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Pausing after a disorienting fit of sensory anxiety, it took Oleana a long moment to catch her breath. After several harsh gasps, she adjusted the gear on her wrists and face. She took one more deep breath before reactivating the simulation. The visual frenzy of rendering errors and jumping perspective had been terminated by the restart, but it had left her somewhat disoriented. All she was trying to do was turn a damn page.

Something like this really didn't feel like it should be so much of a challenge. Of course, it wouldn't be anymore challenging than any other animation if she didn't care so much. Making the page turn animation dynamic supports the illusion in a way that randomization never can. The object class 'Book' was going to be used by the entire engine, and she had to get it right.

The experience of readers in this world was her project. At least, readers of books. One of the reasons the project's resources were so low was simply because sales did projected that it was unlikely to be a popular feature of the world. A favorite example of this underinvestment was that the whole of the corporation could only muster up three books for her to study.

Nevertheless, the methodical, quantitatively minded programer treasured each of the three like nothing she had ever touched or seen or possessed before. The first was a spiral bound notebook, filled with handwritten notes in Javanese. Second was a cheap, softcover binding of a foolish romantic story written in the Japanese language. Finally, they had given her a massive, illuminated tome – some kind of religious text, but in a language she had never seen.

The romance was told in a series of pictures. Though she could not read the Japanese, and though she found what she understood of the characters foolish, even stupid in places, Oleana was compelled by the story itself, if only through the erotic nature of the images.

Each volume meant something different to her. The spiral bound book was somebody's handwritten thoughts and ideas. Studying it was complex, and she read it carefully, to understand this long dead human's perspective on the ancient world they lived in. Pointing to the menu in the corner of her vision, she toggled object transparency to her bedroom to the on position, and picked up the notebook, and opened her browser. Every night, for an hour before bed, she worked with it side by side with a Javanese dictionary and a text on the language.

Unable to sleep, Oleana tossed and turned for about the next hours. Her gaze could not stop darting from image to image within her closed eyes, seeking visual errors. Every few minutes she would start to drift, but then a feeling of panic would take her, forcing her upright again with sharp breath and a pounding heart. The fifth time this happened, the urge to get out of bed grew stronger. Once up, a cup of tea sounded nice. Once tea was prepared, the day had begun. Not enough to be dressed yet, but the day had definitely changed.

Still tense, Oleana turned the shower on. While the water heated, she scrutinized her appearance in the mirror, having almost forgotten what she looks like. Too much time spent in the world lately, too much time in other bodies, she supposed with a shake of her head. She watched the waves of motion pulse through her long, black curls.

When she was done inspecting her face, she looked back to her body. Her face turned a quizzical shape, staring at her breasts. Oleana loved her breasts, and her sensitive nipples. She had spent so much time as a man in the last few weeks that she had started to forget about them. Now that she had remembered, she took a long moment to touch them, and feel them, and remember them. Her nipples began to harden, but the steam began clinging to her skin, and she stopped. Turning to the shower, she stepped into the hot water, eyes closed.

Hot water throbbed against her back, and steam filled her lung. A water ration which included enough for a shower was hard to come by, and a perk of her job that Oleana would not give up for anything.

Arriving at work early left enough time to get coffee downstairs and flirt with her favorite barista. Something of a daily ritual, usually taking about five to ten minutes while Danielle takes a long time making Oleana her latte.


“Of course.”

“How'd your date go?”

“Enjoyable enough,” Oleana said, “Would not date again.”

Danielle smiled at this, amused. “You always say that.”

“It's always true.”

“As long as you're having fun,” Danielle smiled at her, writing her username on the side of the cup, just as she did every morning, and handing it to her.

“I make sure to every day,” she said, starting toward the elevator.

“Well, as usual, have a good one.”

Oleana turned and kissed the air at Danielle as she stepped backward into the elevator. “You too,” she smiled.

