Deal With A Demon Pt. 1 free porn video

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Windows down.

Wind through my hair.

What a great day!

Heading down the freeway, I’m on my way through Texas. I’m finally heading home from a long “business” trip. Too long.

And when I say business trip, I mean something that’s nobody’s business.

The Foo Fighters are playing, Best of You. The best part is I have the road to myself. Not another car in sight. Just me, this joint and good music. And some boy walking down the road. I take a good puff and blow smoke rings out the window. Oh wow! That boy looks good. I should pull over and see if he wants a ride!

As I roll up beside him in my Audi, I get a better look at him. He’s got on a red pair of shorts, showing off his hairless legs. A tight shirt that shows a rather feminine body. I turn the music off as I roll down the window. “Hey kid, need a ride?”

The kid looks surprised. He looks around before finally meeting my gaze again and then he points at himself as if to ask if I mean him. His face is so adorable, especially with that head of raven black hair. “No, I’m talking to the flies, of course, I’m talking to you.”

He meekly nods his head. “Well hop in then.”

I reach over and open the door for him and he nervously hops in. He’s got the darkest brown eyes I’ve ever seen. His skin is a creamy caramel color. Almost too delicious. “So kid, what’s your name?”

“I… I’m Felipe,” he stutters, his English is pretty good, I’m surprised. I can easily tell he just came over the border.

“Well, Felipe I’m Draco. It’s nice to meet you.” I extend my hand. He looks at it for a couple of seconds before placing his soft tiny hand in mine. “So how old are you, Felipe?”

He looks up at me as I give his hand a couple of shakes. His grip is rather non-existent. “I… I… I Just turned 18.”

No way! How did I get so lucky!? “You don’t say? Well, what is a kid your age walking hiking out here all by yourself?” I ask him.

He looks at me with those innocent eyes… I can tell without reading the dear boy’s mind that he’s trying to decide if he can trust me. The flustered look he has on his face is utterly adorable.

“You can trust me, Felippe. I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” That’s mostly the truth. I’m not going to hurt the boy. But my intentions aren’t entirely pure.

I see the gears are spinning in that developing brain of his. His thoughts are causing such tension in that lithesome body of his. So much conflict in the boy. I can practically see the battle that’s going on in his mortal mind.

“I… I’m…” He hesitates as if he still can’t decide if he should tell me.

“Let me guess, you’re running from something.” He nervously nods.

“Are you not from here?” I ask.

He shakes his head no. Just as I thought, he must have somehow crossed the border from Mexico. He’s an illegal alien. Just perfect.

“Where are your parents?” I ask. He tenses up at the mention of his parents. Suddenly tears fall from his eyes. I can only assume they didn’t make it or worse.

“Are they still in Mexico?” He shakes his head no only confirming the worse.

“Did something happen to them?” He nods as more tears flood his eyes.

“They’re… They were killed…” The boy begins to cry in earnest. Poor thing.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Everything’s going to be alright from now on, you’re with me.”

He looks up at me with those sweet eyes and tries his best to wipe away the tears.

“Do you have any other family?” He nods frantically.

“I.. I have a twin sister…” He says.

“Where’s she?” I ask.

“They took her! The bad guys took her.”

“The men that killed your parents?” He nods in confirmation and more tears fill the boy's eyes. Hmmm. I see opportunity in the boy's tragedy. Hunt down the men that killed his parents, save his sister and I’ll have a two of them. Plus I’ll earn the boy’s loyalty. A wicked smile appears on my face. I can only assume the girl is going to be used as a sex slave. Huhhh, cartels… Such awful humans…

Who am I kidding…

I’m planning on doing the same thing with this poor boy. Of course, mortals don’t have any right to have slaves. They’re no greater than the ants they crush under their boots. Besides, the boy will enjoy being mine, once he comes to terms with his place in life as mine. Of course, we should really break the notion of her being a boy right away. As soon as I get the girl into my home, I’ll show the girl her new life. We’re not far from my penthouse. Fuck… I’m so giddy with anticipation.

“They are horrible people…” He says looking out the window. He looks so delicious… I could practically… Come on Draco, keep control of yourself.

“So, Felipe… Now what?”

He looks up at me once more with those cute feminine eyes. I can feel the urges rise up in me. “I… I don’t know.”

“You don’t know? That’s not good. I take it, you didn’t think things through, did you?”

He shakes his head. He’s all alone and no one’s going to be looking for him, besides maybe the cartel. How did I get so lucky?

I’m going to have so much fun with this little sissy. I can feel a devilish grin curl on my face. “Well, don’t worry. I’ll take care of you. Is that what you want? For me to take care of you?”

“What.. what would that mean?” He asks timidly. He’s rather cute when he’s nervous.

I give him a big smile. “Well… You’d come to stay with me. You’d have plenty of food to eat, clothes to wear and a bed to sleep in. Of course… if you don’t mind, I would like it if you abide by some rules and of course, earn your keep.”

“Rules?” he asks. The shocked look on the boy's face excites me.

“Don’t worry about those, we’ll go over them once we get to my place.” We finally arrive in Dallas and soon after we’re pulling into my building. I open the door for the boy and hand the keys to the valet.

“Mr. Kustova, welcome back,” Rosemary says as we walk through the grand entrance of glass. The floor is all stone with two creeks flowing through to an indoor pond stocked with Koi fish.

“Thanks, Rosemary. Make sure I’m not disturbed for the rest of the day.” She nods. She’s looking fine as always in her black business suit and fiery red hair with a face full of freckles. Maybe later I can have more fun with her. “You’re looking lovely as always.” Her face burns almost as bright as her hair.

“Thank you, sir!” She squeals at the compliment.

“Also if you could have someone bring up some clothes for Felippe here, I would greatly appreciate it. You know the kind I like.” I’m going to have this sissy dressed up pretty by the end of the night.

“Right away, sir!” she replies.

“Thank you, Rosemary.”

I place my hand on the boy’s shoulder and slide it down to the middle of his back as I usher him along to the elevators. I can feel him tremble at my touch. His face only barely makes it up to my chest, which kind of turns me on even more.

Once inside the elevator, I command the voice recognition system to take us to the top floor and it recognizes me. I still find the technology these mortals create deeply interesting. To think they’re cable of such feats amazes me.

“Is… is this place yours?” The boy asks as he looks out the glass walls of the elevator at the view of the city.

