Camp Game NTR
- 3 years ago
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"Let's make camp for the night," Andreas said, "it's getting to be too dark for riding." his voice carried through the tall forest.
“How about that space over there,” I said while pointing left to a clearing in a circle of Redwood trees. It was far enough from the dirt road and surrounded by shrubbery making it hard to notice. I was sure it had enough room for our two tents.
“Wow, that’s amazing Lewis. How did you see that from here?” Reina said in an amazed voice.
I blushed, my eyesight has always been a source of pride for me. Back in the village when I went hunting with my friends I could make out prey in the distance when no one else could.
“Tch” Andreas clicked his tongue, “even I could’ve seen that from here.” then he spurred his horse on toward the clearing, his long braid flowing in the wind. I remember him saying that in his culture men only cut their hair when they lost a battle. It appeared Andreas had never lost before. Reina and I followed him.
Andreas had always been a bit of a jerk, and in the 6 months I knew him I still thought of him as my friend, barely. That being said, I certainly didn’t want him to come along with us on this journey. I wanted to spend time alone with my childhood friend Reina and confess my love to her. Then we could go on an adventure with just the two of us filled with romance and love. And now Andreas had ruined that plan. He said we needed protection and that he would act as our body guard on our journey to the nearest town. I had my doubts about that reason, though that doesn’t mean I was doubting his combat prowess. I guess I should’ve been more forceful in rejecting him. But Reina was fine with him coming along. She was reassured knowing that we had someone to protect us in case we ran into any unwanted trouble. What about my protection though? This womanizer, he always knew what to say to women. Letting a sigh escape, I wondered why he was so persistent in coming along.
The three of us rode off the road into the forest with Reina riding in the middle of us. When we reached the clearing Andreas dismounted first to the right of his horse and said -no, ordered- “Lewis, unsaddle the horses and set up the tents. I’ll get wood and start the fire. Reina tie the horses up and feed them.”
“Okay~” Reina sounded excited. It was the first time we had traveled out of our village, so it was no wonder.
“Yea, yea.” I replied.
When was it that Andreas had become the leader? Maybe it was only natural, he was muscular with a strong alpha presence. I felt inferior as a man just being in his presence, it’s not a pleasant feeling. Especially when I have a girl I want to impress. And now he was apart of our party! At least it was only to the nearest town. Oh and not only that but he also always seemed to give me the hardest chores! Ah man…... Oh well, I wasn’t about to complain though, nothing I could do about it at the moment and I wouldn’t want to ruin Reina’s mood. As we started to dismount I looked over towards Reina. Her skirt originally only went halfway down her thicc white thighs. Even as short as it was, Reina said it was uncomfortable for riding and decided to cut off even more of it. Now it barely covered her ass and showed off all of her long legs. I was a little mad that another man would get to see her beautiful legs. Reina was a bit of a natural airhead.
A pang of jealousy flashed through me. I noticed that as Reina brought her right leg over the horse. Andreas was greedily devouring her soft thighs with his eyes. The front part of her skirt got stuck on a side pouch of the saddle when Reina was dismounting. She didn’t seem to notice, so I opened my mouth to warn her.
“Ah, Rei-” but it was too late. In her excitement, Reina dismounted as fast as she could. And as a result, her skirt that was hooked on the side of the saddle got pulled up, revealing her smooth, white ass. Reina didn’t even seem to care, she was probably so used to wearing long skirts that she thought she wasn’t revealing anything until Andreas said something.
“That’s a great view you’re giving me, Reina. Are you inviting me in with your ass?” Andreas said while laughing. Realization finally kicked in inside Reina’s head. But before she could do anything Andreas slapped her ass. His tanned hand would surely leave behind a distinct red imprint on her white ass.
“Kyaaa!” Reina screamed while jumping up a little, “what do you think you’re doing!?” With her cheeks (both the ones on her face and the ones down there presumably) quickly turning red she panicked and tried to cover her ass with both hands instead of just unhooking the skirt. I’m not sure how much of her ass she could cover with just her hands though.
