Fathers and Sons Suck at the Hunting Camp
- 4 years ago
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A non sexual work of fiction By BigCarl
Edited By DeepBlueC
I can clearly remember the day my daughter came to live with me. It seems like it was only yesterday.
When I got the call from Child Protective Custody Services’ and I was told to report to there main office immediately or there would be serious consequences, for me if I didn’t. I figured they were going to try and force me to pay child support again.
Oh don’t get me wrong. I’d be more than willingly to pay child support if I could just see my daughter and have her spend every other weekend with me like other fathers do. But that was unacceptable to Alexis’s parents.
Alexis and I had a lot in common. We were both on the fast track to hell. Because we came from the wrong side of town and our parents were losers.
Her parents were dirty dangerous violent abusive people. They not only dealt drugs, they also used and abused them. For as long as I could remember, Alexis had a reputation as being easy to get into and that was in grammar school.
My Mother was a violent vulgar drunk and her sexual habits were an embarrassment to me. My step father was a wishy washy cowardly drunkard unless he was around me.
I got a reputation as a tough guy because I had to kick the shit out of my step father one night to protect myself from his physical abuse.
All the guys in school kept telling me Alexis was easy and she was interested in me. A couple of the guys told me that the bigger the dick the guy has, the better she liked it!
Well I went out with her to find out and I found out that she was easy. I loved it and so did she. So we went at it ever chance we got. But what the guys didn’t tell me was I needed to wear a rubber because Alexis quickly became pregnant.
We were very young when this happened. We were probably too young. So there was nothing we could do. We had to tell our parents about it. That’s when the shit hit the fan.
My mother’s response was, ‘So what you got some little whore pregnant. What do you want me to do about it?
My step father went on a freaking titrate about my lack of morals.
Alexis’s parents were just as bad. They claimed I took advantage of their innocent virginal daughter. Alexis was able to get welfare but her parents got her check because of her age.
They wouldn’t let Alexis and I see each other and they absolutely refused to let me see my daughter. Maybe they thought Alexis and I would run away together and they would lose her welfare check.
For what it’s worth, the thought of running away with Alexis did cross my mind. Alexis was my… first love.
My court appointed lawyer told me it would be a huge mistake for us to get married. He also advised me to stay far away from Alexis and her parents, because as he put it her parents are low life, drug addicted scumbags!
I didn’t think he though much better of my Mother and step father either but he didn’t say anything about them to me.
The next thing I head Alexis, was addicted to dope and turning tricks to support her heroin habit.
As soon as I walked in the door, the social worker, an older heavy set black woman named Mrs. Washington, asked, ‘Sir are you Earl Smith? And did you have a child with an Alexis Jones?’
I nodded my head as I answered,’ Yes, ‘to both of her questions.
Mrs. Washington was looking at me strangely as she asked, ‘Mr. Smith, how old are you and are you married?’
I said, ‘Please call me Earl.’ Then I answered her and said, ‘I’m 21 years old and I’m not married.’
Then she asked, ‘Earl what do you do for a living?’
I proudly stated, ‘I drive a trailer truck.’
I didn’t tell her I also worked as a bouncer at a local strip club once in a while.
‘Do you make a good living driving a trailer truck?’ she asked,’
I figured now here it comes she going to ask me about paying child support. But I answered her honestly anyway,’ Not too bad, I guess.’
Mrs. Washington was nodding her head as she said, ‘Please take a seat Earl.’
She paused for a moment and said,’ I don’t know how to tell you this. I don’t even know if you’ll care. But I have to inform you, that Alexis Jones died from AIDS.’
She was looking at me strangely as she said, ‘Earl, but that’s not all. You’re going to have to make a serious life changing choice and you are gonna have to make it now!’
I lifted my forearms off my knees and spread them apart, with my hands open in a what is it jester, as I asked the obvious question with a sigh,’ What is it?’
‘It’s regarding your daughter. Her grandparents are unfit to take of her. I personally think they should be taken out and shot but that’s just my opinion.’
She paused for a moment then she continued, ‘We’ve had to take your daughter away from them.’
She paused again like she was thinking of what she wanted to say, or how she was going to say it, then she said, ‘Earl you’re her father and you’re probably the only chance she has for any kind of a life.
What she really needs is a family but you’re all she’s got.
If you don’t want her, its okay. I’ll understand you’re very young yourself. But if you’re willing to make the sacrifice you can take her home with you now.’
Then she asked, ‘Do you understand me, Earl?’
I was totally dumb founded, and completely confused by what she was telling me, I just nodded my head and replied, ‘Yeah I think so.’