“Yes, it is all mine.” My voice carries the weight of that statement. As we finally reach the top, the elevator doors open up to my penthouse. The boy’s eyes go wide, struck with awe at the extravagance of the suite. Which is ironic to me. I find it rather lacking compared to the other places I own.

With my hand still on the boys back, I lead him in. The floor is a dark grey marble which leads to a dark charcoal sofa in a rectangle shape that horseshoes around the entrance to the elevator. A white fur rug lays in the middle of the sofa. There are stairways that lead up to a loft on each side of the sofa. The stairs come out from the walls. It’s opened up between the stairs and leads down to the dining room, which has a rather long rectangular table with 10 chairs around it. All of which are a deep charcoal grey color to match the theme of the room. A wall of windows wrap around the elevator and stops at each of the stairs, then continues on the other end. On each glass wall is a door that leads out to the balcony that wraps around the entire place.

I escort the boy to the sofa and push him down as I take off my suit coat, then I pop a squat next to him.

The look on his face is priceless. A mix of fear, awe, nervousness, and hint of sexual arousal. Just a small hint.

I look him over as he nervously looks away. I gently grab his chin and pull it towards me. “Don’t worry, you have nothing to fear from me,” I assure him. At least, I’m not going to hurt him, but I do have other intentions for the boy.

Just to test the waters, I pull the boy closer and bring my lips to his. I can feel his body tense up as I shove my tongue in his mouth. He doesn’t back away or tries to push me off. He’s just frozen. I can feel the fear seep off of him. So tasty!

My hand slides down to his neck and falls to his chest. It continues to travel down south until I reach the bottom of his shirt. Then I begin to tug it up over his head as I pull back from our kiss. “Listen, kid… I’ll make a deal with you…” I say, finally breaking the silence. He shyly tries to cover up as my hand lands on his thigh, but he listens to me.

“I’ll help you rescue your sister and exact revenge on the people responsible, in return… I want you… Mind, body and soul.” The look on the boys face made my dick twitch.

“What?!” He asks with such a startled look upon his beautiful face.

“That’s the deal, in exchange for saving your sister from such a horrible fate and killing those who are responsible you will belong to me.” His eyes widen as he registers the words I spoke.

“What… What would you do to me?” he timidly asks.

“Oh don’t be afraid. Honestly, it’s not as bad as it sounds. Obviously, there’s going to be a lot of sex, but like I said many times now, I have no intentions of hurting you. In fact, I bet you’ll come to enjoy being mine,” I assure him as my fingers caress his thigh.

“How do I know you’ll keep your promise?” he asks.

“That’s a good question. The fact that I’m even proposing the deal with you has to mean something. I could have just tied you up and had my way with you, but I’m not that kind of de… person.” Almost slipped up there. This boy has me infatuated so much that I’m not thinking clearly. “Unlike my brothers and sisters, I don’t take pleasure in others suffering. I prefer to see my lovers happy.”

“Besides, a happy servant is a loyal servant. Loyalty is what I desire.” Along with that tight little butt of yours. These dirty thoughts aren’t helping. “You’ve been through a lot, the death of your parents, the lost of your sister. I’m offering you shelter, pleasure, food, the chance to save your sister and exact revenge on the people who did this to you. All you have to do is be with me.”

“What will happen to my sister?” This boy is smarter than he looks. I’m impressed and that rarely ever happens on this planet. “Another good question, you’re a bright boy. I promise no harm will come to your sister and once she is freed from the scum who took her, she is free to do as she pleases.”

“Okay… If you free my sister and kill those monsters, I’ll do it.” His face is full of a delightful combination of fear and hope.

“Awesome! Even though at first I’m sure you’ll rethink this arrangement, eventually you’ll come to love it. All that’s left is the paperwork.” I snap my fingers and a scroll burns into existence. I smile as the look on the boys face is mingled with shock, amazement, and above all else utter fear.

Why is fear such a powerful emotion? It always gets me excited. Makes me want to do terrible things to these mortals. It’s like a drug to beings like me. If I wasn’t trying to be good, I would’ve relished in it.

The scroll unravels, revealing ancient demonic letters that say what I want them to say. That the boy will be mine for all of eternity and then some. I take his hand and bite into his thumb drawing blood. Pressing his bleeding thumb against the scroll, his fate is sealed.

“What… What are you!?” he asks with trepidation.

“Well… I guess there’s no point in hiding it anymore. You belong to me for all of eternity. Hahahaha.” I can’t help but give out the stereotypical demonic laugh. What’s the point of being a demon if I can’t have a little fun?

Standing up, I transform into a shadow of my true form. Horns, tail, wings, digitigrade clawed feet. Burning halo and all. “I’m one of 13 gods of the demon race!” Fear has completely taken over him. I can feel it seeth off of him, so tasty. But alas, filling the boy with fear isn’t my intentions, I’d rather fill him with cum.

In an instant, I’m back in my human form. Sleek black hair, neatly trimmed goatee, and stash, not an ounce fat and of course a rock hard cock. I may or may not have forgotten the clothes I wore. Who am I kidding, I did that on purpose.

Standing naked before the boy, he is paralyzed with a melting pot of emotion. I can feel each and every one of them as if I was the who was feeling them. I don’t even need to read his mind to tell he believes he’s in way over his head. Poor thing. Scared, nervous, confused and slightly aroused. His eyes drop down to my cock. I can his thoughts fill up with my dick. I let myself collapse onto the corner of the couch, laying one leg towards the boy as the other remains planted on the floor.

I beckon him to come here with my finger. He takes a big gulp, swallowing down his nerves. “Don’t be afraid of me, Felipe, as I’ve stated over and over again, I have no intentions of hurting you,” I reassure him. “Quite the contrary, I intend on making you experience orgasms so powerful, you’ll be begging me for more.”

The smile on my face said it all. I just want to fuck this boy until he passes out. “Now why don’t you come over here and seal the deal. After that, I’ll save your sister and kill the fucks that are responsible.”

His eyes go wide and I can see the conflict expressed on his face. He’s uncertain whether he wants to. Part of him believes it’s wrong. Society drilled it in him that homosexuality is taboo. But another part of him is curious. I can see the battle being waged inside his mind, it’s really turning me on. Now’s the moment of truth, submit to me and save his sister or… Is there really any other choice?

He hesitantly stands up and starts to make his way over to me. “Hold on a sec, you’ve still got clothes on. Take them off.”

