Brick House Pt. 10 Ch. 12 free porn video

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All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo

This is part 10 of a longer work, ‘Brick House,’ and includes chapter 12. It does not include erotic content, but many other chapters do. It is included for the convenience of readers interested in the larger story.


Thanksgiving break rolled around and Kate and I embarked on our separate vacations. I was to spend the holiday with relatives a few hours from campus and Kate had plans to visit extended family out East. As the long weekend progressed we found ourselves missing each other quite a bit, but to my mind it wasn’t the gnawing ache that would have been experienced by profoundly devoted couple—we just didn’t have that kind of relationship. It seemed to me that neither of us wanted to wind up our senior year with any sort of intense emotional entanglements, and that we both looked upon romance as something that beckoned from the future, along with careers and families of our own, and wasn’t really welcome in the present. By the time I hit the road and Kate took to the air we weren’t even exclusive.

Just after midterms Kate had informed me that she thought it would be a good idea for us to see other people. She added that, no, this wasn’t code for wanting to break up, she was enjoying being with me as much as ever, she just wanted to have a month or so where were both free to date whoever we wished without being forced to endure any guilt as a consequence.

I was disappointed–mostly because, of course, ‘see other people’ almost always was code for breaking up, and I asked Kate whether she had met someone else. She told me she hadn’t but confessed, a bit tearfully, that a guy she had gone out with a few times back home had asked her on a ski trip. Kate wanted to accept but also didn’t want to have to be sneaky about it, or be ashamed about anything that might happen while she was away. It wasn’t like she was really that into this guy–or at least that was what she claimed–there were just a lot of her old high school friends going on the trip, mostly as couples, and it was something she wanted to be a part of.

I agreed to opening our relationship but told Kate I thought we should put a time limit on it. If, by the end of February, we didn’t both want to be exclusive again, I thought it would be best if we end things altogether. Kate agreed to the deadline, adding that she didn’t see wanting to end the relationship (though it was an unspoken truth that, after graduation, it was probably over). Kate kissed me and thanked me for being so understanding, seeming genuinely grateful, and when we embraced she told me in a husky voice that she intended to make the whole thing seem worthwhile when she got back. ‘Any position, any place, in front of whoever you want,’ she whispered to me. ‘I’m going to be up for whatever that naughty imagination of yours can contrive between now and then.’

Despite the adventurous direction our sex lives had taken earlier in the year, this surprised me somewhat. I wasn’t really sure what I would even want to do that would be crazier than what had happened a few weeks before. I was still half expecting Kate to fly into some sort of delayed rage for mounting her, nude, in front of my roommates, and was continually amazed by the fact that she had pretty much accepted my circle of friends as her own without showing so much as a trace of awkwardness toward them.

Kate had even teased Al a few times for holding her leg while she and I climaxed, calling him ‘Mr. Sexnabler’ to Lana’s giggling delight. Lana occasionally chimed in with pet names of her own, such as ‘Mr. Sexnibbler’ and ‘Dr. Sex-o-Matic.’ ‘ Pubic Citizen’ and, even more nonsensically, ‘Pubic Enemy Number One’ were also favorites.


I returned to campus on the Friday evening after Thanksgiving. The relatives I had been visiting had plans to take a lengthy vacation on the U.P., paying visits to members of the other side of the family, and I had decided to make the return trip early, while the holiday traffic was at its lightest. The campus was quiet, and fairly empty, and I was looking forward to a couple days of reading, video games, and general laziness.

The only other student left in the building was John, and we chatted in the connecting hallway for a while right after I returned. He had no extended family in the area and his parents were too distant to visit over a long weekend, so he had spent Thanksgiving alone. Despite this, my amiable, balding neighbor seemed upbeat and laughed frequently while we spoke, his guffaws erupting in great, breathy honks.

I spent Saturday pretty much as planned—in a state of studied, pre-meditated inactivity, sleeping late and then, after downing a few donuts and some Tang, sleeping some more. When I woke up from my mid-morning nap I started to work through a pile of paperbacks, mostly lurid adventure tales of one sort or another—re-prints of early 20th century pulps featuring larger-than-life characters like Doc Savage and The Phantom.

