Sweet Tooth
- 2 years ago
- 15
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Having your vehicle hijacked and in particular, a gun stuck in your face, can be a life changing experience. Added to my woes, my husband of ten years gave me my marching orders one month before the high jacking. At thirty-one, I had just grown too old for him and was replaced by a twenty-year-old, named Lacey. Fortunately, I received an excellent ‘out of court’ settlement, so the heartache was somewhat lessened. With all this drama in my life, however, I decided that a radical change was needed.
When I moved out of my husband’s mansion I rented a small fully furnished apartment on a short term basis, aware that a great deal of soul-searching needed to be done. I needed to get away from the city and the rut that my life had become. I thought about poor Lacey and the role that he would now have to fulfil, wafting through a mist of sparkling repartee and being a perfect ‘hostess,’ while Walter, my former husband, held court. Essentially, I had become a chameleon, blending into my comfortable surroundings mindlessly. My wakeup call had been a blessing and shortly after I found myself on my own, that realisation finally dawned on me.
I was determined never to subjugate myself again and decided to be more assertive in future. Although my hijacked vehicle was returned to me, I sold it and bought myself a snazzy French convertible, a silly indulgence. Next, I consulted an agency that listed small businesses that one could buy. Shortly after my initial consultation, I found my way to a small up and coming town, where I met Frederic, who wanted to sell a successful little store which he owned and ran. The store was called ‘The Nutty Guy.’
Frederic was in his sixties and had a wife’s health was failing. He had decided to retire so he could take better care of her. The town was totally charming and I immediately fell in love with it. I also found an apartment that was perfectly suited to my needs. Two months later, after resigning from my job I found myself in my new environment, happier than I had ever been.
The Nutty Guy sold an extensive array of nuts, chocolates, nougat, and dried fruit. It was very well supported in the community and had a brilliant reputation. Above all, it was really a very successful little business. Being predominantly a self-service outlet, I also had no staff issues to deal with. I did have backup for emergencies and there were a few locals who would gladly help out if I fell sick or had to be away from the business for any reason.
Most of the regulars took to me wholeheartedly and in no time I had a great rapport with nearly everyone. In particular, Hank fascinated me. Hank was a retired homicide detective and for a guy in his sixties, he was as sexy as hell. I recalled an earlier discussion during my former life when someone mentioned that Sean Connery, already in his late sixties, was still seen as one of the sexiest men on the planet. Well, Hank, underlined that viewpoint. If ever the term, ‘all man’ was deserved, then Hank would definitely be a frontrunner.
Hank was large, hairy, and solid. He was bald on top and the bit of hair he had was short and surrounded his head in a semicircle. This hair spilled over into two killer sideburns, which were bridged under his nose with an epic moustache. His hands and feet were of the biggest I had ever seen on a man and his arms and legs, thick and powerful. The hair on his chest literally cascaded out over the top of his unbuttoned polo shirt. Hank always wore these golf shirts along with shorts and sandals. The bulge in his shorts mesmerized me and I would often have to avert my eyes when I ogled the impressive lump for a little too long.
Not only was Hank a regular visitor but a very good customer, as well. Having a sweet tooth he bought copious amounts of chocolates and nougat. Although he was fairly crude, I loved his visits and always looked forward to seeing him. In fairness, when I had other visitors in the shop he always toned things down but when we were alone, no holds were barred.
On one visit, the summer Olympics were being held around this time and having watched the ladies gymnastics the previous day, Hank gave me a blow by blow account of what he wanted to do to these pretty young women. The sexual positions he wanted to place them in, as he fucked them, almost had me doubled over with laughter.
Hank had been married four times but never fathered any children. As a result of a hernia, he had lost one of his balls as a young man. The problem was, as he put it, he only shot blanks after that. This problem had ended his first two marriages and his job, the last two. Hank had been single for the past ten years and had no interest in marrying again because as he stated, women were just too full of shit.
Late one afternoon before I closed the store, Hank popped in. As always he gave me his customary wink. Hank was a ‘winker’ of note and upon arriving or departing from my store, he always winked at me. I even got winks when he said something saucy or made a joke. I loved his sexy winks!
“So, what are you making for dinner?” he asked.
“A green salad,” I answered.
