Stan s backdoor neighbor
- 3 years ago
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Da wir uns hier in einer Comic-Welt befinden, darf es ruhig mit der entsprechenden übertriebenen Comic-Physik zugehen, sowohl was den Sex als auch eventuelle Action-Sequenzen angeht. Ich tendiere dazu, auch die physischen Proportionen der auftretenden Charaktere entsprechend klischeehaft und übertrieben zu betrachten. Darüber hinaus bevorzuge ich eine dunkle, pessimistische Comic-Welt ohne strahlende oder gar quietsch-bunte Figuren und ohne die klassischen Stereotypen von gut und böse. Auch die Superhelden können daher gerne düstere oder zumindest moralisch verdorbene Verbrechensjäger sein.
Gotham City, DC-Universum
Das Gotham Museum of Art lag nur schwach erleuchtet in einem der zahlreichen, städtischen Parks. Mitternacht war lange vorüber und selbst die letzten Besucher einer von Bruce Wayne initiierten Spendengala anlässlich der Öffnung eines neu gestifteten Flügels waren vor Stunden gegangen. Die letzten Nobelkarossen hatten den Parkplatz verlassen, die Bediensteten hatten das Buffet abgebaut und in einer nächtlichen Putzaktion die Ordnung und Sauberkeit wieder hergestellt und waren schließlich ebenfalls nach Hause gefahren. Dies war vor dreißig Minuten gewesen und mittlerweile rückte der Zeiger bereits auf vier Uhr in der Frühe zu.
"Da passiert nichts mehr", mutmaßte Robin und marschierte unruhig auf dem Dach des nächstliegenden Hochhauses hin und her. Seit Mitternacht harrte er hier mit gemeinsam mit Batgirl aus, da Batman in Person seines Alter Egos Bruce Wayne durch die Spendengala daran gehindert wurde, selbst die Wache zu übernehmen.
"Sie wird kommen." Batgirl hatte es sich an der kaum dreißig Zentimeter hohen Brüstung des Dachrandes bequem gemacht. Die hübsche Verbrecherjägerin lehnte mit dem Rücken dagegen und hatte die langen, schmalen Beine ausgestreckt, die wie der Rest ihres verführerischen Körpers in ihre knallengen Kostüm steckte, das ihre Figur hauteng betonte und nur wenig Spielraum für Phantasie ließ, obwohl beinahe jeder Quadratzentimeter ihres Körpers vollständig bedeckt war.
"Das hast du schon gesagt, als die letzten Leute vom Catering gegangen sind", beschwerte sich Robin. Er war nicht gerade für seine Geduld bekannt und dass er seit geraumer Zeit eine enorme Beule in der Hose hatte machte es auch nicht besser. Er konnte nur nicht sagen, ob der Anblick seiner Partnerin für den Dauerständer verantwortlich war oder ob es die Gedanken an Catwoman waren.
"Stimmt. Aber ich habe nie gesagt, dass sie innerhalb der nächsten fünf Minuten auftaucht. Catwoman ist gierig, aber nicht blöd. Sie wird es kaum erwarten können, die Jadekatze aus der neuen Ausstellung zu stehlen, aber sie weiß genau, dass ihre Chancen besser sind, wenn niemand mehr im Gebäude ist - außer vielleicht einem alten Nachtwächter, der wohl an eine Testosteronschock sterben wird, wenn sie ihn nur anlächelt."
Batgirl grinste und Robin fiel es schwer zu erkennen, ob es die Vorstellung des alten notgeilen Nachtwächters war, die sie amüsiert, oder ob sie sich über ihn lustig machte. Robin war sich sicher, dass sie seine Beule bemerkt hatte. Und es sah diesem Luder durchaus ähnlich, ihn weiter zu reizen. Sie wusste genau, dass Robin weder ihren Körper noch den von Catwoman ansehen konnte, ohne dabei geil zu werden. Und Batgirl genoss es, angestarrt zu werden und für das Versteifen von Ständern verantwortlich zu sein. Dabei spielte es für sie kaum eine Rolle, ob sie Robin, einige Passanten auf der Straße, eine Horde Henchmen oder irgendeinen Superschurken aufgeilte. Robin sah zu ihr herunter und seine Augen wanderten über ihren Körper, bis sein Blick die schmale Taille passiert hatte und auf den prallen Brüsten ruhte, deren runde Form sich allzu deutlich im hautengen Kostüm abzeichnete. Für ihre schmale Figur hatte Batgirl enorm große Brüste, auch wenn sie nicht so enorm gewaltig wie Catwomans Vorbau waren. Dennoch hatte die Verbrecherjägerin sicherlich DD-Körbchen oder mehr und Robin wusste, dass sie nachgeholfen hatte. Er leckte sich mit der Zunge über die Lippe und konnte sich kaum beherrschen.
