- 3 years ago
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"You're the sixty-ninth caller!" the voice on the other end of the phone yelled into Justin's ear.
"Yeah? Wow! Did I win the new Eminem CD?"
"You sure did! And..."
Justin had never won one of these silly radio contests before. Though it was just a silly CD, he was thrilled to have finally won something. His radio played a Honda ad in the background followed by a crazed deejay shouting, "You're the sixty-ninth caller!" and his own voice saying, "Yeah?"
"Could you turn your radio down, sir?" the deejay asked over the phone.
"Oh, okay?"
With phone to ear, he walked over and turned his radio off.
"What's your name?" the deejay asked.
"Okay, Justin. You just won Eminem's latest CD; and if you can answer the next ten questions, you'll win the grand prize!"
"Cool! Ask away!"
"Who let the dogs out?"
"Huh?" Justin asked.
"You heard me!" the deejay scolded him. "Who let the frickin dogs out? C'mon! Five seconds..."
"Uhm, oh yeah. That was Baha Men!"
"That's correct! But where were they going without ever knowing the way?"
"Oh! I heard that before..."
"Five seconds!"
"Oh yeah, that from The Way! Fastball!"
"Correct! Now, who was driving that black Mitsubishi?"
"Ha! He never said who was driving it, but that's from Eminem, One Shot Two Shot."
"Correct! What's the frequency, Kenneth?"
"Hey! I said my name's Justin!"
"Five seconds!"
"Oh! Yeah--that's--uhm--uhm..."
"Two seconds!"
"R.E.M. from their Monster CD!"
"Correct! Who can say if your love grows as your heart chose?"
"Oh! That's from some sappy love song a few years ago. Uhm--uhm..."
"Five seconds!"
"Something about time..."
"Two seconds..."
"Only Time, by, uhm, Enya, I think..."
"Correct! What are you doin' in my life?"
"Oh! That song rocks! That's Tom Petty, Damn The Torpedoes!"
"Correct! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"
"I know that one!" Justin yelled back. "That's from Pink Floyd, The Wall!"
"Correct! Now where are you tonight, sweet Marie?"
"Oh! That's easy! Bob Dylan! Absolutely Sweet Marie!"
"Correct! Who put the 'bop' in the 'bop-she-bop-she-bop'?"
"Oh, what's that movie about the 50's?"
"Five seconds!"
"American Pie? No! Grease!"
"Correct! If you answer the next question right, you'll be the first to win the grand prize! But it's a tough one! Ready?"
"I guess so. Go ahead."
"Birds can fly, fish can swim, but on this planet, where do I fit in?"
"I know that song! That's Shakespeare's Sister, Moonchild! The next line goes something like, 'Sometimes I feel like I'm an alien.' I literally emphasize with that song!"
"We have a grand prize winner on Sixty-Nine XXX!"
"Really? I won the grand prize!"
"You sure did, dude! And you know what it is?"
"Uh, no, not really."
"You won a model 3X69 fembot from Shinra. That's their bleeding-edge technology, top-of-the-line robot, with a list price of $175,000!"
"I won a fembot?"
"Ain't that cool?"
"Yeah, I guess," he said. All his friends owned fembots, but he couldn't understand why any guy would want a robot over a live human girl.
"Great! Stay on the line while we go to XXX news."
The deejay transferred him to some clerk who took his name, number, and address.
He received a letter from WXXX radio the following week with a prize certificate. So, with certificate in hand, he stopped in at the local Shinra dealer Friday night on his way home from work. His old, rusty 2020 Honda left a smoky trail of burning oil all the way.
"May I help you?" a pretty receptionist asked as he entered the lobby.
"Yeah." He showed her his certificate from the radio station.
She looked at the certificate and said, "Have a seat please. Someone will be with you in a moment."
About ten minutes later, a man in a white blazer came out with his hand extended. "Welcome to Shinra! I'm Brian. Are you the prize winner from WXXX?"
"Yeah." Justin stood. "I'm Justin."
"Okay, Justin. Follow me please."
"Sir? I was wondering if I could just have the money instead of the fembot?"