Fuck! The embarrassment on his face is priceless. His shyness is so sexy. So naive and innocent. Corrupting this boy is going to be so much fun.

Reluctantly, he starts to unzip his shorts and tugs them down. Oh, look at this! He’s got on a pair of whitey tighties. His caramel hairless legs look as if they’re as smooth as silk. Look at the tiny tent pitched in those undies. So adorable. I want to see that butt of his. “Turn around and bend over as you take off your underwear.”

His face goes bright pink. Slowly he turns around. Oh fuck, that ass is absolutely gorgeous, wrapped in that tight pair of undies. I can tear my gaze away as he bends over and starts to pull them down revealing the tightest ass I’ve ever seen. Oh, good lord, all I can think about is stuffing it with my cock. Get ahold of yourself. Don’t lose your nerve or you’ll destroy the poor boy.

I want to keep him in tip-top fuckable shape for as long as possible. He looks over his shoulder at me, still bent over. Finally, he stands up and turns around. That little cock of his swings like a pendulum as he moves. His little ball sac is so tiny, but it’s so cute. “Now why don’t you come over here and get on your knees. Taste my cock.”

Another gulp from the boy as his eyes fixates on my cock. Finally, he closes the gap and drops to his knees. I can’t help but lick my lips as his tiny little fingers wrap around my gigantic cock. They can’t even reach all the way around it. He looks up into my eyes. “I… I’ve never done this before,” he says timidly.

“Done what?” I ask even though I know the answer. I just want to hear him say it.

Once again he swallows his nerves. “Ss.. sucked a cock…”

“Ha, Of course, you haven’t, which kind of surprises me no one else has taken you for themselves. A boy like you is hard to come by. But don’t worry, you’re in good hands. I’ll take real good care of you. Now give my dick a lick. Just pretend it’s a popsicle. A cock flavored popsicle.”

He closes his eyes and sticks out his tongue. Feels like an eternity passes by the time his tongue closes the gap between my dick. Of course, being a demon time works differently for me. Seconds feel like days.

Oh, fuck! His warm wet tongue sends a jolt of lightning through me as it touches the tip of my dick. His eyes open up as he realizes he just licked my dick. His face contorts as he contemplates whether he likes the taste or not. He gives it another lick and then another. It’s obvious he’s come to the conclusion that my dick tastes good.

“Kiss the tip,” I instruct. He does as ordered and puckers up his lips as he presses them against the head of my cock, giving it a nice kiss. “Now take the head of my cock in your mouth.”

He looks up into my eyes, almost pleading. But he relents and opens his mouth as he takes my dick inside it. The look of this adorable little femboy with my cock in my mouth almost sends me over the edge. There’s got to be something about this boy! Not many mortals can have such an effect on me as this boy does.

I’ll get to the bottom of it… After I bottom out in him of course.

The boy's tongue swirls around the head of my cock, sending a wave of pleasure through me. Damn! This boy is a natural cocksucker!

He tries to take more of my cock in his mouth and gags as the tip of my dick hits the back of his throat. How adorable. Got to give him credit for trying.

FUCK! He nearly pulled the jiz out of my balls as his cheeks collapse trying to suck it as if it were a bottle full of milk. I can’t nut so soon! I haven’t even got a chance at that butt of his. Oh shit! That feels incredible! His tongue going along the length of my cock is like having lava poured on me. Which feels so damn good, by the way!

Fuuuuck, A hot lava bath does sound goooooood! Shit! He just took one my balls in his mouth. This boy is amazing. Truly a treasure I need to protect. I’m not going to let anyone lay a finger on him, he’s mine!

How did I get so lucky to come across such a find? Hearing the pop as my nut falls from his mouth sends me into pure ecstasy.

Once again, I feel his tongue on my dick as it slides back up to the head. “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

He looks up at me as he kisses the tip again. He shakes his head. “No, sir.”

Such manners, he is a definite keeper. It’s hard to find someone who shows the proper respect a demon god like me deserves. Nothing pisses me off more than someone being disrespectful.

I hear the sound of the elevator opening up. Ah... Rosemary steps in with two racks filled with the clothes I requested. The boy’s head whips around to look. Instantly his face burns red as he fills up with humiliation.

“No need to stop what you’re doing, keep sucking little girl.” Might as well start referring to him as such.

He beams up at me. “I’m not a girl!”

“You are whatever I want you to be, or did you forget… I own you. Now keep sucking. I’ll forgive the lack of manners just this once since you lack the experience to know that disrespectful little shits get punished severely.”

I see his face drain of life, once again the poor girl is flooded with fear. I may have gone overboard a little. I don’t really want to hurt her. I give him a rare compassionate smile. “Continue sucking my dick like you have been and punishment will be the last thing on my mind. Heck, I’ll even throw in a reward for such a good performance.”

After swallowing his fear, he resumes sucking my dick. With those lips wrapped tightly around my dick, this must be what heaven is like. Fuck those stuck up angels for keeping it to themselves. Fuck heaven, they can keep it. I’ll take a blowjob from this little girl any day.

“Where would you like these, sir?” Shit, I almost forgot she was still here.

“Put them in the closet in the spare bedroom. But feel free to stay and enjoy the show. This kid is a natural cock sucker!” Her face lights up with delight as she takes a seat on the sofa and watches little Felippe suck my dick with eagerness. She’s such a sexual deviant. Maybe I’ll fuck her after I get this kid’s sister back. Speaking of his sister, I can only imagine what she’s like. If she’s anything like her brother, I might have to reconsider letting her go.

Ooooh shit, once again he’s trying to take as much of my cock in that little mouth of his only to end up gagging and coughing. I’ll have to teach her how to properly deep throat a cock later. But I can’t lie, seeing him struggle is quite the turn on.

Oh wow, he’s back at it. Trying harder to take my cock as deep as she can. Hard not to admire such determination. “Try swallowing it as it reaches your throat.”

He looks up at me with those beautiful eyes for a brief moment before taking my cock back into his mouth. This time as it reaches the back of his throat, she fights back the gag reflex enough to swallow. Ripples of pleasure erupt through me as my dick plunges down her throat. Her eyes go wide as her airway is blocked off. Before she can pull back, I grab a handful of her hair and held her there. I just couldn’t help it. The sight of my cock sunk to the hilt inside her throat almost awakens the demon inside of me.