New York, Marvel-Universum
S.H.I.E.L.D. hatte sein Hauptquartier in einem recht unauffälligen Gebäude-Komplex aufgeschlagen, dessen Stockwerke von diversen kleinen und mittelgroßen Firmen als Büroräume genutzt wurden. Zur Tarnung firmierte S.H.I.E.L.D. unter dem Namen, einem lokalen Anbieter für Internet-Service. Während des Tages gingen hier einige Agenten scheinbar herkömmlichen Jobs in einer imaginären Buchhaltung oder bei der Kundenbetreuung nach, um den falschen Schein aufrecht zu halten, doch um diese späte Nachtstunde war so gut wie niemand mehr anwesend und Lichter wie Computer waren abgeschaltet.
Die hohen Absätze von Natascha Romanoff alias Black Widow klackten auf dem Boden und hallten im leeren Großraumbüro wieder, dass sie durchquerte. Sie trug heute Abend unauffällige Zivilkleidung, da sie zu ihrem Privatvergnügen in einer Disco unterwegs gewesen war, als Nick Furys Anruf sie aus ihrer entspannten Wochenend-Planung gerissen hatte. Doch die Pflicht ging vor und um der Wahrheit die Ehre zu geben war ein Partyabend für Black Widow nur ein schlechter Ersatz für einen actionhaltigen und vielleicht sogar gefährlichen Auftrag. Sie hatte sich daher nicht verkneifen können, aus dezenter, aber durchaus erkennbarer Freude die Siegesfaust zu ballen. Der Kerl, den sie gerade kennengelernt hatte, musste sich wohl recht komisch vorgekommen sein, als sie ihm daraufhin erklärte zur Arbeit zu müssen, aber Natascha gab nicht sonderlich viel auf das emotionale Wohlbefinden eines potentiellen One Night Stands und dachte bereits nicht mehr über ihn nach, als sie das abgedunkelte Büro von Nick Fury betrat.
"Danke für ihr Erscheinen, Agent Romanoff." Der Leiter von S.H.I.E.L.D. war hinter seinem Schreibtisch nur als düsterer Schatten zur erkennen, der es sich vor der Fensterfront mit dem nächtlichen Ambiente von New York in einem Sessel bequem gemacht hatte.
"Stets zu Diensten, Sir." Natascha blieb stehen und wartete auf Furys Ausführungen.
"Wir haben einen Anruf von Dr. Richards erhalten." Wie üblich kam der einäugige Leiter von S.H.I.E.L.D. schnell zum Punkt.
"Dr. Reed Richards?" forschte Natascha nach. "Der Anführer der Fantastic Four."
"Eben jener." Fury entzündete sich eine Zigarette und bot Natascha die Schachtel ebenfalls an. "Er hat heute Nacht irgendein Experiment durchgeführt als er auf etwas gestoßen ist, dass sich seiner ersten Analyse zu folge als dimensionaler Riss erwiesen hat."
"Ein dimensionaler Riss", wiederholte Natascha und klang skeptisch, als sie sich eine Zigarette nahm und ebenfalls anzündete. "Klingt irgendwie als hätte Dr. Richards zu viel Stark Trek... ähm... ich meine natürlich Star Trek geschaut."
"Ich bezweifele, dass Dr. Richards seine Zeit mit Fiktion dieser Art vergeudet. Und so absurd dies klingen mag, kann ich die wissenschaftliche Meinung einer Koryphäe wie Dr. Richards nicht abtun, schon gar nicht nach unseren Erlebnissen in den letzten Jahren mit Loki und Thor. Noch vor zehn Jahren hätte ich einen Bericht über die real existierenden Götter Asgards auch für das Geschwätz eines Irren gehalten."