Mrs. Washington said, ‘Earl your daughter has been severely abused and neglected her whole short life. Because of the abuse she’s been forced to endure, she may never totally recover from it.’
Again she paused, trying to let her words sink in. Then Mrs. Washington said again,’ Earl if you don’t want her. I’ll understand and for better or worse she’ll just be another human throw away placed in the foster care system and you can forget about her and go on with your life.’
I just sat there, as the memories from my own horrible abusive childhood came flashing through my head. Then I asked,’ Can I see her?’
The social worked nodded her head up and down as she said,’ I’ll go get her, but she’s a mess, Earl, the sight of her may break your heart or sicken you.’
Then she got up and went into another room in the back of her office.
She came back quickly with a sniffing raggedly dressed four year old girl in tow. She was the filthiest dirtiest looking child I’ve ever seen. Her hair was, matted and tangled. She had itchy looking pink spots all over her arms and legs.
Her tears were streaking her dirty cheeks, as she sobbed. She had the saddest looking big red watery brown eyes I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t help myself and I fell in love with her the minute I laid my eyes on her.
The little girl looked up at Mrs. Washington and sobbed as she asked in a soft scared child’s voice, ‘Who’s that big man over there?’ as she pointed at me.
My heart was breaking as I though to myself, I’ll be fucked before I let her go through anymore abuse.
Mrs. Washington was looking in my direction but before she could say anything. I replied,’ Lauren, I’m your Daddy do want to come home with me?’
Lauren looked up at Mrs. Washington when I said that. Mrs. Washington looked down at Lauren as she said,’ Honey you can’t go back and live with your grandparents. I think you’ll be much happier living with your daddy.’
Lauren was sobbing as she mumbled,’ Okay.’
Mrs. Washington looked at me and said,’ You know Earl this isn’t going to be easy for you. She’s starved for affection and attention and she may never completely recover from her terrible ordeal.’
I just nodded my head and said,’ I’ll do the best I can.’
Then I asked,’ what are those pink spots on her arms and legs?’
Mrs. Washington had tears in her eyes and her voice was choked with emotion as she answered ‘Those are bug bites.’
Mrs. Washington was wiping her eyes and shaking her head as she asked, ‘Earl Do you have anyone who can help you with her? Because you’re going to need all the help you can get.’
I just nodded my head again as I said, ‘Yeah, I have a couple of friends I can count on.’
‘Good,’ she replied, now bring her downstairs to the clinic. The doctor is waiting for her.’
With that said I put out my hand and Lauren took it and followed me out of the office.
I knew exactly who I was going to call. I wasn’t even out the door before I had my cell phone in my hand calling Neil and Shirley.
Neil and Shirley’s condo is directly across the hall from mine. They’re the closest thing I ever had to a family.
Neil was in his late fifties. His wife Shirley was my age. If you didn’t know them you would think there was something strange about them because of their May December marriage. But they truly loved each other and their two young daughters. They called their little girls Princess Ann and Princess Mary. Their girls call me Uncle Earl.
When I got Neil on the phone I told him about Lauren. He told me I was nuts and I was way too young and too immature to take on that kind of responsibility.
Then he said, ‘Driver that’s what he called me, you’re doing the right thing, and I’m proud of you.
Then he told me to come right over after the doctor’s visit.
Lauren looked scared half to death as the doctor examined her, she never took her eyes off me. After her brief exam, she jumped off the table and ran over to me and climbed on my lap!
The doctor informed me that Lauren had lice in her hair and to buy a bottle of calamine lotion to help stop her itching and he also recommended a product to get rid of the lice in her hair.
After a quick stop at Walgreens we went home.
Neil, Shirley and the girls were waiting in the parking lot for us. As soon as I pulled in they came running over. Lauren was frightened and clung to me.
But Shirley and the girls worked their magic on her and quickly calmed her down and made her feel at ease. Neil and Shirley were giving me looks of discus and disbelief as we went upstairs.
Neil had a tear in his eye as he said angrily,’ Driver when you told me how badly she was treated I didn’t believe you. I still can’t believe it and I can see it with my own two eyes.’
Shirley was also watery eyed as she looked back and forth between me and Lauren. She was shaking her head as she put her hand out to Lauren and said, ‘Come with me, Lauren I’m going to give you a bubble bath and a nice haircut.’
Then Shirley asked,’ Did you ever have a bubble bath?’ Lauren didn’t answer, she just looked back and forth between me and Shirley.
Then Shirley took the bag from me and got her hairdressers kit as she said and asked her girls in the same sentence,’ Princess Ann and Princess Mary love to take bubble baths and get their hair cut, don’t you girls’
The girls just nodded at their Mother.
