and cooked dinner for her, too. In this installment, she takes him up on his offer. ———— December 27...

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BACKLASH BY Vrykolakas Scot hit the enter key for the last timethat day--at least, in an officialcapacity. He rose to his feet, pushing back his wheeled chairand stretching,all in one flowing series of motions. He was proud of his strength, all thosehours of martial arts; looked like something was finally paying off. His legstrength alone could kick out a fire-door. He brushed back a few stubborn locksof hair from his eyes, and grabbed for his jacket and keys. It was time togo. Food, a...

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Outback Nights Ch 04

He had slept for what seemed like forever, not so much as even tossing or turning in the middle of the afternoon. His beloved had vanished not long after the exquisite torture she had placed upon him so that he could rest up for whatever would come next. And he was indeed very exhausted, there was no doubt about that fact. So exhausted in fact that he did not even sense her return into their chamber of passion and desire. She smiled as she gazed upon his sleeping body, left cleaned and clothed...

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Bareback Bi Couple Gangbang

Sonia & I meet Kathy at via a bareback internet forum; It wasn’t clear why she was so interested in our bareback swinging activity’s. She knew we were married & both enjoyed receiving anal from bare cocks, she mentioned she had a boyfriend or two who were into bareback sex. So at first it seemed like she was just a friendly and open person like us. I didn’t know that Kathy had plans for a couple like us.Kathy told us she knew a guy or two that would help us to explore and with a wink...

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Payback is a Bitch

It all started when my wife and I were going to go to a wedding back in my old college town. My wife, April, attended college there with me and knew a lot of the locals. With the added company of our old college buddies, it was too much like old times to pass up. When April and I were packing for the trip I noticed she packed the dress that she knew I loved. It was a VERY tight fitting strapless dress that stopped about 2 inches from her knees. The material was so tight that she could not wear...

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PAYBACK   PAYBACK!ByAnne Gray(Illustrated by Dan) ?Well welcome back to the land of the living Jessica.? I stood in front of the girl as she finished coming out of the drugged stupor and struggled to sit upright on the loveseat.? Her wrists, covered in long kid gloves, were crossed and firmly bound behind her back.? More white cord around her ankles, just above the black pumps with 4? heels, held her legs together.?? All very basic, but effective. As she shook her head to try and clear...

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Backdoor Bestiality Part 1 The Puppy

Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a horny puppy! The year was 2069. In late 2020, the world was almost destroyed when World War III broke out. Atomic bombs were dropped all across the globe and billions of people died. The survivors were forced to take refuge underground. Life was hard, but they managed to use technology to survive. Due to space restrictions, births were controlled and everyone served their purpose. Kids started working at a very young age, but were nothing more than...

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Horseback Riding in the Smoky Moutains

During the summers, Jay loved to spend his time off from school in the Great Smoky Mountains earning some money as a guide at an extreme adventure place where they did zip lines, horseback riding, and other high adrenaline adventures. Jay would relax in the cabin and go hiking on his time off when he wasn’t working. One day Jay was working as a guide with the horseback riding tours through the mountains and a group of teenagers pulled up and hopped out of their car and up to the...

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This is the sequel to ‘I Warned You.’ I hope you enjoyed it and didn’t take it seriously. There is only a mention of sex in this story. I decided to keep it in the category of the first story for consistency. Please don’t take either of these stories seriously. There is no permanent damage done to anyone. Just read and enjoy. ***** Payback For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story ‘I Warned You,’ I’m here to let you know that I did not go gentle into that good...

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Backstage ass

Kelly was twenty one and a little over average height for a woman. She had an athletic body with long shapely legs, beach basketball was her favourite sport. Living in sunny California she had plenty of opportunity to go to the beach and practice. Her skin was a richly tanned olive complexion, the result of her Sicilian heritage. That same heritage gave her thick glossy black hair that hung down over her shoulders and darkly expressive brown eyes. On leaving school Kelly had bummed around a...

