Ainsely 2 free porn video

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My beautiful young Southern bride grew up in privilege, but graciously carried it off well. But now, in the backwash of the civil rights movement, womens liberation and 'free love', society was changing and could not be resisted. She was determined not to be a relic of the past.

I think lots of girls get married with some pretty silly romantic notions, but sooner or later, if they're honest, they realize their real matrimonial goal is to get laid. Pre-marital sex was taboo and pre-marital pregnancy like a death sentence back then. We'd dated all through high school and, though we'd gotten into some pretty heavy making out sessions, we really knew nothing about sex since we were both so afraid of her getting pregnant.

So our firmly established dating pattern was long, hot making out sessions with me slowly fingering her to orgasm, leaving me to take care of myself later. Our first attempts at sex after we married weren't very glorious. I was too quick and unloving and she just couldn't orgasm except by my fingers. Maybe our long-established sexual patterns kept us from really good sex.

Still, married life on this far off Army post was good. Though she didn't come there feeling like a looker, she was in fact quite attractive to the large male population on post. Being 'checked out' and occassionally hit on gave her a boost in confidence. It also got her to thinking about 'possibilities'. Sometimes her own thoughts scared her, but her fantasy world started growing, as did mine.

Reading letters and stories to each other, we found we were both really turned on by the stories and films of promiscuous wives. Ainsely was tickled by the thought of being a nasty girl, being adored and pursued, but also liked the idea of sticking a finger in the eye of her strict upbrining. That's how the changes started for us.

Since the army kept me working long hours, Ainsely found herself spending time with one of the other wives, Carolyn. Ainsely and Carolyn got along great, and my wife spent a lot of her time walking down to see Carolyn for coffee almost every day. The odd thing was Carolyn had two kids already though, despite the fact that she was about Ainsely's age. I still remember my wifes shock as she told me that Carolyn's three-year-old girl was Mike's daughter, but that her eleven-month-old son was fathered by a black man who had since left the army.

On top of that, Carolyn was pregnant again, pretty noticably so. Ainsely guessed five or six months. She was afraid to ask about that one, but one afternoon she was down at Carolyn's for lunch when this black guy came by the house. He was pretty amorous with Carolyn, kissing and touching her in front of my wife and promising to be back to see her that weekend. After he'd gone, Carolyn admitted that he was the father of the baby she was carrying.


“I'll take the car today so I can bring Brown home with me straight from work,” I told her, referring to Javon by his last name. “Can you get everything ready for us to have a 'guest' for dinner?” I grinned.

“Great,” she whined. “You know I need to get groceries. When am I supposed to do that?”

“Why don't you see if Carolyn will take you over to the commissary?” I asked. “I'm sure if you tell her you're having a guest tonight, she'll be all in on that one,” I teased. “Maybe she could advise you on what kind of condoms to get.”

“Well, I'll ask her, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't use a lot of condoms, considering her predicament,” Ainsely snarked. “Jack, baby, are you really sure this is something you want me to mess around with? I mean I have been pretty excited about the whole idea of seeing Javon in a better setting, but I know what you're thinking and I know what I'm thinking, and I can't help being nervous about what could happen.”

I pulled her to me for a warm hug as I assured her, “I think this could be a lot of fun for both of us, babe. And just remember you don't have to do anything you don't want to. I love you desperately and will always take care of you no matter what. If things get wild, that's okay with me, and you can always stop it with just a word.” My normally talkative girl was suddenly very quiet.

“Say, why don't you wear that blue print sundress you wore on our honeymoon?” I asked her with a wink. It's two great virtues in my eye were that it was very short, and that it buttoned all the way up the front, from hem to neckline. Actually just the thought of her wearing it kind of excited me.

“No,” she said, not sounding mean, just letting me know she wanted to go another direction. “I'm going to wear a white blouse and my green skirt.” I knew she'd look nice in anything, but in her blouse and skirt, she'd look like a college girl, perhaps; a conservative college girl. I think it kind of unnerved her when I didn't fight her on this. She knew I wanted her to dress sexy, but wasn't ready to risk the evening by insisting on 'too much'.

"Oh, god,” she said under her breath. “I'm afraid we're going to do this...” she looked up into my face, “but I'm excited.” We kissed goodbye and I was off.


