My Mom Neelima s Affairs 8211 Part 1 At The Penthouse
- 2 years ago
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I must be the unseen one of the group, the girl pretty enough to be friends with all these posh party people. But ever since I came to this country I haven’t gotten a single date. Love is almost absent for me. I’m not even in the kitchen, where the twenty or so people gathered in the flat would be able to see me. Why am I not talking to someone? Instead I’ve got this crumply letter in my hands, the one I’ve written for Jake to read. I want to ask what he thought of seeing Melisha and I that night in the shower room. I thought we had locked eyes for so long when Melisha was pushing me against the wall, but was he mostly taken aback by her backside, not me? Not my thinner hair? My pudgier, paler skin?
I’m not going to hand him this letter. I’m not a middle school girl anymore. I’m a twenty-year-old intellectual young woman. I walk into the smoky kitchen, then the noisy living room. I don’t care that I’ve forgotten what I was going to say. Among the crowd, I slip in, to the arm of the couch, grab Jake by the tie and pull him toward my mouth slightly. He waits for me to speak.
“I’m not a lesbian, you know.”
He smiles, gives an aloof nod, and goes back to listening to some girl talking. He thinks I’m drunk, when really I’m crystal-clear headed and waiting here next to him with heavy avarice held in my loins. He has a perfect neck and jaw. I still don’t know how old he is, maybe ten years older than me, or more. He probably has tons of women. How lost I am to think he’d be attracted to invisible me.
Maybe…maybe not.
I’m in my room, thinking, Do I really want to go back out there? The party will be winding down and it will be easier to relax and get a word in with him. There’s a soft knock at my door, then Jake pushes it open and looks at me with slight disapproval.
“I know you’re not a lesbian.”
I try to apologize, but he shrugs me off.
“Do you want to go out?”
“Jake, I wasn’t trying to ask you—”
“Trish, do you want to go out?”
I bite my lip and my heart thumps. “Okay.”
“Good. Let’s meet tomorrow at eight. And check outside your door before you get ready. There will be a present for you.”
I say, “Okay,” still with an argumentative tone stuck in my vocal cords, and I close the door and break into a smile.
The night shifts around more blurry and muted than normal. A cool fall breeze is creeping in our windows and relieving such a summer.
Throughout the day I wait in a slow stillness. It’s Saturday, and so hot out, everyone’s favorite time to leave the flat in silence. Toward the edge of the evening, Marcus comes in with a big paper bag, saying it has my name on it. There’s a note written to me in elegant letters: Trish, tonight you may only wear what is in this bag.
My heart flutters, knowing I’ll be wearing exactly what Jake wants to see me in, and that it’s a silver dress with some sparkle. It’s snug around the thighs and too low cut for a bra. The only other items in the bag are a bracelet and a pair of flat-heeled shoes that are easy to slip on and off.
Marcus is talking away while I inspect the bag, saying, “Trish, my friend who’s a chef is coming over tonight. He’s going to cook us something superb—an authentic dish from the Andes. Will you be around?”
“No. Sorry, I’ve got a date tonight.” I know that I can say those words now, that Jake is actually coming to get me soon, because I have this bag in my hands. I go back to my room and lather up all over with my most fragrant lotion, put on my most seductive thong. I have the dress on just as I hear him being let into the kitchen.
The way the car and motorcycle engines echo down Hipolito Avenue tonight seems to have a certain soothing ring in the air. Maybe the city seems this way because I’ve got so much serotonin flowing in my head, as I’m holding Jake’s hand, walking further downtown than I’ve ever been, to the bougie district. And there’s a petty breeze getting under my thin dress, making me feel almost naked out here. He signals me into a fancy Italian restaurant, with aromas of seafood and plenty of wine.
Everything we want comes to the table. He’s most adamant that we eat a light appetizer, then gorge ourselves with cake covered in thick chocolate syrup—such a beautiful meal. My stomach is swelling with warmth, and it’s spreading through my body.