"Das ist ein Punkt für sie, Sir. Und weshalb bin ich hier? Dimensionale Risse würde ich im Kontext der Quantenphysik oder einer ähnlich abstrakten Wissenschaft vermuten. Und ich könnte nicht behaupten, dass dies mein Fachgebiet wäre."
"Deshalb sind sie auch nicht hier, Agent Romanoff. Ich habe bereits Mr.Stark und Dr.Banner informiert und sie zu einem Treffen mit Dr. Richards geschickt", erläuterte Fury, dessen Gesicht sich kurz im Dunkel enthüllte, als er an seiner Zigarette sog, "für sie habe ich eine andere Aufgabe, Agent Romanoff. Dr. Richards hat den Ursprung eines von ihm in diesem Zusammenhang aufgefangenen Signals zu einem Antiquitäten-Geschäfte in Downtown zurückverfolgt. Ihr Job wäre es, sich Vorort umzuschauen. Aber lassen sie Vorsicht walten, Agent Romanoff."
"Sehr wohl, Sir. Ich gehe mich umziehen."
Queen Lola Fae’s eyes snap open. Spirited away from her bright and sunny world of castles and tea parties, she finds herself in a dark underworld. Puzzled, she explores, and happens upon a room where five figures stand, cloaked in shadow. As she moves towards them, the figures are revealed: Steve Holmes, Michael Vegas, Ramon Nomar, Isiah Maxwell, and Small Hands. They grab her, running their hands over every inch of her tight little body, squeezing her perky titties and fingering her wet...
xmoviesforyouThere were gay men in this town but they were either already hooked up, over sixty or just not his type. He had never stopped thinking about Dino. As he sat eating his breakfast, skimming the Freemont Daily, he saw an article on the third page titled, "New York City Cop receives badge of honor for saving the life of eight hostages in a bank holdup." Interested in the article, he began to read it when Howie came in, his radio blaring. "Hey," he said. Joey laid the paper aside. "Turn...
I met Savannah Casey when she moved into the apartment down the hall from mine. She was moving things in by herself and, out of the goodness of my heart, decided to help. During the period of the first few weeks we began to talk more and more. From this I learned that she had no present relationship, virtually no family in the city and she wanted to start out fresh on everything. We continued to spend time together for the following month when I decided to ask her out. I expected a slap in the...
"Too bad about that. You could be over here with me ... of course I'd have to put my top back on if you were here..." "Why would you want to do that? You look beautiful the way you are." "Like you would know." "Uh ... I can see you, you know." "Right, and I'm Mother Teresa." "No, I'm serious. You're lying on your back with your top off." "What the..." Sandy hastily turned face down on the lounger. She was facing the back fence and looked toward Charlie's house but...
MAU: "To Catch a Killer" A Halloween Horror Story The deep shadows, cast by tall hedge row, were more than enough concealment as he moved forward. Slowly, the killer kept pace with his prey. Every sense tingled with pent up excitement, this was the moment he lived for and the moment he dreaded. His feet glided over the slightly damp grass as the girls giggled, a little drunk, and quite giddy from the Halloween party. They looked as different as two girls...
Introduction: Amber and her Father continue their fun with Mom! Comments are appreciated Ambers Family Part 8: A Week With Daddy Amber hand worked furiously on her clit and finally she came all over her chair thinking about her Father fucking her ass for the first time. FUCK YES! she shouted to the empty home as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted her body. She shuttered and moaned for a few more seconds until it was over. She slumped down on the breakfast table and looked at her cereal...
One hot, sunny, summer day we were walking along a local beach, G in a one piece swimsuit, me in swimming shorts. The tide was out and we slopped along the sandy flat in bare feet, carrying Crocs in our hands. At the end of the public area a high fence acts as a barrier to the adjacent nature reserve. The final fifty metres before the fence is well known as an unofficial naturist haunt, so while appearing to be looking ahead we also glanced surreptitiously up to the sheltered sections between...