Lauren was looking at me as if she didn’t know what to do. So I nodded my head and smiled as I gave her two thumbs up. I guess she understood because she took Shirley’s hand and went into the bathroom with her.
A couple of hours later they all came out of the bathroom. Lauren looked a hundred percent better. Her hair was cut short, she had pink cream on her arms, and she was dressed in a pair of jeans and a pink tee shirt with Barbie on the front of it. But the clothes were a little too big for her.
She handed Neil a bag and told him to throw it in the dumpster. Then Shirley looked over at me and said, ‘Earl we have to go to the Mall. Lauren needs everything. ‘
Then Shirley said, ‘Come on girls we’re going shopping with uncle Earl.’
As the five of us headed for the door, I noticed that Neil stayed in his recliner. I asked him if he was coming. He said, ‘No Earl, I’m kind of tired. You and girls go. I’m gonna take a nap.’
I though to myself, but Neil’s never tired!
So I asked Shirley if Neil was alright, she just said,’ He’s been very tired lately because he’s having problems with his prostrate.’
‘ Oh ‘I replied, and said, ‘I didn’t know about that!’
Then Shirley said, ‘Neil told me his doctor said it’s nothing to worry about.’
I shrugged my shoulders as I said, ‘That’s good.’
We bought everything we though Lauren needed. I even bought her a teddy bear. The five of us had fun together. I never did anything like that when I was kid.
We had lunch in the mall and Lauren had to sit in my lap while we ate.
I guess Shirley could see my confusion about the way Lauren was clinging to me and said, ‘Earl that’s what little girls do, they hang all over their fathers, that’s why they’re called daddy’s little girls!’
I didn’t know that. When we got back to the condo Shirley helped me put Laurens stuff away and get her ready for bed!
That was another problem where was she going to sleep! I told Shirley, I’ll make up the couch for her to sleep on. Shirley just laughed when I told her that. Then the three of them said good night and went across the hall.
I tucked Lauren and her teddy bear in and kissed her on the forehead. Then I turned off the light and went into my bedroom. I put on a pair of PJ bottoms and crawled into bed.
My head wasn’t even on the pillow when I heard Lauren crying. I went to see what was wrong. Lauren had her teddy bear in one arm and she put out her other arm for me to pick her up. As I picked her and her teddy bear up, she stopped crying. I kissed her again and put her back down and covered her and her teddy bear up again.
I wasn’t even back in my bedroom when she started crying again. I turned around went back again and she had her little arm around her teddy bear and her other arm was out again for me to pick her up. This time as I tried to put her down she wouldn’t let go of my neck!
So I figured maybe she’d go to sleep with me then I could put her back on the couch but it didn’t work out that way.
As soon as we got in bed she cuddled up beside me and put her head on my chest with her teddy bear under her arm and she went right to sleep.
It was kind of nice having her next to me. So I though to myself screw it and went to sleep with my daughter sleeping next to me.
The end of the first day
There were other problems too, like getting her into pre-school and day care. She was slightly behind the other kids.
But Shirley was always there for us. Her two little princesses took Lauren under their wings. They taught her all the little things she needed to know. So it wasn’t long before she caught up with the other kids.
Neil had to have his prostrate removed. He was very tired and weak after his surgery. He spend most of his time in bed or in his recliner. He told me and Shirley to help each other with the girls and to be supportive of one and other.
So Shirley and I were together almost all the time. When I was on the road she’d pick up the kids and take them to the Beauty Parlor with her.
If I was off I’d pick up the kids and take them to the park or do something with them. Shirley and Neil’s little girls started calling me Daddy Earl. Then I had three little girls clinging to me.
My social life turned to shit because I was always too busy with Shirley and the kids. I really didn’t care because I loved being with Shirley and the girls.
Shirley’s a very attractive woman and she was starting to interest me in a way I knew she shouldn’t maybe it because we were always together and we had so much in common.
I could tell by the way Shirley looked at me sometimes that she was thinking the same things about me that I was thinking her.
But neither one of us would do anything about it because of Neil.
Shirley and Neil were sleeping in different bed rooms because Neil was in so much of pain.
One night after dinne
r, Neil called me and Shirley into his room and said to us,’ I’m dying my prostate cancer has spread throughout my body.’
He had tears in his eyes as he said, ‘Shirley I love you, but I was always too old for you. I can see that you and Earl and the girls belong together.’
Shirley was crying as sat on the bed beside her dying husband. I walked over and sat down on the other side of the bed by my best friend and tried not to cry.
Then Neil said,’ Earl I think of you like the son I never had. I want you to take care my three girls for me. I know you love all three of them and they love you in return. I love your little girl like she was my granddaughter.
