Combat In Blue free porn video

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I lay there gasping, feeling the tiredness in my muscles, thinking to myself I was too old for this shit. Chasing through a hot jungle ten thousand miles from home, after a fugitive about whom I knew nothing except that some deskbound agent had decided she had to be caught, dead or alive he said, but who was only trying to survive, as far as I could tell. I'd been trailing her for ten days now, trying to get a feel for her habits. I was fairly certain she didn't know I was on her tail.

My mind was a jumble. Thank god my skin tanned easily and quickly. I bet I'd smell terrible to someone in civilized society. Who the hell was Anita Sanchez? What kind of name was that anyway? Geez, I stink so bad even the bugs leave me alone. How did I get here, over all these years, toting a sniper rifle, an old antique Bowie knife, and fifty thousand dollars if I completed the mission?

It had seemed romantic and masculine, joining the Seals after college, all the macho bullshit about being the baddest of the Navy. Frogmen. All that manure. What it had been was dreadful punishment for three months, and then training with the nastiest toys the Navy had available for another three months. The seductive thing was, I was good at it. I had been a swimmer in school, used to being in shape, and the habit has lasted to this day. To be an officer in that outfit you had to be very tough, cause the enlisted guys wouldn't listen if you weren't. They didn't stand on ceremony, or military rank. I had to kick a young West Virginia kid's ass on my first posting, but after that, I never had any problems.

I think for a couple of years, I really enjoyed it. Its hard to remember now, but it was a hard, demanding, busy time, and the missions seemed dramatic and exciting. Even the first time I killed someone, a greek guarding a suspected bio-terrorist site, it all seemed reasonable and heroic. When the raid on an African prison to free a CIA agent went bad, and I was held responsible, it was a shock I had trouble with for years, even though I got rich doing "special" jobs for my country, notably the CIA.

And of course I started to learn how things really work. My third job was an assasination of a minor official in Bosnia. I planted a bug in his apartment, and discovered he was already cooperating with the Agency, and that my assignment was part of a power play in the beauracracy. I sat on my hands for two weeks, and finally reported it up the line to someone I thought was above that. I saw the local agent get blown up a day later, by a Seal team. I cornered the officer and found out who ordered it, and reported that too. I didn't work again for three years, but by then I had some private contracts, and managed to get by.

Well, there was a big purge, and I found I had acquired a reputation as a contractor who did the right thing, so I had a lot of jobs after that, and believe me, its very lucrative. I drifted for damn near ten years, always being careful to assure myself that whatever I was asked to do was legitimate. It was mostly getting people out of countries, or executing fugitives who had flown the coop. The job I was on now had involved getting an agent out of an Indonesian prison camp, and when I got back to the sub, they told me to find Anita and bring her in.

I found the agent I freed a very unpleasant fellow. He was treated like a hero when we got aboard the USS Starfish, but turning around to the small island group where she was supposed to be hiding had happened fast. There were several little flaws in the story they gave me.

She was supposed to have turned this guy in. Then why was she hiding? She had been a prostitute in the only western style bordello in Jakarta. Why did they need a pro to chase her down? She was dangerous, and I might have to kill her. A pros?

There was no one to talk to, the one message I got to a guy I thought I could trust was unanswered, and I kept getting nasty looks from the guy I rescued. I pulled the standard inflatable up onto the beach a day later, my old suspicions boiling up. Years later, I found out they had not wanted to use me, since they knew I didn't follow orders without good cause, but they felt they had to move fast. I was the only choice. Decide in haste, repent at leisure. The Godfather had it right. I refuse to be a fool.

It took me a couple of days to pick up her trail, and another day to catch up with her. Once I did, several more issues that caused me to doubt my mission surfaced. In the first place, she was no former prostitute. She moved around the island very cleverly, leaving very little trail. She never started a fire, and ate the fish raw. She was clearly experienced at hiding and surviving, which takes training. Her body was muscled and strong, not the fleshy softness that I had been led to expect. Observing her in camp, she was alert and well prepared, and slept with what looked like an AK 47 at hand.

She had a radio, and listened to it every day at sundown. Clearly she was waiting for instructions from someone, or an all clear. I was careful not to get too close, but what I could see through my Zeiss's was a latin kind of face, thick dark hair she kept up during the day, but let fall at night. There were several ideas I had for how she got on the Agency's bad side, but the only way to know for sure was to talk to her. I knew that was not going to be easy.