I haven't talked to my sister in years, our family kind of moved apart. Recently I got a call from mysister, she invited me over to talk later that day. So after work I drove over and walked up to the door. Loud music was coming from the upstairs bedroom. I thought maybe her roommate was home and we'd have to be candid. I knocked on the door, no answer. I knocked louder. Nothing. I ran the door bell and heard, "Come in, damnit!" So I opened the door and sat on the couch. The music continued to...
The Sissy Mission series consists of short-short stories designed to give ideas for domme/sub play, solo "outings," or just for your reading enjoyment! The goal is to have a dozen vignettes. --CA Sissy Mission 5: Stacked Sissy By Cheryl Alison Everyone in the hardware store was staring at me. The checkout lady at the front of the store stared when I walked in. The mother and her teenage daughter stared. The guy in the back at the engine shop stared as I walked by. As I...
Jiri lived at the university. He was doing a science degree on a scholarship, and was very bookish, and had stellar grades, but Jiri had never kissed a girl. The residences were co-ed, and he had a few friends. Most were his fellow students, who appreciated working together with him to finish their assignments. Some of them were female, and some of these really liked Jiri, liked him a lot. But Jiri could see that they only wanted him for his brains, which seemed to him like an unsound basis...
“Oh, I do wish you had been able to be home this weekend.” Jolene sighed as she talked to Rocco on the telephone. She sat lounging on her couch, holding her cell phone in her hand. She was grateful to be able to talk to Rocco almost nightly while he had been on the road the past few weeks. It was one of the few activities lately that was getting her through the crazy state of the world.“Me, too, my sweet girl.” Rocco smiled into the phone, picturing Jolene in their living room. “Definitely next...
Masturbation1 year later Day 712 I’m amazed at what we have accomplished since our return from Macedon. Much of what we completed this year is because so many Macedonians now work for us. The sudden demise of Philip’s war machine led to a downturn in their economy that forced many of them to look for new jobs. We provided them jobs without humiliating them further. They helped with my construction projects in Macedon, including building the roads, fortifications, and draining the marsh. All the roads...
Marilyn Johnson begins her day on her knees like a good whore is supposed to. Leather belts are added to restrain her. Codey Steele enters the room. He inspects her body including all her holes and begins throat-fucking her. He eventually lays her on her back and finger-bangs her pussy until she explodes with orgasms. Next, Marilyn is on her knees in doggy, positioned on a wooden box, with her hands pulled between her legs. This time Marilyn is subjected to corporal punishment. Codey uses a...
xmoviesforyouHello friends mera name maddy hai and ye meri first and real story hai. Main apni mom and sister ke sath rahta hun. Ye story meri sis ki hai ki kese wo apne bf se chudti hai wo bhi meri persmission se. Jyada time na lete hue story start karta hun.College ke baad mere best friend ne apne dad ki company main job dilba di thi and ghar ki sari responsibility mere upper hai. Meri sis jiska name payal hai wo college ke final year main hai. Uska fig 34 28 34 hai. She got hot body fig with long hairs....
Carol asked me to sleep over after a night of sex with just the two of us. She told me she keeps a razor, toothbrush, men's underwear just in case. I am ecstatic. We fell asleep with me spooning Carol. Maybe this can all work out. In the middle of the night or early morning, I had this fuzzy feeling that my cock is wet. I woke up and looked down at Carol. She was kneeling over me with her mouth wrapped around my cock. She sensed that I was awake and smiled at me. Although I loved...
Interracial“The ancient town of Arpeggio lies at the base of Mt. Zabanya. Legend has it that a thousand years ago, Arpeggio was being attacked by a group of bandits. The villagers took whatever they could and tried to escape up the mountain to escape the marauders. The bandits chased the villagers up the mountain and so the villagers were desperate to climb the mountain so they could flee to the other side. After days of climbing, the villagers found that the peak seemed no closer and the bandits were...
RomanceWhat first attracted my eyes to her was her height, for she was about two heads taller than most of the other women in the crowd. Her bright pink hair sported streaks of black down each side, and her oil-black sunglasses, worn inside the hectic train station, made many people stop and stare at her, usually before quickly scurrying out of her way. Yet, despite the black leather jacket and the gray chest-hugging top and the black miniskirt and the black-and-blue thigh-high stockings and the...
