En Magan Arjunai Oothen
- 3 years ago
- 24
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"¿Estas seguro de esto?" Me preguntó la persona sentada a mi lado.
"¿No, pero lo estas tu?" respondí seriamente.
En esta fría y silenciosa noche, nos miramos por unos minutos y estallamos de risas, con Luke siempre hacíamos esto, un momento estábamos serios y luego reírnos como si el mundo se acabase.
Nos encontramos a las afueras de una fábrica abandonada con una cinta en la puerta que decía prohibido el paso.
Preguntaras ¿porqué dos jóvenes de 20 años harían tal cosa como escabullirse en propiedades ajenas? simplemente contestare, no lo sé.
Ahí estábamos, a punto de empezar una nueva aventura, después de calmarnos buscamos un lugar por donde entrar sin estropear la cinta, encontramos una puerta situada detrás del edificio.
Nos pareció extraño que estuviera sin llave, pero tampoco pensamos mucho en ello, seguimos adelante explorando el lugar, estaba bastante obscuro, solo la luz de la luna entraba por los vidrios del ventanal.
Había polvo en el aire pero por alguna razón no parecía del todo abandonada, escuchamos un ruido a lo lejos, venia de abajo de nosotros y como sabrás. Si, estábamos asustados.
"Sé que dijimos que pasaríamos la noche aquí, pero creo que deberíamos irnos" me dijo asustado.
" Vamos, estoy seguro de que solo fue una rata" conteste tratando de esconder el miedo que me provocó el ruido.
De pronto mientras conversábamos, Luke tropezó y cayo al suelo, miramos por el lugar para encontrar la causa de su caída y vimos una manilla sujeta a una puerta que llevaba hacia abajo de donde estábamos.
Aún con miedo decidimos abrirla y bajamos por una escalera que llevaba a lo que parecía un sótano, caminamos por un pasillo largo y entramos a una habitación, de un momento a otro estamos rodeados de maquinas, animales como simios, iguanas, entre otros, tubos de ensayos y muchas cosas que no reconocíamos.
Estábamos sorprendidos del hallazgo, perecía como si estuviéramos en otro mundo, nos detuvimos frente a una maquina cuadrada, tenia el tamaño para que entrara una persona.
Si, fui muy inconsciente al entrar pero ¿qué querías que hiciera? estaba dentro de algo que solo veía en películas, aunque claro, no sabia lo que era.
Luke reía de la cara de niño que ponía al entrar, y yo al escucharlo hacia lo mismo, así de amigos eramos, nos reíamos de cualquier cosa, más que amigos puedo decir con certeza que eramos hermanos.
Siempre eramos regañados por nuestros padres por reírnos en los momentos más serios o incómodos, pero ¿qué podíamos hacerle? solo con mirarnos bastaba para que desatara la locura que nos perseguía cada vez que estabas juntos.
Aun riéndose, se apoyo en una mesa frente de mí, sin querer presionó un interruptor haciendo que la puerta de la maquina en donde yo estaba se cerrase.
Miraba por la pequeña ventanilla que tenia la puerta y lo veía gritar, pero no escuchaba nada, es poco decir que estaba asustado, y así también lo estaba mi amigo.
De repente, gas verde empezó a salir de una rejilla ventilación, no me sofocaba pero si hacia que mi cuerpo se calentara.
Las luces se apagaban y volvían a encenderse, salían chispas de los focos y enchufes de todo el lugar, parecía que al encender la maquina provoca que mucha energía se concentrara en el laboratorio.
Me dolían los músculos de todo el cuerpo, hasta los que no sabia que tenia, me dolía la cabeza, los ojos y oídos, de un momento a otro sentí mareo y caí al suelo desmayado.
"John ¿...bien?" escuche una voz a lo lejos.
"John ¿estas bien? nuevamente la voz me parecía familiar.
Al abrir los ojos veo a Luke bastante asustado, aun mareado logré contestarle que estoy bien, con su ayuda logro ponerme de pie.
"Menos mal que estas bien, estaba bastante asustado cuando la maquina se cerro" dijo un poco más relajado.
Estábamos tan distraídos que no nos percatábamos de nuestro entorno, y de un momento a otro luces rojas y sirenas sonaban en el lugar, una pequeña explosión se escuchó cerca de nosotros, no sabíamos que la activación de la maquina había provocado tanto daño.
