SRU The Ultimate Spells R Us Combat Challenge
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‘Long ago, before the creation of this world, the gods came up with an idea so powerful, they had to place barriers of patience and reason to stop it from consuming all. Eventually, these gods grew tired of this world and built a world where all could indulge in their amazing idea. Then-’
Skip, skip, skip! Pantasy Star Online is a vr MMORPG with the most realistic feeling and looking graphics on the market and I’m way to eager to get into! Let’s get to the character creation already! Ok, here we go...
At five minutes to 4:00 Mike left the locker room, walking slowly to the main ring where his corner man, Jeff was waiting. Jeff was one of the more experienced of the male boxers. “How do you feel, Mike?” “Nervous. It’s been a while since I actually fought anyone. Most of my fights in the last couple of years have been sparring sessions. This has the feel of professional bout. Do you have any advice for me?” “Yeah, run.” “Funny.” “No, seriously, run. She’s big and strong, but I’m not...
Mike’s alarm went off at 2 p.m. With a moan, he got out of bed and made his way into the bathroom. After splashing some cold water on his face he finally felt wide awake. Remembering that Karla was going to introduce him to the mysterious Anastasia, he took a little more care in how he dressed for the day. Wearing a freshly cleaned and pressed pair of Khakis and a matching golf shirt, which showed off his now, thanks to Truda, extremely buff body, he walked confidently over to the gym. He...
Everyone in the story is over 18 years old. This work of fiction is a product of the author’s imagination and the characters, incidents or dialog are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to real situations or persons, living or dead is pure coincidence. The Author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. No one should publish or post this story anywhere else without the author’s written permission. This is a NON EROTIC story and there is no sex n this story. ...
Your heart pounds with excitement as you step into the Erotic Combat League building. After a long and difficult path of tryouts and training, you’ve finally made it as one of the ECL’s newest crop of recruits. You’ll step in the ring for erotic battles with some of the finest sexfighters in the world. You’ve watched plenty of ECL matches before this, starring seductresses like the luscious luchadora La Diabla Roja, the haughty aristocrat Lady Grace, the always unforgettable Champion herself,...
When the world goes to shit, there is nothing to be done but to find someone to fuck, that’s what I always say. Find me a nice abandoned bar with a good stock of bourbon, some rope and someone to call master, and I’m set. My name is Steph. I was out stealing some rope from a military compound when Raven found me. He was a renegade like me. Rugged and dirty, but with that well-kept look in his eye of privilege that said he’d clean up well if he wanted. He had dark black hair and dusty pearl gray...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWhen Mike returned to the gym, he made a call to his boss. After enduring five minutes of yelling and screaming and being called an ungrateful bastard, he was told he was fired and that he should clean his stuff out of the apartment by the end of the next day. By noon the next day Mike had his clothes and personal effects in the back seat of his car and was heading out of the city. He soon found himself driving through the affluent suburbs north of the city. It took an additional half an...
After three hours of working with his trainees and another two hours of strength training with Truda, Mike was more than happy to retreat to his office and do some paperwork. After making some progress notations for each of his trainees, he called up his email. He had one new email. It was from Linda in the office. ‘You have been scheduled to fight Karla Anderson on the 28th at 4:00 in the main event ring. Event type – Boxing. Please click accept to respond.’ ‘Great,’ he thought, ‘another...
For the next nine days he trained hard with Truda, increasing his personal bests in three upper body lifts. He also scheduled two sparring sessions a day with the best of his trainees. He beat all of the males and all but two of the women. Truda and Cathy still gave him trouble but he felt he held his own for most of their sessions. The day of the fight, Mike did a light cardio workout in the morning and rested most of the early afternoon. Unable to overcome the excitement and anticipation...
Corvino's Defense of Homosexuality By Cal Y. Pygia Note: While it is true that not all transvestites are gay, many profess to be. In any case, this essay is likely to be of interest to many, regardless of their sexual orientation, and to members of the wider gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, many of whom have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender friends themselves. In his essay, "Why Shouldn't Tommy and Jim Have Sex?," which appears in Contemporary Moral...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Both I and my wife were taking training in the Shorin Ryu Karate class from a martial arts school in Bangalore. There were around 200 + students as a whole out of which 50 + were female. It was all adults as they had a separate group for kids. Our master announced a fighting tournament. It was said that both men and women would be in different categories. I was a brown belt student and my wife Radha was a green belt. Having...
