- 5 years ago
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Dani was anxious to get Stacy alone and talk to her about the trip to New York. She was sure that she was going to be up for the trip, plus she wanted to talk to her about pros and cons of the hip implants. Linda had given Stacy the heads up, so she was ready when she rounded Linda’s workspace.
When they got in the car, Dani couldn’t hold her excitement to make it back to the apartment. She wanted to know what she thought of the trip to New York. He wanted her feelings on a month long vacation, and the ability for her to use his vacation time. She knew she would be donating her vacation to her if she wanted to stay for the entire length of his training. As excited as Dani was, she was not ready for how excited Stacy would be. Dani could tell that Stacy was like a kid in a candy store at the prospect of taking a month off to go to New York.
The two of them spent the entire time driving back to the apartment talking about the trip to New York. Both Dani and Stacy were eager to make it there the coming weekend. They were both ready to see what New York had in store. They both wanted to do a bit of shopping in the famous New York stores. Dani would be the first to break from the subject of New York, for a more serious conversation.
As Dani was getting undressed, and becoming Dan again, he started up on the conversation that had started in Lady’s Business. ‘You know, we have got to talk about medical before we get too far along. I know it was broached at Lady’s Business today, but it was also a conversation piece when I was talking to Ms. Stanton. Because of my schedule, and the company setting up places for me to go periodically, we need to let work know if we decide to go with enhancements for my feminine figure. Ms. Stanton said it was a big step in case I were to move to different employment, so we really need to make sure it is what we want.’
Stacy replied, ‘No Dan, it has to be what YOU want. It is your life, and if anything happens, you need to be able to live with your decision.’
Dan broke a smile and said, ‘Actually, if you would wear this,’ he produced a jewelry box out of his overcoat, ‘it will make it OUR decision.’ Dan opened the jewelry box to present Stacy with a beautiful engagement ring. Stacy was choked up and couldn’t speak for quite some time.
When Stacy had recomposed herself, she said, ‘Well then I guess it will be our decision.’ Dan slipped the ring onto her left ring finger, just before she flung herself at him and wrapped her arms around him. When she had finished with her hug, she stepped back for a minute, smiled sweetly and began talking again. ‘We will need to talk to a medical professional.’
Dan was hoping that was what she would say. He picked up his cell phone and grabbed the phone book. He made a few calls, setting up appointments to speak to a plastic surgeon about the implants. One of the calls actually produced an appointment later that day. He set up the appointment for Danielle instead of Daniel. He knew if he was going to be a woman when he was outside his apartment, he should show up in the attire he was going to be wearing as the representative of TC’s Conversion.
Dan got dressed back up as Dani. She was sure after the first of the appointments and talking with Stacy that evening, she would be able to call and cancel the others. Mainly, the thing that was most important to them was if it would be a reversible process. The two of them stopped by the mall again. Lady’s Business was the only place they intended to go. When they got there, they spoke to the sales lady, and found that the owner was still in the store. When Mrs. Lambert came out of the back, Dani shook her hand and gave her a peck on the cheek. Stacy too gave her a peck, and they got down to business.
Dani was the one doing the talking this time. ‘Mrs. Lambert, we are going to a consultation later about the implants. The reason we are here is to see if we can get an average skirt so the doctor can she how much room in need. Also, I brought up the subject with my boss when we got to work. She said the implants could be done in a couple of weeks while I am in New York on my representative training. Are any of the plastic surgeons you know in New York?’
Mrs. Lambert replied, ‘Actually there is one that does travel, if you like, I can see if he will be available, and if so, I can have him coordinate with your secretary. She will know your itinerary will she not?’
‘Yes, as a matter of fact, she is fine tuning it,’ Dani said.
Mrs. Lambert brought up something that Dani would not be aware of. ‘Dani, you do know that during the operation, they will graft some off of your waist, and then do the injections don’t you?’
Dani replied no, but had a puzzled look on her face. ‘Does that mean,’ she began, ‘that what we fit me for earlier will not fit afterwards?’
‘No,’ Mrs. Lambert said, ‘not only will it not fit you in the hips, it won’t fit in the waist either. Why don’t you go have your consultation, and let me coordinate with your secretary. I will get you squared away, you will be in better shape when I am done if you decide to go through with the change.’