The only mistake I could see her making was that she religiously bathed every morning. A real operative would never be either that predictable, or that worried about hygiene. I thought it was possible she was expecting to be there for a long time, which would be a good reason not to let yourself become, well, smelly like me. So as I rested beside a big rock, shaded from the sun and watching her settling down for the night, I decided to take her the next morning.

The wind always blew from the south, so as she waded into the stream I crawled carefully toward her from the north. You learn to do that very silently as a Seal. She was only about ten feet into the stream, and her weapon rested against a tree. I watched her carefully through the underbrush, and realized what a good looking woman she was.

Her skin was a light coffee color, and the nipples of her surprisingly large tits were brown. Latin for sure. Her face had the ruddy, healthy look of a person accustomed to being outdoors, but she had big eyes, and very full lips, that combined with a small nose to make a very pretty, seductive affect. Her body was fit and even more heavily muscled than I had realized watching her through the glasses. I waited until she turned away, admiring the ripple in her shoulders as she ran her fingers through the black hair that wet fell to the middle of her back, then vaulted to my feet and picked up the gun.

Right away she fooled me. Instead of coming at me she dove underwater, out toward the center of the stream which was a good ten feet deep. A good idea I thought, as I stripped off my clothes, walking along downstream, catching occasional glimpses of her gliding powerfully through the water, trying to put distance between us. She might have had a chance at getting away with someone else, but not an old swimmer.

After a couple of minutes I could see her releasing bubbles, a sign she was running out of air, and slid into the water myself. It was nice and cold, and felt wonderful on my dry, scaly skin. I stroked close enough to her underwater to see her give up and surface, then came up below her, and pulled her under while I figured she was gasping for new air. I got her in a hammerlock, and started for the edge. She relaxed, and let me pull her, coughing bubbles but not fighting. As we surfaced in the shallow bank, she gulped a couple of times, spitting out water, and her ankle came up at what I'd have thought was an impossible angle, and caught me in the balls.

It was a good move. I felt her jaws clamp on my forearm, but pulled the arm away as she tried to sink her teeth. We're trained to take a lot of pain, and in spite of the tremors spreading out from my groin, I rolled her onto her stomach, and tried to pin her arms over her head. I got one, but she flailed away with the other. I finally got both of her wrists trapped in one hand, while I felt her trying the kicking thing again, but all she was accomplishing was tapping my thighs. We were both gasping as I held her like that.

She was amazingly strong. And she didn't quit. She kept struggling to free her arms, and bucked her ass up at me, but never said a word. Just fought. I finally got my breath, and yelled into her ear. "Listen. I could have killed you already if I was going to do that. You're very good, but I'm better. And bigger. Calm down and lets talk." She struggled for another minute, then relaxed suddenly. I smiled. What a tough bitch. Now she'll try to con me.

She had a little accent. It sounded maybe mexican, anyway spanish. "Who sent you? CIA? I spit on the fucking CIA. How are your balls?" I grinned. "Sore Baby. Too bad, 'cuz you got a nice butt. Listen, your next move will be to try to get me to relax, and then hit me or whatever you do. Well it won't work. I spit on the CIA too. Why don't you tell me whats going on?"

She twisted her head around to look at me. "You look like shit, you know that? Why should I tell you anything? You're gonna kill me anyway." I chuckled into her ear.

"I've been watching you for a week. I've got a sniper rifle that can put a round through your eye from two thousand yards away. Why did I take all this abuse from you if I was going to turn around and kill you? But I do want to find out why they sent me. Does it have to do with Grimes? I don't like that asshole either."

She turned her head back and rested it in the mud. I saw that her eyes were closed. She had tensed slightly when I mentioned the guy's name, so I figured I was on the right track. We were both breathing better, the adrenelin had faded, and my groin wasn't hurting as much. I suddenly became conscious of my cock nestled between her ass cheeks, and felt it stiffen a bit. I heard her chuckle. "Want a piece of ass, dickhead? Its good, really good." I felt her butt tense, squeezing my hardon.

