New Life for Susan
- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer
Minerva chapter 05
As you might imagine, being two reporters short on a small local weekly rag, we were all a bit pushed. Although it did mean the rest of us grunts moved up a notch or two. I found myself spending nearly every morning either in the local magistrate’s court and most afternoons on obituaries, or if I was really lucky in the county court.
Most of the rest of the time, I was trying to track down Minerva or her uncle. Besides the heartbreak of having lost contact with her, it didn’t do my self-esteem (as a reporter) much good to realise that I couldn’t find her.
For the life of me I couldn’t understand how — after being with her for several days — I had left her having no idea where she lived. I had not the slightest idea of her address. I didn’t even have a mobile telephone number for her, not that I’d ever seen her with one anyway. But then folks don’t usually take mobile phones with them when they go swimming, well, they didn’t back then.
Eventually there was little left for me to do, but to wait until the new university year started. Kylie had mentioned Oxford or Cambridge and I kinda had it figured that she was too young to have actually graduated yet. I thought I could spend some time prowling around up there, in the hope of spotting her. I’d tried asking for help from some local reporters, they had access to contacts that I didn’t have in the colleges, but they had come up with nothing. One guy suggested that Kylie could be studying under an alias.
For a while I was in a kind of limbo. I was asking a lot of people questions about Kylie, but getting nothing in the form if information back.
—- —- —- —- —-
I suppose six or eight weeks had gone had gone by when it happened. I’d been assigned to do a story on the wedding of one of the local bigwigs daughter. By chance, I vaguely knew the girl and the mug she’d caught, so I was invited to spend the evening at the reception.
No, I didn’t get to enjoy the wedding supper.
Things eventually broke up about one in the morning and I can remember climbing into my car for the journey home. Look, I don’t drink and drive, especially when I was theoretically working. Well, I didn’t back then! The only alcohol that had passed my lips that day had been a small glass of Champagne to toast the happy couple, and a half of lager. The rest of the evening I’d been drinking that awful non-alcoholic crap beer.
Anyway one minute I’m getting into my car. The next thing I know, I’m waking up in a hospital bed, nearly two weeks later.
I can remember absolutely nothing after getting into my car that evening, not even starting the engine.
I was informed that some little shit joy-rider had run into the rear of my car at high speed in a stolen four-by-four. The driver of the stolen jeep or whatever it was couldn’t have been injured, the bugger had set the thing on fire before he legged it.
The police reckoned that was standard procedure nowadays for twockers, so they don’t leave any forensics behind.
Anyway the driver had been long gone before the cops turned up and apparently there were no witnesses.
I was in a bit of a mess and spent another two months in hospital, then a further six months down at the Cliff Head convalescing. It was during those six months that Jack discovered Kylie had married the Fabian guy abroad somewhere. South America I believe. Argentina or somewhere like that.
Well that’s about it. That’s all that I know about Lady Minerva Wisdom or whatever her name is now. I figured the bitch was just having a bit of fun and taking the piss out of me.
—- —- —- —- —-
I’d come to the point where I had no more to say about Minerva or Kylie or whatever she wanted to call herself.
It surprised me some, that Sandra and Harcourt had sat there and just listened to my diatribe for so long, although Sandra had kept us supplied with numerous cups of tea and coffee. But then I remembered an old reporter telling me once, if people are talking, don’t interrupt the buggers, they might say something they never intended to.
—- —- —- —- —-
We sat in silence whilst Sandra made yet another cup of coffee for everyone, then she asked.
‘And you’ve never heard from Kylie again?’
‘Nope, not a bleeding word. And Lord William stuffed-arse has never showed up at the Cliff Head Hotel again, either. Jack and Grace would let me know if he ever turned up there.’
‘Tell me, how did Jack Blake find out that Kylie had married this Fabian?’ Harcourt asked.
‘I’m not exactly sure, I think he said that he ran into one of the drivers who’d been chauffeuring the party around when they stayed at the Cliff Head. Either that or it was one of the security guys he recognised. Anyway Jack told me that he and a pal of his cornered the bugger outside the Ritz in London one evening. That’s why I think it must have been a chauffeur, probably dropping someone off there or something. Anyway, Jack asked him about Kylie and he told them that he’d heard tell of the wedding.