She’s desperately struggling to pull my dick from her throat. The lack of oxygen causes her eyes to roll. I release my grip and allow her head to fall off my dick. She coughs and gags as she tries to breathe. Such a sight to see her struggle.

I think I’ve had enough of her mouth, time to try out that ass. I grab her and help her up to her to her feet. “Time to pop your anal cherry,” I say, giving her a wink.

“Please no! Please don’t hurt me, sir!” At least she remembered her manners. “Your cock is too big!”

Her pleading is music to my ears. Before she can say another word, I take her face in my hands and pull her in for a kiss. “How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not going to hurt you,” I whisper in her ear as my hand sinks down her back and grabs a handful of that ass of hers. I press my presence in her mind and

I pull her up into my arms as her legs wrap around my waist and her arms hold onto my shoulders. I can feel Rosemary’s eyes on us as I gently lay my little treasure down on the couch. I can feel a hint of jealousy in her, but that’s almost drowned out by the lust she’s filled with.

I give the girl one more kiss before I press her legs up against her chest. My tongue runs up and down her crack. She lets out a girlish moan. My tongue meets the tight little butthole of hers and presses up against it. I feel her tense up as my tongue slips inside. I let it slither up her little rear as she lets out a little gasp. My cock is raging hard right now and hers isn’t flaccid either. I run my fingers up to her little sack of balls, giving them a gentle squeeze. She squirms at my touch. Her little cock can’t be more than 4 inches long. So cute.

I can feel her prostate with my tongue and I press up against it. I can practically feel the burst of pleasure that tears through her.

“Enough foreplay, time for my cock,” I announce as straighten up. I grab my 13 inches of meat and let it drop on top of her little dickie. Ha! You can’t even see hers underneath monster. She sees my fat hungry member and looks up at me with fear. “Don’t worry, my petite little girl. I’m not going to ram into you with 13 inches right away.”

With a mere thought, I let my cock shrink down to the size of a human index finger. Relief washes over her like a flood of cold water. “I promised I wasn’t going to hurt you, I always keep my word.”

Most of the time…

Pressing my finger size dick against her tight little pucker, it doesn’t take much for it to pop inside of her. She lets out a gasp as my cock pushed past her sphincter. As her ass accepts me, I slowly let my cock grow just a few inches, stretching her out, but not enough to hurt. Her face burns hot as she feels my dick grow inside her, slowly filling her up. I pause the growth to let her ass adjust. I want her to enjoy this.

I can hear Rosemary moaning and without looking I can tell she’s rubbing that wet pussy of hers. It’s music to my ears.

Slowly, my cock grows bigger inside her little butthole, stretching it out more and more, until I see her wince in pain. Too much, too soon. Keeping it at that size, I hold it still until her ass adjusts and the pain is gone. I guess she can only take 7 inches for now. Slowly I start gyrating my hips in and out of that tight little butt of hers.

Her body has started to sweat as I bottom out inside of her. She lets out a soft grunt as her little dick stands at attention. She goes to grab it, but I grab both of her wrists, pull her up and shift her so she’s laying down so I can get on top of her. She wraps her legs around my waist as I pin her wrists over her head with one hand. “Sorry, love… You’re not allowed to touch your little cock. I want you to cum from my dick in your ass.”

She squirms and writhes, trying to free her hands to no avail. She looks up into my eyes as sweat rolls down from her brow. The way she looks, with the mess of short black hair all disheveled, her caramel skin all covered in sweat, expression filled with pleasure, lust, shame, humiliation and a bunch of other emotions, it almost causes me to bust a nut right now.

As I look into her eyes, I can see she’s lost in all the pleasure. I rub that flat chest of hers with my spare hand, giving each of her nipples a tweak before sliding my hand up to her neck. I start to thrust harder into her, really slamming my dick into that prostate of hers which caused her to yelp.

Letting go of her hands, I bring my lips against hers as our bodies press up against each other. One hand reaches underneath her head as the other grabs her hip, as a slam my cock into that ass. She moans into my mouth as I continue to pound her. She wraps her arms around my shoulders.

I can tell she’s close. I hear the elevator doors open up and Rosemary jump out off of the sofa in surprise. The annoyance pulls me up from my little treasure, but I still continue to pound away at her asshole. It’s way too late to turn back now. I need to release my seed inside her. Whoever has interrupted this will learn quickly why it was an unwise decision. Oh, wait... It’s…

Suddenly her little dick explodes, spraying both of our bodies with cum. The way she squeezes down on my pole literally milks the cum out of me. I erupt inside her little asshole, filling her up with my seed. She moans so loud, I’m sure everyone in the building can hear her, but the effects of my cum has already started to take over her little body, sending her into a deep druglike haze. Soon she’ll be out cold. I pull out and shoot out one last load of my orange creamy jizz all over her little dick and nutsac.

“Quite the show, Amun,” the woman who intruded on my fuck session says. That voice could only belong to one person.

“Kailyn Black, or should I say, Nemesis.” The fiery red-haired woman bites her lip as she looks down at my little treasure. Her eyes have that lustful stare. “Don’t get any ideas. This one is mine.”

I turn to Rosemary. “Why don’t you take the kid up to the spare bedroom and tuck her in. Maybe wash her up first. And take these clothes up with him.”

“Yes master,” she says as she

“Lucky you, don’t worry. I just recently got one of my own. A brilliant boy around the same age as yours.”

“I hope you didn’t come all this way to talk about your little fuck toy.” She laughs as she tries to decipher my intentions.

“I just came here to make sure our ambitions don’t intersect. Why are you here? What do you want with this world?” she asks bluntly.

“Probably the same as you. Gather enough power to wage a war against Hel.”

“Are the demon siblings not getting along?” she asks with such an arrogant tone.

“Are you getting along with yours?” I retort. Void gods… Always acting as if they have the upper hand. It wouldn’t take much for me to overpower her. Surely she didn’t come here to pick a fight.


“Get to the point already. As you can see, I’m very busy.”

“Seeing how my enemy is your enemy, I came to see if we could form a truce. At least for the time being.” Ha… She knows I’m much more powerful than her, she knows demons as a whole have the advantage over void gods. I can assume she hopes to use me as a shield against my brethren and hers.

“What’s in it for me?” I ask.

“What do you mean, what's in it for you? Is an alliance with me worth so little?”

“Huhhh, I suppose. But if you betray me, Nemesis, It’ll be at the cost of your existence.”

“As long as we share the same enemies and our ambitions don’t bring us opposite each other, I see no need for it.”

