My Unconventional LifeChapter 8 free porn video

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The next morning, Mom pulled me aside and said we were going for a walk. We put on shoes and took the path that went to the spring that watered the ranch. I don’t think she knew what to do. That’s because she said, “Kylie ... I don’t know what to do.”

I had a pretty good idea what she was talking about, but I said, “About what?” anyway.

“About you having sex with your uncle,” she said, patiently.

“I didn’t actually have sex with him,” I said. “I just sat down on him and he accidentally went in me.”

“He told me you wouldn’t get off,” said Mom.

“Oh,” I said. How do you explain something like that to your mother?

“Kylie, honey, I was sixteen once. I had sex for the first time, once. I’ve been there, honey.”

I expected her to tell me a story, or make a point. But she stopped, and we trudged along for another twenty five yards or so.

“Why do you need to do anything?” I asked.

She stopped. Her mouth was hanging open.

“Because you could get pregnant!” she said, heatedly.

I got a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that my mother somehow knew about all those pills that had gone down the toilet. Why else would she be worried that he’d gotten me pregnant? I didn’t know what to say, so I fished a little bit.

“Well ... if he got me pregnant, then that’s already done, isn’t it?” I asked.

“I’m not talking about last night!” she snapped. “I’m talking about the next time!”

Now that was interesting. I hadn’t thought there was the possibility of it happening again. I mean everybody had been pretty upset about it last night, you know? I wanted to confirm that there really would be a next time, but I was afraid if I gave her any wiggle room, she’d recant or something. I went with safe.

“Oh,” I said. “Right.”

“You’re too young to start having sex,” she said.

Again, I felt like if I argued, her position would just get harder and harder. Instead, I tried humor.

“I’m not sure how to go about taking it back,” I said.

“And now that this has happened, who knows what ideas Brinn will get in his horny little mind,” she muttered.

I could tell her what ideas he had in his admittedly very horny little mind, but I didn’t think that would help. Her comment about getting pregnant, however, came to mind and I realized that while I didn’t think Uncle Bob had much of a chance of being a daddy (at least with me) it was a whole different story with Brinn. And Shannon might beat me there. She’d waked him up in the middle of the night to play their new game again. And every time Brinn was in one of us, he eventually got around to that grunting little chant that my mind knew meant he was squirting for all he was worth. The problem was that, while I had a fair idea of how many pills I’d skipped, I had no idea if Shannon was skipping them too. It had never come up in conversation, you know?

But I couldn’t tell my mother about Brinn. She’d already banned him from the bedroom once. She’d for sure do it again if she knew he had started crawling between our legs and was practicing making babies just like she and Uncle Bob were. I decided right then and there that I needed to be much better about taking a pill every day, from now on.

“Well ... we are on birth control,” I said. I hadn’t actually planned on saying it. It just sort of popped out while I was thinking. Maybe it was hopeful thinking. It was the safest thing to say, come to think of it.

The look on her face wasn’t happy.

“The pill doesn’t work all the time,” she said. “I thought I told you that.”

“Yes, but we weren’t having sex then,” I said, also automatically.


I tried to deflect. “Habit,” I said. “I think of everything as us.”

She bought it, but went on. “Honey, the best kind of birth control is not having sex.”

“I know that,” I said. “It’s called abstinence. They talk about it at school all the time.”

“So why don’t we try that for a while longer,” said my mother.

This time it was my voice that said, “We?”

She blushed.

“Well not me, of course. I’m grown.”

“So it’s okay if the pill doesn’t work for you,” I said.

She didn’t buy that one.

“It’s not the same and you know it,” she said, her voice level. “If I get pregnant, it’s an inconvenience, but it won’t ruin my life. I love Bob, and he loved me even when I was so stupid that I swallowed what Chuck was selling hook, line and sinker. Your uncle is the finest man I know, and to be completely honest with you, if I did want to have a baby, I’d want it to be his! You, on the other hand, have many, many things to do before you start having babies. You have to finish high school. You’re going to have the chance to go to college, because your uncle has set aside money for that. We could never have done that on our own. When you’ve paid your dues, and have your feet firmly under you, then you can think about having sex!”