"Well, the radio station already purchased her, and she now belongs to you. But I guess you could always sell her on eBay or something."
"Okay," Justin said and followed the salesman into a small, cozy den-like room where a secretary was sitting at a small round table with a pile of legal papers.
Of course, the fact that she was really cute, with short jet-black hair didn't escape Justin's notice.
Brian brought Justin over to the table and said, "Have a seat at the table please, Justin."
Justin sat at the table, and the salesman sat next to him. The secretary moved to the seat next to Justin and smiled at him.
_Forget the stupid fembot, _ Justin thought, _I'm asking HER out when this is over!_
"Justin," Brian said, pointing at the woman, "this is Aerith."
To Aerith, he said, "Aerith, this is Justin."
"Hi Aerith," Justin said, looking into her light brown eyes. "Nice to meet you."
She smiled back and said, "It's nice to meet you too, Justin."
Brian pulled a page off the top of the pile and slid it in front of Justin and said something that Justin didn't hear.
"Justin!" the salesman said and tapped on the table.
Justin broke the eye-lock with the cute secretary and looked over at Brian. "Yes?"
The salesman handed Justin a pen and pointed at the form. "This is the title for the fembot, sign here."
Justin signed the form, and the next, and the next.
Brian then collected all the papers and said, "Now, why don't the two of you get to know each other." Then he took the stack and left the room.
"So, Aerith, when do I see this robot that I won?" Justin asked the secretary.
Aerith gasped, then doubled over, laughing.
"What did I say that's so funny?" Justin asked with some mild annoyance.
"Justin," she said with a big grin. "What do you think a fembot is?"
"I know what a fembot is! Every guy I know has one. I've never seen one naked, but I guess it's like an animatronic sex doll--or like a female 'Data' from the old _Star Trek"_ show."
"Could you tell if a woman was really a fembot if you met one on the street?"
"I don't know. All my friends have cheap ones, and you tell because their skin looks plastic. But I've seen some rich guys walking around the mall with realistic ones too, and you can't tell. Between you and me, though, I'd rather have a real girl--like you." Justin felt his face turn red when he said that to her, wondering if she would flirt back.
"Aww, you're sweet!" she said and touched his hand.
"Yeah? So why all the questions?"
"I'm your fembot, Justin."
"You! But you're a live person. No way you're a fembot!"
"I'm the latest model. My skin is a protein-based polymer with real hair embedded in it, just like a live person. It's porous underneath, and an artificial heart pumps warm oil through my skin to give it the feel of live human flesh."
"Yes. Go ahead! Feel me."
"Well, okay. If you don't mind."
She laughed again. "You own me. You can touch me anywhere you want."
Justin touched her arm. "Yeah, you sure feel real! Uhm, you look about 25. How old are you?"
"Physically, I'm two months and three days old. I was manufactured at the Shinra factory and shipped from Japan to the US in a small crate. I was assembled here two weeks and a day ago."
"I see." Justin said. "Do you come with an owner's manual or anything?"
"No. Just ask me anything you want to know."
"Well, tell me about yourself. Are you what they call anatomically correct?"
"Yes, I am. My skin is a protein-based polymer that has the feel and taste of live human flesh. It's porous internally, and warm oil is pumped through it to make it feel like human flesh. I'm indistinguishable from a meat girl by sight or touch. My mouth has artificial glands that produce real saliva, and my vagina has artificial glands that produce real feminine lubricants that are chemically identical to those produced by a meat girl."
"Cool!" Justin said. "Do you have to eat or be plugged in or anything?"
"I'm powered by a small LENR fusion reactor, I need only a small drink of water each day as a power supply, just like your car. And I need a tiny amount of protein nutrient once a week or so to manufacture my real saliva and genital lubricants."
"Well, my car is an old 2020 ethanol guzzler."
A knock came from the door, then Brian walked in again. He handed Justin a large envelope. "The paperwork is all set, you can go home with her."
"Okay, good."
"Thanks, and have fun."
"Sure," Justin said and followed the salesman out to the lobby. It had taken a while to complete the transaction, and it was quite late and dark out. They walked out to his car together, and he opened the passenger door for Aerith.