I ordered pizza for dinner and, after chowing down, paced the apartment, stretching my legs and having a spirited conversation with myself regarding the possibility of heading down the athletic center for a workout.

‘Those triceps are starting to look a little flabby,’ I said, shaking a remonstrative finger at myself. ‘Use it or lose it. You need to put in some serious military press reps.’

‘Ah, perhaps that is true,’ I responded, ‘but one must be ever-vigilant against the dangers of overtraining. Besides,’ I told myself with a bold oratorical flourish, ‘a vintage horror movie marathon is starting forthwith.’

‘That’s pure rationalization, you laggard. You could just record the whole thing and watch it any time.’

‘Ah, but is the experience really the same? To view sundry creepy crawlies and irradiated space lurkers at the same time as millions of others—granted, millions of other losers, will make you part of a collective unconscious, shuddering with both fright and laughter at the stunt-man-in-a-rubber-suit special effects. Do you really want to engage in a dumbed-down media consumption experience, watching some digitized, reconstituted version of the broadcast after the fact?’

‘It’s all digital anyway,’ I told myself in loud, disparaging, tones. Not that it’s possible to tell the difference. That’s just more rationalization—one more excuse to be a lazy-ass.’

I discussed various compromise solutions, such as doing some pushups and sit-ups while I watched the first movies in the marathon’s line-up, but found myself at an impasse. With the two sides so far apart was a diplomatic solution really viable? The argument grew increasingly emotional, with appeals to reason and calls to find common ground largely ignored. Gradually, the faction clamoring for a purer, more immersive sci-fi horror experience that involved copious junk food and an absolute minimum of physical activity began to win out.

Finally the debate concluded, with the lazy-ass side engaging in unseemly gloating and all plans for future talks scuttled.


I flicked on the TV. The plasma wide-screen that Dean had bought had been damaged, apparently irreparably, in an ill-fated ash tray-tennis grudge match, so I was forced to resort to watching a venerable, faded tube TV that had been brought up from the laundry room. I laid out various junk food stylings across the table in front me and, deciding this was a good time to experiment with some novel combinations, stabbed a few sturdy, triangular Doritos into a fascinatingly gross pink Hostess coconut-covered half-sphere thingy.

First up was Killer Klowns from Outer Space, a fairly modern film that didn’t really fit with the overarching 50s theme of the marathon, but which was still good for a few laughs. ‘Oh you Klowns,’ I said, addressing the TV, ‘you pretend to be so evil with all of the killing and the maiming and whatnot, but I know you’re just lovable goofs at heart.’

Next up was ‘The
Fly,’ the original, which was actually pretty good and, for the period, pretty scary. The lack of any decent special effects technology had forced the director into an admirable forbearance, I thought, leading him to focus more on plot and less on flamboyantly grotesque visuals. One of the actors looked a lot like an uncle of mine—a likeable fellow named Meyer, and I found myself rooting for his character as a consequence, saying things like ‘You tell ‘im, Meyer’ or ‘Don’t take any shit from those jerks, Meyer’ or, farther toward the end of the film, ‘Damn, Meyer, that’s gotta hurt—tough break, dawg.’

After the movie completed, a lengthy commercial break commenced and I fired up my tablet, paging through my latest messages. I responded to some missives from family members, assuring them that, yes, I was fine on my own for the remainder of the break. Dean had Tweeted some pictures of himself bobsled racing in Austria, which apparently had some pretty good snow already, and I took the time to make a few encouraging, if snarky, comments.

I was just in the middle of teasing Dean about how cozy he looked with his male teammates hunched behind him there on the sled when I heard a loud noise–a sort of grinding, scraping reverberation–coming from the stairwell. What the hell? It stopped and, a few minutes later, restarted, this time culminating in a serious of distant, muffled thumps. Shaking my head, I decided to ignore the commotion (none of my business, whatever’s going on), but after close to a half hour of annoying, start-and-stop noise decided I would have to investigate. Just as I began to stride across the cheaply tiled apartment floor, whatever was going on once again come to halt.

