‘Timid Voyeur’ free porn video

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I don’t remember where I read that but as soon as I saw it I knew it was me. I also read other things like ‘once a peeper, always a peeper’, and later, ‘once a wanker, always a wanker’, and again immediately recognised myself.

Like any adolescent, it took me a while to understand what I was, though I’m sure early on I knew I was different to the other lads. They knew what it was all about and were ‘at it’ from an early age, whereas I worshipped girls from afar and concentrated on building my life-long collection of baregirl mags.

It was when I read a book called ‘Jubb’ by someone or other that I was sure who and what I was. Back then there was no Internet so research was far more difficult, and I don’t remember how much information was in that book. What I do remember is finding out how I could enjoy my perversion the most.

The first thing was to dress like a perv – not just for appearance but for practical convenience too. So to begin with, I used a long jacket, which later became a ‘rainmac’ – the coat of choice for perverts who mac-wank through holes in their pockets. Macs don’t come like that of course, I had to cut the holes with a pair of scissors – in fact, you remove the pocket altogether so your hand slides in easily and you have room for it to move.

To go with your wank-mac you need wank-trousers. The idea of these is that, again with the pockets cut off, you have easy access and movement for your hand. You don’t have to cut out both pockets, though what would you need a pocket for? With both removed, you can get both hands into your genital area so it’s easier to roll down your underpants when you get on-site for mac-wanking, and also then you can rub with one hand and stroke bollocks and buttocks with the other.

Jogger bottoms I found are perfect. They are loose and baggy enough to allow free movement, for fast arm-jerking and hand up and down on knob. I also discovered that they are very absorbent, so whether you cum into underpants first or straight into wank-trousers, a wet patch appears instantly. This is great for showing to the girl who made you pants-spunk, if you’re lucky enough to be able to do that. Also at Worship Sessions, if you’re allowed to leave your mac open She can see just how many crusty spunk-stains you have on your wank-trousers.

I used to leave my mac open for that reason when I visited certain dirty bookshops where ladies served. To complete the outfit, a flat cap and thick glasses, plus shabby but comfortable shoes – you can spend hours waiting on street corners in winter for girls to walk along. Look in the mirror and perfect – looks just like a wanker, and that’s what I want everyone to think.

For a while I thought there was no-one else like me, until one day I found a pub in North London which had go-go dancers. I soon found a spot where I could overlook the stage without being too close to it and watch the girls dance in bikinis until they made me spunk my pants. As soon as they arrived on stage I’d be entranced and doing it in my pants in less than a minute.

Afterwards, when I looked around a bit, I saw a bloke who looked like me – as in how he was dressed – and also looked as furtive, anxious, out-of-place, uncomfortable and inadequate as I felt in a public place like this, where I was simply to get the sex pleasure I needed. Over the years I saw many other pervs, usually in our common uniform for pocket-wanking as well as looking the part so that people, specially girls looking at us would think ‘pervert’, ‘wanker’.

In the cinemas with ‘adult’ films, or the bars with skimpy-dressed barmaids, there we’d be, furtive sweaty perverts in our long coats or macs, there just to get our eyes on girlie loveliness and make a big mess in our underpants. The day had arrived when not only was I fully aware of what I was, but loving what I was, and trying to ensure every girl I came across, whether in the line of work, or receptionist at a model’s studio, in the Soho seedy establishments, knew instantly I was a wanker.

You can live a lone life, with your magazines, videos, TV, and so on, and that was me for a long time. I set up my wank-room for wank-orgies and to store my vast collection of dirty mags, video tapes, DVDs, computer with two big screens, 8mm films and projector, cuttings from newspapers, lingerie catalogues, holiday brochures, and computer folders of pictures and videos, clips from TV programmes featuring girls and girls dancing, and all the worship material I generated over the years, including worship sheets I’d send to girls I worshipped, my made-up mag covers, including the homemade mags I did for Miss Melanie’s photos.