"Oh I'm gonna get some, Anita. Whether you like it or not. But you aren't gonna take advantage of it. You know all the tricks don't ya? Well so do I." I twisted her right arm up behind her back, admiring the muscle again. Pulling her back into the water, I rubbed the mud off her body, noticing that she had a very small bikini tan and that her pubic hair was mostly very short, except for a thick band just above her pussy lips. I felt her try to twist out of my grip, and cuffed her on the ear with my left hand.

"What the fuck are you doin' dickhead? Like those tits? You don't have to rape me. I don't need that. I'll play ball." Yeah sure. But her tits WERE terrific. I walked her up on the bank and pushed her toward my stash in the woods. "Where the hell are we goin asshole?" A branch snapped at her stomach, and I felt her flinch. But she wasn't really resisting much. I was struck again by her smooth, supple movements, and realized she was taller than I had thought. Five ten I guessed. I had thought smaller than that watching her.

As I grabbed up my gear and pushed her toward the clearing where she had camped, she kept trying to surprise me, relaxing for a couple of minutes and then trying for an escape, but if you keep the wrist tight, there isn't much a person can do out of an armlock. I got her back to the camp, handcuffed her to a tree, and went back for my clothes. The time in the water had washed off a lot of the scum, and I realized how bad my stuff smelled, so I pulled out clean skivies, a tee shirt, and a pair of shorts.

When I got back I paused a moment just out of her line of sight. I could see she had tried to tear her hand through the plastic of the cuffs, and gotten a scraped wrist for her trouble. She was slumped down, and I saw a tear running down her cheek. So she wasn't all that tough.

Without saying a word, I started a fire, pulled out my coffeepot, and started to brew some with good Indo grounds. Once I got it going, I buckled her right wrist to the tree leaving her left arm free, and threw her the clothes she had apparently laid out to wear. While I was doing all this, she just stared at me. She was really pissed, and I couldn't blame her.

She pulled the clothes on with difficulty, no underwear, just shorts and a body shirt, and took the cup from me. I said "No sense in worrying too much about a fire now, Anita. Some cooked meat would sure taste good to me." I sat back, sipping my own cup, letting the caffeine and the warming morning settle over me.

She whispered "Whats your name dickhead?" I told her Greyeagle, which was the handle the agency used. Her eyes widened. "Aren't you the guy who did Cardenas? I saw him right after. Right through the fucking eye. That was you?" I didn't answer.

She stared at me for a moment, then began to sip the coffee. She closed her eyes with pleasure. "This is good" she mumbled. I let her relax, then started to talk. I told her about getting Grimes out of the prison camp, the orders they had given me to get her, and my suspicions about the Agency. Since she apparently knew about Cardenas, I told her about the wire I had run in his car, and the conversations he had had with a Mexican General who was supposed to be the anti drug guy. She started nodding about halfway through the story, seeming to have known a lot about it.

I could almost see her mind work. At first she assumed she was a goner. She must have figured out by now that there was some truth to what I was saying. Greyeagle does have a reputation in the Intelligence community as a unique character, but I had no idea how much she actually knew about me. Slowly, she began to think about what she could tell me that might get her out of the spot she was in.

This kind of interrogation is tricky. She was obviously pretty well trained, and looked to be over thirty, so she had some experience. Chances are she would try to tell me some story that would be close to the truth, play on my prejudices, and put her in the best possible light. I figured my best tactic was hear the story she told, try to see where she was lying, and then catch her up in an unguarded moment. As she started, I also realized I really wanted to fuck her.

She said she worked for Mossad. "They got me when I was a guy named Lopez's mistress, I was only seventeen, and they appealed to my sense of patriotism for Columbia. Also because my mother was Jewish. One of his sidelines was running guns to the Palestinians. When I finally killed the bastard, I stuffed his cock in his mouth. Funny, he was a good lover, a little rough, but okay. But I really enjoyed seeing him die."

They trained her for several years, between sending her out to undercover as a whore in Mexico, still chasing the guys selling to Arafat and his crew. But she had taken to the physical stuff, fighting, tracking, shooting. Then they got her to infiltrate a lesbian sex ring in Brazil, which is where she developed her bodybuilding. "Its a pain in the ass, actually, you have to work hard to keep up the muscle definition and all, plus the drugs you have to take, but once you're in the habit, its hard to break. Right now I feel like I'm letting my body down, not working out every day."

