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Another tale of the ‘wild west’ and the characters that lived in that exciting time.

Life was simpler then, a time of stark contrast, a world of black and white. But there were a few gray areas.

This is a story of one of the men who lived in that world between black and white, between good and bad, and between the law and the outlaw.

Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are much appreciated and most welcome.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this story. I hope you enjoy it.


‘Mr. Lowell?’ The young man asked. It was an April morning on a cool but sunny day in 1960. The young man had started out from New Braunfels at 7:30. He got lost a couple of times and it had taken him an hour and a half to find the ranch and this man. When he didn’t get a response for the elderly man he asked, ‘You are Mr. Clint Lowell, aren’t you?’

‘Who wants to know?’ The old man asked as he stood up. ‘And why is it any of your business?’

The old man had been sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of a modest home. The house sat on just over two acres in the hill county outside of New Braunfels, Texas. It had once been in the middle of a good size cattle ranch but most of the land had been sold off over the years.

‘I’m Sam Reybern Mr. Lowell,’ the young man answered. ‘I work for National Geographic Magazine.’

‘National what? Oh yeah, that’s the magazine with the pictures of the natives with no clothes on.’ The old man laughed hard and then coughed for a several seconds. ‘Seen them pictures a time or two.’

‘We do print pictures of other things sir. You know landscapes, cities, vegetation and…’

‘Never paid attention to anything but those naked natives,’ Lowell interrupted the young man. ‘You tolt me who you are but why are you here boy.’

Sam looked at Clint Lowell and could picture the young man he had been. Even at his advanced age, Clint stood straight and tall. He’s about 6 feet and 180 pounds, Sam thought. Lowell’s hair was mostly white but still had a few streaks of dark brown running through it but the walrus type mustache was pure white. Those blue eyes could likely bore holes in you if he got angry, Sam observed.

‘I’m doing a story about range wars and feuds in the old west sir,’ Sam replied. ‘Mostly in the middle to late 1800s. One of the range wars I’ve done research on is the Pleasant Valley War in Arizona. I know you were involved and hoped you would tell me about it’

‘Not much to tell sonny. I was only ‘involved’ as you say for about a week.’

‘But Mr. Lowell, you were actually there. As far as I can tell, you’re the only living person who was involved in any of those wars and feuds. It would be exciting to hear the story first hand.’

Clint didn’t reply and stared off at the hills in the distance. Sam had the good sense not to push the old man. He knew from talking to people in New Braunfels that he’d have to go slow or Lowell would tell him ‘get the hell off my property’.

After several minutes of silence, Clint came back from wherever he had been in his mind. He smiled at Sam and said, ‘This is God’s own backyard boy. Clint swept his arm around at the rolling landscape. ‘Not good for raisin much sides cattle and kids but it suits me.’

Sam really looked around at the countryside for the first time. Searching for the Lowell place he hadn’t really paid attention to the scenery. He saw a country of rolling hills mostly cover in cedars and junipers with grassy valleys in between. From where he sat he could see a lake in the distance. Sam understood Clint’s reference to it being God’s backyard. It almost took your breath away.

‘Yes sir, I can see what you mean. It’s real pretty country,’ Sam said. It never hurts to compliment a man’s home, he thought, although he was sincere in his appraisal of the area. ‘Will you talk with me, Mr. Lowell? I mean about the Pleasant Valley War.’

Clint stared at the young man for several seconds. He can’t be more than 25, maybe 30 Clint thought. Know he’s educated cause he’s a writer but he looks like a cowboy that got dressed up in his Sunday go to meetin clothes. I knowed many an Indian who would have thought his reddish blond hair would make a fine scalp. Boy’s got spunk to come out and brace me.

‘C’mon up and have a seat,’ Clint suggested. ‘Reckon I don’t have anything else to do right now. Might as well spend it talkin with your son.’ Sam quickly stepped onto the porch and sat in the second rocking chair.

Reaching down beside his rocker, Clint picked up a bottle of Jack Daniels and two half pint Mason jars. ‘Care for a taste?’ He asked Sam. ‘Gonna have a touch myself. Talkin makes me thirsty.’ Before Sam could answer, Clint poured three fingers of whiskey into a jar and handed it to him. He then filled the other Mason jar to almost overflowing.

‘I don’t normally drink this early in the day Mr. Lowell,’ Sam finally got out after taking a sip.