My wank-room had a window looking out over the street, and net curtains so that I can watch girls walk down the street hidden behind my curtains – completely undressed and with an erection. My computer had a TV card so that I could record anything that came along.

Of course, all this was set up gradually over the years as technology became available and funds permitted. Running alongside this were my trips out, whether to the go-go pubs in the 70s or to walk the streets. Later when I discovered that girls go clubbing wearing often the skimpiest outfits, I’d be on the street corners two or three times a week in my mac, usually week-end evenings, though when I was on the road for a living, I’d include other nights of the week too.

I don’t remember much about the character ‘Jubb’, except that he was a voyeur and he was always trying to look at girls. He also I think after a fashion worshipped certain girls, but at a distance as far as I recall. And that’s what I did until my 40s, when by chance my life changed.

I didn’t realise at first how important it was for me that the girls I worshipped knew about it. That seemed an impossible dream for a long time. Any sort of interaction with real girls seemed out of reach. That might sound odd to a normal bloke but it’s because the sort of interaction I wanted was beyond the pale – to tell a girl I wanked on Her all the time, to go up to Her and mac-wank in full view, to show girls all my dirty mags, to see a girl dance and openly pants-spunk in front of Her, to see a girl pose for real – all impossible.

Add to that that I had no idea what girls thought and for a long time I assumed they never thought about sex or wanted anything to do with it – though there was plenty to suggest this was all not true, it’s just I didn’t see it or recognise it. So there was no indication that I could ever indulge my fantasies, not least because I couldn’t talk to girls at all, let alone ask for anything like the things I wanted.

In the 80s I saw in Escort magazine the ‘Aunty Jayne Photo-Seminars’ She did with some of the big-tit models, including Miss Donna Ambrose. I didn’t attempt to square what those girls did, posing for a group of amateurs, with the idea that girls weren’t interested in sex, but I guess that wasn’t important, given that I didn’t have anything to do with girls, just worshipped them from afar. I would never have been able to attend one of those seminars, even though seeing a girl pose was my dearest wish.

It got to the point where I was going along to so-called ‘photo-studios’ where you could see a girl pose and take photos, but there was never any likelihood that I would go in. When it did finally happen, worshipping a girl in person, it was the ultimate girl-worship experience for me, and fulfilled all my sexual needs. Prior to that any sort of sexual conversation with a girl was enough to induce spontaneous orgasm, but that was rare – you can’t just phone someone up and talk dirty, and it wasn’t until the 0898 numbers that I could do that.

So worshipping a girl in person, where She would have those conversations with me and I could see Her show and openly spunk my pants in front of Her was the fulfilment of years and years of dreams. This for me was all the sex I needed, and not just being able to spunk my load but to experience the sort of exquisite ecstasy and fantasy-fulfilment that I don’t think many people experience.

Even so, the anticipation of a ‘Worship Session’ and everything that entailed, given that I always took it that there was nothing in it that She would actually enjoy, was always nerve-wracking and is to this day. To be a dirty old pervert in his dirty mac in the presence of a glamorous Goddess just seemed a total contradiction. Which girl could really want that?

Surely most girls would expect a man to take charge, to know what to do or say, and to actually want physical sex? All those things for me were terrifying. It’s not as if I ever wanted physical relations, and it’s unthinkable that any girl would be the remotest bit interested in me. It’s not just that I wouldn’t know what to say or how to act - if I’d ever been in a situation where the expectation was that I was normal, and bareness was on display, I wouldn’t even be able to get an erection, and I’d have to immediately get out of there. I mean, a girl showing cleavage can make me cum in my pants but that’s when I’m looking without being seen.

That changed when later in life I was able to have Worship Sessions. Mostly my erection and wet patch would be hidden under my mac but there were a few occasions where I was able to do it openly – but only in the certain knowledge that that was ok.