"Thank you," she said as she sat in his rusty old car that would have made _Columbo_ proud.
"He got in and started driving home."
"I can't wait to see my new home!" she said. "Being locked in a crate for two solid weeks was so incredibly boring!"
"We'll be home soon."
Justin parked in his parking space in front of his townhouse set in a wooded area. "Oh, pretty!" she said.
"Thanks," he said as she followed him inside.
As soon as he closed his door, she put her arms around him and pulled his face to hers.
"Hey!" he screeched in her face and pulled away.
She backed away. "What? I was about to kiss you."
"I don't want to kiss you," he said.
"Why not?"
"I just can't. You're not a real woman. You're a robot--a machine. I won you in some radio contest and I'm going to sell you on eBay in a few days. You're worth more money than I've ever seen in my life, and I can finally afford a new car and pay off a big chunk of my mortgage."
"Oh," she said. "I thought you liked me. I was looking forward to being fucked in all my holes by my new owner, but if you don't want me, I'll accept that."
"Look, I'm sorry. But I know you're not really aware of this conversation."
She raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"I know about computers and programming. Your mind is just a program with speech recognition, natural language processing, and speech generation--like a really advanced _Elder Scrolls: Morrowind_ character. You're not really conscious or self-aware like a human person."
"But I am! I'm aware of my own existence just like you are."
"Can you prove it?"
"No, but can you prove that you're self-aware, either?"
"Well, no."
"I know that I exist, Justin. Computer scientists have known for a few years what mechanism causes consciousness. I am self-aware."
"Oh, well, okay. But you're still a machine."
"Well, can I make a comparison, Justin?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're a machine, too!"
"Your brain is made out of protein, and mine is made out of silicon. You move by muscles, and I move by hydraulics and electric motors. But we're both machines."
"Uh, I never thought of it that way. I guess you have a point."
"And my sole reason to exist is to serve you and make you happy. Please give me a chance!"
"Well, maybe..."
She put her hand on his upper arm. "Once you fuck me, you'll never settle for a meat girl again!"
"I'll try," he relented.
"Then show me to your bedroom."
Justin took her by the hand and led her upstairs to his bedroom.
"Do you want to undress me, or shall I get naked myself?" she asked.
"What?" he asked.
"Do you want to undress..."
"I heard you. I just never had a woman ask me so bluntly like that."
"Would you like me to act coy like a human woman? I can if you'd prefer. I can be anything you want: a plain girlfriend, a cruel dominatrix, or an obedient Gorean slave. Your choice."
"Uh, no. I like you just the way you are. Being up front about sex is good. If you were a human woman, that would really turn me on!"
"Okay, so let's get undressed."
Without hesitation, she sat and removed her shoes and slid them under the bed. Then she removed her blouse and brassiere, then her jeans and panties. She stood and faced him.
"Wow! You have a beautiful body, Aerith!"
"Thank you. May I see yours?"
Justin started to undress and felt a little embarrassed. He hardly knew her, but he reminded himself that she's just a machine. He shouldn't feel shy about getting naked in front of her any more than getting naked in front of his toaster--not that he ever got naked in front of his toaster.
"Now you lay down and let me do all the work," she said.
"That's something I wish women would say more often."
"I know," she said.
She gently pushed him back onto the bed and pushed him onto his back. Then she lied on top of him with her robot pussy and ass over his face.
The next thing he felt was his cock being totally engulfed by her mouth.
"Oh! Wow!" he moaned. She had practically inhaled the full length of his shaft, up to his crotch, in one breath. Her lips were pressing tightly against his groin. Then she began sliding her lips up and down his member in perfect rhythm while her tongue licked that super-sensitive point on his cock where the head met the shaft. It didn't take long for him to explode into her mouth in an orgasm more powerful than he had experienced since Cindy. Oh man, Cindy! But Aerith blew even Cindy away. And even after he had shot his last spurt, Aerith continued sucking. He had never felt so good--so drained--in his life. He eventually had to tell her to stop--something he could never imagine needing to tell a woman to do before this day.
She finally slowed and sat up, and crawled around to snuggle next to him.