I guess I was a little nervous about our Friday evening, because I called Ainsely that afternoon since I hadn't heard from her. “Did you get to the commissary?” I asked her. “I can stop by the store on the way home if you really need me to.”

“No, you don't have to,” she said. “Carolyn and I went shopping earlier and I got everything I need for tonight.”

“Good,” I came back. “Listen, Ains... I've been thinking about this all day and you know I'm excited, but I just want to say again that you don't have to do anything if you don't want to.”

“Yeah, you said.” She let those words dangle for a few seconds. “You said that this morning, and now you're saying it again. Are you getting nervous or something?”

“No, no. I was just wanting you not to feel like I'm pressuring you into something you don't want to do,” I said. When she didn't say anything back, I just kept talking. “I... well maybe I am a little nervous.”

“Maybe you should be,” she said.

“Why is that?”

“Well Carolyn and I had a nice trip to the store today. You know how girls talk.”

“Oh?” I was even more nervous now. “Did she say something?”

“Well, when you told me Javon was after me, I thought you were just being jealous, and kind of a jerk about it.”

“She said something,” I insinuated. “Tell me what she said.” I asked, struggling not to sound like I was whining or begging.

“Well it seems you're right that he is interested in me... crushing on me ,as you said.”

“Carolyn said that?” The stab in my heart surprised me. This wasn't news; or was it? Maybe it was just real now. It was torture waiting for her to form her responses. Usually Ainsely will just pop off with whatever comes into her pretty little mind. But I could feel her, sense that the wheels were turning in her head as she tried to decide what to tell me and how to say it.

“Yeah, she did,” my wife finally replied. “Actually she said that her boyfriend Richard had told her that Brown was getting some pussy tonight. She said that Javon considered me a pushover and you 'no obstacle'.” My dick stiffened on the spot. That kind of talk was not so unheard of among guys, but this sounded pretty serious.

Ainsely said, “Carolyn was teasing me pretty bad the whole time we were out shopping. She kept telling me I could borrow her crib or playpen once Javon and I got busy.” I admit my fantasies were running wild by then, but I was suddenly much more nervous than I had ever been.

“So maybe you should be nervous,” she told me. Then she told me she had to go, cause she wanted to take a bath and shave her legs. I almost asked if she was going to shave her pussy, but I was a little to nerve-wracked to pull that off. I still didn't want to spook her or mess this up.


The ride home with Javon in my car was a little awkward, especially knowing what I now knew. “So how's your aunt?” I asked him, just trying to make conversation.

He just chuckled looking straight ahead. “Ain't that bad, really. She been in remission for a long time now.” I looked at him curiously. He just grinned and said, “That's the kind of things chicks like to talk about.” Interesting. It sure seemed to open a door for him with my wife.

After a few moments of silence, he asked me, “She always wear her hair in that pig tail thing?”

I told him she liked the look of having long hair but it was a pain for her to take care of, so it was usually in that pony tail down the back. He nodded as I went on, “I really like it when she wears it down... straight down, with those long bangs pulled back over the top ofher head with a barrette holding it in place.”

He nodded again. “Like to see that.”

“Well you ought to get the chance to ask her to do it tonight,” I grinned.

“Listen man, my guys back in the barracks tell me I'm stupid to come out here with you in your car and all. Jus' so you know, you try and pull any shit on me, I'll kick your big honky ass.” Well that came totally out of the blue, at least for me. I guess I should have realized there was some risk in accepting an invitation from me.

“No way, man,” I replied. “I wouldn't do anything weird. I just wanted you to be able to see her and talk to her someplace besides right in front of the whole company.”

“Right,” he muttered. He didn't say much else as we pulled up to the apartment. He didn't really even thank me for inviting him over or driving. Was I imagining it, or was this young black man setting the mood for our relationship? Kind of a hard attitude for a guy taking him to meet my wife!


Ainsely looked pretty and fresh, like a well-scrubbed housewife when we pulled up, efficient and organized with all the food laid out and the hotdogs ready for me to grill. She was frowning when we arrived because she'd cut her finger while slicing the pickles. She'd washed off the blood and put a bandaid on it, but it was still stinging from the pickle juice. I moved to take her finger and kiss it, but she saw Javon over my shoulder and moved me aside. She greeted Javon with a warm hug, like a long-lost friend. He was pretty reserved, because of my not-so-desirable presence, no doubt.