The idea of putting my hands on a girl – woman – seems perverse. What, touching Her breasts?! What for?! That seems a gross invasion of Her space, and in fact even at Worship Sessions, where I always respectfully keep a proper distance, if She for any reason comes close I get very nervous and uncomfortable. If you’re my age, you’ll remember when sex was taboo, and not discussed in polite company. But now it seems anything goes.

Now men and women do all sorts of things, it’s all over the Internet, specially xHamster. But even back in my youth and beyond, I have to accept now that men touched women not just on their breasts, but even more intimately. I don’t understand how they could have known when it was ok to do that, what they had to say first in order to have permission to do it. It’s not relevant to me though, since any sort of contact is not what I want – I’d run a mile, as Miss Danica once put it.

Then there’s the whole ‘humping’ thing. It’s not just to rub up till spunk point which is what I assumed it was for many years, like a perv on the Tube does. It actually goes in, which I suppose is a more effective method of delivering the sperm to where it needs to be – yes, thank-you Internet, I know all the gory details now. Again, having caught glimpses over the years, in Soho bookshop windows, VHS films, the early days of the Internet, it seemed to me girls were defiled with men against them, with semen being shot places. For years that’s what I thought until finally the Internet dispelled all my illusions – not that I sought that knowledge, far from it, but it became increasingly unavoidable.

For me all I want to do is look. To see a girl doing glamour poses, wearing a lovely outfit and showing just enough to titillate – titillate normal men but make me cum in my pants – is heaven for me and all I need. Even topless is a bit too much for me most of the time. I can take it if it’s part of a series of photos where She starts off in a low-cut top and makes me cum in my pants several times before I get to Her topless pics. I remember the first time I saw Miss Leigh in a mag, I turned the page and there She was, topless in jeans outdoors somewhere and my knob just exploded, it was almost painful. I need a bit of warning really.

But the joy of seeing Miss Kerry Marie, Miss Danica, Miss Maria, starting off fully-dressed in a nice outfit and gradually showing, is indescribable. Occasionally She’d make me spunk my pants just posing in a tight top, and cleavage always made me do it on turning the page. How lovely to tell Miss Danica that years later.

I know there are situations where girls take all their clothes off even though men can see them – and it doesn’t seem to matter if it’s only one man or many men. I suppose I can understand it in the sense that I like to have no clothes on when I’m looking at pics or videos and wanking. It feels nice and dirty. In fact, I’d love a situation where I was seeing a lot of fully-dressed girls and I was completely undressed and just looking at them made me spurt spunk in front of them. Trouble is I’d be too nervous to do anything.

So I do avoid photos and videos of undressed girls as much as I can, though that’s so much more difficult these days with the Internet. I love my fully-dressed photos best, where you get to see stocking-tops, maybe even knickers, and cleavage. Bikinis are the barest I’ve ever seen girls for real – instant pants-spunking of course – and even just in photos that’s more than enough to make me spunk my pants. In videos – well, have you ever seen those Pin Up Files videos where Miss Beth, Miss Stacey, Miss Lorna, Miss Elle and other Goddesses are filmed in bikinis as they’re posing for photos?! Heaven!!!

She starts with Her top on and sort of titillates, making me squirm in my seat and start to moan. It’s just that I can’t believe what I’m seeing, and I get those feelings in my tip and all I’m doing is looking, not needing to touch myself as I know the spunk is rising already. It’s like an exquisite torture, the sight of Her and how She’s showing for the camera making me quiver and whimper as the string of liquid rises up my tube, and She smiles into the camera and shows even more, pulling a mock shocked face, then smiling again. She knows what She’s doing alright and my legs and arms start to flail as the first trickles of pre-cum squirt out my tip, and I’m making such a lot of noise, but She doesn’t let up, She’s showing so much cleavage that I yelp out loud as knobby squirts and warm wet semen floods my underpants, while I emit pathetic cries of perv ecstasy.

