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By Blondie

This story is copyrighted to Blondie.

No reproduction all or in part are allowed.

"Sing me a song of a lass that is gone

Say, could that lass be I?

Merry of soul she sailed on a day

Over the sea to Skye

Billow and breeze, islands and seas

Mountains of rain and sun

All that was good, all that was fair

All that was me is gone"

The Spell

Am I to stand in darkness,

Am I to see the sun and rain?

If only to the beginning of the story I could visit once again.

Light the candles and bend the clock.

Show me the path and force time to stop.

Close my eyes and think of that place,

Back to a time when I first felt your sweet embrace.

Foggy the vision and stare into the flame.

Think of your lover and speak his name...

Steady your hand smash the clock!

Back to a time not since forgot.

Open your eyes

Spell's almost done

Awake to find if he's the one.

And our journey begins...

Her eyes slowly opened and she lay there silently thinking. She was foolish to dabble in magic. Like the spell would ever work anyways. She sighed loudly.

"Good morning baby" She heard an all too familiar voice say.

She looked to her right and when she saw who was lying next to her she jumped up and said

"Oh my God! Donny!"

He lay there with his eyes still closed and said: "Baby you know you're not allowed to call me that."

"I'm sorry Daddy" she whispered and quickly went to the bathroom. She turned on the faucet and splashed cold water on her face. She stood there for a few moments with her hands over her face. Her head was spinning and she thought she might pass out. She pulled her hands down her face and noticed her reflection in the mirror. "Oh my god!' She couldn't believe it.

From the other room, Donny yelled, "What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing" she yelled back "I dropped my toothbrush"

She stood there in front of the mirror for what seemed like forever. Her mind raced. "The spell worked! It fucking worked!" she whispered. She traced her fingers over her face and across her body. "My God I'm young again!" She held her arms out, turning them over. Her tattoos were gone. She looked down at her legs and those tattoos were gone too! She studied her face in the mirror more closely, her eyebrow and nose piercing were gone too.

She turned the shower on and got in. She stood under the falling hot water, and it felt so good. She was deep in thought, trying to decide if she was stuck in a dream or if any of this was real at all. She didn't notice Donny slipping into the shower behind her.

He moved her hair to the side and kissed her neck. She jumped from his touch.

"Hi, baby." He said in her ear. He pulled her close to him and ran his big warm hands over her body. She leaned back into him. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her. His hand went between her legs and she arched her back. In one perfect movement, he was inside her. She let out a big sigh and leaned forward bracing herself against the wall. His movements were timed and precise. She was lost in the moment. Her moans filled the shower, and it excited him. He drove into her with a fury building her orgasm towards an explosion. His hand gripped her hips as he drove in deep and came. They lingered in that position, both breathless. In one swift movement, Donny pulled out of her and slapped her ass. "C'mon time to pack." She turned off the water and said: "Can I at least smoke a cigarette first?"

"We'll see".

She got out of the shower, dried off and got dressed. It was strange being here again. It had been so long since she lived here. She wondered if everything was the same as it was the last time she was here. She looked around and didn't see anything that belonged to the kids. Maybe this was a dream. She found a box that said 'pictures'. She thumbed through them, and nothing. no pictures of the kids. Was this a whole new past? A brand new slate to start over and completely re-write her history? She pushed the thought aside, dried off and walked over to the dresser. It was funny seeing all her old clothes again. She dug through the dresser and found a tank top and a skirt. She slipped on a pair of panties, her bra then pulled on the skirt and shirt. She pulled on a pair of shoes then joined Donny downstairs.

The kitchen had boxes stacked everywhere and there was a big U-haul truck outside.

Donny poured a cup of coffee and stood there looking at her.

"What?" She said as he walked towards her.

"I can't believe your finally all mine." He lifted her up and sat her on the table. "I love you, baby." He said, kissing her. He pushed her legs apart and stood between them.

"I love you too Daddy" she whispered back. She got that wonderful warm tingly feeling and her panties felt wet. His very touch made her heart race. His hand went between her legs, felt her wet panties and yanked them off. "You know the rules baby. No panties," he said as he slipped his fingers inside her.

"God, you feel so good. I missed you." she started to moan.

"You missed me from the 2 minutes I was away from you baby." His fingers went deeper and she wrapped her legs around him.

"Oh my God, get a fucking room you two!" Tiny said when he walked into the kitchen.

She jumped and tried to get off the table.

"I'll be done in a minute Tiny, start taking boxes out," Donny said, and his fingers never stopped moving.

Terri laughed and said "Donny stop. Tiny's here."

Donny sunk his fingers in deep and found her G-spot, "I don't give a fuck if he's here or not. Your not moving till you cum."

She closed her eyes and tried to drown out the sound of Tiny heckling them from the other room.

"Ohhh there ya go baby... there ya go... cum for Daddy.." Donny uttered.

She collapsed back onto the table. He pulled his fingers out of her and licked em. "Hmmm breakfast." he laughed.

"Now I really do need a cigarette.. and a cup of tea," she said laughing.

He pulled her up off the table and kissed her. "Get your tea baby, I'm fixing to go whip Tiny's ass."

She made her tea and lit a cigarette. She sat down and listened to Donny and Tiny in the next room.

"Oh Donny, your cock is so beautiful! Oh please let me suck it." Tiny said teasingly.

"Mother fucker, if I want to fuck my wife on my table I will. Move your fat ass and the boxes loaded!" They were both laughing. When she heard him say, wife, she almost choked on her tea. Looking down at her hand, she saw a silver and emerald ring. How the hell didn't she notice the ring earlier? There seemed to be no answers to any of her questions.

It was about midnight when they finally got everything loaded and started on their journey.

The sun was just starting to come up when they pulled into a long driveway surrounded by trees. This is where they stopped.

"Ok baby, time to put your blindfold on."

"Why do I need a blindfold?" She asked.

"Because you do what I tell you that's why." He quickly tied the blindfold around her eyes.

She felt the truck move again and a few minutes later they came to a stop again.

She heard the truck doors open and Donny got her by the hand, "C'mon baby"

He led her to a spot and then said, "Keep your eyes closed." and he took the blindfold off.

"Ok, now you can open em"

She opened her eyes to a beautiful view. The sun was fully up now and seemed to shine on everything around them.

What she saw was a big Victorian style house surrounded by trees in a big yard.

"Oh, Donny!" She whispered.

He took her by the hand and said: "I have so much to show you."

He led her to the side of the house to a large garden. There were roses everywhere and in all different colors! "I built you a fountain and a Koi pond too. Next week I'm having your lemon trees planted."

"I, I don't know what to say, it's so pretty! Thank you!" She had tears in her eyes.

"Give Daddy a kiss then I'm gonna show you the house." She kissed and hugged him.

There were two sets of doors when you first enter the house. The main front door, then another door leading inside the house. There were benches and coat hooks inside here.

On the first floor was the living room, kitchen, den, and a bathroom. There was a sliding glass door that led to a big deck that had a barbeque pit, tables, and chairs. To the right of the deck was a swimming pool.

There was a staircase that looked like something out of Gone with the wind. The second level had the master bedroom plus 4 other bedrooms. The master bedroom took up one wing of the house.

They got to the door of their bedroom and he picked her up. "I have more surprises for you"

"More!" she said.

He opened the beautifully carved oak door to the room and inside was her dream bed. He carried her over to it and laid her down and kissed her. "Do you like it so far baby?"

"It all feels like a dream. This is real right? I'm not dreaming." she started to cry.

"Baby, it's real. I'm here and so are you. And this is our new home and life. I did all of this for us. Hell, I even made the bed for you." He kissed her, "C'mon I wanna show you the playroom."

"You mean there's more!"

"I have a few more things to do around the house but it's pretty much done. Just have to unpack and then I'm gonna fuck you in every room twice." They both laughed.

He pulled open two big wooden doors and inside looked like Disneyland for BDSM!

In the center of the room, 2 chains hung from the ceiling. Not too far from that was a thinly padded table, and across from that was another padded table. Almost like the kind you see in a doctor's office. On the far wall, there was a huge cabinet. The drawers full of toys and inside the cabinet doors were belts and whips.

Her head was spinning. This had to be a dream.

Donny was a successful contractor, he owned his own business. Not only was he successful, but he was so damn talented too. When Donny went down to help Tiny unload the truck, she took my time to look at the wonderful bed he made. It looked like a King Henry the 8th type bed. It had beautiful carvings on it and two sets of curtains. One sheer on the inside and one made out

of crushed black velvet on the outside. On top of the posts were gargoyles. She had never seen anything like this. Not far from the bed was a fireplace and white fur rug.

The master bath was just as impressive. There was a big shower with 4 different shower heads and big glass doors. It even had a big bathtub that had jets in it. The day went by with a blur. Hours of unpacking and arranging stopping long enough to have lunch. By the end of the day, she was exhausted.

After his shower, Donny came into the room wearing only a towel. "How was the shower?" she asked

"Great," He said and dropped the towel. "Come over here and suck my cock."

"I don't feel like it"

"Get over here." He said.

"No, I'm tired."

Donny grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up and said "I am your Master now. You do what I tell you."