Moving next to the apartment door, I paused, listening. Nothing. I was pretty sure I hadn’t imagined the commotion, but had no plausible theory as to what might have caused it. Could John have ordered pizza as well, only to have the delivery guy suffer some sort of mishap? I opened the door and, noting that the hallway was empty, checked the stairwell. It was empty as well. Hesitant, I wondered once more whether my fervid imagination might have somehow manufactured the whole thing. I thought it doubtful, and with no one left in the building except myself and John it seemed logical that he must have been involved in—well, in whatever it was I had heard. I traversed the connecting landing and knocked on the door to John’s apartment. When, after a moment, there was no answer, I tried again, harder this time. Finally, shaking my head, puzzled, I crossed back to my place, entering it and then closing the door behind me.

The next leg of the marathon had begun, and involved the airing of another classic, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the 1956 version. I hadn’t seen the film for years, and had forgotten how genuinely chilling it was. The fact that it was in black and white somehow enhanced the film’s overall creepiness quotient and that, combined with the fact that I was pretty much alone in the building, and for that matter pretty much alone on the campus, began to make me feel genuinely edgy.

It was childish–absurd, I told myself. Here I was watching some hackneyed old horror flick, jumping at phantasmal sounds from the hallway and working myself into some kind of ridiculous creeped-out state. What was next, I wondered, checking for boogeymen under my bed? The next fifteen minutes or so were spent trying to keep my eyeballs from swiveling, seemingly of their own accord, toward the underside of my bunk, which did seem even more thoroughly obscured by shadow than usual.

As the movie progressed, so did its effect on me. The film’s stark, haunting tableaus seemed to speak to fears with realizable potency rather than simple, fantastical menaces—a terror of unknown things that perched, vulpine, behind familiar facades of cartilage and motile flesh. No matter how many times I told myself ‘Stop being a lame-ass pussy, dumbshit,’ the general feeling of being unsettling and isolated persisted. The darkness outside the apartment windows seemed to stretch forever, a velvety shroud that was endlessly, subtly shifting, wrapped conspiratorially around unnamed things that lurked just out of view. I picked up handfuls of Doritos, munching them extra loudly just to provide some sort of noise outside the context of the movie. The Body Snatchers now had a serious foothold on Earth, and their numbers seemed without bound. The survival of harried, desperate, increasingly outmatched humans was seriously in doubt.

The doorknob to the apartment door turned, rasping loudly in its socket.

I jerked upright in my seat. I hadn’t locked it—why bother? No one in the building ever locked the doors unless leaving an apartment unoccupied. Heart hammering, I considered leaping across the room and trying to draw the chain before anyone could enter, but was stopped by the feeling that doing so would prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that I was an utter, juvenile wimp. It was probably just John, dropping by, or maybe fucking with me a little—who else?

‘John?’ I said, trying to keep a querulous waver out my voice. ‘That you?’

As the body snatchers took another victim the doorknob twisted again, clockwise and back, twenty year old hardware rasping rudely. The skin on my arms prickled, hairs on end, and I thought I could feel a galvanic skin response rippling from shoulder to wrist. Sweat broke out on my face as I chanted softly to myself ‘Don’t be a pussy. Don’t be a pussy.’

The doorknob completed a turn and the door swung open. As expected, it was John. He stood there in the entrance, facing me, dressed in a solid green T-shirt and faded jeans.

I breathed a sigh of relief. God, I was a wuss.

‘What’s up, oh neighbor my neighbor?’ I said. ‘Hey, horror flicks and junk food. Want to watch?’

I expected to hear John’s friendly, slightly nasal voice at that point, saying something along the lines of ‘What, no one colorized that thing?’ or ‘Check out the cute possessed chick, I wouldn’t throw her out of bed. What’s a parietal alien parasite or two between friends?’ but there was nothing. My normally garrulous neighbor just stood there, mute.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, interrupted only by the screams of a lonely, fleeing human coming from the TV, I spoke again. ‘Yo, come on in John, have a seat.’ It took several seconds for my normally friendly building-mate to respond, and when he did his voice was oddly flat and tinged with fear.

