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"I have client meetings during the day", Samantha explained as she and Brent sipped their orange juice," but we’ll have our evenings together, and once the weekend rolls around, you and I can do whatever we like" She grinned across the table at him, that wicked, toothy grin that only a tigress can get away with, copper hair framing her feminine but somehow slightly intimidating visage.
Brent smiled back, she was his wife after all. He’s seen that grin many times before. "Sure, whatever works", he replied, "I mean, it’s nice enough that your company’s paying for this little getaway in the first place, I don’t suppose it’s a lot to ask for you to do a little work while you’re here." He inhaled deeply, smelling the sea breeze coming in off the ocean into the open-air café in the lobby of their beachfront hotel. Brent’s lupine sense of smell always brought him such pleasant feelings in places like this.
"I just hope you can keep yourself busy during the day by yourself." Samantha said, in that tone he could never quite determine was serious or teasing. She took a bite of her croissant, then continued, "I mean I hope you’ll leave all the adventurous stuff like scuba diving and parasailing until we can do it together."
Brent chuckled. "I don’t think that’ll be a problem. I think a few days of sitting by the ocean sipping margaritas will be just fine for me."
Samantha humphed, and said teasingly, "I don’t want to be stuck in meetings all day, I want to be back here sitting by the pool drinking margaritas too."
Now it was Brent’s turn to grin toothily, "Dear, if you were back here during the day, we probably wouldn’t be sitting by the pool all that much." He cut off a chunk of ham and chomped it off the end of the fork, as if to emphasize something.
Samantha giggled. "Touche."
Brent smiled as he trotted up the beach from the surf, water still dripping down his lean but toned, gray-furred frame. The warm sun felt wonderful on him, and he felt no need to towel himself off. A good swim like that definitely deserves some poolside relaxation. He thought to himself, as he snapped his towel up off the sand and walked over to the steps leading back up to the hotel. Passing the pool, he dropped his towel off on an empty lounge chair, and looked down at the clear water, then realized that he still had sand in his shorts, and seemingly all the nooks and crannies within. He chuckled and muttered to himself, But first, a shower.
The changing room at the Plaza Del Sol was no less exquisite than the rest of the place. Marble floors, brass fixtures, sauna, the works. He wondered how the hotel staff managed to keep the place so clean with so much traffic from sand-laden ocean swimmers. He walked over to the shower area, clawtips clicking on the marble floor. The room was warm and steamy, someone was already in there. He stripped out of his sandy trunks, hanging them up on an empty brass peg, and walked into the shower room to find an open nozzle.
The wolf stopped, and gasped audibly. He felt fortunate that the sound of the shower’s running water probably masked the noise. Standing under the nozzle was an equine, he must have been nearly seven feet tall. He was well-muscled, but toned in proportion, not overbuilt like some of the bodybuilder-types he’d seen. Chestnut fur covered his body, from the ends of his arms, down his back, to just above his hooves. The horse’s hands and hooves sported black fur, just a little longer and thicker than his body fur.
The equine’s hands were raised up over his head, massaging shampoo in his black mane. He faced the wall, letting the water run down his chest. Brent couldn’t help but stare, wide-eyed, as droplets slowly trickled down the equine’s shoulders, muscled bulging a bit from his arms’ position, along his spine, to the small of his back. The horse’s ass was round, almost femininely so, two smooth semi-globes that, despite their shape, were almost certainly hard as rocks. The equine’s legs were spread slightly, and Brent could see the horse’s scrotum hanging between his thighs, testicles nearly the size of Brent’s fists, water dribbling down off their hairless ebony surface.
He shook himself out of his daze, remembering what he was here for, and strode over to the nozzle two down from the horse, turning on the water and letting it run through his own fur. He tried not to stare at the other male too nozzles down, but his peripheral vision kept catching glimpses.
The horse turned around, leaning back to rinse the shampoo out of his hair. At this, Brent now openly gawked. Hanging from the horse’s sheath was the thickest, longest cock he had ever seen. Even limp, its girth far surpassed his own, vein-laden and black. It hung to just above the equine’s knees, the wide, blunt but slightly-rounded crown bumping against the equine’s thighs.
"Sixteen." The horse whickered to him, in a low but friendly and pleasant voice.
Brent staired, nearly falling over backward, catching himself on the shower knobs, then making a weak attempt to look like he was rinsing himself off.
"Uh, pardon me?" he grumbled, embarrassed.
"Sixteen inches," the equine replied, "Don’t worry, you’re not the first to stare."
Brent moved his mouth for a moment, but no words seemed to come out. He wasn’t used to this. He was a married wolf, after all! He hadn’t looked at another woman like that in years, much less another man. Sure, he'd had that one experience with a guy back in college, but that was his roommate, it was just a friendly thing, a couple of guys getting off together it wasn’t like this, like gaping at another man’s body, a complete stranger no less.
"I, er, um" he stammered.
"I’m Karl," the equine said, smiling a warm smile, squeezing the last of the water out of his long black mane. "It’s a pleasure to meet you?" He left it open as a question, as if he expected a reply.
"B-Brent." He managed to reply. He was now painfully aware of his own nudity, and the fact that the horse seemed to be looking him over now, too. Perhaps not in the same wide-eyed way he was eyeing the equine earlier, but in something more than a passing glance nonetheless. "I’m Brent. Nice to meet you, too."
Karl smiled, turning off the shower knobs. Brent almost sighed, he realized he was quite enjoying watching the water run down over the horse’s body. The equine looked a moment longer, then slowly walked over to where his towel was hung. "Married, eh? You here with your wife?" he asked, as if making conversation.
Brent rinsed himself off, momentarily unable not to look in Karl’s direction.
"Uh, yeah she’s gone for the day though, business." The wolf managed to say. He turned the water off, feeling cleaned enough.
Karl began to dry himself off, running the towel over his chiseled arms, his broad, defined chest. "Really," he commented, "That’s too bad. This is a great resort for couples."
Brent realized he’d left his towel out by the pool. He just stood there, dripping, not really sure what to do next. He walked over to his swim trunks, taking them off the hook, realizing that they were still full of sand. "Oh well, um, we’re here through the weekend, so we’ll have some time together. He replied."
Karl smiled that warm smile, something Brent was growing quite fond of seeing. He finished drying off, walked over to the sauna door, turned the latch and opened it. He turned and looked at Brent, his long black tail swishing over his rear. "Join me? Or are you just going to stand there and drip-dry?"

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