Bikeweek To Remember
- 2 years ago
- 29
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I'd known Cherise since she was a little girl and had always enjoyed having her over. She was now a grown woman at twenty-five. That cute little carrot top girl with all the freckles turned into one gorgeous redhead. Mature and sure of herself, Cherise graduated with a degree in physical therapy and had started her own practice in town. She and my stepdaughter, Susan had their share of falling outs over the years, but they always made up. They traded boyfriends once or twice in high school, quit talking to each other for periods of time, and played sports together all through middle school, high school, and college. Both graduated from the same university; they even pledged the same sorority.
Now, Cherise was getting married. Susan was her Maid of Honor. Susan was just as independent as Cherise. With a business degree, she was a CFO at a small start-up tech company down the block from Cherise. Susan seemed to be happy as a single woman, rarely if ever bringing anyone home to meet 'dad'. I didn't mind as long as she was happy. She was the spitting image of her mother, my late wife, tall, brunette, with a dark olive complexion and the bluest eyes ever.
Cherise had dated her fiancé, Eric off and on during college. He found a job after graduation close to town just to be near her. When Cherise announced the engagement she and Eric asked if they could hold the wedding on my property. How could I refuse my stepdaughter's best friend? Cherise was also going to spend the week between her party and the wedding at my house, finalizing arrangements with the wedding planner and making sure everything was in place for her big day. She had moved out of her apartment and was going to stay with me because Eric had a strange superstition regarding seeing the bride before the wedding so it was an ideal set-up for them.
I inherited a twenty-five acre horse farm with plenty of flat land about twenty miles from the nearest town when my parents passed away. The betrothed couple planned on holding the reception in the riding arena which would make for an easy cleanup.
Susan, being the Maid of Honor was in charge of the bachelorette party. She made all the arrangements for food and entertainment along with planning the games.
Friday night, eight days before the wedding my house was completely decorated for the party. I helped Susan and Cherise decorate the family room, went to the store for sodas, mixers, chips, finger foods and booze. Any leftovers could be available for the wedding reception so there was no worry about buying too much. They had decided to drink Margaritas so I bought three bottles of mixer and a half gallon of Jose Cuervo gold.
I was home when the girls' party started on Friday night. I figured they would have the usual silly games, watch movies, gossip or do whatever young women do these days. I'd read in my bedroom or go out to the shop and work on a project or two. I thought they might get strippers but it never occurred to me the ones they got wouldn't be the ones they expected.
Susan and Cherise assembled a little taco buffet bar to go with the Margaritas so they would have something filling to munch on during the festivities. They had plenty to drink and the girls were feeling very silly by the time the strippers were due to show up. They had played some games and were in the middle of a "truth or dare" thing when the noise got to be too much for me. I headed out to my shop to give them some space and me some quiet. As I walked across the drive a beat up Honda drove up. It parked near one of the corrals. The two girls inside looked around wondering if they were in the right place.
I had a questioning look on my face when they opened the car doors and got out. They were close to Susan and Cherise's ages I guessed. At first, I thought they were friends or sorority sisters, only they were dressed differently than the partygoers who were in blouses, shorts and flip flops. Attired in somewhat scantly cowgirl outfits, they obviously didn't get the casual attire memo. One was a leggy brunette, the other blonde, a bit shorter and quite top heavy. It suddenly occurred to me they were the strippers, something that really didn't make sense to me for a bachelorette party when all the girls were straight, or at least I thought they were straight. I thought if Susan had requested strippers I'd be greeted by a cop, firefighter, cowboy or at least someone male.
I walked over to greet them trying not to stare at the blonde's ample breasts, "Hi, can I help you?"
"Hi, we're here for the bachelor party," the busty blonde grinned.
I focused on her boobs as they jiggled which thinking back was really somewhat rude of me. But, they were there and they were very impressive.
I told them, "I think you girls have the wrong address, this is a bachelor ETTE party."
"Huh, is this 35972 Wild Run Road?" the brunette read from a slip of paper.
"Yes, it is, but I doubt these girls want female strippers."
I heard the front door open then the rumblings of the girls anticipating their male strippers. A few 'who's there'? with giggles and laughs floated through the air as I tried to clarify the situation.
"Well, our dispatcher gave us this address, maybe we should call her,” the leggy brunette suggested.
"We have done all girl parties before,” the blonde smiled.
The brunette was getting a bit agitated, "Oh god, not again. This is the second time this month she's done that to me. I didn't get paid last time because the "birthday boy" wasn't at that house."
"You're welcome to come in and use the phone, cell coverage is really bad out here. You may have to deal with six very disappointed girls inside."
The blonde winked at me, "I've dealt with that situation before and when I left they were all smiling."
"Well, I'd rather do that than not get paid for driving all the way out here. Plus the tips we'll miss,” sighed the brunette.
The brunette seemed like she was going to cry at that point so I guided them to the kitchen. On the way, the partygoers gasped and giggled at my little entourage. Susan followed us into the kitchen as I showed the brunette the phone. I told my daughter the situation, she listened quietly looking them both over as I explained. I could see her focused mainly on the boobs of the blonde while I explained what I knew. After I'd finished, she thought about it for a few seconds then started laughing.
She came up with an idea, sticking her hand out for the phone, she told the brunette, "Cherise is going to just die, let me talk with the dispatcher since I set this up."
Smiling, the girl handed the phone to Susan. She turned her back to us while I made small talk with our new guests. They explained about the other times they'd been sent to the wrong place. They also mentioned why they were dancing. They figured it was a good way to make extra college money to help keep down their student loans. They seemed like nice girls so I listened and smiled, nodding my head every once in awhile. After a bit, Susan hung up, turned, and told us what she'd negotiated.
"You'll both get paid, but the two guys who were supposed to be here are screwed. They picked up the wrong address paperwork. They are at a bachelor party on the other side of the county. Much too far away to get here in time. The dispatcher admitted it was the company's mistake so I got a little discount. You two are good for your normal fees. Sound okay?"
The two girls were ecstatic, jumping up and down, not only hugging each other but Susan and I. Susan's eyes widened as she watched the blonde bounce up and down, breasts merrily bouncing with her. I'm sure my eyes did too as I waited for her twins to pop out. Fortunately, they didn't and we listened to what Susan had in mind.
"This is what I want you both to do," Susan had an evil grin on her face as she said that. I had a feeling I knew what she was up to.
"I want you to do your thing with the redhead out there. You may even get a tip since I got a discount. If it goes like I want it to, you'll get the tip."
The girls looked at each other and nodded, wanting to be sure they got their money, they agreed.
"What's her name?" the brunette asked.
"Cherise, and don't hold back. By the way, I'm Susan, this is my dad, Charles."