‘Ted,’ John said, ‘I can’t see.’

I cleared my throat, my sense of relief retreating faster than a goat slathered in fast food meat sauce and tossed in a lion pen. Great, I thought, just what I needed—John performing some effed up prank that was guaranteed to make me more freaked out than I already was. ‘Umm, what?’ I responded, not sure how to call John on—well, whatever it was he was doing.

‘I can’t see, man. I can’t see!’ John shuffled into the room, waving his arms in front of him and moving with an odd, stiff-legged gait. I shuddered. What the hell, man. What the hell.

John stopped after taking a few uncertain steps. His lower lip quivered. Unless the guy had decided to steep himself in some serious method acting, I thought, this was for real. He seemed genuinely terrified. Join the club. John was now close enough for me to see his features clearly, even in the uncertain, flickering light emanating from the aged CRT. A brief, oval face with a pale brown mustache positioned below a prematurely balding pate. For some reason John’s eyes were pinched closed.

‘John, just open your eyes,’ I said, voice shaking. There was no response. John stood there, completely still, mute once more.

‘John, I mean it, just open your eyes! This isn’t fucking funny.’ I was almost yelling at this point. A moment later John seemed enter a more alert, if no less disturbing, state. His eyes were still closed, but his head swiveled to a fro and his nostrils flared as he sniffed t
he air. He turned abruptly, shambling out of the room, and a few second later I heard the door to his place slam shut. I walked quickly over to the door to my apartment, immediately closing it and locking the door. My pulse was thready and my upper body soaked with sweat. I took a seat at my desk and sat there for a time, face in hands, composing myself.

Kate, I needed to talk to Kate—to hear her lyrical, alluring voice, cheerful and confident and familiar. I switched off the TV and tried to call her. What time was it in Aspen? I was pretty sure there was only an hour or two’s difference. I wanted to talk to her, needed to talk to her, now.

There was no answer. ‘Come on,’ I muttered. ‘Pick up. Pick up. Pick up.’ Voice mail.

I tried again. Nothing. ‘This is the lovely and charming Kate Enfield,’ Kate’s voice mail informed me. ‘If you’re a friend, then leave a message. If you’re a telemarketer, go do bad things to yourself.’

‘Shit,’ I said, after disconnecting. ‘Just shit.’ After performing my ablutions I settled into bed. How the hell was I going to get to sleep? I tried calling Kate again, holding the phone extra tightly in my white-knucked hand, as if that would somehow force her to answer. Not an effective technique, as it turned out.

The next morning I was more composed, but still unsettled. What the hell had that been about? What was up with John? In the days and weeks that followed, all became clear. My neighbor was a diagnosed schizophrenic. He had become involved with a group of religious fundamentalists and, swayed by their belief in faith healing, had stopped taking his meds. Full-blown psychosis had resulted, with fits of what had once been called ‘hysterical blindness.’ For no apparent reason John had hurled all of his belongings, and those of his roommates, out the stairwell window onto the front lawn.

The next time I saw John he was sitting on the edge of a bed in a mental ward. I went to visit him with his roommates and he said nothing to any of us. Perhaps he was embarrassed, or maybe his disorder had just rendered him incapable of speech at that point—I don’t know.

Kate never did return my call.

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The Playhouse

We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...

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Housemate SisyphusI live in a cabin in the woods that my wife and I built several years ago. She moved out last year and we got a divorce after twenty-five years. We’re still friends but just drifted apart. Life goes on. I’m a writer and have a couple of books published and a collection of poetry. I have a little following but nothing major by any means. I teach writing at a local college and a few on-line courses. I’m sixty-one and in pretty good shape considering I love to eat and hate to...

Straight Sex
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The Lighthouse

A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal.  * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!!  The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I'd often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore. Now,...