‘You some kind of preacher or do-gooder boy? Clint took a big drink, sighed, and said, ‘Okay now I can start my tale.’ Settling back in his chair Clint rocked back and forth for a minute waiting for Sam to take a real drink. When he did, Clint started his story.

‘I reckon it was gonna happen no matter what we did,’ the old man began. ‘I mean getting involved, as you said, in that damn feud. It was ’86, I’d just turned 17 and….’

‘Excuse me Sir,’ Sam interrupted. ‘Would you mind telling me about yourself before that time? You know sort of like a biography.’

‘Well…what do you want to know?’

‘Where were you born… and when? How old are you?’

‘I was born in 1869, that makes me er…What year is it sonny?’

‘It’s 1960 Mr. Lowell,’ Sam answered.

‘Well that makes me, let’s see…Damn I’m 91 years old,’ Clint said in a surprised voice. ‘Never thought I’d live this long.’ He paused for a bit, chuckled and added, ‘At times I didn’t think I’d make it to 30.’

‘Mr. Lowell where were you born? The records from back then are a little sketchy.’

‘Sam, puttin a shirt and tie on a cow pony don’t make him a Mister. Clint will do just fine. I was born on a hard scrapple little ranch just outside of Pleasant Valley, Arizona, I think they changed the name to Young sometime ago. My Ma was what is now called a single parent. My father left town when he found out she was going to have me. I thought my father had died until I was older and Ma told me the truth. I guess all those that called me a bastard later on were right.’ Clint laughed so hard he started coughing. After several seconds he caught his breath and continued.

‘Jolly Rollins was a drifter who stopped at the ranch to water his horses on his way south. Never did find out where he was headed or where he came from. It didn’t make much difference because once he met my Ma he never left. Did find out his given name was Jerrod but he hated to be called that. He and my Ma raised me, Jolly treated me like I was his own.

‘My Ma and Jolly never got married. A piece of paper and some fancy words didn’t matter to them. They loved each other somethin fierce.’ The old man got quiet for a bit.

‘Don’t really remember a lot about Ma, she died of the fever when I was ten. What I remember most was she always smelled of fresh baked bread and apple butter, and she always had the time to give me a hug and a kiss. After she passed it was just me and Jolly tryin to make a living on the damned ranch. His real name was Jerrod Rollins but everyone called him Jolly because he was always smilin, laughin, and playin jokes on you. He never laughed and seldom smiled after Ma passed, the joy went out of him.

Jolly almost went crazy from grief when Ma died. I was diggin her grave when he came back to himself. He hadn’t been able to look at Ma and it was left up to me to get her ready to be buried.’ Clint got quiet and stared away at the hills. ‘Hell of a thing for
a ten year old boy to have to do but I got it done.’

He sort of shook himself and continued, ‘Jolly took over the diggin when I went to see to Ma. I wrapped her in one of the quilts she’d made and we put her in the ground. For two days Jolly sat on our front stoop and stared at her grave. I took care of the stock and fed myself. Finally Jolly stood and went to work.’

Clint had been looking out over the valley below his home as he talked. He turned to Sam and said, ‘You know the Pleasant Valley area is about as pretty as a picture. It’s just below the Mogollon Rim and has mountains, high country pastures and valleys with grasslands and lots of water. Our little ranch had one of the best springs in the area. It never went dry and had a good output of cool, clear, sweet water. It was called Sweet Water Spring because the water tasted so good.

Jolly never said what he’d done before he came to our ranch. But from the way he taught me how to handle a pistol I’d say he’d been a gunfighter. He showed me how to shoot accurately, and then he taught me to pick my target, draw, and shoot real quick like. By the time I was 17, I was a better than average hand with a pistol. Jolly also taught me how to shoot a rifle.

For the next seven years we did okay, gettin by and even put a little money aside. But sure as the world if we got to livin too good something would knock us right back down. We’d start to build our herd and some of the cattle would get killed by cougars, or wolfs or just plain disappear. Rustlers I expect. Our barn burned down twice, no reason that I could see but it did. But we hung on. We never went hungry and we had a nice cabin to shelter us. I guess I’d still be there to this day if that damn feud hadn’t started.’

‘How did it start sir…err I mean Clint?’

‘It was mostly bout property lines, water and grazin rights. At least that’s what the two sides claimed. The cattle men just plain hated the sheep men. And the sheep herders didn’t like the cattle men any better. There’d have been trouble anyway. The big he bull who backed the sheep men had been a cattle rancher hisself. And now those two families hated each other. If they hadn’t fought bout cattle and sheep it would’ve been somethin else.’