All day at work, Oleana found herself twirling her fingers through her curls, winding them the way she does when she's anxious, nervous, scared, or horny, and right then, she was all of those things. She was starting to wonder how much more she could take. After all this time, Danielle was wearing her down.

By the time lunchtime rolled around, she was feeling intensely and foolhardy enough to go down to the lobby and see if Danielle was still working. She was not, which Oleana ultimately decided was good. Not knowing what else to do, she spent fifteen minutes in the bathroom, getting herself off with the bullet which stayed in her purse or on her clit at all times. It didn't take her the fifteen to cum the first time, but she desperately needed a second. The third was just for good measure. As she returned to the elevator, she spotted Danielle, back from a break. Oh well. Bullet dodged.

After work, Oleana was early for her date, but didn't want to go home. She went to her bar. A hotel bar, in the bottom of a very nice place downtown. It's a good place to meet her dates. Male dates, anyway. Men that she won't have to see again, or only if she wants to, very occasionally. The dimly lit, mirror clad room was lined with booths of dark red leather, and dark stained walnut. It's the kind of place that's mysteriously classy, yet resisted the ban on indoor smoking in public buildings to the bitter end. Fitting as well into the corner of her round booth as she could, and waited for her date to appear with a glass of wine.

Room 702. Comfortable but not excessive. Oleana was trying to have fun, but she kept finding herself distracted, thinking about how best to animate 'that damn page turn'. The nameless businessman either did not notice or was undeterred. For five or six minutes he slammed his aggressively medium sized cock into her, before flipping her over with a certain confidence and vigor, and thrusting back into her.

She held her smooth, flawless ass up for him a little, but not enough for him to fuck her from behind, rather than on top. He reached an arm halfway under her, and, when pulled by the hips and hair, she did respond, getting on her knees for him. Picking up a little, she guessed. The slightly older gentleman fucked her this way for a few more minutes before pausing and reaching to his nightstand for a small bottle, then he spoke for the first time since reaching his room to ask “Can I fuck your ass?”

After considering for a moment, she looked back and said, “Absolutely,” with a devilish grin. This is getting a bit fun, after all, she thought as a cold drop of lube fell against her asshole. She was holding herself for his best access now, and after a moment of initial pain giggled involuntarily while she enjoyed the first finger inside her ass in too long of a while. Two fingers was quite a bit to handle, and she found herself pleased his cock was no bigger than it was. Just as she was about to say something about her discomfort, he dripped another sizable dollop of lube into the situation and in a few seconds it had subsided.

The next thing he put in her ass was his cock, and he did it fast, with a hard thrust. Eyes widening all the way, small tears formed in their corners, running quickly down her cheeks. Shaking her head, she took a minute to adjust and moan, but when she had, she started moving. Thrusting backward against him, clenching down on him as she slid away from him.

It didn't take him long to finish once he was in. A minute or two after she started moving, he was breathing hard, moaning through a clenched jaw. For a few seconds he thrust harder and more erratically before he pulled out of her. Not wanting to miss anything, Oleana rolled quickly to her back, gracefully swinging her legs around him as the switched. As she did, he stripped the condom off just in time. His cock started pulsing as his orgasm began, and he sprayed her torso with shot after shot, leaving her horny, sticky, and covered in white, contrasting beautifully against her skin.

While she cleaned up, Oleana thought I want to do that.

Later, at home she was bustling about tidying things right up until her friend arrived, and even though she knew that Danielle wouldn't be able to see or touch anything, she didn't want to be stumbling over things she couldn't see when she was trying to be charming and stay in control of the situation. Living alone, Oleana rarely wears clothes other than her interface, and the interface hides itself in the environment. She was still naked when her guest arrived.

The simulation of the apartment linked with Danielle's interface as soon as she arrived at the door, so it was if she was simply walking inside the way she would if she came to Oleana's physical front door. “Hi,” she said, surprised by her host's nudity.

“Hi!” Oleana said back, “You look great.”