And then I SO, so want to tell Her what She made me do – I did post that message on Miss Lorna’s site and She replied She was glad I found Her pics and videos ‘so very pleasurable’.

However it wasn’t until I found my All-Time No.1 and I realised She was totally comfortable being undressed, or undressing when men were around – even many men. I still can’t really get my head around that, let alone that She knew when I was in Her presence and She wore skimpy outfits, showing stocking-tops and cleavage, that She would make me cum in my pants. I know that I know nothing about what women think, but even so, I still can’t come to terms with being open about my reaction (stiff knob bulge and wet spunk patch) to seeing girls show – my instinct is always to hide it.

It can only be on the certain understanding that I’m allowed to keep my mac open, and allowed to openly display the full signs of pants-spunking when She makes me do it. I also need to be sure that She knows that’s all I want to do – not that there’s any real risk that She’ll expect more. But it’s difficult to rule that out, even with a disgusting old pervert in his dirty mac like me. Miss Melanie may well have not been bothered about the state of me – She said to me in the early days “one of these days....” which scared me quite a bit, but I think She realised that I was incapable and never mentioned it again.

The thing is, were that ever to be the situation, unimaginable as it might be, that She knows I’m just a wanker and not the least bit attractive to women, but maybe is not going to be too fussy, maybe it’s been a while and, what the hell, any port in a storm, and She’s there with lovely cleavage showing, and thinking She’s turning me on – of course, but not in the way that She thinks – and maybe sees my bulge and isn’t surprised, that seems normal, but then sees my eyes are locked on to Her cleavage and they’re starting to glaze over, then She can see I’m quivering all over and She’s thinking ‘what’s the matter with him, he’s not cold surely’, and then sees the wet patch spreading across the front of my trousers and hears a low moan that I can’t prevent.

Now for me that’s lovely, if a girl sees She’s made me spunk my pants, but if She had other ideas – crazy I know – then that underlines how useless I am – he’s already done it in his pants, just looking! What a useless wanker! Just seeing Her cleavage made me spunk my pants so it’s clear I’m NOT the sort of bloke who’s going to be comfortable seeing Her take all Her clothes off and I do too and it’s like it’s natural for me – which it is absolutely not – and I can get an erection and I know what to do. That’s totally not me and I’ve just proved it. She knows I’m a wanker then, but of course in reality girls know right from the off.

Just for clarity, none of those scenarios have EVER arisen. Miss Danica joked about it – “I think if I jumped on you you’d run a mile!” – terrifying me for a moment until I realised She was just joking. Miss Melanie assumed that that’s ultimately what I’d want, like any other normal bloke, because at that time I don’t think She knew pervs like me existed – wankers who only need to look, don’t need or want to do anything else, but love girls to know we’re wankers and useless for anything else. Once She’d read a few of my stories and poems and worship sheets, She got the idea. As I say, when She’d said “one of these days” She could see by my expression that I was scared to death at the thought She might do something – I’ve no idea what – and never mentioned it again.

If there ever was a girl who knew I was a wanker, knew in every detail, saw all the times I messed the front of my trousers in front of Her, saw the state of the magazines I made up of Her photos, saw the videos of me with my willy plonked on Her photos and just waiting for Her to make me spurt spunk over them, then that was Miss Melanie. Lots of other girls knew too but I was never able to be as explicit with anyone else. I might be a timid wanker and voyeur, but I can look back at all those times, with Her there in the outfit that She posed in for the photos She’d just given me, looking at the mags of Her photos crammed with toilet paper and spunk-stains, reading my pervy worship sheets, calling me a wanker, seeing me shudder, hearing me moan, seeing me convulse as knobby bobs up and down and puts a big wet patch on the front of my trousers – such joy. That for me is complete fulfilment, satisfaction, gratification, happiness.

Once a wanker, always a wanker. And timid voyeur, still as timid now as ever. And I love girls to know.