They pretty much ignored me, speaking only to each other unless they needed something. My wife took beers for herself and Javon to the living room where he was seated on the sofa. I was following her with the plate of hotdogs, heading for the patio, so I got to see her hesitate, unsure of what to do. I told her she should sit with him, our guest.

Without a word and looking very self-conscious, she sat down right next to him. I was listening to them through the open screen door as I grilled. I smiled at how chatty she was. 'She's really nervous,' I thought to myself.

She sounded the a little plaintive. “I guess I'm cursed with a long string of traditional old family names... my whole name is Ainsely Ball Collier Carter, which made it impossible for me to hide my Country Club, tennis, and horseback-riding, upper-crust upbringing.” She was speaking fast, babbling almost. “But I'm trying to break free of old stereotypes.”

When she asked him about his aunt, he didn't quite dismiss the question but said she was fine before asking her how Ainsely's mother and aunts were doing. Confused about where that question came from, she just answered, “They're all fine.”

”Do you look like them,” he asked her. “...I mean the same shape and eye and hair color? Those pretty blue eyes had to come from some beauty in your family,” he flattered. Her nervousness seemed to dissipate as she started talking a little too freely about herself. 

“I've always been pretty self-conscious about the ample hips and thighs I inherited from the women in her family.”

When he rather boldly asked about her mother's breasts, she blushed, but then went on to reveal that her mother's breasts were rather smallish, “Just like mine. Honestly I feel like a little girl some times.” When he laughed at that, she told him that her mother told her that her breasts would 'blossom' with childbirth, confessing that she didn't exactly find that comforting, particularly looking at the configuration of her mom and grandmom.

Overhearing these revelations I kept thinking to myself, 'Damn, girl. Can't you keep your mouth shut about anything?'

When I came in with the grilled hotdogs, his arm was around her shoulders. I'd just heard her tell him she felt like the ugly duckling growing up, all though school. He caught her chin in one hand and looked into her eyes.

“You're no ugly duckling...” he told her as his mouth covered hers in a kiss that froze all three of us where we were. When he finally broke the kiss, he said to her softly, “...and I don't think you ever were. I want to make you feel as beautiful as you really are.” I loved the embarrassed smile that brought to her pretty face. She was as close to beaming as I think I'd seen her.

I took the tray into the kitchen, announcing that everything was ready. My wife hopped up and came in to fix herself and Javon a plate. I fixed my own, and came in to the living room to see them eating side by side. Before I could even sit down, Javon told me to get him another beer. It was another awkward moment for both Ainsely and me. He didn't ask, and though he wasn't nasty about it, it was clear he was ordering me around. I didn't want to be rude to our guest, so I went to get him a beer.

When I returned with it, I felt Ainsely looking at me with a wrinkled brow. She was a little taken aback but what had just happened. I decided not to say anything and had just sat down with my food when he told me to go get Ainsely another beer too. I hesitated, thinking maybe he was kidding. My discomfitted wife tried to diffuse the situaton by telling him that she was okay and could get one later, but Javon just kept staring at me, clearly expecting me to get her a beer. When I didn't move, he just said softly, but with a strength and confidence that impelled me to move, “Go on now. Go get her a beer.”

When I returned with her beer, I held it out to her, but he took it, took a swig out of the bottle, and then handed it to her. She watched this whole emasculating demonstration wide eyed. “Take a swig,” he told her grinning at us... “to make sure it's cold enough. She didn't hesitate. She took a big drink.

Then, with a weak smile, Ainsely said, “Tastes good,” immediately blushing crimson in embarrassment at what she'd just said.


When we finished eating, Javon told me to take the plates in the kitchen. Ainsely said she was used to cleaning up the kitchen and really didn't want me in there messing it up, but he just slipped his arm around her shoulder and told her not to worry about it tonight. Hubby would take care of it. My wife laughed nervously.