Looking down at her colorful, vaguely anime, vaguely popstar outfit, she says “Yeah. I get silly and flashy when I'm in world. Just because I can. It gives me a little more confidence when I'm socializing.”

“That makes sense. How much time do you spend out of your gear?”

“Pretty much the work day."

“Oh, you're a sleeper, huh?”

“Yeah...” Danielle admitted, “I am. I just feel safer here than I do out there.”

“Well, as long as you're getting out and doing your job, that makes some sense. I mean, I develop this stuff, I certainly spend enough time here.  I just don't really like to sleep in it.  I don't feel naked enough.”

Boldly, Danielle looked over Oleana's naked body, and said “Seems like you're ready to get down to it.”

Feeling that the tables were starting to turn, Oleana said “I absolutely do. Where do you want to do this?” in an effort to regain control of the situation. Being six feet tall, she felt her nudity was an advantage and not a disadvantage in this endeavor, as long as she remained confident.

“Hmmm…” Danielle mulled, “Do you have anything kind of dirty?”

“I'm sure I do.”

“Because I want to be a dirty slut tonight. I'm going to enjoy getting you off.”

“You're so nice to me,” Oleana paused, “Is it okay that I want to be a little mean to you tonight?”

Danielle bit her bottom lip softly and made a quiet sound that lived somewhere between the territories of aroused moan and excited giggle Her partner smiled at her, and almost involuntarily bit her own lip while gazing back at her longtime flirtation in silence.

“Yes, it's okay,” She told her host, “It's more than okay.”

“You are beautiful, you know.”

“Am I?” Danielle's voice audibly softened.

“Oh...” Oleana sighed, “You are so cute.”

Danielle's gaze demured from Oleana's as she spoke. She quietly spoke up, and said “Anywhere you want. Anywhere is fine.”

“How's underground sex club dirty sound?”

“I don't think so... Maybe something more intimate this time?”

“Oh! I know. What about this…?” Oleana muttered, turning on the transparency to her apartment and snatching up the journal. Remembering quickly that Danielle could not see what she was holding, she explained what it was, and the project she was working.

The exceptionally cute, and much younger woman peeked out from behind her hair, “Real books?”

“They are. They're really something.”

“Can I see them sometime?”

“I'm not allowed to take them out of my house, but if I can get clearance from my building manager, I'll have you over to see them.”

Danielle warmed at this comment, “You'd invite me over? To your physical place?”

“Yeah...” Oleana told her, “I like you.”


“So, what about what?”

Oleana had picked up the story in erotic pictures, and summarized a scenario. The soft, subtle, smile of a succubus crept across her guest's face as she described it to her. As she selected the file, the whole environment changed in a whoosh of color and shapes changing. Danielle shivered with sensation. Her haptic gear was an older model, and it got a bit of internal feedback since it had never been properly recalibrated for her. Painfully aware of it, Oleana asked “Want me to fix that for you?”. She could almost hear it, it was so bad.

Shying away again, “Thanks, but it's not so bad.”

“It's pretty bad.”

Danielle bit her lip again and smiled, “Alright,” she paused, “Thank you.”

Once her interface caught up and rendered fully, Danielle found herself in a library. It wasn't just as it had been described, but the situation seemed to be the same. In character, she began looking for a specific book. The scenario was silly, but dirty and fun. Someone came around the corner, after a moment. It was Oleana, but her appearance had changed. She was male, just as tall, brown haired and young for his position. The chiseling of his jaw was of particular appeal.

“Professor!” she said, “I didn't see you there.”

Danielle prepared to respond, but just giggled for a moment. She said “I'm sorry, I feel silly. Can we just have sex?”

“Me too,” Oleana said, laughing as well, “And yes, we can definitely have sex.”

“Good. I've been waiting for this for two years.”

“Then get to work,” Oleana said, pushing Danielle to her knees in front of her and undoing his belt.