Dani and Stacy left Lady’s Business slightly down in spirits. They had been looking forward to buying more clothing for Dani. Dan was starting to slip away, and Dani was moving into his space. They had both noticed, but Dani was the first one to bring it up. She looked at Stacy and said, ‘How do you feel about being a lesbian?’
Stacy giggled at first, but not long after that had a look of concern on her face. ‘Dani, are you becoming more accustomed to being female in persona? If you are, there will be other things we need to talk to the doctor about as well. I can tell ya though, if you go any further than implants, if this progresses to the point of a sex change, you are going to be one of the luckiest women. You know you will miss periods and things like that that most of us deal with every month.’
Dani nodded and said, ‘I don’t know how far we will go with my sexual identity, I don’t know if we will stop at the figure enhancement, I don’t know if we will go all the way. I do know that Dan has been slipping slowly but surely away. There is a bit of concern there, my parents don’t even know I dress as a woman for work. The other thing I know is we are going to talk to the surgeon about breast augmentation. I want to know what it involves, and if it is reversible as well. I would say since there are such things as mastectomies that that will be a reversible process. I’m sure though, it would come out of our pocket if I changed jobs and Dan is the employee.’
Stacy took everything Dani said in. ‘I’m sure this is going to be one interesting visit.’
Dani and Stacy were sitting in the lobby for only a couple of minutes, before being shown to the consultation room. The nurse that showed them to the room started an introductory tape so they could get a little bit of familiarity with the process before the doctor came in. ‘Hello Ladies, I’m Dr. Bones, which one of you is here for the appointment?’ Both of them giggled before the doctor spoke again, ‘I suspect you have seen Star Trek and that is what caused that gleeful giggle?’
Both were now nodding while their giggles subsided. ‘I’m the one here for the consultation. My name is Dani, and this is my fiancé Stacy.’
The shocked look on Dr. Bones’ face only lasted a couple of seconds before he said, ‘How may I help you?’
Dani took a deep breath and said, ‘Hope you got a few minutes. As you can see my outward appearance is that of an attractive young female. What doesn’t show is that I am the male representative of Today’s Cosmetics™. We recently went through a take over and a new dresscode was put into place. I have to wear makeup to work, so as to not look like a clown, I dress as a woman. I was recently promoted to representative of the new line, TC’s Conversion. I will be dressing as a woman any time I am out of my own living spa
ce. The owner of Lady’s Business in the mall asked if I was going to undergo enhancements to my figure so that I could wear off the rack stuff to fit my body. That is what brings us here. We do have other questions though. We were talking about it earlier and figured we would need to talk to a surgeon that dealt with such situations. For instance, If we decide to go with augmentation so that I don’t have to wear breast forms all the time I am dressed for my position as the representative.’
‘Have you talked to anyone else, professionally that is, about this subject?’ When Dani and Stacy shook their heads, Dr. Bones continued. ‘There are several aspects you may want to think about. If you decide to use my services we can start on the hips, and then work our way through the rest of the process.’
‘Ok,’ Stacy said, ‘here is where we stand right now. We are here for a consultation as to rather or not the process of hip enhancements is reversible or not. That is our main goal for today. Also, we wanted to know about augmentation, if it was reversible or if it should even be done at the same time as the hips. This fine body sitting next to me is going to need to have a feminine appearance at gatherings, and being able to show a bit of cleavage would be a good effect. We have skimmed the discussion of a full change, but not sure we will be going that far. Our employer said that during training in New York, Dani would be able to do the recovery for the enhancement surgery.’
Dr. Bones said, ‘So, if you do decide to go all the way, do you think you may be using our services here? If so it will take a year worth of therapy before I would even consider the surgery. I can get hormones for you to take that will start the enhancements, but that is totally up to you as to if you want to do that. I caution against the hormones for some of them have a permanent effect on the penis. They can cause the breasts to grow, and stop the penis from obtaining an erection.’
Dani said, ‘Dr. we leave on Friday for New York. If we decide to use the hormones, can we stop by on Thursday to pick up the prescription?’