"Ok, ok I'm sorry." She said standing on her toes.

"What are you supposed to say?"

"I'm sorry, Daddy." She smiled.

"That's better, but you disobeyed Daddy. Now I have to punish you." He let go of her hair and said: "Get up and take off your nightgown." She got up and pulled her nightie over her head.

"Get your ass in the playroom" He opened the door and motioned for her to go in.

"Bend over that table and don't move." He pointed to a padded table near the center of the room.

She nervously bent over the table and could hear him in the cabinet behind her. She didn't dare try to look and see what he was doing. She heard a loud snap and she jumped.

Donny stood behind her with a belt in his hand. "This is for your own good." He brought the belt down across her ass. She jumped and yelled that it hurt.

"Every time you move I start over." He brought the belt down 3 more times. He hung the belt back up in its place and said: "Now you can come over here and suck my cock." She quickly moved over to where he was and got on her knees. She took his cock in her hand and slid him into her mouth. She ran her tongue in circles around him and used her hand to stroke him. His hand went to her head.

"That's my good girl. Suck Daddy's big cock." His grip tightened on her hair as she moved faster. She kept using her tongue and her hand on him till he told her to stop. "Lean over the table baby."

He moved behind her and slid his nice hard cock inside her. He knew how to touch her, he knew how to tease and entice her. His movements were on point and soon he had her digging her nails into the padded table screaming in pleasure.

They climbed into the beautiful bed he made and lay down. She lay there and watched him sleep for hours. She was deep in thought when he woke up and saw she was still awake. "Hmmm, morning baby. How was your sleep?" he asked.

"I didn't," she said.

"Why not, you need your sleep."

"I'm afraid if I close my eyes and sleep I'll wake up and you'll be gone. That you and me, our new life, and everything around me will be gone. That I'll be somewhere else." she looked down at her hands while she spoke. He lifted her face to his and kissed her.

"Baby I will always be here, and so will you. Now let's see if I can tire you out"

He leaned her back onto the bed and kissed her. His hand went to her breast, and she wrapped her legs around him. "I want you" she whispered.

"Not yet" He kissed her breasts and sucked on them. He kissed his way between her legs. He used his fingers and tongue on her sweet spot.

"Oh, my Goddess." She sighed and arched her back. "I.. I..." He sunk his fingers in deeper and found her G-spot. He slid one finger out of her wet pussy and rubbed it in circles around her ass.

She jumped and said, "Wait, what are you doing?"

"Shhh.. be quiet boo.. just go with it." He slid his finger into her ass.

She leaned back and her hands went to his head.

"You like that baby?"

"Oohhh.. it.. it's... Oh God.. .." she said between moans. He rubbed her G-spot a little harder and his tongue a little faster. "I want you to cum for Daddy. I want you to cum hard for me."

There was something about him giving her permission to cum that just makes her explode every time. Her body went rigid, she held her breath and gripped the headboard.

"That's it, baby. that's it. Breathe baby. " She exhaled breathlessly.

"Oh my God Daddy. That was, oh god.. wonderful"

He sat up and licked his wet fingers. "You taste sweet boo."

She rolled over and crawled to him "Can I suck your cock Daddy? Please..." She gave him that look that he knew all too well. It was that sweet innocent look, but her eyes burned pure lust. She was always eager to please him. He loved that about her. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, whispering "Can I?" The lust in her eyes turned into a devilish grin. She pushed him back onto the bed and kissed him deeply. She turned his head to the side and kissed his neck, and moved down to his chest. She licked and sucked on his nipples and continued down to his belly and legs. She spread his legs and kissed the inside of his thigh. She bit down on the tender inner part of his thigh and ran her nails down his leg. She took his cock in her hand and paused momentarily, just long enough to look up at him. His hand went to her head and he whispered "I love you baby girl" She smiled and ran her tongue along the shaft of his wonderfully hard cock. She teased him with her tongue before slowly taking him in her mouth. She moved her tongue back and forth, while she slid him in and out of her mouth. While one hand stroked his cock, the other cupped his balls. His grip tightened on her hair and she moved faster. "Oh, that's my good girl!" Donny said and gripped her head with his other hand. She went as deep as she could and slowed her pace. She sucked hard on his cock, moving up so slowly, he suddenly grabbed her up saying,

"You're not done yet baby" he got on his knees behind her. He slid his hard cock into her wet pussy. She leaned down and bit the pillow to stifle her moans. He pulled her head up by her hair and said: "No you don't Baby girl, I want to hear you." He drove his cock into her deep and hard, his hands gripped her hips. "Oh my God, you are huge! You feel so fucking good" Her moans filled the room. The louder her moans the harder he fucked her. She was on the edge. Her toes started to curl and she clawed at the bed. "Daddy, can I please cum?" at first he didn't answer her. So she pleaded, "Daddy, please...Oh god, please. please..." When he finally gave her permission she was in tears. They collapsed on the bed together. "Why are you crying baby?" He wiped her tears and kissed her cheek.

"I don't know. I've never come that hard before, it just made me emotional."

"Don't cry baby, there's more where that came from." He rolled her over onto her back and kissed her. He climbed between her legs and entered her again. But this time was slow and loving. She closed her eyes and he caressed her face "No baby, stay with me. Open your eyes. Look at me."

She gazed into his eyes while he made love to her. Soft and gentle, slow and with purpose. He brought her to orgasm again. When they were done, she hugged him tight and said "I love you, Donny. I really do love you."

"I love you too baby girl. You tired yet?"

"No. Hungry.." They both laughed.

"Ok baby let's go find something to eat."

"I'll be down in a minute. I'm gonna grab a quick shower."

"Hmmm maybe I'll join you." he kissed her.

She laughed, "again?"

"I can't get enough of you baby girl." He said following her.

She laughed and ran and he chased after her. He caught her just inside the bathroom. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. He picked her up and sat her on the counter, his hands roaming her body. "Daddy" she whispered, "I need to get a shower." He sank his fingers inside of her making her sigh loudly. He kissed his way between her legs and pulled her to the edge of the counter. She fell back against the mirror, knocking bottles into the sink. She watched him between her legs, watching how he used his tongue on her. He slid two fingers inside of her and found her G-spot. She could feel her orgasm growing inside of her. "Oh God" She moaned and ran her fingers through his hair. Her moans echoed off the walls, and she felt herself exploding again and again. It felt like it would never end. He pulled her off the counter and bent her over. He slid his cock inside her. He fucked her with a fury. She reached out and put her hands on the wall mirror to brace herself. He gripped her hips hard as he drove into her. She could feel his cock swelling inside of her. He pulled her into him as he came again. He kissed her back several times before slapping her ass, "Ok, let's get our shower." He turned the water on, making sure it was nice and warm. She climbed into the shower ahead of him and leaned her head back into one of the shower heads. She washed her hair, then her body. When she was done rinsing herself off, she soaped up the washrag and washed her Daddy's back. "Turn around," She said to him and washed his chest. She then turned her attention to his cock. She took her time washing him. In no time his cock was hard again. She pulled down one of the shower heads and rinsed his whole body off. She replaced the shower head and turned him in the direction of the water. She got on her knees and said: "Let me help you with that." She stroked his cock with her hand and rubbed his head across her tongue before taking him in her mouth. She took her time running her tongue along his cock, trying her best to tease him. She moved up and down on him slowly. After a few minutes of teasing, he grabbed her by the hair, pulling his cock out of her mouth and slapping her in the face with it.

"Don't tease Daddy." She smiled and took him back in her mouth. She moved fast, used her tongue and her hand. Her other hand massaged his balls. She would stop, pull him out of her mouth and use her tongue. Then put him back. His grip tightened on her head and she pulled him out of her

mouth and closed her eyes as he came on her face. He leaned his head back into the stream of water, breathing heavy. "Oh... Thank you, baby. You're getting better at this. Next time your gonna swallow."

She smiled and said "Thank you, Daddy. Now move outta the way so I can wash my face off." She giggled and patted his leg.

She climbed out of the shower and got dressed. She pulled on a thin top and her favorite pair of shorts. They were too big on her now, and kinda torn up. But she loved wearing them. She didn't bother to put on panties or a bra. She joined Donny downstairs once again in the kitchen.

"What do you wanna eat baby...." He stopped suddenly when he saw what she was wearing.

"Baby you know I hate those shorts. Why are you wearing them?"

She looked down at them and said "I love them! What's wrong with them?"

He gave her a stern look and said: "What have I told you about wearing them?"

She just kinda looked at him for a minute, trying her best to remember. It had been years since she had seen him and for the life of her couldn't remember what the hell his issue was with her clothes. "I... I don't know.. I don't remember."

"Ya, we'll see if you suddenly remember tonight when I punish you." He turned back around and pulled some eggs out of the fridge.

"Punish?" She asked.

"Baby girl don't play the dumb blonde role with me, it won't work." He turned back around to the stove "How do you want your eggs?"

She swallowed hard and said "Scrambled with cheese on a flour, please. Oh, do we have any grits?"

He spun around looking at her "Since when do you like grits?"

"Oh I had em in Georg...." she stopped herself, forgetting she was in the past and her Georgia trip had never happened now. She acted like she had to clear her throat and said "Some restaurant called George's I think. I can't remember the name now." She looked down.