Javon added, “And stay in there for a while, dude. Wash the dishes or something.” My eyes met hers as she rolled them. I just nodded and left with the plates. “That was good,” he complimented her on the dinner as he pulled her close.

“Thank you, I...” she tried to say, but he cut her off mid-sentence. This time, his black hand slipped up onto the back of her neck and pulled her face to his, the thick black lips covering her small mouth in a kiss that soon had their tongues dancing together. He covered one breast with his strong hand, gently squeezing it. They were soon making out like horny teenagers. I loved it when her little white hands began slowly unbuttoning her blouse to let him in.

When I peeked in from the kitchen, his strong Black hand was pawing her creamy white breasts as he kissed and sucked on her pretty neck. Her head was back against the sofa, eyes closed, panting. Now, finally, everyone knew what he wanted. She couldn't kid herself that he was just a friend, she had to confront her fears. There was no way around it. He wanted her very much, and his big black dick was hard for her. And I had to deal with the real possible fallout of what had only been a dirty fantasy up to that moment.

There was no talking on the sofa. They were getting busy. Javon's mouth lowered to Ainsely's breasts, sucking on one, then the other. Her eyes kept flickering open and closed, mostly just half closed in an expression of unvarnished lust. Her mouth hung open. It dawned on me that she wasn't just panting because he was sucking her breasts.

I knew I'd have to go in there to see what I wanted to see. So nervously, as quietly as I could so as not to disturb them or wreck the mood, I sat on a stool across the room from them. Javon's hand was already up that green cotton skirt, obviously fingering her. That's why my pretty wife was so turned on. My dick throbbed afresh at the certain knowledge that she was going to let this go a lot farther than I had even hoped.

Right in front of my eyes, he pushed her skirt up around her waist and slipped his long Black fingers down inside the front of her panties. “Oh, Javon...” she breathed as he pulled her mouth back to his for more tangling-tongues action. His fingers were busily working on her sappy pussy, rubbing her clit, stroking up and down her slick lips and toying with her hole.

The sounds and smells were so erotic, all three of us were turned on. I could just hear it as he put his lips to her ear and whispered, “Just relax, girl. Let it happen. You gonna really like this.” Her arms went limp, her legs practically parting of their own accord as he frigged her and made out with her.

I couldn't help myself. “You're so beautiful, baby,” I said softly. “I've never seen you so beautiful.” Ains just moaned.

“You like this, don't you man?”Javon grinned over at me, catching my hand pushing against my dick through my pants. “Go ahead and take it out. I think your beautiful wife would like to see you jack off as you watch us.”

I didn't have to be told twice. I opened my pants and took my dick in hand. He shook his head and laughed. “No man, pull them down. All the way down around your ankles.” It was a little embarrassing to be doing that in front of them, especially at his direction, but I was so turned on from the erotic sight of him with my wife that I did it.

Ainsely was totally into him, her arms around his neck as they made out, her fingers stroking his wiry Black hair. When she finally did glance over at me, I was mid stroke, jacking off like some kind of pervert. The espression of disgust on her face stabbed me in the heart. But I was so turned on, I couldn't let it slow me down. She just rolled her head back onto his shoulder and started kissing him again, softly moaning and mewling as he fingered her toward orgasm.

Javon put his lips to her ear and whispered something I couldn't hear. She helped him raise her hips just slightly so he could push his arm up between her legs. Hand spread open wide, he grasped the whole of her panties covering that beautiful behind and pulled them down to her thighs in one strong pull. Then he pushed his middle finger into my wife's now bare pussy, all the way up her hole, as she gasped in pleasure.

Looking at him through heavily lidded eyes, she asked him softly, “Are you going to fuck me, baby?”

He was taking out his stiff black dick and pressing it against her thigh. “Please don't fuck me here, baby. Please take me upstairs if you're going to fuck me.” They were both getting frantic to fuck, pulling at her clothes. Her panties and blouse were soon on the floor in front of me, followed by her bra and skirt.

She looked as turned on and ready to fuck as any woman ever has when he pulled her up by the wrist and led her naked to the stairs. When I started to follow, Javon looked back at me and told me to stay down here and jerk off.

“The lady don' want a audience.” So I had to stay downstair, beating off furiously, as Javon took my wife to our bedroom and fucked her.