Dr. Bones told them, ‘You will be able to pick up the prescription Thursday if you need to. I will need to get your height and weight before I can make the prescription, but we can do that after we get done with the questions you have. I have gathered you are not set on the full surgery, and someone else is going to do the hips and or breasts, so lets get on to the question you asked about reversible effects. The only thing that is not reversible is the sexual reassignment. You will be able to have the implants taken out. As for the hips, any doctor that does that will likely take a bit off of your waist so as to trim that up as well as add a few inches to your hips with what is removed from the waist. Beyond that the only thing that will help you out is hormones if kept to strictly to avoid ill side effects.’
Stacy said, ‘Well that answers the questions we had, I guess all that is left is getting an official height and weight. I take it that once we do the enhancement in New York, the doctor there would be able to adjust the prescription of the hormones if he adds or removes anything substantial?’ Dr. Bones Nodded.
When the height and weight had been checked, Dani and Stacy headed home. Dani started to get dressed again as Dan. When he was dressed again, he picked up his phone and called in to talk to Ms. Stanton. He explained that they were going to go through with the enhancements, as well as seriously considering breast augmentation. Ms. Stanton said she had a call from Mrs. Lambert, and they had already arranged to coordinate the New York surgery. Everything was on schedule. Before they hung up, Ms. Stanton asked Dan if he had arranged for a bodyguard at all or if he would be making arrangements. Dan let her know that he wouldn’t be making arrangements until they had returned from NYC.
The week went by quickly, which was strange because Dan was home alone all week, and rather bored spending time to himself. Thursday rolled around, Dan got his prescription for the hormones, then went to catch a game with some of his friends. Same crowd as usual, but he never did get a chance to lighten up. When the game finished, he asked for everyone’s attention for a few minutes.
Dan started out, ‘I don’t know if any of you are aware yet, but I have received a promotion at work. I will be making a lot more money and traveling a lot. The reason I’m telling all of you about this is, next time you see me, I’ll probably have wider hips, a narrow waist, and I never thought I would say this, but I’ll have tits.’ Nobody knew what to say, all of them were speechless, and it was the first time Dan ever remembered them being quiet. He continued on, ‘You all remember why I wear women’s clothing to work. Well, they have developed a new line, specifically for men. I will be the representative for that line. They will expect me to be in my feminine attire while I am out and about, to give the line a little more recognition. I will also be the model that you get to see in magazine ads, billboards, etc. That is the basis for this information. It was suggest that I get a bodyguard for when I’m out doing my spots. If any of you know of someone, I’ll be back four weeks from Monday, and will be looking for one then.’
One of the guys asked Dan if he was taking it too far. He said work just isn’t worth all that. Dan was ready, he had thought it many times himself. ‘You know, I was thinking that the first time I put on my new work uniform. Actually, I am more accustomed to wearing women’s clothing now, men’s clothing doesn’t seem to fit right anymore. Since I am going to be dressed as a woman most of the time, Stacy and I figured we would go ahead and go with the enhancements. They will make it much easier to find clothing. I have to have everything tailor fit right now. I will be able to go to the store and buy clothing, right off the rack. I know most of you won’t understand but if you can help, I sure would appreciate it.’
All of them mumbled at the same time, and it seemed they had all agreed to help him as much as possible. They knew because of his training, he would never be able to get into a typical male job, and now that they knew he was more comfortable to be dressed as a woman, they were acting like true friends. At first he was sure it was an act, but when they all gave him a hug, and gave his butt a pinch, he was sure that they were all going to be ok with it.
Dan told Stacy about the nights events as he was taking his first hormone pill. They were getting ready to get in bed, both had suitcases by the front door, and both very bushed. It was going to be a long day tomorrow and they wanted to get some good sleep.
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Ok, this story has some explicit sex stuff, so if you shouldnt or dont want to read naughty material then please go away.Also, I write because I want and like to. I am not a writer. Typically I write in one sitting and just do a stream of thought. I rarely edit. But please let me know what you think. I will hopefully improve over time. And if i get enought replies that i need to edit or do something differently maybe I will.Luv Submissive/Slutty/Sissy Sally"I'm not sure what to do" Don said to...
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Darius walked up to the common room doors, his heart in his mouth, clutching a small brick phone. He could have used any phone, but this was cheap and somewhat archaic, and he enjoyed the feeling of punching in the keys. It felt more powerful. As he entered, he scanned the room for Isabelle. He’d got her number of a mutual friend over a week ago, because he’d never had the courage to strike up a rapport with her and get it himself. He caught a glimpse of her through the crowd of students. She...