We packed up our food and supplies and were about to get ready to leave when he came in and laid a few things down on the bed. One was a very strange looking thong like device he told me to put on underneath my hiking shorts. He watched as I rather sheepishly complied to his wishes. Next he ordered me to remove my bra and stand up before him while he placed two lightly weighted nipple clamps on me. As I was turning away from him to step back into my shorts he asked if I would like to see...
Denise woke. She felt... odd. She rolled over, feeling stiff and sore. "Oh!" She remembered why she felt a bit sore, there and smiled, remembering the feeling of Stan being deep inside her ass, the stretching being a little uncomfortable, but the sensation of being filled was soooo good! She looked down. Stan was still asleep, bless him. She loved the sex, of course, but it was the emotional connection that she had with Stan that made it so special, so breathtaking. She knew Stan wasn't...
Here are some of my memorable jerking off situations:When I used to live in an upper floor apartment, my bathroom window faced across the street to another bathroom apartment window. Each night when I used my bathroom to wash up I would naturally glace up to look thru the window in front of the sink while brushing my teeth and see a girl in the opposite bathroom across the street changing...for many days and weeks I saw this scene at the same time and of couse I would get a hard on while...
~~~~~ DAY 4-D ~~~~~ "What the fuck are you doing slave!?" Mistress demands from the doorway. It feels like a lifetime ago, but it was only yesterday when Ashley last heard Mistress' commanding voice. Ashley feels helpless in her bound state. Arms still strapped to the side of her leather table. Her legs spread wide open, unable to bring themselves together thanks to the thick restraints buckled around her ankles. The chastity belt tightly pressing against her asshole. It keeps her pussy lips...
BDSMI was on my phone looking at old pictures of my family and particularly my stepson, Lucas, when he suddenly walked in the room asking for my car keys. I was all nostalgic and emotional so he turned back and asked if I was ok. We started to look at the pictures together while talking about those old times. I asked him if he remembered when he would sneak under my blanket to play with my feet. He said he clearly does, and it was those particular moments that likely triggered his foot fetish. I...
xmoviesforyouHello friends. Ye sexstory mere mom aur unke ek facebook friend abhay ki hai . Abhay ne phele meri mom se dosti ki aur phir wo meri mom ke saath sex kia. Meri mom ek housewife hai aur unka figure 38-32-38 hai. Unke boobs aur gaand kafi bari hai .Wo ghar pe jada nighty pehenti hai jisse dekh ke ass pass wale uncle unko gandi najar se jada dekhte hai. Ye story tab ki hai jab papa kai week ke lia bahar rehte the aur mai hostel me. Mai unka facebook id dekh raha tha ki ek abhay naam ka ladka unse...
Rex waited patiently for what was to come. He was so hot and excited down deep inside he could hardly stand it, but he was straining to maintain his calm and patience. He knew it would be worth the wait. Goddamn, he kept repeating to himself, she's gonna be great. He and May had planned everything expertly. Their innocent little game of video blackmail was working perfectly, and Rex was ready now for the final payoff -- Vikki! The knock at the door made his cock twitch in his pants. He knew...
First of all, I like to thank you all of my readers, It’s kind of overwhelming for me to get a such a huge response on this Page. And for Lady fans, feel free to write the sex story. * Name used in the Sex Story is Imaginary, to hide the Identity of Reader, Rest all details are true Now moving on to Story. It all started during the summer vacation of our university(2014). At the end of the 3rd year, we have to do Summer training. So, I and my roommate Deepak stayed with his girlfriend, she was...
Monday, June 14, 2010 Jake was sitting at his computer looking for information to help him understand Kate’s condition when Shannon and Christine arrived. Shannon was dressed suggestively in a tight pair of jeans and a low cut top. Christine was wearing a modest pair of slacks and a blouse. “Hello, Kitten,” Jake said to Shannon and pulled her to him for a slow kiss. He glanced at Christine. “Good,” Jake said. “Stick with the modest clothing for now. I’ll tell you when you can start showing...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Wicked Speech By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “What was your favorite part of campaigning for president?” Adelia Tash asked me. I shivered, and the answer came immediately to my lips. “The rallies.” It was so interesting to talk about the most public part of my life: my bid to become the first futa-president of the United States. I was popular. Almost every woman in America wanted to have my daughter. The all loved me. I just had to keep them...