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I first realized that I liked sharing my wife, when she told me about how she used to get groped in buses before our marriage. My cock grew rock hard as I listened to her talk about how men massaged her flesh, squeezed and fondled, and sometimes pinched her. I imagined her standing in a crowded bus surrounded by horny men, trying their best to extract pleasure from her body by rubbing themselves against her thighs and ass.I can understand why men would want to touch her. She is 5'4 and weighs...

3 years ago
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Her interest in me had been apparent – quite frankly, almost blatant – at our initial meeting, and Ms Brewster had smiled with the feline satisfaction of a cat who sees the bowl of cream about to be poured when I had suggested that the next stage of negotiations might best be conducted as a ‘confidential one-to-one meeting’ between her and myself, ‘quite privately’ and at a time of her convenience – if she preferred, as I was sure she was very busy, after the end of the normal working day,...

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Innocence To Obsession

There I was enjoying my 20th birthday party at my house. It was a girl’s night out. My best friends (Shalini, Ruby and Nisha) were spending the night at my house. We had enjoyed all day in the city watching movies, eating in restaurants, shopping and what not!!! After the evening party in my house we went back to my room at around 10 pm to sleep. However, we strated talking about boys. It was Ruby the sluttiest of all in our group who started the dirty talk. She started with her fantasy about...

1 year ago
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The Raffle

Just this week I had one of the oddest experiences of my life. I won - that's right, I won - the right to fuck my buddy's wife, and he watched me do it. It all started one Tuesday afternoon when a bunch of us stopped for a beer after work. What usually happens when a bunch of guys get together after work is the conversation starts about the work place, progresses to sports, and usually ends up being about women. This time was no different. We started on the relative merits of our new...

2 years ago
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Wife And Tution Student

Hi this is Rakesh again. Thanks for the responses given for my previous story about my Saali and wife. Let me remind you my wife Debjani 25 is highly sexually active lady. We have a good sexual life , but due to my work pressure I could not give her much time and I understand she is also not very much satisfied physically. Recently she has taken job in a high school as a mathematics teacher. She also gives tuition to some students at home. Today’s incident that I am going to narrate is about a...

2 years ago
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Hi ! everybody. Welcome back. I am a regular reader of Andaharvasa’s ISS & it is my 2nd submission of Anubhav. Humble request if you have not read the 1st chapter, pls read and proceed to chapter. 2 so that you could understand each and everyone and the situations involved without any further inintroduction/repeatation. Continue now.. In our department, (in 1995-96): 4 ladies & 3 more gents excluding self & Jeso; they are namely: (Meena Ghate – Marathi, 29 years, married-hot un-happy mood, No...

1 year ago
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Best Porn Comix aka Porn Comix is a great place to find thousands of adult comics that includes 3D comics, hentai, and Western-style porn. Most of the porn is very amateur in nature, with text boxes straight out of MS Paint and a lot of janky ass art, but the AAA stuff is here as well.This is to be expected on a site that has thousands of comics, and it’s better that they have too much content than too little. Going through all this content can be time-consuming, so Porn Comix gives a search...

Porn Comics Sites
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Ellie goes to hell

The wooden door creaked open as Satan himself stood before Ellie to greet her. The red-skinned, horned abomination growled out the rules of hell to her. "Your suffering will be infinite," Satan croaked. "In hell, anything can be done to you. No amount of pain can be enough. Any injuries can be healed or worsened at OUR WILL. The demons require souls to torture and you have committed yourself to us!". Ellie shrieked and sobbed as Satan lifted his trident and stabbed her in the face. As...

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A Change in Perspective

Alan Yeager sat at the hotel bar nursing his beer as most of the men around him watched the ball game on the overhead television. The twenty-six year old really had no interest in the game, but had come to the bar with a few new friends in order to be sociable. The dark haired young man was a history teacher from East Bedford. Five nine with a slim, muscular build; this was his first time at the State Teacher's Convention. It was an experience he had enjoyed immensely. The funny thing was,...