She’d gotten pretty wound up, and usually I’d just let her natter on when she was like that. But now she was suggesting that I stay celibate until I was like what? Twenty five or something? That wouldn’t let me stay quiet.

“Mom, I’m not waiting until I’m a quarter of a century old to have a sex life,” I said. I meant it too.

She stopped like her feet had gotten in some kind of instant glue. She looked at me with shock on her face.

“Of course not,” she said. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Well, it’s what you said,” I argued.

“Well it’s not what I meant,” she insisted. “What I meant was that I don’t want you chasing your uncle around, trying to get him to have sex with you every day. Give the poor guy a break. You girls are beautiful, and he’s just a man, after all. Okay, so you had an accident, and yes, I understand that trying to close the barn door won’t get the cows back in the barn. Or something like that. I’m no good at this stuff.” She put her hands on her hips. “Just don’t sleep with him more than once a week, okay?”

She looked confused. I could understand that. She had just said I could have sex with Uncle Bob once a week.

“Wait!” she said.

“Deal!” I yelled.

“No, Kylie!” insisted my mom. “Wait. That’s not what I meant.”

“No way,” I said, smiling. “You said once a week. A deal is a deal.”

“I didn’t mean to say that!” she wailed. “I got upset. It was just a figure of speech.”

“Mom,” I said, going to her and hugging her. Her naked flesh against mine didn’t bother me at all. I think we were used to that by now. “Stop worrying. It was an accident. We didn’t set out to have sex. And okay, it was interesting and all that, but it was so fast I hardly even remember it now. I’m not going to try to take Uncle Bob away from you. Chill out, Mom!”

“I’m not worried about you taking him away from me!” snapped my mother. “I’m worried about the same thing happening to you that happened to me.”

“Well I’m not going to get drunk and...” I stopped. I had a terrible taste in my mouth. It hadn’t been her fault, but I had just made it sound like it was. “I’m sorry,” I said.

But the damage was done. Her face hardened. She looked at me.

“Don’t do anything you’ll be sorry for later,” she said, quietly.

And then she turned and stomped down the trail, back toward the house.

When I got back to our room, Brinn was on top of Shannon.

“You sluts!” I complained.

“I can’t help it,” moaned Shannon. “It just feels so gooood!”

Brinn just grunted. He was sperming her and didn’t want his concentration to be broken by talking to me.

“I hope your pills work,” I said.

“I ran out last week,” she panted.

“Stupid!” I said. Of course the only reason I still had pills was because of all the ones I had forgotten to take. I think at that time I was taking a pill two days and then skipping a day. It wasn’t intentional. I just didn’t think about it, that’s all. Mom hadn’t checked the pill situation in a while, and I was behind on getting rid of the extra ones. I went and got one now, and took it back to my slut sister.

“Open wide!” I ordered. Brinn was still moaning and moving around on top of her. Sometimes he sounded like a puppy right after he spurted one of us full.

She opened, I dropped and she swallowed. I left the room and went to find Mom. Her mood wasn’t any better, but that didn’t matter now. I knew her mood would be really foul if Brinn got one of us pregnant.

“We both need refills on birth control,” I said, just biting the bullet.

“I’ll see to it today,” she said.

Then she ignored me.

So all was not perfect in paradise. I hadn’t seen Uncle Bob all morning. I didn’t figure it would be politically correct to ask where he was. Since Brinn and Shannon were probably still busy (he could go twice in a row when he was motivated. He still can) I decided to go saddle the horse and go for a ride. I didn’t want to go back to the room and get clothes, though, because my brother and sister were probably mating again, but I had on shoes already, so I just went out to the barn and saddled the horse.

