Trapped In A Fembot free porn video

{if start game = true}You slowly open your eyes and wake up. For some reason you are in a dentist's chair, your hands bound in place against the armrests with thick leather straps. It's dark, but not dark enough for you to not be able to see around you. The room is covered in white all over, with a very 'medical' smell in the air. There's a table nearby with a metallic body lying on top, some sort of robot in the shape of a woman.
Try as you might, you can't seem to remember... anything, not even your own name. You start to get a headache when you think, so you stop.
There is a door opposite you that is ever so slightly ajar, letting in a sliver of light into the room. Someone is whistling and humming behind it.{else}This is a short story that makes use of the variable feature. Please press the 'Play Game' button to your right for the full experience. Some chapters are worth revisiting twice. Please be aware that game resets may be required as the story is updated. Thank you for playing and I hope you will enjoy yourself!{endif}

- 10.11.2022
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