“Oh my bad, I thought you wanted me to spank you. You were presenting me with your bare ass after all.” Andreas kept lecherously staring at Reina’s butt while I hurriedly finished dismounting my horse.
“I’m not presenting it to you, idiot!” Reina stated while turning to look at Andreas. “Jeez, that really hurt.” I saw Reina’s arms moving, she was probably rubbing her ass trying to make it hurt less. Damn, this asshole thinks he can just treat Reina like another one of his whore girlfriends.
I got off my horse and ran to help Reina unhook her skirt. “What the hell Andreas, you can’t just do that to Reina.” As I almost turned around the back of Reina’s horse to help her, her eyes darted towards me, “No! Don't come near, Lewis, it would be too embarrassing.” Reina’s cheeks were crimson and the corners of her eyes had tears in them.
“Fine, I get it. Then at the very least Andreas, could you stop gawking and help her already?” I asked as I averted my eyes from Reina to the left.
“With pleasure,” Andreas said. From the corner of my eye I could see a big erect shape pressing against his pants as he moved closer to Reina. Slowly he reached around her stomach to unhook her skirt while further pressing his big, muscular body against Reina. She was only as tall as his chin. His right hand moved to unhook the skirt while the left moved down towards Reina's inner thighs. I thought I heard a slight moan come from Reina as Andreas grinded his waist against her hands that were covering her ass. Andreas kept moving his left hand, I don't know what he was doing with it since I couldn't see it from this angle. "Mmph." This time I heard the moan that leaked out of Reina's mouth.
This jerk, what was he doing? If he took any longer in enjoying this situation I would go over there and teach him a lesson. I’m not sure how I would do that, but I’ll have to try.
“Hurry... up al-already.” Reina said in a soft voice while staring downwards, her cheeks were dyed red.
“There, all done.” Andreas pulled his arms away and Reina’s skirt fell back into place.
“Get away from me then.” She pushed Andreas away from her back ran towards me. She jumped into my arms and I embraced her, Reina was as tall as my eyes, so she had to look up at me to make eye contact. Her face was flushed when she did.
“You’re not mad at me are you?” Reina asked, her hazel eyes were still a little wet and she looked at me expectantly.
“Not at all, the only person to blame is Andreas.” I said soothingly while stroking her jet black hair. “You can’t just do that to a girl,” I said while shooting a glare at Andreas. He shrugged then grinned “I said it was my bad,” Andreas said while not sounding apologetic at all, “plus how can you blame me? Reina has a great ass, I’m sure you would’ve done the same.”
“No he wouldn’t have, right Lewis?” Reina looked between Andreas and I.
That question surprised me. “T-that’s righ-” I stuttered trying to quickly get the response out of my mouth. I had thought about doing lewd things with Reina, but any healthy male would. Doing them before you were married though, that was another matter. Raising me, my parents always told me to wait for marriage.
“Whatever you say, Lewis, now get to work, the sunlight is almost all gone.” Andreas cut me off while grabbing a bow and arrows and walking off into the forest to go gather dead branches.
Truth be told I was extremely jealous and a bit mad. Andreas had seen my crush’s asscheeks, and spanked her! I could only dream of doing something so bold to Reina, and she didn’t even let me get a look. Now another man who we had just recently met had seen more of her body than me. Although I’m sure she didn’t deny me on purpose, in the moment she was panicking, I couldn’t help feeling frustrated. I had known Reina almost all my life. A swirl of mixed emotions gripped my stomach. It’s not good to think like this. I quickly shoved the thoughts out of my head. I still love her, of course. That reminds me. I have to confess to Reina soon.
“Don’t worry about Andreas, he can be a bit of an ass sometimes, but he’s not a bad person. Most of the time he’s a good friend at least.” I reassured her. I say that but the truth was pretty far from what I just said. I harbored doubts about his personality and our friendship, if you can even call it that now. I’m pretty sure Andreas doesn’t even see me as a man, just a boy.