Corrimos hacia la puerta de cristal que nos llevaba al pasillo, y mientras estábamos desesperados, de pronto sonó una voz robótica.
"Activación de medidas de emergencia".
Al pasar la puerta, esta se cerro, alcance a dar unos cuantos pasos hasta que me percaté que Luke no me seguía, me volteé y me di cuenta que él estaba detrás de ella.
"¡Luke!" grite con todas mis fuerzas, estaba muy asustado, no sabia que hacer, solo golpeaba la puerta con mis manos.
Él lloraba, yo mismo sentía el liquido salado que caían de mis ojos, ni me daba cuenta que ese color rojo que poco a poco cubría la puerta era sangre que salia de mis manos.
Al mirarlo a los ojos vi en ellos, miedo, enojo, calma y por último resignación, ya no veía la alegría que siempre tenía cuando corríamos después de tocar el timbre de la señora Ponze al gritarnos desde lejos, o salir a festejar al tener su primera novia.
"Vete" me dijo con calma
Yo lo miré sin entender que quería decir con esas palabras, por supuesto que no lo haría, jamás podría hacerlo.
"Vete" volvió a repetir,
"No" grite negando por primera vez la voluntad de mi amigo.
"Sal por favor, por lo menos escapa tu" decía mientras lloraba.
"No, mañana iremos al rio, comeremos unas buenas hamburguesas y saldremos a buscar un par de chicas" tratando de convencernos de que saldríamos de esta aventura a salvo.
"Tomaremos algo después, porque como siempre no conseguimos nada, jaja" decía siguiéndome la corriente.
Tras unos momentos nos quedamos es silencio recordando nuestra amistad, las peleas, las travesuras, y por supuesto nuestras risas.
"Por favor, no me pidas que te deje" dije con voz ronca, tenia la garganta seca, y me dolían los oídos por las explosiones que se oían detrás de él.
"Eres mi amigo, mi hermano, iremos a la universidad, conseguiríamos novias, y seriamos los padrinos de nuestros hijos" repetía los planes que teníamos desde niños.
"Hermano vete, corre y no mires atrás, hazlo por mí" seguía diciendo, y por más que quisiera negarlo, gritarle y rogarle, sabia que no cambiaría de razón.
Así fue que mire por última vez esa sonrisa de mi amigo que tanto me divertía.
Hi friends. Thanks for liking my previous 2 experiences. This motivated me to write about my next experience. I am a bi-male-bottom. The previous two experiences were about my experiences as a bottom before marriage. This is my experience after marriage where my wife was had by my MD. My name is Arun and I’m 43 years old, 5′ 8″ tall and 70 kg. My wife Anjali is 38 years, 5’3″, 36-28-34 with C sized boobs and 58 kg. She is beautiful and being an extrovert she makes friends easily specially with...
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Blitz house, Somewhere in Enddinhton I just Got there and it was only Me Blitz and Fox. We were going to Set some stuff up and then Smoke some pot till the Others came. "SQUIRREL!" Fox screamed from down stairs, "Once sec, Gran!" I told Blitz's Grandfather as I dashed down stairs "What, Do you want to suck my dick, or just hand over the Jeany?" Jeany was the Bowl Fox one that week at a game of poker with a few of the dealer here in parchment. "No, I got a girl that...
Well I have been in the kitchen long enough, made a few noises to make her wonder what I’m up to or looking for, but now it is time for some fun and games. I waited all week for this and so did my lovely kitten, I could tell by the way she but her lip when I showed her the collar and cuff bar that came yesterday.Quietly walking into the den.. Surveying the situation.. All of the various toys are laid out on the bench.. decisions decisions. Humm or what did she pick, of course, the riding crop....
I don't know how long I was working his cock, but I was interrupted by Mr. Ballard's voice. "Harry, get your ass back to work. You had your fun, and I ain't paying you to fuck all damn day. Now get." Harry pulled back away and again his cock made the popping sound as it came out. He pulled up his pants and walked out. I was still on my knees and I just knew that Ballard wanted me to suck his dick. I knew what a sick asshole he was and I guess he just had to get in and get his nuts...
