L auml szlig t sie sich auf die Spiele
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Tanja saß auf dem fetten Schwanz ihres Chefs und ritt ihn hart. Freitags kurz vor Feierabend, wenn die meisten Kollegen schon weg waren, musste sie ihm immer gefällig sein. Seitdem sie vor zwei Jahren mit der Ausbildung fertig geworden war, verlangte er diesen Dienst von ihr. Er hätte sie sonst in seiner Spedition nicht übernommen. In der sächsischen Kleinstadt, in der sie lebte, gab es einfach nicht viel Arbeit.
Meistens macht es ihr sogar Spaß - so wie heute. Sie war schon den ganzen Tag geil gewesen und hatte sich darauf gefreut ihren alten Chef bedienen zu müssen.
Sie erhöhte ihr Tempo. Er grunzte und keuchte. Dabei knetete er ihre festen Brüste. Gleich würde er kommen und sich in sie ergießen. Sie mochte das Gefühl, wenn ein Mann in ihr kam. Sie hatte schon oft davon geträumt, wie es wäre, es mit mehreren zu treiben und von ihnen eingesamt zu werden. Der Gedanke, daran ließ sie erschauern. Sie spürte, wie sich ihr Orgasmus aufbaute. Laut grunzend entlud er sich in ihr. Sie kam fast zeitgleich.
"Du bist so eine geile Sau", sagte er zu ihr, als sie von ihm abstieg und sich die Kleidung gerade rückte. "Aber jetzt musst du schnell gehen. Meine Frau kommt gleich. Wenn sie dich hier erwischt, muss ich dich doch noch rauswerfen." Tanja hatte Respekt und etwas Angst vor der Frau ihres Chefs. Sie war mit ihren 35 Jahren deutlich jünger als er und sehr streng. Während ihrer Lehre hatte sie Tanja mal eine Ohrfeige gegeben, weil sie einen Fehler gemacht hatte.
Längst kreisen ihre Gedanken nur noch darum, wie so eine Party wohl ablaufen würde. Wie viele Männer da sein werden. Nackt, angezogen, oder vielleicht oberkörperfrei? Ihre Gedanken formen sich zu einer Fantasie. Sie malt sich im Detail aus wie es sein könnte. In Ihrem Tagtraum ist sie im Sommer bei strahlendem Sonnenschein auf einer Finca auf Mallorca. Sie liegt im Innenhof auf einer Liege nur mit einem ultraknappen Bikini bekleidet und genießt die Sonne. Der Bikini besteht eigentlich fast nur...
Inga war eine mächtige vollbusige deutsche Frau. Sie war groß und sehr mächtig. Sie war auch ein sadistisches, Nymphomaneherrscher. Kein Mann könnte sie in Bett behandeln. Sie hat Freude aus Zerquetschenmännern und Frauen mit ihrer sexuellen Fähigkeit und Kraft genommen. Niemand könnte sie behandeln. Sie vorbereiten alle eigenes Deutschland und bewegten auf zu anderen Ländern. Sie hat in einem cheesy Karikatur Akzent gesprochen. Sie beherrscht gern Leute und war ein wenig verrücktes. Einige...
Die Messages im Chat waren eindeutig: Gesucht wurde ein Bi-Mann ohne Berührungsängste. Ein kurzer Videoausschnitt zeigte die beiden beim Ficken. Sie kniete auf allen vieren, während er von hinten in sie eindrang. Ihre festen Brüste wackelten, ihr schlanker heller Körper bewegte sich im Rhythmus der Stösse vor und zurück. Von seinem Schwanz sah man leider nur wenig, allerdings schien er ziemlich Kraft in seien Fickstösse zu legen. Nun also stehe ich vor ihnen. Nackt. Trix, so heisst die Frau,...
