Healer's TouchChapter 23 free porn video

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Kat moaned softly as Charlie covered her body with his. She eagerly wrapped her legs around him. She could feel him against her, already hard with need. When she lifted her hands to hang on to his shoulders, she was brought short by her left arm. Before she could investigate it, Charlie started to explore her ear with his tongue. She gasped as chills raced down her spine before settling in between her thighs. Wrapping her free arm around his neck she tugged helplessly on her left.

"Shh, patience, Hellkat." Charlie whispered in her ear as he slowly brought their joined hands up to rest on the pillow next to her head.

"You tease," she groaned as he slid down her body to tease at hard nipples. She tangled her fingers of her free hand in his hair. He murmured against her as he tugged on her swollen nipple with his teeth.

"You like that, Hellkat?" he growled before switching to the other nipple.

"Love it..." she panted as desire raced through her veins.

"Katrina, wake up, sweetheart. You have to let me go. Or I won't be responsible for my actions," Charlie groaned against her nightgown covered chest. He could feel her hard nipples rubbing against his lips. His mouth watered at the thought of sucking on them. He closed his eyes against the temptation. He knew that going to bed with her on the eve of their joining was going to come back to haunt him. But he had been unable to resist the pleading in her chocolate eyes. He wondered briefly if this was going to cause a problem in the future for him. Would she be able to talk him into doing anything she wanted?

"Charlie!" she moaned in her sleep as she arched her back and pressed one of her nipples against his lips. He hissed in response before reaching up and untangling her fingers from his hair. After freeing himself, he rolled away from her and stood up abruptly. He clenched his fists at his sides, his chest was rising and falling rapidly. He could feel the nearing of the full moon. He glanced over at the clock. It was still early and he knew that he had many responsibilities to fufill before their joining ceremonies.

He was jolted out of these thoughts when he felt Kat's hand touch the small of his back. He looked over his shoulder to see Kat sitting up - all rumpled and tousled from sleep.

"Good morning, Charlie." She said before stretching. He growled low in his throat as he watched the shift of her body in the early morning light.

"Morning. I have to go." He said as he reached for his shirt.

"Why?" Kat asked, confused by his abrupt manner.

"Patience, Hellkat. My immediate responsibilities are the only things that is keeping me from crawling back into that bed and giving you what you are asking for."

"Responsibilities!" She growled. He tensed as he heard the anger in her voice. He turned around and buttoned his shirt.

"As King I have genuine, important responsibilities today. I have to prepare for the Renewal Festival. We are not the only ones that will bond today. There will be many others that will come forward to have the King of Venus recognize their unions. My mother and Councilman Dean will be amongst those who are part of the proceedings."

She flopped back with a sigh of impatience. He couldn't help gasp when his power flared briefly at the sound. He slipped his trousers on before sitting back down on the edge of the bed. Leaning down, he slipped his feet into the soft leather slippers that he wore around the palace, kind of like moccasins.

Kat sighed again and reopened her eyes. She watched as he finished pulling his clothes on. She could feel the undercurrents pulling her to him. He locked gazes with her before slowly covering her mouth with his. By the time they broke apart, they were both breathing raggedly. Charlie leaned his forehead against hers as he tried to calm his breathing. Kat had her arms wrapped around his neck tightly.

"I love you, Hellkat. I will be waiting for you." he whispered softly. "And if your ass is one minute late, there is no place you are going to be able to hide." he said before he reluctantly left their bed and walked out of the room.

"As if!" Kat whispered as she pressed her fingers to her throbbing lips. Closing her eyes, she whimpered. Her nipples were stiff and the inside of her thighs were wet with her juices. If this is what a kiss was going to do, what the hell was going to happen when they consummated their union?

Charles walked into the study to find King Mica and Prince Rand waiting for him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I had a hard time getting up this morning. I didn't realize how late it was."

"Had a hard time leaving your chosen this morning?" Mica asked as Charlie poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Yes. I don't know what possessed me to stay with her last night. In all honesty, I'll admit I woke up this morning barely able to leave her untouched. The bonding ceremony can't come soon enough."