She was interrogating a Panamanian who worked for the Chinese in Jakarta when Grimes came along and stole him away from her. She outed him to the Indonesian Service, but he killed the guy. When I got him out, she was told to come here to hide. Her boss figured Grimes would want revenge.

That rang true to me. The Agency does shit like that. They're all ambitious, trying to climb the ladder, and a Chinese spy would be a good catch. The question, of course, was how Grimes got onto her and the guy, though she tried to gloss over that. I figured that was what she was trying to hide from me, and decided to come back to it later. My hunch was she was worried about her own service. So I thought we were both in the same boat, kind of outcasts, trusting no one. I thought she relaxed after a while, and finally asked me for another cup of coffee. I gave it to her. "Got any sugar, dickhead?"

We shifted camp toward the west, because I felt very uncomfortable with the whole situation. She had gotten in the habit of camping in clearings, and for all I knew a satellite could see us. The infra red ones aren't in the Pacific area, so I figured a fire would be okay. We walked for about five hours, to another stream that was further down the mountain, and followed it along until a spot came up that looked good. A little glade but tree covered. She made her move as I was hunched down pulling out cooking stuff from my pack.

Her boot caught me on the shoulder, cause I sensed it and ducked as she kicked. I grabbed it and twisted her to the ground. She landed on her arms which were cuffed behind her, and groaned. I muttered "Bitch" as I dragged her to a tree and locked her arms to a branch about four feet high. If she stretched her arms, she could barely get her ass on the ground. Breathing hard, I stood staring at her, and she stared defiantly back, still struggling.

The stretched arms raised her tits up so they seemed very puffy, and I noticed the nipples stiff under her shirt. I pulled her boots off, then her shorts, then grabbed the top of the shirt and ripped it off. She bit her lip, but kept glaring at me, crossing her legs. I grabbed her ankles and pulled her hips toward me, kneeling as I spread her legs, revealing her wiry pussy. All I could see was her slit. I held on to the ankles and leaned down to cover her cunt with my mouth. I heard her grunt, then start twisting her hips to avoid the pressure.

It was hit and miss for a few moments. She'd twist away, I'd follow, and suck on her puffy outer lips, wetting them down. I kept feeling around with my tongue, and a couple of times thought I grazed a thick, stiff little stalk. The second time I did that, I heard her squeak, and instead of twisting, she humped up. I heard her mutter "Fuck."

I straightened up and stared at her. Her pretty, full mouth was open slightly, and her face was flushed. She was trying to glare at me, but there was a funny expression on her face, I thought maybe it was excitement. I bent over again, and this time she seemed to relax as my mouth closed over her pussy, and my tongue found wetness, along with a new taste. I heard her groan as she opened up, starting to make little up and down motions that made my tongue pulsate in her hole. She was gurgling "Basta, basta."

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Episode 57 Jenny and Blue

BackgroundRegular readers of my Jenny episodes can skip this paragraph – you already know who is real and who is fictional.Jenney (Cumslut) and Rob were ch1ldhood sweet-hearts – fucking each other’s brains out since High School. Unfortunately, now they are married to two different people and Rob’s rare army leave the opportunities for a weekend of bliss are limited. Rob’s wife Ana knows all about Jenny and hates her with a vengeance; Jenny pretends that her husband John is blissfully unaware of...

3 years ago
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Abduction Blues

ABDUCTION BLUES. by Cassandra Anaconda Morrison This is what happened: It was late one cold and comfortless night when I first noticed the bright light in the Western Sky. It was hovering at about tree level and?for the life of me?I couldn't quite figure out what it was. It didn't seem to be an airplane?at least?not an airplane such as I had ever seen before. So I just stood there shivering on the porch and staring at it. Finally I could stand it no longer. "I'll just...

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Detectives Blues

Send any comments or suggestions to [email protected] Detective's Blues: Chapter One By Joeshmoe547 Has it been a year already? It seems like only yesterday that I was Bill Richmond, a well-known private investigator in the Washington DC area. My customers where politicians, blue bloods and the well heeled. Today, I'm... well, let me start from the beginning. I was born in the sprawling suburbs of Northern Virginia across the river from the US capitol. My parents were...