“Yes, sir,” she said, unfastening his pants and freeing his long, thick, hard, vein covered cock. She caught it's shaft as it swung out, and the gear translated it into haptic sensation against the walls of her pussy. Instantly, Danielle wrapped her lips and tongue around the head of his cock and stimulating Oleana's clit. Watching her crush suck a cock attached to her body was a powerfully stimulating experience, and Oleana knew it would not take long for her to cum.

It was a strange sensation when he grabbed her by the head and shoved his cock into her throat. The gear translated the feeling in an unexpected way. It didn't feel as real as when she just had the head in her mouth, but she liked it. She sucked his cock enthusiastically, deepthroating it when he fucked her mouth. He was close, so he stopped fucking her and let her take over.

“Make me cum”, he said, holding the back of her head so she couldn't stop. The sound of his voice turned both women on immensely. “Be a good slut, and make me cum.”

“Will you give make sure I get a good grade?” said Danielle, embracing the theme as much as felt natural.

That little bit of fantasy on top of everything else was enough. Oleana was at the edge, and breathily screamed “I'm cumming. Oh, fuck, I'm cumming!”

Danielle reacted by stroking faster and sucking harder. With one final bellow of ecstasy, he pulled away from her sprayed her with hot, wet, slippery cum. When she played with it. He came on her face. Pulsed and throbbed and erupted white ropes and puddles onto her face. Once, twice, again, again again. She was pelted, and soaked. Hot cum dripped from her chin into her lap, onto her breasts. This experience the simulation got exactly right. It even felt right when she rubbed it between her fingers, and against her skin.

“That...” Danielle said, panting, “Is fucking amazing. I feel filthy.”

“Me… Too,” Oleana breathed hard between every syllable, “I… feel… amazing.”

They both remained quiet for a second, before Danielle asked, “Can you go back to being you for a minute? You're so beautiful, and I came to see you.”

Smiling uncontrollably, Oleana said “Yes,” and helped Danielle to her feet. Without even the press of a button, the library disappeared, and they had returned to the apartment. The strange man had gone, and the tall, strong woman of her desire had reappeared. There was a kiss. The first, and it was amazing. Deep, and passionate and sexy and affectionate all at once, and neither one knew if it would last forever.

When it finally ended, Danielle asked quietly “Will you read to me?”

Oleana picked up a book, “Yes. Do you want to stay, tonight?”





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CoPassenger In Flight To Bed Partner

Hi ISS readers, This is Akshay and it is my first attempt at writing a sex story. This is based on my most recent experience that happened in the beginning of 2017. I have had several encounters before I got married but this is the first one after I got married. Hope to write many more stories ;) Maybe a quick introduction before I begin. I am little over 6 feet. I indulge in sports and of late lawn tennis has helped me maintain my fitness level and also increase stamina. Recently, I did a full...

2 years ago
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Saggy Tits

Daphne Blake when almost asleep would think of being with a guy with his fat cock stuffed into her mouth while his fat cock was up her ass. Okay, she knew that was an impossible simultaneous feat even for the most acrobatic of men with an over-size dick but it sure beat the hell out of dreaming of scoffing cream cakes. The former fantasy was better for her figure, possibly. Daphne would then finger herself off to sleep. The 29 year old suppose some women might get themselves off in a cream...

2 years ago
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Hockey Buddy and His Wife 4

After the hockey game I headed over to Pete and Katie's house. When I got there Pete was always naked and his five inch dick was at full staff. I'm guessing Katie was already sucking him off. Katie was wearing a shear nighty. After giving me a drink, Katie said, “What's your pleasure?” I gave Katie a passionate kiss and felt her ample bosom then licked my finger and stroked her clit. Katie groaned and said, “Get out of your clothes.” I sipped my drink and said, “I want to watch you guys for a...