“What? Only rabbits eat fucking green salad,” he said. I simply shrugged.
“Fuck that,” he continued, “you’re coming home with me for some proper food. Meat, potatoes, and the odd bit of vegetable… Now that’s real food.” I began to protest, but he was having none of it.
“I’ve got two beautiful steaks marinating and that’s what we’ll be eating tonight,” he concluded.
When we arrived at Hank’s apartment I was very impressed by how neat and tidy it was. The furniture was basic and there was no mistaking that it was a ‘man’s pad.’ Hank had made a huge potato salad the day before and that’s what we would be eating with the steaks. Shortly, the steaks were placed under the griller and soon we were seated at the table, enjoying our meal with two glasses of white wine.
Up to this point, I had told Hank very little about my former life, but suddenly I developed verbal diarrhoea and told him everything. As we spoke and ate he listened intently. Naturally, my steak was far too big for me and when I offered him half of mine, he gladly accepted.
“So, what kind of guys do you like?” he asked, out of the blue.
“Older guys,” I answered.
“How old?” he retorted.
“Oh, I don’t know… over forty, I suppose,” I stammered.
“Whoa, so am I in with a chance?” he answered. Totally floored, I didn’t reply.
There was a brief pause before he enquired, “Have you ever been with a woman?”
“No, never,” I replied. As a joke, I decided to turn the tables on him. “Have you ever been with a man?”
What Hank said next blew me away completely. He told me about his relationship with a guy in high school. After school, however, he moved on and never revisited that chapter of his life again. Stunned, I made no comment after his story.
After a lull, Hank apprehensively asked, “Do you find me appealing?”
“I’m really not comfortable with that ques…” I tried to answer, before he interrupted me.
“Do-you-find-me-sexy,” he stressed, with an earnest look on his face.
After a short pause, I whispered, “Yes, very sexy.”
“Will you go to bed with me if I asked you to, Lesley?” he questioned, with a serious look on his face.
“Hank, this is really making me uncomfortable.” I countered.
“Why?” he sceptically asked.
Remaining silent, I arose from the table and offered to assist with the dishes. Hank didn’t push me any further on the subject as we washed the dishes. When we were done he stood before me, blocking my way as he stared into my eyes.
“Now I’m going to interrogate you properly, boy,” he said, with a spurious stern look on his face.
“Please, go easy on me, detective,” I said, playing along.
Tapping a little pouch that Hank always had clipped to the top of his shorts he said, “Any more lip from you, and I cuff you, boy.”
There was a breathless silence as we continued to stare at one another. Finally, Hank spoke.
“Lesley, from the minute I realised you were gay I’ve been intrigued by you. Who fucking knows why?” Then after a pause, “Maybe I have been suppressing my latent tendencies for the past forty-four years. I know I’m more than old enough to be your father and if that’s a problem for you, I understand. It’s really simple, yes or no. If no, I promise I’ll still buy my nougat and chocolates from you,” he concluded, with a playful laugh.
Unable to restrain myself I began to blubber. Hank immediately enfolded me in his arms and kissed my forehead.
“Jesus, I’m sorry, baby,” he murmured, “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Embraced in his thick arms he caressed my back lovingly. “Hey… hey, Lesley, there’s no pressure,” he concluded.
As I walked back to my place that evening I could have kicked myself. I was nuts about this guy but didn’t realise how much I was still hurting. Being some straight guys experiment, however, wasn’t going to solve my problems either, and concluded that I had possibly done the correct thing.
I did not see Hank for the following three days and was worried that I had offended him. I thought incessantly about Hank during this time. Yes, I wanted to have sex with him but wasn’t sure if I could deal with another possible rejection in my life. Then, four days later, he appeared in my store as bright eyed and bushy tailed as always.
During a lull in the store when there were no other customers, Hank asked me if I was okay. Afterwards, I briefly explained my feelings to him and as he sat quietly, a couple of customers came and went. Finally, when were alone again he spoke.
“Lesley, we can both do with a bit of comforting. I definitely like you and according to what you told me, you like me as well. Let’s not waste this opportunity. Fuck knows where it will lead.” Then, with a naughty look on his face he concluded, “B’sides, for an old guy, I’m not too shit in bed.” We both had a good laugh after his speech.
What the hell, I thought, Why not?