Sie konnte nicht länger. Claudia hatte eine Geschichte bei Chyoo gelesen und saß jetzt mit offenem Mund und steinhart gewordenen Nippeln unter ihrer Bluse vor dem Rechner. Ihre linke Hand lag in ihrem Schritt, sie drückte sie fest gegen ihre Fotze, aber so ging das nicht, sie musste... sie musste sich Erleichterung verschaffen. Sie stand auf und sagte der Praktikantin, die sie vor zwei Wochen eingestellt hatte: "Ich bin mal eben auf der Toilette." Süß war sie schon, die Kleine, asiatischer...
Wieder war da dieses unerträgliche Pochen zwischen ihren Beinen. Es hinderte Alice am schlafen. Sie presste ihre Beine zusammen doch auch das machte es nicht besser. Mit einem leisen seufzen schlug sie vorsichtig die Decke zur Seite, langsam um ihre Lehrmeister, die neben ihr schlief, nicht aufzuwecken stand sie auf und ging zur Tür. Draußen ging die Sonne grade auf und schien zaghaft durch die nicht unlängst aufgeknospeten Blätter der Bäume auf die kleine schiefe Hütte die hier irgendwo im...
TeenMein Name ist Richard und ich arbeite für eine große Maklerfirma in Atlanta, Georgia. Ich bin der Finanzvorstand und verdiene sehr gutes Geld. Aber egal was man mir bezahlt, ich bin immer verschuldet. Leider habe ich eine schlechte Angewohnheit: Ich spiele. Ich spiele nicht nur. Ich verliere zu oft. Ich hätte Geld für den Ruhestand weglegen sollen, aber wir sind bis über beide Ohren verschuldet. Ich arbeite seit 10 Jahren hier und halte mich für einen sehr vertrauenswürdiger Mitarbeiter. Gott...
Vor einigen Wochen lernte ich im Internet einen Mann kennen. Klaus. Wir chatteten fast jeden Tag miteinander. Klaus war seit kurzem geschieden, er wohnte auch nicht sehr weit weg von uns. Wir erzählten uns unsere Sexfantasien. Ich erzählte ihm dass ich gerne mal Tina mit einem anderen Mann sehen wollte. Das ging Klaus nicht mehr aus dem Sinn. Immer wieder bedrängte er mich uns zu besuchen und mit Tina vor meinen Augen zu ficken. Ich sagte ihm jedes Mal dass Tina nicht mitmachen wird.Irgendwann...
Ein Video mit Folgen Auf dem Video war zu sehen wie vor zwei Wochen plötzlich die Tür aufging. Das Licht ging an und der Gastgeber der Feier, Doe, betrat das Zimmer. Er grinste noch schnell in die Kamera und sagte: " Und heute Folge 24 aus der Reihe "Party Schlampen hart gefickt". Heute seht ihr eine besonders geile Schnalle. Ihr Name ist John. Sie ist 18 Jahre alt, etwa 1,60 groß und hat einen traumhaften Körper. Ihre schönen festen Titten, sind ungefähr 75B oder C. Aber der absolute Hammer...
Jana ist fasziniert vom Thema und während sie sanft ihre Möse streichelt, schmeißt sie die Suchmaschine an.Es gibt jede Menge Seiten zu dem Thema, von Porno-Filmchen über Geschichten und Foren Posts bis hin zu ein paar Blogs. Auf einem davon bleibt sie hängen. Er heißt “Do you want to breed”. Es stellen sich dort 4 Männer vor, welche von sich sagen, dass sie Frauen dabei helfen schwanger zu werden und sich für ihr besonders fruchtbares Sperma rühmen. Es gibt zudem einige Berichte von Frauen,...
Jens Merker ist vor einigen Wochen zum Direktor eines grosen Einkaufszentrums befördert worden, eigentlich kein besonders aufregender Job, aber für ihn soll es der erste grössere Schritt auf der Karriereleiter sein. Und nach dem BWL Studium und den harten Anfangsjahren will er nun auch die Früchte seiner Arbeit ernten, nicht nur in finanzieller Hinsicht, er ist nämlich stets scharf auf einen guten Fick- und er nutzt seine Position kräftig aus um Frauen jeden Alters durchzuvögeln. Jens ist 32...