The brunette introduced herself, her name was Vicki, the blonde smiled as she shook my hand introducing herself as Debbie. She and Susan seemed to take a bit longer shaking hands. Maybe it was my imagination, but the blonde seemed to puff her chest out more when Susan was looking at her than any other time. I think my darling stepdaughter was fascinated by the size of the girl's breasts.
The girls got their things together to begin the show, slipping a CD in a little player, then adjusting their costumes. Debbie asked Susan to help her which she seemed more than willing to do. She straightened the girl's vest after making sure her bikini top was perfect. Debbie grinned, giving Susan a peck on the cheek along with a 'Thank-you'. My daughter looked a bit flush after that but again it could have been my imagination. Standing back, she nodded her approval with Debbie posing and showing off her wares.
I hadn't really thought I'd stay to watch the "planned" show, but this was getting good, so I decided to stick around to see what happened. I exited the kitchen taking up a position against the wall near the entry to the hall so I could see Cherise's reactions. Susan came out, coughing to get everyone's attention since they were all huddled talking in whispers, wondering what was going on.
Susan began, "Ladies, we have a slight change in plans for tonight's entertainment. I hope you all enjoy it and look at this in the spirit it was intended. Cherise, don't hate me but, there are a couple of cowgirls here who know you have already roped your man. They want to show you how to keep him corralled so he won't become a stray little doggie. They are here to show you the proper way of doing just that."
She did her best to keep a straight face as she was making up the intro. It did sound a bit lame but what can you do at the last minute when you're playing an unplanned joke. As they sat and waited we heard a song start. "Back in the saddle again" by Aerosmith came on as the two girls came out swishing and strutting. The blonde was twirling a little lariat and holding the music while the brunette spun two little six-shooters on her fingers. Debbie set the player down on a chair then continued her routine. I have to admit they did look cute doing that. I laughed but a couple of the girls just sat there staring, wondering what was going on. Cherise looked at Susan and nearly coughed Margarita out her nose as the two "entertainers" strutted towards her doing just what they would have done had the audience been male.
Debbie wore a small cowboy hat, vintage 1950's pink, fringed in white. A matching vest which was too tiny to be of much practical use covered her upper body. Under her vest, her bra was red with white stripes on one breast, the other was blue with little white stars. The two triangular pieces of shiny cloth barely covered her areolas. Her pink chaps matched her hat and vest; the tiny fringes on her chaps looked a bit frayed as she strutted about. She wore a pair of six inch clear heels commonly known as 'stripper heels' I discovered later. Her outfit couldn't help but bring one's eyes to her bust and tight ass. I guess that's why she wore what she did, maximum titillation.
Vicki was dressed in a white satin vest with matching shiny shorts that clung to her like a second skin. Her shoes were a bit more like boots while still having the six-inch elevation. Her long, tanned legs were taut and definitely her main focal point. Her too small white hat contrasted with her hair color and dark olive complexion which made the outfit that much more appealing on her. Her holsters slung low on her waist were home to the matching plastic, pearled handled six-shooters she twirled in her entrance.
The two girls walked around the room showing off their bodies while smiling at each of the six girls. Their movements meant for enticement; clutching themselves and contorting their bodies to taunt and tease the usual male clients seemed to have the opposite effect on a couple of the girls. Their focus eventually turned to Cherise, each sauntering up to her and displaying their wares. Vicki took Cherise's hand and pulled her somewhat reluctantly to a chair that Susan had managed to sneak out to the middle of the room. The two girls swayed and bobbed up and down in front and to her sides as she sat there turning a bright crimson. She looked at Susan with eyes that could have pierced steel. She told my daughter her she was going to get even, but Susan just doubled over laughing as Debbie began removing her chaps and shaking her ass in front of Cherise.
When Debbie began removing clothes two girls stood up and began their goodbyes. Debbie shut the music off thinking they had just been canned. The two girls said the idea was funny but they just didn't want to see it actually happen. Debbie and Vicki apologized, the girls told them not to worry about it. It wasn't anyone's fault and that it was really a cute idea. Susan and Cherise walked them to the door while Vicki and Debbie stood around waiting. The room seemed eerily quiet so I walked over to our dancers to thaw some of the ice.
"I'm being a bad host; would you two like something to drink?"
"Whatever is easy," Vicki said and Debbie nodded. I felt bad for them, it wasn't their fault the girls were prudes and they couldn't stand a joke. Susan and Cherise walked back in discussing something when they saw Vicki and Debbie sipping Margaritas I had brought them.
"We can continue if you want, Susan. We made a deal. We have no problem living up to it." Debbie smiled as she looked at the rest of them.
Cherise came up with a change of plans, "Why don't we change it a bit?"
"How about instead of focusing on me, give us all little individual shows; maybe we can learn something to keep our men folk home nights,” she added with a smirk and a slight twang.
"Sure, we can do that. When we're done, if you want our business cards we could do like a class or something. Dancing is really a great cardio workout when it's done right,” Vicki mentioned.
"Sounds good, I definitely think we may learn something tonight." Susan smiled looking directly at Debbie.
The attendees all kicked off their flip-flops while their instructors dismounted from their heels. Now all the girls were comfortable and barefoot, ready for the lessons to begin.
I excused myself and headed back out to the shop. I have security cameras throughout the house and property, so I thought I'd just peek in on them from there. I fired up the computer then logged into my feed. It was black and white with no sound which really didn't matter to me right then.
I saw the partygoers sit back down, drinks in hand. Both Vicki and Debbie removed their tiny vests leaving them in the skimpy bras and minuscule shorts. Vicki removed her toy gun belt which joined the vests on an empty chair. Debbie started their little CD player once more. This time the music must have been slower and softer because the stripper’s movements were more fluid and seductive. She must have turned the volume down so they could answer questions and describe why they were doing something in particular. I saw pauses in the action and either Debbie or Vicki explaining things to the girls. All four remaining girls sat back and watched; sipping their drinks that Susan refreshed while they were focusing on their instructors.
The girl's bodies were amazing, Vicki's legs were deliciously tanned, long and toned. They seemed like they went on forever; I'm guessing her shoes had a lot to do with it accentuating her calves. Debbie's breasts were large and obviously enhanced. She made them the focus of her dance. She'd massage and cup them then say something to the girls which made them all giggle and a couple of them blush.
After the first dance with Debbie and Vicki dancing as individuals, the girls got up asking questions then trying some of the moves. I watched as each girl took her turn with an instructor, slowly moving while the others corrected and commented on how she moved. I sat there mesmerized watching their hands gently touch each other; a smile here and there as each seemed to delight in caressing. I was a bit astounded watching my daughter and Debbie do a little bump and grind routine. They traded off with Cherise and Vicki, each seeming to enjoy rubbing their bodies against each other, not caring who looked on. The other two girls watched, sipping and commenting to each other. They looked around to make sure I wasn't around spying on them or they were embarrassed at what they were watching. After another few minutes, they got up to say their goodbyes. Debbie shut the music off once more and patiently waited. Cherise along with Susan walked their friends out to the car. Debbie and Vicki stood together talking while my girls were bidding their guest's goodbye. I saw them each say something then a lick of the lips accompanied by raised eyebrows and head nods. I heard a car start and drive off leaving the two strippers with my girls.