She walked over to the stove and pulled the grits out of the cupboard and started cooking them. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes.

They got done eating and Donny said: "I have some work to do, I'll be home later." He kissed her on the head and before he got to the door he turned and said "Don't let me come home to a dirty house. You know the rules." With that, the door closed behind him. She sat there for a minute smoking a cigarette. She got up and washed the dishes, dried them and put everything away. Dream or no dream she didn't want to piss him off. She spent some time unpacking boxes in the bedroom, living room and kitchen. She broke the boxes down and put them outside by the garbage cans. She strolled around the house drinking it all in. It really was beautiful. She took her time walking up the staircase and slowly strolled into the bedroom. She stood silently in front of the bed. Taking in every inch of it. She ran her fingers over the carvings, she marveled at his talent.

"You really like that bed don't you?" She didn't hear him come home and jumped at the sound of his voice. "I love it," She said smiling at him.

"You didn't make the bed," He said.

She looked at it and realized that she had forgotten that.

"I've been unpacking all day, I guess it slipped me."

"Looks like it slipped you to get rid of those damn shorts too" He looked angry. "Get your ass in the playroom. Time for your punishment."

"But, don't you want dinner?" She asked.

"What did you cook?"

She almost whispered, "I haven't gotten to it yet."

He sighed and said, "Baby girl you are gonna learn a hard lesson tonight." He walked over to the playroom door and opened it for her.

It seemed like the playroom door banged closed, but she was sure it was just her nerves.

"Get those damn clothes off now!" He barked at her.

She mumbled something that he couldn't quite hear and started taking her clothes off.

He walked over to her, pulling her face up by her chin so she was forced to look him in the eyes and said: "What the fuck did you just say?"

In a low voice, she said, "I said Yes, Daddy."

He sat in a chair and told her to come lay across his lap. She nervously walked over to him and did as she was told. He rubbed his big hand across her ass and without warning it came down hard and fast, making a loud 'smack' noise. She jumped and howled that it hurt.

"You haven't been hurt yet," He said and his hand came down in a succession of blows. She tried her best to not move or cry out. After the 20th or so smack she put her hand in his way trying to block the blows. He quickly twisted her arm up behind her back and kept spanking till her ass was a crimson red. He stopped and studied his work. "Your ass looks so good that color baby girl." He said rubbing her ass now. A scared moan escaped her lips, she didn't know what hurt more, his spanking or rubbing her ass. She decided that they both hurt.

He slapped her ass one last time and simply said "Up."

She stood up and he pointed to one of the tables and told her to go and bend over.

She walked to the padded table he pointed to, this one was different from the other one. This one had eye hooks on the corners and a built-in belt towards the edge. She bent over the table, laying her head on the side facing where he was at the cabinet.

She watched him as he pulled out several things. Leather cuffs, 4 of them in total, a bottle of lube, two different toys, one looked like a dildo and she had no clue what the other one was. He moved it too fast for her to see. He pulled a small square table over to the table she was bent over and put everything in his hands on it. He took the cuffs first and attached them to her wrists and ankles, he then attached her wrists to the eye hooks on the corner of the table stretching her arms out. Then he pulled her legs open wide and attached her feet to eye hooks on the floor, finally strapping the belt around her waist. She couldn't move if she wanted too. Donny stood back and looked her over.

"Now your gonna learn not to fuck up. You done 3 things wrong today. And you'll get 3 punishments for it."

"How do you get 3? All I did was forget to make the bed!" She tried to sit up a bit to meet his gaze, but couldn't.

His hand came down across her ass hard again, "Now it's 4! Are you allowed to talk back to me?" He waited in silence for a moment, then slapped her ass again, harder this time and said: "Baby girl if you know what's good for you, you better answer me!"

"No, Daddy. I'm not allowed to talk back. But I honestly thought all I did was forgot to make the bed." She whined.

"First, you wore those damn shorts that I hate. I done told you a while ago to get rid of them. You don't know how to listen and obey your Daddy. Then I come home and there's cardboard in the yard." She tried to interrupt him and tell him that she had put it next to the garbage cans, but he quickly shut her up with yet another slap across her very sore ass.

"You didn't make the bed, and you didn't have dinner ready when I came home. Now your gonna be punished and you're not gonna like it. Your gonna do something that you never want to do."

She lay there and tried to think of what it was that she wouldn't do, then suddenly it hit her. Her eyes grew wide and she said "Oh no, Daddy. no not that!" She failed at trying to free herself of the restraints.

"You asked for this baby. You knew the rules, you broke them. Now it's time for your punishment." He pulled on a pair of purple rubber gloves and poured lube onto his fingers.

"No Daddy, Please I don't want to do that!" She pleaded.

His wet fingers went to her sore ass and he rubbed her little rosebud. He slipped one finger inside of her. She froze. "Relax baby girl"

He spread her ass cheeks apart and poured lubed onto her. He took his time slipping first one finger then two into her. She cried "Daddy please... that hurts. I don't want too.."

"If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm gonna gag you," He said while working his fingers on her.

She was relieved when he finally stopped, only to find out he wasn't actually done. He poured some more lube on the dildo and slowly slipped it inside of her. "Owww" she whispered.

"I love to see toys in your ass baby girl, it looks so damn sexy." Donny reached down and felt his growing hard-on. "My cock is gonna look even better."

After fucking her with the dildo for a bit, he pulled it out and put lube on his cock. He pulled her ass cheeks apart and slowly slid his cock into her. He dug his nails into her sore ass and pumped in and out of her. She took deep breaths and tried to relax. "Oh, baby... your ass is so tight!" He mumbled as he fucked her.

She tried to be quiet and not cry out, but after a while, she could no longer hold back. "Daddy can we please be done... I don't like it!"

He just kept fucking her, ignoring her pleas. The table rocked as he fucked her harder and harder. Then he held himself in her deep and moaned loudly. He slowly pulled out of her and admired her ass. He walked away from her and she heard the playroom door open and close. "Oh god, he's gonna leave me like this!" She frantically thought. It felt like forever till he finally came back. He stood in front of her wearing a towel and his hair was wet. He had gotten a shower. She just lay there looking at him.

"Are you sorry for fucking up baby?" He asked.

"Yes, Daddy. I'll never do it again. I promise." She started to cry.

He walked around behind her, she thought he was going to release her. He didn't.. not yet.

He stood behind her and said "Every time you disobey me, you will be punished. Just remember that.” She just lay there.

"Are you gonna be good now and do what Daddy tells you?" He asked.

"Yes Daddy, I promise."

He released her binds and helped her stand up and walk into the bedroom.

"No dinner for you tonight. Go to bed." He kissed her on her head and left the room, shutting off the light and closing the door.

She lay on the bed on her side. Her bottom really hurt, and she silently cried to herself. She was exhausted, and even tho she didn't like what Donny had done to her, she still didn't want to take the chance on sleeping and ending this. So she just lay there in silence. She heard Donny come back into the room and slip into bed. He didn't hold her like he did last night, he didn't kiss her back like he did last night. She must have really disappointed him. She would try not to do that ever again. Before she knew it the sun was coming up and Donny's alarm was going off. He got up went into the bathroom, then came back out and got dressed for the day. She still just lay there on her side. She heard him go into the playroom and come back out. He came over to the bed and yanked the covers off of her. "Get up and bend over the bed" He still sounded angry from last night. She carefully slid across the bed, careful not to bump her ass. She bent over the bed and Donny looked her over. "My poor baby girl has bruises." He reached out and rubbed her ass, making her jump. "Did you learn your lesson?"

"Yes, Daddy. I swear I did." She heard the familiar sound of him pulling on a pair of rubber gloves and she shivered. "Spread your legs," He said. She quickly did as he said.

He coated a toy in lube and started to put it in her ass. "This is a plug baby. It will keep you ready for me." She jumped and sighed loudly as he slowly pushed it in her. He stopped for a minute. "You're to leave this in till I get home. Don't take it out." It popped into place suddenly.

She moaned, "Ohhh that hurt."

"Stand up baby girl."

She carefully stood up. "How am I supposed to do anything with this thing in?"

"Learn how. Walk over to the dresser and open the drawer." She awkwardly went to the dresser and pulled the top drawer open. All of her clothes were gone.

"Daddy...." She started to say when he interrupted her.

"This is your last punishment. You'll go without your clothes. That's for wearing those damn shorts. I want dinner cooked and ready by 5 when I get home." He walked towards the door, turned and said "Make enough for Tiny. He's coming to dinner tonight."

She gave him and look and shook her head no. "But you took my clothes."

"That's your punishment." He said.

"But your cousin is coming. I can't be naked in front of him."

"You'll do as your told!." He turned to leave and said "I'll get something to eat on my way to work. Do what your told, be good and I might have a surprise for you."

She sighed, "Yes Daddy."

She spent the day cleaning and organizing, She took out a roast for dinner and got it in the oven. She didn't like the toy in her ass, it was uncomfortable. She also couldn't believe how much he seems to be changing. What happened to him being loving towards her? It's like someone flipped a switch on him and now she's seeing a different side of him. Was it the spell? She knew you couldn't cast a love spell or else it would come back on you. And casting a spell for yourself was a no-no too. Maybe his change of character was her fault because of the spell. She shook her head no, there was no time to think about that now.