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This happened about three years ago. I was 23 years old and had gone to visit my grandma, she lived on her own about 5 miles away from where we lived so I liked to visit her at least once a month when my work allowed. This day was a Wednesday and as I walked in her friend, Audrey, was sat with her in the kitchen they were talking away.I’d been there around fifteen minutes when the phone rang, as grandma came off it she said “I’ll have to go to the shop I’ll be about an hour, you know where...
It was one year ago from this very day when I graduated from college. Now I held the fate of hopeful high school graduates in my hands. My first year consisted of teaching two courses: a sophomore American History course, which I taught for two periods, and an American Government course, which I taught for four periods. On all accounts, the Government course was more pressing because it was a junior and senior course required for graduation. Several students tend to fail their junior year and...
It is the first time we have been away together. A few days in a new city, a chance to explore each other outside of the stresses and distractions of our everyday lives. Yesterday was perfect - a long train journey, a couple of glasses of Champagne, the surreptitious fondlings in the half empty first class carriage. The vigorous fuck - fast, hungry - that is inevitable after so much time apart, and the slow love making as we settle in together for the night. Curling up in his strong arms as we...
BDSMpurane jamane ki baat hai, ek raaja tha uski chaar chaar beti ho chuki thi aur rani phir se pregnent thi, raaja ne raani ko dhamkaya ki agar es baar bhi larki hui to usse jaan se maar dega. khair kuch dino baad rani ko phir se larki hui, rani dar gai usne dar se keh diya ki ess bar larka hua hai, raaja khush ho gaya. rani ne beti ko rajkumar ki tarah paalna suru kiya, dhere dhere rajkumari bari hone lagi. ek din raaja ne rajkumari ko rajkumar sonchte hue uski saadi ek rajkumari se taye kar di....
"Dairy"A femcan story by dmbThe following fictional story is intended only for mature adults. All characters are over 18.He was surprised the job interview was in a wine bar. 'Medical Research Subject' doesn't usually involve meeting in a secluded romantic restaurant, but the miserable job market left Daryl no choice. After several weeks of online questionnaires and background checks, plus medical checks at a clinic, he had been approved for the final phase in the interview for a vague research...
The next day it was just like déjà vu all over again. Kim walked into the kitchen dressed in her jeans and cotton shirt with a big smile on her face that lit up the room just like daylight. I heard the front door open and close as Grace came in similarly dressed. "Art, I don't know what you did with my little girl but when she got home last night she was talking non-stop about your great adventure. She was excited and going off a mile a minute so I decided to come see what was so...
It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Warm and sunny, with a slightly cool breeze, and a smattering of fluffy white clouds.Spring had sprung, the snow had finally melted, and the trees were just beginning to bud. We strolled through the park, hand in hand, as we did every weekend. The fresh air and beauty of the park were both invigorating and relaxing. It helped me recharge, helped us keep fit and active, and we always chatted about anything but work."I had lunch with Betty yesterday," she...
SeductionMi Cha came today to do Maria’s nails. She appeared at the door wearing a fairly plain, white dress which had a zipper running the length of the dress from her neck to the hem. She normally wore very colorful dresses with bold designs that you associate with Asian women. Maria brought Mi Cha into the house and gave her a hug. She looked at Mi Cha and said, “Are you going to get naked with me again?” Mi Cha looked down at the floor in embarrassment and nodded. Maria grabbed the zipper...
As the house quieted down and Paul was asleep, Sally and Ed sat and talked. Sally told him about her life growing up. Her father was overbearing with both her and her mother. He wanted both sons to follow him in law enforcement, but Bob said he wasn't going to strut around in a monkey suit with a gun on his belt. An uneasy truce existed until he found Bob had been picked up for drunkenness. He did live at home now, but hated it for he was directly under his father just like when he was...
Recap: I was both surprised and flattered when my best friend and next door neighbor, Jen, confided to me that her husband, Demarcus, had a crush on me. However, I was taken aback when Jen suggested that I should be Demarcus's present for his fortieth birthday. I had never even considered such a thing. I told my husband, Tom, about this bizarre request. I expected Tom to be shocked, if not offended. However, he surprised me by making it clear that he found the idea titillating and intriguing....