Straight Sex
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The Houseguest

The Houseguest By Tyjord Based on an original drawing by Augustine?Hey, sis.? ?Cody,? the dark-haired girl shouted upon opening the front door. She grabbed the young man standing outside and pulled him to her. The embrace lasted a full minute before the two separated, the woman’s hands remaining on the boy’s shoulders. ?God, let me look at you. It’s been so long.? She looked him up and down, taking in every inch of the brother she hadn’t seen in almost a year. ?Too long,? he answered,...

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Welcome to the Doghouse

“As we enter the main room this is the main congregating area. This building was at one time a warehouse, and I chose it for the club because it was not too large like some of the many empty warehouses in Denver area. The central area will seat about 200 people, and we can hold a max of 500 people total.” “To the left is our new video and toy store. All our videos are from club members who wanted to sell their videos of their play time. Videos range from $25 to $50...

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Cliffs Housemaid

I had been at work all day trying to get my work done, but it was hard because I had been thinking about my sexy housemaid all day. Thinking how sexy she looks wearing her short skirt and apron and that white headband that I gave her. I have wanted her for so long and had masturbated many times in the privacy of my darkroom, just thinking about her. Sometimes I'd mentally fuck her down there in the ass, sometimes in the pussy, sometimes I'd picture eating her out and sometimes she'd suck my...

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Twink Night at the Bathhouse

TWINK NIGHT AT THE BATHHOUSE This is a (mostly) true story that happened on Tuesday, June 5, 2018. And I loved every second of it! So it turns out every Tuesday is Twink Night at the Seattle Steamworks bathhouse. Guys under the age of 25 get in free. I had never been to the place on a Tuesday figuring the whole twink promotion was probably a scam to get people my age in to see hot young guys who probably never actually showed up.But a few Tuesdays ago I had an evening free and I was horny as...

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Who Needs The Bathhouse

Hey my name Abdul Musaveer—20 years of age from Hyderabad, India…6feet 2inches tall…slim body. White complexion…with very cute face…and very sporty and friendly nature….I have very sexy smile as most of my friend says….One afternoon…with my 3 other best friends … my three best buddies, Mohsin, Ibrahim and Shahzad ..Wondering around in King Street in Hamilton…it was a hot summer day….and looking around lot of semi nude’s boys and girls….make us horny as fuck Short description for these three...

Gay Male
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My Wife At The Firehouse

My wife was a cute petite beautiful woman. She had a great body, a decent pair of tits and the nicest ass I’ve ever seen. She said she hated being so attractive because all guys did was stare at her all day. She married because I was the first guy she dated that was really interested in her work as a Surgical Nurse for a famous Ophthalmologist in town. She even assisted in doing eye transplants. Outwardly she was a quiet demure beautiful woman. That’s until nine o’clock rolled around and she...

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The Addicted NaturalChapter 14 Dees Diary The Boathouse

DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, JUNE 12th (Continued) On Saturday, Fred got the old johnboat working in the boathouse down by the little pier, and told us that he'd be taking it out on the lake for several hours. Before he left, however, Brenda said she had something to suggest, and she went into the bedroom and emerged holding two bikinis. She'd purchased them the day before, and since the weather had turned warm, she asked Fred it the two of us could lie on the pier and soak up some sun. I was...

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Miss Elsies Housecoat

Adapted from “1942” by Jenny Wanshel Micronesia, October 26, 1942 Perhaps it was his boots that pulled him under when in crossing the reef, the surf upended the launch, but in any case, Lieutenant O’Connor vanished. Miss Elsie held back the boys who wanted to swim to the officer’s rescue. She grabbed them by the shoulders, the arms, the hair, but ultimately it was her shrieking that dissuaded them from likewise perishing. There were nine on the sand, eight boys from Palua Secondary and...

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Brick House Pt 07 Ch 08

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo * It was around one AM when Kate and I returned from the party, striding arm in arm up the sloping concrete walk in front of building eleven as my decrepit car’s engine, thoroughly lined with carbon deposits, continued to cough along for a good ten seconds after the ignition was switched off. One of the student organizations had thrown a formal soiree and both of us were in evening wear—me, a rented tuxedo and her, a little black strapless dress with the...