“Very well. I’ll agree with your alliance. Now if you please, I’ve got some mortals to hunt down, torture and kill.”

“Sounds fun, I wish I could join you, but alas I have business of my own to take care of.” With that, she left the same way she came in. With just a thought, my body gets covered in clothes of the luxurious kind.

In the blink of an eye, I’m upstairs in the spare bedroom to find Rosemary filling up the closet with the girl's clothes.

“Oh, lord! You scared me.”

Those words cause a smile to appear on my face. My little treasure is still out cold underneath the sheets. I sit down next to her. She’s so peaceful, lying there. I bend down and lay a kiss on her forehead. She’ll be out for some time now. “Rest peacefully, my dear.”

I plant a sweet dream in her head as Rosemary finishes putting the last of her new clothes in the closet. Once she wakes up, we’ll settle our deal.

Hope you enjoyed, please feel free to leave any feedback or questions in the comment section.


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Bureau of Extra Normal Affairs Dealing with Demon

All of them had been effected by the night of Faeries’ vernal ball, but perhaps most so was Redmayne. For the next couple of days he found himself unable to look at either of his undisputed favourites. He blushed heavily in their company which was to their great amusement, so much so that on one occasion they both collapsed into a fit of uncontrollable giggling when he chanced upon them in the archives. Which of course only served to further increase his embarrassment. Despite this, he felt...

1 year ago
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Binding the Demon

Two days after the attack, they finally reached the river Sarn. The water moved along a gentle current, and trees lined the banks. Orange light reflected off the drifts, filling the stream with glittering brilliance, and darkened by the time they settled their campsite. Aurianna pulled Clara aside, “You can bathe first. We’ll be nearby by. Just, no screaming over snakes this time, yeah?” Embarrassed laughter and acknowledgment followed as Aurianna mussed up Clara’s hair. Turning, with hunger in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Iribis the Demon

"why am I summoned mortal?" his voice was filled with venom. "you're here to give me information, please tell me your name."  "Iribis, what is yours?" "mine is not of importance as of now. I have summoned you and you must listen to me and follow my commands." he said with an ever gaining confidence. "this is a deal I do not like, how about this human. You release me and I'll tell you the secret to immortality, all I want is to be set free upon your world." it said with a wicked...

3 years ago
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Mom Is a Demon

I can’t believe what I just saw. Thank God she didn’t see me! I came home from school, shall we say, unannounced. Yeah, I cut class. Big fuckin’ deal. I’m seventeen. I’m practically an adult now, and who needs school if your mom has money? Anyway, I came into the house hours early, expecting to be alone. I headed upstairs to my room. Ever hear of a Sybian? Holy shit! I think I might be in love. Well, maybe addicted is closer to the truth. Trust me. Any time I go for a ride, I hit that big “O”,...

2 years ago
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Adventures of a Merchant Dance with a Demon

Adventures of a Merchant: Dance with a Demon by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels 3. Choices Notes: - Thank you to Hope Eternal Reigns whose editing so often causes me to embarrassedly exclaim, Doh! - The use of ~ around dialog designates it as something a den in the City of Glanlies... A tale untold is like jewelry unsold, precious and shining gloriously, only for its owner. With my writing contract not extended...

4 years ago
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Eye of the Demon

Perik crouched behind a bush, shivering with mingled impatience and fear. Out in the clearing something waited, yet she had to go that way. Go that way, and soon! She whimpered, muzzle low to the ground as she peered through bluish-green foliage. A sheer cliff rose to her right, and on her other side the swamp crowded close. The clearing was her only path to her cubs, and it was blocked. Amy looked out of place in her neatly pressed lab smock. Her blond hair and clear blue eyes called for a...

4 years ago
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Inner Demon

The dream was a familiar one, to Aurianna. A memory from before Matthias had fallen from grace. Before he sacrificed himself for her. The recollection haunted her for years, feeding her guilt. But it wasn’t all bad. Some parts of it were rather pleasant…With the sun beaming down on her eyes, Aurianna awoke, irritated. “Master?” she called as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, looking for him. Where was he? “Master?” she shouted a bit louder, standing now, stretching greatly. She walked a ways,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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You are a PseudoDemon

Story Editor: Actiaeon You may look like an average human to everyone else, but you can transform into a demon! Well, not really, you are something called a pseudo-demon, a "normal" human with the powers of turning in a demon version of themselves. You are tall, have dark brown hair, blue eyes, 4 inches of dick (6 when hard) and mouth-watering muscles in your human "form." After you transform you are even taller, even more, muscular and have red eyes, horns, red skin, a tail that ends in...

1 year ago
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Living With a Demon

The world before him was strange. A place of pitch-black darkness where the only source of light appeared miles away. Random walked for what felt like hours. The glow his lighthouse pushing him forwards. The young man finally made it to his light only to be greeted by a sight that he could've never imagined. A large red serpent slithered towards him, its entire body radiated with light, it's crimson eyes peering from the shadows at him. Despite its appearance, it was the only source of light in...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 41 The Naughty Succubus Wicked Demon

Kurtis – Drakin Castle, the Haunted Forest The succubus’s pussy suffocated me. I couldn’t breathe. She held me tight to her cunt. Her petals spilled over my lips and nose. I had to breathe. But if I did, I would drown in her pussy cream. It would fill my lungs. I had to submit. I had to lick her if I was to survive. My chest burned. My head pounded. I clenched my jaws tight. I welded my tongue to the roof of my mouth. I would not give her the satisfaction. I did not submit. I conquered....

2 years ago
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Taken by a Demon

I took a shower, toweled dry, and put on a bathrobe. I was drying my hair when I thought I heard a noise from the garage. Not barking, but like someone thudding against the closed kitchen door. Armed with the blow dryer, I went downstairs and tip-toed cautiously through the living room and out into the kitchen. I could hear a dog whining just outside the door. "Well, shit," I said aloud, at the sound of which he began to whine even louder and started scratching at the door with his claws."Hold...

3 years ago
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The Night With a Demon

It was a Friday. I was sitting in my English class. And despite my new found friends, I still liked sitting alone. I could focus and work better. Then the door opened and our vice principal came in with a boy walking behind him. This Dark black (darker than Joshua's, the total absence of colour) spiky hair. Pale skin. Clean shaven face. He wore a black "Breaking Benjamin" Shirt. Black jeans with a chain on them and combat boots. He carried a black bag over his...