Riding naked is interesting. For one thing, without a bra or shirt on, your breasts do the strangest gyrations. You can’t canter too long or your boobs will get really sore. And, of course, if you let yourself get excited, and you’re not wearing panties or pants, then you leak right on the slick leather of the saddle itself. And your slippery skin slides around really well, which means you get a heck of a clitty massage.

So by the time I went around a turn in the trail, and came upon Uncle Bob, who had taken the four wheeler up into the woods to cut some trees and turn it into firewood, I was pretty fired up.

He was dressed, of course. Clothing can be very functional in terms of protecting your skin. It’s just more fun not to wear it when you don’t actually need it.

He was handsome, standing there looking all Paul Bunyan-ish. It was the first time we’d seen each other since his big, stiff penis had slid up into my currently very horny pussy.

“Hi,” I said. I was panting slightly.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.


“You look flushed,” he said. “And you’re panting.”

“Oh,” I said. I tossed a hand. I could always just be truthful with Uncle Bob. “I’m just horny, that’s all.”

Perhaps I should rephrase part of that last comment. I had always been able to be truthful with Uncle Bob. Apparently, things had changed a little. He just stared at me and didn’t comment. I realized that, in light of what had happened between us the night before, that might have been an indelicate way to phrase things.

“I mean I’m just excited,” I said.

“Right,” he finally spoke. His discomfort seemed to fade slowly away, and it was replaced with something that seemed almost like curiosity.

“So what was last night all about?” he asked.

“You mean the accident?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Was that what it was?”

“Of course it was,” I said. “You don’t think I meant to lose my virginity that way, do you?”

“I never really thought about how you might want to lose your virginity,” he said.

“Oh,” I said. “Actually, I didn’t either. I mean I knew it would happen one day, but I didn’t really think about how it might happen or anything.”

As soon as I said that, my mind supplied the memory of how it had happened ... those first few wild moments when Brinn jumped on me like a bear, and shoved me full to overflowing with his hard prick. Uncle Bob’s penis might have been the first to go on me, but I considered Brinn to be the man who actually took my virginity.

“So you haven’t thought about having sex?” he asked.

“Well ... sure, I guess. I mean a little. But it just seemed like something that wouldn’t happen for a while, I guess.”

“I guess I messed that up for you,” he said.

“Oh, you didn’t mess it up,” I said, automatically. Then I put my hand over my mouth. That was also automatic. “I mean I don’t think of you as messing up anything,” I added. It sounded lame even to me.

“If I didn’t,” he said, thoughtfully. “Then who did?”

I sat on the horse, trying to pretend I was on a mountain top, alone. He was watching me, and his face changed.

“The only other man around here is your brother,” he said. “Don’t tell me Brinn has...” He didn’t finish.

Now I was afraid it would be Uncle Bob who sent Brinn away. So I ran my mouth, trying to defuse the situation.

“He wanted to, but we wouldn’t let him,” I said urgently. “But then, after you went in me ... I mean the damage was done ... right? And he wanted to so bad, and when you were in me it wasn’t bad at all. I even liked it, except it went so fast, and then Shannon butted in. So I wasn’t a virgin any more, and we didn’t think it would hurt anything any more ... because I wasn’t a virgin any more ... you know?” I finally ran down.

He just stood there looking at me, with his face all serious.

“So where was Shannon during all this ... experimentation?”

I blinked. I could try to lie, but while we had been in the bedroom getting our socks fucked off by our brother ... I didn’t know where he had been. So if I said she was someplace and he knew that wasn’t true, that would not further my cause. And he already knew that every time he’d done something to me, Shannon had come along asking him to do it to her too. He knew we shared everything.

“She watched,” I said as softly as I could.

“I see,” he said. “And is that all she did? Watch?”

I was caught now. It would be better to just throw myself on his mercy.

“No,” I said.