Methinks Thou Dost Protest Too Much. By Teddie S. Part 1 It Begins. "No! Katie, I won't do it." "But, it's only for a few days." "No way." "But, this won't work without four. All the publicity shots have been done and printed. We can't change them." "I don't care. There is no way, not even for an hour." "You're being selfish." "No, I'm not. What if someone finds out. I would never hear the end of it." "No...
Jennifer had never known her dad, since he'd left before she was born. But she'd always wanted to find him. And, now that she had finally gotten her driver's license, she'd done just that. She'd tracked him down over the internet and discovered that he was a mechanic, living in a town that was only two hours from her home. So today she had set out to connect with him and now, now she sat staring at him, watching him work. "He's definitely handsome", she remarked, understanding why her...
I had been away to college for two years and had not been home for some time. As I drove down familiar streets, I found my self wondering about those I knew. As I reached a certain intersection, I turned into the side streets and passed slowly by Charlie's uncle Harry's home. As I passed I wondered what young piece of boi pussy uncle Harry was servicing. At the next corner I stopped and turned around and parked in Harry's driveway. As I sat I remembered the sex sessions I had with Harry and...
I woke up at five the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock. It took me a moment to remember why it was going off at this early hour. I was finally able to drag myself out of bed and went down the hall to the other bedroom. I went inside and saw Donna cuddled up close to Sarah. 'If that is how I look when I'm cuddled up to Sarah, I can understand why everyone tells me that it's so cute, ' I thought to myself. I walked over to the side of the bed and started to nudge Donna by the...
Hello everybody. I have been a big fan if ISS for a long time now and have decided that I would like to share my story with you all. I am 25 year old married woman, my figure is 37-27-32. I am fair with dark brown nipples and waist length curly black hair. My name is Lovely. My husband’s name is Sameer; he is 30 year old, 5’11”, fair with 8 inches long and 2 inches thick penis. He is a Gujarati guy whereas I am a Christian girl. Our’s was a love marriage and it was protested by both of our...
They lay in bed next to each other. He trailed his fingers softly over her breasts and gripped them. Her body raised in response. Encouraged, he squeezed a little more firmly. In turn, she moved her body to face his, letting out a light moan. He kissed her, first softly, then more intensely. He began to rub her back muscles. “Mhmfff…” she said. “That feels so good.” He sat up and put her face down on the bed, then straddled her naked body. He was on her upper thighs and his hard penis rested...
Straight Sex(This is a continuous story in multiple parts. It will only make sense if you read it in order.) : : : : : A few days later, as Brian was just about to leave to go to band practice, his smart phone chimed, announcing that he had received a text. (Blair) >, U going 2nite? (Brian) <,<,<, Yeah U? >, No gotta work <,<,<, That sucks <,<,<, work Fri nite? >, I traded shifts to get off for 7 Worlds <,<,<, O, I C >, U working Sun? <,<,<, No. U? ...
DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay. But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesSorry HoneyJohn walked into the house after a long day at work. He was ready to finally start college in the coming months and the job money would help. As he entered, he heard his mother calling him into the kitchen. Julia, a beautiful woman in her mid 40’s, was seated at the kitchen...
Driving in my car I felt free. No one was there to judge me. No one was there to bicker at me. I was level headed, and free of stress. I felt the breeze go through my hair as the top of my convertible rolled back. I smelled in the Autumn air and turned on the radio. Smooth Jazz played on the radio and I could relax. Finally. After three years of bitching, one could only take so much. Yes I’ll admit I was at fault to some things. I mean I did look at others, but I didn’t touch. Unlike him. I had...
Introduction: Wife and Hubby enjoy a 3some We arrange to take the day off and have a marathon. After a relaxing morning of coffee, you excuse yourself to get ready for our guest. You take a bath, shave your body smooth and put on a sexy pair of thigh high stockings, a g-string and a spaghetti strap bustier. Our bedroom is clean, and its a rainy day outside. Our friend, Dale, comes over as planned and we join you in the bedroom. Dale is a good looking guy, about my size with big broad shoulders...