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Backstage with britney spears nothing can happen

"So tonight at the metro arena, britney spears will be playing her one night only show so we can announce the winner of the competition to win backstage hour meet and greet with britney herself. And the winner is *drum rolls*Yes as you can expect, I won the competition, I have always had a crush on britney spears, girlfriend seemed eh about me going alone but at the end of the day it's just a concert and knows I genuinely listen to her music, she doesnt know I won the competition but I wasnt...

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Backstage Passes pt1

This just recently happened a few days ago like last week before my birthday.( that's right I had a birthday recently.) So i wanted to do something different for my 38th birthday. So aside from giving myself a totally new look by dying my long black hair to cutting it high top and gone white blond. i look like a crossdresser between annie lexxon and eminmen. I have my cuteness boy self somewhat androgynous in my appearance i like to throw off people. I'm about 5'2 about 150ish or so (its winter...

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Backstage with Ellie goulding

After a wild time at an Ellie goulding concert, I was even more pumped up after getting an all access pass from a mate of mine and I was so excited and I though I was going to get a boner. Making my way past the security guards and showing them the pass, as they let me go pass, There happened to be someone else who also had a backstage pass, he was getting his photo took and the lot. I literally dashed backstage, meeting her with all her live members. It was such fun, it was too much to...

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I hadn't been back to see Mom for almost a year since I moved to Texas after graduating college and accepting job in Houston. In our last email exchange, Mom said she was in a local theater group and they were putting on a play. I was happy to hear that she had something to keep her interest now that she was all by herself after I left. So I thought it would be a nice thing to fly back on Friday afternoon to see Mom in her play at the local school auditorium that evening.I was happy that Mom...

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Backstage Mistress

PLEASE NOTE: The band “Tundra” as featured in this story is entirely fictitious.The first thing you have to understand about me is that I’m a rock chick with a very particular style. Take, for example, my goth inspired wardrobe, my ten piercings and the white-blonde dreadlocks that go all the way down to my backside. I don’t think anyone could accuse me of not being unique. In my day to day life I’m independent, in control and that’s the way I like it. But there’s another side to me. A side...

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Backstage Pass 2 First Fuck

Harold unzipped her track top and pulled her arms out of the sleeves. All clothing was folded neatly on a little wooden side table. Then he pulled her T-shirt over her head and removed it. Her white bra didn’t quite conceal her full breasts. She looked eighteen or nineteen, compact and well built, not skinny or obese, but pleasantly plump. I was aroused. As he worked, I asked him, “So what happens after we fuck her? I don’t want to be involved in a murder.” Bill shot me a quick look....

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Backstage Pass

Stephen Rourke paced with anticipation as he waited in the long hall outside of the dressing rooms. The walls of the old theater were lined with photographs of actors and actresses who had once walked the stage beyond, but they held no interest for the 18 year old. His only thoughts were of the woman whose name was written in gold on the decades old wood. His heartbeat raced in anticipation at the thought that he was actually going to get the chance to talk to her. To have a conversation with...

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Author's note: There are times when we have dreams so real that they conflict with our memories. Which are the memories, and which are the dreams? Sometimes, it gets confusing. Sometimes, we have to wonder whether the memories really are memories, or if they are something else covering a deep dark secret. I welcome feedback on this story - good or bad. Please take a moment to let me know what you think. Elrodw email:...

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Payback pt6

Chapter Eight: Dividing evil. Payback can hit hard A few days after Nick had signed my papers, Mistress Lana started working on him. Erika, the bitch, was having great difficulty in finding a job. This was a combination of negative references that she had received, which she wasn’t happy to use, or no references at all from some of her previous employers. It was time to put some pressure on his shoulders; this would give him a reason to break up their relationship. Mistress Lana was eating...

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Payback after I caught mum fucking MY boyfriend

I've been with Jerome for 8 months now and I can say he's my first love. Mom and dad weren't happy about us at first as Jerome is four years older than me at 21. As times gone on, he's become sort of part of the family. He's around at least 4 times a week. Even when I'm not home it's not uncommon to come back and find him eating dinner with my parents. I loved that they both seemed to love him as much as I did. I was having some difficulty in college, it just wasn't working out. I wanted to...