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Used in Bathhouse

I woke up Monday morning with a terrible cold. Just my luck,I was playing semi pro soccer and the most important game of the year was in 2 days I was working as a physical trainer and I had 4 clients booked for the day, I got my phone and canceled my appointments and went back to bed. Not being able to get any rest due to nasal congestion, fever plus my body was just hurting . The state final was Wednesday so I only had 2 days to fight of my cold. Laying restless in bed thinking how I could...

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I was twenty-three and this older guy asked me out on a date, I agreed and he took me to a new experience. He had taken me to a gay bathhouse.Gary was a gray-haired bear, he was just a little taller than me, he was about 5' 10". He also had piercing blue eyes and a deep voice that made my knees weak and an urge to have him deep inside me.I had gotten ready for my date after I got off work. It was a Friday night. He liked his men young and smooth. So I shit, showered, and shaved everything. Then...

Gay Male
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 11 The DOJ Comes to Gatehouse

Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor,...

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The Clubhouse

I wrote this story long ago at another site. It's one of my favorites.In 1962 life was simpler. The k**s in the neighborhood played baseball and football on the street. We could ride our bikes anywhere and not have anyone worry about us. As we got older several of the boys decided we needed a clubhouse where we could jack off whenever we wanted to without fear of getting caught. Being nerdy boys and even though I was a senior and he was a junior, the girls at school didn't seem that...

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the doghouse

I’d been running out of ways to casually pass by Mom’s bedroom when, finally, I saw that she was open mouthed and snoring. The bedside light was still on and her romance paperback was splayed out in her hand. I crept out the back door and crossed the silent dark streets in the direction of the highway.Dad was in the doghouse. Specifically, he was staying at the motor lodge on the edge of town since Mom kicked him out of the house.Mom knows that Dad and I are close – in fact, she’s always...

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The Clubhouse

The Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on.  She couldn't remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her house.  It was natural to her by this day in time, her eighteenth birthday.  In fact, she had even become quite curious about what was inside.  Her dad had always told her that they weren’t just a motorcycle club like they always purported.  But he also said hundreds of times, “Like most...

Group Sex
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The Clubhouse

The Demons Sons clubhouse sat somewhat obscure, but ominously at the dead end of the road she had grown up on.  She couldn't remember a time in her life when there wasn’t loud bikes or hot rods going by her house.  It was natural to her by this day in time, her eighteenth birthday.  In fact, she had even become quite curious about what was inside.  Her dad had always told her that they weren’t just a motorcycle club like they always purported.  But he also said hundreds of times, “Like most...

Group Sex
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Maria My Sexy Housemaid

This is how it all began with my Indian housemaid Maria. Let me describe her first of all. Maria is over 50 years old, good sense of humor and decent figure. She has 36C boobs, a nice shaven pussy, nice ass and a pretty face. I first met her in 1995 when I dropped her cousin off after work but never got to talk to her. Later both her and her cousin left the country and Maria returned a few years later with her husband. I met her in the local supermarket one lunchtime where we both recognized...

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Are you dissatisfied or frustrated by your current living situation? Do you wish that you were the one making the rules in your house? Do you make the rules of the house but wish your housemates would follow those rules without question? Well now you can! You have been randomly chosen to receive the HouseMate app absolutely free! There’s no need to give your credit card number or your personal info, we have all that stuff already! How do you think we found your phone? ;) How does the app work,...

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Gay Threesome With My Partner And His Housemate

Hello guys, this is Raj back with another experience. Read it and enjoy! I met this person on an online dating platform. In the first text, he asked me to meet him, and I somehow agreed to it. We met at a coffee shop on a Friday evening and got to know each other even better. We liked each other and planned to meet at his place on Sunday afternoon and have fun. His name is Tom. On Sunday morning, he picked me. We went to have breakfast and then headed to his place. He lives in an apartment in...