Clint took another drink. ‘Reckon you studied about other feuds and such haven’t you Sam?’ The younger man nodded. ‘Reckon you looked at the Earp’s Vendetta Ride in ’82.’

‘Yes sir, I mean Clint,’ Sam answered. ‘When Morgan Earp was killed in March of ’82, Wyatt and his brother Warren went on what now is called ‘The Earp Vendetta Ride’ killing the men that had a hand in shooting Morgan. Doc Holiday, Turkey Creek Johnson, Sherman McMasters, and Texas Jack Vermillion made up the rest of their ‘posse’.

‘I heard the story while I was still in Pleasant Valley. Don’t pay to mess with a man’s family,’ Clint said. ‘Guess you read about the Lincoln County War over to New Mexico in ’76, that’s the one where Billy the Kid was involved.’

‘Yes sir.’ Young Sam just couldn’t help addressing the older man as ‘sir’. It was part of his upbringing.

Clint smiled and nodded his head. ‘You heard about the Sutton-Taylor feud down in Texas right after the Civil War too?’ Sam nodded. Clint went on, ‘There have been a passel of others over the years but none were as bloody and costly as the Pleasant Valley War. The last cattleman was killed in Tempe, Arizona in 1902. He was killed by the last of the sheep men. That damn feud destroyed both families.’

The old man got quiet again for almost a minute. ‘I wished they’d stayed fightin each other and left us alone.’

Now it was Sam’s turn to stare out over the hills and the valley in front of the house. ‘Would you tell me what happened Clint?’

‘Jolly and me were bringing about a dozen cattle back to the pasture closest to our cabin and were jumped by three men. We fired back at them and ran them off. No one was shot so we never thought too much about it. Thought they were rustlers. But the next mornin the same three came back to our cabin.’

‘Pretty bold for rustlers,’ Sam commented.

Clint nodded. ‘Yep it would have been bold for rustlers. Jolly was sittin in front of the cabin repairing a saddle when they rode up. They said they worked for the big cattle rancher in the area and they were going to take over our spring. Not so much because they needed the water but to keep the sheep herders from using it, they said. Jolly told them ‘over his dead body’ and the three pulled their pistols.’

He stopped, looking up as if trying to remember something. ‘Could’ve been the other way around. Coulda been the sheep men wanting to keep the cattle ranchers from using our spring. It was a lot years ago and I don’t rightly remember. Don’t make no difference, the result was the same.’

‘Where were you Clint?’

‘I’d been out hunting that morning and came up behind them as they pulled their guns. One of the cowboys saw me and said something to the ramrod. I don’t think they expected me and as they turned to look at me, Jolly pulled his own pistol. They yelled and started shootin at him. I fired my scattergun at one of them but didn’t kill him, he rode off holdin his shoulder and leaning forward in his saddle. Found his body about a mile toward town the next day, buried him on the spot. Jolly kilt the other two but he was hit during the fight.’ Clint stopped talking, remembering back to the day that changed his life.

‘I ran to see how bad hurt Jolly was,’ Clint continued. ‘He’d been hit in his shoulder and his leg. But the one that kilt him was in his stomach. Jolly said he was gut shot and wouldn’t make it until morning. He told me to drag the dead men away from the cabin. Said he didn’t want his last view of the ranch to be those two bastards laying there.’

‘Couldn’t you get a doctor for him?’ Sam asked.

‘I was going to but Jolly said a doc couldn’t do anything for a gut shot man. He asked me to dig his grave next to Ma’s after I’d drug the bodies away.’

‘And you were 17 at the time,’ Sam offered. ‘Hell of a thing for a teenager to have to do.’

‘Never thought about it that way,’ Clint replied. ‘It was just something that had to be done.’ After a few seconds the old man said, ‘Anyway I sat with Jolly until he died. He’d told me where he kept the money and told me I’d probably have to leave. Can’t stand up to both sides by yourself he said. He died late that evenin.’

‘What about the law? Couldn’t the Sheriff or Marshal protect you?’

‘Nope. The Sheriff was with the cattlemen and the Marshal was on the sheep men’s side. Either way I wasn’t gonna get any help from the law.’

‘What did you do?’

‘The Sheriff and two men came out to the cabin the next morning lookin for me. I hid my horses in a holler and hunkered down in a cave in the hill behind the cabin. They looked around, saw the new grave and rode off. Later that morning the Marshal and two deputies came lookin for me. That’s when I decided to light out, I couldn’t stand up to both sides.’