I lay there gasping, feeling the tiredness in my muscles, thinking to myself I was too old for this shit. Chasing through a hot jungle ten thousand miles from home, after a fugitive about whom I knew nothing except that some deskbound agent had decided she had to be caught, dead or alive he said, but who was only trying to survive, as far as I could tell. I'd been trailing her for ten days now, trying to get a feel for her habits. I was fairly certain she didn't know I was on her tail. My...
The war between Babel and Constantine has been going on for thirty years. The middle ground or war zone spanned an area fifty kilometers wide and over two thousand long. What lived inside the thick forests and jungle was monsters mages on both side had created. Manticores were common and so were drakes or griffins. There were creatures that looked like trees call trolls that would kill and eat us. Bushes that threw poison spines, knife grass that was real knives. Serpents that could kill and...
I went back on the bridge and while I was walking up the ramp I said. “Tactical put a situation map of our deployment area on the screen. Display all pirate and insurgence activity for the last five years. “Aye Sir, I anticipated your order and prepared Intel reports as well and correlated them into the map.” “Very good Mr. Deberaux, I appreciate that.” I leaned back in my seat and studied the map that popped up on the main-screen when Comm. reported. “Sir two new reports came just in. A...
Mike woke up late the next morning, but he felt great. He dressed quickly and hurried downstairs. As he entered the dining room, he bumped into Karla who was just finishing her breakfast. Karla gave him a stern look. “I expect my boxing instructor to give a better account of himself than I saw yesterday.” Mike was taken aback for a moment and immediately went on the defensive. “With all due respect, Boss, what did you think would happen when you match a heavyweight with recent experience...
A half moon after Legios had encountered the two women and their "heirloom" carriage, he stood before the Duke and the Duke's wife to make his report. "Aside from the one brush, everything was quiet," Legios concluded his verbal report. "A 'brush' that was the most serious border incident since the war," the Duke mused. "Yes, sir. We fired a single volley from our rifles and one round, each, from the mortars and they stopped." "Well, Captain, I'm pleased to tell you that Lady...
This morning, somebody sent me a link and told me it was a good place to find Brazilian transsexuals. I guess my head was still a little bit fuzzy from last night’s binge on Viagra and hookers, so I immediately wanted to know, “How many is a Brazilian?” I understood my mistake as soon as I loaded up the front page of the aptly named Brazilian-Transsexuals. Oh, right! A Brazilian!So, how many is a Brazilian? Well, the digits at the top of the landing page at puts the...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesLe Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. "Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...
Straight SexLe Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. ‘Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...
Gaia è una ragazzina di sedici anni biondina, con gli occhi azzurri, un fisico proporzionato e nella media e molto carina. La sua bellezza è pulita, senza il minimo accenno di volgarità. Nonostante la sua giovane età ha un sacco di pretendenti ai suoi piedi. La ragazza si allena in una palestra di sole donne nella quale non valorizzano le sue capacità: è una combattente formidabile per la sua età, ma non le permettono di partecipare alle gare; in realtà molte si sono accorte delle sue capacità...
FetishNOTE: Hey guys, this is my first story here, so please bear with me. Hopefully it forms a good base to continue from. Any feedback would be appreciated, and feel free to add a chapter. Enjoy. It was the announcement that shocked the nation. Interrupting the television premiere of the latest Marvel film, a news bulletin announced that scientists had discovered and clinically trialled a new technique to prevent Cervical Cancer and STDs that had a 100% success rate. Given the simple application...
Sono le 18.00 di una bella giornata di primavera, c'è ancora il sole, anche se per poco, mi trovo in una strada della mia città mai vista prima, mi piace il ballbusting e su internet cercavo ragazze alla quale piacesse combattere in modo scorretto, finisco per mettere addirittura un annuncio su un sito scrivendo solo l'e-mail, mi arriva il messaggio di una ragazza che mi parla di un luogo segreto dove si fanno ocmbattimenti clandestini, mi spiega che c'è una parola d'ordine per entrare, mi...
Mi trovo sul ring e dovro combattere con un attrice famosa. Vedo la mia avversaria...