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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part VII

Nobody was more surprised than me when I pulled the cotton bud from Abe’s hand to find the end shortened. Trish gave a faint smile but Abe looked decidedly disappointed. I had won. I would decide how and when the cuckolding story would end. Trish sat down on the edge of the bed beside me and rested her hand on my thigh, “I suppose this is where the story ends then?” She said. I could sense the disappointment in her voice. “Abe and I were hoping that you would let us make love,” she told me...

1 year ago
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Jessies Girl

Jessie's Girl (Inspired by Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield) During all of middle school and high school, Jessie was my best friend. He had blond curly hair and resembled a young Justin Timberlake. We met soon after my family came into town. You see, we were next door neighbors and often came over to each other's houses to play board games, swim in the pool, or have adventures in the tree fort. We lived in a nice suburban neighborhood where kids could play hockey in the streets if...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

It all started when I got a knock on my Door….When I answered it, I saw this lovely woman with Dark Black Hair, a Olive hue to her skin, Green eyes, about 40 years old.She smiled at me and said , Hi I am Janelle. I live across the street and was hoping I could borrow 3 Eggs from you?I said Hi Janelle, I'm Arthur and you certainly can. So I got 3 eggs and gave them to her.The next day was another knock and it again was Janelle, She said Hi Arthur, I brought over some cake I made with the eggs I...

1 year ago
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AgeAndBeauty Syren De Mer Coffee Date

Elizabeth (Syren De Mer) is a mature woman, who is part of an online book club to satisfy her craving for romance. She’s been chatting back and forth with a charming man named Nicholas for months, sharing thoughts on the latest erotic novel on their list. Every time she gets a message from Nicholas, she’s giddy with affection. She hasn’t felt this alive in years, and she’s sure it’s the beginning of something special. Most of her flirting with Nicholas happens when...

1 year ago
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Cum is thicker than Water

First they adopted a three month old girl named Candice. They loved her but it wasn't enough. Two years later, the adopted a six month old boy named Cory. Now, it felt as if their family was complete. They loved the children as if they were thier own. As the kids grew, and their personalities started to develop, it became a disfuntional family. Candice and Cory did not get along at all. Being the older of the two, Candice would take up for Cory. But at times, you would think the two hated...

3 years ago
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I Dream of My Doctor 1

Part 1I suppose we should start at the beginning. You know- the usual background stuff. I am a pansexual male who just turned 40. I am in generally good health and fit enough. No, I don’t have a six pack or anything like that, but I generally keep myself in decent shape. I have been pansexual pretty much my entire life, although I only called it bisexual when I was younger. However, pan now seems to be the “in word” for my preferences. I am married to a woman and have been for over twenty...

3 years ago
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Mum Caught Us

My dad and I had been fucking each other for months now. I wasn't taking birth control anymore and I just wanted to give my dad everything he wanted. It all started a few months ago when I caught my dad watching me in the shower. I had been teasing my dad from about sixteen, which led to me seeing his cock for the first time. Since then I knew I would make him fuck me.So here we are today, my dad fucking me, once again bare inside my tight, unprotected pussy, knowing soon I'll be having my...

4 years ago
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El of a ThingChapter 12

TUESDAY 8:30 A. M. News Stand, Chicago, IL As Mike went over the list of Greenly's contacts a picture began to emerge of a virus like network that seemed to have Chicago and Illinois locked in a never ending cycle of 'favors' like some kind of underground currency. As he considered this 'snapshot' and the futility of trying to chase down each of the members. An idea burst full blown into his head. The 'grin' then made it's reappearance with a vengeance and there wasn't one nice, or...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Ember Stone It Smells Like Sex

Lusty coed Ember Stone isn’t wearing any panties beneath her miniskirt uniform, a fact that Damon Dice notices along with the musk of sex. He decides that Ember needs to be taught a lesson, one that starts with her giving him a blowjob. He wants it wet wild and dirty, all of which Ember is happy to deliver along with some deep throat action. When Damon helps Ember up onto the bed and flips up her skirt so that he can take her from behind, her landing strip snatch is already dripping with...