Knowing that the five of you are together. I can go and meet my maker in peace. ‘
Neil was smiling peacefully as closed his eyes and went to sleep. He died later that night with that peaceful smile still on his face.
Shirley and I married shortly afterwards and we had a baby boy that we named Neil.
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I'm Cory McVay, I'm eightteen, six feet three inches, one hundred ninety pounds, Sandy hair, Straight white teeth, Green eyes. I still live at home, I do odd jobs around but mostly I work for my parents doing odd jobs.My Stepdad, John, is kind of a 'sometimes around' type of dad. He and mom aren't divorced and they do live together some of the time, but dad is also gone more than he is around. He pays me to take care of the things a dutiful property owner would do, plus he has some property...
My name is justy . This incident happens two months back. About me working as female nurse here in bhilai ,raipur. My age is 26 and an average looking guy.`m staying with my parents here for last 5 yrs . Now let me tel abt th incident.here in ourplace buses are not so common here all used to travel by tempos , as specia vehicle. On that day i used to travel by one such tempo i got seat in th back seat of th vehicle n i sat beside a good looking lady .after some time it get more crowded n me got...
I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...
Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Six: Love's Nature By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264for beta reading this. Chapter Sixteen: Love's Nature Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The room Priestess Thea led me to was surprisingly homey. It wasn't what I expected given the solemn grandeur of the rest of the Temple of Luben. An open window looked out at a small garden, lacy curtains framing it. A table set in the center, the...
This is my first story on here...Please comment and tell me about similar events. (if you want more info i will be happy to inbox and share)So i been on a social site on my cell for about 4 years now called moco. I have had all types of women of there from big to small, ugly to fine, short to tall. That damn moco have got me more ass than any other site.So im in the "near me" chat room to holla at the local chicks around a month ago and this girl has "my lips your dick" on a pic of her's and...
It was the second day of school of my freshman year when I first kissed Suzi. I sat with her during lunch instead of my usual table, making Joey a little mad at me. At least he tried to make it look like it was anger, but I knew from his body language that he was really just plain jealous. I mean, here I was holding hands with the girl we all had discussed in detail what we thought she looked like naked. Suzi and I had three classes together. As it happened, they were the odd-numbered...
This story is meant for free fan distribution to TG fiction sites throughout the web. Please enjoy the story and be free with your comments or critiques! ============================================================ Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II By Dee Eon Kicking heels high after my slippers' metal taps clicked and rapped the parquet floor like a machine gun below my long legs and flouncing embroidered clover green velvet skirt, my passionate solo jig to the...
As I entered the bedroom, Joey asked, “Tim, after dinner, what were you doing to Honey before you kissed her?” Surprised, I hesitated a moment to recall that moment before saying, “I shared my feelings for her with her. Why?” “It was weird but ... I swear I felt it coming from Joy.” Suzi said, “They are twins. Maybe they’re so in sync with each other they actually can feel what each other feels. You two did kiss them at the same time. They were very excited about that, by the way. They...
As I got out of the shower I looked at myself in the full length mirror. At the age of 30 I was nice and fit. I had nice and muscular arms and I was thin with some hair on my chest. My cock was at least 6 inches long and 3 inches around when it was hard and it was now. I wasn’t too surprised because it usually is in the morning. All my past lovers said I have the stamina of a teenager. I was thinking about masturbating until I heard a knock at the door and a cute...
Id been talking with this stranger for a couple months- we had shared some videos back and forth and I was eagerly being very naughty. I learned quickly that this man was a Dom and I knew if we ever met, that he’d more than likely completely wreck my pussi. As we talked we proposed a eventual meet up. Little did I know to what I was getting into. I was instructed to where the same outfit that Im wearing in my profile pic- the purple panties, with leggings and pink bowties. I showed up at his...
Me and my husband have been separated since I let my sister move in with us. They have always got on but after a few weeks the arguments started and he moved out. So on Father’s Day I thought I’d try and persuade him to move back in, I made sure the house was empty, my sister took everyone to the park for a bit with some friends so I could be alone with him. He rang the bell and I went running to the door in just my knickers and a vest top. I’d made sure I wasn’t wearing much for him. He...
Me and my husband have been separated since I let my sister move in with us. They have always got on but after a few weeks the arguments started and he moved out. So on Father’s Day I thought I’d try and persuade him to move back in, I made sure the house was empty, my sister took everyone to the park for a bit with some friends so I could be alone with him. He rang the bell and I went running to the door in just my knickers and a vest top. I’d made sure I wasn’t wearing much for him. He...