When they returned Debbie seemed to ask Susan if she wanted to continue. Susan nodded yes, and the busty blonde switched the CD player back on, a broad smile on her face. This time the dancing was slower with a lot more body contact. Vickie and Debbie had been drinking Margaritas along with the other girls since I left. I could see them shimmy up and down while Cherise and Susan were grinding themselves into their respective dance partners. They'd switch partners after a few moves, then dance individually. Vicki danced with Susan while Debbie and Cherise stood by. They would do a 'hands on' critique after a few moves. When I say 'hands on', I really mean it. Gropes and caresses abounded as each of my girls followed the instructions they were given. They kept switching back and forth as the instructions continued. They paired off one last time, Susan with Debbie and Cherise with Vicki. I could see both Cherise and Susan close their eyes as they swayed together with their partners.
The "teachers" now stood behind the girls holding each close, breasts pressed into the backs of my darlings, hands on their tummies as they rhythmically swayed back and forth. I noticed both Vicki and Debbie ease the girls’ blouses out from their shorts to hang free. No resistance or complaints were offered. Once that was completed, they slipped their hands under the fabric in order to touch bare skin. Neither Susan nor Cherise objected to the warm embraces and the exploring hands of their instructors as the music played and they moved together.
The dancers’ hands massaged the girls’ tummies and sides while whispering in their ears. Both my girls, eyes closed were enjoying the movement along with was being said in their ears. Debbie and Vicki then removed their hands from the girl's flesh. Reaching up from behind, their hands outside the girls’ blouses, they began unbuttoning the garments covering their partners, each one from the bottom up as they swayed to the music. When they got closer to the girls’ breasts Susan and Cherise took over, removing the remaining fasteners to their tops. The dancers helped slide the blouses off the girls’ shoulders and onto the chairs staged about the room. I saw Debbie whisper in Susan's ear once again causing a shiver to shoot through her body. Debbie then used one hand to release the hook freeing her partner's bra. Susan lowered her arms letting the bra drop down to rest on top of her blouse.
Simultaneously, Cherise was doing the same thing with Vicki. The two dancers then turned the girls around and began slow dancing with them.
I figured both Susan and Cherise had nice breasts, but when I saw the bras drop, I knew for certain. Susan's were smaller than Cherise's, slightly conical with large, dark areolas that fit her sleek and toned body to a tee. Cherise's were fuller; they looked softer than Susan's and her areolas looked like nickels compared to Susan's half dollars. I could feel my dick harden as I watched the girls dance. I knew it wasn't right but watching them topless with other girls was extremely erotic.
Vicki had paired off with Cherise and Debbie with Susan for the night I guessed. Vicki's arms were draped over Cherise's shoulders, her hands clasped behind the soon to be bride's head while Cherise's hands held her partner by the waist, softly moving up and down the toned brunette's sides. They were staring into each other's eyes like two lovebirds when the movement ceased and Vicki leaned in to kiss Cherise. It was a long, slow, passionate kiss as their bodies stood together. They paused their kissing for a brief moment so Vicki could remove her tiny bra much to the delight of Cherise, who bent down to kiss each sweet nipple. Vicki also had a lovely pair of breasts, no tan lines, and piercings in each nipple. Cherise stuck her tongue out flicking the little barbells which had a very positive reaction on their owner.
Debbie and Susan were making goo-goo eyes at each other as they swayed to the beat. Debbie took the initiative, kissing Susan with all she had. I stood there watching them all make out for a good five minutes, shocked, yet turned on by the scene of my girls making out with the dancers. It was getting late so I decided to head back into the house through the kitchen so as not to disturb them too much. I opened the kitchen door making as much noise as I could to alert them. There's a way to get to the master bedroom without going to the living room, so I just called out to them that I was heading for bed since it was after ten o'clock and not to stay up too late. I heard the soft seductive music of Sade as I made my way to the bedroom, being as quiet as I could.
Susan called back, “We won't daddy, thank you. Sweet dreams.”
I heard the other girls call out "good night" as I closed my bedroom door, making sure they could hear it latch shut. I quickly stripped down to my boxers, grabbed my Ipad, then slipped into bed to continue watching the show. When it finally booted up, I logged in to watch the girls, who must have paused when I entered. Now they were back to making out and gently swaying to the soft jazz. I watched again for quite some time as they all kissed and fondled each other.
Eventually, Susan stopped inhaling Debbie's tongue. She took her partner's hand, leading her to my big leather lounge chair. She sat down in it patting her lap, beckoning Debbie to join her. Debbie smiled then sat down facing her, breasts within easy reach of Susan's mouth. Susan reached around her, managing to untie the patriotic bikini top, releasing Debbie's prime assets. I moved one of the cameras around to see Susan's eyes widen as Debbie's breasts stared her in the face. She looked into the stripper's eyes smiling. She said something and Debbie replied. I assumed it was something like, “I've wanted to suck on these from the moment I saw them.” She then began to nurse Debbie's money makers. Her tongue swirled around one areola then the other, causing the busty beauty to arch her head back, pressing her breasts further into my darling daughter's face. Susan would switch from one breast to the other as if the last one called her back because it missed her. Back and forth she went, pausing only to smile up at Debbie who would pet her head and mouth something to make my little girl smile.
Meanwhile, Vicki and Cherise danced their way to the far wall. Vicki's back was up against it with Cherise on her knees in front of her. I watched as my sweet Cherise slipped her fingers into the tiny shorts. She slowly lowered them to the floor, letting Vicki step out of them. Her eyes lit up as Vicki's bare mound was revealed to her. She looked up at Vicki, said something that made Vicki grin and giggle, then moved her face forward, planting it firmly between the dancer's legs. She began lapping away like a hungry kitten much to Vicki's delight. She would lick up and down then turn her head inserting her tongue between the leggy brunette's folds. Sometimes sucking, sometimes kissing, she was driving Vicki literally up the wall. She continued feasting on Vicki's pussy, her hands gripping the girl's ass cheeks to help hold her in place. Vicki closed her eyes as she kept telling Cherise something; I could make out a deep sigh as her fingers sifted through Cherie's flaming red hair.
I sat and watched as my darlings serviced their dancers with great enthusiasm. I had been shocked earlier but now as my erection grew the shock disappeared and I really started enjoying the show. I hated not having any sound so I decided to get out of bed to sneak part way down the hall. I quietly opened my door to listen and see firsthand the mini orgy going on in my living room. I managed to get about halfway down the hall where it was still dark so I wouldn't be seen without causing alarm. I sat back on my heels, my dick aching and pressing hard against my shorts. I sat watching and listening, massaging my aching tool.