Elena closed the door to the hotel room behind her. It had been a close get-away. She shook her head as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She couldn't believe that she had lost control of her feelings to the point that she had attacked her little bitch of a daughter. If attacking the future queen wasn't enough to get her ass deported or thrown in jail, she didn't know what was.

"Such a look, Elena. One would think that you have done something that you might have regretted. Could it be that you regret having your husband thrown in jail; or is it the fact that you attacked the future queen of Areseric?" Aric asked before he grabbed her from behind.

Elena shrieked as he threw her onto the bed. She tried to scramble off the bed. Aric growled before pouncing on her. Pinning her arms above her head, he ground his obvious erection against her.

"You know if you wanted the charges to stick, WIFE, you should have made sure that you filed the appropriate reports. When they never received the exams that confirmed my abuse, they had no choice but to let me go." he taunted as he made both of their clothes disappear.

"Please Aric!" She pleaded as he slid deep inside of her.

"I shouldn't," he growled pain and anger evident in his eyes. "I should rape your ass. Isn't that what you told the Enforcers. That I raped your ass. If that was the case why the hell did you come, Elena? But you didn't tell him about the fact that as soon as I buried my cock in your ass you climaxed so hard that you ripped the sheet apart with your fingernails ... and screamed for more." His voice grated harshly as he started to thrust in and out of her.

Elena gasped as pleasure spiraled through her. She wished for a moment that he didn't have such control of her body - so she could resist him but it was not to be. She skated along the edge of release as he continued to pound against her. She squealed when he suddenly rolled over on his back, placing her on top of him.

"Ohhhhh!" she moaned as he forced her to sit up on top of him. The movement caused her to slip over the edge. She wailed helplessly as pleasure exploded along her nerve endings. He growled and grabbed her hips to hold her still for his upward thrusts.

"Yes. Come all over me!" he growled before pressing his head back against the pillows and following her over the edge.

Pati watched as Jonathan slowly dressed. They had just finished making love. Her body was replete for the moment. She couldn't help but admire the whipcord lean body of her husband. Her skin still tingled from his touch. She sighed in pleasure as he pulled a fresh shirt out of the closet.

"When were you going to tell me?" She finally asked.

"Tell you what, sweetheart?" he asked as he fixed his collar and started buttoning it.

"About the cure?"

He stilled before coming over and sitting down next to her on the bed. He reached up and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I was going to tell you after the ceremony. Until the mezclar releases it's grip on Kat, we won't be able to perform it. Even then it is such a serious procedure that I need to explain it and all of its consequences to you, before we even decide whether or not to go through with it."

"What's going on, Jonathan? Why are you stalling?" she asked.

"Be patient, Pati. We will deal with this after the Renewal Festival. What is one more week, baby?" he asked. "I still love you and even if you decide not to go through with Kat's 'cure', I will always be there for you. You know I love making love to you every morning."

Tears filled Pati's eyes. Jonathan smiled softly.

"Don't cry sweetheart." he whispered brushing her tears away from her cheek.

"Sorry, pregnancy hormones." she said shakily before wrapping her arms around his neck. He sighed and pulled her close to him savoring her warmth.

Kat pulled at the stiff fabric of her ceremonial robes. She felt nervous and fidgety. It had only been a few hours since Charlie had left, but it felt like it had been two days since she had last seen him. She squirmed as she stared out the window of her sitting room.

She was dragged out of her thoughts by a knock on her door.

"Come in."

The door opened to admit, King Mica and his wife, Queen Aria. Kat warmly smiled at them as she rose to greet them. She had spoken with Mica briefly but the Queen must have arrived recently; since she hadn't seen her since she, herself, had left Trila

to come to Areseric with Charlie.

"Katrina, my dear," the queen greeted as she glided into the room. She was dressed in her own ceremonial robes. As usual Kat was struck at the regal simplicity of the queen's robes. They were made of the most luscious fabrics that Venus had to offer, but the design of the gown was made to flow with the queen's generous curves.

