Susannah tells me about her fabulous f
- 3 years ago
- 25
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"She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly, " - "Brick", Ben Folds Five
"The past is gone, but something might be found to take its place, " - "Hey Jealousy, " Gin Blossoms
"I'm afraid so, Caroline."
Doctor Caroline Williams was dumbfounded. She'd been a practicing OB-GYN for seven years now, and, though not the most experienced doctor around, she'd had her share of trying moments. And she'd never even gotten a hint of ever being accused of malpractice.
"Who is it, Marjorie?"
Doctor Marjorie Russo, the head of the practice that Caroline had joined, sighed and looked down at her paperwork. "It's the Zanowski couple."
"Shit," Caroline hissed. She remembered the Zanowskis. Young couple, expecting their first baby. Everything had gone fine, Mrs. Zanowski seemed to be having a normal delivery, and the baby just-died. With no explanation. Evidently, the lack of explanation had been haunting the Zanowskis, and they were looking for somewhere to lay blame.
"I saw your report on that birth, Caroline," Marjorie was telling her, "and I couldn't find a single thing you did wrong. It seemed like a by-the-book delivery."
"Yeah, except she delivered a dead baby," Caroline sighed. "And I couldn't tell her why. Look, that one's been festering in me for the three months since it happened-why would I expect them to get over it?"
"But you know you did everything you could," Marjorie countered.
"Yes. Yes I do. But I can't blame them. They're looking for answers."
"Suing you isn't the way to do it," Marjorie snorted.
"Uh-oh, is my beloved boss about to go on one of her 'why do people think medical science is infallible magic' rants again?"
"I could, but I won't," Marjorie smirked, then stood up. "C'mon, we have an appointment."
"With who?" Caroline asked, confused.
"With Ed Purcell, chief partner of Purcell, Amaker, and Dobson, attorneys-at-law. We always use them. They know their stuff. You need a lawyer, and you need one now. "
"No arguments here. Let me get my coat."
Two"Marjorie!" Ed Purcell was a big bear of a man, mid-fifties, with distinguished graying hair and bright blue eyes. He and Marjorie had been friends and associates for a long time. "Nice to see you! Please tell me this isn't business."
"Nice to see you too, Ed, but unfortunately it is. Ed, this is Caroline Williams. Got whacked with a suit this morning."
"Ah, crap. Nice to meet you, Doctor Williams," Ed shook her hand. "First time?"
"Yes, it is, Mr. Purcell."
"Hell, call me Ed," Ed said jovially. "Let me see what you got." Marjorie handed over the paperwork, and Ed perused it. "Grab some coffee, the maker's over there, let me take a look at this."
He read for a few minutes, then looked up. "This looks like a tough nut to crack-but unexplained fatalities always are, and we've defended them before, successfully."
"You mean you'll take the case?" Caroline asked hopefully.
Ed laughed. "Well, the firm will take the case. Not me personally. You want a bulldog, someone who'll drag out every bit of information he can. That's not me. I'm too old, and have too many responsibilities running the place. But I've got just the guy you need. Good lawyer, wins most of what he does, and he's young, so he has energy."
"Ed, you're not sticking Caroline with some whippersnapper just out of law school, are you?"
"Course not," Ed laughed. "He's been with us for about seven years now. I'm guessing he's about the same age as you, Doctor Williams, 33 or so. To me, that's young," he chuckled. He picked up the phone. "Dave? Ed. Your docket's clear, right? Yeah, but that's minor. Meet me in my office, would you? Got a malpractice for one of Margie Russo's doctors. Yeah, in my office. Right." He hung up the phone. "He's on his way. Dave's his name, Dave Dobrescu. Gonna make partner pretty soon, he knows his stuff."
Caroline couldn't believe her ears. "Dave... Dobrescu?"
"Yeah," Ed chuckled, "though Dave's not his real name. It's something long and European. We call him Dave."
Caroline's brain whizzed a mile a minute. It couldn't be. Could it? After all this time, through all this distance?
Then the door opened, and there he was. Fifteen years had gone by, and he still looked the same-oh, a little bit more filled out around the edges, but basically the same. He was six feet tall, black wavy hair, dark brown eyes with a hint of mischief in them. Broad shoulders, tight chest. Damn. He was still gorgeous.
"Hi Boss," he said, walking in the office. "What's up?"
"Come in, Dave. This is Doctor Russo." Dave shook hands. "And over there, behind you, is..."
Dave turned around.
"Hi, Tavi," Caroline said with a little smile.
"Oh my God!" Dave shrieked, and rushed to where Caroline was sitting. He pulled her up out of her chair and wrapped her in a bear hug. Caroline was shocked. And then, relieved-and, in a corner of her mind long locked up, as happy to see him as he was to see her.
"I take it you two know each other," Ed was saying.
"Good observation, Boss," Dave smirked. "Went to high school together." He turned back to Caroline. "So. You did become an obstetrician. Good."
"And you did become a lawyer. Good," Caroline returned. "Of course, I remember 'prosecutor' being bandied around, not malpractice lawyer."
"So I chose a different specialty. Your influence, you know," he said casually.
"You got me interested in the World of Doctors. Not enough to actually become one, mind you, but enough to want to defend them in court." He looked at Ed. "Got the stuff?" Ed handed over the paperwork. Dave looked it over. "Oh, Caro, you got yourself a messy one."
"That's what your boss said."
"'Caro'?" Marjorie interjected.
Caroline laughed. "His old pet nickname for me. Only person that ever called me that."
"And she called me Tavi," Dave interjected, "short for Octavian, which is my real name. My parents were from Romania. Anyhow, Caro, let's go to my office and discuss this. I need to hear your side of the story."
"Fair enough. Thanks, Ed. See you back at the office, Marjorie."