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Payback House

Payback House Eugene Morrison waited for the House to arrive. The need for vengeance had led him to being approached by a strange man who offered him a way to pay back those who had wronged him, which led to this moment, waiting for the House to appear. Just getting the key to the House took exactly half of everything he owned, and the search that led him to meeting the man with the key had cost him much as well, but as far as Eugene was concerned, it would be worth it, if the...

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Journal of an Enhanced Puberty

Throughout the first few years of middle school just about everyone spent a lot of time debating what choice they'd make for their Enhanced Puberty. There were about a dozen possible choices, but the majority of kids tended to stick to the big two named "Cheerleadest" and "Footballest", mostly down gender lines. (There's no restriction actually, and some kids do swap genders with Enhanced Puberty.) I couldn't decide; just about all the options had some appeal of some sort. Of course,...

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Backseat Mommy Chapter One A Long Hard Ride

You don't really know how much stuff you have collected in your life until you move.With our last son going to college, we did two moves in one. We were moving to a condo only a few miles away, while we were driving Cory sixteen hours to college. Because we had to put all our items in storage, we didn't get title for three more weeks, we were going to do a two week road trip after we dropped Cory off.As we packed the car with both Cory's stuff and our suitcases for the almost three week round...

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Backseat Beginnings

Chapter 1 I've never thought that I was much different from most other people and being married and a mother of two, a son, Simon, sixteen, and a daughter, Sarah, fourteen, I've always thought we were a pretty average family as well. Most of the things about us are pretty normal including the neighborhood we live in, the size of our family, we were just pretty average Americans all round. SImon had just begun driving, he was a very responsible young man, thank goodness, and got excellent...

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Bareback sibs

Another from the archives that was deleted from site. I hope you enjoy the scene.Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated.Ricky - Cambs, UK - 6 Dec 2020****“I want to,” my sister said.“You can’t,” I replied.It was the way we were. She was outgoing, a little wild. My sister had a reckless streak that sometimes had me worried. In contrast, like the yin and the yang, I was more careful. I thought things through where she tended towards the impulsive.“Don’t be boring,” she said, rolling her...

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Flashback Sentence

Flashback Sentence By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 John Winston found himself leaning against a wall. It was night. He was in some sort of slum neighborhood, and there was only an old-fashioned looking streetlight off in the distance for illumination. He took a breath and almost gagged at the smell of half-burnt oil, garbage, and human waste. His body felt very, very odd, and he seemed to be wearing a lot of bulky clothing. He closed his eyes for a moment and tried to remember how it...

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Payback Bitch

I look up from my counselor disbelief on my face “So that’s it he raped me and just because I was to scared to report it the police are not going to do anything about it?” Why did I bother, wrapping my arms around my chest. “I’m sorry Lisa but that’s how many of these type of cases go!” Marie does everything but look me dead in the eyes “There is just not enough money to investigate every accusation made here in Holton County!” “Then what should I do?” I know she was just saying the truth but...

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Chapter 1: the kissing man He’s kissing me. He saw me, grabbed me and now is kissing me. And I don’t mind, the moment his lips touched mine it was instant gratification. This complete stranger, whom I’ve said all of five words too, which included 'hello, I’m Sophia and nice to meet you,' now is dancing his tongue around with mine and I find myself leaning into it. My hands slowly grabbing his forearms and then sliding around to his back to hold on so that this kiss will never end. And then he...

College Sex
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Payback Can Be A Bitch short story

There was this hot little bitch named Missy that I used to go to high school with that thought she was such hot shit. She wouldn't give any guy that didn't drive a BMW the time of day, even though she lived in a trailer park herself. We all used to fantasize about her and there were a lot of us that used to jack off to just the thought of her magnificent tits.Well, the years go by and we all get on with our lives and pursue our own careers. I just happen to have gotten very lucky and made my...

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