Dies ist eine wahre Geschichte. Sie beschreibt mein erstes Mal mit einem Mann. Zu mir: 18Jahre, 172cm, 66kg.Alles begann damit, dass ich über Internetseiten Kontakt zu Männern aufnahm. Mein Fokus lag auf älteren, dominanten Herren die einen jungen Boysklaven suchen. Es dauerte nicht lange und mein Briefkasten war voll mit Anfragen. Leider waren viele davon Faker, aber ein paar wenige stellten sich als real heraus.Mit einem dieser Männer begann ich intensiv zu chatten. Es stelle sich sehr...
by SarabethW This is the story of Tessie, a story of sadness and sacrifice and love triumphant, played out upon a stage of chaos and tragedy. * Tessie’s earliest memory was her fifth birthday. It was the first time she had ever had a party. She was so excited she could hardly sleep the night before. Her father had accompanied her the previous week to her pre-K class to get the names of all the other students for the invitations, and to meet with other parents at an open house. As always he...
Chelsie Meets Her Mistress (based on a true story) by Mistress Lisa Chapter 1 Mistress Lisa sat in the hotel lobby, staring at a large screen TV, but not really seeing it. Her mind was on the man she was supposed to be meeting. He had served her online for over a year, but they had never met before. She was a touch nervous...something she DEFINITELY wasn't used to. She reached in her pocket to touch the pair of panties she had brought for her favorite cyber slave. "This is going to...
Disclaimer: there are some extreme acts including rape and violence in this story. if you aren't into that sort of thing please don't read. My Daughter Chelsie's mother had died when she was young. At the time, I didn't know what I would do, but Chelsie's presence alone had been enough to keep me sane. She'd given me a reason to hope and to go on living. She was a reminder to me that life does go on, and in some cases, it needed nurturing and care. I guess that's...
When I entered my apartment, I immediately undressed, brushed my teeth and hit the sack. Tomorrow was going to be another eight hours of grueling work. I fell asleep within a few seconds of my head hitting the pillow. My alarm sounded right on time. I moaned and stretched my muscles while lying in bed. I was still sore from working so hard. I didn't want to get my ass out of bed. The thought of Essie and how much I loved her made me jump out and get ready for work. I entered the dining hall and...
MILFMy life has changed dramatically since becoming Executive Manager. Most days I come home with fairly clean clothes. The best part is having Essie there at home. Today was no different; when I walked in, I kissed her and headed for the shower. While showering and dressing I thought about how life has changed since I moved in with Essie. She has become more aggressive when we make love. I chalk that off to her being bored with her new relaxed life. I told her to become involved with a charity, be...
MILFI hadn't been with Essie for almost a month now and I'm getting more and more horny by the day. Essie has been rocking my boat now for the past six months. She has a condo in town and we have made good use of the place. I did some searching on the Internet and found out that Essie was fifty. I could have asked her, but I didn't want to go there. There also was an article about the helicopter crash that killed her husband and the pilot. The NTSB investigation determined pilot error. The aircraft...
MILFFLOSSIE INBONDAGEPRICE FIVE DOLLARSPUBLISHED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLYPARIS, FRANCEPARIS FOR A DANCE.We entered the Palais D'Coite. It was a most at-tractive tavern with hotel atmosphere. Roland regis-tered, then we were led to a "private dining room,"that is, it was called that by the host. In reality itwas a sumptuous bedroom with a table elaboratelyset for dinner. I was awe-struck by the dreamy affectin the appointment of the room.At the end of this chamber, furthest from the door,was an...
We entered the Palais D’Coite. It was a most at- tractive tavern with hotel atmosphere. Roland regis- tered, then we were led to a “private dining room,” that is, it was called that by the host. In reality it was a sumptuous bedroom with a table elaborately set for dinner. I was awe-struck by the dreamy affect in the appointment of the room. At the end of this chamber, furthest from the door, was an inviting bed. How I would like to get laid in it, I thought. Apparently this...