She got the table set for dinner and pulled the roast out of the oven. It would be 5 o'clock in a few minutes. She made damn sure that the bed was made today. All of Donny's dirty clothes were picked up and washed, then put away. She made sure that everything was done this time. For a minute when she took his clothes out of the dryer, she thought about slipping his t-shirt on for a few minutes, but then thought again. Somehow he would find out. She still hadn't slept and was starting to feel a little dizzy because of it. She was standing in the kitchen when she heard him come in. She wanted to hide, knowing that Tiny would be there. But she just stood there, putting the food onto a platter, so she could serve dinner to them.

Donny strolled into the kitchen and smiled at her. "Hi, Daddy! Are you hungry?" She kissed him and quickly walked past him putting the dinner down on the center of the table. He pulled her away from the table and kissed and hugged her, reaching down and feeling her ass to see if the plug was still in. "Good Girl." He smiled, "Why don't you go get one of my t-shirts and put it on before Tiny gets in here, no panties tho."

She hugged him tightly and said, "Oh thank you, Daddy!"

She pulled one of his shirts over her head. She thought it was a bit strange that she had thought of wearing one earlier, now he's telling her she can. Oh well, at least she wouldn't be naked in front of Tiny.

She came back down the steps a few minutes later and started serving them food.

"Why is your woman only wearing a t-shirt?" Tiny asked.

"Baby tell him why," Donny said then taking a bite of meat.

"I disobeyed Donny and wore an old pair of shorts that he hates. So he took my clothes as punishment." She said with her eyes lowered.

"Good girl. Sit down baby and eat." Donny said.

She sat down carefully and winced. Tiny looked at her, then looked at Donny, shook his head no and said: "I'm ain't even gonna ask." They ate dinner and she cleaned the dishes.

Donny and Tiny sat at the table and talked.

"So how's married life treating you?" Tiny asked.

"Not bad. She's fucked up a few times, but she'll learn." Donny answered.

"What if she doesn't learn?"

"Then she won't be able to sit down then will she?" They both laughed.

"I saw she was having a hard time sitting tonight," Tiny said

"Ya, I beat her ass good. I done told her before about those damn shorts." Donny said.

"What is it with you about her shorts?" Tiny laughed.

"They are old, torn up and way too big on her. I put her on a diet when we got together and she lost a ton of weight, and she doesn't need to wear no frumpy shorts. So I took her clothes from her as a punishment." Donny laughed, "I told her she was gonna be naked when you were here, but I let her have one of my t-shirts."

"Thanks, buddy.." Tiny and Donny both laughed, "I wouldn't have minded eating dinner and eye fucking your girl. How bad does her ass look?"

"Wanna see?" Donny asked.

"Does a duck wear boots when it rains? Hell ya, I wanna see" Tiny said.

Donny just looked at him and shook his head, then yelled for her.

"Yes, Daddy?" She asked smiling.

"Bend over the table and lift your shirt." Her smile faded. She bent over and lifted the shirt.

"Damn Donny! She has handprint bruises!" He touched her ass and Donny slapped his hand away.

"Hey, mother fucker that's mine! Don't touch." He said pulling her shirt down.

"You can get up now, go upstairs and wait for me on the bed."

"Yes, Daddy." She went upstairs and Donny walked Tiny to the door and said goodbye.

He came up the steps and into the room. "Up baby, in the playroom."

She got up and once again he held the door open for her. Before she went in she said, "Wait a minute, let me take the shirt off."

He smiled because she remembered that no clothes were allowed in the playroom. The door closed behind them. "Over the table baby, let me take that out. You've had it in long enough today." She quickly bent over the table, happy to have that thing out already. He pulled it out of her in a quick movement. She sighed loudly and stood on her toes.

"Hurt baby?" He asked.

"A little bit." She answered.

"Keep your legs spread, don't move." She heard him doing something but didn't turn to look.

He softly ran his hands over her back and down towards her legs. His touch was like electric going through her. In an instant, she was excited and wet. He slipped his fingers deep inside of her, curving them towards her g-spot. She started to moan and squirm. She was getting close to orgasm. His fingers felt so good, but she knew his cock would feel better.

"Ooh Daddy, please fuck me. I want to cum" She almost begged. He lifted her up and was inside of her. His rhythmic movements had her on the edge, and she begged him.

"Oh, Daddy can I please cum? Please?" She was almost frantic at this point.

"Cum for Daddy." That's all he needed to say and she screamed out as she came. He pulled out of her pussy and aimed for her ass. He slowly pushed his way in. She stood on her toes and took a deep breath in. It felt like it took forever for him to go all the way in. When he was inside her, he stayed motionless.

"You need to learn how to like this baby. It's gonna happen a lot." He started moving in and out of her as soon as he stopped talking. He took his time. She winced and mouthed 'oww'

"You like that baby?" He asked.

Without thinking she yelled "No." He slapped her ass hard. He took his time with her tonight. Slowing his pace till he damn near stopped, then speeding up with a ferocity, till finally he was done. As usual, when he came he went into her deep and hard and lingered there. He pulled out and grabbed a wet washrag and washed himself off. She didn't move. He hadn't told her that she could go anywhere yet. "Get up and follow me." He said.

Like a good girl, she did as he said. He led her to a wooden chair that had a dildo attached to it. She just looked at him. "That goes in your ass baby." He said.

She sighed and gave him a look that said 'why aren't you done with that yet'.

"Sit down baby, I don't have to work tomorrow so I have all night to play with you." He said walking over the cupboard again. She carefully sat down, it felt very strange having something inside of her there, but she was starting to get used to it. He knelt down in front of her and played with her breasts. He tugged and pinched at her nipples. They stood to his attention. He held up something silver and attached to a chain.

"These are clover clips." He said as he pulled and rolled her nipple before clamping it on. He did the same with her other nipple.

"Lean back in the chair baby." He said as he lifted her legs over the arms of the chair then swinging the arms open and locking them in place. It was an uncomfortable

position. His cock was hard again, and he again slipped his fingers inside of her.

"God baby girl you are so wet. You must be enjoying this."

She just looked at him not answering. He stood on his knees between her legs and took his hard cock in hand and entered her. It felt so damn tight, "I don't think there's enough room! It's too tight Daddy!" she bellowed.

"Shhhh...." He whispered while he drove himself in her deep and paused.

He slowly moved in and out of her. His graceful movements soon had her nearing orgasm again. She drowned herself in the moment and found herself loving every minute of it. They came together. He pulled out of her and lowered her legs. He helped her stand and the toy made a plop noise when it released itself from her. He removed the clamps from her nipples.

"Gather up all the toys and get them washed. Then put them in there." He pointed to two different drawers inside the cupboard. When she was done washing and drying the toys and returning them to their place she walked into the bedroom looking for him. He was asleep in the bed. She quietly walked to the bathroom and got a shower. She dried off and slipped into bed next to him. She lay there in the silent dark room listening to him sleep. She was almost tempted to sleep herself but didn't want to chance returning to her old boring miserable life. She turned her back towards him and was lost in thought. It was late, 3 am according to the digital clock on the nightstand. How much longer could she go without sleep? Her mind wandered to her past, which now was the future. It made her dizzy trying to figure out how it all worked. She thought about where she was before the spell. She was 45 then and stuck in a loveless marriage to a man who wanted nothing to do with her. She thought about how childish her husband was. He never did anything. Ya, he went to work and got the bills paid, but as far as ever fixing anything that was broken... well it didn't happen unless she treated him like a sullen child. As far as sex went, it didn't. He never touched her. She often wondered if he wasn't gay. She had nothing against gays, but she certainly didn't want to be married to one. She was so unhappy before the spell. That's why she cast it in the first place. She was in tears that night. So tired of never being touched, so tired of feeling like just a live-in maid. She always wanted a happy married life, a nice home... someone who loved her the way she loved him, and someone who actually wanted to have sex with her. Anything had to better than this. So the spell was cast and she woke up here, in the past... With Donny. She was back to being 18 years old. It boggled her mind to think of it all. She could never tell Donny any of this, he would never believe any of it. Hell, he would probably have her locked up thinking she was crazy or hallucinating. Which at this point for not sleeping for around 4 days now, she wondered if she wasn't crazy. Donny had rolled over in his sleep and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. "I love you" she whispered. "love you to baby" he muttered in his sleep. Around 5 am she slid out of bed, grabbed his t-shirt and slipped it over her head.

She opened the door as quietly as she could when she heard him say "Where do you think you're going?"

"I was going to cook breakfast for you, I wanted to surprise you." She turned and smiled at him. He grabbed his crotch and said, "I have breakfast for you right here."

"Well, I was gonna make you some eggs."

He stood up off the bed and was already hard. "C'mon, let's go to the playroom."

"But.." she started to say but stopped when she noticed the look he was giving her. She pulled the t-shirt off, tossed it on the bed and followed him.