“So you weren’t a virgin any more, and that was your excuse to let Brinn...” He still didn’t finish. “Don’t tell me Shannon lost her virginity some way we don’t know about, and felt like it was no longer a problem for her either.”

“When he did it to me, she made him do it to her too,” I admitted.

“Well, at least you told me the truth,” he sighed. “Does your mother know?”

“No!” I gasped. “And you can’t tell her. She thinks I want to have sex with you already. And she got so upset that she said I can’t sleep with you more than once a week. If you tell her about Brinn and us, she’ll freak completely out!”

He was silent for so long I began to wonder if something was wrong.

“She said you could sleep with me once a week?” He finally said.

“She didn’t really mean it,” I said.

“But she said it?”

“You sound like me,” I said, hiding a smile. “I told her the same thing, but she made it quite clear she didn’t mean it.”

“So you were arguing that she had to honor that?”

Now I blinked, and stared at him.

“It’s an easy question, Kylie,” he said. “Do you, or do you not want to sleep with me?”

“It’s not an easy question,” I said. “I love you. I think you’re handsome. I love it when you touch me, and when you give me an orgasm, I want to blow you until your brains fall out.” My hand went right up over my mouth again. I know I blushed, because my face felt like it was on fire.

“Go on,” he said, with a half smile on his face.

“Of course I’m curious about ... things,” I said. “Now, I mean. Before, I just wondered what it might be like. But after last night I kind of know more about what it’s like, and I guess I might be a little more curious now.” I blinked at him several times. “About you, I mean,” I added.

He looked right at me and said, “You know, Kylie, I’ve wanted to fuck your sexy little pussy since you were about twelve. But I knew you weren’t nearly as grown up as you looked, and that you wouldn’t really understand what was going on. Not to mention that it would have broken your mother’s heart. But she knew how I felt about things. I didn’t hide that from her. Our sex life was already as fucked up as a sex life can get. And we were trying to be parents to you guys, but we didn’t know how to do that either. I guess you have to learn how to do that on the fly. And I worried, Kylie, that what we were doing with you and Shannon might go horribly wrong. And I never knew how you felt about all this.” He picked up a towel he’d brought with him and wiped his face with it. “Until now, I didn’t know if I had hurt you or not. But listening to you just now, I realize you’re okay. I didn’t fuck you up. And while your life isn’t anywhere near normal, as that word is defined by most people, I feel amazing relief that you’re as well adjusted as you appear to be.”

He walked up to the horse and put his hand on my bare thigh.

“Are you really okay?”

“You mean about what happened last night ... the accident?”

“That, and everything else. Are you okay with how your relationship with Brinn has changed?”

Things had gone so well that I think the relief of all that kind of oozed out of me.

“It wasn’t such a huge change, really,” I said softly.

“Really?” He looked interested. “You want to tell me that part too?”

I thought about it.

I decided it would be good if our secret wasn’t so secret any more.

So I told him everything.

It’s really amazing when a man you’ve known all your life actually starts thinking of you as a woman, rather than his lover’s little girl. It was hard for me to grasp, at first. I mean I had known Uncle Bob for my entire life, and part of my understanding of him was that he and my mother had a sexual component to their lives. Then there were the bits and pieces of my own life that had Uncle Bob in them in a sexual sort of way. And he had always known almost everything about me.

So when, after that day on which I revealed to him the complete extent of my sexual experience, he began treating me differently, I had a hard time comprehending why he was doing that. By “differently” what I mean is that he looked at me differently somehow. I could just tell. His eyes lingered on me, for one thing. It wasn’t much, but it was different. And when he hugged me, his arms and hands felt different. His kisses were a shade longer, and after every single kiss, even a simple ‘good morning’ kiss, my nipples were erect and my belly was tingling. There was just this something about him that made him seem like, suddenly, he was a lion, somehow. I know that sounds stupid, but I could really tell. It was all very little changes, but they added up to something that puzzled me.