‘I got it figured that she had been intending to marry the bugger all along. Lady Minerva is just some sick little spoilt bitch, who was having a little fun, playing with a stupid idiot’s emotions.’
‘You think? Are you sure JG? Because if Kylie was, playing with your emotions, then why would Tanya Simpson leave all of her money to you?’ Sandra asked.
‘How the hell would I know?’ I replied, for some reason annoyed at Sandra’s question.
‘Well how about, what your friends told you might happen, actually did?’ she suggested, ‘What if — after you’d rushed off back up here that day — Lord William what’s-is-name, had told Kylie that he’d paid you off?’
‘That doesn’t make much sense Sandra. Kylie and I talked on the telephone maybe a dozen times later that week, surely she would have challenged me about it.’
‘No, not right away. What if he’d let slip to her later, after they flew off to St Moritz or wherever they went. That would explain why she didn’t call you when she got there. If that’s actually where they went in the first place, with the kind of money you say that lord William guy had, he could have changed their destination at the drop of a hat.’
‘That would be wishful thinking Sandra. No, come on, think about it, I never was no Adonis, now was I? And Lady Minerva is a real looker. I kind a got it figured that she is so used to being admired that she got the ‘ump that I didn’t notice, and fawn all over her when she first arrived at the Cliff Head.
‘I’ve come to the conclusion that she was so upset that I wasn’t drooling over her good looks, that she took some kind of sick revenge on me.’
‘That doesn’t quite tie in with her aunt naming you as her heir though, does it?’ Harcourt suggested.
‘I’m buggered if I can understand it. Perhaps there’s a hidden catch somewhere and the old girl is as nutty as her niece. Hey yeah, what about death duties and all that crap? I’ve heard that these titled families can finish up in serious debt when they inherit. Perhaps the old witch had it in for me as well?’
‘How could she Gil, you said yourself that you’ve never met the woman and wouldn’t have known her from Adam?’ Harcourt pointed out
‘I don’t know maybe Kylie whined to the old girl or something. Shit, how am I supposed to know what goes on in women’s minds.’
‘No, you’ve never been very good at understanding women, Gil. I know that from personal experience.’
I wondered what I missed all those years ago, Sandra was beginning to sound a little emotional. Luckily Harcourt interrupted us before things got out of hand.
‘Now, quieten down you two. This is no time to introduce personal animosities into the conversation. It’s pretty obvious to me that you two were a little more than just friends at one time.’
‘Who says we’re friends now?’ I fired back at him. ‘Five bloody parking tickets and one hell of a lot of aggravation Sandra here, has given me over the years.’
‘That’s not fair Gil, I’m only doing my job and you will keep asking for favours.’
‘Just a little inside information now and again, Sandra, that’s all. Christ, I am supposed to be a bloody reporter after all, and a court reporter at that.’
‘Now, now children. This isn’t getting us anywhere. Gil I want to know more about this accident of yours.’ Harcourt said, bringing the subject back on track.
‘Nothing I can tell you actually. Sandra probably knows more than I do.’
Harcourt looked across at her.
‘Well Sandra.’
‘Well we didn’t get far with that one. As Gil said, a stolen four by four rammed his car off the road. If I remember correctly it was a Jeep Cherokee. The driver obviously wasn’t hurt, because he’d set the thing alight and disappeared well before anyone else came on the scene.
‘We’d had a whole spate of burnt out four by fours’ dumped on our patch in the preceding few months. I think the investigating officers thought that the accident with Gil had probably scared the kids who were nicking them and they stopped stealing anymore. Well, big vehicles at least.’ Sandra explained.
‘What do you think of that scenario Gil?’ Harcourt asked.
‘Buggered if I know, I’m a reporter, not a bleeding detective. I know the paper ran a few big stories on the accident when I was still in hospital and convalescing down in Devon. My editor hoped that someone would grass the driver up. I think a few tips came in, but only the usual crowd of little shits who had already been turned over.’