It was an evening of firsts. He was her first black man. He was her first man besides her husband since her marriage. And he was the first man with whom she had an orgasm while fucking him.



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Tuition Didi Showed Real Biology

Hello every one of indian sex stories dot net, My name is Irfan 22 years old from Hyderabad You can ping me anytime for feedbacks at im open for a secret relationship or fun at video call please don’t hesitate to contact me at So, ye dastan tab ki he jab mai 10 mai pada karta tha in 2012 . Mai sports bohot acha that jiske karan mai studies mai thoda kamzon hota ja raha tha. Tab mummy ne papa see baat karke meri tution lagawa dea Ghar ke pas he. Ye meri paili tution thi is paile mai kabhi...

1 year ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 58

Later that day, Emma’s phone dinged indicating a new email. “From: Jess” “Here is the official Jess-approved Emma/Brent Fuck Plan: 1) Doggy style 2) Reverse cow girl (feel free to Google any of these if need be.) 3) Standing, reverse entry 4) Laying down, side-by-side, reverse entry 5) Laying down, side-by-side, face to face 6) Missionary This list is a bit backward from what couples would normally do. Missionary is, without doubt, the most plain-vanilla and boring, but in this situation,...

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It's a Girl!!bySaxon_Hart©This is my entry for the SUMMER LOVIN STORY CONTEST. I hope you enjoy and vote well! SH*The Fourth of July was right around the corner. It was July First and I was busy in my home office trying to do the shit I pay my secretary to do. I had given her two weeks off during the busy summer season, and now was kicking myself. I run an earth moving business. When I bought into the company we were capable of doing two jobs at a time. Now we are capable of doing as many as...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Alicia Williams Eliza Ibarra Jazmin Luv Stepsister And Her Friends Want Dick For Christmas

Eliza Ibarra is getting together with her friends Alicia Williams and Jazmin Luv to make gift boxes for charity. The girls have decided to dress in matching festive elf outfits for the occasion. It’s just an added bonus that those outfits are sexy as hell. As the girls put the boxes together, they gossip about all the cute guys they’re going to meet and how horny they are. When Eliza’s stepbrother, Ricky Spanish, joins them, Eliza tries to tell him to go away. Ricky says...

3 years ago
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Life Death and LifeChapter 3

Hearing the vehicle leave the driveway, Fred said, “Did you get a visit from Diana last night after we all went to bed, Anne came into my room, wanting to sleep and cuddle?” “I believe they are up to no good, little brother,” I responded. “Should we swap, so it doesn’t appear we are playing favorites?” he was quick to ask. “Is Anne getting to you, already?” “No, er ... well, maybe. They both are so pretty.” “Let’s take some time and see where this all goes, OK?” “OK, I’m going to work...

1 year ago
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Mistress Dyvia Scratchin an Itch

Mistress Dyvia's "Scratching an Itch" LETTER TO MY READERS: Hi all, I love you all to death. Well I decided to get my butt moving, and I wrote another story. 'Scratching an Itch' being about scratching an irritation. Specifically a sub trying to top me from the bottom. I don't like that. If I wanted to be topped, I'd be on the bottom. LoL. I hope you enjoy! KISSES! DISCLAIMER: I wrote this story so its mine. Mine! Mine! Mine! I own the rights to it. If you wish to post it...

2 years ago
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Riviera Rave Sex Vacation Part 1

Some friends mentioned that my recent vacation exploits would translate well into erotica and suggested I post it. It's long, so I'll post it in a few sections. Quick background on me: (well, I guess you can see my profile for the basics), 28, never married, no kids, raised in a nudist household. I'm bi and have been seeing a guy for about a year (which is a very long time for me). His name is Tom, he'll be 50 this year, separated, but still living with his wife while they raise their boys....

Group Sex
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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 29 Finding and loving

Marcus Dolohov had rented a remote farm cottage with several stone outbuildings. It was in a pretty isolated position and one of the outbuildings would make a fine holding place for his prisoners. Once I soundproof it with a muffalato charm, it would not matter if a stranger passed by at the wrong moment. They would never hear a thing, he thought to himself. Now I just have to find out where Lovegood and her detective boyfriend stay and I can start planning my revenge. Luna and Tunie were on...