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UnconventionalChapter 16

“Okay, looks like you have one last group of visitors before you’re released. I don’t know why they couldn’t wait to meet you at home or somewhere else, but here they are. The Lanier family. Pierre, Angelique, Monique, and Jacques. Her parents and siblings,” Nora made sure that I actually wanted to speak to them prior to release, given how close I was to being discharged. “Oh, go ahead. Let’s get this over with, and in a setting where they have to behave themselves,” I smiled, as Nora nodded...

4 years ago
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UnconventionalChapter 17

Five months later... “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness these unions between these ... people today. If there is anyone who can show just cause why any of these ... people should not be joined together, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace,” the minister intoned, said minister being Brett, in fact. Several tense seconds elapsed, and then I heard, “yeah, I object!” “Oh, Sylvester, shut up already! Just be glad that you were invited, okay? We’re already divorced and...

4 years ago
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UnconventionalChapter 18

I had just finished inside Jeannie Lanier when I heard Christy cough and I realized that she wanted to officiate the next wedding. I winked at her and gestured for her to begin. I then cleared my throat while still stroking Jeannie’s hair. “Proceed, Christy,” I told her with a slap to her ass. “Will Wayne Simpson and Stacey Weingarter please step forward. Now that Wayne has officially completed his reservist duties for the last time and is on terminal leave, it is time, wouldn’t you say,...

1 year ago
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Unconventional Friendship

Holding on to hope - I had been secretly in love with my best friend for nearly three years before my feelings where discovered. I remember the very moment that I realized that what I was feeling for my friend was love. It happened about a year after we had met in the summer of 1978 when we where both 18-years old. This all began more then 20 years ago and now more then 10 years has passed since I have seen his face. What a special time it was to grow up and become a teenager at the transition...

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Fun With Webcam Model Rabia

Hey there, jolly readers of ISS. My name is Aashish Nair (Age 20) and this is my first sex story on this website. In this sex story, I have described my recent sex chat experience with a scintillating webcam model of Delhi sex chat web portal. I must confess that having a live session has helped me stay away from watching pornographic videos. Nowadays, I enjoy sexually stimulating myself by having sex chat sessions with anyone of the DSC’s gorgeous and open-minded cam models. It was a bright...

4 years ago
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An Anniversary to Remember Part 2

…”Ohhh… and what are we doing here!?" I asked excitedly as we walked through the front door of the tattoo shop!"You must be Nicole." Said the blond at the front counter. She had two sweet looking sleeves and a few piercings. "I'm Monica, let's do this!" She said excitedly while clapping her hands and bouncing up and down a little bit. Yes, her tits were shaking. Yes, they were nice. Monica had on a very loose spaghetti strap white tank top with no bra, and a pair of high wasted, ass-hugging...

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Girl Unveiled

When people see her, they see a strong, successful, persevering young adult that has done well in the shadow of a rocky past. Sometimes, she likes to think that’s what she is, other times, she feels as if she has let down the image that everyone so strongly believes in. It is the fear that she struggles with each and every day. She is a small town girl. She grew up in the heart of the Midwest in a small, white house on Second Street. She was raised by her mother and grandma (who she calls...

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Flirty Flight

The morning started off like any normal morning in the summer, in Northern Ohio. That is, if by normal you mean waking up at 4am to travel an hour and a half to the airport to catch a 7am flight to Reno, NV - then yes that is normal. I was 17 years old and I was traveling by plane out west to visit my grandparents and other family members on my dad's side. We had arrived at the airport in Cleveland a bit early because my dad needs to get places hours early for some reason (even to this day)....

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A Spy Too FarChapter 4 The Invitation

Lord Ralph Ainsley was dismayed that since the out break of war and despite all his contacts at the War Office no-one could seem to be bothered to find him a wartime job. He was even more disgusted with Kate his daughter, all she was interested in was horses and having a good time. He thought that at least she could do some voluntary work. Lord Ralph Ainsley now in his late sixties, glanced up from his copy of the Times newspaper, and looked down the breakfast table that morning at his wife....