1 year ago
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Alley Man

I met Sean at a lonely period in my life. It seemed, somehow, serendipitous because both our lives changed. "I get it; you're not interested. So, who ARE you interested in?” I asked an attractive blonde with an ‘I'm slumming’ expression on his face. You know, the kind of guy who looks like Owen Wilson but talks like Cyndi Lauper?"Him," the Owen-look-alike said and pointed to Gerald, currently captivated by a go-go boy."Him?" I asked incredulously. I immediately compared myself to Gerald,...

Gay Male
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Mrs H has to chaperone

I was on my way back to the school campus when I received a text from my best friend, Nicole. The text read: "I brought a surprise for you...xoxo" I wasn't sure what kind of surprise she had in store for me, but knowing Nicole, as I do. It was probably something bad. I arrived at the dance at 6:30, about a half hour before the dance was to start. As I was grabbing my purse from the front seat, I heard Nicole's voice coming from behind me. "Check you out, Chica. Your ass looks AMAZING...

4 years ago
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Seducing My School Teacher

Hi naughty girls and dirty men ! I’m a twenty-one year old guy from Chennai. I’m tall slim and sexy :p girls and a woman who would love to get laid with a sensual animal ping me on This is about how I met my school teacher at the alumni party and seduced her for sex. This happened a week back and I could stop sharing it. I work as an it professional in Chennai. I had been invited to an alumni party in my school. I was not very excited about going there because though the school was a reputed...

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My Slutwife Did A Dozen Dudes Her 1st Gangbang

My long standing fantasy was that I'm attending a party where no one knows that the beautiful woman providing all the nasty entertainment for the event is in reality, my darling slut wife. What actually happened was close enough to satisfy both of our naughty dreams!We had just delivered a new video sales web site to a local pro-am porn actress and her producer/director husband. To celebrate the opening of their new site, the couple threw a big party and invited my wife, myself and our house...

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FredChapter 9

IT FELT LIKE I’d been stabbed. A sharp pain in my gut, my heart rate somewhere over a hundred. I’d come home at the usual time to find the house apparently empty. Unusual. The ladies should have been home. Our Amy was six months old by then. Fred’s Julian was three months. Both women nursed and they hated pumping. Our temporary nanny, a luxury but a necessary one in this first year while we were still sorting out who would do what in the house, was reading in the nursery. The babies were...

1 year ago
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Walk in

Mary opened the door to her son’s bedroom, she was unprepared for the sight that met her eyes as she walked in the room. “Alan, I wondered if…..” Her voice trailed off as she saw what he was doing. Alan lay there on the bed, his trousers and underpants were around his knees, his hand was moving up and down his erect penis.“Oh my, I’m sorry Alan, I…” Mary rushed out of the room and went back downstairs.Alan quickly stopped, he struggled to get dressed and then realised that he would have to face...

3 years ago
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Stage Three Of My Journey To Becoming Joann

As we drove home from the Halloween party Sis asked me if I enjoyed my first time out as Joann. I replied, “It was great. How did you come up with the name Joann?”“Well, I really didn’t think about it until I introduced you to Michelle. I actually started to say Joseph when I realized I needed to correct myself. I guess Joann was the only logical name at that point. Do you like it?”“Yeah, it’s nice,” I replied. “Thank you for dressing me up and taking me out. I hate to say it, but I really...

4 years ago
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Smugglers GoldChapter 4

For the next few weeks everything went as well as could be expected but there was a storm brewing on the horizon and everybody knew it. Of course that storm's name was Catalyn. "You spoiled her," Antal grunted with disgust. "I know I did, Master," Barbala sobbed as she knelt at his feet, eyes directed at the floor and wringing her hands in front of her. The mid-morning sun streaming through the window glinted off her slave collar. "I've never been able to say no to her," she...