Ed and Marjorie watched them go. "Pet nicknames?" Ed laughed.
"Caroline's sort of close-mouthed about her past," Marjorie told him, "but I do know there was a major high-school romance. I think I just met him."
"I think you're right."
"Is this good, though? Should he be defending her, if they have a past together?"
"My experience is that it's best if we let them decide that. If they think that he can defend her, than he should. I'll put a bug in his ear in a few days, find out if everything's going OK, but I'll let them handle it in the beginning."
"Sounds good to me."
ThreeThey walked into Dave's office. Dave took her coat, and hung it up. Motioning her to a seat in front of his desk, he sat behind it.
"It's so good to see you, Caro, I can't tell you."
"Yeah. It is good to see you. What the hell are you doing in Seattle?"
Dave laughed. "Just ended up here. I had offers from firms all around the country, and this seemed like a good one. Good track record, room for advancement, great bosses. I picked right."
"Where did you do law school?"
"NYU. Did you stay at Ohio State for med school?"
"No, I actually came out here, University of Washington. Got a residency here, and just stayed."
"Why Washington?"
"It was far away from my parents," Caroline said with a grimace, and Dave smirked at her. He knew what her parents were like all too well. "Why didn't you stay at Syracuse for law school?"
"Just wanted a change, and you can't beat NYU."
"True enough. Speaking of parents, are yours good? And your brother and sister?"
"Yeah, my parents are great," Dave enthused. "Still living in Cleveland. Still wish I was closer, but they're adjusting. Alex is good, he's a computer something-or-other, lives down in the Bay Area. Laura, believe it or not, is in med school."
"That's great! Where?"
"Ohio State, actually," Dave smiled. "Wants to be a pediatrician. And your parents?"
"Still around. Still at home. Still trying to run my life, which is why I moved 2000 miles away."
Dave looked down at his desk. "Did they ever find out... ?"
"No. But they have enough to hammer me with." She looked at him. "Did yours?"
"Yeah," Dave admitted. "Mom, anyhow-I don't know if she ever told Dad. She knew something was wrong, so I broke down and told her. She was especially concerned when I changed from Ohio State to Syracuse at the last minute."
"Let's not talk about that," Caroline said icily.
"Biggest mistake I ever made in my life," Dave said, very softly.
"Excuse me?" Caroline asked.
"I said, switching schools was a mistake. It was cowardly, and impetuous, and stupid. Don't get me wrong, I liked Syracuse, and I grew to love it. But my freshman year was a nightmare."
"Why did you do it? We had had that planned since Sophomore year in high school, that we were going to State together!"
"Because I was scared," Dave admitted, "and ashamed. I just didn't handle the whole situation well, not at all." He looked up at her. "Look, Caro, you're in a tight spot right now. You need the best representation you can get. If you'd rather it not be me, I can arrange that."
Caroline smiled at him. "Tavi, are you a good lawyer?"
"Damn right," Dave laughed.
"Then I want you to do this. Unless, of course, you're uncomfortable with it."
"No, Caro, I'm not. It might be rough, but, you know-I owe you."
"No, you don't, but OK. If you want to do this, then I want you to defend me."
Four-It was Friday night, a few days after Dave had taken the case. Caroline was coming over his house to discuss the case with him. The doorbell rang, and Dave opened the door.
She was still breathtaking, he thought. She was tall, about 5'9", with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was leggy and willowy, but not ultra-thin. It was amazing how little she'd changed since high school.
"Hi, Tavi," she said. "I brought Chinese take-out."
"You're a saint," Dave laughed. "Obviously you remembered a few things."
"I sure did," she laughed. "There's Egg Foo Yong in there."
"You rock. Let me take that coat and put the food in the kitchen."
Caroline gave him her coat, and looked around his large living room as he first went to the closet to hang her coat up, and then to the kitchen. "This is a nice place. You're doing well," she commented.
"Can't complain on that note. Come on in here, we'll dish out the food." She followed him into the kitchen.
"You live alone?" she asked.
"Yeah. Just me. It's a big place for one guy, I know, but I like space."
"Comes from growing up in that little house of yours with four other people," she teased.
"Don't I know it," Dave agreed with a laugh. "And considering that mansion you grew up in, you probably live in a closet."
Caroline broke out laughing. "Not exactly. I live in a condo near the hospital. It's not too small, but it's not huge, either. It's cozy."
"Well, this isn't your parents' place, either. I do try to make it cozy, despite the size. And one good thing about having a place this big is that I can entertain."
"Entertain?" she said with a raised eyebrow.
"Not that way," he chuckled. "No, when we have a get-together with the firm, it's usually here. The guys come over to watch football. Even the family get-togethers with all the employees and their families, I usually volunteer the place. I'm one of the few there that isn't married with kids, so they all come over here because I'm Cool Uncle Dave with the big house, the outdoor pool, and the bitchin' barbecue grill."
Caroline cracked up laughing. "Cool Uncle Dave. Yeah, I can see that. You never got married or anything?"
"Nope. You?"
"Just to my career."
"Ah, that's a common affliction for doctors, from what I've seen. Especially woman doctors."
"That sounds sexist," Caroline commented.
"Not at all," Dave argued. "Woman doctors have it harder finding someone to settle down with, because their time is not completely their own, and men are selfish." Caroline cracked up at that. "You know I'm right."
"OK, I agree," she giggled. "No, you're right, it is hard. Not that I date much to begin with. However, since you're not a doctor, and you're a man, what's your excuse?" she teased.
"Well, lawyers can have problems with not having time, too."
"True. But it's not the same. And you said all your colleagues didn't have any trouble."
"No, they didn't." Dave looked down a bit. "Just never... I don't know." He sighed. "I just haven't, that's all."
"Yeah," Caroline agreed. "You're right, though, it is hard to find a guy who'd accept that some times my career takes precedence over personal preferences."