Martina vs Giorgia Martina: alta castana 13 anni piede 39 snella magra seno 4a Giorgia: media altezza 13 anni piede 38 nella norma seno 3a Tipo combattimento : colpi proibiti 1o round Inizia il combattimento con martina che si avvicina a giorgia e gli da una violentissima ginocchiata tra le gambe. Giorgia si accascia a terra tra gemiti di dolore e martina le sferra un altrocalcio tra le gambe che la mette ko 2o round Giorgia da un violento pugno sul seno di martina che per attutire il dolore...
Sono Alex. Giorni fa ho ricevuto una strana lettera in cui si parlava di un locale in periferia in cui si poteva combattere. Erano combattimenti misti di ogni et
If you haven’t already, I would suggest reading Chapters 1 and 2 of Christal Perusasion. didn’t do it right away, had to swap shifts at the ER, claim a fami1y emergency to get time off. Then it’d taken another few days trolling the places “prick filet” had recommended. But we did discover the older man’s home base. During the hunt, Alex had told me more about Petra. Her life had been even...
It started just like every other day, nice and warm, sun was shinning, wind softly blowing threw the windows, another beautiful day was starting. I had already packed the lunch we were going to have, and tea's were packed as well, you hear me humming in the kitchen, and you sneak up behind me and wrap your arms around me, and kiss my neck, i spin around and smile and softly slap you and tell you that you scared the hell out of me, but i love you anyway, you look around and see everything is...
"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...
When Sarah and Greg woke up to his alarm at 7:30 Monday morning, they found themselves comfortably entwined with each other with their faces about a foot apart, and with such a glorious "in love" feeling that they didn't mind the others morning breath. Sarah leaned across the pillow and kissed her beloved to start the day. Greg couldn't help but smile. Not wanting to lose the close contact, but realizing that they needed to get ready for the day, they slowly pulled back their arms and...
Have you ever asked the question, ‘where is my porn?’ Maybe you have when you’ve found that your downloaded porn is suddenly gone! Oh! Your drive is failing – better buy a new one.Or when you’ve noticed that your favorite porn site seemingly vanished into thin air. Oh! It happens to the best of ‘em!Next time you ask that question, don’t ask yourself: ask your device’s assistant. Maybe that bitch Siri, Bixby, Cortana, or that hermaphrodite over at Google will show you ‘Where Is My Porn?’ Yes,...
Free Porn Tube SitesMy family and I lived in a comfortable home on the tree lined street in a small rural town. Next door lived a single Mom who must have been in her mid thirties. She had a son who was born with cerebral palsy and was now 18 years old. His condition was such that he needed constant care. For some reason which I never understood, she was unable to get governmental help in taking care of him so she had to assume the full responsibility for his care herself , though she did get financial assistance....
MasturbationKinshi Corporation's American office was an imposing edifice situated downtown, surrounded by buildings less than half its size. Damon stopped the sedan in front and ordered a random bystander to take it for a joy ride. His three slaves followed him in. There was a pretty Japanese receptionist in the lobby. Her eyes rolled and she moaned with pleasure as Damon turned her into Slave #4. None of the fetish clothes he'd brought with him would fit her, so he had her strip naked and fall in...
Damon's cock pistoned repeatedly into Svetlana's ass as he rewarded her for a job well done. The portable heart-monitor he wore registered his accelerated pulse as his orgasm approached, and then he was spraying the inside of her colon with his seed. He wiped himself off on her white lab coat and put his boxers back on. He grinned up at the device, which looked a lot like giant ball bearing with Cylon eyes. A jumping, red line synched with his heart-monitor. Phillips wouldn't find him as...
I was convicted of drug and weapon possession last summer, and sentenced to 7 years in prison. My idiotic boyfriend stashed coke, and firearms inside of two cars, and 6 houses we both owned together. He told the stupid cops, the crap was solely his. but the prosecutor didn't care. The bitch charged me for basically knowing the stuff was there, and not reporting to the authorities. So, now I'm in prison; and in case you didn't know, I'm a transexual. I have a penis, so I'm...
This is a true story it happened back in 1986 I already knew I was bye and I liked having sex with girls and guys but I had never had a transexual. I went out clubing where all the gays and lesbian hang out just to hang out and have a good time there was always someone who would accept a straight looking guy like me so I went into this one club that had a transvestitied show or shemales show it was a great show they had some singers, dancers a couple of comedians the show was very good so I had...