He recognizes a friend across the room and sends him a text message. The man sweeps in with a smell of fierce cologne. He’s as elegantly dressed as Jake, with thick stubble across his chin and scalp. His skin is smooth and dark, and so is his voice. Jake says my name, and the man looks at me. His hand reaches out for my hand. “This is Rabí.”
I can’t talk back through the clench in my throat. They both laugh slightly and ease off my agitated nerves.
Rabí returns to his table and Jake catches me peering over my shoulder to see where he’s sitting. He says not to look so anxious. Don’t worry. We’ll follow him to his apartment for some drinks. It’s nearby.
My stomach sinks.
It sinks more when we walk through the door. This isn’t an apartment. This is a fully decked out penthouse, complete with white rugs and iron lamps. Rabí lives here alone, a mid-thirties business man with this kind of pad. There must be beautiful women coming through every week. He gives Jake and I a tour through the kitchen, office, living room, the master bedroom and bathroom. The shower is big enough for all three of us to jump in right now, but I can’t believe I’m imagining doing that.
“Trish certainly loves a spacious shower spot.”
I look back and see Jake smiling. How did I end up in this awkward moment, with my hand on the handle for hot water, in front of these two men?
“You want to run the water?” Rabí asks. “Go ahead.”
I smile and wane away from the shower. I’m too nervous to make a move like that.
We settle on the couch, where I’m between their hands, as Jake’s graces my shoulder, and Rabí’s on my knee and bare feet. It’s warm enough in here for my head to relax. They talk so strategically, moving the topic from business subtly into something about sex. Jake says he likes his women who are scandalous at times, enough to prove how much they really love it. He pinches my shoulder. I fluster and excuse myself to the kitchen, to refill my cup of wine.
I’m pulling on the stuck cork in the bottle when he comes in the room. “Don’t be so intimidated, Trish.”
I look up at him. “I’m not.”
He takes the bottle from me and pours my wine. “We can leave whenever you’re ready.”
“I’m not.”
He puts his hands on my hips. “You like Rabí, don’t you?” He presses on me firmly, digs his fingers into a bump in the dress. He looks dismayed. “I told you to wear only what was in the bag.”
“I am.”
“Then what is…” He slips his hand up along my thigh and pulls my thong down to my knees. “That?” He stares at me. “Was that in the bag?”
“Then take it off.”
I buckle my knees. “Oh. I guess that was silly of me.” I bend down to pick it up, but he stops me and says we have to leave it right there, in the middle of the kitchen floor for Rabí to see, because that’s my punishment for breaking rules. I try to argue back and say we should at least shove it into the corner, but he keeps to his decision and makes me go back to the living room.
Already Rabí is giving me a curious glare about what we were bantering about in there. When Jake and I get back to the couch, so much warmth starts to stir between my legs. I’m thrilled each time I brush my hand across my seamless hip. I sit with my knees a bit wider apart, wishing I had been like this all night.
Rabí takes his turn to go in the kitchen, and my heart rate revs up. He’s gone for much longer than the time it takes to pour some wine. He’s standing in there, looking at my underwear on his floor. Maybe he’s intrigued. Hopefully he’s not totally disgusted and thinking I’m so lewd.
When he’s back in the room, the tension between us drives me to guzzle my cup of wine. He says, “Trish, there’s one glass of wine left. I saved it for you.”
I go back to the kitchen to pour the last of the wine. The kitchen floor is back to being a plain floor. My thong is nowhere in sight. I’m so flustered wondering what he did with it and what he’s thinking about me that I forget to pour the wine and come back to them with an empty cup.
“Well, what were you doing in there if you didn’t pour the last of the wine?” Rabí says. “Was there something else you were looking for?”
I giggle and try to let my head relax, while his hands put a firmer grasp on my knee, Jake’s a firmer grasp on my shoulder, so much that I know we’re getting closer to what I want, and I’m tingling all over. I can barely get my words out. “It’s getting a bit hot in here,” I say. “My neck and back are damp.”
“Get some fresh air,” Rabí says. “Take this off.” He tugs at my shoulder strap.