"Go kneel on the rug," He said while he turned the gas-powered fireplace on. In a whoosh, the fireplace sprung to life and heat started to fill the room. It felt good against her naked skin.

He stood in front of her and said, "You know what to do."

She stood up on her knees and took him in her hand. She ran her tongue along the shaft of his cock up to his head. She licked her lips, then took him in her warm moist mouth. She went down as far as she could without gagging and came back up. She used her tongue on his cock, running it from side to side. He grabbed her by her hair, pulling his cock out of her mouth and slapped her in the face with it. She was taken aback by it. He pulled her closer to him, pushing his cock back into her mouth. He kept his hand entangled in her hair. She kept using her tongue and started stroking him with her hand. His grip tightened. She sucked harder and moved her tongue faster. He once again pulled her off his cock and smack her with it. "You like that don't you?" And when she didn't answer him right away, he lightly slapped her face, turning her cheek pink. He pulled her head back by her hair and said: "You like Daddy's cock don't you?"

"Yes, Daddy" she muttered and took him back in her mouth. When she felt him getting close she tried to pull back, but he held her in place. "Your gonna swallow every drop" He moved his hips towards her face. She tried to brace herself by putting her hands on his hips to prevent him from going too deep in her mouth. Suddenly he exploded in her mouth and she swallowed. He sighed heavily, pulling out of her mouth and letting go of her hair.

"Open your mouth baby," He said.

She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, showing him that she left nothing behind.

"Good Girl. C'mon lets go eat"

She followed him down the steps to the kitchen. She put a pot of coffee on for him and made her a cup of tea.

“Eggs and Sausage sound good?” She asked him.

“Ya, sounds good. I want some more of those grits you made too. When did you learn how to make those?” He looked at her curiously.

“Oh, I just followed the directions.” She said while pulling pots and pans out to cook on.

“Do you want biscuits or toast?” She asked.

“Toast. Thanks baby.”

She brought him his coffee and kissed him on his head, then went back to finish his breakfast.

They sat at the table and talked while they ate.

“So where are you working on this week?” She asked him.

“We're putting a deck on a guys house. It'll be done Tuesday.” He said.

“The guy has a nice house, but our house is better.” He laughed then finished his food.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Yes baby," he answered.

"Why are you suddenly different now?" Her eyes remained on her food that she was playing with.

"The fuck you mean, suddenly different now?" he barked.

"Please don't get mad. It's just that you were very loving at first, now you're..." she paused.

"Now I'm what?" He sounded angry.

"I don't know.. just different," she said in a low voice. "You're rough now."

"Baby I done told you there was a side of me that you haven't seen. You're just gonna have to learn to like it because I ain't about to change."

She just sat there and kept playing with her food. He watched her intently.

"Baby come here." He scooted his chair out from the table and pulled her onto his lap.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. "I love you baby, but you know not to question me. You just love breaking the rules don't you?"

"I.. I was just asking, I was just curious is all," she said nervously.

He sighed and said, "Baby...you never learn, get up." He stood and walked away, leaving her there alone. She sat in his chair for a few minutes then decided to go clean the kitchen. She stood at the sink, filling it with hot soapy water.

“Baby Girl, come with me.” She shut the water off and went to him. He took her by the hand and took her outside.

She pulled back and said, “Daddy, all I have on is a t-shirt. What if someone see's me?”

“Baby, I own 4 acres of land. You could scream your head off and no one would hear you let alone see you.” He grabbed her by the hand and took her to the rose garden.

In the center of the garden there was a marble bench. “Surprise baby.” He said pointing to it. “Oh my God.. It's beautiful! Thank you!” She threw her arms around him and kissed him. He pulled her shirt off and laid her down on the marble bench.

“Baby I'm wanna fuck you.” He kissed her on the lips. His kisses trailed down to her breasts. He sucked on her nipples and nibbled on them. She leaned her head back savoring the feeling. He continued his kisses down her belly to her sweet spot. He ran his tongue over her clit and she gasped. She laid back on the bench and put her hand on his head. He lifted her up and pulled her to him. He sucked on her clit and slipped his fingers inside of her. He found her g-spot. She arched her back on the cold marble bench. “Oh God, Daddy, that feels so good!” She moaned. Between his fingers and his tongue he had her cumming in no time. He pulled away from her, wiping his face.

“Damn baby, you taste so sweet.” He held his hand out to her and pulled her up.

“C'mon. Let's go get cleaned up and dressed. I'm taking you out.”

After showering she said to him, “I don't have any clothes Daddy, you took them.”

He opened the closet revealing all new clothes and shoes. He walked over to the dresser and opened each drawer, which were full of clothes.

“So you don't wear anything I don't like again, I bought you all new clothes. I want you to wear this tonight.” He said handing her a black lace dress. “Wear these too.” He said handing her a pair of black pumps.

She admired herself in the mirror. She looked nice tonight. It felt so good to be wearing something other than a t=shirt. She pulled her long blonde hair up into a bun. They walk out of the house arm in arm, and he opened the door for her. They drove down the long driveway, down the road and onto the highway. They arrived at a house even bigger than theirs a half hour later. He again opened the door for her and they went in the house. A beautiful woman with long red hair flowing over her shoulders greeted them at the door. She was wearing a black corset with matching panties, black heels and stockings. They were standing in a small room that had a desk in the corner. Across the room was a big oak door.

“Hi! Can I have your code please?” She said smiling. “Roses” Donny said.

She walked back to the desk and typed something into her computer, returning moments later carrying something. “Here are your masks, please wear them at all times here. We like to keep our clientele anonymous. If you remove your masks while your here, we will ask you to leave.” Still smiling she handed them 2 black lace masks that covered just their eyes. They put their masks on while she continued to speak.

“We have different rooms for different fetishes and fantasies. Feel free to roam about and take it all in. Join in if you'd like, or you can just watch. The choice is yours. Have a wonderful night and I hope you enjoy yourself.” She walked to the big oak door, pulled it open and said, “Welcome to FantasyLand.”

They walked through the doors and into the party. There was a winding staircase in front of them, and rooms on both sides. Donny led her into the first room. A naked girl was tied to a wooden structure. Her arms and legs tied to each corner. A man wearing leather pants stood behind her and whipped her with a cat of nine tails. The audible snap the nine tails made when it came into contact with her skin made her jump. There were four other men standing in the room, watching intently. The girl howled every time the nine tails connected. Another man took the first mans place and resumed her beating. Donny pulled her out of that room and into another. In this room a girl was sitting on the balls of her feet on the floor. Her hair was up in pig tails and she was sucking her thumb. She was wearing a little shirt and a pair of white panties. A man in a three piece suit sat in a chair in front of her. “Come to Daddy, little girl.” He said. She let go of her thumb and crawled her way to him.

“Over Daddy's lap” She lay over his lap.

“Tell Daddy what you did wrong.” He said rubbing her thighs almost lovingly.

“I sucked my thumb” She said in a childish voice.

“What are you supposed to suck little girl.” He asked her still rubbing her thighs.

“Daddy's cock.” She said.

“Does my little girl need spanked?” He spoke to her like she was a child.

“Yes Daddy. Your little girl was bad.” He pulled out a wooden paddle, pulled her panties down and started spanking her. Smack smack smack. Her ass was quickly turning red.

“Thank you Daddy” she muttered.

“What do you think about that baby girl?” Donny asked her.

“I don't like that she looks and acts like a child.” she whispered to him.

“Baby, that's just what some people like. Don't judge.” She just shook her head no.

There were several rooms, so many that she lost count. She had seen so many different things tonight that she couldn't hardly wrap her head around them all.

One room had a swing set up and there were people fucking. In another room a girl was standing on some kind of stools that put her up higher. Her arms and legs were tied spread eagle. She was at the right height for someone to fuck her so they didn't have to bend down, or change anything other than their standing position. She had one man in front of her and another behind her at the same time. She knew from what Donny had done to her that its not very comfortable. At least to her it wasn't but this woman was screaming in pleasure and seemed to love every minute of it. In yet another room there were three women. They were locked inside of wooden boxes. You could only see their heads! Men were in here getting blow jobs.

She noticed that different parts of the house seem to be color coded. The blow job rooms were all colored yellow. The whipping and spanking rooms were blue. The room with the sex swing was green. But then the back part of the house was colored red and black. “Why are the rooms colored like this?” She whispered to him.

“The more intense it gets, the more intense the color. Let's go into the red room. This is my favorite room.” He said taking her by the hand.

“You've been here before?” She asked.

“This is where I get some of my ideas.”He pulled her into the room and she saw a girl on an odd looking table. There were two separate padded parts that came out from under the table that her legs were strapped down to. Above that was the table she was bent over. It was padded too. There was a belt that went around her back holding her in place. Donny's table kinda looked like this one, but didn't have the part for your legs.

You just stood against his, this one lifted you up so you were at the right height for someone to fuck you. There were more people in this room than the last. An older man with white hair came up to Donny and said “Hey! Long time no see! How have you been?” They shook hands. “I'm good! This is my wife” he said pointing to her. The older man took her hand and kissed it. “Is she going to play today?” He asked Donny. Her eyes grew wide and she swallowed hard. She didn't want to do anything in front of all these people! “Maybe. She doesn't like to listen. And she doesn't like it when I put my cock in her ass, but that's too bad for her.” He said. “You know they have a few new toys here that would help with your punishments of her, and they're all ass toys. So I bed she'd like it even more.” They both laughed. She just wanted to get out of there.