“It’s okay, I trust your friends Lewis.” Reina gave me a warm smile. Then furrowed her eyebrows and spoke in an embarrassed tone, “And plus you can just think of him doing... that... to my b-butt as thanking him for coming along and protecting us.” Her warm smile became an embarrassed one as color returned to her cheeks as she was reminded of what Andreas did to her. She averted her gaze from my eyes for just a moment.
I gave back a wry smile in return, “I’m not sure how to feel about that, he was the one that asked to come along with us after all.”
“A-anyways, let’s get to work before Andreas comes back,” Reina said. She quickly walked away from me towards our horses readying to tie them up.
“Reina, if Andreas ever tries anything on you again, I’ll protect you for sure.” I called after her.
“Yeah.” was all Reina said as she turned towards me, flashing a light smile. Immediately she turned back around, starting on her duties.
I went to work on unsaddling the horses and setting up the tents. I talked big in front of Reina, but I wasn’t sure I could back it up. After all, there's no way I can take Andreas on in a fair fight, and I couldn’t do anything back there when Reina… I noticed that I was hard. Crap, I got hard just thinking of what Reina’s ass looked like. And how it would feel if I got to spank it. Think of the soft flesh jiggling as I laid my hand into it, of Reina moaning, of the ass turning red from my hand. Damn it, Andreas was such a lucky cunt. The fact that Andreas had that experience and I didn’t only seemed to make me harder despite my feelings of anger and jealousy. I wonder why that was?
As I was unsaddling Andreas’ horse I noticed a recording orb and a "Heavy Sleep" magic scroll in one of the side pouches. What useless things to bring along I thought.
After I set the tents up and Reina had fed the horses, we brought a log to sit on to put around where the fire would be. I took a seat on it and motioned for Reina to sit to my left. I decided that now would be the best time to confess to her. As Reina took a seat to my left, I turned to look her in the eyes. Her long black hair fell to her waist, and she had her arms between her juicy thighs, her long white legs rubbing together. Reina looked at me sideways, expectantly, her cheeks were still red and her breath was labored.
“Are you cold?” I asked worried, “you seem a little off.”
“Eh? Ah, um… ever since Andr-” Reina cut herself off, “no... it's nothing, I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
“If you say so. Anyways Reina..” it became harder to speak, who knew confessing to someone could be so nerve wracking? Especially since something was off about Reina right now. At the moment she looked more mature and lewd. Like she was giving off more pheromones than usual. I swallowed and started over. “Reina, I’ve always lov-”
All of a sudden Andreas burst through the trees carrying firewood and snapping dead leaves and branches beneath his feet, interrupting my confession. Man this guy’s timing couldn’t be any worse. I sighed internally. Maybe another opportunity would arise.
“About time you got back Andreas. It’s almost pitch black out here.” I joked through clenched teeth.
“It took me a while to get two rabbits. Game seems to be getting scarce… Was I interrupting something?” he looked amused.
“Nope, nothing at all.” I said resigned.
“Let’s talk about the tent situation.” Andreas said as he crouched down in front of the pit and got to making the fire.
“What about the tent situation?” I said questioningly. The fire illuminated Andreas’ face. He seemed to be staring off to my left. All while skinning the rabbits like it was something he had done 1000 times.
“I should sleep in the same tent as Reina, just to be safe. You never know what could happen in the night.” Andreas said. His gaze seemed to be stuck on Reina’s naked legs since a while ago. Maybe he could even see her panties from that angle.
“I guess that makes sense. I would be fine with that if you are, Lewis. What do you think?” Reina looked at me out of the corner of her eye, tilting her head a little bit. Her cheeks were still dyed red.
I didn’t even know how to respond to this situation. Letting my childhood friend sleep in the same tent as another man, much less the man that just touched her inappropriately earlier. Who cares what the reason is. Why is Reina fine with this? Maybe she’s just feeling really tired from riding all day and just wants to go to bed already, that should explain her temperament. Yea, that’s it.