1996 at Delta Dental in Tacoma Washington I was returning from taking X-Rays of Mrs. Rappaport's bicuspids for evaluation when Waverly, one of the other hygienists at the Delta Dental office in Tacoma where I worked pulled me aside and had me follow her to the ladies room. She said, "Di, you'll never believe what Marshall Arrington did. He's such a perv!" Always up for some good dish. I replied, "He's the new dentist from Yakima, isn't he? I thought he was rather cute. Of course,...
Riding Bitch Chapter 4 By Cissykay Cora and I could hear the whir of the camera. We had been in our present predicament for about a half hour as far as I could tell. Every once in a while she would make a purring sound as I kissed and licked ass. I felt sorry for her. She was stretched very tightly to the four posts of the bed, and with the ring gag in her mouth; she was unable to communicate with me. At least my mouth was free to ask questions, and get a positive or negative...
Tina and Tim the great next door neighbour. We have lived in the same house for over 10 years and have enjoyed the good times with friends and family over the years. But last year was a year to remember and one that changed the way I think about what a good neighbour will do for you. It all started when the house next to ours went up for sale and a new young couple moved in. They had 2 small c***dren and seem to fit right in with everyone. My wife and I our on our second marriage and our k**s...
The Rupert Family Adventures 01 It was hard to believe that only last evening the entire family was having dinner and discussing their daughter‘s private diary. Ralph and Arlene had both read it from cover to cover and considered it very interesting. Their daughter, Winifred, was delighted to hear what they had to say about her private life and where it might take her in the very near future. Their son, Harold, was three years younger than his big sister,...
There was a nice night. or at least I thought it might be, I was hell on wheels I suppose. Freshly released I left my door, out to get laid. And why not? I was after all, 22 years old. I had thought, I had loved but damn, it's time to Fuck, I thought.So down on highway 51 I went that night for what seemed hours. Cars, people, no eye contact. Searching for a green eyed goddess he spotted me, and as a cheetah in dusk he pounced."hey, do you have any matches" he grinnedI settled my head up...
The Eddington Facility, Near Drinkwater, Saskatchewan, Canada David Eddington’s family had owned a farm near Drinkwater for nearly 200 years, since the late 19th Century in fact. Well, leased it anyway. Over time, the farm had subsumed nearly all the surrounding farms and now stretched nearly all the way to Moose Jaw to the northwest and Pense to the northeast. The farm was roughly an oval that was 15 miles on its long axis by 10 miles on its short axis – or 24 km by 16 km, give or take....
They call me Dr. JuggsIt had been a long night of pulling a double at work. I just closed the bar when I whipped out my cock and was taking a leak in the restroom at work. I had work my last shift for two weeks and was looking forward to some rest and relaxation when it hit me. I was always looking for an angle to meet hot chicks with big breast. I had opened a big tit lingerie store a few years ago but did not stay in business very long. I had stained too many bras and panties and tried to...
Pam Perkins opened the door and grabbed both girls as they stood looking into the kitchen. “Patti – Polly, I’m so glad you came early this morning. Travis and I have some young friends about your age who we want you to meet.” “Mom, you should be ashamed, asking Travis to wear those old ‘big’ panties. You should at least, give him some nice bikini panties if you’re going to make him wear women’s underwear.” “Hon, I wasn’t about to let him wear my expensive panties ... Now, I want you and...
Blonde beauty Bunny Madison looks sexy in slinky swimwear, flaunting fleshy breasts and a plump rump. Bunny models a green bikini and black heels, stripping and smiling into the camera. She chats with director Mick Blue about anal sex, eager to get the action started! Bunny masturbates, oiling up her big boobs and booty as she diddles her twat. Next, she kneels to give Mick a worshipful blowjob. Slobber seeps from her lips as she sucks his big cock, and the nasty babe crudely rims his asshole!...
xmoviesforyouI am Sandhya and a regular visitor of this site. This incident has happened when I was 21 years old and was in the final year of my college. I used to live in Vasant Kunj, Delhi and one of my friends Shefali, who lives in defense colony invited me for a party at their neighbor’s house. It was a late night party. My parents usually won’t allow such parties. So, I had to make a story that I would be going for my friend’s place for combined study and would spend the night there. Another one of our...