“Would like to come to my place for dinner tonight?” I asked, before adding, “I promise it won’t be a green salad.”
Hank arrived at seven and by eight, we were enjoying the roast chicken and vegetables that I had made. Conversation was light and easy at first, but as the meal progressed the intensity of Hank’s stares took on a very erotic questioning gaze. Every time he lifted his wine glass leisurely, his eyes looked passed the liquid about to cross his lips and focussed on my eyes in an imploring manner. It was almost as if they were willing me to give into him, in the most sensual visual seduction I had ever experienced. As we consumed our last morsels of food, our breathing had become laboured with lust.
“Now I want my dessert in the bedroom,” he then rumbled in a horny growl.
Hank wasn’t asking anymore, he was commanding. After he stood up from the table his eyes requisitioned me to follow him to the bedroom. Once there, we stood before one another next to the bed. Hank pulled my ‘Nutty Guy’ t-shirt off me before removing his own shirt. His hairiness was sublime and I couldn’t wait to be enfolded in his arms. My wish was instantly granted as I became encased by his furry body. Next, his ravenous mouth latched onto my lips as he commenced fervently kissing me. I simply melted into his embrace as I let him take total control of me.
Walter, my former husband, was not the most ardent lover in the world and my first real contact with Hank transcended years of passionless encounters, in an instant. The warmth cocooning me was magical and I felt coveted for the first time in more years that could remember. As our bodies fell onto the bed Hank’s groans and contented grunts drove me wild with desire.
Hank’s voice was hoarse with horniness when he finally said, “I want to be inside you.”
After jumping off the bed he literally clawed my jeans and underpants off me, before hurriedly pushing his own shorts and underpants down. Next, Hank pounced on me with my arms and legs flailing to the sides under his bulk. Swift as his entry was into my backside, I had never felt anything more gratifying in my life. Hank roared as he began to pummel my backside fiercely, with his huge body lustfully humping above me. Given his intensity, I knew he would last too long. Before long, his release valve ruptured as he hammered his spunk into me.
Slumping onto my body afterwards, he apologised. “I’m sorry, baby; I was just so fucking worked-up.”
“There’s no need to. I enjoyed it just as much as you did,” I answered.
After Hank rolled off me, we lay there contentedly listening to one another’s breathing. After a while, I sat up and looked at the perfect male specimen lying next to me. Unable to resist, I repositioned my body as my mouth moved in on his crotch. The ampleness of his manhood suited his body perfectly and although his scrotum had a missing occupant, the ball that was left, more than made up for it. After zoning in my mouth and hand set to work. As I stroked his chunky uncut knob my tongue licked his massive nut. Nestled between his open legs, I worshiped to my heart’s content.
The sounds of pleasure emanating from his were awesome and his horny instructions, mind-blowing. The feel of his rigid fat cock in my hand excited me beyond belief.
“Suck my dick, baby, suck on daddy’s dick,” Hank groaned.
At full stretch, my mouth now encased his cock. I had also begun to tug on my own knob energetically and before long, announced that I was getting very close.
“Shoot your jizz all over my cock,” Hank instructed me.
Scooting up, I quickly positioned my dick at his crotch and blew my load. Mission accomplished, I looked down into his warm eyes and smiled. With a lusty laugh, Hank issued his next instruction. “Get on me, baby, ride daddy’s dick.”
Straddling Hank, I impaled myself on his fat pole. “Come on cowboy, show me your stuff,” he teased.
I began rocking my body as my backside suctioned onto his knob. As I groaned, Hank continued issuing instructions to me. The horny banter from him heightened the incredible pleasure of our union.
“Do you like me fucking your arse, baby?” Hank intoned.
“Yes, daddy, but I really loved the way you fucked me earlier,” I answered in a lusty growl.
With a curious look in his eyes, he asked, “Do you like it rough, Lesley?”
“Yes,” I murmured.
“Must I get my cuffs, boy?” Hank probed.
“Yes, detective, any further information you want, you’ll have to force out of me,” I answered in a horny challenge.
In a flash, Hank pushed me off him and after placing me flat on my stomach, retrieved his handcuffs. Next, he pulled my body to the edge of the bed by my ankles. In an instant, my wrists were cuffed behind me. “On your knees, boy,” came the following instruction.