Sam was torn. He needed to get back to town and call his editor to let him know he’d found Clint and was talking to him, but he didn’t want to leave. Right now the old man was in a talkative mood but he might not be tomorrow. Finally he had to make a decision.

‘Sir, I have to go call my boss and let him know I met you. May I come back tomorrow and talk with you some more?’

Clint stared at the young man for a minute or so. He liked this youngster. The boy was polite, had a bit of Texas twang in his voice and seemed to really have a feel for his work. ‘Where you from boy?’

‘I live in Los Angeles right now but I was born not too far from here in Tarpley.’

‘How’d a Texan like you end up in Los Angeles?’

‘I went to the University of Texas and got a degree in journalism. That’s how I ended up working for National Geographic.’ Sam smiled and added, ‘I had a job offer from a couple of newspapers but I would have been sit
ting at a desk most of the time. This job lets me spend more time outside.’

‘Tell you what Texas Longhorn,’ Clint said with a smile. ‘Use my phone to call your boss and I’ll provide lunch for you and we can talk some more. Suit you?’

‘Yes sir, Sam replied.

After he finished his phone call, the youngster joined Clint in the kitchen. There was a steaming pot of beef stew and fresh baked biscuits sitting on the table.

‘Hope you like beef stew son,’ Clint said as he ladled the stew into two big bowls. ‘Sit down and dig in.’

After eating Sam helped clean up and Clint led him back to the rocking chairs on the front porch. ‘No need to waste a pretty day sittin inside,’ he said.

Back in his rocker he poured whiskey into the Mason jars and handed Sam his. ‘Now where was I? Oh yeah.’


‘I left our ranch with two good horses and Jolly’s guns,’ Clint continued his story. There was a Remington 1875 .44-40 caliber handgun and a Winchester repeating rifle in the same caliber. Those items and five Double Eagle $20 gold pieces were all I had to show for our ranch. More than I could expect ifin I stayed around.’

A smile came across Clint’s face. ‘I rode southeast for nine or ten days and the first place I lit was Deming, New Mexico. It was a railroad town, a little rough around the edges that had ideas of becoming a big city. Dangerous Dan Tucker was the Deputy Marshal for that region and kept the peace in Deming.’

‘I’ve read about Marshal Tucker,’ Sam said. ‘Some say he was the most underrated pistolero of the Old West.’

‘Don’t know about that. But he sure didn’t put up with any foolishness in Deming. Anyway I tied up at the rail in front of the general store and saw a woman being pushed around by a short, pudgy man. He was yelling that she’d cheated him and she was yelling right back at him. The man hauled off and backhanded the woman knocking her off her feet.’

Clint paused and asked, ‘Why do men do that? I mean hit a woman, way I was raised you just didn’t do that.’ Taking another drink Clint continued. ‘I couldn’t abide a man beatin on a woman so I stepped over to him, tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned around I backhanded him. Hurts don’t I said as he looked up at me from his back. He started to reach for his gun. I pulled my pistol and told him to go ahead if he wanted to meet his maker.’

‘That’s about enough boys,’ Marshal Tucker told us. ‘Don’t want no gunplay on Main Street you know.’

‘I put my gun back in my holster. Didn’t want no trouble with Dangerous Dan Tucker. No siree.’

‘Bob you head on home before you get into trouble. If you had been at home with your wife you wouldn’t have to worry about a lady cheating you,’ Marshal Tucker ordered the man on the ground. Bob got to his feet and quickly walked away

‘You alright Miss Lorena?’ The Marshal asked turning to help the woman to her feet and helped gather her packages.

‘Am now, thanks to this young gentleman. Bob was about to get real nasty.’

‘What are you doing in my town?’ The Marshal asked me.

‘Just passin through. Thought I pick up some supplies, camp outside of town, and be on my way in the morning.’

‘Not staying in town tonight?’ Miss Lorena asked.

I hemmed and hawed and admitted I didn’t want to spend the money for a hotel room or boarding house. ‘I don’t mind sleeping on the ground, been doing it for ten days or so.’

‘Well Mister….’ Miss Lorena started.

‘Sorry I’m Clint Lowell ma’am,’ I replied tipping my hat.

‘Well Mr. Lowell, I’m Lorena Dunston. I run a fancy house and would be pleased to offer you a room, lunch, and supper if you’ve a mind to. It’s the least I can do for your help.’