Drew MacIntosh found himself in the main incident room, staring at the board that still had the timeline showing the vigilante incidents. With no new leads, Drew was working other cases now but he continually came back to the vigilante. The Crimewatch programme had been a big disappointment. Drew had held out high hopes that someone out there knew something, had that vital little clue that would unlock the case, but there had been only a trickle of calls and none of them threw up anything...
It was late August and a few days earlier I’d received good news about my A Level results. My grades were good enough for me to go to university and it wouldn’t be long before I had to pack my things and head off to the opposite end of the country.I’d decided to wander across to the amusement arcade to see if any of my friends were about as they often hung out there. In truth the Summer holidays were becoming rather boring and I was already in university mode, well, in my mind at least, as I...
The UK will block online porn from April. Here's what we knowAge verification of all pornographic content will be mandatory from April 2018. But there are still a lot of grey areasOnline pornography in the UK is set to undergo its biggest ever change this year. The government will introduce an age-verification requirement for all pornographic websites and people wanting to use them will have to prove they are over 18.The plans were initially announced in July 2017 with Matt Hancock, the then...
A Simple Twist of Fate By Bonnie Lea I: Dan was ready. He was alone for the weekend and was looking forward to having a few drinks and maybe to meet someone. It's been a rough week and now it's time to unwind. Stopping at a local cocktail lounge, he relaxed on a stool at the bar. "Kind of quiet so far" he mentioned to the bartender, "but it is still kind of early. After a few sips, Dan noticed a very attractive young lady at the other end of the bar. "Why not," Dan thinks to...
New York can be such an exciting place to visit. It's frustrating when you arethere to work, and you would like some time to play. I'm Oralia Cruz, and I'm an attorney in Miami. I was in New York to takea series of depositions for a class action suit my firm is currently workingon. The damn depos are scheduled from first thing in the morning to last thingat night. By the time I would finish each day, I barely had the energy to geta bite to eat and fall into bed back at my hotel. And yet I had...
Jeff gave Béla some of Greta’s clothes to wear. Surprisingly, they fit. Béla considered herself extremely petite and was hoping the clothing Jeff offered would be too baggy to wear. Then she could have convinced him to let her run naked; at least between settlements. They both explored the storage room, separating out what they wanted to take with them. They only needed the basics – a backpack for each of them, a bedroll for each pack, spare clothing and an ice pack for carrying...
I woke up the next morning confused. Did that really happen? Could that have happened? Neh. That’s just ridiculous… I opened my eyes. Standing in the doorway of the bathroom was Steven. His hair was messy and he was naked from head to toe. Between his legs was the beautiful cock that I had sucked last night. It looked just as big as when he had first stripped down for his shower the previous night. FUCK! Steven was brushing teeth while he watched me slowly enter the waking world. He...
“Eyes shut, Jenna. Straight ahead ten steps, then turn the corner. Halfway down the hall, then sidestep a photocopier. Smell that? That’s the coffee room. Turn right. Walk. Turn left. Skim your fingers along the reception desk. The sound of the air is changing. You’re approaching the doors. Hands out and push them open. Seven steps and you’re at the elevator. Push the ‘Down’ button." Ding. "Step inside. Turn around and press ‘G’.” Jenna Song listened as the elevator doors shut and felt the...
InterracialI collapsed on the bed, fighting to catch my breath and trying to ignore Ron's incorrigible tongue-lashing. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, I felt that familiar ache in my abdomen. Fuck me! He's getting me going again! I started moving with him instead of away from him and suddenly he was pleasuring me instead of exasperating me. Goddamn! Is there no end to my orgasmic indulgence? Can he really bring me to another climax so quickly?The answer was a resounding yes! Him and that...
The alarm buzzed 6am waking me up from a particularly good dream. Staring at the time I had such a desire to smash it and go back to bed. However today was the last day of school. The very last day in fact. High school was coming to an end and I was thrilled. college was in a couple months but before that I was going to be spending the summer with his friends remodeling a home in town. He and his four friends were gonna use the house as there home for school. But first he needed to graduate and...
EroticDear Diary, Today was shaping up to be a tedious and somewhat stressful day when I decided to go for a walk in the woods. That all changed when I found a lighter… It was early evening, just starting to get dark, when I put my coat on, grabbed my house keys and headed out for a stroll. As I’ve noted in previous diary entries things are coming to a head at work, and I needed to get out and clear my head. Slamming the front door behind me, I headed off down the road towards the common. The...