3 years ago
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The Sea Cave Submerged Desires 2Part 1

Cass threw another swimsuit onto the bed. “Argh!” She yelled in frustration. They were supposed to leave for the party five minutes ago, and everyone was waiting for her downstairs. She felt stress sweat bead up under her arms. Cass needed to look irresistible for Javier, but she still wasn’t sure her outfit was quite right. Maybe the black halter bikini was too predictable? At least she knew she looked hot in the blue silk halter dress. She reluctantly decided to just go with what she was...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 36 A Visit From Doctor Whittaker

January 12, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “You have three interviews today,” Kimmy said after I greeted her on Friday morning. “Two of them are by videoconference.” “Thank you,” I answered. “Would you see if Gwen Meyer is available?” “Of course! What kind of tea would you like this morning?” “Green, please.” “Coming right up!” Ten minutes later I was sipping green tea and speaking with Gwen Meyer, discussing the situation with Michelle. “Everything depends on what you want to do. We wrote...

1 year ago
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My Pregnant wife Laura fucked by friends after par

I was running around like crazy trying to keep everyone happy.My wife Laura and I had asked friends over to celebrate the fact that my wife was now pregnant with our first c***d.We only invited around 10 close friends and their partners, so the night was in full swing and I was attempting to keep everyone happy.I walked from the kitchen towards the family room an thought I could see my wife kissing someone in the corner of the hallway at the bottom of the stairs. I hid behind the wall then...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Sexy Mausi Part 1

Hi reader, my name is Abhi, this is the true story of my sexy mausi ( mom’s younger sister) and me. I live with my parents in Chennai and my masi who is a school teacher in Hyderabad visits us every summer for a week or two. I was in final year engineering having a summer break after the exams. My mom informed me that my masi is coming to our house for two weeks. I was so happy because my vacations were boring. Next day she arrived and gave me a tight hug as soon as she entered the house. I...

2 years ago
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Your Hot Coworker

You found Samantha Palmer attractive from the moment she first walked into your office to apply for the Social Media Manager at Google, but your obsession with her grew over time. She came into the interview as a woman who knows she's attractive - wearing a skirt long enough to not be slutty, but short enough to show off her fine pale white legs. You like hiring attractive women, and Samantha - with her tall skinny body and long dark brown hair - was your type but it was her experience that got...

1 year ago
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Sex With Cousin Sister

Dear All Good Day I am Garry an north-Indian and a happy married man .Its my First story submission .This story is about me and my cousin sister Sonia (Name Changed ).I am 32 years engineer working in a good MNC in Chandigarh .My Cousin Sonia in currently studying in First year .She is FAT FAIR and lazy. She takes ages to complete a given task. She lived nearby so she used to visit our house often .Once I asked her to bunk her college so that we can go for a drive which she agreed .I took her...

2 years ago
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Corrupting the elves

You lived a normal life. Going through highschool, then a couple of jobs as you found your place in life. You were turning 25 today, not a milestone but your crush from highschool had agreed to a date with you. You were on top of the world as you walked across the street. You didn't see it coming, didnt even know how it happened. One moment you were walking towards the resturaunt, happy as could be, and the next you werefalling, the light above you from the open manhole getting further and...

3 years ago
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The FavorChapter 5 The Hairdresser

I gave Rachel a few minutes to descend from her orgasm. That was the first time I had ever seen a woman make herself cum, and it was all I could do to keep myself from throwing her on the bed and having my way with her. She would have enjoyed it too, but I wanted to make it even more special for her. I walked her to the bed and handed her a dress. "Wear this," I said. She took it from me and looked at me with a smile. "You always were a sucker for a sundress," she said. "But this...

1 year ago
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Doing it with my girlfriend and her daughter

Roxanne just grinned, and I knew that face. She made it many times during our relationship, and it was always good. It was mostly when I ate her pussy, and she was about to cum all over my face. She kept that face, and slowly walked over towards us. She didn't seem mad, but she was something. I didn't commit to being sorry, or entitled to fuck her daughter, I just let her say whatever she needed to say. She actually leaned towards Sofie, and not me. She took a good look at her naked body, and...