‘A fancy house ma’am?’ I asked. I was a young boy who’d never been to a big town before and didn’t know what Miss Lorena was talking about.

‘A bawdy house,’ she answered. Seeing that I still didn’t understand she smiled and added, ‘A bordello Mr. Lowell.’

I was still confused and the Marshal whispered in my ear, ‘A whore house son.’

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It was now a typical Thursday morning, although instead of staying in our suite, Lisa, Tina, and I went to the studio to listen to how the kids were doing. They were really having fun and sounded amazing. The ever present sound jockeys were both in the control booth recording every note. Elmer saw me and flipped the reflector on so that the glass between the big studio and the booth became opaque, hiding us from the studio. Elmer said, "Just listen to these kids. Bonita has them having a...

2 years ago
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Of Element and Essence

As he entered the room, he had a funny feeling that he had been here before. He was weary, exhausted and utterly drained. He took note that he was wearing his Kakomi, hakima, obi and katana. Why? He had no recollection of dressing for combat. How then, had he come to dress for battle, when he did not have a call for it? It was not like him to dress for battle when it was uncalled for. Off in the distance, thirty yards or so, he saw a familiar red oak table, bathed in the pale yellow light of a...

1 year ago
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Fictional fantasy 5 continued

It was my first time ever, with anyone, and it was amazing, almost addicting. I not only loved the way he made my body feel, but I also loved the way I could make him feel. It had only been a day since I was with him that first time. Like before, I'd run home from school. I couldn't wait to let myself into his apartment. He had given me a key earlier so I could come and go and do random chores to earn some money. Mr. Lowes was rarely home.I was so nervous coming through his door. He wasn't home...

2 years ago
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The Boys in BlueChapter 30 Continued

The moon had followed them across the Atlantic, it was still late when they landed. Terry gave the taxi driver the address; it pulled up by a pair of large 6-foot high wooden gates flanked by an eight-foot high wall. Terry pulled out an electronic key pad and pressed a button. The gates swung silently open as lights switched on to illuminate the stone block drive. The taxi drove forward stopping in front of a double garage, to the left he could see the doorway to the villa slightly obscured...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 806

This will make sense for people living in Ontario Canada. Wynne is a Liberal Premier of Ontario, not the sharpest knife in the drawer!! I stopped by the Ford Dealership yesterday, for a look at the new F-150 aluminum pickup. Just for fun, I took it out for a test drive. I wanted to sense that new truck “feel” before they become old. The salesperson (a nice looking, black lady wearing a “I lOVE WYNNE” lapel pin) sat in the passenger seat next to me, describing the truck and all its...

4 years ago
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Chloes New Life

Chloe?s New Life  Chloe?s New Life?By: Arnold Puttwyn ? 2K7 Note: The characters in this story are entirely fictional.? They were made up entirely in my own mind, any similarities between other people is co-incidental.? (And my good luck) Chapter 1Selection    ???? Her first job out of high school at the ad agency was like a dream to Chloe Dawson.? She applied to work in the mailroom, but Ms. Van Allen hired her to work as her daily assistant, at three times the pay.? Chloe was...

3 years ago
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The Greatest Sex Toys Part 3

I still can’t believe the effects of that gel! It took over two more hours for us to drain its potency! Drained us also. Sadie and I washed up, dressed and were out the door by ten-thirty. We kissed and hugged close and agreed to meet again, on Friday evening after I returned from the Pensacola market swing. We both needed the rest.I laid out at the beach Friday afternoon and soaked up the rays for a couple of hours checking out the girls showing off their bods. Saw several cuties that I would...

Mind Control
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William Redman CarterChapter 4

William looked over at the patio of the hotel where Debbie and Georgia were seated. The two women were talking with each other oblivious of their surroundings. It was obvious to him that they had left their depression behind. Kim and Nancy joined William at the table. The pair of Druids did not look happy. Nancy said, "I feel like we failed." "What do you mean?" William asked. Kim said, "We're supposed to be the grief counselors, not you." "We were useless," Nancy said running a...

1 year ago
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My Wet Spot in the Boardroom

A buzz came from the secretary's desk, and Kara motioned for Kathy to go into the room, giving her a thumb's up as she passed the desk. Kathy winked back at her, giving her an all-knowing look. Kathy gave her suit one last check for lint or wrinkles, checked her reflection in the glass by the door, and went into the boardroom. Kathy took a look around the room. A huge mahogany table dominated the room. Five men sat around one end of the table designed for 12. In the corner was a fully...