I shrug, slip one shoulder strap down and seek out their approving stares. I’m allowed to do this. I’m a hip and risqué girl who does stuff like this all the time. I let the dress slip down my torso and roll off my ankles. I’m giddy with pleasure as four hands invade my fresh exposure, exploring the softness of my skin. They tease me by reverting back to talking about business while I sit here like this. I can’t play their game of patience. I reach out to their thick thighs and pull on them, so they’ll huddle near me. Their suits ruffle against my body.
They won’t shed their damn clothing until I decide to break them out of their pants. I realize neither of them have a belt on. I don’t know when those came off. My hands go into both their pants, and their talk goes away. “I’m more than just a show for you two,” I say, as I grasp their cocks firmly and feel them go fully stiff. That’s me showing Jake I can be scandalous and really want it. The words ignite a wild desire in both of them, and they push back the aggression in a heartbeat. Jake unbuttons and opens his pants to let his cock pop up. He grabs me by the shoulders and slings me off my seat, sets me up right between his knees, where I can have the plain sight of that cock I’ve been dreaming about. It’s in my tiny hand now, with such thick skin to glide up and down a fat purple head. Rabí has his cock in his hand. Both of these men are going to be inside me tonight, and I’m totally thrilled.
I stretch Jake’s foreskin back and wrap my lips around his tip as tightly as I can, though I can’t take much in my mouth for how my throat is nervously clenched. I resort to using mostly my hands, which he seems to love more. And when I tug at the underside of his sac, he squirms slightly and removes his shirt.
They’re both naked and put me back in between their bodies on the couch, two hard, smooth chests pressing against my breasts, as they take turns making out with me, and I can’t fully breathe through the pressure they’re putting on me. There’s two hands squeezing right above my hips, another two around my breasts, a fat cock grazing my stomach and thigh, the other against my lower back.
Jake leans back more. He picks me up. Penetration will start with me on top of him. How different this is from any sex I’ve had before, because I’m not given much time to hesitate or say, ‘I don’t think I can fit all that inside me.’ No. These aren’t boys timid about hurting me. They are men who want to fuck. Jake just hoists me up and ram-rods himself into me, making his cock fit! And a shudder shoots through me, a guttural, spasmodic shout escapes me. I’m dizzy for breath. Rabí’s gentle graze across my back lets me know I’m okay.
Jake waits for me to regain my composure. I focus on his chest and lean more weight onto my hands, so I can moderate his forcefulness. And I’m getting wetter and more relaxed as we go. The searing pain subsides into waves of unbelievable ecstasy. I come down to my elbows, so that I can kiss him once. He twists me around without breaking much momentum, and continues fucking me as I fall into Rabí’s lap at the other end of the couch and get my first taste of his equally magnificent dick.
I’m giving all of my body to these two mountainous men, in this heavenly room where my heart is full and my pussy throbs, where four hands dig their fingers into my ass and neck, tug at my hair, squeeze my breasts. The outside world—I really don’t care about it anymore—not with these two men who know how to stretch my legs as far apart as they can stretch, and press my knees against my chest, who can wrap their hands around my neck while I’m wound this tight, make my orgasm bloom at length, put me through half a book of Tantra without dropping a touch of their stamina, while I get off, and off. The clarity of the night waxes and wanes. I’m never fully satisfied. A chasm of lust and yearning opens up within me. How I want them to pound as firmly and deeply into me as possible, oh God how I want that.
They skewer me from mouth to vulva while I lie on the couch, then again when I’m on hands and knees. They both rub my back, like they’re affirming I’m taking them well.
“Let’s take her all the way,” Rabí says. “She deserves it.” He lies on the couch and Jake sets me on top of him, my back along his chest. Jake gets in front of me, on his knees. Rabí’s dick is hovering near my ass. Are they really going to double penetrate me? I never imagined I could be this kind of girl, wanting two cocks in me. Rabí’s is so oiled up from his own semen that he can glide right into me, so sudden that again a guttural moan gets forced out of me. Jake joins in, and they work on me with rhythmic piston thrusting, testing the speed and pressure my body can endure. My cheeks and hands are going numb, and I can’t find anything to grasp. Everything’s dull outside the area from my waist to thighs. Within that another orgasm soars.