‘Yeah, no one who wasn’t already on the radar.’ Sandra took over, ‘The type of vehicle was wrong for our usual joy-riders. They want something that they can dash around in pretending that they’re racing drivers. Those four-by-fours didn’t fit with the usual lads’ modus operandi. Why, are you suggesting that Gil’s accident was something else?’
‘I have no idea Sandra, but in my many years on the force, I learnt to believe that anything is a possibility. I think I’ll ask your Inspector to dig out the file so I can take a look at it anyway. You said that there was a spate of stolen four-by-fours dumped around that time. Does that imply that they weren’t stolen locally?’
‘A few were local vehicles, but most weren’t. They were all stolen from within fifty miles or so though, I think. I wasn’t on the case, but because Gill was involved in it, I took an interest.’
‘And they all turned up local to here, and burnt out. How about the return journey?’ Harcourt asked.
‘Oh come on Sandra, you know the scenario. They steal a car from A and dump it at B, then you can bet your bottom dollar they steal another car from near B somewhere, to get back to A again. Or somewhere else where they nick a third one.’ Harcourt explained.
‘No, don’t think that there were any obvious trails of stolen vehicles. Not that I can remember anyway.’
‘So, one has to ask how did the perpetrator get back to where he or they started. Unless of course, they were being shadowed by a perfectly legal vehicle, which would pick the driver up when he was finished with the four-by-four.’
‘I’m not with you, where are you going here Mr Harcourt.’ I asked.
‘Well Gil, supposing Jack Blake was right. He told you to watch your back didn’t he? Can you think of a better way to dispose of an unwanted suitor than a road accident? What kind of a car did you drive back then?’
‘A little Nissan Micra.’
‘It didn’t stand much of a chance against a Jeep Cherokee then, did it? Or any other big four-by-four, come to that. And once you’d been put out of commission, no more of the things turned up burnt out locally.’
‘If you’re suggesting that someone tried to kill me Mr Harcourt, I’ve got to say that that idea don’t hold water. If they wanted me dead, then why am I sitting here now talking to you? Why haven’t they tried again?’
‘No need to. From what you’ve said, I take it the accident achieved what it was intended to. You stopped looking for Kylie, didn’t you?’
‘Yeah well, she’d got married to that Fabian geezer, there weren’t much point in looking for her anymore, was there?’
‘But that would have been a few months after your accident. No, look at it this way Gil. After Kylie disappeared on you, when you came back from the hotel, you set about trying to track her or her uncle, down. Now Sandra here will tell you that when we start asking questions about some perpetrator or the other, eventually they are going to hear about it.
Harcourt looked over at Sandra again, who nodded in agreement.
‘Well let’s assume that word got back to someone close to Lady Minerva that you were asking questions and trying to locate her. Then hey-presto you have a nasty accident and your enquiries stop. You’d effectively stopped looking, so you were no longer an immediate threat. Had you re-started your search again after your convalescence, then we might well not be sitting here talking today.’
‘Oh come that’s too far fetched. This is the twentieth century, we’re not in the Middle Ages here, people don’t go around killing off suitors they don’t like anymore.’ I retorted.
‘Who says they don’t? We’re talking serious money here Gil and there is nothing some people won’t do to get their hands on it, or keep it.
‘Now, exactly who was responsible for your accident, I have no idea. It could have been Kylie’s uncle or it could have that Fabian guy, or maybe even a relative of his. You said yourself that he had designs on her, not me.’
Harcourt sat back with a knowing expression on his face, I must have had a look of disbelief on mine.
‘Gil I don’t know what Tanya Simpson knew or didn’t know. But I believe she knew something we don’t.’ Harcourt produced a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it. ‘I want you to read the briefing note her solicitor gave me.
He handed the paper across for me to read. The paper bore no heading just a few brief paragraphs, sentences really.
Complete discretion is required. Locate and make the initial approach to Gilroy Ernest Jameson as soon as practical under the circumstances.
The next paragraph went on to list my personal details. Date and place of birth, Driving Licence, National Health, National Insurance numbers, and even my passport number. Then details of my parents, schooling and just about every address I’d ever lived at were listed. Damn-it if there wasn’t a list of every place I’d ever worked, complete with dates.