Even though Aria and Mica were into their "golden years" they were both fit and active. If it weren't for the silvering of Mica's hair and the laugh lines around Aria's eyes one would never guess they were entering their retirement age.

"Queen Aria, I hadn't realized that you had arrived. How thoughtless of me. I should have been downstairs to greet you. I haven't even become queen yet and here I am neglecting my duties." Kat laughed as she rushed forward to meet them.

"Nonsense child. This is your big day. You will finally be bonding with your chosen and becoming the Queen of this country. I will say that the Venusian World Council will be livened up by your presence."

"My grandfather mentioned to me that the Queens and Kings of all the minor countries sit on the council that you and Mica govern."

"Soon Rand and Gracie will take Mica's and my place. It is time for the council to come into this century. The four of you have a bit of young blood that will go a long way to keeping them on their toes."

Kat laughed softly as she led them over to the couch that she had just vacated. As they all settled down, she wondered why the Monarch of Venus had chosen to visit her this morning.

"But that is not the reason why we stopped by this morning." Mica replied.

Kat waited patiently for him to continue. She may be ignorant of many things; but even she knew that one did not rush this King.

"Aria and I need to talk to you about the ceremony that is going to occur today before your bonding ceremony."

"What ceremony?" she asked warily.

"A recognition ceremony." Aria said snuggling closer to her husband.

"In our culture, before a couple can bond, they both have to have had a recognition ceremony acknowledging their place in society. Usually this involves the person's family such as when the parents introduce the child as an adult." Mica explained.

Kat went still as the implications of what he was saying hit home.

"I see. And if I don't have this ceremony, you are saying that I can't get married?"

Aria reluctantly nodded.

"Then we have a problem. My father is dead and my mother..." she trailed off as anger filled her. How was she to explain that her mother had disowned her when she was a child?

"I know about your mother, Katrina. What we have in mind is to have another one of your close relatives introduce you and acknowledge you." Aria explained.


"Me." Jason said as he approached her.

"Gramps. I..." Kat said confused. She was still so terribly hurt about him not stopping her torment as a child. Did she dare put her future in his hands?

"Let me explain something to you, Kitty. I have no other grandchildren. You are it. I don't ever want you to doubt that I love you. I wish I could have done something different. But sometimes one has to let the child go and possibly get hurt. Even when every nerve inside screams to shelter and protect the child from all harm."

"There is a difference here, Gramps. I was only a child. I was 7 years old when I was sent off to ITS. I shouldn't have been subject to that horror."

"I know, Kitty. I can't do anything about it now. Just to say that I am sorry that it happened. Will you ever be able to forgive me?", he asked. "I would love to be able to present you at your Recognition ceremony."

Kat studied him. He had aged since she had left Earth. He seemed to be standing in front of her defeated. She didn't think she would have ever seen him in this abject state. She thought for a moment. Was the past really worth ruining any future relationship with him? One day she and Charlie would probably be blessed with children - his great-grandchildren. No, she couldn't deny him for this was his future, she realized.

"You can, Gramps." she started. Jason's face lit up with hope. "I forgive you, Gramps. But I want you to do something for me."

"What?" Jason asked waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"I want you to go back to Earth and make sure nothing like what happened to me ever happens to another child."

"I will," he vowed, standing in front of her uncertainly.

Kat stood and walked over to him.

"I love you, Gramps. I sure the hell have missed you." She wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you too, Kitty." He whispered, tears evident in his blue eyes, as he returned her hug.

It was only an hour later that Kat stood next to her grandfather as Mica and Aria walked across the stage that stood in the middle of the amphitheater. Nerves jumped around in her stomach, but she stood still and erect.

"Relax, Kitty." Jason whispered next to her.

A cheer rose from the crowd as Mica approached the podium that was set up in the center of the stage.

"Thank you for your warm welcome, People of Areseric. I want to thank all the people that took the time out of their busy lives to make this Renewal Festival what it is. King Charles, your people have outdone themselves this year. Both my wife and I are simply in awe of their obvious efforts to make this festival memorable. We couldn't have picked a better or more suitable place for the Transferal of Power."