“Come talk to the task master, he has a bunch of new stuff and he'll demonstrate it too if you want. I bought a few things for my sub.” He older man said.

Donny looked around the room, “Where is your sub? I don't see her.”

“She's in the green room. Little bitch doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut, so I figured the best way to stop her from bitching is to keep her mouth filled.” He laughed.

'God I hope Donny never does that me!' She thought to herself.

She looked over to the table and the girl that was on it before was now gone.

The task master was talking with the older man and they walked over to where she and Donny were standing. “Hi, I'm the task Master.” He said shaking Donny's hand. “I understand you'd like to see some of my punishment toys.”

“Ya, what you got? I have a few things at the house for her, but I'm always looking for something new.”

“Come over here and I'll show you some things I have to offer.” They followed him over to a big wooden cabinet. The task master opened it, then opened different drawers and started pulling stuff out to show him.

“This is ginger. You shave it in the shape of a plug. You have to be careful to get it smooth tho. Its a root, and can be splintery. If you want one, just get it from me. It will already be shaped and smooth.” He said.

“What is it? Just a plug made out of natural stuff?” Donny asked.

“Oh no. It's much more than that. When your little girl doesn't behave, you put this in her ass and you can stand her in a corner or make her move if you want. It burns. The more she moves the more it burns. It will teach her a hard lesson.”

“Huh...” Donny rubbed his chin and looked like he was thinking about it. “What else do you have.”

“Are you into ice play at all?” the task master asked.

“I haven't played with it yet, but it sounds interesting. Tell me more about it.” Donny said.

“Ok, I have these.” He pulled out several plastic molds showing him. “I have different sizes and shapes. You fill them with water and freeze them. Then use them like toys. Just run em under hot water to release them from the molds, make sure you wet the toy before you use it and use lube. You don't want it getting stuck.” They laughed.

Donny looked over the molds. They weren't your typical ice cube trays. He had two that were shaped like cocks, different sizes. One that was shaped like a plug, and one that just looked like a popsicle.

“Have you started her on plugs yet?” The task master asked.

“Ya, I have one at the house for her. Its a starter and it's small.” Donny said.

“You can't go wrong with this.” He said handing him a black plug.

“This looks like I already have for her but just a different color.

“This one has a remote control. There is a computer chip in it, it will alert you if she takes it out.”He handed Donny the remote and held the plug by its base in his hand.

“Hit that button there that says stage.” Donny tapped the button and the plug grew to another size. “There are 4 stages on this. You tap the stage button once for stage one. Two times for stage two, and so on. Don't go crazy and try to go to stage 4 at once. You have to build her up to it.” He pointed to another button on the remote that said vibrate. “Hit that one.” Donny tapped the button and the plug sprang into life. The task master pointed out the other buttons as well. The pulse button caused the plug to vibrate in pulses. “This button here” He pointed to one that said fire. “Here you hold the plug then hit fire” Donny did that and got a small zap. “It's not enough to really hurt, but it will get her attention. It will only zap her once unless you keep hitting the button.” the task master said. “The last button is stop. That stops everything and deflates the plug. Always hit stop when your done playing. You can hang this remote on your key chain, and it has a plastic covering so you don't accidentally hit buttons while its in your pocket. Did you want to see anything else? I have older stock, but these are my newest items.” The task master asked.

“I think I'll take one of each. I really like this plug.” Donny said smiling.

“How new is your girl to ass play? That will tell me which ice mold you'll need.”

“I just started her on it. She complains every time tho.” Donny said.

“Ok, we'll start you off with the smallest one. You can always size up later.”

“Baby do you like the new toys?” Donny asked.

“No!” She said and gave him a dirty look and started to walk away from him.

Donny caught her by the arm spinning her around to face him. “Behave baby girl!” He said in a low voice.

The task master said “Looks like your little girl needs her attitude adjusted. She needs to be more obedient to you when your out in public.”

“Your right, I think she needs punished.” Donny gave her a look that made her heart drop.

“Let me teach her a lesson for disobeying you and disrespecting me in my house.” The task master said to Donny.

“Be my guest.” He said while still looking at her. “Baby, your in a playroom, are you allowed to have those clothes on?”

“Donny, please, I don't want too. Not with all these people around.” She begged him.

Not only was he embarrassed because of her telling him no, but now he was angry because she was mouthing off to him in front of everyone.

“Take the dress off before I fucking rip it off of you.” She q

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Brett and His Family

Brett Jenkins arched his strong back, and the smooth muscular globes of his ass tightened, as he forced his thick teenage dick deeper into his mother's cunt. The poor woman was almost hysterical beneath him, not only from the pain of the rough balls deep fuck, but also from the guilt and shamed of being fucked by her very own son."Please, Brett, for the love of God, I'm your mother. I'll forgive you. We can sort this out. But it has got to stop. You can't go on like this!" She grunted as he...

2 years ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 5 Angelas Gnashes October

THE DEAN AND I "Well, Angela, how are things going?" the Dean of Faculty hails Professor Dawney enthusiastically, as he emerges from a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor and sees her passing the VC's office, on her way to the library. Angela knows that he's not interested in her health and well being. What he wants to know about, is Jennifer McEwan's project. What he really wants is to be reassured of its potential 4 Star rating. Actually what he really, really wants is for Angela to...

3 years ago
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Military Hospitality

My husband and I were stationed in Italy. He was in the Army and we lived in military housing on the fourth and top floor. There were two apartments on each floor. A new couple had just moved in and after hubby left for work I went down one flight to welcome my new neighbor. Military communities, especially overseas, are very close. Everyone helps one another. I knocked on the door around mid-morning and wondered what she would be like. To my surprise, an extremely well built and nice looking...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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A Page From a Charmed Life

I lead what many would call a charmed life, as it doesn't seem that I have an outward visible means of supporting myself. However the fact I don't leave the house each morning in a suit in a tie with a briefcase in hand does not mean that I don't have a job. I am a writer and columnist who has managed to stay somewhat anonymous. I'm syndicated in 38 papers across the US and Canada under an assumed name, IE: different than the one that appears on my mailbox or drivers license. I have written...

3 years ago
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A Christmas Tale 2

Chapter 2 For a few moments I just couldn't take the dreadful news in yet desolate as I realised I always would be I knew that my world had just come to a sudden end too, very much doubting how long I could continue on alone now that she was gone for ever. Suddenly I broke down and began crying my heart out and if Maureen hadn't been there I don't know what I would have done, because she immediately put her arms around me and pulling me into her shoulder and patting my back gently...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 271

Shontay by now would not even speak to Laura. She would only scowl at her coldly if their paths crossed at work, sometimes even moving to the other side of the corridor in an aloof and frigid manner, to show that Laura was leprous and untouchable. Her hair was yanked and knotted back behind her head more severely than ever, and she walked stiffly and with military precision, head high. Laura, pausing in amazement and mild sorrow at these imperious rejections, found herself wondering if she...

2 years ago
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BreakdownChapter 9 Sunday November 18th 2012 1230 PM

The last two and a half hours had been incredibly tense and Rob's nerves were stretched to the breaking point. They could hear the thugs talking and laughing and continued lewd comments about the 'state of higher learning' at the local high school. His anger at the atrocities he could overhear that were being committed continued to rise. Learning that young boys were also star participants in the games these animals were playing made him angrier. The look on his 13 year old son's face...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 332 Needy Needs

How did they decide on one unisex area? The helpers are one thing, but the other kids? After getting the girls the right bra fit, or training bras for the ones that didn’t need a bra except to keep their buds from showing through their shits, we had an influx of kids that stripped off everything they had on, threw most of it in the trash, went to shower, and then come back to find clean clothes. I didn’t even bother telling girls what size bras to get. Instead, I got the right one and put it...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 3 of 3

Three  Brenda stayed on the bench staring at the horse. She couldn’t stop thinking about what had just transpired. This was by far the cruelest Master had ever treated her. Even thought she was sexually satisfied, she was alarmed at how far he went. Brenda was genuinely afraid when Master took out his knife to cut off her bra and panties, She was sure he would never do anything to harm her, but he had never introduced a weapon into their relationship before. And the flogging, he had never...

2 years ago
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Tommys First Time

"A Parody of Third Rock From The Sun" Tommy just *knew* that tonight was going to be THE night. August had called him around six that evening and told him that she was sorry about the other day, and that she thought they shouldn't fight any more. She told him that she wanted to make it up to him. Tommy's 15 year old body was raging with hormone over-load, and he knew that was why he and August were arguing so much. He just wanted to fuck her, and she just wouldn't let him. It was...

3 years ago
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The Slave

Chapter 1:Eventually, the excitement of sucking strangers' cocks in the porn theaters began to pale. My needs just weren't quite satisfied by the copious amount of cum I consumed almost every night. Don't get me wrong, I still got a thrill, feeling a man's cock come to life in my hand and his balls start to move in their sac. It just wasn't enough.Completing the feminization, started by my ex-wife and some of her lovers was my goal. Consumption of the estrogen drug, Estradiol was paying...