"Guys like that are rare, Caro."
"You did it," she pointed out quietly. "Well, it was a future career back then, but you did it."
Dave looked up with a start, and then shook his head. "Not easily. Not happily. And not without destroying everything we had. And we were seventeen, I knew your future was at stake."
Caroline looked at him. "You had a lot of trouble with it, didn't you? More than I realized at the time."
"Hell, yeah. You didn't know?"
"How could I?" she snapped. "You stopped talking to me, went away to Syracuse instead of going to Ohio State as we'd planned. You never even broke up with me, or told me what you were feeling, you just... drifted away. Oh, I figured it out, after all that happened. I so badly wanted to grab you, talk to you... but I couldn't. So I waited for you. And you never came back." She let out a long breath. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop that load on you. This is all ancient history."
"Is it?" he asked.
"Well... maybe not quite. Seeing you again brings it all back. I'm alternating between being deliriously happy to see you again-and furiously pissed off that it took fifteen years."
Dave swallowed. "That first summer, after our freshman years in college. I knew you were home, and I was home, too. I can't count the times I had the phone in my hand, ready to dial your number. I couldn't. I was still a coward about it."
"I guess my problem was I was mad at you. I did the same thing, you know-but I wanted you to call first, because I blamed you. And you were blaming me."
"No, not really. I knew it was necessary. I just found it hard to live with."
"I never expected it to break us up," Caroline told him. "I guess it just hit you harder than I realized."
"I felt like a failure," Dave admitted. "I had the world at my feet. I was a good student. I was popular. I was headed for college. I had the world's greatest girlfriend." He sighed. "And then I got her pregnant, and she had to have an abortion."
"There were two people in that bed, Tavi. And it wasn't carelessness. The birth control failed."
"I knew all that, intellectually. That's different than accepting it emotionally."
"I thought you were in favor of me getting an abortion," Caroline pointed out.
"I looked on it as the better of two very bad choices. I knew you couldn't have the baby. We couldn't have supported it-and your future would have been completely derailed, because your parents would have disowned you. I knew that. It still felt like failure-the whole situation."
"Yeah," she agreed. "The problem was, for me, the big failure I felt was, well, losing you."
"Oh, damn, Caro."
"And now I feel like even more of a failure," she said, waving her hands. "Malpractice. Damn it all to hell." She looked pitiful. "Dead babies. My life keeps getting derailed by dead babies."
"Oh, Caro," Dave said. "Look, I can't fix what happened fifteen years ago. I can fix this. I promise."
"I thought you said it would be a tough case."
"It will be. That just means I have to work my ass off. For you, that's no problem," he grinned.
"Thanks, Tavi," she mustered a smile.
"Let's get to work."
Five-It was two months later. Dave and Caroline had been meeting just about every Friday night at Dave's house, to work on their approach. But this Friday, Caroline walked in and found Dave in the kitchen. The kitchen was covered with food.
"Caro! I tried to call but I missed you."
"What is all this stuff?" she laughed.
"We're having a cookout here tomorrow-the firm. So I've got to marinate meats and prepare salads and..."
"I get the picture," she laughed. "Need some help?"
"That'd be great," Dave enthused. "You want to come? To the cookout tomorrow?"
"Love to!"
They worked on the food until 10:00 that night, then Caroline left. She returned at 10:00 the next morning. The party wasn't due to start until noon, but Caroline came early to help finish the preparations.
The folks from Dave's work started piling in right at noon, and Dave greeted them all and introduced them all to Caroline. She stuck by Dave all day, helping him with the food; sitting with him, eating and talking and laughing, after the food was cooked. They took a dip in the pool together and played with some of the kids that Dave's coworkers had brought.
It was funny, because Caroline was feeling a very strange sense of déjà vu. When they had been together in high school, they weren't solitary people. Of course, they had plenty of time alone, but they liked going out with their regular group of friends. And it was always better with both of them-on the couple of occasions that one or the other had a commitment, and only one of them went out with the gang, it wasn't as fun. So, here, surrounded by Dave's coworkers, Caroline felt very comfortable.
Dave felt the same way, because he brought it up. "Wow. Why do I feel like I've been transported back in time fifteen years?"
Caroline laughed. "I know exactly what you mean, because I was just thinking the same thing."
"Now all we need is Crazy Freddie Driscoll to show up, get stinking drunk, and puke into my azaleas, and it'll be just like high school."
Caroline cracked up laughing. "Oh my God, Freddie Driscoll! I haven't thought about him in ages!"
"You lost touch with most of the old gang, didn't you."
"Yeah," she admitted sadly. "How about you?"
"In touch with most," Dave told her. "Freddie married Amy Perreault."
"WHAT?" Caroline gasped. "He asked her out constantly in high school and she always turned him down!"
"I know," Dave laughed. "They both went to Michigan State, though, and Freddie grew up. Amy got drunk at a frat party and was in danger of being attacked, and Freddie's the one that got her out of there. He was stone sober, believe it or not. After that, she started looking at him in a new light. This was early freshman year. They spent time with each other, as friends, after that, and Amy got to know him a lot better and realized he was a good person. In high school, she'd only seen Freddie The Wild Man. So, she waited for him to ask her out again, this time she was going to say yes. He never did, must have been sick of the rejection. So, back home that summer, she asked him out. After he got over the shock, they've been together ever since."
"That's so cool."
"They live in Chicago, have three kids, and are still happy."
"I wish I had stayed in touch."
"You didn't because you knew I did, I'll bet."
"Yeah," she sighed. "It was so stupid. I miss a lot of them. Kelly Avarre, for instance. She was my best friend. I even lost touch with her."
"Kelly's out here, you know. Lives in Tacoma. I'll give you her email address, I know she'd love to hear from you. She's Kelly Wazenchuk now, though, found a guy in college."