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I was sorta expecting it, but it was still a surprise the first time an Earth Hero came through our bank. We had quite a few men who wanted to be crew on our warships and earn some easy money but could not swim, and I had to have something for them to do. I set four of them up as pairs of bank guards so that if anything happened one could continue to watch while the other went for help. One pair had the mornings and the other pair had the afternoons. I still remembered the bank at Long Cut...
Izuku Midoriya loved being a hero. He loved saving people with a smile and giving strength to the weak. He loved the feeling of doing something great and the happiness that followed from the people around him. Something he did not love however was paperwork. Sadly however, with great responsibility comes a great amount of paper-work. Especially if you're the number one hero with your own hero agency. Izuku groaned loudly and put the pen down as he finished his fourth damage report of the day....
Kalliste Periakes was humming to herself as she pushed through the door of the bar. "The Cubs need pitching," she announced to everyone in the bar... She was a young-looking woman with a thick mass of black hair, wide eyes and a generous mouth. Today she was wearing a Chicago Cubs jersey and jeans, not the usual attire for a graduate student at Northwestern University. "Amen, sister," one man said. "The starting pitching looked pretty good, but the relievers..." He shook his head sadly...
You stare down at the jailhouse commander. He looks your sandy brown hair and matching brown eyes over. Your hand buckled under two metal cuffs into a position where you couldn't jut out. You stare at the commander as he bears down upon you in the storage room of the small towny jailhouse. "John you know damn well I didn't want to catch you stealing from Mr. Timms local grocery store." The man said wearing basic cop wear, a cheaply produced blue t-shirt with a rusted badge above his heart. "I...
FantasyFollowing the Mayor’s suggestion, Mike and Erica decided to spend the night in Kevin’s house. According to the law as pronounced by the Mayor, it was their property. There wasn’t much in the house; just a bed, a table, two chairs, a chest, and some cooking equipment. The shed outside had the tools for running a small farm. The real value of the farm was in the livestock. After looking around the little shack, Erica opened the chest and looked at the contents. There was some cloth, a bundle...
Read the first chapter if you haven’t already, this will make a lot more sense. This chapter is a little shorter than the first, due to the need for character introduction, etc in the first chapter. Hopefully subsequent chapters will be a little longer than this one, but I am aiming for more numerous, shorter chapters than a few massive ones. I think it is easier to read, easier to keep your place in the story if you don’t read it all in one go, and it means less waiting in between installments...
I couldn’t sleep. I had been trying for what seemed like hours. So, I went for a walk to the park, hoping that would allow me to checkmate the sandman. That’s when I came upon the situation. A guy and a girl in what seemingly looked like an argument. Finding myself not ready to return home yet, I decided to eavesdrop on the squabble. From what I gathered he was her boyfriend and wanted a piece of her ‘teasing’ ass, as he so quaintly put it. I thought to myself, ‘I don’t blame him.’ The girl...
All characters in this story are over twenty one except the baby. Morton Franks was out for his Sunday walk. He liked the peace and quiet of the neighborhood on Sunday. His route took him around the park and then down Oak Street. He was a mile from his house when he saw the smoke. The smoke was coming from a small house set back off the road. As he approached a woman came screaming out of the front door followed by a blast of smoke and flame. ‘My baby! My baby!’ she screamed, ‘I can’t find my...
Welcome to Part 5 of the Hannah’s Hero tale. The same warnings about content given in Part 1 still apply, of course. I love reading your comments! I’d like to take a second to tell everyone that, though this work is inspired by what my own younger sister and her husband have had to endure, it is a work of fiction. I know that I am not accurately portraying the internal workings of the military, that’s not the focus of this story. My intent is to honor our veterans and their families, not to...