2 years ago
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First time with my step sister

The First Night with My Step Sister Let’s start out with a little information about myself back then. I was a very popular guy in school; I was good looking, well built, I was a jock. I had my share of fun with other girls at school, some moms and now my step sister. If you like this story I will continue writing and letting you in some of my hotter encounters. My Step Sister Lori was a pretty good looking girl; she was about 5’6” with auburn red hair, cute little face with some freckles. She...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 62

Dawn was still some hours away when thirteen students exited the school. With Dumbledore still motionless in the infirmary, and Dolores Umbridge missing and unaccounted for (officially, that is; Harry and his friends knew that at very moment the poor women was being subjected to horrors that were both unspeakable and richly deserved), it was somewhat easier for students to engage in illicit activities without fear of detection. The squib Mr. Filch was long gone, and his animagus mother was...

3 years ago
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How I got introduced to bondage

Well I was 17-18 I think and I usually helped our nighbour. She was 23 years old, with well shaped legs, big breasts, long blond hair, and she always went around in clothes that seemed to shout "Im the sexiest thing in the world"!Anyway...I was helping her as usual for 200 kronor an hour. And I thought she was the hottest thing I had ever seen and this time I was wearing a pair of training shorts and a linen. And as she came into the room I got a hard-on and couldn´t hide it.-What are you doing...

2 years ago
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Male Escort In Pune 8211 Thirsty Tigress

Hi friends I am om living in Pune. I am student in AFMC college of medical and I am in forth year. I am a call boy this job is because I love to make ladies happy. Any girl want my service in pune mail me . And give me my feedback I am om one day when I search sex sites I found male escort sides ,i call them and take membership of these club after that I get my first client this is my previous story.You can read these story also, so lets start story Chapter-1 One day I am free I opened my...

3 years ago
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The wife and I spend a weekend at a nudist camp

We arrived at the nudist camp at 2pm, we had driven all morning, and we were exhausted. Jim, the camp manager met us at the door with the key to our cabin. Angela hit the showers and I fixed us some badly need lunch. When we had both showered and eat, we took a nap. We have been here before and know that the first weekend opening party will last long into the night. I awaken with my wife sucking on my cock, she just smile, telling me that we both need to take the edge off. At a nudist camp it...

1 year ago
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The Covert Operative

“I love fucking your faggot asshole,” the tall, slender career military man announced in French.“I love that big African dick,” screamed the toned effeminate bottom.“Take it, slut!”“Yes sir! Fuck me good. Fuck me like a girl.”“You are a girl. My girl. Ohhhh, baby!”“Yes, daddy! I’m your sissy girl. Fuck my ass. Fuck it hard.”“Bitch,” he roared. “This ass is all mine.”“Oh yes sir!”Colonel Rodolfo Urikob slammed his generous ten inch dick into his pussyboi’s asshole. The sweat from his forehead...

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My first bottom experience

Hi friends this is kanna from Chennai. I m a big fan of this site, I really love stories in this site, i would like to share one of my story in this site, this is actually a real incident happened to me. First let me explain about me I am a 23yr old dark, 5.9’ chubby boy with all girl assets, especially my big aunty like ass and my fleshy tits. Though I m bit hairy, I love all those curvy swellings in my body. I was also treated as girl in my boy’s high school during my school days. Except...

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Cry Silently

I value feedback. Tell me how my story made you feel. Tell me what it made you want to do. Tell me where it can be improved. Tell me it can't be improved! ([email protected])______________________________Her crying woke me. For a moment I lay still and listened to her gasping sobs. Partly she was crying because of the pain. I had tied her elbows and wrists together behind her back before putting her in the cage, and then attached her bound hands to the top of the cage. She was...

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PenthouseGold Evelyn Claire Submits to Stepbrother

Young sweet Evelyn Claire and stepbrother Chad Alva can’t deny the sexual tension between them whenever they’re near each other, and today they fulfill their family taboo fantasies. He reaches for his submissive stepsister’s pussy to find her already soaking wet, and even though she tries to feign innocence, the Penthouse starlet is soon opening up her creamy thighs to make way for her big brother’s practiced tongue and his thick cock. The little nympho gets pounded...

2 years ago
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BSC05 the Girls of BSCChapter 9 Chloes Suggestion

Manuela Cortez had now caught up with Latoya and Stephen and they both had offered to help Stephen show the three visitors around BSC. As they were all leaving the gymnasium Latoya came over to Stephen and whispered in his ear, “That pecker of yours had better be in top condition Mr Penis Pal of mine! The girls of BSC can get pretty upset if their Penis Pal doesn’t deliver the goods! And tonight we start. Are you ready Mr Stephen Bartell? Are you really ready to be our PENIS PAL?” Suddenly...

4 years ago
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Night Games1

The kids ranged in age from 8 to 14, I was 10 at the time. I was always one of the faster more athletic kids, but couldn’t quite keep up with the older kids in the group. We played different night games, but the most common were kick the can, and hide and seek. I remember one summer night very vividly. We had played a few games already. It was Maria’s turn to choose the game, she chose hide and seek. When we started playing, Maria told me to follow her, she had a good place to hide....

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Madison Summers Madison8217s Husband Has One More Request

House remodeling contractor Robby has arrived at his new clients home and Madison shows him around the house showing what work her and her husband would like done. Madison makes a start date with Robby but has him wait a minute as Madison calls her husband to verify the work and finally the hall pas she has been sitting until now! When Madison returned and put her hand on his cock, Robby had no idea how crazy this job would be as Madison was on her knees sucking his cock, balls deep or when he...

2 years ago
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How It All Began Ch11

Sat in the voluminous leather Chesterfield armchair, Jackwatched as Fay and Shelly danced provocatively for him. Using the dark mahogany pillars of the four-poster bed as impromptu dancing poles, Fay pulled up her own dress and exposed herself to him. Fay reached to pull up Shelly’s dress hem to mid-thigh and they giggled at their revealing show. As Shelly pulled herself tight to the bedpost, Fay pressed herself against her back. She reached around to cup Shelly pert breasts from behind and...

3 years ago
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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 14 Lola

The big moment had finally arrived. Ramon had designed extremely sexy versions of just about any piece of ladies' underwear one can imagine, to be launched under his own 'Vous êtes trés jolie' brand. Michel had invested a lot of his money and entrepreneurial skills and hired a crew of people who created an advertising campaign, designed attractive packaging, produced press releases and organised a fashion show with top models to launch the brand. On the evening before the fashion show...

4 years ago
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Destinys RoadChapter 24

Sunday morning Vicki, and a slightly hung over Tami, had to head back home. They left, but only after they made Zoe promise to take care of me. With a wicked grin she told them she could handle me, no problem. I gave both girls long goodbye kisses, even though I would see them at school the next day. I hid upstairs while their parents picked them up. Better to keep my being at the extended sleepover as much under wraps as possible. Sunday flew by quickly. We spent the day in our room. Zoe...

2 years ago
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How Preetam Became Preeti 6

This was indeed the best and greatest and the most unexpected thing... last evening, we had been to a movie. Today, we wanted to be at home and relax ourselves. We slept in the afternoon. That evening, mom said both of us (Rahall and me) were going on very well with each other. She said she loved to look at us both together. Immediately, Rahall snapped, "Mom, I wanna marry Preeti." I laughed out and said don't be silly Rahall. I said it would not be possible. I took it as a joke....

4 years ago
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The Reluctant Cuckold

If you are reading this or watching the video, I am dead. I died happy and my wife's boyfriend is dead also. I killed him making it look like a suicide; videotaped it and sent it to the news media and my attorney so the police and the prostutor (I know it is mis-spelled, but it is spelled to reflect how I found most in my many years of law enforcement.) do not need to indict an innocent person just to satisfy their egos and their notches on the bedpost of their convictions. My wife has not...

2 years ago
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Experience Of Life

Hello Iss Readers!!!!! This is Babu again with my 2nd stories on iss. Pehli story mein maine aapko apni pehli g.f Preeti ke sath apni sex ki kahani sunai. is baar main aapko apni kuch fantacies ke sath apni next g.f. ke saath apne experience ko share karna chahta hun. Hope u’ll like it. koi maane ya na maane par aaj ke time mein incest aur grouping ka daur chal nikla hai aur koi bhi isse achuta nahi hai. aaj bhi market nikalte hain to ladkiyon ko dekhne ke baad ekdum se dhyan unke chucho ki...

3 years ago
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Voyeur Times Two

I hadn’t really planned on seducing or being seduced by my neighbor. I really didn’t. It just happened. Jim was a nice guy, a really cool guy and much older than me. I had dated a few guys at the college, but none of them really peeked my interest like Jim. I am twenty-three and Jim is in his late thirties. Jim and his wife, Mandy, lived next door and as far as I knew, they were a happily married couple. I saw him going out with his wife many times and I was pretty sure he was happy with her...