1 year ago
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I am Hornless. A demon. One of the many infernal entities who have been graced with the ability to blend into human societies with minimal risk of detection. Unlike our more chaotic kin who delight in embracing the worlds they visit in fire and brimstone, Hornless are far more subtle, like a whisper in the wind, the third voice in one's consciousness given a living, breathing vessel, disguising ourselves to spread sin and debauchery in silent, conspiratous wakes. This immortal shell of shape...

2 years ago
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Contracts of Skin Enslaved to the Sororitys Demon

Exposed to the hard spattering of raindrops, I had never been smaller than at my grandmother's graveside. Grandma Carolina Haverton MacKinley herself was small next to my great grandmother, Helen Haverton, who took "Haverton-Gibson" as her married name. Grandma Helen worked her husband, an architect, to found a construction and real estate empire. She began in Portland. Our properties now dominated areas as far south as California's Sacramento delta. My mother managed it now.My mother wept...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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The Pervengeance Demon

No-one knows how old the Pervengeance Demon is - very few people know she exists. That's kind of the point. While other supernatural beings and denizens of the underworld are concerned with gaining power, loyalty and worship, she just wants to play with her powers. She loves a good prank and has the powers to carry it out. Specifically, she loves tricking women and she gets off a lot on empowering men - empowering them to do the naughty, 'corrupt' acts they wouldn't be able to do...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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He Demon

As they say about the merits of iron versus wooden lawn furniture, "No rust for the wicker." Right in the middle of writing a gargoyle, I read an article in a newspaper that gives me an idea for another gargoyle. Since it's a Halloween-ish sort of story ("Halloweeny" sounds like a cocktail hot dog you give out to trick-or-treaters), I decided to write it now. Hope you enjoy, and YES, this was inspired by a _true_ story. More about that after the story. By the way, this story has been...

4 years ago
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The Angel and the Demon

Angelina sat on her bed, wearing a negligee and silky see through robe. She looked out of her window and saw the clouds from her balcony. It's been very peaceful ever since the battle of the angels and demons ended. The war, however will never end. Being a princess of angels, its really hard to not think of the war. She turned off the candle and lays down. She closes her eyes. A sudden noise woke Angelina opening her eyes. She gasped as she saw a shadowy face above her. She tried to scream, but...

1 year ago
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Fucking With a Demon

The coronavirus is everywhere. The non-stop media coverage, the hysteria, like it could be Armageddon. The end of days, end of the world. Coronapocalypse! And all I can think is that I’m too young to die! I can’t die, at least not yet, I don’t want to die without ever having sex! That’s right. I’m a virgin. Not that I don’t want it, or that I’m a Tim Tebow religious type of douchebag, or that I haven’t tried, but, sadly, I’ve yet to do - “IT.” I’m a virgin, a fucking incel. And with the...

4 years ago
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Sailor Moon The Rise of Demons

Sailor Moon - The Rise of the Demons By: Night Creeper and SethiteDisclaimer: All of the Naoko Takeuchi characters are owned and created by Naoko Takeuchi. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Naoko Takeuchi, they are still owned by Naoko Takeuchi. Any resemblances to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS...

1 year ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 13 Dining with Demons

What is the nature of demons? Are they the demons case down by god, the spawn of Satan, as humans tend to believe? Do they come from a different world? What are they? Demons come from all over the worlds. They are dimension travelers, but most specifically, they are beings that feed off of life. They are parasites. There are few that know the true origin of demons, most of them being the first demons. Some of them are still alive. Stories claim that the demons came originally from a harsh...

3 years ago
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Driving out the demons

Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, an 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. “Ooooooohhhhhh oooooohhhhhhhh oh god eeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiii.” Polly could see her uncle’s head between her aunt’s legs. Her aunt was...

3 years ago
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Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons By Morpheus This is a story idea that had been bouncing around in my head for over a year before I finally decided to start writing it. Originally, I'd envisioned it as an anime series and as such, I ended up writing it as a serial and posting it on Big Closet and the TG Fiction Yahoo group over a period of about two months. Part 1 I leaned back in the passenger seat of my vehicle, silently listening to the radio. There wasn't any music playing or...

1 year ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 11 Inner Demons

I am a vampire. I did not turn as any other has. I was not bitten by a vampire. I had no sponsor into the world of darkness. No one showed me the canal from which to draw power. My beginning is clouded in mystery, even from my own memories. I simply am. I was not from this world called Earth. I arrived from another world. I came from chaos. I come from a world of fire. My world was a place where the air is so thick with sulfurous gas and toxic smoke that nothing can survive simply by itself....

3 years ago
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SOs Vampire To Demons

Every so often one of the men would shoot their thick, hot load inside Princess Humblunt or douse her skin heavily, leaving the princess so thoroughly slathered that just touching her would leave you filthy. By the time each of the men had finished destroying their toy they were so exhausted and drained that they hardly noticed the princess had gotten a little too eager and sunk two of her teeth into each of their shafts while she was sucking them dry. The princess was not specifically...

2 years ago
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This time, I probably won’t come crawling back to Rebecca. I know full well that I fucked up choosing her, and there is no coming back from it. “Can I at least get my clothes?” I called from the sidewalk, but the only answer I got was a slammed door. She was probably going to sell them anyways. “Damn.” I jostled with my jacket pockets, trying to find the keys to my sports car. Finding my keys in my left pants pocket, I started the car and began to leave. I didn’t want to know, or care to...

2 years ago
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Worshipping the Demon

Penny stretched looking round at the last few items resting against the far wall. Yvette smiled at the exaggerated sigh Penny gave. It was not obvious at a glance that the pair were sisters, they had very different appearances. Penny was the oldest at twenty two. She was short, a couple of inches under average height. She had short, stylish black hair and dark eyes. Her figure matched her size in that it was small, but not too small. Her breasts were not tiny, instead they matched her...

2 years ago
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The Demon

The Demon By Anna Na Maus This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. If you are offended by Trans stories please don't read any further. This is a short story that just popped into my head one night. Anyone who has read my other works will know that I try and...

3 years ago
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Xxxecils NymphaManiacsChapter 5 Not Woman but Demon

I didn't want to go into the field uprepared; so that meant that there had to be a way to test out new weapons and technologies before I was placed in danger. I needed a controlled environment in which I could determine whether a given chemical or weapon would affect Nympha. So that meant I had to have Nympha. Here, on hand in my abandoned Brownfield factory. There was really no other way. The elevator door opened and I stepped into a chamber with a two-story high old reactor...