"I'd love her email address!"
They spent the rest of the day happily enjoying the party together. Caroline even stayed and helped Dave clean up.
SixSomething had changed that weekend, but neither of them had known exactly what.
Caroline came for more prep work the next Friday. The case would be coming to trial in a couple of weeks. They were sitting on his couch, taking a break from their preparations, sipping sodas.
"So, tell me," Caroline teased him, "outside of work barbecue bashes, do you have any social life at all?"
Dave laughed. "What brought that up?"
"Well, you're spending every Friday night with me," she laughed.
"Well, you know. Just like high school, right?" They both laughed at that. "I'm not seeing anyone right now, no, if that's what you're asking. If I didn't have this case, I'd occasionally be going out with the guys for a couple of brews and some darts at a pub near the firm. But that's OK. I promised you I'd fix this. That's more important." He grinned at her. "Besides which, I notice you're here on Friday nights, too. And I know doctors have little free time."
"Actually, as an obstetrician, I work fairly regular hours except when somebody is delivering." She sighed. "And I've lost some patients over this, so I'm delivering less babies at the moment."
"Ah, damn. Well, when we clear you, that'll take care of itself."
"And I'm not seeing anyone at the moment, either," she smiled, "so my Friday nights are all yours. Just like high school."
Dave looked at her pensively. "You ever wish you could go back?"
"Sometimes," she admitted. "You?"
"Every day of my life," he said. "There are days I wish I could just start over."
"Dave, why on earth? You've done well. Things have worked out. You're successful, respected..."
"And completely alone," he cut her off. "Look, do you think I'm good looking?"
"Well, yeah," she laughed. "You haven't changed that much since high school. Where did that come from?"
"Just a point. I'm good looking, I'm successful, I like to think I'm fun to be with. Let's just say that my lack of a social life isn't due to lack of opportunity. If I wanted to be out with a woman every Friday night, I could."
"Then why aren't you?" she asked.
He looked off into space. And then he decided to say it. "Because there's only one woman I was meant to be with, and I blew it. I've spent fifteen years trying to find someone to take her place. It's never worked. I don't think it ever will. And I'd give all of this up to undo the mistakes I made fifteen years ago." His eyes found hers, then, and she was looking at him in shock. "I'm sorry, Caro. I've said too much."
"I thought it was just me," she whispered.
"Huh?" he asked.
"I thought it was just me," she said a little louder. "It's easy to hide behind being a doctor as an excuse for not being in a relationship. Too easy. I realized what a lie that was in the last two months," she admitted.
"Oh, my," Dave said in wonder.
"You're the only person I've ever loved," Caroline admitted. "And the past two months have showed me something-I never stopped. Dave-being with you here last weekend, around all your friends-well, it just felt right. And, even though we're spending them working on saving my career-being with you every Friday night feels right, too." She grinned. "Just like high school."
Dave grinned back, then sobered. "So, what do we do now?" Dave asked.
Caroline gave him a smile. "We didn't have any problems figuring out what to do on a Friday night with a house all to ourselves back in high school." Then she slid closer to him on the couch. She put her hand on his chest, then leaned up and kissed him.
He eagerly returned the kiss, then said, "Caro, are you sure?"
She reached over and started unbuttoning his shirt. "Sure? Waiting for fifteen years sure, that's how sure I am." His shirt was undone and she was slipping it off his shoulders. He reached for her blouse.
In a matter of seconds, they were both naked-their clothes strewn all over his living room-and were lying on his couch, furiously kissing. His hands groped her breasts, and she reached down between their bodies to wrap her fingers around his cock. They were sprawled on the couch, him over her, and she pulled one leg up over the back of the couch and dropped the other to the floor.
"Oh, God, Tavi, now! Please!" she howled, pulling his cock towards her pussy. He got himself into a semi-comfortable position, and plunged deep into her.
"Oh God! Oh God! I remember!" Caroline screamed, as Dave moved himself in and out of her. "OH GOD!" The couch wasn't the easiest place to do this, but they managed. "Tavi! Oh, Tavi, yes!" Caroline chanted. "Oh, Tavi, I'm cummmmiinng!"
She came down from her orgasm and Dave was still going. " Oh, Jesus. You're still the best, Tavi," she gasped.
"Only with you," he groaned back. She reached another climax before Dave poured himself into her.
It was afterwards, as reason returned to them, that Dave realized. "SHIT!"
"What, honey?"
"Caro-are you still on the pill?"
"No, I haven't had a reason to be for some time, so I went off it." That's when it hit her. "Uh-oh."
"Oh, damn, Caro. What was I thinking?"
"We, Tavi, we. I didn't stop you or bring it up either."
"When did your last period end?"
"Oh, about two weeks ago."
She reached up and put her arms around his shoulders. "Tavi? We're not scared 17-year-old kids with no money anymore. It's OK."
"It is?"
"Remember when I had to get the abortion. Do you remember the thing that bothered me most? I told you I did want to have babies, badly, sometime-though I knew that wasn't the time. In fact, I remember telling you that I wanted to have your babies someday."
"True," Dave grinned. "But, I mean, this would be a very bad time."
"We just ended up in bed for the first time in fifteen years. And that was all of a sudden. We haven't talked, we don't know where we're going from here-and how can you trust me?"
"Why wouldn't I trust you?" Dave started to say something, but Caroline interrupted him. "Dave, you were seventeen! It was the worst thing either of us ever had to go through. And it was partially my fault, too-I could've confronted you. We both failed the other. But we were young, and in pain."
"I know. I still feel guilty about leaving you like that."
"Good, than it's time to make it up to me," Caroline grinned at him. "We can't get that time back. But we can try to get something else. You're still the same person and I still love you with all my heart."
"Yeah," Dave agreed, smiling. "I still love you, too."