He bent as much as he could to kiss me under my right ear. "Feel good, darling?"“Oh daddy, you’ll never know just how good, but I’m nearly out of it, you’ve made me cum so much, I don’t think I can carry on much longer but you still haven’t cum have you?”“Oh don’t worry about me darling, this was about you,” he said as he tried yet another angle, getting another low groan out of my surprised mouth.“Here, I tell ya what, let’s just roll over onto our sides and I’ll keep him right where he is...
He let me lower my upper body on trembling arms and must have felt my hair touch his thigh. I need his cock, I need his cock in my mouth NOW. I had my head turned to one side, lying on his abdomen, and I was just sucking away like a nursing baby.He did the same to my little clit, occasionally pausing to push his tongue as far as he could into the tiny opening of my cunt. I was so hot by this point that I just lay there, sucking him at one end, and pulsing into an orgasm every half-minute...
We stood outside in the boiling sun, looked each other up and down, I don’t know what he saw, but I saw a very sexy guy that I loved enormously, with a nice bulge still in his trousers, grabbed his arm and we walked into the high street. Of-course, what we hadn’t thought about was that there might be some wind blowing outside. Thankfully, the weather was so hot that only a light breeze was blowing or heaven only knows just how much of my boobs would have been on view.Several times, I caught...
I hope you don’t mind me telling you all this stuff, it’s just that he really knows how to work wonders on me, he knows exactly how I’m feeling just by looking at me and just what to do to make all those nasty things go away.Am I telling you too much or do you want me to carry on telling you?I really feel all soft and sloppy now reliving this for you.Please let me know what you want me to do.I just knew you would understand about how much I needed dad that night.It must have been nearly...
This is a story of true love, of the purest kind. It's first and foremost a love story, but has a transgender backbone that runs the length of the story. It may get wordy at times, but I felt it necessary to flesh out the whole story. There is no violence, no rape, incest, or bondage, so if you are looking for that kind of thing, you might want to look elsewhere. But if you are looking for a story that makes you feel good about the human spirit, then you have come to the right place....
Introduction: A brother and sister become intimate in New York City during the holidays. A Sibling Love Story Summary: A brother and sister become intimate in New York City during the holidays. Note 1: Be warned if you are a fan of my mostly sub-domme writing please stop right now. This story although has subtle hints of submissiveness, the heart of the story is two siblings falling for each other during the backdrop of a winter evening in New York City. Note 2: Also, although my style isnt...
(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Here are some random sex story's that i had on my computer so enjoy...
The Rock. A love Story. Trish, 2019. When you consider that even in the 21st century class divisions tend to dictate who you mix with in British society Lee and I never should have become friends, let alone the very best friends, yet we were. My family lived in the affluent old village on the edge of town while Lee was raised very much the wrong side of the tracks, but everyone loved the funny self-confident Lee. Even my mother whose aristocratic upbringing meant she was usually very...
I buy my ticket and finally, with anticipation, I get to Florida, Tampa Bay to be exact and check myself into the hotel and then I finally start realizing that this is stupid, I can’t believe I’ve done this, he could already be in a relationship, be married, who knows, but most importantly, I wondered, how do I lure him into the bar downstairs and surprise him. Either way, I had to see him. I convince the receptionist at the front desk to help me and she loves the whole set up, thinks its...
As some from the community asked us how it came that we enjoy taking porn photos, porn clips or even fucking in the public, we decided to write our story about how it came. Moana asked me her loverboy to write down what we experienced many years ago while we were on a holiday trip to Australia. For a few days we stayed south of Townsend on the Australian east coast. We spent our day on a remote area of a very long beach. This beach area was next to a golf course which was just behind the beach....
A Home That Love Built Story. Sara's Story. Rededication. By Catherine Linda Michel My alarm clock showed the time to be 3AM when I looked at it, blearily. Why was I looking at my clock at that hour? Well, the damn phone woke me up. "Hello?" I mumbled into the phone. "Who is this?" "Is this Cathilynn, the owner of The Home That Love Built?" The voice asked me. "Yes, yes, it is. Now who is this calling me at this ungodly time of the morning?" "We have a teen here in the...
Rahul has been my friend since about a year or so. We have interacted each other for the first time on the “five point some one community” of Orkut. Actually Orkut has been such an interesting website on the internet that many single gals and boys have come closer to each other and developed many great relationships just as me and Sourav. To introduce myself, I am Anuradha, a comp science engineering student from Dharwad, Karnataka. When I started interacting with Rahul, I was in my third year...
Introduction: A glmpse into the characters involved… very small sex scene involved Nick = handsome, sweet sincere guy with a dark side Anthony = Skyes brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesnt care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) ...