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The Bite Chapter 5

I followed my sister in law, Kristin, into her bedroom from the bathroom where she had recently showered, brushed her teeth, and combed her hair. Before ordering her into the bedroom, she had whispered to me, “Fuck me... please? I want you to slowly stretch out my tiny virgin pussy until I can take all of that huge cock.”. I planned to, but maybe not in the way she expected. This was her first time, and although I had been in control all night, I thought that it might be best if she handled...

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E022 Sunday Afternoon

After he recovers from Emma’s astonishing announcement, Donald opens the end table and removes a cloth and wipes all the cum from both of them dripping out of Emma.  She then leans forward and cleans his cock of the last fluids.  Donald thinks how nice it would be to lick her clean as she does him, but right now is not the proper time for that.He lifts her Delta of Venus book up from where it was tossed in their frenzy and looks to see how far Emma has gotten.  She is on page fifty of the...

Love Stories
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The Machine

You contemplate in anxiety at the beautiful sight of your creation. It was finished – before the brink of the century, your most ambitious project stood majestically in the depths of your own cellar. A supercomputer that took almost the entirety of the faintly lit room, it was designed to artificially simulate parts of the human brain, bearing virtually the same electrical signals within metallic covers. Nonetheless, beyond mere aspects of human consciousness, the hardware was also ready to do...

Mind Control
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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 12 We Built Smaller

I began another dangerous long-term research project. It had to do with Nanites. We'd had medical nanites that could simply deposit medications where they were needed--at cancer sites, for example. Our progeric treatment was based on them. They were debugged, efficient and reliable. However, they were extremely limited. They were microscopic syringes, period. I wondered if we could first create biological reconstructive nanites that could reconnect nerve bundles, heal bones and aid in the...

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Sex With My Girlfriend On Her Birthday

Hi guys, this is Abhi from Bangalore, this is my experience with my ex-girlfriend on her birthday..She is the one amazing babe with 36 soft boobs…smooth 28 waist..and a round 38 butt..She is pretty fair..We were together for was wonderful…but we never had sex mostly because we dint have any place to enjoy a good fuck..but on her birthday i wanted to give her a memorable gift so i called her the night before her birthday and asked her to spend some time with me on her birthday..but she...

4 years ago
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PissHard in family

I woke up this morning, with a piss-hard-on. This is NOT unusual for me, as I find it harder to hold my bladder all night long as I get older, and still ignore the call of nature in the morning. I turned over, and cuddled up to my wife, Marsha. At 32 years old, she is no longer the teenager’s wet-dream she was when I first married her, but she still has a body to put most models to shame. Even more exciting, the smooth sexy feel of her skin, and the heady aroma of her silky...

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Together with Angela Pt3

Angela motioned for me to come closer. When I did she pulled me to her and kissed me with an open mouth. Our tongues joined sharing the wetness that was all over my lips. She tasted her own cum and I swear she loved it. "Now fuck me," she said. I rolled over onto Angela. This was my first time as well as hers so we were both a bit awkward. She open her legs allowing me to position myself between them. I was ready. "Wait, " Angela said. "Kiss me as you put it in." I leaned...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 37

Six years later... Earth time: Sunday, June 14, 2043 5:50 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time Aina time: day 251 of 1449 H.E. 4:19 AM Isabelle looked at the wall clock and felt a rising tide of exasperation. "People! In exactly three days the tunnel will open! We need to come to closure on this." Cindy took a deep breath and paused to look around the situation room. They had made many changes to their arctic home over the years, and currently one entire floor was devoted to mission...

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Depth of FieldChapter 34 Curiosity Kills

The whisper was urgent and sharp, yanking me toward the surface of consciousness like a fish finding itself hooked on a nymph. A groggy net of disorientation entangled me as I awoke. As I broke the surface, I was shocked to feel the warmth of someone lying beside me. The first light of dawn picked up the features of her face as she turned toward me in her sleep. I stared, wide-eyed. Heather, in my bed? What the— Then the events of the previous night crashed into my brain. Oh shit. Who just...