Lesbian‘If you were really my friend, then why did you do it? How could you?’ I burst into a slew of tears just as thunder exploded outside. ‘DO WHAT?!’ Crystal shouted like she was clueless. ‘Have sex with my boyfriend!!!’ ‘Wh-what in the hell are you talking about, Bianca?’ Crystal scratched her head. ‘Just what I said,’ I cried, ‘you call yourself my best friend but apparently you forgot when you had your pussy all over James’s dick.’ ‘I never slept with your boyfriend or any boy for that matter…’...
Mrs Redman An Introduction With my assignments finished for the day I finally arrived, near exhausted, at the home of Mrs Redman where I had been resident for the last six months or so. With some reluctance born out of my exhaustion, I walked around the house from the garage where I parked my van and thought of what obligations may await me on entering the house. The household had consisted for months of just Mrs Redman, Miss Julie and me, however, for the last week, Mrs Redman's...
CHAPTER 8: DARK KNIGHTSOnce arriving back in town and pulling their carry-on bags through the airport, Jacob suggested, instructed really, Jean and Abby take the afternoon off. They arrived shortly after noon so their was an entire afternoon left.“Take the afternoon off. Spend more of my money at ForePlay or in bed with each other … you deserve it.” He looked down at Abby as they exited the airport building and waited for the chance to cross to the parking structure and their cars. “And, no,...
Hi readers .This is rahul back with a new story.And to let you know one thing the stories which I am posting here are the real incidents done by myself it self. Meara naam rahul kumar he .Mein odisha ka rehne wala hun.Meri age 22 saal hai. Meri height 5’5” hai mere lund ka size 6 inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai. Yeh story mere ar mere mausi ke bich hui ghatna par he .Jo meri mami ki badi behan he.Unki figure 32,28,34 he .Woh sadhi suda he lekin unke pati jo bahut daru pita tha aur unhe khub marta...
Hi mera naam Ansh hai mai Kolkata ka rehene wala hu. Ye meri pehili story hai jo ki mere aur mere aunty k bech hue sex ki hai. Me dikhne me gora hu aur 6ft height hai mera age 23 hai aur meri aunty wo v achi dikhne me hai unka age 40 k karib hai. Ye ghatna tab ki hai jab mai college me parta tha. Mai aunty k ghar aksar jaya karta tha. Jab maine college me naya admission liya toh papa ne mujhe camera wala ph kharid k diya. Mai uske agle din aunty k ghar gaya unke phone se gaana lene k liye.Jab...
At last, they had located the village they were looking for. Turtle had asked about buying the girl, but, to his surprise, the family who now had her wanted to keep her. The man wanted to raise her as a sex slave, and he was willing to invest the necessary time and effort into the project. He figured that he would only have to wait for four more years before she could be useful in that capacity. When he heard that, Ed was ready to rush into the village and attack the man without waiting. Joe...
It was the summer vacations .it was hot n sultry n there was no power .we were really bored.we,in the sense ,me ,my cousin veena n her younger brother ram.i was 16 ,she 15 n he only 8.we didnt know what to do n w had started to sweat .my eyes fell on veena .my ,had she grown in a year .she must ve been 5 1″ ,her boobs clingin to her t-shirt bcos of the sweat n their size n her skirt was above her knees .she was tryin to fan herself n her boobs were jumpin in her T. looked like she wasnt wearin...
IncestThomas Flynn dropped his backpack and looked around as he walked into the third floor walkup. The sleeves of his flannel shirt were rolled halfway up his forearms and its tail draped over the seat of his jeans. “So this is your grandma’s place?” He heard a scuffle behind him and turned in time to catch a flying teenage girl in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist as she struggled to shed her blouse. A moist, warm mouth pressed against seventeen year old lips. He ran one hand through...
InterracialDeirdre Coleman-Jennings was almost to her townhouse when the obvious settled into her brain. The bimbo that Philip Warner had firmly attached to his arm had the same last name as the attorney who had lambasted the group and threatened to contact the authorities. The discontent she had felt at the meeting at being overrun by the mayor turned into a full panic. She couldn’t believe the mayor had invited the father of a woman she was trying to destroy. The mayor had brushed off Deirdre’s...
You would never have known she was a slut just by looking at her. She had that fresh faced, clean scrubbed, innocent look of the girl next door. When you coupled that with the knowledge that she taught Sunday school and was the devoted mother of three children there just wasn't anyway you could bring yourself to believe that she was a round heeled whore. I know I never would have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. Kayla worked for the same company I did and she had come straight...