2 years ago
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Fervour of the Past II Husk

Fervour of the Past II: Husk by Tegeli [NOTE: This story continues from 'Fervour of the Past'.] CHAPTER 1 The orchestra kept repeating the same whimsical tunes, which were neither loud nor interesting enough to disturb discussion among the guests. Bemariq kept his expression calm, but he squeezed my hand tight, while his eyes darted on the ancient artefacts on display. Both of us had been reluctant to return to the Conglomerate and to leave the excavation at Heva....

1 year ago
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Private Sapphire Lapiedra Busty Beauty Enjoys Oily Fuck

Today on, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Sapphire Lapiedra, a spectacular brunette with a huge pair of tits who has come to Private Specials, Big Boob Seduction for a debut that she’ll never forget! Armed with her sensational curves, Sapphire gets straight to work oiling herself up as she treats the lucky Alberto Blanco to a deepthroat blowjob and a hot titfuck. Then enjoy the rest of the action as this busty beauty gets on all fours ready for a gonzo style pounding...

1 year ago
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Jamaican holidays

5 years ago my wife and I took a couple of weeks holidays in Jamaica. We found a nice resort with bungalows in Negril. We are from France and living in the US (near Atlanta). We are in our early forties, healthy and fit as we work out regularly. My wife is however, say, shapy. She has light blue eyes on a delicate and beautiful face with large pulpous lips and nicely drawn jaw line. She is tall with an athletic figure, large shoulders, small waist, large hips and a wonderful round butt. And she...

4 years ago
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Kathys Dog ActChapter 9

"Nervous honey?" Joe asked as he traced his fingers lazily across Kathy's slackening cunt-lips. "Oh, God, yes," she said closing her eyes and trying to fight the fluttering feeling of panic that was making her stomach churn and rumble. Tonight was opening night. And even Joe's frenzied fucking a few seconds earlier hadn't been able to take the edge off. "Well, I'll be out in the audience rooting for you," he said, kissing her lightly on the cheek before rolling off the bed and...

4 years ago
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Wife Akriti Became A Slut 8211 Part 1

Hi mera naam Akshit hai. Main aaj aap sab ke samne mere aur meri biwi ke sath hui ek ghatna share karna chahta hu. Agar koi galti ho toh maaf karna. Meri biwi ka naam hai Akriti. Uska size 38-32-36 hai. Hum dono sex ke mamle kafi open minded hai aur khub enjoy krte h. Shadi ke kareeb ek saal baad Akriti ko tej viral hua tha, mjhe usko hospital mein admit karana pada. Waha humne ek private ward book kar rakha tha. Kuch 3-4 din mein who recover ho gai aur doctor ne ek sham kaha ki agle din...

1 year ago
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Caught Masturbating By Best Freinds Dad

So a couple of years ago im round at my freinds house in her bed room and she shows me some recent photos of a family wedding she had been to... just the usual boring family album stuff i couldn't help but notice how all of suddon drop dead gorgous her older brother had become after he'd been away with the army...My freinds phone starts to ring and i see the caller id...'Mum' she ansers the phone and is told to go meet her mum and help her back with the groceries.I look down at the photo in my...

3 years ago
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Topsy Turvy

To this day Frank still swears that he did not realise that they were bondage spikes. He had forgotten about the anniversary until it was so late that most of the shops were closed. Then he saw a pair of shoes in one of the few shops that were still open. He admits that he noticed that the heels were a bit extreme but he knew that Helen sometimes wore stilettos. That the straps were fastened by miniature pad locks in place of the usual buckles he assumed was some new fashion fad.   Helen was...

1 year ago
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My Mate

His eyes rolled back in his head. That smell…He’d know the scent of his mate anywhere. Opening his eyes again, he quickly scanned the crowd. There, near the back of the room, talking to his best friend, Derek, stood the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. Nodding and forcing a smile, Rhys made his way through the crowd, eager to get to the little man. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Rhys walked up beside Derek. “Hey, D. What’s up?” Derek took one look at Rhys’s eyes and grinned....

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white cd versus bbc

I was sitting at my computer, checking out the chat rooms on AOL. Just moments before, I had shed my male persona and taken a long hot bath, followed by a sensuous body shave that had left me feeling, as always, feminine, submissive, and very horny. My new thigh high nylons felt so soft and smooth on my long legs. The minidress I chose was black and just about kneelength. Not slutty, unless I crossed my legs in a certain way and the hem slid up my thighs a bit too far. I have not met a man yet...