2 years ago
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Gwens Coming Out Party

Gwen and Thad had always been close to each other as brothers and sisters go. It had been a strain for Thad not to tell Gwen the secrets of Gracely House in the two years since he graduated from there. It had been yet a bigger strain not to introduce her to the delights a male and female can produce together. Thad was at an age when every boy has always been ready to answer the call of a lusty female. Yet even the popularity he'd enjoyed among women after returning from Gracely House, had not...

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Caught on camera

TJ carefully adjusted the video camera so as it would not be seen by anyone using the storage room. By placing it inside of an old envelope carton and piling several other boxes on top of it, it would be unlikely that it would be discovered. A small hole in the end of the box was all that was needed to have the hidden lens to cover about 80% of the area in the whole room. Why all this deception? Last Thursday evening TJ had been working late trying to get some quarterly reports done for...

Group Sex
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My virtual love making with beautiful Jodi Taylor

My virtual love making with beautiful Jodi TaylorThere were times, and I am sure it was my imagination, that she enjoyed teasing me by having sex while I was in the house.I am only human and have to admit that looking at Jodi's hot body turned me on like any red blooded canadian boy, but I never forgot that she was a porn star.So, this is where my story starts. Jodi Taylor the woman of my dreams. She is sexy, smart, loves sex, and has the most beautiful long white brown hair you have ever...

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First Action

© Copyright 2003 by Cyan Gosl was tired, I could feel that. I urged him on, figuring he would soon see the lights in the distance and surmise that the end of his exhausting day was close at hand. I felt a nervous twitch about whether the lights did indeed represent safety but that no doubt that stray thought was due to my day's experience. "That's definitely Stornum," said Gared. Our destination for the night, the warmth of a town, a room to sleep in. I considered whether to ask if...

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DogmanOh Shit

And Dismay Day twenty-six, 4:49 pm I ran to Vala, and picked her up. Carrying her into the living area, I set her on one of the couches and checked her over. She seemed ok, and I took the cloth that Charlene brought me and I wiped her head and let Jane check her over. Jane set the medkit down and opened it after she gave her a checkup. "I don't know what set her off, but she's healthy. She just needs this," Jane said as she pulled out an ammonia capsule and broke it under Vala's...

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Sanctuary Series Book 1 White River RevengeChapter 8 The Battle for Minturn

Buck saw the mutants coming. They were checking the houses on the outskirts of town, making their way towards the two men. Damn, I'd never believe it if I weren't seeing it with my own two eyes, he thought. He and Tex had moved behind an old rusted out car from long ago. Laying Betsy with her new Blake Laser sights across the rooftop he aimed in the general direction. "Get ready," he said to Tex, turning on the laser. Time to get them riled up a little, thought Buck, aiming at the one...

4 years ago
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Maa Soo Rai Thi Yaa

Hellow bhosadiwalo, muth marne walo ko mera namashkar, chut me ungli karne wali mahilao ko mere lund ka namaskar. To dosto jo log story btane se pehle apne lund ka size 12 inch 15 inch btate hai mujhe bhut jhantu lagte hai kyuki abe chutiye tere lund ka size jaan kar koi kya karega. Khair bina kisi bakchodi ke apni kahani pe ate hai jo ki 10000% real hai. Bata du ap logo ko mai aur meri maa akele hai, mai apni maa ka ekklauta ladka hu aur mere papa hmare sath nai rehte. To dosto baat un dino ki...

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Pet Project

Doug sighed and stroked Rachel’s long dark hair as she devotedly sucked his dick. He groaned as he came and she greedily gobbled up his jism. Then she sat back on her naked ass and smiled adoringly at him. “Good girl, Rachel!” Doug praised and she quivered with delight. “Thank you Master!” she said. “But you better get dressed now,” he instructed. “It’s a big day!” “But I like to wear my collar,” she complained, toying with the red leather strap around her neck which was her only attire. “But...

Mind Control
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IncomingChapter 11

Doug was determined to do this right, insisting that he be allowed to pick Lane up at her apartment rather than have her come to his. He wanted this to be a real date, just like he might have done before his injuries. He arrived in plenty of time. Early, in fact, and waited almost twenty minutes in the parking lot, sitting in his chair next to the van, until it reached the time he had said he would pick her up. The flowers cradled carefully in his lap; he rolled his chair into the lobby of...