“Let’s rinse this sweaty girl off,” Jake says. He picks me up, slung over his shoulder, and carries me through the bedroom, into the shower, where I was hoping we could end up. He runs the water and doesn’t even wait for it to turn warm. The chill wakes up my skin, only for an instant, then Rabí puts his back to the wall and grabs me. He pulls Jake and I into him, and two warm chests squeeze against me.
My feet are dangling out in the air as four hands hold my thighs and waist. Their cocks feel around my tush and vulva, enter me again, and quickly resume fucking at maximum speed. I wrap my arms around Jake’s neck and hold him so close, thinking it’s strange how his body delivers me both a sense of safety and fright. I want to impress him with how much I can take, show him I’m loving this more than I’m enduring it, so my hands find his jaw, I steady my breath and bring his mouth to mine, with enough passion to make him erupt. The warmth of his load touches a deep part of my core, and he pulls out in time to spread it across my belly and vulva.
Rabí wants to come soon after. With my ass to himself, he grips me close and rails his cock into me. He reaches his climax and shoves me against the wall, on my feet, so he can shoot jizz up to my tits and let it drip down my legs. Jake notices on my face how much their final moment of fervor turned me on. He presses his body against me, a hand firmly into my clit. His fingers vibrate under me, so fast that I’m brought to quivering, my whole body turns to fuzz, my weight taken off my feet. I’m floating, and he grasps hard against my breast with the other hand, pushing me over the edge of one last breathtaking orgasm.
What beautiful men they are, as they dry off and leave me to shower by myself. I take a few minutes to scrub deeply and wash away the stickiness all over me. I’m clean again—an innocent, curious girl again. The rest of the world can creep back into my thinking, about how I’m excited to text Melisha and tell her how this night went, how my phone is out there in the living room, next to my crumpled dress on the floor. They are probably back on the couch, where I’ll have to walk past them, naked. I think I’ll give them a sexy little hip twist and pour myself that last glass of wine before I bother to pick up my dress.
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EroticOn that day I went to the market and bought lots of flower so that I could decorate my bedroom. It was around 11pm I heard my room door open only to see my mother well dressed in red wedding saree with a glass of milk in her hand. I was shocked to see her that way. She is all dressed up and reminded me of a bride. Normally the newly-wed brides enter the room that way with a glass of milk. For a moment I thought it can’t be!!! I could not believe my eyes! As she entered she locked the bedroom...
IncestDream Girl By Roxy Nylons Kelly Vincent had a dream. Kelly's dream was to leave behind the humdrum world of her everyday, 9-to-5 existence and become a world-renowned Broadway actress. Ronald Horner, Kelly's longtime secret admirer, also had a dream. Ron's dream was also for Kelly to become a world- renowned stage performer, only not as an actress. Ever since the beautiful Kelly gently and innocently rejected Ron, several years ago, he has longed for revenge. Then, with no...
The Operation, Physically forced or blackmailed, Chemical or drug induced change. Dream girl CBA Preface I have read some exceptional stories on a couple sharing sites. Several of my favourites were written by She Devil, oh how I miss not seeing more from this author, it's like they wrote them just for me. The stories are so perfect. Anyway it's been years and years since anything new from them, and I'll likely never write at their level, but I'm going to see if I can't write...
There is something magical about wearing a dress. I don't know what it is but when I put one on it feels special. I wish I could find a woman who could appreciate the fact that I like feeling pretty and vulnerable and maybe I enjoy the one who needs to be protected. It's a fantasy, I know, but I can dream. Speaking of dreaming it's time for bed. I put on my nightie because I can. No-one has to know and it feels so nice. That night I have a strange dream. I feel like I run into...
Dream Girl by: Serenity The chit chat of foreign voices. The smell of harsh chemicals. The feeling of someones hands working on mine. Dreams are funny things. Unfocused, fleeting. Sometimes though, you have dream like mine was becoming. Almost too real, too exact. Too easy to believe. As the dream fills in, it is obvious I'm somewhere I don't belong. The bright fluorescents illuminate a nail salon like every other, filled with bright colors, mirrors, and row after row of tiny...