"So, if I'm pregnant, we'll be fine. This time." She reached down with a grin and rubbed his flaccid cock. "In fact, I think I should rouse this guy from his slumber so we can do it again and make sure."
Dave laughed. "Fine. But in the bedroom this time!"
"Bedroom? That'd be a first," Caroline laughed. "Have we ever done it in a bed?"
"Junior prom, the hotel room. Oh, and that weekend that summer that my family went away."
"OK. But the rest of the time it was back seats of cars, in the woods-jeez, a couch should be easy!"
"It was easy," Dave laughed, prompting Caroline to laugh herself. "But, if we're going to be making babies, my Princess deserves a bed."
"I'll buy that," she laughed. He took her hand and led her upstairs.
SevenThey ended up in his bed. When they first got there, still partially satiated from their first coupling, they were fondling and talking.
"You remember our first time?" Caroline asked with a little grin.
"Like I'll ever be able to forget that! To this day I'm amazed there was a second time."
"I only told one person-Kelly." Dave nodded. "Did you?"
"Freddie Driscoll, who else? He was discrete-at least about my life if not his own."
Caroline giggled. "Well, I told Kelly, but I didn't tell her until after the third time. I told her the second and third times were mind-blowing. She, of course, asked, what about the first? So, I told her, you know all those horror stories of things that can go wrong for a first time? We got 'em all. It hurt like hell, you never got it all the way in, I bled like a stuck pig, and you went off in ten seconds."
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I had half a mind to play the rest of the tape inside my car before I started home, but the hot air that rushed out of it shook me out of that notion. It was a hot day for spring even though summer was just around the corner, as they say, and I preferred the cold climate any day of the week better than the heat wave we had been having for the last few days. I considered sitting inside, motor idling, air conditioner on high, and finish the task that was the highest on my to-do list, but I did...
(Please read: there will be multiple parts to this story, so if you are looking for a quick fuckslut story, this won't be it. You've been warned!)Sugar is a place I rarely go to. It's a little out of my way . Also, it has a limited amount of items that I usually isn't bondage or S&M centric as my regular store. While a small shop, it carries a lot of general sex gear...there just isn't a large section of wall space devoted to, let's say, gags. Still, I was in the area and decided...
Four months had passed since Jennifer had her fling with Gary. We had stopped discussing that subject about two and a half months ago. Now it was pretty much a distant memory. I still hadn't decided what I wanted from Jennifer. She stopped asking me about it and I didn't bring it up. It was July and time for a vacation. Jennifer and I talked about several possible places we could go and ended up deciding to take our vacation in Las Vegas. We had never been there and the airfare and hotel...
I felt as if my heart was going to beat out of my chest as James and I drove west on route 95 towards Summerlin. Had I been alone in the SUV, I would have texted Gianna to let her know that James and I would be dining in the restaurant this evening. However, with James sitting next to me, giving her an advanced warning didn’t feel appropriate. I tried everything I could to hide my nervousness, but I felt as if James could see right through me. Did he know what a nervous wreck I was? Normally...
Story when i was in degree first year that is the first day of college me and my friends went to college on time for our welcome all the teachers are at the enterance gate then i suddenly saw a beautiful lady welcoming all the students she was very fair and had a good structure by luck she came to my class and told the she is our class teacher i was very happy that she is my class teacher she ask all the students to tell their names all students told their names along with me as i was a...
Jack seemed more than surprised when he set eyes on me. I was soon aware that he also seemed quite pleased. As I stood in front of him dressed in sheer red silk, looking like a true bedroom seductress, I realized the true error of my ways! What in the world was I doing? Why on earth was I suddenly standing in front of him practically naked, like some kind of sensual, naughty sexy slut?Things immediately began to happen at high speed. Jack didn’t bother to hand me the roses. In a flash of a...
CrossdressingSummer break from my junior year at college meant heading up to the mountains with my family. My mother, father, and my mother's sister Abby, crowded into our pickup dragging a fifth wheel motor home up the Colorado Rockies. We camped on a high plateau for three weeks of outdoor adventure. We started off from New Orleans in the morning and we figured to arrive in the early morning hours of the next day. We were one fewer than last year. Uncle Al had run off with his secretary and left my Aunt...
Dolly Leigh and her Hubby have a great relationship. They’re both freaky, and they support each other with their freaky behavior. Some call it “polyamorous”. We call it freaky! Just check out what a typical Saturday afternoon entails: head over to the adult bookshop in their neighborhood that has a “reputation”; they check out all the new arrivals; they choose a private arcade booth and head back to see what happens. “BBC” is exactly what happens, and...
xmoviesforyou"Aww alright, hon, don't worry about me. Tuck will be in town, remember? I'll just have him find his way here for the night before he heads back home tomorrow," was Lucy's reply as she sat at her vanity in nothing but a lacy corset that highlighted her pink nipples under its shimmering silver embroidery, and matching sheer thong. "Take all the time you need!"A zap of excitement ran through her as she ended the call and continued to apply body shimmer along her neck and cleavage at her vanity....
IncestFor as long as I can remember I’ve been in love with Tina.Of course I didn’t always know her, wasn’t always friends with her. I bounced around when I was really young with a few foster families, spent a little time in a home with Nuns. But that time of my life is like a blur now. I don’t really remember much of it other than people always feeling sorry for me. I never wanted anyone to feel sorry for me.Tina was different. I met her at a church function when we were both just girls really, girls...
LesbianThe Prison Planet Morales stood to stretch, almost falling before he realized his right leg was numb from him sitting on a rock all night. He had no real idea how many times he had awakened to feed the fire – if stumbling over to put another couple of limbs on the fire was really awakening, or for that matter, if leaning against the cave wall while drifting in and out of consciousness was really sleeping. Now fully awake, but quite fatigued, the stench of urine hit him, having seemingly...