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EMail from a friend Chapter 1

Fran, nice to read your last email. I am very happy that you and Marge finally got together. I ran into her last week. Sorry I missed you. I was only in town for a day. She is very happy. You know I was friends with her before I met you.This may shock you, but Marge has been in love with you for years, you are probably the only person she would leave Jimmy for, if you gave her the least encouragement. She would shack up with you without a second thought.But I digress and am going places that...

2 years ago
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Hell-O-Ween By Cheryl Lynn This is a short outtake from my very first story Paulette. All disclaimers apply and may be downloaded for personal use only. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader and comments may be sent to [email protected]. Hell-O-Ween Jerimiah Johnson, unlike the famed mountain man who shared the same name, was anything but. He was five foot six, weighed one hundred forty pounds and had brown hair touching his shoulders. He has been living with...

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ValerieChapter 19

Work for three days was busy as ever and although not boring, quite frustrating, although Jan did help keep my libido under control to an extent. Still Monday morning arrived and as we were both off we tackled cleaning the house ready for Vonnie and Henry's arrival. Despite having let everyone I knew in on the fact that Jan was around and so I wasn't easily available, I still had a good few texts with some quite imaginative 'suggestions' for me with the ladies involved. Finally we had...

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Incest is Truly Best 2

It is best to read “Incest is Truly Best”, to understand this story. I’m Jack, 52, 5’ 10, 175 lbs, brown hair, in good shape. I am divorced so many years now, over 20, that I can hardly remember why I even got married to the ex. She was a control freak and very obsessive. It lasted a mere 3 years. No kids, so it was an easy split. I have a small, 3 bedroom home, nothing fancy, but I like it. I do date, but never wanted to be tied down again, so I try to pick women who also do not want any...

2 years ago
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The worst and best date of my life

The Worst (and BEST) Date of My Life!Did you ever have one of those dates where you spend hours getting ready, only to have the date be a total disaster? David was the major hunk in my drama class, smart, charming, and that body just got me going! He was about six foot one, dark brown hair, enough muscles to be handsome but not creepy, and a smile that left a swath of drenched panties in it's wake. Mine were no exception, and we started to hit it off, and he asked me to go out on Friday...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 44

I was amazed as I stared up at the famous torpedo tits of none other than Traci Lords. She was 15 when she made her first porno and that made her a young 42. She first kissed me passionately. Since she was behind the others they joined in by touching and stimulating her any way they could. We spent the next hour or so sucking and fucking. She came 3 times, just as vocally as in her films. God was a turn on. Plus she brought off or helped me get both Christy and Margot to orgasm again. I was...

2 years ago
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Victor and my new sex toy

Victor and my new sex toy It was a lazy Sunday morning in bed. We were snuggling. Back to back. Butt to butt. I woke up first and watched my loving Victor still relaxing for the past hours. We had been fucking all night long like crazy. We had sucked and licked each other, I had been tied to the bed as he had fucked my arse… I turned around and leaned over, kissing him on the neck in way to show him my satisfaction. I looked down and laughed to myself. When I kissed him, the last cum from...

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It just happened

Well it finally happened, and not at all like I ever imagined or fantasized it would happen. What, you ask am I talking about diary?Until yesterday, I had never cheated on my husband of 21 years. For that matter, he is the only man I have ever had sex with in my life, since I was 16 and a virgin when we first met. That all ended yesterday and I still can't believe it. Oh sure I've had the usual fantasies where I meet a handsome stranger while my husband and k**s are out of town. He takes me out...