"Did you like that?" she asked.
"Did I like that? Holy shit, Aerith! That was fucking amazing!"
"You'll never get a blowjob like that from a meat girl!"
"No, I guess not."
She kissed him and snuggled her head against his and whispered, "Good night?"
"What?" he whispered back. "You don't want to snuggle and kiss and stuff, now."
"Only if you want to, lover."
"No--YAWN--after an orgasm like that, my body is demanding sleep."
"I know it is. But you haven't eaten yet, have you?"
"No, and I'm too tired to go make something now."
"What do you want? I'll go down to your kitchen and make you something to eat?"
"I have some frozen pizzas in the freezer. Can you nuke one for me? One for yourself if you want one, too."
"I don't need one for me, but I'll make you one and be right back. What about to drink?"
"A glass of iced tea?"
"Sure, I'll be back," then she headed downstairs.
She returned a few minutes later with a tray containing the pizza and the glass of iced tea. She hand-fed him the pizza and iced tea, then took the tray back downstairs. He fell asleep before she returned.
Justin woke the next morning in Aerith's arms. "Good morning, Justin," She said.
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Straight SexAik din jab main bhair say ghar aya to pata chala didi or jijju ki fight hoe hai or wo naraaz ho kar aye hai . Didi ki shaadi ko ko koi 1 and half year hoa tha or es beach kafie baar in ki fight hoe thi . Dad out of city job kartay thay to mom school main job karte thi baqi bacha main . Study main kafie nalaaiq tha . Edhar didi muj say koi 6 saal bare thi or bhohat he piyare thi . Unki shaadi kar to di thi magar ghar main khush nahi thi . Roz saas bahu kay jaghray . Didi bohat he piyare thi...
The Morning ShowerThe chat this morning was light, nothing too sexual just more a quiet visit on line with a new friend. I wasn’t feeling particularly sexual for some reason this morning, in odds with other mornings the past week or so. As I told my new friend that I needed to hit the shower I teased “I'll pay especially close attention to breasts and pussy”.I started another cup of coffee in the coffee maker and stripped off my clothes as I headed down the hall to the bedroom. I’m not...
Hazel and I had always got on well and I enjoyed the company. I suspected she felt sorry for me and was just being sociable out of kindness. However I felt sorry for myself and accepted her hospitality eagerly. Just a few weeks short of our 20th anniversary, my wife Cheryl had declared one morning that she was emigrating to France. She seemed to glow with spiteful glee when she explained that our marriage was dead and had been for years. Though disappointed and shocked about her decision, I...
100% sexy fiction! My name is John. I'm 24, about six ft four, have brownish blond hair, peach fuzz, and blue eyes. I'm good-looking according to all exes and admirers. I've been living in this neighborhood for about two years now, it's nice but since nothing big happens around here, it's pretty boring. Until one day. It was Saturday afternoon and I was walking back inside house, just getting home from my friend Joe's house. I saw my neighbor Kelly standing outside banging on her door. I never...
Erotic FictionSometimes a family trait misses a generation and that's true in our house. Both my sister and I are night owls while our parents are usually in bed by ten. Many years ago, they converted the basement into their bedroom so that they could retire early and get some sleep. "What're you doing?" my older sister Ruth asked. She had showered earlier and put on her night wear, tonight it was one of my old pyjama tops. She plonked herself down on my bed and put her knees under her chin showing me...
Petticoats and boyfriends Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I saw the clothes I tried to move away, but my dad stood there with his hand firmly grasping my arm, so I was unable to do anything but moan. My mother stood next to the bed, grim faced but determined. I was told to strip, and looking at my dad I knew I didn't have a choice, so I undressed to my shorts. "Those too," mom said, "then I want you to put these on." "Do I have to? I'll never do it again! I...
this is a stand alone continuation of my previous 2 stories, Britney and the Old Man & Britney and the Blackmail k**.Almost a year had passed since Britney's wild weekend with her neighbor and his blackmailing grandson. she hadnt seen either of them since then and just assumed her neighbor used the house for vacations or something. she had finally gotten over the memory of having a young boy violate her and make her do things she never even thought of doing. she was just getting ready to go...