(Due to the large amount of copyright notices in this story, I have listed them in Author's Note's in order to not give away any details.) Dream Doll Story by Garath Xion Editing by Cedric Hasten "Can we go now?" James asked for the third time since entering the store. "Hold your damn horses alright? Geez, we're in a sex shop for crying out loud. You should be excited at the possibilities. What are you gay or something?" Ben shot back at him. James mentally sighed. He hated...
Here is a little story, You are free to archive this story at any no-fee website. Dream Girl By Rena So I've been given this gift. I have the ability to fulfill my own dreams. What do I mean? Everynight when I sleep my dreams are reality. Every touch, taste, sense, that I experience in dream world is just as real as going to work or eating breakfast. In my dreams I choose the plot and the natural laws. I have to formulate the rules before I go to bed and come up with an...
As the night drew near all I could see from my window in my bedroom was the ever-growing glow of the moon. I thought to myself wondering what is he doing? Or whom is he doing? And as I laughed to myself I thought “I don’t even know him and I can’t feel this for him my mind is playing tricks on me”. I thought back to the last time he was here and how we barely touched each other and I shook my head and said to myself I am not going to think of about him anymore I just need to sleep and dream. ...
ReluctanceNOTE #1: If you are offended by stories that lack crude, foul, or profane language, then this story is not for you. Likewise, if you are looking for descriptions of explicit sex or violent and aggressive behavior, you will have to look elsewhere. NOTE #2: This story is my property, but you may post it anywhere that makes it available to readers for free. If you do post it somewhere, please include all of it. And please let me know at: [email protected]. NOTE #3: All...
Chapter One She visited me again tonight. Like she had done before. I think she has been here at least 6 or 7 times, but never on two consecutive nights. She may have been here more often, but in the beginning I did not really notice her. She was just one in a long line of women, who visited my dreams. And like the others, I may not really have noticed her at all. When I woke up, all I could remember about them was: Did they have small tits or big tits, hairy pussy or shaved? They all had open...
Things were progressing as we moved into the most dangerous part of the game. Another couple died in an accident the second week of November. Two wasn't enough to establish even the semblance of a pattern, so for now we were still okay, but that wouldn't last. Eventually the numbers catch up, and they start to question the coincidence factor. For this reason, Jamie was targeting the most sadistic members of the group first – the ones like Essex who seemed to really get their kicks...
Normally, I am a science fiction writer. I mostly write about time travel. After experiencing this dream the other night, I had to write everything down. I’m still trying to figure out how to combine time travel and erotic fiction. Maybe someday I’ll figure it out. Please try to forgive the humor in the first part of the story. I add a little humor in my stories and it doesn’t change the outcome. ©2003 Sweeper43™ Productions ***** It all started on a Friday night. You see, I work two jobs and...
Allison Damn, sometimes I hate being right. And I know it drives Jimmy nuts. It was not even three months since Christine came into Jimmy's life – roughly ten weeks with him full time – and the change was complete, or seemed to be. Ten weeks ago, when she first found herself in the deep end of our little pool, she had been aghast at discovering that twenty-two year old 'David' was really sixteen year old Jimmy. She was so upset about it that she asked him to hide the knowledge from the...
Synopsis For those that can't quite remember part one, here's a brief synopsis and reminder of the main characters in the story. Michael: The poor guy that's been transformed into his own sexual fantasy. Tina: The woman that accidentally transformed him whilst trying to turn herself into Michael's dream girl. Michael saved Tina's life several months earlier. Mary: A friend of Tina's family. She was running the show and clearly has authority within the witches. Andrew:...
As if suddenly awaken from a dream he said. "I had a dream of you last night, now you are here just as in my dream. Let me tell you about my dream from the start, then perhaps you can make a move to defend yourself from the things that I'm very sure could happen here tonight. Last night in my dreams I sat in my music room listening to some records, as the first of the three records on the turntable were half way through I saw the signal light in the far corner blink twice, I rose and...