Blond and balding, divorced and ready to give up on women, Eddie Cox closed his toolbox and walked out of the computer room of the small branch of Albion United Bank, swallowing the last of a tomato sandwich. He stopped abruptly, a shotgun pointed at his belly. ‘Who are you?’ asked the gunman, blue eyes looking coldly through eye slits in his hood. ‘The computer guy,’ Eddie croaked. ‘I don’t know the combination to the bank’s safe.’ ‘Of course you don’t,’ snarled the gunman. ‘It’s on a time...
You want to know, how I met your dad? Well, I warn you, that's a complicated one. And it ´s messy! To be honest, at some points, it won´t show your mother in the best light, and you might think I am kind of slutty and all, but I taught you to be honest and accurate, which means I have to be it too. There might be a lot of sex in it as well. Yeah I know, that's nothing kids want to her about her mother, but you´re adults now and maybe you learn a thing or two from it. Hey, don't cover your ears....
It all started when Robin posted this picture in his faceb**k status, one night: As we all know, the famous social media platform is used for people of all kinds to connect and share content; Robin was just one of the millions of them. But what made him decide to share this photo and its story on faceb**k was going to launch something of a magnitude that he never could have forseen coming. He was the kind of guy that othe rmen considered lucky; somehow, his timing very often allowed him to be...
This story is like one half of a twin. You can read either one first, itdoesn't really matter as there is no logical order. And yes, this storycontains male-male sex, and no, you do not find that offensive, neither isit i*****l for you to read this otherwise you wouldn't be here, and what amI still slowing you down for, just... enjoy.Motorcycle-Hero I,by Willie Hewes"Hey!""Huh? oh, sorry I...""Well you don't have to jump like that, I only said hi.""Uh, hi""You like it?""Yeah, it's...
Madhav had been away at college for nine months, as it was his final year of engineering education at IIT Delhi. During this time, his mother used to call him almost daily on his Reliance mobile phone. Madhav has become very close to his mother Sarita after the death of his father. Her phone calls were full of love and longing to meet him and glowing expectations about his final results.Now as he was returning home with good marks and a placement with a leading technology firm in their R&D...
With all of the superhero stories going around, I thought that I'd try my hand at one, with a bit of a different twist. Enjoy......... Raven The Heart of a Hero The wound . . . was . . . quite fatal. Lois Lane lay in a pool of her own arterial blood. "I'll . . . go for help," whispered Jimmy Olson, trying to ease her pain. He knew that in his heart of hearts it wouldn't do any good. Still, he had to do something. "It'll be okay." Jimmy started to rise to go. Lois'...
This is my third Carnival of Mirrors tale. The others, also available on fictionmania, are: Carnival of Mirrors: Four Fates. Carnival of Mirrors: Generations. Like those, this one is a standalone tale. You don't have to have read them to follow this tale, but if you enjoy this one you'll probably enjoy them, too. If you like stories with a World War II setting you might also like my story: Mantra: Day of the Storm God Most of that one is set in Berlin during the final...
Angel S:1 E:16 Season One Finale "The Hero and the Terror Part II" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover --- Acknowledgments Back in August of 2013, I began writing my first ideas that had been occupying my mind for years. Looking back to that night, seated in front of my computer when I began typing "Angel's" first couple words, I never thought it would become something to so many people. After several revisions I finally reached...
Don't be a hero By Claire Heatherton The hot desert air hit Kenny like a ton of bricks when he walked out of the Airport towards the Taxi stand. It was Kenny Hannington's first trip to Las Vegas, he and his friend Larry were there for a one day convention and three days of relaxation. Kenny never really believed Larry's claims that it was possible to relax in Vegas but he played along anyways. The flight arrived late in the evening with the hopes to avoid the crowds. Of course...
Kathrine gasped as she sat up in the bed. It's too soon, he couldn't have rescued her and returned already she thought to herself. She spoke to the room, "Lights please." She quickly rose, dressed, and moved toward the door. I'll meet him at the portal, since this was his second rescue he still may not be sure of what to do. I'll have both of them checked in the healing chamber and then take Ava Foreman to the bedroom. Then I'll have Jimmy wait in the den. It just seems to be too soon....