My promise to Essie had to be fulfilled by me, I had to reverse my vasectomy. I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Essie wanted me to, and that was enough of a reason for me. My visit to the urologist proved to be better than I thought it would be. The procedure was set for the following week and the surgery would take around two hours from start to finish. With the new micro surgery procedures I would be as good as new in a few days. Six weeks after the procedure, I was as normal as the day...
MILFAs Doris brought over my lunch Maisie’s identity was confirmed, “Would you like another juice Maisie?” she asked and as Maisie was in no rush she agreed which also told me she liked juice. I tucked into my lunch as Maisie continued texting on her phone and after Doris brought her a refill I decided to open up a conversation as again out knees touched under the table, “Sorry about that” I said in an apologetic voice which forced Maisie again to look up, “It’s ok mister” she said in a soft voice...
All through the evening, after giving herself to and taking from a complete stranger, Sienna Mason’s mind was in a quandary. This man, Guy, had been with her barely fifteen minutes before she’d experienced the sheer joy of having him inside her. And two orgasms? Twelve hours ago, that would have been unthinkable. With matters sexual, she had always been most cautious. Too cautious, perhaps. Not anymore!Sipping her white wine in the cosiness of her own flat, she was finding that as she reviewed...
Straight SexAll through the evening, after giving herself to and taking from a complete stranger, Sienna Mason’s mind was in a quandary. This man, Guy, had been with her barely fifteen minutes before she’d experienced the sheer joy of having him inside her. And two orgasms? Twelve hours ago, that would have been unthinkable. With matters sexual, she had always been most cautious. Too cautious, perhaps. Not anymore!Sipping her white wine in the cosiness of her own flat, she was finding that as she reviewed...
Straight SexIt was during the last few years of filming Game of Thrones that we started dating and moved in together, with our parent's blessings. Filming a show that your partner is on too is so stressful, we were almost never in the same scene and so we were off with different filming teams and barely ever saw each other, even at night. It got to the point that we saw so little of us between our filming gigs that our relationship became a little strained. Date nights were a chore and even sex became...
She did not take it well at all, and it nearly caused our relationship to crash and burn. It survived, but I didn’t stop trying to convince her. She stayed hesitant but I made sure she knew that we would have a set of rules. We’d be honest with each other and could veto anyone we didn’t like. It took months of this cajoling and convincing before Maisie - very - reluctantly agreed. I made sure she knew that I loved her more than anyone in the world and there wouldn’t be anything romantic in...
Sienna Mason admitted that sitting in a booth in a bar of this quality was beyond her more reserved habits. Adjoining one of the more up-market hotels in the area, it could be a very expensive place for a drink. But, on the way home from visiting a friend, the sudden rain had driven her into these luxurious surrounds for shelter. Any port in a storm, she would say.Damn the rotten weather, although it suited her sour mood. Paul had gone. Just packed his bags and away, without comment. Another...
OutdoorSienna Mason admitted that sitting in a booth in a bar of this quality was beyond her more reserved habits. Adjoining one of the more up-market hotels in the area, it could be a very expensive place for a drink. But, on the way home from visiting a friend, the sudden rain had driven her into these luxurious surrounds for shelter. Any port in a storm, she would say.Damn the rotten weather, although it suited her sour mood. Paul had gone. Just packed his bags and away, without comment. Another...
Outdoor(Thank you, DAwnj, for editing and retrieving!) * Rob Verpoorten sat on his air mattress under the flap of his tent. He’d walked part of the North Pennines walk that day and he was pleasantly tired and very satisfied with the day’s activities. He was removing his walking boots. Then a quick shower, he thought, and then – there was a nice pub nearby, and he was hungry. They served good food, they said, and he was eager to try it out. He looked across the field. It was sparsely inhabited – a...