Hank was now in his element as the former persona of his life reignited and my ‘interrogation’ got underway. Hank’s authentic cross-questioning excited me beyond belief, and I could tell that my submissiveness, gave him unbelievable pleasure.
Placing his knob at my hole he barked, “Are you a cock-hound, boy?”
“I want my lawyer,” I demanded.
Hank now pulled my cuffed wrists towards him as he jammed his cock into my backside. Then, a succession of in and out stabs took place into my backside.
“Fuck you, boy,” he barked, “You’ll get a fucking lawyer when I say you can.”
Hank now fully extracted his cock, waited for my hole to close, and then speared back into me. The ‘agony’ was mindboggling and I was overjoyed to play along.
“Here you have no fucking rights,” he stated as he kept grinding my backside. “I am in charge and you’ll do as I say.”
“I won’t talk till I see a lawyer,” I yelped.
Hank now went into overdrive and pushing me flat on my stomach, he grunted obscenities as he banged my manhole manically. It was fan-fucking-tastic!
Before long, I was shooting my load all over the sheets with excitement. Hank was not far behind and shortly, he followed.
What totally stunned me was his libido. This guy could fuck for the first team, any day. Fortunately, Hank was not a one horse pony and constantly varied his routine. Overdone, the ‘prisoner’ thing would easily have become boring.
After our initial evening, we didn’t move in together but spent most of our time in one or the other's apartment. Another remarkable feature of our ever strengthening relationship was his incredible talent as a salesman. Hank enjoyed working in the shop and would always outsell me. The clients loved him and always left with far more than they had bargained for. Of course, he never stopped bragging about his feats.
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Seven mini-fantasies about sweet and pretty girls who were not born as girls and the boys who love them. The spotlight falls on the transgendered girls' romantic hopes and dreams, their need for love and validation, their passions, and their most cherished wishes. Here are seven adorable shemales in all their luscious beauty. You are invited to expand any or all of these into full-fledged stories. Sweet and Pretty By Farah Daye ~1~ Have you ever seen a magazine or...
Sweet Santa has the hots for dear Debby, a fresh female friend, not far from his Winter whereaboutsSweet Santa has another erotic eye open for Debby's dear daughter, jolly juicy Jessie, educated freelySweet Santa ponders: "Proper presents for two tasty blonde beauties, who have already all, what can I do?"Sweet Santa wonders: "I search something special, a thing the two blonde beauties can't buy themselves!"Sweet Santa finally finds what he had been looking for all week long, just in time, as...
Sweet Julie Birth of a Shemale by Mistress Tawny Suede Chapter One Is It Just a Role? The dress rehearsal for the drama club's latest production was over. The curtain fell, the audience of excited parents applauded enthusiastically. The curtain rose and the performers stepped forward to take their bows. The curtain fell again and still the crowd applauded. The two stars, Troy and Julie, took their positions centre stage, holding hands as the curtain rose one more time. They...
By Lady Regina Drake I feel strangely elated sitting here at the bar with my legs crossed, and my short dress riding above my knees. I just got back from the lady’s room and as I walked back, I watched all the eyes that were glued to my ass and legs. That’s exactly the reaction that I look for, and that’s why I insist on wearing short tight dresses and spike heels. Men are dogs and lets face it they will fuck anything in a skirt or dress, including sexy shemales like me. I love the fact...
Sweet Sensations ? by: JR Parz I. 'A Witch's Potion' was scrawled out in fancy red letters across the store's front window. He smiled, thinking that maybe in addition to finding a gift for the girls, he'd purchase a spell or two. As he entered he was pleased to see that the store carried a whole variety of different items. Now, all he had to do was find a few in his price range. He stopped to admire a doll collection and was awed by how life-like they looked. He was so...
The warm breeze makes my auburn hair fly around my face. I’m not concerned if my hair is messy now, just enjoying the feel of the wind lifting it, feels sensual. Walking on the beach, sandals protect my feet from the thousands of shells clustered of the damp sand. Looking for perfect shells, maybe a intact sand dollar, to give to my daughter back home. I came here, to the coast for two reasons. First, to meet a friend from the net and have fantastic sex. Secondary, to take the time to...