I could see Susan and Debbie still on my lounger, Debbie's arms were draped over Susan's shoulders as my little girl suckled those magnificent fake boobs. I could hear Debbie's encouragement, "That’s it, baby,” then a long pause, “suck mommy's boobs,” a moan then, “you're such a good little girl,” then finally, “mommy likes that."
One arm left Susan's shoulder so Debbie could caress my girl's hair and gently stroke her face as she nursed her little heart out, smiling the entire time. I think Debbie must have sensed something because she looked around then down the hall right at me. Her eyes seemed to focus on me as a broader smile developed on her face. Her words became more encouraging to Susan maybe to taunt me or at the very least excite me more.
I heard her tell my Susan as she stared straight at me, "You like mommy's boobs don't you baby?” Susan nodded, smiling as she continued soaking the enhanced beauties with her saliva. Debbie would pause stroking Susan's face with her fingernail. Then, "I bet daddy doesn't know you like mommy's breasts does he?" Susan continued her nursing, shaking her head, mumbling an un uh.
Debbie cooed then another taunt, “You're such a naughty little baby girl, mommy loves that about you.”
Susan let out a moan squirming in her seat, her mouth covering as much as she could of Debbie's breast.
Then I heard my darling's next task, “Mommy wants your sweet lips on her pussy baby, would you like that?” Debbie grinned knowing I was listening.
My sweet little Susan stopped sucking, she looked up at Debbie, "Yes, mommy. Your baby girl would love to please her mommy like that."
She was obviously delighted that Debbie was going to let her lick her into orgasm. She went back to devour the obviously more dominant girl's breasts, waiting for instructions to change her focus.
I turned my attention to the wall where I'd last seen Vicki and Cherise. They had moved to the sofa whose back faced perpendicular to the hall. Now Cherise was up on the sofa, her arms on the back for support, her upper torso above and slightly over the backrest with her knees resting on the cushions, legs spread wide and her face towards the hall and my hiding place. Vicki was behind her, face buried in her ass, licking and kissing while I think her fingers were playing with Cherise's pussy. Cherise was moaning with delight as Vicki tongued her into oblivion.
My dick couldn't take much more of my "in-house" live sex show. I hated to move and risk being seen so I sat there gawking.
Cherise glanced over at her sorority sister to see how she was doing. I noticed Debbie give her a slight nod towards the hall then quickly look away. I must have been paranoid because I could have sworn Cherise did a double take, looking in my direction. Slowly a bigger smile developed on her face while her eyes adjusted, peering into the darkness. Just as she started to mouth something to Debbie, Vicki hit that magic spot. Cherise arched her head back, closing her eyes as her body shuddered. Her red locks dancing about her head as she shook with pleasure. I heard her gasp and decided that would be a good time to get back to my room. I silently backpedaled in my crouch until I could reach the door and quietly entered. My dick popped out of my boxers, wagging back and forth as I got back into bed. I hit the Ipad causing it to return to life just as Cherise was kissing Vicki, thanking the brunette for her orgasm.
Debbie was now standing in front of the lounger, hands on Susan's head with Susan on her knees devouring the busty girl's pussy. Debbie spasmed a couple of times then brought my sweet stepdaughter to her feet to kiss her. Susan said something to her lover which made her smile then she turned towards the hall. I quickly hid the Ipad under a pillow and faked being asleep. Within a few seconds, I heard the door open slightly. Susan's voice was in the little girl tone she uses when she wants something.
“Daddy? Are you asleep?”
I rolled over a bit in the dark and mumbled, "I was. What is it sweetheart?"
“Well, Debbie's car won't start. Can she and Vicki stay the night?”
I mumbled a sleepy, “Um, sure. Make sure you lock up.”
I could almost picture the smile on her face as she replied, “Thank you, daddy. You're the best. We will. Good night.”
She quietly shut the door as I slipped the Ipad back out from under the pillow. I could see her practically bounce back into the living room as she told Debbie they could stay the night. I saw Debbie look up into one of the cameras giving it a wink while she mouthed a "Thank-you". Yes, I'd been caught. I hoped she wasn't going to say anything. With the wink and thank-you, I was somewhat reassured my secret was safe.
The couples took a break in their lovemaking walking around nude to clean up what little mess there was from the party. I watched as they put everything back into the kitchen, wiping down the coffee table, making sure the room was neat and clean. They'd stop and kiss each other during the cleanup, giggling and smiling the entire time. Cherise asked Susan something while Debbie and Vicki looked on. Then they paired off as before, walking down the hall hand in hand. I assume they were settling into each of the two guest rooms. My voyeur time was done, but I still had a full blown hard on to deal with. I got some tissues from the nightstand, removing my boxers I dropped them on the floor next to the bed. Then I began beating my meat with the visions of my girls and their lesbian encounter still fresh in my mind. It didn't take long before those tissues were full of my hot, wet cum.
I dropped the wad off the side of the bed, deciding to toss that in the morning. I just lay back, visions of my lovelies still running through my mind as my dick's intensity subsided. My breathing returned to normal as the faint sounds of lesbian pleasures drifted into my room from the guest rooms. The girls were still at it which brought a smile to my face. I would never have guessed my two innocent girls were not that innocent after all. I wasn't going to say anything about tonight. I'd just see what tomorrow would bring and go from there. I did wonder however if Eric knew and if Cherise included him, he was one lucky dude. I was tired and spent, I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face and a limp dick between my legs.
Morning came way too quickly. I normally get up at six to deal with the horses, but this morning I really didn't feel like it. But they expected it, so I drug myself out of bed, scooping up my spent tissues and tossing them in the trash before taking a shower. While I was showering I thought about what had occurred the night before causing my dick to slowly stiffen. I immediately turned to the faucet to shift the water temp to a slightly colder temperature so the swelling would subside. I finished showering, dried off, and got dressed in just my jeans and slippers. Passing by my dresser I noticed a card on top that hadn't been there the night before. I picked it up realizing it was Debbie's business card. I turned it over and beautifully written in pink ink was “please call me”. I opened the top drawer stashing it under my socks. I cracked my bedroom door open hoping to not wake the girls. I tiptoed out to the living room and was surprised to see it was spotless with no trace whatsoever of the party. There were two sets of business cards on the coffee table for each of the girls with little hearts added in pink. I picked one set up to see if they got any notes. On the back of each one were little smilies and more hearts along with a quick note for the girls to call them. I put the cards back then looked out the window to see if the beat up Honda was still there.