"SIENNA LOVES CACTUS"My flat mate is Cactus. No! that is his name. I have asked him in the past for an explanation but to no avail. The more I push him the more cactus he becomes...prickly! He has a tough and tiring job and at the end of each day he returns home exhausted. After the evening meal he'd just say "I'm cactus, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."My baby sister, Sienna, from the US is staying over on a brief holiday. It was the end of a busy working week and last night Sienna...
"SIENNA LOVES CACTUS"My flat mate is Cactus. No! that is his name. I have asked him in the past for an explanation but to no avail. The more I push him the more cactus he becomes...prickly! He has a tough and tiring job and at the end of each day he returns home exhausted. After the evening meal he'd just say "I'm cactus, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."My baby sister, Sienna, from the US is staying over on a brief holiday. It was the end of a busy working week and last night Sienna...
Sienna Grace stepped out of the Lincoln before Uncle Terry could come around from the driver's side to open the door for her. This was as usual for her, as she shunned the trappings of "celebrity-status", especially with her devoted companion, Terry. They had pulled up to parking at Macy's at the Mall to look around at the christmas decorations and gifts, the ever-present christmas music everywhere in the background, both inside and out at the Mall. Uncle Terry dressed in casual tweed sport...
I opened the door and there stood Sienna in all her finery. I invite her in and take her through to the lounge. She sits down on the sofa as I pour a couple of drinks. I sit beside her on the sofa and we sip our drinks and explain that Felicity is just having a bath and getting ready. I ask Sienna if she has dressed as I requested and lifting her skirt she shows me her lovely clit covered by a pair of sheer tan pantyhose and a pair of sexy see through panties. I reach out and place my hand on...
The following photographs, and the long litany of similarly seductive photos she has posed for, inspired me to write this story about Maisie:http://xhamster.com/photos/view/5903385-111375832.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/photos/view/7190292-125629695.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/photos/view/5903385-105550826.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/photos/view/5352264-91948851.htmlI imagine Maurice, an enormously and gorgeously built black man, wrapping his huge hands completely around Maisie's tiny waist, holding her...
The Gypsies and their Gadje MastersBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:The Beginning:It was a Gypsy Community, somewhere in Canada. The Canadian Government took in many gypsies from Europe, back in the late 1990s. Many of these gypsies were living in Vancouver?s outskirts. But like how they lived in Europe, they lived the same way in Canada: caravans and tents.The Gypsies still scared a lot of people, especially the fact that Canadians are well read in news and media...
I woke with a start. What had woken me? There was movement in the bed beside me. I opened my eyes and looked to my left. There was Felicity, legs wide open and Sienna with her tongue buried deep in her pussy. It all came back to me. The three of us in our pantyhose and Sienna fucking Felicity deep and hard, licking Sienna's cum out of Felicity's pussy and the three of us in a circle, licking and sucking each other till we all came again. My cock began to rise as I watched Sienna licking my...
Aunt Bessie rode into our sleepy little Indiana town sometime back in the 1930's in the back seat of a dust covered Model T Ford that had seen better days. Since I hadn't been born yet, I was told later she had come up from somewhere down South, from a place called Flat Creek. Evidently, Flat Creek must have had its share of unsavory characters because I remember her later warning all of us about certain people. "They're part of that Flat Creek bunch," she would say, "You stay away...
Series 9, Episode 16: Sienna Triosi (24), from Ipswich We open with a shot of a very boring, street two-up two-down terraced houses. Small paved front yards provide off street parking for a couple of small cars each. And then, walking up the street toward us – the chunky figure of our favourite Cockney wideboy, Dennis, and beside him the sleek, narrow figure of his mean looking, hard-loving, but ultimately very well-behaved Doberman, Casanova. We track backwards as he walks – keeping him...
Mark Collins lay breathlessly next to his petite young wife, Susie, his prick now deflating and oozing its last gobs of semen. He'd just deposited a huge load inside of her as she rode his prick to her own explosive orgasm. Susie flopped back onto the bed, her naked B cup tits bouncing. Long blond hair spilled onto the white pillow beneath her. She let her skinny thighs fall apart, exposing her puffy pink gash and the thin stripe of brilliant white semen emerging from her engorged labia....