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Junior YearChapter 4 What Comes After the Blues

For me, this was the first day of school. I pulled up just as Mike did. I thought about sitting in my car until he went in, but decided I might as well tackle this now. He didn’t see me until I was right next to him. “Oh, shit!” he said as he jumped when he saw me. “Relax.” We walked in without saying a word to each other. Mike kept glancing at me, as did half the people who hung around the front of the school. I think we disappointed them when we didn’t throw down right there. Pam saw us...

1 year ago
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Big Blue

Ruth and I usually watch TV for an hour or so in the evening. We were sitting on our couch in front of the TV while Blue, our two-year-old Bull Terrier, lounged on the sofa with us. Bored by the TV, he went to the door and looked back at me. I went to the sliding glass door, pulled it open, and let him out. A few minutes later, he was back at the door wanting in. I got up again and opened the door for him. Blue was almost pure white with a big black patch around his left eye. He seemed...

2 years ago
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Killing Daddy Blue

Wednesdays were always boring for Holly, and this one was worse than most. Her usual trade didn’t hit the streets until the end of the week when they got paid, or until the welfare checks came. This wasn’t the week for the welfare checks. It was cold, and there was a light mist falling that promised to turn into snow very soon. She could move up a few blocks to the ritzy section of town, but the cops paid more attention there, and Daddy Blue didn’t like having to pay off the uptown cops. They...

3 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 206 Hospital Blues

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: September 6, 2010) Chapter 6 - Hospital Blues The constant hum of machinery and the intermittent beeping were the first things that I became aware of. The smell of antiseptic was next. I opened my eyes a moment later. A...

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Bobs Blues

Bob had the blues so bad he figured if he was able to look in the mirror he'd look like Grover, Harry, or Cookie -- the fuzzy and blue monsters from Sesame Street, which he was currently watching because the remote had stopped working and he couldn't get out of bed to change the channel. He knew the batteries in the remote were okay; he'd just put them in last week or maybe it had been the week before. With the day he had had yesterday, it was kind of hard to remember things. He was...

2 years ago
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How to Cure the PostPartum Blues

‘Oh my god!’ I cried as I came home from a date to find my husband had packed his clothes and left the baby untended. The baby was choking on a bead and rolling around on the floor. I called the ambulance, just in time. I was in shock. All because I wanted a little fun out of life, my child almost lost his! It all began the day Jeffy was born. I was terribly unhappy. There I was, only 19 years old, saddled with a husband who drank so much that he couldn’t satisfy me, and now with a baby too!...

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Helplessness Blues

Hi! So Helplessness Blues is my first attempt to write anything like this. I actually am working on a much longer story, but I sort of dreamed this up in the last few days. Admittedly, it’s a bit fluffy with fairly one-dimensional characters. The story actually did start as a rather unpleasant dream I had recently, although I think it ended well. I don’t remember which parts were from the dream and which I made up except that the dildo was definitely not from the dream and the twins were....

2 years ago
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Tashita Loves Rhythm And Blues

I lived in a third-floor apartment. Tashita lived under me, in the second-floor apartment. How we met was pure happenstance, as was what transpired after we met.It was a warm spring afternoon and I decided to play hooky from work, to stay home and just chill. I had the stereo cranked up and admittedly, was jamming, having a good afternoon. I didn’t think anyone would care because surely, most folks would be at work.The banging on my door startled me. I quickly turned down the music and cracked...

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Monday Blues

As dawn broke I got out of my car in the car park, thinking of nothing in particular. As I walked to the underground elevator, I quickly look back at my joy and lock the doors with the familiar beep and flash of lights. Pulled my over coat closed as a breeze of bisque morning coolness blew through the car park. Arriving at the elevator, the quiet air of silence that only early morning offers. Still waiting...finally the audible bell as the doors open, still moving in a robotic manner as every...

4 years ago
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SRU Election Blues

SRU: Election Blues By Radioactive Loner The rain was whapping itself in big, fat droplets against the windowpanes of the town's mall as an individual slowly walked through the corridors, that person's eyes darting left and right, in search of an old-fashioned store with a name few would take seriously ... "Spells R Us." Of course, what approached that homey storefront was a former customer, who knew that the shop's potions, curios, and knick-knacks were all too serious. As...