Inform Mr Jameson of the existence of the legacy. You can give him brief details if necessary, but warn him that it’s a complicated will. There are certain obligations and conditions that he has to take on before he can inherit.
Then before you leave him, place in position adequate security measures as discussed, to ensure his immediate safety. The provisions of her ladyship’s will, insist that its contents are made public within seven days of you making first contact with Mr Jameson. Once the will is made public, any danger to him should effectively pass.
At this time we have no idea whether certain parties are aware of the will’s contents, but Lady Simpson believed that her demise might put Mr Jameson’s life in danger. Financial arrangements have been put into place to cover the cost of any security arranges you feel you need to make.
I read through the brief document several times and then looked up at Harcourt.
‘Jesus wept, it all-but says here, that some bugger is going to try to kill me.’
‘It could be that they already have Gil, that accident you had could well have been their first try.’
‘But that was years ago!’
‘And they had no reason to try again back then, we’ve been through all that. But now, with Tanya Simpson’s demise, it is quite possibl
e that they might try again. We have no idea what the old lady’s motives were, so let us suppose that the she suspected that her niece was caught up with people who would resort to that kind of thing. There’s a distinct possibility that that is why you’ve been named as her beneficiary, more as a target than anything else. An attempt — successful or not — on your life now, would draw the attention.’
‘What you think I’m a patsy here? That the old girl has set me up to draw the skeletons out of the cupboard.’
‘I have no idea Gil, but it is a distinct possibility. You’ve read my instructions. Tanya Simpson knew more about you and your life than you did yourself. She’s bound to have known all about the accident.’
‘Jesus fucking Christ!’ I said jumping to my feet and pacing the room.
‘Now calm down Gil, I took adequate precautions before I ever came near you. Take a look out of the window?’ Harcourt said, in an attempted to allay my fears.
Look I’m a… or I was a bleeding reporter, not some kind of film hero. I can assure you that I was all-but crapping myself at that particular moment. Whatever, I did as he suggested.
‘You should see a police car at each end of the street, they are Met ARU’s, armed response units.’ Harcourt informed me.
He was correct I could see two police cars, but I was more worried about the two unsavoury looking characters standing on the pavement opposite the entrance of my block of flats.
‘Across the road somewhere there should be a Range Rover and an Audi. In the Range rover is a man called John Carpenter, he’s been charged with your security. You have no need to worry he’s a good man, very experienced in this kind of thing.’
‘What about the two gorillas?’
‘Oh, they are working for John. Two rather unsavoury characters actually, who I’ve had more than one brush with in my previous profession. But they can recognise a threat when they see it, and I believe are going to be your close escort for the next few days.’
I have no idea what sort of an expression I had on my face as I looked back at Harcourt in surprise at his last statement.
‘Don’t worry Gil, John is very good at what he does and I’ve never known him to fail. Well, not since he got out of prison anyway.’
Harcourt must have seen the expression that statement brought to my face.
‘No no, he was innocent, I can assure you. But his time in prison led to him making some very informative and useful contacts in the underworld. He and his wife run a kind of detective agency nowadays. You can rely on them, they know what they are doing.’
‘I’m glad you think so, I’m not sure I dare trust anyone after what you’ve told me.’
‘You can trust Sandra and me. And John, his wife Helen and anyone they tell you to trust. Now go and get packed, John’s got somewhere safe he intends to tuck you away until after the will has been read.’
End of Chapter 05
Note ‘twockers’ British police jargon for joy-riders.
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MILFThis story is my own starring Paramore singer Hayley Williams. Warning: hardcore, M/F, M/M/F to follow Hayley let out a soft sigh. It was late, barely a half hour after Paramore's latest performance, but she was still on a high. The crowd. The music. It always made her feel more alive. It also made her extremely horny. The men (and women) in the audience eye fucking her with every move she made. The way she'd tease them by shaking her ass on stage, returning their stares. It was a game. A game...