Gay Male
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The story I’m about to tell to place nearly forty years ago. At the time, I was living in a shared house with three other people. One of my housemates was a good friend, a tall Welshman called Ned with red hair. We all shared in the house running and often eat together, cooking communal meals. As close friends, sharing seemed natural though I didn’t at that time see how far that might go!My girlfriend of the time was at college outside of London and so we didn’t see each other as often as we...

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It was the start of my third year in college. This year, I was finally moving out of the dorms and living in a house. I really procrastinated the year before when it came to housing and I ended up asking Diana, my best friend, if she was able to accommodate one more at her place. She had already found someone to occupy each room at the house that she rented, but luckily for me, she offered to let me room with her. The two of us have known each other since middle school and have always had each...

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An American bathhouse

My business travel during this period was mostly in the Northeast states, often by car. I sometimes started my work-week with a day-long drive to the first city, then working my way homewards to end up at home on Friday night. It was hard work, moving from hotel to hotel and seldom staying more than one night in each city. As a married man, I didn't look for women during my travels, My luggage would include a dildo and some lube, good for an ass-job and masturbation, as near sex as I could...

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Ohio Bathhouse

My boi-pussy was wet from the lube that dribbled out into a small puddle on the rubber sheets on the floor. As one man steps away from me after fucking my ass into oblivion, another comes up to take his place between my ass cheeks while the others continued to watch and cheer him on.I was drunk from the aroma of poppers and scented condoms as four or five men took turns gangbanging my tight boi-hole. I braced myself once again as a large cock penetrated easily into my stretched boi-pussy. This...

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my first gay bathhouse

I have been reading about bathhouses for a long time. I have only been with a couple of guys, and am not all that experienced. I was going out of town on business and thought this was the perfect opportunity. I could barely keep my mind on my business that day thinking of walking around this bathhouse naked with other men. that night I went to a gay bar near there to get rid of my inhibitions. after a few drinks, I thought I may as well start my short walk to the bathhouse. I could feel my body...

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First time at the bathhouse

My name Lisa and I am an experienced and slutty crossdresser. I started to crossdress when I was 20 because I wanted to know how it would feel like to be like one of the porn sluts I was masturbating on. It started with dildos and a dress and very quickly I moved to real dicks and eventually multiple at a time. The following is the true story of my first visit to a bathhouse and first experience with multiples dicks. Enjoy and feel free to leave comments.It took me two years to finally find the...

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WWT the Gay Bathhouse

"I don't know what you're expecting Bobby," Samuel said. "It's not like there's gonna be a bunch of leather strapped queers that are going to take you the first chance they get.""Still, it's a gay bathhouse..." Bobby said, adjusting the passenger seat."You'd be surprised, not that much sex actually goes on there anymore," Samuel said, sensing his straight friend was rolling his eyes. "So there's some, but for the most part, it's in private rooms. Guys our age mostly come here to work out, swim...

Monster Sex
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Mindy the Quiet Housemaid

It's a drab, nondescript little room hardly worth describing except it plays a key part in our story. It was not Martin's in any propertied sense. Nor was it his in the sense that it was the room his wife Cindy consigned to him. He had in fact chosen it on his own months before, as we will learn. Today it's his to live in when he's off duty. In mockery after a few martinis, Cindy refers to it as the "formal maid quarters." Never refurbished or remodeled like the rest of the house and...

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E087 In The Greenhouse

Saturday starts nice and sunny when Emma and Donald wake up.  It is already getting warm by nine o’clock.  They decide that they will spend the day, for the most part, on the beach.After a quick shower, both are in bathing suits, Emma insists on a cover to go down to breakfast with Dorothy and Maude.  But both women can see her figure outlined under the light coverall and sigh at Emma’s loveliness.That is the nice thing about Dorothy and Maude, they have over the years learned to appreciate,...

Love Stories
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The Greenhouse

Lori Connors walked through the greenhouse of her nursery and spoke to several of the customers looking for plants and flowers. After purchasing the greenhouse and nursery several years earlier, Lori used her business and horticultural skills to increase sales while offering the public and landscapers a variety of plants and trees. In an attempt to foster more business, she allowed her blonde hair to grow to her waist. She often greeted the landscaping contractors early in the morning dressed...

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