The crowd roared their approval. It was quite a 'coup' for Areseric to be chosen to witness the Transferal of Power. It had always been held in Trila in the past. Mica waited for the crowd noise to die down.

"But before we graciously step down and hand the reins over to our son and his beautiful wife, we have one last duty that we would like to perform." Mica said as Aria joined him at the podium. She smiled before she spoke.

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Dominic had always been a bit of a heart-throb; six foot four, good-looking, well-built and well-endowed; he had it all. And he was still only in his mid-twenties. Julie adored him. She was two years younger, and petite by comparison; they were well-matched. They had been together for five years and married for three. They had both been around a bit before they had met and neither had a problem with the other’s history. Julie had often joked that he was hornier than a goat, could get a...

2 years ago
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How I Gave Birth To The Twins

Hello! Fellow Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. I’m Ayesha from Hyderabad. This is my real sex story. I come from an orthodox Muslim family. My father is an LIC agent while my mother is a tailor. I’ve 4 elder brothers; and 2 sisters who are also elder than me. I’m a geography teacher in a nearby private school. I was the last one to get married in my family. My husband Javed, comes from a rich family. He has his own business and his company has several branches all over India. When we got...

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Sleepaway Camp Blues

Mike sat on the bench outside the camp main office with his head in his hands, crying. He had spent 4 days there, and nobody liked him, even the counselers. He was only 12, and didn't like sleepaway camp in the first place, but his parents had insisted that he try it so he could get involved in sports and meet other boys his age. He had just been talking to his mom on the phone, and she had told him that she would come down and pick him up. All the kids had been calling him a baby and making...

2 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 22 The Candidates

Back in London there were four dossiers for him to study, listing possible candidates. Two he discarded without reading much, because the pictures of the women did not appeal to him. The third was a distinct possibility, though the daughter was twenty-one and engaged to be married. Closer inspection showed that the mother had been divorced three times in her forty-eight years and he did not think that augured well for his ideas. Not only did he expect that she would be a real gold-digger, but...

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Housewife1on1 Vanessa Cage 23209

It’s storming outside right now, and your hot wife Vanessa Cage is doing some yoga in the house. So what’s your horny ass gonna do? Perv on her, of course! She knows you like to watch her when she gets all sweaty, which is why she takes her top off to expose her perspiring big tits, tan lines and all. Those sweaty jugs get you all worked up, and she notices, which is why she proceeds to peel off her yoga pants to reveal her hot pink pussy. She stretches in the nude which tears a hole in your...

2 years ago
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Holly Bounces Back

I lifted my gaze from the bottom of my fifth empty glass to see what was going on around me in the pub. My eyes didn't really focus though. I was thinking about what had happened earlier that day. I had walked to my boyfriend's house to wish him a happy birthday. I had a 'special' surprise present for him, if you get what I mean. But when I got there, some blonde chick had beat me to it. They were hard at it when I went through the door to his bedroom. I had creamed as many curses at him as I...

Straight Sex
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 76

Across the small hotel dining room, there were three well-dressed men wearing tall white hats, drinking coffee and smoking fat cigars. One of them moved closer to sit at the table nearest the Young Bucks. “Excuse me please, but did I hear you say you have an exceptionally fast horse bred from Cheyenne horse blood?” The man asked from behind Eli. Eli turned to look back at the man, “Yes Sir, we sure do. He’s never been beaten in about thirty races,” he told the man. “We’re here to meet the...

3 years ago
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Gift HorseChapter 3

So Angela and I wired the alley and wired the bathrooms. And it was kinky. Going through the many shit and piss scenes to find the gems was worth it. Along with the business transactions Don had with remarkable regularity, which was the first time I actually knew he was dealing, though I strongly suspected, he would have occasional personal transactions. Angela copied all the good parts, making up a couple tapes for future copulation. We would watch Don enter with a gorgeous blonde or black...