Most men dream of meeting a nymphomaniac but I can assure you it's not all it's cracked up to be. This is a true story of what happened to me when I was about nineteen. I'd left home and rented a room in a house in Coseley, in the West Midlands. The couple who owned the house had a daughter, Noreen. She was around the same age as me and we soon started going out together. One particular day I was off sick from my job, Noreen was at work, but dinner time she came home to see how I was. I was...
____________________________________________ After the loathsome degradation from the madam and her well paying friend, my mind went into what could be called a baseline survival mode, in which I gave myself over fully to my extreme craving for the disgusting acts I was forced to perform, and a mindless obedience, and even a simpering, serving loyalty to the countless women who shamed me while I cleaned them of their most intimate toiletry efforts. Women of great...
"Give me a quickie or I'll give you a hickey." "Shut up!" "No you shut up! Get those panties off." "No! Do you think I don't know what you want to do to me?" "Come on Baby Girl, give me some of that Hoochie Poo." "You try anything, I'll slap your face, you horny guy." "Come on, raise your dress just a little. I want to see what color panties you have on. " "I raise my dress, the next thing I know, you'll be over here trying to pull my panties off with your...
Recently, Kristina has been on my mind. She was a lot of fun to hang out with and talk to and I’ve been missing that. She also had a strong libido when we were together so I missed being able to have sex frequently with someone that was so great at it. She was an active and passionate partner and was often the one to initiate. I learned early that Kristina loved being gone down on. She was very shy about asking for it and it was very sexy to see her go from her normal level of confidence...
It all started as a guys night out. we decided to to to a bunch of clubs out of town and leave the wives at home. we were about 4 hours away and we were drinking all night. we saw a lot of sexy girls out at the clubs. We were not really into cheating on our wives so we just stuck to our selves at the bar. we all were pretty drunk and decided to go back to the hotel for the night. they had a bar and indoor pool and the whole nine yards. there was 4 of us. Me and another friend were always very...
GayI did wait a little longer before going out and trying to talk to the occupants of the medical centre again. While I waited I had Hope teleport me in a new set of body armour to replace the one that the dickhead had put a hole in. That proved to be easy. Then I held an impromptu briefing over the vehicle's radio system. I told everyone my plan and then told them to get ready to move. If the occupants refused to chat with me again, we'd be going in with our weapons at the ready and anyone...
Introduction:The third chapter in a very long seriesThis explains so much. "So just to be clear, all of the porn you've watched is like this.""This is the only porn I watch.""What do you mean the only porn you watch?""Like, this is the only porn I watch.""What, like this genre?""No, this movie."" Just this movie." "Yes.""...How many times have you watched it?""...Twice." Holy fuck.I rested the bridge of my nose in between my thumb and forefinger. Oh my God this explains so much."So...
100% fiction! Im in quite a reasonable family of 5 mum, dad, sister, brother and me. Im the youngest of all and the oldest being my brother who lives away from home. My sister is a young 22 year old with a hot body and still lives home with me. I often had fantacies of doing things to my sister and when she was away i would look through her draws for her sexy bras and toys. I had found her stash of 3 dildos one being a vibrator and the other 2 large rubber ones. Most days i found myself home...
IncestDear ISS readers, love you all! Thanks for so much love and feedback for the first every story that I posted on ISS. This true story is in continuation of my early true incident, “Sex With My Nieces – Part 1” After fucking my elder niece Swati at night, the next morning I came late for breakfast. I overslept because of the exhaustion of fucking Swati last night. At the breakfast table, I saw my younger niece Priya was silently eating breakfast, which was unusual. I asked what the matter was...
IncestI began my career in a Government office, fresh out of year twelve high school. The office structure was fairly typical of the time, mostly men in suits with a sprinkling of smartly dressed women, who all looked gorgeous to this innocent young man. The computer age was in its infancy, which meant that there was still a typing pool, and this was where the sexiest women worked. Natalie was by far the hottest girl there, and whenever she had occasion to leave her desk, and walk through the open...
First TimeThis is probable the best example of what not to do, when your world falls apart. I can’t complain though, it worked out for me, but then again a chance meeting changed my luck. Chance, luck, and fate, three little words that can mean a whole lot of different things, to different people. Take a chance, make your own luck, and fate will take care of itself, that’s the way I see it. ***** Just after the first of the year, my wife of six years decided she wanted greener pastures. To tell the...