By the time they were finished, Sara had to hurry to pack — not that she had used much from her suitcase — and put on the clothes she had worn on Friday and ride with Charity to catch her plane. Refreshed by her weekend, she looked a different person, her skirt swinging and showing her legs, her breasts shifting behind the pockets of her shirt. The woman no one had noticed on Friday drew many eyes that Sunday. Before departure, she called Teddy and asked him to pick her up. He seemed...
I helped her into the car and fastened her safety belt. Then I went around and got in on the driver's side. Before I started the car I reached over and pulled her top up, exposing her beautiful tits. I opened the garage door and headed back to the club where she had been photographed and gangbanged last night. I parked in front this time and after pulling her crop top back into place I led Inga to the door. It was locked and there was a big closed sign on the door. I had to knock and wait...
Hi guys, This is my first post so please bear with me.It's kinda like a confession, My Ex GF was a 19 Y.O Korean Girl and I've had feelings for her going back to the first time I've met her.One day when I first started dating her before we were myspace friends known her about 2 months on it) She told me that one of my friends I associaite myself with sometimes was her ex, My response was "really? how long?" she told me "it was brief" and she asked me "What are you thinking about oppa?" I gave...
“I miss having sex with a man sometimes.” We were sitting in Gato del Sol, our neighborhood Mexican restaurant, having what passes for Sunday brunch, just like we did nearly every Sunday. I was skimming through the ads in the weekly alternative paper when she looked up from her iPhone and said that, breaking a good five minutes of comfortable silence. “I mean, I can’t handle a real relationship with a guy. No way I could trust them like that, I know,” she said, then smiled impishly. “But...
InterracialHello everyone. This is my first writing on this site. I cannot reveal my name for confidentiality purposes, but you can call me Sergio. This incident was about 3 years old when my parents and I went on a vacation to the States. About them: My Dad was then 42 years old. He was and still is a businessman. My mom was 39 and around 5ft 8” at that time and was like a normal Indian Housewife who would take care of the house and make sure the house ran smoothly. She is extremely attractive and has...
These ARE sexual stories of mine, as stated before. And these won't be in order because I could remember stuff that I totally forgot about. And I'm not sure what else to talk about so if you read this and have any questions please leave a comment and I will answer them, unless they are very private. So at River Stream Middle School (fake name) was probably my first physical sexual encounter, and it was really awkward and weird. I won't pretend like I was an innocent little girl, I knew sexual...
Bow hunting is my passion, every year it’s my time to get away from the modern world using my old- fashioned recurve bow and wooden arrows. Prior to my hunts, I plan a few “scouting” trips in June and July to look for Elk and Deer sign. In Oregon, one can hunt both at the same time with bow. This past year there was one scouting trip I’ll never forget. Normally, when in the woods, I pack a sidearm. At least one cougar I'm aware of has stalked me. It’s a sobering feeling knowing you could be...
Group SexFirst time with my manThis story is about my first sexual experience with luv of my life, I feel like writing about it, not because it’s kinky, but I have the urge to, every word in this story is true though I omitted some part (you don’t have to know everything). First let me describe ourselves, I am 22 years old student, 5’ 5” with a curved body of 36-32-36 and he is average built. He is 25 and 5’9”. We met online and like each other from the very first moment. We chatted every day and...
From my profile and stories you can easily make out that I was sexually active early. The guys I dated during school years were all jocks. I enjoyed being the center of attention of all school guys. One of them (Richard) was a rich kid with a big house, pool, game room etc. We would often go to his place and fuck. I would also spend weekends at his place at the pool with him and other school friends. His family was really nice and did not mind us teenagers having fun at the pool. I mean his...
I, Kunal, was 32 years old when my wife left me, for another man. I hadn’t even known that she was unhappy. But one day when I arrived home, I found the moving van packing up and about to leave. My car packed with everything that couldn’t be packed in the moving van, my daughter in the front with my wife adjusting our son’s toddler’s booster seat belt. I was astonished. I didn’t know what to say.I asked my wife what was happening and she just said, “I found someone better.” I was dumbfounded,...
As far as friends and girls go Amanda was the best. There was no game or sport that she could not participate in. We liked all the same music, movies, TV, she we always managed to make each other laugh. Our bond was so close there were times when we could communicate with our minds. All we had to do was look at each other and we knew what the other was thinking. We interrupted a lot of classes with our laughing because someone would say something and when we looked at each other we were...
This story is based in fact mixed with fantasy. You can decide which is which. No names were changed to protect anyone,(JK). I know it’s a little long, but the payoff is good and I won’t have to set the scene again for the continuation,(if I get good feedback). Enjoy! Shelby and Johnny, PT 1, The Beginning. Originally titled: It All Happened Innocently Enough, Part 1 It was a dark and stormy night. Oh hell! That beginnings been used. I’ll just start. It DID all start innocently...
I'd always considered myself totally straight. But one night, when I was sixteen, my best friend had brought over a Playboy magazine. My mother wasn't home so we were alone. After looking at the magazine in my bed we decided to turn off the light. We always slept in our underwear when we spent the night with one another. And I was about to get the shock of my life when my friend without a word reached over under the covers and began to rub my already hard cock.I just froze as my buddy pulled...
Gay MaleThat night, Alexi couldn't sleep no matter what. She had been left unsatisfied and wanting more, yet she was not able to recreate the huge wave of feelings that the brothers brought up to. Her masturbation session didn't relieve her in the slightest and she couldn't figure out if she wanted this to continue or stop. It had been years since the divorce and there hadn't been any interest on Alexi's part in having any sexual partners; her sex toys had served her just fine over the years. But...