It was gone, so I headed into the kitchen to begin making my breakfast. I decided I'd make a Denver omelet and leave enough for Cherise and Susan. As my little mix was cooking I heard bare feet on the kitchen floor. I turned to see Susan rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she clumsily made her way towards me. She looked like the little girl I remembered growing up. Her brunette hair was disheveled, she was dressed only in pink panties barely covered by a threadbare tee shirt I'd given her back when she was thirteen. The little girl image quickly dissipated when I saw her rock hard nipples straining at the thin fabric of that old shirt. What I saw last night reminded me she was no longer my little girl. I told her good morning then returned to breakfast.
She walked up to my turned back, slipped her arms around my waist, rested her cheek against the middle of my back, her firm nipples poking me and gave me a reverse hug.
“She purred, good morning daddy. You are the bestest daddy in the whole world. Did you know that?”
I laughed as she squeezed me tight, her hands moving across my chest as she did. Turning her face and kissing me between the shoulder blades she held on limiting my movement.
I laughed, "You're in a lovey dovey mood. What makes you say that, sweetness?"
She massaged my chest as she giggled, "Because you're putting up with all this wedding crap. Along with letting those dancers stay the night. You really didn't have to do that. I really had an amazing time last night despite the screw-up and Cherise's prudish friends."
“Well, I know you all were drinking. I'd hate to see them on the news in an accident heading home. So, how did they get the car started? And I'm glad the dancer thing worked out for all of you.”
She sighed, “I don't know. They woke us up before dawn and said they tried it and it worked. Except for Tracy and Jill who left early, we all had fun.”
I smiled to myself, “That's good. I'm glad they were safe here. I'm sorry to hear about your friends.”
She purred, “Mmmm...thanks, daddy. Cherise and I learned quite a few things from Vicki and Debbie last night. Tracy and Jill are more Cherise's friends than mine so it's cool.”
I managed to flip my omelet without screwing it up, “I'm glad you did sweetheart.”
She then let out another purr as she played with the hairs on my chest, “Mmmm, me too, daddy. I saw their cards on the coffee table. I may call Debbie again, I really liked her. Are you making enough for Cherise and me?”
“There's coffee in the pot too. Yes, I'll leave it in the microwave for you both. I'm happy you liked her, I did too she was funny. I'm going to feed the horses and do my chores after I eat. You two relax and thanks for doing a great job cleaning up the mess.”
She giggled and then purred, “You're welcome. I really enjoyed making the mess and cleaning it up.”
I thought about what she just said not knowing if she were talking about the party or Debbie's sweet pussy. I turned the burner off. She released her grip on me standing there still half asleep. I divided up the omelet placing two-thirds on a plate then set it into the microwave to wait for my darlings.
She mumbled something about a shower and going back to her place after getting dressed. I kissed her forehead then sat down to eat. She wandered off to her room while I finished eating. Putting the plate and silverware in the sink, I went back to my room, donned my shirt to get to work. I heard the guest bathroom shower water running as I headed out for my chores. It took me a couple of hours cleaning the stalls and feeding my small herd. I got some horse manure on me when one of the mares got startled, so figuring the girls were up and gone, I stripped down to my shorts, leaving my clothes in a heap at the back door. I headed in to take another shower. I didn't need that stink in the house just before having guests over. I went back inside dressed only in my boxers not expecting to see either of the girls. One door was still closed with the sounds of slumber coming from the room. Cherise really must have gotten a work out last night with Vicki, lucky girl.
I quickly entered my room tossing my boxers on the bed then proceeded to shower for the second time. Leaving the bathroom door slightly ajar to help eliminate steamed mirrors, I finished and was drying off when I felt the air in the room change. I figured someone opened my bedroom door so I wrapped the towel around me to take a look. I walked out to find Cherise standing there dressed only in panties, a stern look on her face, hands on her slim hips.
I stammered as I looked away, “Cherise, what's up? The other bathroom works.”
She walked towards me as I covered my eyes. My fingers opening slightly to see if she was leaving.
"Mister Hayes, were you spying on us last night?" Her tone of voice was more playful than accusing.
I denied any wrongdoing.
“Really? I could have sworn your little surveillance cameras moved a couple of times and there was this large dark object just out of sight down the hall.”
Still playing the fool, “No, no, I wouldn't do that to you girls.”
She stopped right in front of me, using her forefinger she placed it on the hand covering my eyes. She lifted my pseudo mask from my face then lowered it. I had that guilty look written all over my face. I knew I'd been caught again. I tried to keep my eyes focused on hers, but it didn't last long. I looked down her sleek torso, gazing at her full, perfectly round breasts accentuated by the most freckles I'd ever seen. Her body was covered in them, I had the urge to lick them all off from head to toe, but I kept my thoughts to myself.
“Did we surprise you? Did you enjoy it Mister Hayes?” she grinned noticing me checking her out.
I confessed, “Yes, I did watch a portion of the entertainment after two girls left. I don't recall what their names were.”
I felt extremely guilty at this point and wondered where she was going with this interrogation.
“It's okay. I just wanted to be sure. I thought I saw you. Now I know it wasn't the drinks or my imagination. So, did you like it? What do you think of your little Susan and Cherise now?”
“I don't think any less of you two. We all have preferences and you're free to do what you want. I did enjoy parts of it and was shocked at a couple of others.”
“I think Debbie saw you too; she nodded to me to look down the hall. I think that's why she really laid the 'mommy thing' on heavy. Your little Susan can be quite kinky.” she giggled.
“Well, whatever. I should get dressed and back to my chores.”
I started to move away until she stopped me, “No, I have a chore for you here, Mister Hayes or should I call you 'daddy'?”
"Since I'm getting married in one week I decided to sow some wild oats and part of that was last night. It was supposed to be guys stripping for us but the girls were more than adequate. In fact, they were outstanding," she commented, licking her lower lip, “So, I still want a cock inside me before I limit myself to my love, Eric and guess what?”
She tapped me on the shoulder, “Tag, you're it. Drop that towel, daddy. I want YOU to fuck my brains out before Ms. Innocent returns.”
My dick had been swelling with desire since she first walked in as I gazed upon her freckled, sweet body. Now I was going to fulfill one of my late night fantasies with this gorgeous redhead. I offered some token resistance to her proposition.
“Cherise, seriously? You're like a daughter to me. I can't.”
Her right hand softly stroked my cheek, “That's why I want you, daddy,” she grinned, “You're safe. I know you had a vasectomy eons ago and you're not sexually active, so no diseases. You have a great body and I'm horny. So, drop the towel. You know you want to. I can see the bulge there, silly man.”
She reached down, ripping the towel from my grip, revealing the object of her desire. Flinging the towel across the room, she looked down at my dick.
“Wow, you got my love Eric beat by a bit there, daddy,” she giggled as she slipped in next to me.