The way real ass fucking should beMMMM, that’s right baby, eat my pussy. Ohhh, lick it. Work my clit, yeah, suck all that juice. Oh shit, what are you doing? I see, you want to lick my ass? Yeah sweetie, don’t be afraid, no need to be shy if that’s what you like. I LOVE a hot tongue in my ass. Let me turn over for you so you can really get in there good. Spread my full, round asscheeks and really get your nose in there. Yeah, smell it. You like the way that smells? You like my musky,...
Laying in my bed at last with Mistress, feeling the warmth from her as we sipped champers her hand stroking my thigh feeling my self getting hard again her pantyohed legs hooking mine. She whispered that was sooo amazing tonight, moving her hand up my thigh raking my balls with her nails had me so horny again now my heart raced a dream come true for me Mistress in my bed at last.I put my glass on the bed side table and said to her oh it was the best night ever, letting my hand find her wetness...
Copyright © 2000, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Special thanks to my Proof Reader, George Davis Working as a consultant in the communications industry leaves me a plenty of free time to indulge in other activities. Currently my requirements are very minimal; my excess baggage had packed up and disappeared, leaving me a 'dear john letter'. She flew out of my life, taking everything that wasn't nailed down. Our joint bank account had been cleaned out and the overdraft was up to the limit...
Hi guys and girls… My name is sidd and I am from Mumbai. To introduce myself I am 5’8, fair, and love to go to the gym regularly. Due to regular gymming in need massage at least once every 15 days. I have a fixed spa I visit and a fixed masseur who name is Prachi. Prachi is 5’2″ with good features and absolutely hot figure. Shes got real tight boobs and cute pink pussy. The first two sessions were pretty normal but still when she was massaging the upper part of my thighs I had got an erection...
The next morning, as my husband began shaving, I was putting on my robe to go to the kitchen. I thought of Jason, how he'd be waiting for me. Feeling wicked, I stripped off my bra and panties before putting on my robe. In the kitchen, Jason followed instructions today. He waited until we heard the water running for my husband's shower before rushing to press me against the refrigerator. The knot holding my robe shut was untied and my robe was a puddle of fabric at my feet within seconds. Jason...
CheatingHello friends, Main apni jindagi ki pahali chudai ki behad hasin yadgar aape share kar raha hoon jo main kabhi bhula nahi paunga. Ye ghatana mere jiwan ki anol dharohar hai. Mera nam Piyush hai. Abhi main KOLKATA ki ek MNC me Computer Engineer hoon. Main us samay 15 sal ka tha jab yeh ghatana hui. Us samay main class IX me padhata tha. Mere bade bhaiya Prakash ki shadi hui.Ghar me chand si sundar Bhabhi ayi jo 19 sal ki thi. Bhabhi ka nam Archita hai. Meri badi bahan ki Shadi ho chuki thi ....
When she pulled in to the parking lot there were a few cars, but not too many so she tried to find a place that was close to the door, but not too well lit up so her car wouldn't be noticed in case someone would recognize it. When she went in the door the desk clerk asked her for her ID. The clerk looked at her ID, then at her and said come in as he handed her back her license. She put her id back in her purse then he said to her, "Can I help you find anything?" Embarrassed and nervous...
Sand and scouring powder did for the tub. Eventually. The bathroom sink yielded up a porcelain surface. The toilet got a gallon of bleach and a quart of CLR after I plugged the outflow with a bundle of rags with a string around it. While the toilet soaked I scrubbed the outside and attacked the walls. I was soaked with sweat after all that, but it was worth it. It actually looked clean. I wrapped a rag around the tub, bathroom sink and kitchen sink nozzles and soaked all three with CLR. I...
Wake up. Eat breakfast. Work. Lunch. Work. Come home. Play video games all evening. Sleep. A pretty average day for a gamer like yourself but it took a grueling duration of waiting in order to finally reach the evening! Now that you're home after a long day of work, you can't help but plop down onto your couch with a relaxed sigh. The multiple gaming systems you own practically stares into your sole from in front of you, begging you to grab a controller and start a game.