For some background, here's the first encounter of my last summer before college: trimmed my pubes. That's how much I wanted to make an impression on the man who had jerked me off the week before. I didn't go down to bare skin, but I had seriously given myself a buzzcut down there, and I liked it. My cock looked bigger, especially—even if it was just in my head—knowing I hadn't cum in 3 days. It was the weekend and time to cut...
I normally consider eavesdroppers to be the scum of the earth. I put people who listen into and tape other's telephone conversations without permission in the same scumbag. I felt guilty for listening, but it helped put my life in perspective. From the tone of her voice, I could see that Jennifer was in conflict. I also realized that she had someone in her life whom she had strong feelings for. I assumed that our encounters had been a sexual release effort in her troubled life. I closed a...
Revenge Is Sweet Harry Easton sat the bar of the hotel very pleased with himself. He had just finished dinner with an important client and this contract would cause his bonus to increase and his prestige within the company. He smiled at the thought of a luxurious vacation or perhaps even a new car. But he didn't want to wait for his bonus to celebrate: he needed to increase his esteem by emptying his full sac. It had been two days since he last had the opportunity to bed a girl. The...
Hi guys this is the second part of my previous post. Hope you all have enjoyed my previous post. Coming to the story. After Mangesh and I dressed up we went to our class. I said both of them that now you both will not only touch each other’s penis but also will take it in mouth. Days passed I made them do the same thing. Mangesh was used to handjob, when I moved his penis skin up and down he was not having any pain. And daily sucking his penis made him orgasm. I used to suck his penis and he...
(This final epilogue of my "Learning to Let Go" series of short stories does not contain anything sexual. I'm simply posting it as closure for the story, but -- more importantly -- as my way of processing the pain that our separation has caused. If you're looking for anything as tantalizing as the previous installments, you will be disappointed.)They say ignorance is bliss, but that is a lie.Ignorance is simply the absence of pain and you cannot have the luxury of beloved memories without the...
My mind buzzed with a number of conflicting thoughts, emotions and ideas as to how best to resolve this unfortunate turn of events. Panicked by the ambush, I found myself floundering and desperately trying to maintain the stony faced façade that was my trademark, humiliated at the discovery and appalled at my own stupidity. I made my move. “How much?” I asked.I may have spoken Mandarin for the effect it had, serving to break Claire from her reverie and the confusion that etched itself onto her...
SeductionI am Bobby and have been a fan of desipapa for quite some time now. I have observed that most of the stories are either from Pakistan or form Indian states like Gujarat, Kerala, Andra Pradesh or Delhi, but I always wonder way stories from other states are less in no and so decided to send this story of mine and I am sure u will like it. First, let me tell u about my self and background of the story. I am 24 and have done my engineering last year from Bangalore and presently in mumbai preparing...
IncestIntroduction: Part 4 (More of an explanation chapter than anything else) Please read parts 1-3 to understand the story, especially before voting. The city. He hated it. He hated the glaringly bright lights, the rancid odors, the pulsating noise, the suffocating heat, the sheer number of others crammed together like chickens bred for slaughter. He only came to find his prey, and that was why he was here now. This was one of several cities he hunted in, none of which were in the same state as his...
Hi I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am happy that people share their experience here. ab khani pe aate hue mera naam luv hai mai punjab distt. bathinda se belong krta hu yeh kahani aaj se 4 mahine phale ki hai yeh kahni mere or meri padosan ki hai jiska karib 1 yr phale divorce ho gaya tha waise toh meri us pr aankh suru se hi thi lekin divorce hone ke baad usse paane ki tamana kuch jayada hi bad gayi thi kyunki mai janta tha ki woh bi tadap rahi hogi kyunki uski shadi 2 saal tk...
Jack woke early on Saturday feeling the effects of a bad hangover. Friday had started well. He'd gotten up late and gone to class where he sat with Denise. They didn't have much of a chance to talk before class as she was late getting there. They talked for a few minutes and Denise had mentioned that she had to change to meet him at the gym so Jack had decided to return to his apartment. He came home, had lunch and then met Denise at the student recreation center for their work out at 2...