Her arms around me, nuzzling my neck while massaging me, I surrendered. Biting my earlobe she reached down to grasp my now rigid organ. Her palm was so delicate and soft, quite the opposite of my hand from the night before. I stood there letting her play with me, trying to maintain my self-composure. I didn't want to blow my load there in her hand, so I whispered we should get in bed. She giggled, telling me she knew I'd cave.
She slipped out of her panties exposing her bright orange landing strip. We pulled the comforter down and met in the middle of the bed. She lay back against the pillows beckoning me by curling her crimson fingernail towards her. I moved over her, my hard dick dangling above that delicious body. I dropped down on top of her mound. My pre-cum was slowly leaking as we made out, she didn't seem to mind which was exactly the opposite of my dearly departed wife. If I didn't know any better, I'd have sworn I was tasting Vicki on those delicious lips of hers. It made the whole idea of this liaison that much more erotic.
We kissed longer and I managed to retain my erection for my sweet 'daughter'. When she'd had enough, she nudged me down further to enjoy her freckled breasts. They weren't as huge as Debbie's, but they were every bit as tasty if not more so. I played with them until she was again ready for something different. She whispered in my ear, “Fuck me, daddy. I want you inside me, now.”
I gladly did as I was told, reaching down, I grabbed my dick, guiding it between her legs. She helped get me inside her then laid back, arms over her head as I pumped my manhood deep within her. She moaned and twitched as I thrust in and out. Her arms wrapped around me as I varied my speed, twisting my body, allowing myself to contact her entire vagina which now seemed to her to be on fire. I continued my gyrations as she uttered compliments between gasps. She could feel my dick swell as it was just about to explode inside her. Her crimson nails streaked down my back planting themselves in my lower torso.
She cried out, “Not yet! Not yet!” I tried to think of something besides this amazing, sexy young woman under me. A few moments later it was, “Now, now, now.” I obliged and let loose. My hot sperm coursed through my dick into her moist sweetness, filling her up. She cooed with delight as she drained me. Using her vaginal muscles, she milked me for all I was worth. I lay there on top of her letting my member slowly shrink as I continued making it pump inside her. I recalled my wife enjoying that feeling many years ago.
That little action made Cherise purr with contentment. She opened her eyes, wrapped one arm around my head drawing me in for a very passionate kiss. We lay there kissing, me not letting my entire weight rest on her as we both enjoyed the afterglow.
When I thought she was ready, I carefully exited her vagina which made her sigh. I rolled next to her, snuggling and kissing her sweet face.
She turned her head, lovingly kissing me on the lips, “Oh fuck, daddy. That was, wow. I've never had a guy actually cum in me. I've always insisted on rubbers. I feel so full, delicious, and sexy.”
I grinned, “You are very sexy, Cherise. To be honest, I have wanted to do this for a very long time. It just seemed inappropriate.”
“I'll be here all week, daddy,” she giggled.
“I know you will, baby. We just need to be careful so we don't get caught and ruin your wedding plans.”
“Not to worry, we'll do this at night when nobody is around. I'll just go back to the guest room when we finish.”
She smiled at me softly kissing my face, delighted I was able to satisfy her as was I. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I'd imagined making love to her before; this was truly a dream come true. I hoped we didn't mess her life up by getting caught. As long as we maintained a low profile I thought we'd be fine. Besides how much sex could a twenty-five-year-old woman want each week?
I think I was going to find out and enjoy every second of it even if it killed me.
I bounced the tennis ball lightly off the dirty storefront window. Only 7:52, I thought to myself as I caught the ball coming back towards me. Still over an hour before we shut this shithole place down. Who shops for dog toys and fish food on Friday night anyway? I was getting anxious about going out already but I still had to run home and change out of this stupid uniform before I met Leslie at her house. I had been to the house this party was at once before with her but she had...
Its July Scotland is in the middle of a heat wave first time in years. We haven't seen one another for a couple of weeks as we both have been very busy but still call one another most nights its friday and you call me in the middle of the afternoon saying that you fancy going away for the weekend and would I be interested, Of course I don't need an excuse to go away on the bike with you. So the agreement is I come down on Saturday for around about 10 am and we could just take off down towards...
36Weekend away 1 Friday, work had dragged, hubby had helped her get ready to go out and having rushed around here she was the sun going down, the hot dusty streets still basking in the warmth of the summer day rushing to be at the location where she had been told to meet him.She believed her date would not wait, so her heels clip clopped along the paving at a fair trot, his car stood at the kerbside, the door just open as she by now panting arrived beside the sleek 4x4. She leapt in throwing...
Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...
A Beautiful Wishby 800ibGorrilaChapter 5: The Heart RemembersThe water streamed across George and Dawn's entwined bodies. It traced the lines of George's lean muscles and caressed Dawn's impossible curves. They kissed and embraced and joined over and over, enjoying a closeness that neither had felt in their short time together. George cleaned her first, starting with her golden brown hair, which looked and smelled just as intoxicating wet. He lathered up his hands and slowly ran them over...
NovelsIntroduction: Hello. I posted half of this story on a different account, but something went wrong so I could not post the second part or it could not be up/down voted. So Ill try again and Im posting the entire story right away. This is my first ever story, and I apologize in advance for spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoy Chapter 1 My name is Cora. 24 years old, slim, but got good curves, and big boobs, I got a double D cup. I got hair like Ariel, and it reaches down to midwaist. Im 1.57m tall....
WEEKEND TO REMEMBER Holly When I arrived home, the first thing that came to mind was how quiet it was. There were no sounds of playing kids, a rarity in our house. As I put away my briefcase and changed my cloths, my wife entered. I asked her where the kids were and she indicated that they were staying with friends so that we could have an 'adult' weekend. It had been a long time and I nearly came then and there. She handed me a drink and the strong liquor scent made me aware...
‘All the Worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.’ William Shakespeare A Young Boy Remembers – The best Guitar Player I Never Heard! I still remember that summer day. It was hot, almost stifling in my Grandparent’s modest living room. Out of boredom, I had picked up my Aunt Jeannie’s guitar and was idly fooling around with it, picking the third string once, and then sounding the second string...
Author’s Note: This story is set in the 1930’s before Vatican II. It is a love story between a Roman Catholic priest and a woman he comes to love while he was in Rome, Italy. If this type of story offends you, read no further. If you like a love story, then enjoy. Thanks to my best friend and soul sister for all your help. Rita Remembers Chapter 1 Mrs. Rita Thompson was a middle age Korean War widow. Her husband had been an Air Force colonel when his plane was shot down over the seas off of...
Cover Art The images used are Brownswirl with cgbc eyes1 811 from the Lulu cover art page and are used with permission of Lulu. The trimming, manipulation, and adding of text is by Ernest Bywater. All rights to the cover image are reserved by the copyright owners. 10 November 2018 version The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents The Story Starts Troubles Shell Game Thursday - Getting Organised Moving On Friday Furniture Arrangements Evening Night...
