The Labyrinth free porn video

For decades, the Minotaur has fed on seven virgins of each sex yearly, ravaging their bodies with his powerful loins before they die... Then came the hero Theseus who is said to have slain the Minotaur. Monsters are not so easily banished however, and nine years after the slaying of the beast, it was resurrected by a mage to serve the New Empire. It was placed in a new labyrinth, no longer allowing methods other than your own sense of direction by a powerful magic. This new labyrinth stretches miles out from the middle and contains multiple floors. In the center of the roof is a large opening where the worst criminals are dropped in. This proved such a powerful deterrent that no criminals have been found in over ten years. Occasionally meat is dropped in to keep the Minotaur alive but all who know of the Empire fear the very thought of being the first to satisfy his lust in over a decade. One nobleman, however, tried to resist the new emperor. The nobleman was executed and his wife given to the soldiers but his daughter would serve as an example to all who dare defy the Emperor.

- 07.04.2021
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