Taking it forward from where I had left, Roshni and I entered the hotel room and as I mentioned last time, she asked for the pen drive that had the entire gangbang session recorded. For the ones catching up late, do read my earlier story. So as decided, my friends had set up a few cameras in the hotel room which I imagined resembled the set up of a porn shooting. I put the pen drive into the laptop and started the file named “The Whore”. From here onwards I’ll describe what we saw in the...
z sexstory Saturday, February 2, 2013I never Tought camping was such fun SeXStoRY A Camping Experience I never thought camping could be so much fun......... The old saying, 'you should see home before you travel' didn't cover what I saw on the third day of my vacation in Yellowstone. 26 years old and this was my first time here, my parents didn't 'do' camping, admittedly I had been spent most of my time at school and college, but now, with my Master's behind me, I just wanted some quiet time. I...
Hello to all the ISS readers I am Krupal from Hyderabad doing my btech third year in a reputed engineering college near Gandipet. I live with my two of the childhood friends Vimal and Raj in a room. I and my friends are very much fond of this site and we follow this site each and every day. This is the true story happened of how me and my friends fucked my cute sister. Coming to the story my sister has just joined her btech and she took a hostel near to our room as her college is in the same...
IncestLexi's favorite food is mac-n-cheese, so that's what I am making. If steak was her favorite food, I would be at the grill right now. She is my princess, she really controls my whole life. I live for her. I'm stirring the mac-n-cheese when I hear her come down the stairs. I can smell her perfume, before I see her. God she smells amazing, it's intoxicating. I love it. She wraps her arms around me and kisses my back. "Hey handsome." "Mmm hi beautiful," I reply trying to focus on lunch. "I...
IncestKat moaned softly as Charlie covered her body with his. She eagerly wrapped her legs around him. She could feel him against her, already hard with need. When she lifted her hands to hang on to his shoulders, she was brought short by her left arm. Before she could investigate it, Charlie started to explore her ear with his tongue. She gasped as chills raced down her spine before settling in between her thighs. Wrapping her free arm around his neck she tugged helplessly on her left. "Shh,...
Hi friends my name is Aman name changed and this is my first story on hd. so let’s cut the crap and focus on story because I don’t know as it’s the beginning that is it going to lengthening or normal story and sorry for the weak English. I was just got selected in the medical profession and I’m a kind of shy guy toward girls. I’ve never tasted a girl before it was the wedding of my cousin Amit and our village are not too far so I used to go there daily from my home as I reached their village...
After another long day at work I headed straight home and looked forward to the weekend. When I got there ready to get a drink a familiar voice called out, quickly getting my attention. "Is that you, D?", she said. ...
Dear ISS readers, I am very happy and excited to tell me my real life story… I wanna thank my sister for giving me a nice and gorgeous girl Anitha to be my friend… My first time sex with Anitha was really awesome. This is my second sex experience with Anitha, which i will never forget. One day Anitha called me and asked me to come to Marina beach. I was really excited and I went there. Anitha: Hi dear Me: Hi ma Anitha: how r u Me: not fine without seeing you Anitha: (Laughed at me and Hugged...
Chapter 9 1982 – Janet Fowler — Fitzgerald Twenty-four-year-old Janet Fowler’s brown hair was tied back in a pony tail. Her face was soft and round, with pink cheeks, a small nose, and an overbite that almost looked comical, but emphasized her very full, pink lips. Her brown eyes were hidden by sunglasses. She wore a formless blue sweatshirt, which obscured her smallish, but beautiful naturally pear-shaped breasts. She more than compensated for this by showing off her eye-popping ass by...
Dark, scary graveyard or safe, well lit road? Which route to take home seemed like a clear cut choice but the shortcut through the grave yard was so much quicker. Oh screw it! What could possibly go wrong? I pushed open the gate and started along the path. The full moon climbed high in the sky casting an ethereal glow to light my way, bright enough to cast shadows. The summer night was cool but not cold. Crickets chirped in the grass, slowly becoming the only sound as I moved deeper into the...
Quickie Sex