3 years ago
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Jawan College Teacher Neha Ki Chudai

Mujhe sex karte hue kafi time ho gya hai. Maine ajj tak bohot ladkiyo ki chudai kar chuka hu. Yeh sab aapko meri pichli stories padh kar pata chal jayega. Sabse pehle maine apni college senior “reema” ki chudai kiya tha. Uske baad apni classmate “navneet” ki chudai kiya tha, phir main inn dono ko ek saal tak chod chod kar bore ho gaya tha or kuch naya chahiye tha. To mene kisi tarah apne padosi aunty “rakhi” ki chudai kiya aur usi doran mene apni badi behan “Anjali” ko bhi choda tha. Me ab...

2 years ago
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Truth or Dare Part 2

---------- So once again it was Friday night, and once again we all went out for a night on the town. Brad came with us. He had absolutely no idea what had happened just one week ago. I had a feeling he was going to be used for a future dare. We walked along the main strip looking for a good bar to go into. We were underage so we needed to find a place that wouldn’t look too closely at our fake IDs. Liz thought that to avoid suspicion, we should go in one at a time instead of as a...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 83 The Naked Choir

When the Youth Choir of the Redsands First Congregational Church came back out into the church from the choir chamber they were led by Jessie Harper followed by Carrie and Troy Pearson, then Sonika Jharm, then the rest of the choir members. What everyone in the congregation could not but fail to notice at that point was the complete change of attire. All the choir members, including Jessie, Carrie, Troy and Sonika were now wearing a lovely, soft, canary yellow gown that covered all their...

1 year ago
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Possession By webslut I am caught in a trap partially of my own making: caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, as it were, ensnared by my need to serve and submit totally to a woman and torn between that desire and the horrible, sickening realization that my wife is sleeping with another man... and I am helpless to stop it. My mind is awash in conflicting thoughts and emotions. Arousal at the thought of being so utterly dominated, that weak-kneed feeling of being owned...

3 years ago
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Learning how to deep throat

I was working the drive through window at the burger late one Friday night, this somewhat diminutive husky voice placed an order. My cock instantly begin to twitch as I heard the voice. I took the order and instructed the customer to pull up to the first window. As the car approached I observed that the driver was a shemale in full dress with a split up her right thigh to the waist. I was so absorbed by the sight of that yellow thigh and leg that I fumbled through the rest of the proceeding....

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Amandas First Time

I lied to my dad and told him that I was going to stay at my girlfriend's house. I had plans that night. My boyfriend's parents were out of town and it was our joint 18th birthday. It was stupid, but we reveled in the fact we were exactly the same age.Get full story here: http://bit.ly/16mQjQPMatt and I had been dating through all of high school, and about a year and a half ago we almost had sex for the first time. We decided against it, but that we would on our 18th birthday. We were both...

1 year ago
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Uncontrollable Milf

Anna White had lots of secrets.  Secrets that she didn’t share with anybody.  She especially didn’t share them with her husband.  Anna and her husband Timothy had their ups and downs.  Anna was a bit wild for her introverted husband.He was very shy and didn’t like to go out much.  Anna was extroverted and liked to party.  She liked going to clubs and dancing.  Timothy would rather die and stayed home when she went out.  He never questioned anything she did.  Anna and Timothy had just had a baby...

2 years ago
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Auntie Jean Rides My Young Cock

I dated a woman for a while and got to know her family quite well.One day i was lying in bed at home when i heard the front door open.As i lay there wondering who it was the bedroom door opened and in walked my partners Auntie Jean.She was dressed in a tight blouse,which could hardly contain her ample breasts,a very short leather mini skirt,black stockings and black boots.Before i could open my mouth to say something she came over to the bed and pulled back the covers.I had been playing with my...

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How I Seduced My Neighbor And Fucked Her 8211 Part I

Hai friends, this is Ratheesh from kerala. I am a big fan of ISS & a regular reader also. This is my first story to ISS. This is happened in my college days (3 years before). First about me, as i am average looking guy & fair too. My height is 5.8″. When i am studying my B-tech, i was staying with my friends in outside hostel. There r 5 rooms in the cottage as series, in that last one is ours. In the 4th one there is a family of four members ( husband, wife, 2 children). Husband having a...