3 years ago
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Christmas is approaching again. Before my ex wife left ten years ago, Santa was still alive and well in my daughter’s imagination. I enjoyed the holiday season back then, never letting anyone forget what Christmas was really about. The last Christmas we were together we attended midnight service singing His praise. By New Year’s Eve she had left, moving in with some man that I had no idea even existed. She never voiced any interest in seeking custody of our daughter. I’m glad she didn’t. My...

2 years ago
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SOs Vampire Two Demons

Surrounding kingdoms that knew of the cursed lands, known as the ring of ashes, often forbid anyone from going near such a place and felt it was better left forgotten. So long as only the peasant villages between the nobility and the ring of ashes were seeing people disappear every night it wasn't exactly a big deal. Then things changed, and nobles began to disappear as well. At first it was only a small handful of lower class nobles, and all except their closest relatives made little of it,...

2 years ago
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The Dom and The Demon

*SLAP* His eyes glow in anger. She turns and walks back to the table leaning down with her ass up in the air and pulls two pocketknives and an intricate dagger out of her boot and places them carefully down on the table. Then with one pull she frees her hair, standing up and flipping it behind her. As it falls it settles wildly around her shoulders and over her breasts. She take a moment and stare at her subject...soaking in the realization if all she's about to do. His bluish-green...

1 year ago
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The Dom and The Demon

Introduction: He opened his eyes carefully scrutinizing his surroundings. His wrists and ankles were leather cuffed to the walls of the mysterious dungeon and his tattered black feathered wings spread out behind him along the walls… He opened his eyes carefully scrutinizing his surroundings. His wrists and ankles were leather cuffed to the walls of the mysterious dungeon and his tattered black feathered wings spread out behind him along the walls. His clothes laid strewn across the floor torn...

3 years ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 5 Decisions and Demons

Iliafray awoke to the not unfamiliar sensation of a tongue lapping at her cunt, reaching down she felt Sophia’s head resting on her thighs while her tongue lapped away as a wake up call, she pressed Sophia’s head down encouraging her in her efforts. Sophia was leisurely in her efforts trying to slowly build Iliafray up to a climax licking around her labia and clitoris with slow deliberate motions finally as she felt Iliafray approaching her climax she nipped reached up and thrust three fingers...

1 year ago
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Goetic Justice 2Chapter 8 Angels and Demons

Campfires lit the dark forest, casting long, dancing shadows between the trees. Clustered around them were soldiers clad in combat gear, their rifles leaning on nearby trunks or hanging over their shoulders on slings. They muttered quietly, making idle conversation as they waited for the order to move out. The squad had been assigned by the Grand Lodge to take out a rogue summoner and his familiars who were holed up in a nearby grove, but it was protected by magic that was beyond the order’s...

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A Lesser Demon

Hello, my name is ... well I don't have name. Lesser demons don't get names. We are just expected to roam the Earth, using our very limited powers until we make an impression on the big man downstairs. What do we do? Well the same thing as the big, famous demons. We each have our assigned field: greed, anger, envy, lust ... I was lucky enough to get a lust specialty in perversion. My job is the same as the powerful succubi and incubi: turn people toward a life of sexual perversion. I'm getting...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Ahhh the demons are coming, coming so fastThey bare your soul like an ugly past. Pounding their chests and fangs so sharpThey rip and tear inside my head and heart.I can’t escape them...Let me be!Why oh why do you do this to me?I was hidden away in my seclusion Where it was safe in all my delusions.My mind screams outBut my mouth says naughtI’m trembling in fear of being caughtHidden here in my little secret spot.I long for peace inside myselfBut the demons rage cannot be shelved.Their claws...

3 years ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 18 Dungeons and Demons

Friday, July 17, 2009, 11:00 AM The tunnel reverberated with the screaming. Tricia, Annie, and Joey were shrieking and crying as they plummeted through the fiery shaft. The walls were covered in flames, and they could see faces formed in the flames, faces screaming in their own agonies. The solid fire whip that wrapped around Tricia’s and Annie’s bodies cut hard into Tricia’s stomach, and she clawed at the mystical bonds, trying to free herself. She couldn’t find a break in the whip. All...

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Alana felt distressed. The weather had deteriorated and she felt the stirrings of the approaching electrical storm. Winds strengthening and blowing her long auburn tresses around her pretty face. Little she could do with manacled wrists attached to chains which only allowed her s few feet I’d movement. The creature could smell the human and instinctively knew it was a female, a distressed one at that. It made a pleased grimace which was never human, baring it’s long canine like fangs. The...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 3 Battling Demons

The ringing alarm clock hits Jerry's head like a freight train. He rolls over and hits the off button. The only thing he wants to do is go back to sleep. His better judgment tells him it's a workday. Sleeping in is not an option. He drags his naked body into the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot. Stumbling back to the living room, he sits down in his chair and closes his eyes, trying to catch a few more zzz's before the coffee is done.Sitting in the chair, still half asleep, he notices a...

4 years ago
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A Life in the ServiceChapter 15 Fighting Demons

I walked off the shuttle with returning men and women on leave. I crossed to the sergeant on the orders desks and slipped my ID tags across. She looked at me for a minute before touching them and then smiling, “the Demons have been waiting sir.” I smiled, “so I was told sergeant.” She handed the tags back, “My cousin top sergeant Samantha Morgan said you were nice.” I looked her over, “how is Sam?” She grinned, “suffering a term teaching the basic training course.” I laughed and glanced...

3 years ago
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Dungeon of Depraved Demons

It’s been a rather quiet and boring month since your best friend Amy left on another of her business trips and left you in charge of watering her plants. You’re used to doing this for her since she tends to leave unexpectedly for a couple of weeks, but now you’re getting worried because this is the longest she has ever been gone without giving you a call. You don’t even know where she went! Over at here place, you finish watering the azaleas when you finally decide to look around and see if you...

1 year ago
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Goetic JusticeChapter 7 Consorting With Demons

When Ryan stepped through the door of his apartment, Nahash was waiting there for him, lounging on the couch as she watched him hang up his coat. She was treating it like a chaise longue due to her size, reclining on it as she leaned with one arm on the backrest and the other trailing over the side. Her long legs were crossed, hanging over the adjacent armrest, her cloven hooves touching the floor. She had always been distractingly attractive, but for the first time, he felt free to really...

