The Labyrinth free porn video

Author's note: If you wish your decisions to have consequences, make sure to click on the 'Start Game' feature during the Introduction. That way, the story shall remember whether the girls escape your clutches or if they fall one by one to the dreadful creatures that inhabit the labyrinth. Otherwise, if you'd prefer to enjoy all the possible options available to you with each monster, feel free to ignore it entirely. Doing so will, however, impact the story's continuity as the adventurers you do capture will appear again as if nothing had happened. Whatever you choose to do, I do hope you appreciate this evil little tale!
You are the most powerful sorcerer the world has even known. The elements bow to your every whim. Minds, man and beast, bend to your will at the slightest command. You change your shape and form as a mere mortal would put on a new coat. Alchemy, divination, healing, teleportation, necromancy even. All fall within the scope of your peerless mastery. No aspect of the arcane eludes your limitless comprehension. Unfortunately for the green and pleasant land of Atélin, your unrivalled talent is matched only by your greed, rage and lust for power. Living a lonely, if eventful, existence on the fringes of civilisation, your downfall, exile and subsequent revenge weigh heavily upon the citizens of this corner of the world like a dark stain on the landscape. Rejected by society on account of your many unspeakable crimes yet too dangerous to apprehend, you were banished years ago, a fate you embraced with a sadistic sense of satisfaction as it allowed you to transform the region into your twisted personal fiefdom undisturbed. Hidden deep in the forest, your dark tower soon acquired an eerie pale glow as your experiments and enchantments descended ever further into crazed perfection. One night, cemeteries would cough up their dead in endless assaults on the peaceful, prosperous towns that dotted the countryside. The next, a huge, fiery fissure would burst forth, swallowing king and commoner alike.
All went according to plan until one night you awoke to a knife in your back. The man responsible, a meek wretch of a peasant, would have done well to find your heart, for it would have saved him many days of agonising pain, during which you discovered that a not insignificant bounty had been placed upon your head by the local lord. In spite of the unnatural storm which had subsequently caused this particular noble's castle to collapse, taking most of his family with it, and the failure of every would-be assassin to return home in the months that followed, the reward for your demise appears only to have increased. Indeed, the frequency with which you are called upon to dispose of such unwanted guests is starting to become a source of significant irritation.
Such is your mood when the magical barrier that surrounds your keep alerts you to the presence of three more adventurers come to claim their prize. Infuriated, you break from your studies to glance out of the nearest window as lightning crackles between your fingers. You are ready to disintegrate these latest intruders where they stand. Playing with your food has, after all, become rather tiresome over the last few weeks.
You stop yourself, however, when you realise that, much to your surprise, the bounty hunters approaching your tower this time are not uncouth farming folk, desperate rogues, nor even foolhardy knights. They are women. Three beautiful, heavily-armed women striding boldly up the path to the door of the most dangerous individual in the realm. Your scowl, after a momentary hesitation, breaks into a wide grin as you step out onto a hidden balcony and project your consciousness forward in order to better observe these most intriguing of newcomers.
The rightmost of the three, remaining slightly behind her companions, advances effortlessly across the harsh gravel pathway, holding a long, curved bow to one side. Your eyes dart instinctively towards the quiver the hangs across her shoulder, bristling as it is with densely-packed arrows. You also remark a small dagger tucked away in a loose belt strapped around her waist. Danger noted, you let yourself gaze lustily over her body. Her auburn locks flow freely in the breeze and the tight leather padding that covers her from your gaze only accentuates the curves of her bust. Tanned skin peeks through in certain places the armour does not cover and chestnut eyes unknowingly hold your gaze for a moment before flicking back and forth across the empty courtyard.
The second bounty hunter, at the tip of the group, steps forward purposefully, attention focused on the castle in front of her as if scanning for potentially unguarded entrances. Dark eyes look back at you unflinchingly and you admire them for a brief moment before turning you gaze downwards across her red lips, lean frame and shapely thighs. Her skin is pale, but not excessively covered. A thin coat of mail protects most of her torso, but, like the first of the trio, only a pair of leather shorts and greaves are visible on her lower body. Her legs are long, and she stands slightly taller than her fellows. You briefly glance at her weaponry, and remark not only the long, steel-tipped spear that this one carries comfortably in her right hand, but also the finely-whetted shortsword buckled to her waist.
The final member of the group, in spite of her slight size, is also the most heavily-armed of the three. Pacing forward confidently, you cannot help but take note of the glimmering plates of metal that, although not locked together, are attached to every part of her body. Not a true coat of mail, the burnished pieces nevertheless seem to offer her a good balance of movement and protection, with the exception of her helmet-less head, behind which flows a mane of black, frizzled hair. This fighter's armour is complemented by a stout wooden shield attached on her left arm and a thick, barbed mace that she wields lazily in her other hand. Your attention is drawn to her round face, which is lit up by a carefree smile and dazzling white teeth. Otherwise, you linger on her behind, which is less protected by armour than you would expect, and looks all the more appealing for it.
The adventurers approach your grounds, blissfully unaware of the unseen presence watching their every move. Your lips twitch up devilishly. You know exactly what you shall do to these poor, unfortunate souls. As they draw ever nearer to the main entrance, you silently mutter the necessary incantations and feel your real body surge with sudden energy. Energy enough to transport three would-be bounty hunters elsewhere. Somewhere darker, danker, more deadly even than your stronghold. You listen in on their conversation for a short while, and pick up on the girls' respective names. 'Mélanie', 'Aliénor' and 'Clémence'.
Then you unleash your spell, and the trio disappear in a flash.

- 23.03.2022
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- Fantasy