Owen watched the girl turn down the covers and set the candles in place on his bed stand. She was so careful and exacting, he wondered if there was some set way things where done. He had never really noticed. He had also not noticed when that scrawny little girl with pigtails had become this fetching young lady with a gorgeous figure. He smiled and played with his snifter of brandy as he watched her bend and straighten the quilt.Her ass was not tiny, it was full and firm like only a young...
SWEET AND PRETTY by FARAH DAYE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Six little vignettes about sweet and pretty girls who are not totally girls and the boys who love them. The vignettes tell about the transgendered girls' romantic hopes and dreams, their need for love and validation, and their most cherished wishes. These sketches were written by Farah Daye, an artist living in the Deep South. Farah has blended little bits of her own history and some of her dreams into little sketches for you....
SWEET DREAMS, MR. WILCOX (NEVER COULD BE ANY OTHER WAY) by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY Synopsis: A pop music producer, who once was one of the hottest names in the industry,...
Well it’s the big day. I’ve been planning this for quite some time. I’ve only let you know we have something planned. And that you need a few things packed and ready to last at least two days. Everything else has been taken care of by me. You love surprises, and with me not telling you where or what we are doing has just about drove you crazy. I pull up in front of your house with my four wheel drive pick-up truck. Now all that’s left to do is pick you and your stuff up and we’ll be on our...
Sweet EmilyMy day wasn't going particularly well, as I was feeling especially worn out from a long, hard and taxing week of work. I was however fortunate to be alone this dreary Saturday morning, after rising late, as I heard the doorbell ring.Answering the door, I found little Emily our neighbor's daughter, standing there looking so very cute in her modest dress. I have only known her for eight months, since she moved next door, right after graduating from high school. She seemed to really...
Sweet Suzie's EnslavementA Love-slave Story (fiction) by mgdspiritI had managed to befriend her when, after she'd walked into the first day of art class late, and every guys head in the class turned to look and stayed that way far too long. In her white miniskirt, and blonde streaked hair, she was stunning, and she sat directly across from me in the big art room. I soon found myself with a bird's eye view of what every other guy in the room wanted to see, and given her sexiness, found myself,...
I always wanted to open a candy store and sell all kinds of candy. I would stock my shelves with the finest chocolates, chocolate covered fruit, taffy, fudge, etc. I also was in the business of selling sex or I guess you could call it prostitution. I had an idea, that I would have the candy business as a front and then offer women for hire. I took my time interviewing women who I thought would be the best candidates. I would call my girls "The Sweet Tarts."The candidates would have to do...
Group SexEach one of my daughters had worked together to give happiness to me, their once needful father, and boy did their plan work. Though I had thought my self adventurous in the sack when Sheila had been my lover and wife, her three girls had shown me there were so many ways our family could find joy I had never imagined and until now never really considered. It is incest after all, and that for most is just plain wrong; thankfully not for us. We would keep our secret safe over the times we...
IncestHi friends, I am Shiv from Bangalore. I work for a MNC. I am 35 years old, married, about 176 cms, medium built, and most girls seem to like my eyes. I have received some good comments about my eyes. I work our regularly and take good care of my health and looks. This is a true story and my first writing experience to ISS. Her name is Nisha and I met her in a conference related to the IT industry about 1 year back. She is aged 26, about 5’3”, sizes of 34-26-36. She is slim and fair; with a...
Angie was never much of a drinker, therefore the six glasses of champagne she had on this particular night were much more than she could handle. Her demeanor was becoming very loose and flirtatious. She was stumbling around, giggling almost uncontrollably and chatting with anyone who would stand still long enough. The straps on her dress were constantly falling off her shoulders, though she seemed not to mind. For that matter neither did most of the guys at the party. If it wasn’t for her...
EroticSWEET DISH – II Shekhar again . I thank you all for great response to ‘Sweet Dish’. In first part you read that how on my 13th birthday my mother allowed my five friends to have sweet dish spread over her body and had her boobs fucked by all six of us. After friends left we both slept nude. She just held my cock .I never thought to fuck her that night. Next morning I got up with sound of call bell. She told me to open the door and gave instructions to give to maid. She asked me to cover her...