2 years ago
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The Demons Within02 Wrestling with Demons

Phil considered, once again, what to admit to his family. He didn’t want to undermine their confidence and shake their faith in him. Opening his front door, he forced himself to smile. “Hello. How’s everyone doing?” His unexpected greeting surprised Toni and his wife, Jane. More than anything else, as it wasn’t his typical approach. “I’m glad you enjoyed your afternoon off,” Toni replied. “I hope you got it out of your system.” “Why? Is there more demand than usual?” “Uh, not...

4 years ago
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Date With A Demon

Heather sighed wearily as she put the last of her children to bed. The kids, ages 2 years and 4 months had been unusually clingy today, and she was exhausted! Normally her husband took the children out on Saturday evenings so that she could have a few hours to herself, but with Mark away on a week long business trip, she was on her own for the next few days. As Heather poured the bubbles into the bathwater, she heard the clock strike 8 pm. Heather slowly undressed, taking the time to examine...

1 year ago
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Life with a demon

I walked to the old fashion bookstore that you would see in movies, the building had paint peeling off and was made of wood. I walked into it to hear a chime from the bell above the door and the gentleman at the counter saying, "Welcome, I hope you find whatever you are looking for." I nodded and went more into the store. I was looking at the book until one caught my eye. I pulled it out from the bottom of a stack and looked at it for a few seconds until the stack fell on me. A few minutes...

3 years ago
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Mirror Demon

You cough as small clouds of dust rise up off the floor with every little movement. This particular room probably hadn't been used since your great great great grandfather's time or something because your footsteps leave deep imprints in the thick layer of dust. Almost like snow, if you want to compare the gross scene in front of you to something a little nicer to look at. Having finished your usual chores and duties, you thought it would be fun to explore around the castle but so far your mini...

1 year ago
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Possessed by a Demon

You stir with a groan and open up your eyes, only to close them again as a searing pain stabs you in the eye. Wondering what you did last night, you try to sit up only to find that you can’t. Something hard and unyielding is holding your wrist above your head. Awareness floods you as you realize that whatever the hard surface your laying on is, it’s definitely not your mattress. You thrash against your bonds as fear jolts you awake, only to fall back with a groan as the movement sends more pain...

3 years ago
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Taming the Demon

You sprint excitedly from your Chevy to the door of your log cabin in the woods. Finally, the gift from your archaeologist friend, Cassandra, came, just like every month for the past 2 years. You quickly enter and shut the door, eager to see what she sent this month. You set the package on the table in the center of the room and then glance at the mirror. Your bright emerald eyes appraise yourself in the mirror. You're wearing a white tank-top, no bra, a blue skirt, your mid-back length hair...

2 years ago
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The Demon

"How did it start?" Kim, my therapist asks. I stare off into space, looking out the window. It's cloudy today. Dark and gloomy. Just like my mood. "Amy," Kim says softly to get my attention. I turn my attention to her, but I am not looking at her. I am looking at him, Wayne. Tall and beautiful, so surreal. "How did it start?" she asks again. "It was one day when I was home alone. Dancing to the music from my cell phone. I felt someone staring at me, so I stopped and looked around. Saw no one,...

1 year ago
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Angel or a Demon

Saturday….Saturday…again its Saturday, one day of the week maybe I hated most when I was in class 9. You guys must be thinking why so? Well Saturdays were my nightmares…. morning 9 am I have to be ready as our old godforsaken driver would whisk me up and drop me at Nirmala Aunty’s Place at Southern Avenue. Nirmala Aunty, my mom’s best friend, drop dead gorgeous, extremely well educated, filthy rich, and last of all head mistress of a famous girls school, with a matching temper. I was...

4 years ago
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Snow Demon

"I think he's asleep." Craig's wife smiled at him, her hands gently tucking in the blue blankets around Billy. Their son's arms seemed to hug the stuffed bunny tighter. Even after almost a year, that kind of thing still got Craig choked up. He reached into the crib, touching first his son's head, then the bunny's. "Forget which one's our son?" Eve asked. Craig chuckled softly. "It's the one with less fur." He straightened, wrapping the robe around himself a little tighter and...

4 years ago
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Blackfeather38 Demons

RAMIE? Please don’t leave me, Ramie. I’m frightened. Where are you? Don’t leave me here alone! I was dreaming. Had to be dreaming. Miranda was dead. Please, please, take me with you, Ramie? I’m so frightened. Please. She was begging me and sounded so much like my Miranda. I wanted to take her into my arms and hold her. I wanted desperately to believe I was back in her body. That she was alive and we could watch our baby grow up. We would change history! “Miranda? How... ? Was it a...

3 years ago
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Deals and Decisions

It was a pain on Wednesday mornings. I always just had to wait around for the buzzer on my flat to go indicating Jared was there to open the bakery for me. It was a deal Jared’s wife, Lily, and I had. I could live above the bakery rent free if every Wednesday when the bakery was closed I came down and cooked the specials, rose bud cupcakes, rose water and raisin swirls and any birthday cake orders. Lily only owned the bakery as a pass time instead of a real job. Jared was a partner in some...

1 year ago
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One man’s Panty Deal is another man’s soiled drawer rip-off. Honestly, my dudes, the market for used panties is better than it’s ever been, so there’s no reason to settle for anything less than exactly what you want. You just need to know where to look, and you’re definitely on the right track. My whole mission here at ThePornDude is to help guide my fellow perverts to precisely the material that gets them off. Often that means pointing toward a collection of dirty movies, but I’ve got...

Buy Used Panties
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A Game of Demons

As the intensely bright light slowly recedes, you cough at the muskiness of the air - you find yourself now in a dark, sparsely light stone corridor, perhaps underground because there are no windows to be seen. The glowing purple pentagram you walked through hissed behind you before fading to a dull gray; touching the portal yields no passage back to Atter's Pit, the dungeon you were in the process of exploring for treasure before come here... wherever here is. "That was real smart of you,...

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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Her new home sat on several acres of land in the middle of nowhere. Listening all she could hear was the night creatures singing their song to the moon and the gurgle of the stream that fed into the larger river and the very back of her land. The stream was on her property but it was the unofficial boundary with her neighbors to the North. She hadn’t met them yet, but they were the closest people to her. The next closest neighbor was across the street and over a mile away. Sipping her wine,...

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