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Meri majburi chachaji se chudte rahne ki

Hi, mera naam dipika he me 27 saal ki ek saadishida ladaki hu.mera rang gora or mera figar 38 25 36 he.logo ke kehne ke mutabik me khub sundar hu.khas kar mere stan, log bas use hi dekhte rahte he. Mere pati ek bade businessman he. Ab me meri ek sachchi kahani batana chahti hu,aap jara dhyan se sunyega. Mere ghar me mere pati aur mere pati ki mummy yani meri sas teen log rahte he or meri sas ab jyada umar ke karan jyada chal nahi sakti isliye woh jyadatar bad par soti rahti he. Ek din mere...

3 years ago
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Flirt or squirt

The Real Estate Council had called a special meeting. Apparently there had been a complaint against one of their members. Her name was Dee Bennett. A disgruntled client had claimed she had tried to "take advantage of him" in order to secure a sale. Serious charges. The executive had been called to attend the meeting. Seven men and two women, plus Dee. The executive met thirty minutes prior to her appointment to discuss the allegations. On the thirty-fifth floor, the boardroom overlooked the...

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Truckstop Nuns

“Hey there sexy sisters! What’ll it take to make you break your vows?” called out the young black man. The two young nuns ignored him as they walked by the cheap hotel room. His friend, who was sitting on the car out the front chimed in, “Come on baby, you didn’t need to become a nun, I’ll take you to heaven!” They continued to walk by, “Frigid penguin Bitches!” they heard one of the young men call out behind them. One of the nuns was...

1 year ago
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Swallowing The Prize Ch 03

Over the next several weeks, men from the Minotti office would show up at Rochelle's front door. Having learned her lesson, she always made sure they verified who they were before she performed for them. She was struck by the professional and no-nonsense approach of these evaluators. Although she had her doubts at first, these men were truly serious about their business.On one occasion, a Minotti rep appeared at her door, and after allowing him inside, she took his dick in her mouth. Strangely,...

Oral Sex
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ldquoSome first date huhrdquo

So I had just gotten this new job at a fast food/dine in kind of place for the summer trying to make some extra money before the fall semester started. And there was this boy named Danny that would come into the restaurant every so often. He was really cute and had nice lean looking body. He was pretty shy but I could tell he was in to me because quite frankly the food wasn’t that good and he would always stop by during my shift checking me out. So a few weeks past and he had yet to make a...

4 years ago
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Conversations 4

My name is John Hodges, and I am a nose. Yes, yes. Laugh it up, imagining that I am some sort of animated character or someone with an elephantine proboscis. No. I am a nose – which in the industry is the name given to an expert perfumer. What that means is that my nose is naturally very talented in distinguishing certain scent ingredients and then combining them into the perfect perfume. I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to take that natural talent – which is just a matter of luck...

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Julie Ch 05

Again Julie found herself grateful to be back at work on Monday. The weekend wasn’t as bad as the one before. The sex Friday night seemed to be enough for Gary, so Julie didn’t need to choose between making excuses or faking another orgasm. But being around Gary was difficult now. Lies, after all, take a toll on a person who isn’t accustomed to telling them. Julie found herself putting a lot of energy into mundane tasks around the house just to avoid having time to sit and think about how...

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More Exciting Way to Travel

I knew he didn't want to be on the train. Could hear him, in my head, silently thinking that these open mic nights already take up too much of his time, and that the train ride was just going to add to it. I was excited to see his set, and had proposed this mode of transportation. Despite the time, he'd agreed, and I intended to make him very happy that he did. I intentionally selected the last seat in the car, glancing around at the other passengers as we sat down. It was an odd time of day,...

2 years ago
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All in Time part four

Samantha gaped up at Diondre, her eyes trying to focus while her body trembled beneath him. ‘Did we just…?’ Her mind raced, heart pounding in her chest as she allowed her hands to fall from his shoulders, dropping limply onto the bed. She licked her lips, eyes wide as she stared. Her cheeks were pink, and Diondre held himself in check, curbing the desire to lean down and again take her lips with his. “I should-” Samantha stopped herself, biting her swollen lower lip when she realized that those...

First Time
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Private Lou Nesbit Overcoming Shyness

Today on www.private.com, we introduce you to Lou Nesbit, a sexy new girl with hot tattoos and shaved hair who has come to our Life Coach Kevin Karma for a lesson in confidence. Talking to the opposite sex can be scary, but with her new found self-esteem, Lou has no trouble returning the favour with a nice blowjob before offering up her tight little body for some action. Action which you can enjoy right here as this horny debutant spreads her legs and takes it hard on the bar until her perky...

2 years ago
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Back to School Badly

Back to School Badly By Ingrid Halb Bunnie Toy sat scowling, looking at her shoes. She had wanted to get the calf-high boots with the three-inch heel. At 4'2 and 55 lbs, she was the smallest person in her class, and wanted the extra height to make herself taller. Her foster mother on the other hand had wanted to get her patent leather mary janes and white ruffle socks, which would have made her look like a total baby. In the spirit of compromise, her foster mother had bought her...

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Riding The Team Bus

Christy was about as excited as she'd ever been in her whole life. She had performed her first real cheer as a cheerleader! Well, actually, she had performed forty or fifty cheers at her first football game as a cheerleader. And, her team had won! Everything had been so exciting. It was an away game, so the team, the coaches and the cheerleaders had all ridden up to Mulholland on two school buses. Once there they had played the game and been fed a meal. Now it was late, and dark, and they...

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Dannis Diet

As lie back on my sex sheet with a pillow, in front of a door, with a Full length mirror attached. Next to me is my toys to make me cum. I have spent my day getting dolled up with my jeweled butt plug in me for hours. And my vibrators include two prostrate massagers an my 10 inch vibrator. Next to me is a bowl of fruit, strawberries, a cantaloupe, oranges and cream in a can. I want to taste my sticky wet semen in different ways. My cantaloupe has a hole in it. And let your mind...

4 years ago
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Forced to Slavery

Forced to Slavery By Heather2837 It was our honeymoon. My new bride and I were traveling to many sites in the world prior to my joining my new law firm and beginning my career. My new wife, Beth, had been my long time girl friend throughout college and when I finally graduated from law school, we took the big plunge and became engaged. She had always been the love of my life and this was just a natural continuation of our relationship. Beth was 22 years old and was a naturally...

1 year ago
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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 05

True Beginning But now, it’s the autumn. I’m back home from my trip. I met you on the street on your way home from class. I played with you against the hall mirror. We had supper together and talked and laughed and kissed over desert. You are on top of me. I am on my back. There’s a fire in the bedroom fireplace. We are in my bed – the old high curtained four-poster. You are panting. You are lovely. My finger is gently stroking your clitoris as you straddle me. The flame’s glow reveals...

4 years ago
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Stephon fucks Sora and her sexy ass tranny ass

Ya know what fuck it since my last story wasn't good apparently imma just cut the bull and tell the whole story now shit.So my dick is in her ass and im in heaven, like on some cloud nine shit.the head board is knocking she screamming, im not sure how loud though cause im pretty focused.And like i said before she released the dragon or sme shit like that i mean, what she did quite literally was with me inside her flip her whole body so she is now all fours and im like... the fuck did i get...

3 years ago
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A Girls Guide to Shaving Down There

If you are reading this article, I will assume that you are a first-timer and have never taken scissors, a razor, an electric shaver or anything else to the fuzz growing between your legs. It may be in a state of complete chaos and you're wondering how things ever got so out of control...but the important thing is that you've taken that first step and decided to shave.You should gather everything you'll need in the bathroom (generally the best place to do this task) so you don't need to stop in...

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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend

From top to bottom, Wendy was sexuality. Her long brown hair, deep brown eyes, luscious red lips, pert breasts, slim waist, tight ass, and long legs all added up to a body that was to die for. And she knew how to use it. Simply walking across a room was all that was usually needed for Wendy to excite the baser desires of every man in it (and, truth be known, not a few women as well). Since the age of fifteen, her unofficial motto had been “A day without an orgasm is a day...

1 year ago
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Am I being a nitpicky bitch rant innacurate tit

Spoiler alert. I'm gonna sound like a preachy-ass condescending school teacher, barking at delinquents, so expect that. This isn't a sexy story, it's venting. It's about to get naggy as hell, but I'm right, so deal with it. I don’t think I'm being unreasonable with this, but it annoys me greatly when descriptions and titles and tags are blatantly wrong on porn. Not slightly misleading or subjective, just entirely not true. The entire porn system operates on titles and key words, that's how...

2 years ago
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Shower Surprise

My name is Matt and for the past couple of years, I've been hopelessly in love with my best friend Linda. We've been best friends ever since high school but to me, she is the most gorgeous creature I have ever met. We've always been so close and we do absolutely everything together. I can talk to her about anything at all, including sex, which comes up a lot. Being a bunch of high school kids with raging hormones, we were always flirting with each other and joking about sex but I've...

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Dynasty Hentai Warriors

Author's note: All characters except for the original characters belong to Koei. The original characters, however, belong to me. Hello and welcome, John Doe! This is the Dynasty Warriors Virtual Reality Simulation, a sister project to Samurai Warriors Virtual Reality Simulation. In this simulation you can fuck any of the numerous men (if you're female) & women (if you're male) from the Dynasty Warriors series. (see add new thread for more information)

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