IncestMy wife can go months without an orgasm, I keep my balls full, never know when she may want sex or four-play, some times she likes her cunt sucked off, I can just fill my pants full of cum without touching..I was bursting for a cum last month and she was not interested, my load was ready to blast out of me, it's ok for her to walk around the house in tee-shirt and knix, or just a tee-shirt that don't cover her bold cunt, could see right up her crack, she just stood there talking to me, my cock...
We’d spent the night out. First a show at MGM Grand, then a slow romantic hand in hand walk to the Piranha for some dancing. The dancing got pretty hot,; a lot of good looking guys cut in to dance with both of us. I rubbed a lot of sweet hard cock that night before we came home an fucked. I should say that I “got fucked”. Bob’s my top. Either way, we slept late. The sun filtering through the crack at the edge of the d****s woke me up and I could feel Bob’s soft cock pressing against my back....
Sam defends his beautiful sister from a cruel pervert[A continuation of the Sweet Summer series, but from a different point of view. A lot of action and a slightly darker tone in this story. All characters involved in sexual situations are aged 18 or over.]*****Sam awoke to see the first fiery rays of the Mediterranean sun breaking over the horizon. He lay there for a while savouring the silence. He'd always been an early riser; he loved the cool pre-dawn stillness, and the glory of the sunrise...
in the morning, i awoke 2 find him sprawled out beside me, sleeping soundly. as he lay back with one muscular arm under his head, he moaned slightly in his sleep & i saw that his massively thick, stubby cock had risen 2 full-mast & started 2 throb with his beating heart. i leaned my face down next 2 his tasty-looking crotch & gently blew across his soft hairless scrotum & watched the sensitive flesh contract. i wondered what he was dreaming about as he smiled & his lips...
I. The Story Of AliceAlice Grey was a dear little thing, she lived with her parents and worked hard every day at her job in the local drapery store. Her family may have been poor, but they got by, paying their way in the world and earning respect for their dutiful efforts and high moral standards.Alice was a fanciful girl, always dreaming of love and raising her own family, a dream that appeared to be coming true when a handsome young gentleman took an interest in her. This young man came...
SupernaturalShe sat across from me on the bus, sexy, confident, long legs, firm breast and a mini-skirt that if she didn't watch it. Would reveal her sweet treasure, that's the game,(them) women trying to see how close they could come to showing us(men) with out actually showing us. She was very good at it, crossing and un-crossing her legs. Each time I would strain to catch a glimpse of her panties.One time she caught me looking, instead of the "how dare you look", she just smiled. Warm and provocatively,...
AnalShe sat across from me on the bus, sexy, confident, long legs, firm breast and a mini-skirt that if she didn't watch it. Would reveal her sweet treasure, that's the game, (them) women trying to see how close they could come to showing us(men) with out actually showing us. She was very good at it, crossing and un-crossing her legs. Each time I would strain to catch a glimpse of her panties. One time she caught me looking, instead of the "how dare you look", she just smiled. Warm and...
“Darlin’, you have the biggest breasts I think I have ever seen.” I froze and stared at my newest customer. As a waitress I was used to being hit on by men of all ages but never had anyone been that blunt with me.“I don’t suppose you’d let me cop a feel, would you?” he asked, still grinning.“Jesus, Jerry,” his dining partner said, shaking his head. He seemed to be the same age as ‘Jerry.’“I believe being upfront and honest is the best policy,” Jerry said pointedly to his friend.“I think being...
I still remember that first time I caught her smiling. Effervescent and pure, sitting on the clothed seat at the terminal. Her slim body in a tight blue tank and khaki shorts, she turned to me while I was talking to my friend trying to spot any other students heading to Italy to study abroad, “So you’re on this trip too? I’m Ariel.” Her bright blue eyes locking with mine as I returned the smile and introduced myself. Her sweet voice tickled something inside me, immediately putting me under her...
**Gwen**"What are you wearing?" Kelsey's voice came from behind her.Gwendolyn looked down at her simple cotton dress. It was a creamy white with thin lace trim, the hem falling to mid thigh. Thick straps formed a halter, criss-crossing along her back. The bodice was held up by an interlacing ribbon, which she'd tied in a small bow at the top. It was cute and light and would keep her cool in the sweltering summer heat.Gwen's gaze drifted to Kelsey and did a body scan. Her friend was wearing a...