I was in a large city about 100 miles from my home for a week on business. I had been hitting the bars for a few days with out a lot of luck. On the way back to my hotel afer work one day I picked up a few of the alternative newspapers/sex ads. Checking the ads out later I saw women, men and transexuals all offering there services. I saw one picture of a beautiful blond and was blown away to see that the ad was for a transexual. I called and made arrangments for her to come to my hotel in a few...
This is a true story it happened back in 1986 I already knew I was bye and I liked having sex with girls and guys but I had never had a transexual. I went out clubing where all the gays and lesbian hang out just to hang out and have a good time there was always someone who would accept a straight looking guy like me so I went into this one club that had a transvestitied show or shemales show it was a great show they had some singers, dancers a couple of comedians the show was very good so I had...
Introduction This is a transcript of an actual cybersex interaction between an older man and his young lover, who is on assignment five time zones away. Only light editing has been done, to correct obvious typos; otherwise this is exactly what was written by the two lovers. I don’t know how erotic this is, or even whether it can be considered a story. But it brought satisfaction and release to the two participants. I’m with you and totally focused on you are you ready? Yeah I want to hold...
Nancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually molested by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...
I love being a femme! Just having a femme appearance - small heart shaped chin, soft hairless skin, pretty legs - I love all of that. But I would have to say that I'm most proud of my natural female breasts. I developed them during puberty, and by the time I was 18 they were like they are now. They're not humongous or anything like that, but they're bigger than a lot of biological women's, and they are nicely shaped. And - men LOVE them!Of course they weren't always a source of pride to me; to...
Hi friends, this is Rathode again thanks for the response to the last update now it’s time for another story, this story concept provided by rathi, I heartly thank full for rati for this wonderful concept. A bright day Ravi is packing his clothes and his belongings he ran towards near railway station he is on very tension and little bit hurry, he heard the train voice coming towards the station he quickly step up grab his reserved seat. A tiny drops of water started falling from the sky with...
IncestNancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually m*****ed by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...
Mom Replaced My Breastfeeding sisterThe story starts from the time my mom caught me fucking my sister. She was very angry with both of us. She beat me like anything but I could not say a word. Next day my brother in law was summoned and by evening my sister Tanya was packed off to her place. I do not know what mom told my brother in law but she achieved her goal.The atmosphere in the house was too charged from that day. Not to mention we were not talking to each other. Then I stopped eating...
Nancy was just an ordinary young girl growing up in rural Illinois, for the most part anyway. She enjoyed the simple pleasures of country life and had similar hopes, dreams and fears as any young girl on the verge of womanhood. She wanted to be loved, and a chance to give love in return. Nancy wondered sometimes if her wishes would ever come true, if she would ever be able to have a real relationship, as Nancy was sexually molested by her stepfather as a very young girl. Although her stepfather...
First TimeWhen you're an over-sexed eighteen year old kid with raging hormones and the prettiest girlfriend in town you don't pass up an opportunity to get into her pants; even if you don't know what you're doing. The exhilaration of feeling like a MAN after you've taken her cherry is like King Kong beating his chest while hanging from the top of the Empire State Building with his woman worshiping at his feet. Of course, when you're an over-sexed eighteen year old with raging hormones you don't...
Hi Indian sex stories dot net readers. Myself Manoj 37 yrs old from bangalore. I am back with another story to make you all get wet. My previous story “Sharada Eternal Lust” got a good response and as well as appreciations. I would like to thank ISS readers welcoming new member with such a massive response. I never expected that. Coming to the new story. This story is a mix of the real incident and my fantasy towards the heroine of this story. I started working immediately after my degree in...
The First Sexperience Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. Today I will tell you the story what Ayesha told me about her first sex experience and I am expressing the story in her own lips. Here is the story for you……… “I am Ayesha, about 20 years old with slightly dark complexion. My appearance is not so cute, medium figure but I have huge breasts with 36-30-38 figure. I am not so tall, only 5 feet. I borne in a...
Hi all Iss readers! I am Manisha from Pune, 24 years, Female, I have been reading a lot of stories on the site & have found some of them to be very exiting, so I decided to post 1 myself. My personal experience, which will definitely make you horny. But 1st let me tell you about my self, I am a fair complexioned girl with unbelievable mounds. I am 5.3″ with 36 28 36 and above all I was a virgin before having my 1st sex at the age of 16. It was new years eve. Of 2000. We were a group of 4...
