Pokémon free porn video

You wake up early one morning and realise today is the day you get to choose a Pokemon and start your journey through the Kanto League. You get out of bed, get dressed, and then run downstairs to eat breakfast. Then, you proceed to go brush your teeth and to get your things.
After you finish all of your tasks, you decide to say goodbye to your family and head on over to Professor Oak's lab. When you arrive inside Oak's lab, you see three Pokeballs, each containing one Pokemon of different type.
"Hi there," Professor Oak says to you. "Are you one of the new trainers?"
"Yeah," you say.
"Well, you can choose one of these three Pokemon," Oak tells you. He walks to the table. "This ball contains Bulbasaur, a Grass Type Pokemon. This one is a Squirtle, a Water type Pokemon. Finally, this one is a Charmander, a Fire type Pokemon. Which one do you want?"

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