A Beautiful Wish by 800ibGorrila Chapter 5: The Heart Remembers The water streamed across George and Dawn’s entwined bodies. It traced the lines of George’s lean muscles and caressed Dawn’s impossible curves. They kissed and embraced and joined over and over, enjoying a closeness that neither had felt in their short time together. George cleaned her first, starting with her golden brown hair, which looked and smelled just as intoxicating wet. He lathered up his hands and slowly ran them...
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I was staying at my brothers’ house for a week that lived by the small lake while they were away on vacation for a week so I would house sit. My niece had 3 girlfriends that lived across the street but were allowed to come over whenever they wanted to use the lake. They all were in their early twenties and very pretty, they must spend a lot of time in the sun as they all had dark tans on the slender bodies. When they came over, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of them, especially when they...
A Weekend To Remember by Vivian Bird Hello. My name is Elena Russell and I am enjoying life to the fullest. I am 36 years old, 5 foot 8, with long, blond hair, large boobs and I enjoy the company of both men and women. I wear very feminine, sexy clothes and I'm not adverse to showing off my substantial cleavage, or long legs, in public. I am the epitomy of a "girlie girl" and I never tire of flaunting my femininity. The funny thing is that I wasn't always a woman. I was a...
Steven sat at the bar watching the mirror mounted on the wall behind it as questions roared through his mind. Would he recognize her? What would she think of him and what he'd done with his life? Would she actually go through with what they had planned? What about his father? Would it matter to him that they wanted to be together or would he go off in one of his tirades and... and what? What could he do? They were both adults and had been attracted to each other since the first day he had...
"Uh, what?" Henry winked across the table to Ted, and slung an arm around their confused friend. "We were just talking last time, Charlie. Don't you remember? You owe me twenty bucks for drinks?" "I don't -- I dont remember. Oh, well." Charlie dutifully handed over some notes from inside his tracksuit top, then tugged his earlope, a little fidgety gesture. A waitress set down a new round of beers. It was all Ted could do to keep from snorting out his beer. "Oh Charlie, you're so...
I was staying at my brothers’ house that lived by the small lake while they were away on vacation for a week so I would house sit for them. My niece had 3 girlfriends that lived across the street but were allowed to come over whenever they wanted to use the lake. They all were in their early twenties and very pretty, they must spend a lot of time in the sun as they all had dark tans on the slender bodies. When they came over, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off of them, especially when they...
A NEW YEARS TO REMEMBER Dan, Anna, Marie & myself had gotten closer than I ever thought we would. That was a surprise, but a nice one just the same. New years is traditionally thought of as a new hope, a fresh slate for the future. Welcoming the new year of hope with a bang, as it were. We pretty much figured they'd want us over for some kind of New Years party. But we didn't want to leave the boys at home alone on New Years Eve. Quite the dilemma? Besides, if we keep taking off every...
My wife, Jackie, and I have been happily married for nine years. She is a very attractive and shapely woman, she is tall with a medium size build and a bouncy bustline. She has shoulder length dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. Jackie is a high school teacher who is very outgoing, with a bubbly personality. She gets sexy second looks everywhere she goes, even though she dresses fairly modestly.I have always had fantasies about her being an exhibitionist and exposing her beautiful body...
A Night Out To RememberI had known Sue for almost five years but had known Liz for a lot longer. We had met while she wasstill at school although I was four years older we still became good friends. After she left school Ihelped her with her college work and more importantly when she needed advice about boys and latergirls. I helped her pass through that difficult stage when she was just discovering her sexuality. Shesoon became aware that although she liked boys she liked girls a whole lot...
Note 1: I first published this story in 1987 in a small British SF magazine (Cassandra Anthology) under the pseudonym 'Richard Kollo'. Since it was angled towards a science fiction rather than a TG readership, it may not be explicit enough for Fictionmania; but I have posted it unchanged, save for some minor corrections of punctuation, and should be grateful for any feedback. Note 2: The names are pronounced: Lotey -ahmeh, Ni-roweh; i.e. the final 'e'is sounded. On Summer Nights...
The Invitation You“Do any of you hike?” you ask. The question is addressed to the table but you were looking at her when you spoke. The immediate flurry of responses from everyone making it clear that not one of them has realised who your question is really aimed at.“My fingers do all the exercising I’ll ever need thank you very much!” one laughs.“You wouldn’t catch me dead anywhere near that much nature on purpose!” another exclaims.“Urghhh, I used to a long time ago but I just can’t with the...
LesbianGod, I hated the draft. I loved coaching baseball – showing young men how to play the game, watching as they grasped the concepts, and seeing the joy on their faces as the incomprehensible becomes known. Watching boys transition to young men, both in terms of baseball and life brought indescribable joy to this lowly coach. Each year, these young men became MY boys if only for the summer. But for the summer they were mine as surely as if I had sired each and every one of them. But before we...
Mary Ann and I started to share secret texts so we could have private conversations. She started sending me naked pics but that quickly evolved into cam sessions where we both got naked and masturbated for each other. This also allowed us to plan our next date. Since my wife was going to Florida for a week in October I confirmed that she’d have her room to herself on a Tuesday and put in a request at work to take the day off. Everything was set but we still had two weeks to wait. After...
The early morning fog hung low to the ground, like a misty blanket, and the breaking dawn cast long shadows, as we headed into the sun. The landscape consisted of sparse vegetation and sporadic groups of trees and rolling hills. We flew close to the deck as possible, trying to use the element of surprise.This wasn't like many of our search-and-destroy missions, where the target was ambiguous at best. This time, the "eye in the sky" was giving us clear Intel and confirming this was an enemy...
Love StoriesFeedback from my previous first post has proven to be so positive that I’ve decided to upload another story – I will always make a distinction between fiction and factual, because too many post ‘fantasy’ stories in sectors earmarked ‘true.’ All of the events in my stories at this time are true and only names and perhaps venues/places changed to protect others.Many years ago, around 30 or so, I had an ‘English girlfriend’ who for a short time lived in the Greater Glasgow area. She was dark...
I wanted to get my beautiful wife something special for Valentines Day. She certainly deserved it. Not only is my Claire drop-dead gorgeous (in a girl next door sort of way): 5'-2"; soft, long honey-coloured hair; blazing blue eyes; and killer smile, but she is also a terrific lover. Even at 37, Claire has worked hard to keep the same firm figure she had when she was in 6th Form.She puts up with a lot. I'm very career oriented right now with my own startup business. Even though I travel all the...
Introduction: One womans erotic adventure to a Pacific Island A Trip to Remember Chapter 1 Kathy had been expecting Harry to kiss her ever since they left the Tiki Bar but it still took her by surprise. They were walking hand in hand down the beach when he suddenly turned to her and leaned in to give her a light kiss on the lips. It was very quick but left her wanting more. When he kissed her a second time, it was just a little longer as he pressed his lips against hers and wrapped his arms...