2 years ago
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Woman8217s Decision 8211 Mohit And Purva

I am Purva a 28 year old working married woman living in Noida. I am from Himachal but did most of schooling in Delhi. I have lived in hostel since I was 14. I am the oldest of the three siblings. I had a younger sister and a brother. After completing my graduation I got a job in an advertising firm.(thankfully in delhi). I was a perfectly independent working women of Delhi. My mother got worried and started pestering me for marriage. Finally I gave in and told her about my expectations. She...

3 years ago
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The Devil Takes A Wife

After three years of marriage, Kelly was not at all surprised when his wife began dropping the hints. It wasn't that he couldn't satisfy her sexually. Their sex life, he thought, was just fine if a little “normal” compared to what he knew was on the Internet porn. The last few months, he knew Cleo was watching the videos and GIFs, too. She'd even shared a few of her go-to favorites with Kelly, which he studiously watched and admitted aroused him, but it still wasn't satisfying enough for either...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 8

Camille turned out to have been far less discreet than Stephanie, Erin, Deanna, or even Melvin. She had gotten so caught up in fucking a 14 year old boy named Troy in the shower that she didn’t notice the time or the noise that she was making, which drew the attention of another camp counselor, a bit of a batty and prudish old woman named Mrs. Edith Bonham. A pastor’s widow, Mrs. Bonham had a distinctly old-fashioned idea that “boys will be boys,” but “ladies should know better,” as she...

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Spanked By My Babysitter 4

I still keep in touch with my babysitter Lori. I'm in college and it seems that she thinks I need her to keep me in check because of my behavior. She always promises me discipline punishment and spanking to keep me from screwing off. To refresh the memory, Lori is about seven years older than I am and she has been my babysitter for a long time. I am now nineteen and in my freshman year of college. Lori about twenty-six years old.Lori gives me the usual discipline punishment and spanking routine...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 47 Black Flagged

July, 1983, Dawsonville, Georgia Other than being long, the drive through Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Northern Georgia was uneventful. I stopped for gas three times and food twice, and pulled into Stephie’s driveway in Dawsonville at 9:10pm. She was sitting on the porch swing and got up to greet me as my car rolled to a stop. I quickly hopped out and took her in my arms and we exchanged a passionate kiss. “Hey, Peaches,” I said. “Hey, Yankee,” she answered. “What’s bugging you?” I...

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Wendy Makes Her Piggy Jizz

Wendy Makes Her Piggy Jizz [wife verbally fat shames her older hubby to ejaculate hands-free]Bobby Flanders tossed and turned in his bed but could not go to sleep. His wife Wendy was uncharacteristically late from her job at the local bar. Most days she came home before his bed-time and they both enjoyed a nightcap before calling it a day. Bobby had always been the happy go lucky type since his c***dhood, he had a successful business that he operated from home and had never wanted his trophy...

3 years ago
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2 Black 1 White

Well yesterday (12-11-2010) I was invited over to a couples place for some fun. I pull up to the house and the guy is outside waiting for me. We walked inside and up stairs to the bed room, I walk in the room and up the bed I see sexy thick white girl with nice tits and sexy legs. I introduced myself and we sat and get to know each other. I asked how do you guys usually start this? The guy say shes the freak she usually runs it and start laughing. I look at her and tell her that if she wants to...

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Wife fucking a friend

Introduction: true story of my wife fucking a friend of ours because she was mad at his wife I have always enjoyed watching my wife with other men. I am not a jealous person, and I have told her that it is her body and she can fuck whoever she wants. This arrangement has resulted in quite a few interesting times. Sometimes I am totally surprised by who she chooses. We have a friend named Jim that we have both known for years. He is a nice fellow, and reasonably good looking, but, in all those...

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