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me and nick

Introduction: mine and nicks first gay time together when i was 9 i started liking boys. the boy i liked the most was my friend nick. he was so cute with black hair brown eyes and dimples when he smiled.i have light brown hair hazel eyes and dimples also. well i never told him i liked him but when i was 12 and him 11 that all changed. i invited him to sleep over and he said ok it was a friday night so we could stay up late. he was 4 ft 11 and 100 pounds i was 4 ft 6 and 80 pounds . ive always...

2 years ago
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Twins Birthday Gift That Keeps On Coming 3

Chapter 3The next evening, Hannah hears Samantha's vehicle pulling into the driveway. She lights a couple of scented candles in the bedroom and turns on a bedside lamp for dimmed lighting. She hears a door close as she rushes down and into the kitchen and pops the cork of a bottle of champagne. Samantha softly kicks the door with her hands full of her luggage. Hannah opens the door and takes one of the suit cases out of Samantha's hands. When Samantha sits the suit case down on the floor,...

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She Take My Penis

By: Rahul_5665 Hello readers my name is Rahul from Hyderabad, basically from Hyderabad please send your comments reagarding my true experince with my aunty Kavitha to my mail id: Ya Story which your’e going to read is a true one happened 10 Months back. First of all I’m fond of mature women I used to watch their navel from the side and their butt who makes me horny. There is an aunty named Kavitha she is mother of two girls. She was with fair complexion and round boobs. She is living in a...

4 years ago
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Hypnotized Confession

Patty opened her eyes, they were slightly glazed and unfocused as she looked at Doctor Marks, the drug had taken effect. ‘How do you feel, Patty?’ he asked the pretty twenty-six year old, and she blinked long lashes at him. ‘Ok…’ she said, her tone was rather vague and her eyes seemed to have trouble focusing on him. Smiling he sat back, she’d asked him to hypnotize her for this particular counseling session… they were going to explore some of her basest instincts and she felt rather...

2 years ago
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Kim Possible Dreams Can Come True Chapter 6

Kim Possible: Dreams Can Come True - Chapter 6 - A dream comes true?Kim was woken by a noise.She didn't remember setting up the alarm. She tried to hit "stop" button, when she realized that she couldn’t even reach over she saw that her hands were tied to posts.A thought of fear ran through her mind.Now she was fully awake.She tried to move her legs and realized they were tied too. She lifted her head and saw that she was nude, tied on a table, with her legs spread apart. In front of her, with...

3 years ago
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Deep and Lovely Dark Chapter 9

"This is not your fight!" Said Vlad. "I wont let you get hurt in a battle that has nothing to do with you!" "Eckhart will try to hurt you by getting to me! Like it or not, this is as much my fight as yours and I have a right to try and deal with it!" "That's how it starts! That's how it always starts. People get to close to me, they feel that they need to prove something to me! Then I see myself standing over their grave! It would have been better if you never met me!"...

1 year ago
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A Crush filled out five years later

Visiting his home town again after being away for college for two years, Rod found himself in the grocery store he went to as a child. Nothing much had changed in the sleepy little town. Many people grew up there lived and died there. It would be a good life, but Rod had always wanted more. Roaming done the aisle, he stopped at the cereal aisle to look for some frosted flakes. It was later in the evening and there was not too much of a crowd, but a beautiful blonde was looking at the corn...

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23 Sal Ki Widow Makan Malkin

ISS ke sare readers ko Ashu ka pyar. Me ek bar fir hazir hu apne life me ghati ek anokhi ghatna ko lekar. Magar us se pehele me un sabka thanks karna chahata hu jinho ne meri pichli sari kahaniyon ko itna pasand kiya ke unka pyar mujhe e-mail ke zariye mila aur mujhe encorage kiya aur kahani likhne keliye. Isiliye me apne busy shidule me se time nikal kar ye kahani likh raha hu. Ese hi mujhe pyar dete rahiye me kabhi aplogon ko nirash nahi karunga. Jab me apni pdahi puri karke apna seher...

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GirlsWay Angela White Lena Paul Sofi Ryan I Dream Of Lezzie

Lena Paul is over the moon when her best friend, Sofi Ryan, sends her a gift from afar. Her heart flutters as she opens the gift, revealing an ornate lamp. When she rubs the lamp with a cloth to give it a shine, a genie, Angela White, suddenly appears! Lena is stunned by the catty and busty beauty as Angela gets down to business, saying that she can grant three wishes. Although Lena is in disbelief, she runs with it, wishing to be a millionaire. Of course, this is something Angela can do, but...