ThreesomesI love going to the park with friends. My girlfriends and I always hit the parks in the summer. I dress what others would say is alittle under dressed. Low cut top...yes and my breast as u would guess are a natural 36dd. And I have a nice ass round big hips. I go to watch the GUYS play basketball. But at night.....mmmm. I go by myself to the park. I sit in my car. I could see the guys and girls in their cars making out. Very sexy. I always go home to my girlfriend horny. Yes i'm in a lesbian...
My name is Kayla Margaret Nichols. I’ve always been the girl who makes the decisions, calls the shots, and seals the deal, so to speak. My brother used to call me Take-Charge Marge, which I hated. But I found that I was good at taking the reins and it served me well throughout high school and college. Now I have a great job and a top position in the company that I work for. I guess I have to admit, being Take-Charge Marge still comes in handy sometimes.Even in my relationships with men, I have...
BDSMHi readers, hope all of you are doing well. Myself Simple Man (not real name) Here I am going to express my first experience with my sexy booby neighbor aunty. Let me start by introducing myself, I am 23 year old guy having average look and perfect body basically from a village of India now working in a reputed firm in abroad. This incident was happened few years back when I was doing my graduation. Please have some patience and forgive me for writing mistakes. Please comment about my story,...
PaladingoesAteMyBaby: It’s sad that not one of the girls recognized Hall Dunford from anything - not his YouTube channel or his stint as Ensign Nigel White on Starship: Gaia. If he becomes the next Doctor like I’ve heard, everyone in England will know who he is and he’ll be the world’s most famous nerd. But people in America who can name every one of the Real Housewives of Bumfuck, Michigan have no idea who he is. TrollhouseCookies: “World’s Most Famous Nerd” is like “sexiest heifer at the...
I am a young male who has just come out into the real world. At 20 years of age I have struggled with my sexuality. I now know that I'm gay and I have had many nights of some good gay sex. Here's my first one of many. It was on a Saturday night and I was out scanning he scene. I was wanting to hit up a gay club to see if I could take my mind off of all the things that have been going on at home. I came out to my parents and my mother was not so accepting to have her youngest child of 4 being...
GayITrust me, I really want to tell you how it all started and how it all ends, but first things first. Be sure that this is by no means a story for everyone, but the truth of what happened, should you feel tempted to be in the know, more or less lies within these pages. I truly and fully accept the consequences; in fact, I feel all tingly just thinking about the consequences as I put pen to paper. So here goes nothing.Indeed, things had been brewing for a very long time. What really set things in...
Gay MaleThis is a story that takes place back in the 70s.My friend Jimmy, and his girlfriend were going to see an x rated movie and invitedme and my wife .This is a time when you had to actually go to the theater.My name is Martin and Karen is my wife.Jimmys girlfriend,Kay,is a exhibitionist,but is not blatent about it.Kay was dressed in a dress that was to her knees and wore boots.She had stockings that went to her theighs.Obviously no panties or bra.She also had on a lot of make up so she...
Introduction: Here I thought it was just going to be another boring day…. It was just you and me. You were dropping me off at my house and you needed to use the bthroom. I let you come in and use the restroom. No one is home at my house. I went downstairs to change my clothes into something more comfortable and told you to just let yourself out when you were done. Then I heard a big crash and I ran upstairs before I had time to put on my pants. I ran into the kitchen to see you standing there...
For days afterward Shari's tiny asshole throbbed and tingled with the memory of the reaming Brad had given it. She was full of mixed feelings that she couldn't sort out. Part of her recalled the pain and shock of having his hard cock fucking in and out of her asshole. The other part of her remembered the killing, wrenching orgasm it had given her. But she couldn't forget it. At night she had wild dreams. In them she was being fucked by armies of men. They were fucking her not only in her...
I followed Master Conner along a woodland trail, my breasts jiggling with each step, pulling on the chain that dangled inbetween the clamps which were biting into the rock hard flesh of my nipples. The walk was a quiet one and I had time to contemplate what had happened back at the lodge. My cheeks felt flush thinking of how these strangers had touched me. How I had been whipped with a crop and how I had exposed myself to everyone present. They had all witnessed my weakness. My...
Natalie was sitting in the sun. She was covered with sun-screen to protect her skin. The grass was mowed and the blades were all trimmed short and neatly. She inhaled deeply to catch the scent of the freshly-cut grass. She loved that smell. It made her feel fresh and clean like right after a shower. Her sister and brother were away at some silly game. She has happy to be alone and have some peace and quiet. She loved them dearly but sometimes they could make her feel so vexed. “Thank goodness...
It all began one afternoon while I was sitting reading in the students' union coffee shop. I heard a voice I recognised. "Hi, Annie! Do you mind if I join you?" I looked up and saw Adam, a guy I knew vaguely through some other friends. I knew he was in his third year of a music degree, and he'd been to a party at our place a couple of weeks ago, where we'd had quite a long chat in the kitchen about the sort of music we both liked. He was doing a dissertation on dissident music in the Soviet...
Straight SexHii guys today m sharing the story of my first sex with you. Hope you will enjoy it.If you like it please feel free to like, comment or drop an email to given Id.. Your comments and emails are most welcome. He was my cousin’s friend and that’s how we got to know each other. At the start, we just used to forward messages to each other and one fine day some how started talking to each other and that’s how it all begin. From start only we started liking each other.The late night chats, long phone...
Continued from here: gasped suddenly as my fingers worked there way down her shorts, slowly I worked my fingers over the top of her panties.They felt like lace or maybe satin, but my fingers felt the undeniable heat beneath them more than anything else. Her body wriggled against my hand, pushing herself against me as teaser her slowly through the soft material. All the time her neck and head extended upwards so that I could plant soft kisses there...