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little sis chapter 7

He walked up right as we did. He eyed me up and down like he wanted to eat me. He asked Jason ‘is this going to ruin our friendship. Are you going to treat me like shit because I fucked your girl?’ Jason was honest. He said ‘I love her more than you can ever imagine. But I fucked up so bad she deserves a damn good fuck and total revenge.’ This boy grew up with us. He was in my sixth grade class.Jason busted out with ‘I popped lauren’s cherry and I was never going to tell her about it. My...

1 year ago
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AfternoteJims Philosophy of Life

It turns out that all life really is one, an expression of God if you will, the Word which is all life, DNA. But life is separate from Physics so we still have not unmasked the face of the Mystery. The Architect can still be inferred from the construction- matter, energy, and spirit in it’s various manifestations. Trees of differing species exchange nutrients through fungal connecting mats, various species adopt and nurture the offspring of other species, some birds foster their eggs in the...

3 years ago
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Liza Ki Chudai Uske Pati K Cousin Se

Hi ye kamukta story hai meri , mera naam liza hai or me housewife hu.Mere pati bahut hi shareef hai wo kisi k fate me taang nahi adaate .Ek baar ki baat hai me shopping krne market gayi hur thi or ghar pe mere pati k sath unke bade bhai aaye hue the . Meri nayi shadi hue thi or me unse kabhi mili nahi thi so me jese hi ghar pahuchi mere pati ne unse introduce kraya . Wo kisi company k ceo the or kaafi paise wale dikhte the .Mene unse namastey kiya to unhone me samne hand shake k liye hath...

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Meeting the voyeur in a sex club Jonas Fetish Sex Stories

I watched her moving through the room. Her gaze was fixed on the couple on the platform. I could tell she was feeling horny, by the way her legs moved, as if she was trying to rub something down there. Her body stiffened every time, the man penetrated his playmate with the whip handle. I knew what she was feeling and the atmosphere in the sex club was getting hotter. She had slowly made her way closer to me and was now standing in front of me. It was right at the time when the man on the...

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On The Beach0

On The Beach It was a holiday, it was Memorial Day and my daughter didn’t have to go to school and I didn’t have to go to work, so I took her to the beach. She had just hit me up for a new bathing suit anyway so I might as well get to see the damn thing on her. When we got to the beach she went in to change. Quite a while later she emerged. For Christ’s sake girl put some clothes on, was all that came to mind. Then I took a good look at my fifteen-year-old daughter in that tiny,...

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Kellys Passion ch 4

Kelly’s Passion Chapter 4 Kelly awoke hour’s later feeling the delicious ache of sexual exertion radiate through her body. Rolling flat on her back, she sighed in contentment as she stared at the mirrored ceiling. Her matted hair was against her head and her thighs were sticky with the dried film of her juices. ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve made a hot mess of myself, haven’t I?!’ Memories that were as delicious as they were humiliating replayed through her mind and she giggled softly at the cause of...

3 years ago
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my frist time ever

and sry for my speeling i cant find spell chk it all started last saterday i think might of been friday all i no is it waz at about 10pm and this kid i no and i have new him 4 the past 3 or 4 yrs hes 1 of 3 kids my friends sis watches on most weekends. ok as i waz saying well hes sitting in whit me we r playing my ps3 and he asks whats gay mean i ask GAY? he says yea he said his bro said it means u like black ppl i said OMG do what and had 2 lay it out for him be it hes like 7yrs old but u...

1 year ago
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When it comes to cartoon porno, it’s hard to imagine that there are professional companies dedicated to drawing, animating, and voicing full-length movies and shows. But in Japan, this shit is super common, with literally hundreds of studios dedicated to making hentai jerkoff is here to provide you with the latest hentai videos straight from Japan for your stroking pleasure. This includes episodes and movies from studios such as Milky, Sakura Films, Discovery, and Bootleg...