A Christmas To Remember By Anon Allsop I looked at her from the corner of my eye, she was definitely flustered but I could care less, she was their mother and the behavior of her children were her own problem was that they were most likely going to distract me with their constant banter and shenanigans throughout the entire church service. She sighed as her young son began crawling under the front pew; she quickly bent down and caught the three year old by the leg, and...
glanced at the clock on the mantle and rolled my eyes. It was 7pm which meant Laura had gotten stuck working late again. It also meant more time that I would have to wait for my weekend with her to officially start. I sighed and stretched out on the living room couch goddamn I was horny! The only time I have with Laura is from Friday night until Sunday night. Because of that it's a looong five day wait that's usually spent fantasizing about what we'll do during the upcoming weekend, as I've...
I glanced at the clock on the mantle and rolled my eyes. It was 7pm which meant Laura had gotten stuck working late again. It also meant more time that I would have to wait for my weekend with her to officially start. I sighed and stretched out on the living room couch goddamn I was horny! The only time I have with Laura is from Friday night until Sunday night. Because of that it's a looong five day wait that's usually spent fantasizing about what we'll do during the upcoming weekend, as I've...
You can’t remember, can you? Yes, you staring into the cold glass screen, probably in in private or incognito mode. Yeah, you can’t remember, which is quite a pity. She remembers, and she’s waiting for you, but you don’t remember her. Perhaps I should remind you; maybe I’ll get something out of it too.It was unseasonably warm that night, and you were drinking alone at the bar, the one in the alley near Park Street, unusual for you to drink alone but you met a friend that night; of course, you...
HorrorI was just a regular kid. But at age sixteen, I was still a virgin. I was a little bigger, weighing at around 200 pounds, but as most kids at that weight range, they are all muscle, whereas there was some muscle, you could still see part of a belly when I took my shirt off. Now I honestly didn’t think I was ugly, but I was way to average in the looks department. Every day in school I would look at every single girl with a sense of longing, knowing that no one would ever so much as kiss me....
It was the sound of her contented sigh that woke me. Sleepily, I opened my eyes to the first faint rays of the morning sunlight attempting to peek through the still drawn curtains. There was just enough light filtering through the top of the window where the curtains failed to cloak the room into darkness, already chasing away the night with a promise of a new day. But a day I neither wanted to begin, nor end. She was still lying on her side facing towards me. Her eyes closed, still in...
My name is Callie Charlotte Carruthers, and I am a spinster. I will be 100 years old on my next birthday which is not necessarily a blessing. But I am in possession of all my faculties and require very little assistance. I live in a suite of rooms atop the Carruthers Hotel. Few townspeople even know I’m here, I had gone to live in Europe- when my marriage failed I returned. Of course the help knows, but they have been with us for generations and they are as close as family as could be. A...
Christopher was blessedly unconscious during the vile act, and Ebima prayed to whatever deity may listen that he remain that way. For one glorious moment, Ebima Auvengarde was in love. He had the affections of a human boy, and was absolutely content. Ebima lowered his head, feeling himself begin to fail at schooling an indifferent mask. It was becoming more and more difficult listening to the sound of wet skin slapping, his father's grunts and growls, and the soft squeak of his mattress...
Introduction: Soooo, its been a while! Yeah, Im sorry… Theres just been a TON of stuff going on in my life, moving across state lines, getting evicted and moving again, burying a dog, moving again. The list goes ooooon and oooon. Anyways! I wrote another chapter in my Ebima saga XD This one isnt as sexy as the others have been, and its a little short, I didnt want to give to much more of the story until I gave a bit of a back story. How does Ebima know Chris? Who is the demon that attacked him?...
Eleanor sits at the dressing table brushing her long, wavy hair. 100 strokes a day her mother used to tell her and it's a habit she's never given up. Even now that she has no reason to worry about her looks, her hair is her one vanity. Charlie always loved her hair. She smiles as he enters the room, silently as always, as if she's conjured him up just by the act of saying his name in her head. She knows her family thinks she's mad when she tells them she can sense his presence but then...
Introduction: A fun game of Truth or Dare between two couples Mike & Tanya have been friends with my wife & I for our 15 years. We all came from the same large group of friends and started dating around the same time as well. We always hang out, the four of us and have a lot of fun together. Ive always had a thing for Tanya for the simple reason she is an amazon woman. Six foot two, dark skin, long wavy dark brown hair, chestnut eyes and built like she could kick the shit out of any guy her...
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was back in high school one night, I had stayed the night at my girlfriends house. She hadn't been feeling good so she had went to sleep pretty early. Her mom had been out drinking so it was just me and her at the house. Bored with nothing to do, I figured I'd go down to the kitchen and make myself something to eat and watch some sportscenter. It was around midnight. I'm searching through the kitchen looking for something I can snack on when I heard the...
moaned from agony. My head was bouncing and the room was slightly spinning before my eyes. What a night... Right there I bowed that I would never again drink so much. There was a neighborhood party and basically everyone living on this block was there. There were even a couple of invitees. The party was outside and inside the building. It had lasted till god knows how late, or rather early in the morning. Alcohol was flowing generously and there was plenty to eat as well, anything from potato...
A Night to RememberI have moved around a bit during my life. One recent chapter of my life took me to an isolated northern town where I had been hired to start a new job. When I first moved there I knew only one person, a fifty-year old woman named Laura. I met her the previous spring when I traveled to town for the job interview. Through a serendipitous encounter, I met a contractor while waiting for the bus out of town who was looking for an extra hand ripping shingles off a roof of some...
I used to work in Hyderabad and visit my parents in my hometown during weekends every now and then. It was just like any other day, came home by Saturday morning and stayed in home for couple of days and booked tickets online through redbus to get back to Hyderabad. The only difference between my previous visits and this one was, I just didn’t plan shit. I booked my tickets in the last minute and had to choose the last row in the bus while going back to Hyderabad and that too it was coming from...
Oh, I remember you. And I know you remember me, that secret night, the one night you let your desire flow free. It's a smoky bar, and I'm sitting nursing a drink when you and your friend come in. I spot you right away. I admire all of your qualities, don't get me wrong. However, what strikes me is the depth in your eyes. You and your friend get a drink, and then sit at a table. That is the first time your eyes fall into my hazel stare. My lips part in a smile, and you manage to return...
Straight SexI remember a story that happened to me way back in my high school days. I grew up on the East coast in the Pennsylvania area. Back in the sixties when I was in high school there was not a heck of a lot to do in a small town. Drinking beer and trying to look cool were the norm. It was a long way from the sixties sex and drug revolution you read about in books. The only hippies we ever saw were on the big Zenith black and white TV that dominated the living room of the old house I grew up in.The...
First Time