ISS readers, I am Indu, 18 yrs old plus 2 student from Kerala, sharing with you my first sexperience! Ours is an upper middle class family, hailing from Cochin. The family consists of my father who is abroad, mother, my elder sister and my younger brother and me. My elder sister is married just one month back, and my brother prepares for his plus one entry. This happened one week back, while I my sister and her husband came to our house for a short stay for the second time after her marriage....
I had a thrilling sexperience. It was pure and pure adventurous sex, the type I love most, mere yards away from a main road and mere yards away from a major 4 road junction.I leave to work quite early between 6.15 and 6.30 am. I leave early as I have to take a bus and buses get jammed in the heavy morning traffic. Unlike many others I love to travel in crowded buses and I love the traffic. You may ask me why? It is because crowded buses offer ample opportunities to get rubbed and the traffic...
My Journey into Bisexuality We all have those events in life which define us, change us, make us who we are. This is the true story of my own journey into bisexuality. If you were to tell me prior to these events that I would be doing such things I would’ve given you a very emphatic ‘Hell No' and aside from a one time mutual jerk off session when I was 14 where we were both drunk and stoned, I never thought of ever touching another man. Before I begin I have decided to only use initials for...
This is another story written for a Dom in Florida named Jack, who was my Mentor before i met Master Falcon. Writing stories for Jack to read and critique was a way for me to learn about and explore BDSM. i chose to use this story to explore bisexuality. Please bear in mind as Y/you read this story that when i wrote it, i had just come out of a 20-year vanilla marriage, in which bisexuality was taboo. i’ve come a long way since then.i chose to leave my comments to Jack intact for you to see. In...
Me and this girl nikole have been talking for months now. We haven’t seen each other since our 2nd encounter together. At this point I was fully on board for the thought of tucking transsexuals. Nikole was so damn beautiful I couldn’t stand it! But I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever seal the deal. Every time I thought about her naked body, my dick would get so rock hard. I’d say dream about her at almost every possible second. I’ve masterbates to her nudes and even showed her the gooey...
WAR OF THE SEXESThis is a work of fiction. It is a humorous take on the age old rivalry between the sexes and to the debate as to which is the stronger sex. The male sex organ i.e. the penis or the FEMALE sex organ, that is the VAGINA. I have given life to the sexual organ of the male and the FEMALE and in this war of words, the genitals argue out amongst themselves as to who is the stronger of the two. It’s an all out war between the penis and the VAGINA. Although this is a work of fiction,...
Hai, this is Agil, I’m a big fan of ISS. I love to read the cheating moms and wives stories. Also I love the incest and gangbangs. I appreciate all the writers in here for giving us the ultimate pleasures of our dreams. They are the inspiration to the new writers like me. I’m not a good writer, actually this is my first try. I hope all ISS readers will forgive my mistakes. Now about the story. This is a fiction story that made up through my imagination. You can understand while reading it. Ok...
A really nice story from another web page! EnjoyGreg was late for class. He ran through the hallways. They were very particular about being punctual here. His health teacher especially. She was very focused on such things. Greg had been late twice this week. He couldn't help that his car kept breaking down. Ms. Sin was a real hardass and didn't accept excuses. Greg had only started his last year of high school here after his eighteenth birthday a few months ago. He was worried about the...
Battle of the SexesAngi and Mike Dawes trudged up the dirt path, eyes hopeful for the first time in days as they eyed the faint structure in the distance. From this far away, they couldn’t tell what it was, exactly, but any kind of structure - any shelter from the rain - was more than welcome. It had been nearly a week now since they’d last slept in a bed, safe from the elements. That felt like a lifetime ago to the weary couple – Mike especially. ‘How far do you think?’ Angi gasped out, bone...
Darned foolishness! I asked for everything that happened last night thought Lani. She couldn't exactly go complaining to her husband after she practically threw herself at her own son. Lani should have just stood up and walked away when Danny started with his wandering hands. In fact, Lani did nothing to discourage him and almost everything to encourage him, cuddling with Danny while he felt up her leg and then fondled her boob. That would have been called giving the green light to the young...
Gang activity was common and most were afraid to leave their houses at night. The city council and PTA, eager to reverse the rising trend in crime and v******e developed a plan to build common ground between young men, instill a sense of humility and encourage bonding; mandatory bisexuality.Mandatory after school meetings were immediately implemented for all senior males. Age requirements for entering school were reconfigured for legality purposes requiring seniors to be 18 years or older....