Note: This is how a dream can destroy. Some people think that dreams are suppressed wishes of the mind or a bridge to our emotions. The only thing I know is that this dreams destroyed my life. This dream is between me and my wife’s ‘play s****r’ (Wendy). My wife name is Vanessa. We have been married for awhile but Wendy is a single Mom. Her k**s are grown and on their own. Vanessa and Wendy had been best friends for many years but their was a heated race for a man when they were both single....
Note: This is how a dream can destroy.Some people think that dreams are suppressed wishes of the mind or a bridge to our emotions. The only thing I know is that this dreams destroyed my life. This dream is between me and my wife's 'play sister' (Wendy). My wife name is Vanessa. We have been married for awhile but Wendy is a single Mom. Her k**s are grown and on their own. Vanessa and Wendy had been best friends for many years but their was a heated race for a man when they were both single. Now...
That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that’s why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copper blond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...
SupernaturalIntroduction Over the summer in 2010, I had a very vivid dream that I awoke from with a start, and almost immediately wrote down the details. It was a very transgendered dream, and I think I have only had a few before that I had any post sleep memory of. Anyway, not only did I write it down, but it has become the impetus for the beginning of a story of sorts. The first seven paragraphs of this story are basically the dream as I recalled it from only hours before, embellished...
Cuddled up with the girls, I was reminded of one of the major drawbacks to my gift: twenty-four hour days. We were all worn out, but where the girls got to arrange themselves for sleep, I still had some serious explaining to do. The first step was to bubble Rebecca so that it would still be safe when we were through. This posed a unique problem since I wanted to be honest with Rebecca, and for her to understand what had happened. The problem was that neither of us wanted her to remember the...
ForeWord Dream: A series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. Oxford Dictionary. A dream is a type of mental activity that occurs during sleep. It usually consists of visual images that tell a story, although the sequence of dream events is usually mystifying. They may be influenced by internal physical factors such as hunger, thirst or indigestion. External factors may affect dreams too, such as an alarm clock can be transformed into a dream telephone call and...
Straight SexWater rushes in to meet her toes, wiggling things in the sand, petite and pretty. A wistful sigh escapes her as she turns her eyes to the horizon and wonders once more where he might be? What he might be doing? Her Dreamer. Does he think of her like she does him, she wonders. Does the night caress him with the softest brush of its lips, the darkness creep over his skin all shadows and longing and prickle his flesh with a kiss? She smiles as she closes her eyes and turns her face into the...
Dream Come True By Tawney W. In my dreams I can feel my soft smooth skin as I drench my long legs and slender arms with moisturizer. My long blonde hair has grown well past my shoulders with a natural wave, framing my face with a feminine caress. I search through my dresser drawer for the perfect lingerie. There they are! My pink lace bra and matching pink lace panties. I slip my bra over my slight shoulders and clasp it in the back. I slide my panties on over my slim...
I screamed at the top of my lungs, I sat up looking around. “Thank god it was just a dream.” I mumbled to myself. I sat there for a good while thinking of the dream I just had, it was the same one I had been having for nearly a week. I was standing on a cliff somewhere hot and dry, a desert I think, I looked around and saw a couple of men trying to force a woman to have sex with them. I hated men that did those kind of things. I ran over and knocked them away, I swooped her up in my arms and...
IncestYou ever have one of those dreams, when you're right between waking and sleeping, and you can't tell if it's real or fantasy? Something like that happened to me the other night and, believe me, it was a dream cum true.I'd fallen asleep on the couch, watching television the other evening, some movie I can't even remember. I don't know how long I slept but, suddenly, I thought I was having a very vivid dream of getting my rock-hard cock sucked deep and slow.While I was watching television, I'd...
The night was cold, but Andrea slept soundly, warm between the sheets of her bed. Her head rested gently on a small pillow and her eyelids fluttered with the motions of sleep and dreams. It was the first decent sleep she’d had since she got home from Christmas break with her friends in the Peak District, and her body was reaping the benefits of rest. The five of them- Andrea, Marcie, Sarah, Philip and Logan- had gone hiking almost every day and partied almost every night. God knows she needed...
Straight Sex