It was just after Maisie’s 18th birthday that She contacted me. I was shocked, I was elated, and I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. The relationship started out purely professional. She gave me some exclusive photos and even an interview, and endorsed the site as the official source. I was on cloud nine, things were truly looking up. There’s another side to this story, one that you may have been able to imply. My obsession with Maisie extended to a sexual level as well, and there...
She slowly sat up. Her head felt like it was full of gauze, but not in the same way it had before; this time it was not delirious pleasure, just dreamy confusion. She groaned and began to sit up in bed, adjusting the lumpy, foreign pillow behind her. She looked around. This was not her bedroom. I’m in a hospital? she thought. Why am I in a hospital? Brie vaguely remembered the sensations she had felt, and that the world had gone dark around her. So, it must not have been a dream. Her cheeks...
I first met Elsie when she was about 12 years old. She was part of the Scout troop my wife was helping with. Elsie’s mother was one of the other leaders. If there was anything to do with animals you would find Elsie there in the thick of things. She was almost an expert on the raising of goats, yes at 12. She had direct access to one of the college professors that teach what ever goat raising is called. They talked often about what ever goat raisers talk about. Now, at this point, I want to...
When I was fourteen years old, going on fifteen., I had zits on my face, but not too many. My body had grown hair, not just at my groin, but also, appallingly, under my arms and on my lower legs. I felt awful about myself, because I was no longer the sleek limbed, care free kid I once had been, but I was still not yet grown. I was in a limbo. I jacked off two and three times a day, sometimes until my cock got sore. No girl would have me, because I was not very attractive and I was not a jock,...
Wanda went over to Larry's apartment, wearing only a short, transparent negligee under her coat. When Larry answered the door he was surprised. Wanda said, "I'm here to get fucked now. I'm so horny and you are going to take care of that and I will make you cum and cum and you will enjoy it." "Come, right in then, Wanda," Larry replied. As they went to the bedroom, he removed his clothes so he would be ready to fuck her cunt. After getting Wanda to lay on the bed, he ripped the...
Maybe it was the neighbors killed in a nighttime bombing raid in her little town outside London, or the loss at sea of her childhood friend, but probably both, that set Elsie on a course to give her all for the war effort. She was slightly built, with light hair and skin. Handsome of face rather than cute. A rather typical English girl of nineteen. She still lived at home, having a clerical job within bicycle distance. Her grieving for Malcolm, the sailor that she had given her virginity to...
"Why?" I said. "I'm over her. I have no need to be around her. She's got her man. I've got my woman. What on earth could be the reasoning behind wanting to socialize with them?" "I still feel weird about this whole thing, Mick. You gave so much. You need to feel good about that at some point. I get nervous or concerned or something when I see you go pensive on me, and you do that a lot, Mick. "I don't know if socializing with them, especially her, will help in that respect; but...
The Beginning It was a Gypsy Community, somewhere in Canada. The Canadian Government took in many gypsies from Europe, back in the late 1990s. Many of these gypsies were living in Vancouver's outskirts. But like they had lived in Europe, they lived the same way in Canada: caravans and tents. The Gypsies still scared a lot of people, especially since Canadians are well read in news and media reports about them. From time to time, some skinheads would attack them and harass them, but the...
Albert Grimshaw looked on wi pride. “Eee Lad, afore long thee’ll not see nowt for smoke from Grimshaws in’t valley.” he said jokily. Young Bob Fairlie looked out on’t scene and all. “So what you want wi me gaffer?” Bob asked. “It’s me eldest, Elsie,” Albert said warily, “ ‘Tween thee an me her needs a good seein to.” “See in to?” Bob enquired. “Bit of how’s yer father,” Albert explained, “Her’s nigh on twenty three and never been fucked, head in a book all’t bloody time, what good’s...