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Passion in the heights

It was a beautiful summer Sunday afternoon sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. We put the top down on the car and went out driving around the numerous lakes we have here in our cities. She was sitting as close as she could to me with her hand on my thigh. She was wearing a skirt, blue as I remember, and a white blouse. Her blond hair shining in the sun light, we stopped in a parking place by the lake and watched the many people enjoying the day as we were.We would from time to time...

1 year ago
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FEMMEBOTS Initiation

F.E.M.M.E.B.O.T.S.: Initiation By Sarcastic Slut I met her in a nightclub. She was stunning - Blonde, toned, classic features and an amazing dancer. I offered to buy her a drink but she insisted on getting me one. Unfortunately I didn't see the pill she slipped into it or realise just how out of it I was becoming when she ushered me outside to get a cab. I don't remember the journey back to her place or arriving there. The next thing I remember after stumbling about outside...

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PropertySex Kay Lovely Going To Use Someone Else

When Tony sees Kay Lovely putting up a sign for an open house, he has to have an awkward conversation. He’s been ignoring her calls because his new sweetie is a real estate agent, and he’s going to go with her. Kay really wants the commission, and tells Tony she can convince him to choose her. She takes out her tits and puts them in his hand, then offers him a blowjob. The hot blonde begging for cock turns Tony on, and she gives him a sloppy blowjob. Spreading her legs, Kay lets...

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DevilsFilms Heather Honey Don8217t Tell My Parents I Assfucked The Babysitter

Heather Honey has JUST gotten everyone she’s babysitting to bed but gets annoyed when Diego Perez, the eldest sibling, starts talking loudly on his phone in the other room. Can he not do that somewhere else? It took her AGES to calm down his younger siblings! Heather confronts Diego and he seems taken aback. He had no idea she was here! He promises to keep his voice down, but Heather seems curious. What was he so agitated about on the phone? Diego shares that this girl he recently hooked...

2 years ago
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Pool Party

                                                                              POOL PARTY        "She doesn't seem very happy to see me," Hoffman said.        "Let's work on that," Rafer said, and he punched the woman in the belly.        She doubled up and then fell to the floor, writhing and trying to suck in air. The two men watched her. A bulge formed at the front of Hoffman's trousers as the choking, gasping woman twisted at their feet. She was wearing a halter top and shorts, and she...

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Drawn to YouChapter 11

Belle's cell phone rang causing Jeffrey to pull away from her and let go of his hold on her hips. Timing is everything, she thought. She frantically tried to pull the phone out of the pocket of her coat, that she had hung over the bedpost. The interruption was what she needed to regain some semblance of control. When she answered the phone she was surprised to hear that it was Richard Ericson, the P.I. He said that he would continue to tail David for the next day and a quarter but had...

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Fantasy ENF

Welcome to a world of high fantasy. A world where Elves, fairies, orcs and humans all coexist, along with countless other creatures. A world of magic and steel, kings and castles, dragons and maidens. Despite how different this world may seem, many things are still the same. For one thing most women of any type still have powerful senses of modesty. In this story we will follow different women in this fantasy setting as they are stripped and revealed to the world. Author's note- feel free to...

2 years ago
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My First Boyfriend Part One

Since my family had moved to our new house, Steve and I had become best friends. He lived next door and had moved in about a month before we did. With both of us being the new kids on the block we bonded quickly. He was two years older than me at eighteen and I had just turned sixteen a few months back. He was also taller and had more muscles than I did. He had tan skin and black hair where I was pale and had brown hair. He stood almost six feet tall and I was about five foot six. We played...

3 years ago
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Mother in laws first taste of anal

It was the summer of 2008 and mw wifes mum and dad,who lived abroad had agreed to let us have their house in Spain for two weeks while they stayed at our`s so they could visit family.The night before our flight i couldn`t sleep as i hate flying and the best way to get me sleepy is to tug one off so i sneaked downstairs and put a dvd in my laptop of amature anal,did my dirty need and dozed off,the next morning we flew out for two weeks of glorious sunshine.On returning Bob and Carole,Viv`s mum...

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