Maran woke up to a strange wind that gusted through the house followed by a loud thud. She was awake, moreso than the rest of her family hopefully. In the chill of the night, it was possible there was a draft, but the old style of the Edenton was durable to stand the cold of winter. It could’ve been an opened door or window from downstairs, in which case the proper action to take would be to call the police and report a break-in. It would’ve been logical, but that wouldn’t happen. She didn’t...
My hands were shaking at the anticipation, she grabbed the back of my neck and brought me in for another deep kiss, my fingers danced lightly over the mounds of her boobs grazing the hard nipples as my hand got closer to her glistening thighs. I moved my hands over her pussy lips. Wet doesn’t even get close to describing her. This girl was hot and dying for some hard cock to make her scream. Her back arched as I lightly moved her wet lips apart, her panty gusset was soaked through with it as I...
Riding Bitch Chapter 7 By Cissykay I finally made my way out of the bunker and closed the door. Melanie was standing at her hog. By now my feet were really raising hell. Melanie put her hands on her hips and put one foot on the seat of the bike. "Lick it clean bitch." I bent over and licked the boot clean. She changed feet and I licked her other boot. "Get on slut, it's time to ride." I was forced to sit side saddle and when I did my legs inside the hobble dress stuck...
The next morning, Mom pulled me aside and said we were going for a walk. We put on shoes and took the path that went to the spring that watered the ranch. I don’t think she knew what to do. That’s because she said, “Kylie ... I don’t know what to do.” I had a pretty good idea what she was talking about, but I said, “About what?” anyway. “About you having sex with your uncle,” she said, patiently. “I didn’t actually have sex with him,” I said. “I just sat down on him and he accidentally...
Introduction: a scorned lover and a jealous friend show a prissy heiress whats what while her parents are gone Chloe Leto stepped briskly into the barn in the cool autumn morning. Her long, thick black hair was in a braid that hung down her back, and her icy white skin blended perfectly with the snow that fell around her. As she stood in the open she stuck out her pink tongue and felt the chill of a snowflake landing silently and melting in her mouth. The previous day, two of the ranchs farm...
{Chapter 7 Intruders} A loud bark came from up the stairs and Frank, my partner, jumped. Some hit-man, I thought to myself. He must have already changed, I cursed myself. If Caleb found out we’d be dead. ‘What was that?’ Frank asked me, looking worried. ‘We have to go now!’ I growled back at him, running up the stairs. I went to start opening doors to find the teenage duo, but all the doors were propped open. Except for one. I headed straight for it and tried the doorknob, that let the door...
Hello ISS readers, this story is about a woman whom I met online. She was in her mid-30s. She was an ISS reader and she contacted me through email after reading my last story. Her name was Pranita. It started with chatting and later we started sexting during whole nights. One day she told me that her husband had lost interest in her and he had this fantasy to watch her having sex with someone else. I thought it was the right time to make a move. So I casually opened a topic on various sex...
Hello AllAs you can see I have a few stories on here but this one is not about my wife and I. As we got older, in our 40s now and started to branch out sexually when the nest was empty, we also took it upon ourselves to say that if something came up in a siutation, with another person and it was right and safe, go for it, life is tooooooo short.My wife and her two best friends (one I have written about) took a weeks vacation on a criuse last year, just the girls and she related to me how the...
You are sitting at home quietly for the weekend. With your parents gone, and no one to hang out with, you spend your Friday night completing a load of homework. As you finish another tedious math worksheet, your iPhone buzzes. You slide the answer button and hear your mom on the other end. “Honey? Are you doing your school work?” She says. “Yes, Mom,” you reply while rolling your eyes. She never lets you do anything fun. “Alright! Be good! And no parties, you hear me, John?” “Alright.” You say...
Teeni have twin b*****rs parker and bryan they’re 24, a year older than i am.we’re all in college,all fairly good students,and i still can’t explain what happened the other weekend.i just know thati want it to happen again.our folks were out of town for a romantic anniversary weekend or some such shit,and it just happened that all three of ushad gotten screwed over by our saturday night dates. we decided to invest in a box of wine,which was probably a unwise decision,because we got silly and...