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Nieces Tight Cunt Needs It Bad

"Uhhh, fuck!" Heather shrieked, pulling her two sore fingers out of her gushing bald vagina and immediately sticking them in her mouth to suck off her sweet juices. Her knees trembled from the shattering orgasm as she lay back on her bed, her naked body flopping backwards to relax from the exquisite masturbation.The masculine giggle over the phone rang in her ear. "Baby, you sound like you had quite a good time!"The 18 year old didn't have energy left to even smile at the thought, her dozen...

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The Soccer Mom in the Minivan

At work some called Melissa the "pajama lady" -- she always wore really funky leggings and baggy t-shirts -- but I loved that she popped her gum and pissed off my boss. She would always smile or wink after doing so, which even 20 years ago and looking for any sign a woman was DTF, I just took as being friendly even though I wondered about her under her "pajamas".After all, in my office, there were women who seemed to just like attention: The hot married woman a few years older than me who got...

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The Art of stockings

Yes it's the weekend and I'm getting myself pampered for a night at the club.I get so excited even days before hand ,imagining just what might happen.It's sorted my pussy shaved ,legs waxed and all the little bits taken care of ,I didn't worry what I was going to wear,I knew I had something perfect for my naughty night out .Corset this time I think,it's cream with lace flowers along the cup line if where my breast should sit ,I liked to make sure everything I put on has an effect,I knew when I...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 381

Six Little Life Wisdoms: Once all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. That's FAITH When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her. That's TRUST Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning but still we set the alarms to wake up. That's HOPE We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future. That's...

4 years ago
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Camryn C07

Four weeks in the hospital was a nightmare. But finally; finally, I got to leave. The first two weeks were so lonely, just me, me and a bunch of adults. The last two weeks, well, after Camryn decided to get a little carried away, I got in trouble. For the life of me, in a single hospital room that was cleaned daily, I could not find a good hiding spot for her panties. I spent nearly half an hour pleading with the nurse for top secrecy when she found them. She said she would keep...

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Fly On The Wall

A fly on the wall. That's all I wanted to be from the start. I was amazed that one lawyer allowed me to be a member of the jury, let alone two. I will never permit a lawyer on any jury in front of which I try a case. I explained that to the fellow members of my jury when they, sensibly, tried to make me foreman. "There is a reason you don't want a lawyer on a jury. Whenever any legal issue comes up, or many issues related to the proceedings, people are likely to give deference to the...

3 years ago
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Egg Ch 5

Chapter 5 Jacob sat on the edge of his parent’s bed trying to understand everything in his world. The pod was gone now, dissipated into dust just like Billy and the tentacles that once spread across the room. In fact, now the room looked no different than before she had shown up. And he did mean she now. Her sex was undeniable now. A difference cemented by the full female form with body. Her curves screamed “milf” and he had trouble understanding why she chose such a voluptuous form. Not...

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Fifty Years of Halloween Costumes

An elderly couple loves Halloween, almost as much as they love one another. Sadly and tragically, Bonnie and Andy never had children. She couldn’t because of a horse riding accident that happened to her when she was young, a lifetime ago. Ironically not fair that those couples who should have children don’t and those couples, who abuse their children have an entire brood. Who knows, maybe had they had an entire brood of children, they would have abused them, too. I don’t know. A gift and not...

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A Break in Action

I took a good long look at my now shoulder length hair. It still looked very straight and masculine in contrast to my wig, but at least I had something to work with now. I decided that it was about time to start wearing my natural hair instead of the very nice, but still uncomfortable wig I’d used for four months now. Since I’d left my old life, my chest had grown between an A and B cup (which I still augmented with inexpensive enhancers, to stay at a C cup), and my body had changed...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Shey Holmes 08152019

You can probably say 21yr old first timer Shey Holmes comes across as a girl that’s as pure as the driven snow. And your right. Or maybe she’s just an inexperienced slut just begging to fucked right. I say the ladder or why else would she be here, right? Trust me when I say you will have these same thoughts as you watch this shy newbie getting her makeup done and probably wondering, “Why are you here?”. I was thinking the same thing but just glad she was. This girl just...


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