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Altered Fates GIBlues

Authors note: This story was inspired by Femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af054.jpg. I wrote it when femur asked me for a story. This was the one I originally intended to start with but, for various reasons, I ended up writing other stories first. ALTERED FATES: G.I.BLUES By BobH. (c) 2003 For John Geddes this five day furlough could not have come soon enough. Six days from now he and his unit would be shipping out to become part of a...

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Lipstick Blues

Lipstick Blues by Peggy Sue It all started at the Jewish Community Center. There was a pageant and I was Moses receiving the 10 Commandments. There were lots of 12 and 13- year olds in the pageant and we were assembled beforehand when suddenly there appeared a young man and women in our midst who were putting lipstick on everyone and rubbing a little of it on our cheeks. My heart filled with terror and I didn't know why. I saw that people had lined up in front of the man and the...

2 years ago
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Post Graduate blues

It was so easy. I was thinking about our relationship now. My husband (at the time) and I were participating in a special archeological study of a tribe which had no previous contact with modern man. We are both in our early 30s. I am rather tall at 5' 10" 140 lbs. with long blond hair and (if I do say so myself) a killer body!) Stan, my husband, was a shrimp at 5' 6", 120 lbs. with a physic of a child. He had longish brown hair with somewhat gentle features. A real Nerd! ...

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Smoking Blues

Smoking Blues by Brenda @2019 "Hey Bren," called my assistant Sarah. The home office called while you were out smoking. You Better call Mr. C back. He didn't sound happy!" "Okay, thanks dear. I will call him back straight away," I replied as I headed to my office. As I was opening my door Sarah continued. "You know, you really have been taking a lot of smoke breaks lately. We are all concerned about your health. You are the first boss we have had here that knows how to treat people...

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First time blues

I, satyam and suri are like minded batch mates at engineering college… despite busy with well paid jobs we maintained constant contact…continued to do so even after getting married … to implement our student day pact…met periodically to review progress …decided that nothing can be done till each of us became parents of two kids…and waited…a year later, i am blessed with twins …satyam and suri had a kid each … ‘…fellows…i am more ready than you…‘i often teased them…two years passed by… a week...

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Even Cowgyrls Get The Blues

                 Even Cowgyrls Get the Blues!                   Gay interr trans morph                           TJ Ryder            year 2054Place    New South African republic of Obeah.*****************************************************************pic 1    The lightning and heavy rain lit up the grim brickbuilding of the orphanange, its placque the only bitof ornamentation on its street-facing side exceptfor long, high narrow windows    Ojobango Banto...

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Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get The Blues

Chapter 1. Life’s a Beach(Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get the Blues, Aurelius c. 2002)It was a fine evening for a walk along the beach. On Rabbit Island every evening was a fine evening for a walk alongthe beach! The scenery, the tropical climate and the idyllic locationmade it so.Kate and Jessica ambled bare-foot across the soft wet sand at thewater’s edge, both captivated by the radiance of the pumpkin redsun sinking rapidly on the maritime horizon. They marvelled how muchquicker the...

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Boot Camp Blues

Boot Camp Blues By Deputy Duffy In northern Vermont there's an old school building that was used once asthe State Police Training Facility. Some vandals had trashed the place recently,and Deputy Johns and I were sent up there to play janitor. And I certainlywasn't happy about it. But then, in the debris of some vandalized wooden lockers,I found these papers -- letters from a girl to her sister. It was kind of strange at first to read them, but it was also kind of titillating,too. It took some...

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Miniskirt Blues

Miniskirt blues: Something inside Sarah must have snapped. She no longer wore a slip or a neglig?e to bed. She now wore one of those tee shirt style pyjamas and something like boxer shorts. Increasingly she was becoming disinterested in sex with me and I was finding it hard to maintain an erection. Sarah would still cook and wash up but she was starting some sort of internet fitness business which was taking up increasing amounts of her time. Sarah would also do the shopping. S...

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Work blues

Work bluesPart 1 – staff training Another Melody Mitchell story‘I'm sorry" Melody got in first "but Tracy's only twenty-one and she needs the extra coaching if she's going to be able to cover for me next month when we go away to Italy. The only chance I have is if she comes here on Saturdays and we go through the work in the evening. She’s as bright as a button so she should catch on quite quickly if we can get down to it one on one"Melody knew that Steve disliked her bringing work home, but...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 23 Birthday Bliss or Blues

Chapter 23: Birthday Bliss or Blues Repercussions from the swim debacle followed, the school principal wasn’t happy that I had been pulled out from detention by Bill. But after a meeting where my Mom came in to discuss what happened, he understood what had happened, the coach was meant to be at the meeting also, but had abstained, saying he had more important things to do than deal with a whining student. He had given the principal his reasons for his decision in a previous conversation...