2 years ago
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The Headsman

Being the King's Headsman is the only employment that I have known since I was 18 summers old. I had been with a group of people from our village returning from a market fair in the next town over when we were accosted by a band of highwaymen. The robbers were too busy pawing the women and intimidating the others to pay much attention to the skinny lad who obviously didn't have anything of value. What I did have though, was my axe. When the leader of the robbers pawed my mother's breast...

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Mickey Takes The Dare

Mickey and I got married, but we had a problem. We both worked for the same company and the company policy was that a married couple could not work together in the same department. What made things worse is that I was her supervisor and that was a definite no no. As a result we kept our marriage a secret and neither Mickey nor I wore our wedding rings. We figured we could get away with it for however long it took Mickey to get her promotion and transfer to a different department. Mickey and...

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Gabriellas Dark Belgian Chocolate

Gabriella winced as she tried to cross the street. There was a light at the center of Westport Road and Pennsylvania, but the sidewalks were full of young women of all sizes in all manner of dress. The young men driving by never seemed to keep their eyes on the road; and certainly not on the one light above the intersection. She had gone back to her car to get some more boxes of chocolate. She had run out earlier than she was used to. She had a small shop she had inherited from her parents...

1 year ago
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Masters little girl goes black

The slavemaster was cruel and he wasn't afraid to hurt the Slaves if he needed to teach them a lesson. They were getting tired of the slave master and was actually planning on assassinating him real soon. Master Thomas also carries a rope with him in case he needs to whip a Slave. Just like the rest of the slaves, Marcus was wearing dirty clothes and he hated it. He hated the fact that he was giving less because of the color of his skin. As angry as he was at the white man he simply...

4 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 6

Tuesday, July 5. “So, Aaron, I finally told my husband that you’re doing our lawn for us!” Melissa announces as she chats with Aaron in her kitchen. “Really? He’s not mad about it, is he?” Aaron replies, adopting the tone of wide eyed, youthful innocence that seems to work just right with the tall, beautiful blonde. “I think he’s still a little jealous, but he’ll just have to get over it!” Melissa replies with a warm smile. “Why is he jealous of me?” the stud asks, giving her his most...

1 year ago
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Innocent Prank

It all started one summer afternoon. I had just gotten out of the shower. I wrapped the towel around my waste and walked across the hall to my room. I slammed the door shut and threw my towel over the back of my desk chair. I pop-up appeared on my monitor informing me that I got a new message. I sat down to quickly check my mail, but I realized ten minutes later that I was still sitting there in the nude. Just as I stood up to walk over to my dresser, there was a knock at the door. “Hey...

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My Boobsy Sujatha Aunty

Hi this is Danny, Don’t Bug with history. Coming to the story, I’m doing my engineering in a repudiated college. I’m leaving in Hyderabad…During my holidays I have to go to my town, so I m started to go my town but unfortunately there is a lot of rush in the buses. So I called to my parents and said I wont come today cause of rush. My parents told me to go my uncle’s town and stay there for today’s night and come here tomorrow. So I picked the bus went to my uncle’s house. My uncle was doing...

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Black on White in the afternoon

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was super horny. My son was away at school and it had been a couple of months since we had sex. I missed his big cock. He knew I had other sexual partners and I knew he was fucking different girls at school. I was thinking about who I could call. I decided to give John a call to see what he was doing. John is a young black guy that works out in our distribution center warehouse. He is a 26 yr college student. He lives in an apartment near work. We have had some...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 53

“Josey?” “Hi Stella - is Kellie there with you?” “Yes we’re here. I hope there’s not another problem over there.” “No, nothing like that. I just got off the phone with Sheriff Jones, and he told me they’re still investigating that bunch who were here the other night. What I called you and Kellie about, he also told me that Phoebe Wainwright was living in one of her uncles apartments until he was arrested. Now, his lawyer has asked her to vacate, since she’s cooperating with the sheriff and...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 984

Compliments of Joe S. This has a little bit of truth, some speculations but it is humorous. Railroad Tracks The U.S. Standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That’s an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used? Because that’s the way they built them in England, and English expatriates designed the U.S. Railroads. Why did the English build them like that? Because the first rail lines were built by the same people who built the pre-railroad...

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