It had been almost a year and a half and I’d still never grown used to the darkness. Every once in a while, on what must have been especially sunny days, glimmers of light would come through the miniscule spaces between the boards of the false wall. But most of the time I could barely see my own hand even when it was just a few inches from my face. I didn’t need to see myself to know that I was fading away, that were I to somehow catch my reflection I wouldn’t recognize the man staring back at...
HistoricalWanda is a pure slut. There is no other way to describe her. She simply loves to suck and fuck anytime, anywhere and with anyone. She has been gang banged in every possible place and way with numerous different groups of guys. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and used like a sperm bank. Wanda and another slut friend, Josefina (Josie for short) went to a party...
Tom left at 7:00 a.m. on Monday to drive to Leeds and Jane went back to bed. She lay half-dozing listening to the radio till nine then got up to work on her book illustrations. She was at lunch in the kitchen when the door bell went. Elsie stayed and had a coffee, then left, Jane having explained to her that she had to have a real blitz on her work. She agreed to join her for a meal around seven. ' George's been away all week-end at a conference', Elsie said, 'I made him steak-pie but...
Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...
Sierra, bored out of her mind, texted her best friend: 'Hey, what r u doin?' A second later, Gia responded back. 'Bored. Babysitting. Want 2 come over?' Sierra, excited, texted back: 'Thank god, yes! Dad has some new slut over.' After her mother died of childbirth (in which the baby, who she decided was a boy and named Cole, died too) it was just her and her dad. And a different woman almost every night. Right now, he had a new one- Jade- saddling him in his bedroom. 'I'll walk...
A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher By Trapper Jock McIntyre Chrissie Latham sat pouting as the Greyhound bus trundled down the highway. As she stared out the window she had a hard time imagining anything like what she was seeing. There were no malls, no McDonalds, no nothing. Just miles and miles of wheat and corn and cows. She couldn't imagine what she had done to deserve such a fate. She was being banished from her friends, from shopping, from...
The politeness, after her ordeal yesterday, was clashing. Susie stammered in reply, "um... where am I? ... How did I get here?" Dr. Stone smiled at her, "after the tigers fucked you, you were in pretty bad shape. And you stunk of tiger sweat and cum, which would stink up the whole lab and prevent some of the prey animals from being comfortable in the lab. I cleaned you up some and let you sleep in my old dog's bed. Were you comfortable?" Susie could only manage a half smile as this...
Chrissie picked up the post off the doormat after a hard day's work - Monday always seemed a tiring day after the weekend. She dropped it onto the worktop in the kitchen and thought, oh no, not more bills. She took her coat off and put the kettle on to make herself a refreshing cup of tea. The tea soon brewed and she grabbed the post and flicked through the envelopes realising that most of them were just junk mail, then surprisingly she saw a hand written one. It was just addressed to Chrissie,...
All this started almost incidentally at the end of a perfect evening when I was feeling especially wild. It was a beautiful spring night and my wife, Chrissie, and I had gone to a great engagement party for a friend who was marrying for the third time. The pavilion in the park where the party was held was beautiful and romantically lit. Many old friends were there. The band was terrific and we danced until the wee hours, drinking a great deal of expensive champagne. We let the top down on the...
BOOK FIVE "Boss Mommy" Part LCV A stubborn fleck of red polish remained stuck to Rebecca's big toenail, and as I tried to figure out how to remove it without pushing too hard, my mistress's shrill ringtone shattered my concentration. Rebecca answered the phone with a smile. From my position at her feet, I eavesdropped on her t?te-?-t?te. "Hey, Ma. How you doin'? ... that's good. Oh, yeah, she's great ... no, she don't get home from school till about 3 ... yeah, I know, I can't...
'That', Jane thought as she sat back down at her desk, 'that was when we really got close'. Elsie had taken her through into her big kitchen and had made a pot of tea, then sat with her as Jane spoke of her unhappiness and her fear that Tom was losing interest in her. 'No!' Elsie had remonstrated with her, 'he can't be. You're so lovely, sweetheart. So sexy. Men would be queuing up for you. My George would be first in line given half a chance!' And Jane had laughed through her...