Premium Hentai Sites
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ManuelFerrara April Olsen Gets Anal

April Olsen proves she is just the right amount of nice and spice in this scene from “Raw #42”. We open on the plain spoken Olsen’s pussy in POV. Manuel already dabbling, taking his fingers and pressing her meaty nethers together. Olsen, possessor of an athletic yet feminine frame points her wondrous glutes in the camera. Ferrara at a loss as he states “You have a perfect pussy.” Manuel has seen many so you might want to listen up here. Indeed, April has an amazing twat. She makes Ferrara even...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Sex Encounter With Office Colleague

By : Lovesilver2010 Hi,my name’s Abhay and I’ve posted many of my sexual advetntures on this forum.I’ve been getting a terrific response.Thank you all for that.My girlfriend’s a bisexual and on popular demand,especially from girls who have contacted me, I’m going to post one of her sexual adventures in her own words. My girlfriend attendted a conference to Goa with her office-colleagues.All of them were young girls between 21-24 years of age. Her company had booked their rooms in a hotel,...

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Snow Bunny

Nothing felt better to me than to have my feet strapped into my bindings and bombing it down the mountain, leaving first tracks in the corduroy as I snow boarded over to my lift. I was 19, and worked as a lift operator on one of the mountains in Aspen, CO. Reaching my destination I came to a quick stop and sat down on my butt, reaching down and unhooking my boots from their cage before walking over to the railing surrounding the lift. Unhooking the ropes that latched around the entrance, I let...

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Four fer a Dollar

Four Fer a Dollar by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1998 Rick ran through the rain toward his car. He didn't even like coming down to this part of town and now he was caught in the rain. He glanced around at the run down and ramshackle houses that made up the lower end of town. It was easy to see by the style of the old houses that at one time this was where the creme de la creme once lived. Those days were gone and now this area was home to drug dealers, pimps and...

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The Professional Woman Part One Ups and Downs

Life had gotten boring for me. It had come down to work and home life, which wasn't bad. I have a good job working in the clothing industry. I was married to a good man for twelve years. But now reaching into my late thirties things were beginning to get routine.It was not anybody's fault that I was starting to feel bored with my life. Mark did all he could. We tried to excite things in the bedroom many times. Role Play, Videos, New Toys for both of us. He was satisfied with how things had come...

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Learning to be submissive part 1

Before the days of internet chat rooms and social media I was very lonely as a young cross dresser. I can’t speak for everyone of course but I would use telephone messaging services to talk to like minded people. I had received my first mobile phone for a recent birthday and I would often call up to chat to people. Sometimes things would turn into phone sex and on the rare occasion I would give out my phone number. One person whom I deemed worthy enough to have my number was a man called Jack....

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Sealed Like Envelopes

Adele was bored. She lay on her stomach on top of her bed, swinging her feet above her head, desperately tried to find a new way to amuse herself. Unfortunately, there was nothing to do. She had already checked her email twice, written in her journal, and stared at the ceiling for too long than she cared to think about. She had entertained the thought of a morning run but seeing snow fluttering out the window, had given up that idea. She was in the final week of her politically-correct Winter...

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JenniferChapter 6 Learning Things

Jennifer's fifteenth birthday fell on a Saturday. Frank was pleasantly surprised how many friends Jennifer had. The weather was good, and almost twenty teenagers filled Frank's living room, kitchen and the small backyard. Frank did not even attempt to make a surprise party. Jennifer enjoyed organizing her own celebration, inviting her friends and coordinating transportation. Jeremy, Mary and their kids came for a brief visit. Mary had no problems talking to the high school students, and...

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Toms DiaryChapter 8

Friday, March 22, 2002 JR did not come to check on us the next morning; Jenny got up with me at the alarm, vanished into the bathroom by herself. I followed shortly, then a simple breakfast with everyone bright-eyed and smiling around the table. Mom stopped me before I left the table. "You're going to the basketball game tonight?" "Yes." I looked at JR and Jenny. "I promised I'd take JR, Jenny and Penny. The girl I'm going with asked if she can take her sister. She's a freshman....

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