Hello, friends, this is my first sex story here on this portal. You can send me your feedback with suggestions and comments on I am 30 yr old single guy from Mumbai. Let me tell in brief about the bombshell who seduced me to fuck her. She is height 5’5 and she is the dusky-skinned girl with a breast size of 32b. Her name is Kritika and she always likes to grab the attention of the guys around her. Her hips and her ass are the highlights of her body. She has a big curvy ass and she sways it...
Right after they got back, Sophia was waiting for Warren to come to her house so they could go to the ice rink. He had gotten his license right after they had gotten back. "Finally, I'm not the only child around here," he quipped. They got to the rink and they were putting their skates on. June was there, waiting for them. "Guys, I've got an idea. I want to scrap the Sinatra program." Warren said. "Huh?" Sophia asked. "It's half way choreographed!" "Yeah, I know, and if you...
In my early to mid-twenties I developed a fetish for masturbating in public places. I usually indulged in this naughty pastime in the company of my boyfriend (now my husband) but occasionally I fulfilled the urge when I was alone. Usually the act took place when there was no one else around, but it was always more exciting when there was a chance someone might catch me in the act. Over time, I became more adventurous in my wanking exploits, but more about that later.The first time, I was with...
Hintergrund Ich liebe Sex. Immer, seit ich vor acht jahren meine Unschuld verloren habe. Ich bin jetzt 24, langes Haar, habe ziemlich große Brüste, eine ganz gute Figur und ein hübsches Gesicht. Die meisten Leute finden mich sehr attraktiv. `Natürlich kann man nicht allen gefallen. Trotzdem mag ich meine Figur. Ich bin kein Stock, aber ich bin nicht dick. Ich trainiere, habe Muskeln, aber auch schöne Kurven. Und ich bin das, was du wahrscheinlich eine Schlampe nennen würdest. Ich bin einfach....
Group SexCHAPTER-I – INTRODUCTION Lust is a poison which when enters in our mind, paralyses it and resets in a state where we lose our ability to analyze what is ethical and what is unethical. As the effect of this poison increases our physical desires over powers the capacity of our mind to judge between right or wrong, good or bad, to do or not to do. The only thing which sustains is either the desire for flesh or the quest for fulfilling the hidden fantasies. This majorly happens at the age when...
IncestAfter Ricky confesses to his masseuse that he’s convinced his girlfriend, Mona is cheating on him, Vanessa tells him that she’s trouble and he should end it. But Ricky isn’t so quick to abandon his girlfriend. After all, he’s fairly certain this infidelity is karma for all the times he’s cheated on women in the past. He’s never been one to keep his dick in his pants, and before long he’s back to his old ways – enjoying a heated tryst with Vanessa...
xmoviesforyouA girl appears amongst the barren trees and branches hovering above the sidewalk. She is so meek, it seems as if she is cowering from underneath them. Looking down, her erect nipples were clearly seen through her thin, see-through shirt. An amateur mistake to make in winter days. Looking around, she noticed nobody was lurking. Horny as she was, she couldn't help but hide in the bushes in front of a house and begin twisting and turning her nobs. Hands began grasping the melons hastily, and just...
WARNING: This story contains a scene of bound rape and humiliation. It is fictional only. Debra was looking for a gift to get her husband, Dan, for his birthday. Dan would be turning 30, and she wanted to get him something special. Dan had mentioned all he really wanted was Debra. She decided if she was to be Dan’s present, she should be properly “gift wrapped”. Debra called a friend of Dan’s named Jake. Jake and Dan had been friends since they were kids. Jake owned an Adult Book and Accessory...
FetishHORNY Sisyphus “I’m so fucking horny I can’t stand it,’’ I said when I got home from the café where I waitress. I lit a joint and took a hit. “I need it bad!” I said, knowing getting high gets me even hotter and felt that itch in my pussy that drives me crazy. I have all the toys I need to get off, but I wanted more. I wanted a big cock to satisfy my insatiable lust, my absolute love for a good hard fuck. I have a great body and I love wearing sexy clothes that get guys to look at my ass and...
Straight Sex