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In the Pink and Blue

In the Pink and Blue by Christine Silk David shyly approached his Auntie's house, climbing the stone steps up to the imposing front door. The house was old and rambling, secluded from the road by lines of tall, graceful trees. David vaguely remembered the house but had not visited since he was about 6, over ten years earlier. David was a slim, weak looking but very pretty boy, with thick blonde hair that fell to his shoulders and delicate feminine...

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Crimson and Blue

"And then the little fagot has the balls to ask for a tip…….." TonyVincent paused just long enough to let the other men start laughing, then hejoined in himself, big booming laughter that filled the narrow corridor. OnTony's left Big Al paused to wipe a tear from his eye. It didn't take muchto make the big man laugh, so much so that some of the other men on the crewcalled Al the "laughing gorilla" though never to his face of course. The big man was a giant, a lumbering mountain of muscle that...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 118 True Blue

Turning to regard the new speaker even as the others, Tenchi felt something in the location he normally associated as his brain simply freeze. In his twenty-one years he'd done and believed he had 'seen', many a great thing. Some of which could even be termed 'miraculous' Perhaps even godly. This however was the first time he could specifically remember seeing someone who actually looked ... Well, like one always expected an alien to look. She was blue! His mind instantly shooting...

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Me and Mr Blue

Introduction: I had a crush on my teacher when I was 17 **short fantasy** When I was in high school I always had the biggest crush on the 12th grade literature teacher. You know how young women can be when they focus on an attractive older man. Mr. Blue was the youngest on the payroll at 24 years old. He had turquoise eyes and careless dark hair. He didnt really spend time with the other teachers, electing to read Byron and Shelly under a large magnolia tree by himself instead. It was here...

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Cornflower Blue

September 2019 A STRONG, HARD, BODY and a disciplined mind, make the man. As a telepath and a dominant alpha male, I take what I want. I place commands or ideas and suggestions into people’s minds in two ways. Direct control is for immediate compliance. Contingent on the situation, I may invoke strong overwhelming emotions such as terror or panic, to achieve my desired results. For permanent results, I use subtle mind control. Think of "subtle" as pleasant and soothing whispers,...

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Out of the Blue

 It all started when I met her through a contact site. You know that moment when you see someone across a crowded room and you know. In this case, it was a picture in a crowded monitor of thumbnails and I was instantly in lust. Several things drew me to her, the dark hair made her stand out a little from all the blonde women, the dark brown eyes engaged with you but it was her smile that held your attention and made you stare. It was her smile that captured me. I clicked on her image and read...

First Time
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Out Of The Blue

Out Of The Blue By Paul G. Jutras As Luke Jett sat before his work table, he pulled open a drawer and took out a gun. As he sat in his red Federation City High School graduation gown, he turned on his television and began to flip through the channels. One channel had Highway to Heaven; one channel had the movie Angels In The Outfield, one channel talked about the gender wars, and the third channel was running the television show Out Of The Blue. After he took off his pants, he...

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Stains of Blue

Stainsof Blue His house was exactly how I had imaginedit, though the word 'house' seemed barely appropriate for the huge mansion,surrounded by a flourishing green garden I stood in front of. I had dismissedthe driver, who had gotten me from the airport, and now trying to regainmy composure, I stood there on my own, brushing some folds out of my knee-longblack skirt and white blouse. I couldn't make myself move, couldn't do one more step towards that door, whereHe would wait for me. He, the man...

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Beyond the Blue

‘Sometimes it’s not the vision that’s blurred. Sometimes it’s the situation. I always see things clearly… or as clearly as they can be seen…’ Her voice echoed off the walls, this solemn, serious representation of an inner solitude that often eluded even his keen ears. He could hear it every now and again, but when she waxed poetic there was a glassy sheen over her oh-so-blue eyes that couldn’t be penetrated by any man. She knew it too, and could smile when he attempted to delve into her inner...

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