2 years ago
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Gianellas sloppy blow job

Well, I have like 45 minutes to kill, sang the high-pitched, sweet little voice of my chubby Latina friend Gianella, would you like a sloppy blowjob? My ears werent expecting that question, and I swear I must have blushed. Perverted middle-school teens dont get that question often, or at least, this one doesnt. Or hasnt before at least. Maybe she saw me staring at her C cup boobs in her tight see through t-shirt, or she detected my eyes on her squeezable round butt in those tight jeans a few...

2 years ago
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oh so naughty 2

Her parents had befriended me (but then Liz didn’t know how much I wanted to fuck her) and I was a lot older than Nancy. It was wrong and after a while I resolved that enough was enough. There would be no more incidents. With that, I drifted off to sleep. Manfully ignoring the little voice at the back of my mind telling me how good it had been, and it could be better yet. Next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and well rested, despite my turmoil of the previous night. It was a Sunday,...

3 years ago
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27 Minutes

July 2014In all my travels, the Paris Metro is one of my favourite transport systems. Whether whizzing across to breathtaking views of La Tour Eiffel or hopping up to Anvers to marvel at the gleaming Sacré Cœur and bustling artists of Place du Tertre, it's an essential piece of kit to explore what is arguably the most romantic European city.To plan a Metro journey -- just like most other underground systems -- the rule of thumb is to allow roughly three minutes per stop. While transit time...

3 years ago
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Crazy Love

My best friend myself and some of her coworkers decided to hit up a club together since its been awhile since we've all hung out. Shaunie is a regular on the club scene so it was easy to get us in or so we thought. I watched her as she talked to the promoters and couldn't help but recognize them both. I made my way to where she was to give myself a better view... my heart smiled it had been almost two years since I had seen them both. I had gone to college with them and a few of they're other...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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With My Hot Sister 8211 Part 6

Continuation of my story With my hot sister Part – 6. Finally she came out wearing the black transparent saree which I have presented to her. Madan exclaimed loudly “what a gorgeous babe”. Bindu become angered and started scolding madan for commenting her in such a way. (She was happy inside for his comment but she pretended to show anger as i may take her wrong if she showed positive reply). I was taken aback as my plan may fail because of her resistance. I called Bindu inside the room and...

3 years ago
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Our Only Hope Chapter 01

I could have run this through my regular publisher and made a couple hundred dollars, but I am posting it instead because many more people read my posts than buy my books. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses...

3 years ago
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girl to girl

Introduction: best friends become lovers? I lay on the black leather sofa, my silky smooth legs over my best friends lap. It was one of those old leather sofas that was a little bit worn, but you literally sink in to. It was soo comfortable. Its warm leather and anorectic smell made the whole place homely. I held a large glass of rose in my left hand. We were watching our favourite chick flick: hes just not that into you! We had moved into the apartment together before starting university,...

3 years ago
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Alternate Reality at Last

Brief info: I always wished I had been born a girlThis is the story of where that wish is granted.It's an alternate reality wherein I retain all prior memories of being a boy, plus new memories of my life as a girl. Everyone else always knew me as a girl, and my possessions changed into girl stuff. (It's not an exact science, there will be issues, just go with it)Not 10 minutes ago I had been an 18 year old, horny, confused boy. Now here I was standing; a 16 year old, (still horny) girl. I...

2 years ago
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The Receptionist Part Three The Conclusion

The medical office was cheery and well lit. There was a large fish tank off to one side, and lots of windows and seating in the half-filled waiting room. On the wall were several posters on health-related topics, with a few on gender and mental health very prominent in the middle of the main hallway. I noted the color scheme had quite a bit of blue and pink in it overall. Vicki sat by my side, holding my hand as I awaited my turn. It had been a wild couple of weeks since I first made...

4 years ago
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A Weekend Away

It had seemed such a good idea when Margaret had booked this weekend away. A few days where the world couldn’t find her. No phone, no internet, probably no electricity she wouldn’t have been surprised. But importantly no work. The website described it as a quaint Civil War era mansion house with many original features. To be honest it was rather lovely. Set miles from the nearest town in it’s own extensive, slightly overgrown gardens. Long covered balconies on all four sides. A very restful...