A few weeks had past sense I last tasted her pussy. I was desperate. I wanted to drink her juices again. My pussy dripped constantly throughout work. She couldn’t help teasing me. Work was almost over, and I couldn’t wait. I needed to cum so bad. Megan then came up behind me, and ran her hands down my body and in between my legs. She Whispered “Meet me at my car after work.” I could feel my thong getting more wet at that very moment. My juices were just dripping down my legs. I still had an...
LesbianIt is funny how you can remember these things; I have had encounters that are at least in my minds “memorable”. I am going to tell of my favorites…..5. October 1985, I was in AIT at Fort Jackson I was 20yrs old, there were these two girls in the company next to ours and they were beautiful not in a super-model way. They look like Wendy and Lisa (from The Revolution), anyway I had a pass to go off base and I stayed at a hotel I had beer, and a bottle but no one to chill with I walked down to the...
I'm afraid that I'm going to have to make a small administrative note. The reader has been very patient with me thus far in my tale. However, to maintain accuracy with regards to the timeframe from this point forward, I must dramatically abbreviate some of my entries. As you notice the days flying by, please take note of the relative high points as I plunge recklessly toward the introduction and integration of one new major character in our little drama and a brief reintroduction of an...
Mr. and Mrs. Conley were distressed, After Richard, their neighbor's son had tried to crawl into their daughter's Maggie's bedroom window they had called the cops.The cops had arrested the eighteen-year-old boy, for breaking and entering.When Mrs. Conley had questioned their daughter Maggie, she had found out that Maggie had been having sex with Richard for some months and that he had wanted to have sex with her, which is why he had tried to get in her bedroom.The Conleys were worried that the...
TabooAll characters depicted in this fanciful tale are over twenty-five years of age. I am well aware that I am no Tom Cruise. I don’t have his looks, although I am taller. I don’t have anywhere near his money, although I have suddenly come into a huge fortune by my own standards. In my nearly forty years as an attorney I have not earned the thirty or so million dollars he has purportedly made portraying them in film, although financially I have done alright. I do have various complaints, but not...
After their exciting Monday, things slowly began to fall into a routine for Jenny. Mike had instructed her to stop by every weekday for an hour to clean, cook, or otherwise service him and his roommates. Jenny brought the maid outfit with her every day, along with a pair of stilettos that she was learning to walk gracefully in. And every time she returned home, she washed the tight fabric and sheer stockings before her husband came back. Jenny never seemed to get much cleaning or cooking...
Ms. Marca My One Night Stand This body could pick up any man it wanted. I am 5’10” a 135# with a figure of 40DD-23-38 to be specific. I have long, firm thighs and a nice round ass. I have jet black hair down the middle of my back and dark eyes. I workout 4 days a week and take some aerobics 2 days a week. I am still in very good shape, if I do say so. I know guys like to look at me and I encourage it whenever I can. Love to bend over so they can...
Wife LoversThere was little interest in the house despite a couple of visits in the first month. Robin held out against the agent's advice to drop the asking price. He had become used to living there on his own and was prepared to take his time to get the price he wanted. Robin and Bea generally spoke on the telephone once a week. Six weeks after they separated they had dinner together. It was fun. Neither had an agenda and it was in many ways like an evening during the early days of their marriage....
Hi, all. My name is ak.I’m now 24 years. I’m 6’1 in height, little skinny,98 kgs. I’m basically from Kerala.Now I’m residing at Bengaluru(city of hot girls).I’m one of the regular readers of ISS.I have read most of the stories on this site.My favorite category is incest.This is my first story which I’m writing in a blog ever in my life.So I would like to post it in iss. From my 10th onwards I’m fond of girls and aunt’s boobs whomsoever I meet.Sometimes I feel awkward when I see it.But...
(With my friend, her parents, my parents, and another of our friend's parents.) There will be a number of readers that won’t believe this story. It is true. I pondered how to write the story and from what perspective. I ultimately decided to just go with how I experienced the night. My name is Katie and my closest friends Becki and Jenni (yes- they both liked to end their names with an “i,”) and our parents took annual camping trips in the Sierra Nevada...
Cynthia and Susanna Johnson, or Cyn and Su as they were called by their friends and each other, were twins, though you would be hard-pressed to guess it by looking at them. To put it mildly, they were definitely not identical twins. Both their parents had strawberry blonde hair, but the genetic crap-shoot had purified the situation in both girls. Cyn had long, straight blonde locks worthy of a Nordic princess, while Su had wavy, vibrant titian tresses that gave fair warning to everyone of her...
IncestI was invited for the week end to go my sister and her boyfriend's cabin. It was a great place far in the woods but on the lake. Very private. We spent the day swimming in the nude and Bar-B-Queing. My sisters BF was sexy and quite hung. s*s has nice tits as all the women in our family.Later that night as I was resting in bed her BF came into my room. His name is bro and a great looker. He got under the covers with me and began to kiss and caress me. He told me "I have wanted to touch your body...
It’s after hours at the spa when masseuse Lily Lane puts on her sexy devil Halloween costume, and a noise at the door scares her enough to want to call the police. But it’s only her client Tommy Gunn showing up for his first ever Nuru Massage, and Lily is so relieved, she agrees to a quickie. As they undress and his cock stiffens, she warms him up with a blow job and a shower. They move into the bath for the massage treatment, where he eats her pussy extra good for making her stay...
xmoviesforyouBEN’S STORY I was seriously in love with my new wife. We were in the bridal car going towards the reception when I had this revelation. Of course I loved her, that’s why I married her. But looking at her in her beautiful wedding dress looking all shy and demure I realised that there was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her happy. Amber is a tall, lean redhead with beautiful C cup boobs. They look bigger on her frame but with her height they are the perfect size. In her fitted wedding dress her...
A CUTE COUPLE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Sweet & Sentimental. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT THE RUNT Ever heard of the 'Tangmere Trio', the male triplets? Rex, Odin, and Zeus they were, and each lived up to his namesake. By the...