The very next day I woke up late it was noon, she had left I didn't realize when, my sister was at work and I was alone at home, couldn't get over about what had happened the previous night, kept thinking about it all the time, the next minute there was sudden knock on the door and she showed up again at my place, I invited her inside she came inside and fixed her chunky ass on the couch beside me, she was looking so fucking sexy that my cock went fucking stif, her juicy thais showed a sexy...
I know that, to you who are reading this, many years later, it seems I was an incredibly stupid young man, or at least dense. To have my mother first masturbate me and then put my penis in her mouth as it spurted seems clear and simple to you as an indicator of where things might be headed. But remember, I was fourteen, in a small town that was pretty conservative, and where talk of sex was restricted to the playground, or the infrequent sleepovers we had in those days. Sex education was just...
By : Singham Hey reader’s mera naam Shashank hai aur mai varanasi me rahta hoon.mera age 21 saal hai aur ab mai graduation kar chuka hu waese to mai sex ke bare me jada to nahi sochta ye incident aaj se karib 4 saal phele ki hai jab mai 11th standard me mere jivan ke real story hai tab mere bade bhai ki sadi nahi hui thi mere bagal me ek didi rahti thee unka naam pinki thaa wooh dekhne me bahut hi soondar hai wooh muhjse 2 saal badi hai unka figure bahut hi maintain hia. Unki...
I sat with Suzie in the back of the taxi. The taxi that was taking me to meet Baz, Mikes friend. She’d explained that we needed to go to a proper photographic studio to do the pictures that her Dad wanted. The naughty pictures. Naughty and dirty. It wasn’t a part of town I wanted to be in, let alone my daughter. Mike had gone ahead, taking various clothes that I would need for the shoot. Baz was older than I’d expected, in his forties. He was small, with one of those ridiculous pony tails...
My name is Serena. I’m a married 28 year old woman. I love my husband Derrick dearly, but he has a real problem with jealousy and gets mad at me when other men so much as look at me. He’s also a bit na? and prudish when it comes to sex. Needless to say, I am feeling sexually unfulfilled lately because there are a lot of things I fantasize about trying but will probably never get to do. I am very happy with my body and love the attention I get from men because of it. I have a close male...
(MF, cheat, oral)Mark is a fucking hunk! And I can't stand it that Sharon is squeezing him on an exclusive basis. Sharon is the drum major for the school band and I'll admit that she looks great in her little uniform, but I know that Mark could be mine if I went after him. After all I'm the most popular girl in the whole fucking school. Sharon looks like a mouse compared to me. The reason I'm pissed is that Mark was going with me prior to Sharon, and he wouldn't even be with her now if I hadn't...
With fog misting the landscape the funeral cortege slowly wended its way to Sylvan Grove. An honor guard of two knights of the King's Guard guarded each of the twelve shrouded forms that were bourn on horse drawn hearses. All except for the first hearse, this was guarded by a full dozen of the Kings Guard, including Lancelot and Roland. The body of Morgan was covered by the royal standard of the King, and Gareth, clad now in the house colors of the Pen Dragons, held a naked great sword,...
Had a nice young BBC contact me thru my ad on CL . It has been awhile since I had a nice hard cock so I was very horny for some dick , especially BBC! Got cleaned up inside and out , lubed myself up good . We agreed to hook up in my backyard , nice dark discrete , covered from view from the front and a back wall that is head high , neighbors on all 3 sides if they actually were awake at night and went into their backyards would have a straight view from both sides...I absolutely love hooking up...
Hi every all. This is Rana from Mumbai. Main apko bachpan ki ek kahani batatahu. Main jab 20 saal ka tha. To mere baju mein ek family rahte the .usme do ladkiyaan rehthe the. Unka naam badi ka kala(21) our choti ka tanya(18) thi. Main our tanya roz kelthe the. Ek din unke ghar mein koi nahi the. Hum log kelthe khelte main ne tanya se pucha ki kyon na hum doctor ka khel kele to vo boli tik hain. Our mein doctor ka role kiya. Mein ne tanya se kaha ki kya hua to unhe pet ki taklif bataya. Our mein...