2 years ago
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The Monarch

(Authors note: I'm finally satisfied with this intro.) Yograynia a world filled with magic and wonders, in this world existed the vast continent of Griogazias surrounded by a never-ending ocean which with it unknown land. Once the continent was ruled by the mighty Magus Empire, known for their silver white hair partner with their white cornea that made people looking into them think that their are staring at the abyss. The Magus was able to rule the continent all thanks to their mastery of...

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A night in hell house

May 18, 1931 Simon Wagner sat in the back of a Bentley Rolls Royce. He was a tall thin man of wavy brown hair and mental medium who was semi famous along the East coast. Simon had been working with Dr. Harold Rhines at Duke University Although his girlfriend Grace Lauder had left him recently because he seemed to have no sexual interest in her, he was very excited to be going to the old Belasco house. Just four months ago Alita Crowder's brother-in-law David, was attempting to renovate the old...

1 year ago
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Private Shelley Bliss Casting With Anal

Redhead, petite and sexy, that’s right it’s Shelley Bliss and she has come to Private Specials, Lovely Lassies for a casting with Private stud, Kai Taylor. Watch as Shelley shows off her perky tits and juicy ass before getting all warmed up in front of the camera. We then get to see her real talent as she drops down on her knees for a mouthful of big cock, giving a great sloppy blowjob and getting things wet and ready for a hardcore pounding in her tight little pussy and ass, culminating in a...

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What she cant get at home 3

I received a message a few days ago from a young woman named Stacy, she explained, for her husband, Wayne's birthday, she had agreed and organised a threesome for him, with a friend of hers, and now it was coming up for her birthday, and she really wanted a threesome too, but with another guy!I happily replied back, and after a little chat, we organised a day to meet, and promptly on that day, my doorbell rang right at the correct time, and i eagerly strolled towards it eager to say...

3 years ago
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482, HANDING OVER THE WIFE You may or may not know of a friend of mine on here, one Mya, she is married to Marc. Mya is a pretty bubbly sex mad wife, mid 50`s though looks 30`s takes a size 12 pantie, and a 38” bra and is only 5ft 4” tall describing her hair as copper blonde. Mya and Marc have been married a while now, live on the south coast, and enjoy life to the full, he`s about 5ft 8 or 9 neat, tidy, fit, and dotes on his highly sexual wife, Sadly Marc is unable to sire c***dren, and that...

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Meeting Mistress

Two years ago I was in a funk. My girlfriend and I had recently parted. It was never truly satisfying as I felt her mind and imagination were closed, even to discussing fantasies. After a long day I ventured out to walk the city, take in the air, and maybe a drink. After a few stops, I found myself far from my apartment in a darkish bar, settled into a comfortable booth for what seemed like it would be a long solo rest of the evening.My introverted thoughts were interrupted by my notice of an...

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Caned at the Barbecue

She is naked on the bed next to me. I have been scratching her lightly freckled bare back and smacking her lily white and firm buttocks – she relishes that – and now I have her left arm held firmly behind her head, her long, curly and chestnut hair flowing onto the pillows. My right hand moves to her groin whilst I bring my mouth close to her and begin to whisper in her ear…"You are at the barbecue… the barbecue we are holding for our friends… but it is also just before a quarter to four… and...

1 year ago
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The Big Bully

Wow man your cock is huge he said. Thanks I said back to him So he put his hand around my cock and started to give me a handjob. At first i was crept out but i couldnt tell him to stop i wanted it alot more Go faster i told him he kept going and i closed my eyes then i felt something wet on my cock. it was his mouth and it looked like my cock disappered. So i grabbed his beautiful blond hair and started to fuck his mouth. Awwwww yes baby i screamed as he kept tighten his mouth So he got...

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